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Leukemia(2012)26,1908–1975 &2012MacmillanPublishersLimited Allrightsreserved0887-6924/12 www.nature.com/leu ORIGINAL ARTICLE n EuroFlow antibody panels for standardized -dimensional flow cytometric immunophenotyping of normal, reactive and malignant leukocytes JJMvanDongen1,LLhermitte2,SBo¨ttcher3,JAlmeida4,VHJvanderVelden1,JFlores-Montero4,ARawstron5,VAsnafi2,QLe´crevisse4, PLucio6, EMejstrikova7,T Szczepan´ski8,T Kalina7, Rde Tute5, M Bru¨ggemann3, LSedek8,M Cullen5, AWLangerak1, AMendonc¸a6, EMacintyre2,MMartin-Ayuso9,OHrusak7,MBVidriales10andAOrfao4onbehalfoftheEuroFlowConsortium(EU-FP6,LSHB-CT-2006- 018708) Most consensus leukemia&lymphoma antibodypanels consist oflists ofmarkers basedonexpert opinions, buttheyhave not been validated.Herewepresent thevalidated EuroFlow8-color antibody panelsfor immunophenotyping of hematological malignancies. Thesingle-tube screening panelsand multi-tube classification panels fitinto theEuroFlow diagnosticalgorithm with entries defined byclinical andlaboratory parameters. Thepanels wereconstructed in2–7sequential design–evaluation– redesignrounds,using novelInfinicytsoftware toolsformultivariatedataanalysis.Twogroupsofmarkersarecombinedineach 8-colortube:(i)backbonemarkerstoidentifydistinctcellpopulationsinasample,and(ii)markersforcharacterizationofspecific cell populations. Inmulti-tube panels, thebackbonemarkers were optimallyplaced atthe samefluorochrome position inevery tube, to provideidenticalmultidimensional localization of thetarget cellpopulation(s). The characterization markers were positionedaccordingtothediagnosticutilityofthecombinedmarkers.Eachproposedantibodycombinationwastestedagainst reference databases ofnormal and malignantcells fromhealthy subjects and WHO-based disease entities,respectively. The EuroFlowstudiesresultedinvalidatedandflexible8-colorantibodypanelsformultidimensionalidentificationandcharacterization ofnormalandaberrantcells,optimallysuitedforimmunophenotypicscreeningandclassificationofhematologicalmalignancies. Leukemia (2012)26,1908–1975; doi:10.1038/leu.2012.120 Keywords: EuroFlow; antibody panel;lymphoma; flowcytometry; 8-color immunostaining; standardization; hematological malignancies INTRODUCTION identification of a given cell lineage, maturation stage and For more than two decades, immunophenotyping has been aberrant phenotype, as well as the selection of appropriate providing relevant information for the diagnosis, classification antibody clones and fluorochrome conjugates to be used in and monitoring of hematological malignancies.1,2 Together with multicolor combinations; the performance of these marker cyto/histomorphology and molecular (cyto)genetics, immuno- combinations is even more relevant than that of the individual phenotyping is crucial for the identification, enumeration and markers. Consequently, such careful selection of reagents is characterizationofleukemiaandlymphomacells.Consequently,it essential for the design of standardized multicolor antibody has acquired a prominent position in the current World Health combinations that provide unique staining patterns for each Organization(WHO)classificationofhematologicalmalignancies.3 normaloraberrant cellpopulation in agiven sample.6,15,16 Preferably, the immunophenotypic profiles of suspected cells Eachmarkercombinationshouldbedesignedtoansweroneor should be compared with those of normal hematopoietic cells. multiple relevant clinical questions, through the identification, Immunophenotypic similarities between the suspected cells and enumerationandcharacterizationoftherelevantcellpopulations their potential normal counterparts allow the assignment of in a sample. As the target cell population may not be known in suchcellstoagivenhematopoieticcelllineageandmaturational advance or might have been defined previously, a different stage,aswellastheidentificationofaberrantphenotypes,suchas strategy is required in each situation. In the former situation, a leukemia-associated immunophenotypes.4–14 Such immuno- rapid screening step based on a limited number of antibodies phenotyping requires careful selection of unique combinations (preferablyinasingletube)directedatdifferentialidentificationof of individual markers based on their degree of specificity for the all relevant cell subsets in the sample is generally most 1DepartmentofImmunology,ErasmusMC,UniversityMedicalCenterRotterdam(ErasmusMC),Rotterdam,TheNetherlands;2DepartmentofHematology,HoˆpitalNecker- Enfants-Malades(AP-HP)andUMRCNRS8147,UniversityofParisDescartes,Paris,France;3SecondDepartmentofMedicine,UniversityHospitalofSchleswigHolstein,Campus Kiel(UNIKIEL),Kiel,Germany;4CancerResearchCenter(IBMCC-CSIC),DepartmentofMedicineandCytometryService,UniversityofSalamanca(USAL)andInstituteofBiomedical Research of Salamanca (IBSAL), Salamanca, Spain; 5Haematological Malignancy Diagnostic Service (HMDS), University of Leeds (UNIVLEEDS), Leeds, UK; 6Department of Hematology,PortugueseInstituteofOncology(IPOLFG),Lisbon,Portugal;7DepartmentofPediatricHematologyandOncology,2ndFacultyofMedicine,CharlesUniversity(DPH/ O),Prague,CzechRepublic;8DepartmentofPediatricHematologyandOncology,MedicalUniversityofSilesia(SUM),Zabrze,Poland;9CytognosSL,Salamanca,Spainand 10DepartmentofHematology,UniversityHospitalSalamanca(HUS)andIBSAL,Salamanca,Spain.Correspondence:ProfessorJJMvanDongen,DepartmentofImmunology, ErasmusMC,UniversityMedicalCenterRotterdam,DrMolewaterplein50,3015GERotterdam,TheNetherlands. E-mail:[email protected] Received21March2011;revised14February2012;accepted19April2012;acceptedarticlepreviewonline3May2012 (cid:1005)(cid:1007)(cid:1011) EuroFlowantibodypanels JJMvanDongenetal 1909 Figure1. FlowchartdiagramoftheEuroFlowstrategyforimmunophenotypiccharacterizationofhematologicalmalignancies.Onthebasisof severalentriesofclinicalandlaboratoryparameters,hematologicalmalignanciesarescreenedusingalimitedscreeningpanel(i.e.,typically onesingletube)priortoappropriateandcomprehensivecharacterizationusingextendedantibodycombinations.Abbreviations:ALOT,acute leukemiaorientationtube;AML,acutemyeloidleukemia;BC,blastcrisis;BCP,B-cellprecursor;BM,bonemarrow;CLL,chroniclymphocytic leukemia;CLPD,chroniclymphoproliferativedisorders;CML,chronicmyeloidleukemia;CSF,cerebrospinalfluid;FL,follicularlymphoma;HCL, hairy cell leukemia; LN, lymph node; LST, lymphoid screening tube; MCL, mantle cell lymphoma; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; MPD, myeloproliferativedisorders;PCD,plasmacelldisorders;PCST,plasmacellscreeningtube;PNH,paroxysmalnocturnalhemoglobinuria;SST, smallsampletube. efficient7,17–20 (Figure 1). In the latter situation, usage of a full evaluationoftheperformanceofagivenantibodyconjugatemaybe antibody panel is recommended for the characterization and basedonabsolutemeasures(forexample,fluorescenceintensityand diagnostic classification of the suspected cells, using several stain index (SI) obtained for a given control cell population),30 but (common) backbone markers for reliable and reproducible thesecriteriamaynotapplyoncethemarkeriscombinedwithother identification of the target cells in each multicolor combination reagents in a single-tube combination or a multi-tube antibody of the antibody panel13,14,20–24 (Figure 1). Preferably, the single- panel.Therefore,eachreagentneedstobeevaluatedforitsunique tube screening antibody panels and the multi-tube disease- staining pattern obtained for the distinct cell populations in a classification antibody panels fit in a diagnostic algorithm with multidimensional space defined by all parameters of the newly entries defined by clinical and laboratory parameters. Such a designed multicolor tube. Consequently, evaluation of the diagnostic algorithm is proposed here by the EuroFlow Con- immunophenotypic profiles of leukemia cell populations should sortium(Figure1)asacriticalprerequisiteinthedesignofoptimal preferablybebasedonadetailedcomparisonofthephenotypesof antibodypanels for diagnosticimmunophenotyping.25,26 individual cells for all markers together, rather than on subjective Multipleconsensuspanelshavebeenproposedinthelasttwo interpretation of arbitrary mean fluorescence levels (for example: decades,12–14,21–23,26–29 but they typically included largely negative versus positive, dim versus strong, homogeneous versus overlapping lists of cluster of differentiation (CD) markers per heterogeneous patterns) of a list of single markers. Visualization of disease category. Virtually all consensus proposals lack information such multidimensional spaces and selection of the most relevant about reference antibody clones for the proposed CD markers and parameters for optimal discrimination between the relevant they only provide limited information on the most appropriate cell populations require new software tools. Such tools were combinations of relevant markers in multicolor antibody panels for developed bytheEuroFlowgroupand theyproved tobeessential immunophenotypic diagnosis and classification of hematological for the critical evaluation and (re)design of the antibody malignancies.12–14,21–23,26–29 Given the number of CD antigens, the combinations.31–33 Among the new tools, reference data files broad range of antibody clones and the variety of fluorochrome- of normal and distinct disease entities were built and the conjugated reagents currently available for each individual CD panels evaluated through paired multidimensional statistical marker, selection of optimal panels of reagents cannot be based comparisons of such normal versus disease-specific data files, as exclusively on experience and expert opinions. In contrast, this well as of data files corresponding to different well-characterized requires extensive prospective testing in multicentric studies. The leukemia/lymphoma entities (Figure 2). In this way we could &2012MacmillanPublishersLimited (cid:1005)(cid:1007)(cid:1012) Leukemia(2012) 1908–1975 EuroFlowantibodypanels JJMvanDongenetal 1910 Figure 2. Schematic illustration of how reference data files of normal and leukemia/lymphoma cells were built and used for evaluation of antibodypanelsandsoftware-guidedcomparisonofindividualcellpopulationsfromanewinterrogatedsample.Inpanelsaandbitisshown hownormal(greeneventsina)andtumoralplasmacells(redeventsinb)derivedfromsixdifferentnormal(n¼3)andmyelomatous(n¼3) bonemarrowsamplesstainedwiththeplasmacelldisorders(PCD)EuroFlowpanel(12differentimmunophenotypicmarkersgroupedintwo 8-color tubecombinations)wereselectedandmergedtocreateanewreferencedatafile(c).In(dande),itisshownhowthePCDpanel allows clear discrimination between both types of plasma cells using principal component analysis (d) and prospective comparison and classificationofplasmacellsfromnewindependentbonemarrowsamplescorrespondingtoareactiveplasmocytosis(greendotsintheleft columnof(e)clusteredinthenormalgreenplasmacellareainthelowerplots),amultiplemyeloma(MM)patient(browndotsintheright column of (e) clustered in the aberrant plasma cell area in the lower plots) and an MGUS (monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance)patient(bluedotsinthemiddlecolumn ofpaneleclusteredintotwodistinct populationslocalizedinthelowerplotsinthe normal and aberrant reference plasma cell areas, respectively). Each individual large and small circle represents median values for single immunophenotypicparametersoftheplasmacellpopulationsshownindotplotdiagramsandthemedianfluorescenceexpressionvaluefor allimmunophenotypicparametersmeasuredintheprincipalcomponent(PC)1versusPC2plotsforindividualsamples,respectively;contour linesintheseplotsrepresents.d.curves(dottedandcontinuouslinesrepresent1s.d.and2s.d.,respectively). objectivelyevaluatetheoverallperformanceoftheproposedpanels EuroFlow laboratories. Subsequently, they were optimized in foransweringthespecificclinicalquestions. multiple successive evaluation rounds using large numbers of Here we describe the EuroFlow antibody panels developed patientsamplesintheparticipatinglaboratories,takingadvantage for comprehensive immunophenotypic diagnosis and classifica- ofthereferencedatafilesofnormalandleukemiaandlymphoma tion of hematological malignancies. The proposed panels were samplesandthenewsoftwaretools.Thepanelsaredesignedina initially designed based on the experience and knowledge flexiblewaytofittheneedsofdistinctdiagnosticlaboratoriesand accumulated in the literature as well as in the individual theycanbeappliedinoneormultiplesequentialsteps.Foreach Leukemia(2012) 1908–1975 (cid:1005)(cid:1007)(cid:1013) &2012MacmillanPublishersLimited EuroFlowantibodypanels JJMvanDongenetal 1911 antibody panel, detailed information is provided about the design BACKGROUND procedure and about the utility, based on results derived from Acute leukemias comprise a heterogeneous group of malignant prospectiveevaluationoflargeseriesofwell-definedpatientsamples. diseases characterized by clonal expansion of immature hemato- poieticprecursorcells.Currentinternationalclassificationsthatare used for therapeutic stratification categorize acute leukemias MATERIALSANDMETHODS mainlyonthebasisofthelineageoftheblastcellsandthetypeof Patientand controlsamples additional cytogenetic/molecular lesions and, to a lesser extent, Multiple types of biological samples were collected from healthy detailed immunophenotype.3 Two major categories of acute volunteersand patientswith suspicion or diagnosis of different types of leukemias are recognized: (i) lymphoid precursor neoplasms, hematologicalmalignanciesandothernon-clonalhematologicalandnon- which are subdivided into B- and T-cell precursor acute hematological disorders, as specified later in each section of this paper. lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma (BCP-ALL and T-ALL, The collected samples concerned peripheral blood (PB), bone marrow respectively),34,35 and (ii) acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and (BM), fine needle aspirates (FNA), biopsies from lymphoid and non- relatedprecursorneoplasms.3Asmallnumberofcasesdonotfit lymphoid tissues, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and vitreous samples. For all into these two major groups because they either show no clear patientswithahematologicalmalignancy,thediagnosiswasestablished accordingtotheWHOcriteria.3 evidence of differentiation along a single lineage or express Informedconsentproceduresandformswereproposedandapproved differentiation antigens highly specific of more than one lineage, at the first EuroFlow meeting (see the Editorial in this Leukemia issue). making assignment to a single lineage difficult.36 These cases Informed consent was given by donors or their guardians (for example, represent less than 5% of all acute leukemia cases36–38 and they parents)incaseofchildrenaccordingtotheguidelinesofthelocalMedical are categorized separately in the current WHO classification as EthicsCommitteesandinlinewiththeDeclarationofHelsinkiProtocol.All acute leukemias of ambiguous lineage, including both acute participants obtained approval or no-objection from the local Medical undifferentiated leukemia (AUL) and mixed phenotype acute EthicsCommitteesforsecondaryuseofremainingdiagnosticmaterialfor leukemia(MPAL).36 theEuroFlowstudies,whichalsoallowstheinclusionofanonymizedflow Flow cytometry has an essential role in the diagnosis and cytometric results into a central (public) database to define reference valuesfornormal,reactive,regeneratingandmalignantcellsamples. classification of acute leukemias.24,35,39 Together with cytomorphology andcytochemistry,immunophenotypingiscrucialforthedetectionand lineage assignment of blast cells in suspected samples, including the Immunophenotypic studies definitionofacuteleukemiasofambiguouslineage.37,38,40Comparison Forimmunophenotypicstudies,allsamplesweresystematicallyprocessed of the immunophenotypic features of blasts cells versus normal inparallelwiththeEuroFlowprotocolversusthelocalroutineprocedures. hematopoietic precursors and immature cells contributes to the Accordingly, the EuroFlow standard operating procedures (SOP) for instrument setup, instrument calibration, sample preparation, immunos- definition of the stage of maturation arrest of the blast population taininganddataacquisition16wereusedatindividualcentersinparallel within the B- and T-lymphoid lineages as well as the neutrophilic, to the corresponding local protocols and techniques used for routine monocytic, megakaryocytic or erythroid lineages. In addition, specific diagnosis and classification of hematological malignancies according to immunophenotypicprofileshavebeenassociatedwithprognosisand/ the WHO criteria. For data analysis, the Infinicyt software (Cytognos SL, or unique cytogenetic and molecular abnormalities.41–46 Finally, flow Salamanca,Spain)wasusedinparalleltothelocaldataanalysissoftware cytometricimmunophenotypinghasalsoproventobeofgreatutility programsandprocedures. for sensitive detection of low levels of residual blast cells and their FormultivariateanalysisofsamplesmeasuredwiththeEuroFlowSOPand distinctionfromnormalregeneratingimmaturecellsintheBMofacute antibodypanels,theInfinicytsoftwarewasused.Forthispurpose,themerge leukemiapatientsduringtreatment.47 and calculation functions were applied for multi-tube panels prior to the analysis,asdescribedelsewhere.31,32Briefly,priortomultivariateanalyses,the During the past 5 years, the EuroFlow group has designed and populationsofinterestwereselectedandstoredeachinadistinctdatafile. evaluated a set of 8-color antibody panels for the diagnosis and Data files corresponding to the same cell population from an individual classification of acute leukemias, which can be used in combination samplebutstainedwithadifferentantibodytubeofamulti-tubepanelwere with novel software tools in order to optimize flow cytometric mergedintoasingledatafilecontainingallinformationmeasuredforthat n-dimensionalimmunophenotypiccharacterizationofblastcells.Asfor specificcellpopulation.Inasecondstep,‘missing’datainonetubeabout mostEuroFlowprotocols,theacuteleukemiapanelsweredesignedin markers only stained in the other tubes were calculated using previously such a way that they can be applied in two consecutive steps described algorithms and tools implemented in the Infinicyt software.32 (Figure1).Dependingonthepreciseclinicalquestionassociatedwitha Consequently, the generated final data file contained data about each sample suspected of containing blast cells, the first step includes a parameter measured in the multi-tube panel for each of the events composingthecellpopulationinthatdatafile(Figure2).Thisdatafilewas single 8-color tube, the ALOT, complemented by a multi-tube panel further merged with the data files of other samples either to create a designedforfullcharacterizationofthemalignancy.Thechoiceofthe referencepoolofapopulationofnormal,reactiveormalignantcellsorto secondpaneldependsontheresultsobtainedwiththeALOT,thatis, compare it with one or more of such reference pool data files, through the antibody panel for confirmation and classification of BCP-ALL, multivariateanalysis,forexample,principalcomponentanalysis(PCA).31 T-ALL,ortheantibodypanelfornon-lymphoidacuteleukemia,theso- called AML/myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) panel. Rare cases of ambiguous lineage leukemias are identified with the ALOT as SECTION1. ACUTELEUKEMIA ORIENTATION TUBE(ALOT) requiring the use of more than one complementary panel LLhermitte1,VAsnafi1,JFlores-Montero2,QLe´crevisse2,LSedek3, (forexample,theBCP-ALLandAML/MDSpanels).Thissectionfocuses TSzczepan´ski3,SBo¨ttcher4,M Bru¨ggemann4,EMejstrikova5, onthedesignand evaluationof the ALOT, whereas thesubsequent TKalina5,A Mendonc¸a6,PLucio6,M Cullen7,SRichards7, characterizationpanelsaredescribedbelowinothersections:BCP-ALL JGte Marvelde8,H Wind8,VHJ vander Velden8, (Section5),T-ALL(Section6)andAML/MDS(Section7). AJvander Sluijs-Gelling9,MBVidriales10,JHerna´ndez11, ESCosta12,AS Bedin1,EMacintyre1,JJM vanDongen8 and AOrfao2 Generalprinciple forthedesignof theALOTasan ‘orientation’ 1AP-HP, Paris, France; 2USAL, Salamanca, Spain; 3SUM, Zabrze, Poland; tubefor blastcells 4UNIKIEL, Kiel, Germany; 5DPH/O, Prague, Czech Republic; 6IPOLFG, Lisbon, The ALOT was designed for initial assessment of the nature of Portugal;7UNIVLEEDS,Leeds,UK;8ErasmusMC,Rotterdam,TheNetherlands; immature populations of hematopoietic cells in acute leukemia 9Dutch Childhood Oncology Group (DCOG), The Hague, The Netherlands; samples(B-orT-lymphoidversusnon-lymphoidlineageormixed 10HUS, Salamanca, Spain; 11Cytognos, Salamanca, Spain and 12Federal phenotype)inordertoallowappropriateorientationtowardsthe UniversityofRiodeJaneiro(UFRJ),RiodeJaneiro,Brazil complementary BCP-ALL, T-ALL and AML/MDS antibody panels. &2012MacmillanPublishersLimited (cid:1005)(cid:1008)(cid:1004) Leukemia(2012) 1908–1975 EuroFlowantibodypanels JJMvanDongenetal 1912 More specifically, ALOT was designed for rapid and efficient CD33canbefrequentlyfoundinBCP-ALLorT-ALL.45,56–58Thevery analysis of a sample, known to contain blasts according to fewmembrane-boundantigensthatarestrictosensulineage-specific cytomorphology or when the clinical and/or laboratory data are (for example, antigen receptors in lymphoid lineage) often appear indicative for infiltration of the sample, for example, high white late at the cell surface membrane during physiological ontogeny blood cell (WBC) count in PB co-existing with one or multiple and, as such, they are expressed in only a minor subset of acute cytopenias.However,screeningforminimalnumbersofblastcells leukemia cases, thus lacking sensitivity. Most lineage-specific reflecting disseminated disease or exclusion of a hematological markers expressed at early stages of maturation are intracellular malignancy in a systematic way is not possible with the ALOT markers (for example, CyMPO, CyLysozyme, CyCD3). We therefore screeningtubealone. opted for a limited selectionof intracellularand membrane-bound markerstofitintoasingle8-colortube. Based on previous reports27 and on our knowledge and Selectionof antibodies experience, all potentially valuable markers were considered. ThecriteriaforantibodyselectionoftheALOTinordertooptimally These included, among others, CD7, CD5, CD10, CD13, CD19, orientatetheacuteleukemiasampledependonlineage-associated CD33, CD117, nuclear (Nu)TdT, HLADR, CyCD3, CyCD79a, CyMPO, specificity and sensitivity of the recognized antigens. An ideal CyLysozymeandpotentiallyalsomixturesofmarkers(forexample, orientation marker is constantly expressed by all cells of a single CD13þ33).Noteworthily,virtuallynoneofthesemarkersperfectly lineage and shows no cross-lineage reactivity. With the potential matchedtheaforementionedcriteria.Aslineagecommitmenthas exceptionofcytoplasmic(Cy)CD3inT-ALLpatients,48ifweexclude to be assessed by flow cytometry on well-identified immature the exceptional cases of natural killer (NK)-cell acute leukemia,49 cells,markersthatcouldcontributetothedefinitionofimmaturity such a marker has not been identified. Because of and the identification of blast cells were considered the inclusion of this antigen (CyCD3), the consequent need for independently (for example, CD34, CD45, CD117 and NuTdT). intracytoplasmic staining within the ALOT was assumed to be We then designed a list of markers that would be comparatively essential. Very few membrane-bound target antigens are lineage evaluated followingthecriteria and rationale describedbelow. specific;forexample,CD7andCD19areT-andB-lineageassociated Differentiation of hematopoietic cells comes with a specific markers,respectively,whichareexpressedinasignificantnumberof pattern of CD45lo intensity correlated with both lineage and AML cases.50–55 Conversely, myeloid antigens such as CD13 and maturation stage. Thus, CD45 was a major marker for (i) Table1. DesignofALOTinfiveconsecutiveroundswithinclusionofbackbonemarkersincommonwiththeacuteleukemiapanelsa Version(no.ofcasesb) Fluorochromesandmarkers PacB AmCyan FITC PE PerCPCy5.5 PECy7 APC AF700 1(n¼35) SmCD3 CD45 CyMPO CyCD79a CD34 CD19 CD7 CyCD3 2(n¼55) SmCD3 CD45 CyMPO CyCD79a CD34 CD19 CyCD3 CD7 PacB PacO FITC PE PerCPCy5.5 PECy7 APC APCH7 3(n¼102) SmCD3 CD45 CyMPO CyCD79a CD34 CD19 CD7 CyCD3 4(n¼35) SmCD3 CD45 CyCD79a CyMPO CD34 CD19 CD7 CyCD3 5(Final)c(n¼158) CyCD3T CD45B,T,M CyMPO CyCD79a CD34B,M CD19B CD7 SmCD3T Abbreviations:AF700,alexafluor700;ALL,acutelymphoblasticleukemia;ALOT,acuteleukemiaorientationtube;AmCyan,AnemoniaMajanocyanfluorescent protein;AML,acutemyeloblasticleukemia;APC,allophycocyanin;AUL,acuteundifferentiatedleukemia;BCP,B-cellprecursor;Cy,cytoplasmic;Cy5.5,cyanin5.5; Cy7,cyanin7;FITC,fluoresceinisothiocyanate;H7,hilite7;MPAL,mixedphenotypeacuteleukemia;PacB,pacificblue;PacO,pacificorange;PE,phycoerythrin; PerCP,peridinin–chlorophyll–protein;Sm,surfacemembrane.aFurtherinformationaboutmarkersandhybridomasisprovidedintheAppendix.bAtotalof385 acute leukemia cases were evaluated: 190 BCP-ALL, 57 T-ALL, 132 AML, 6 AUL/MPAL. cT¼backbone markers in common with T-ALL antibody panel; B¼backbonemarkersincommonwithBCP-ALLantibodypanel;M¼markersincommonwithAML/MDSantibodypanel.Highlightedboxes:changesas comparedtopreviousversion. Table2. UtilityofALOTmarkers Targetantigen Maturationmarkers Lineagemarkers Sharedbackbonemarkers 1stlevel 2ndlevel CyCD3 T T-ALL CD45 Immature BCP-ALL/T-ALL/AML-MDS CyMPO My CyCD79a Ba CD34 Immature BCP-ALL/AML-MDS CD19 Bb BCP-ALL CD7 Tb SmCD3 Maturec T-ALL Abbreviations:ALL,acutelymphoblasticleukemia;ALOT,acuteleukemiaorientationtube;AML,acutemyeloblasticleukemia;B,Blineage;BCP,B-cellprecursor; Cy,cytoplasmic;MDS,myelodysplasticsyndrome;My,myeloidlineage;Sm,surfacemembrane;T,Tlineage.aAlsopresentinsomeT-ALL.bAlsopresentinsome AML.cSmCD3isusedasamaturitymarkerforT-lineage,asidentificationofsuspectedimmatureT-cellsreliesondetectionofCyCD3þ/loSmCD3(cid:2)CD34þ/(cid:2) blasts. Leukemia(2012) 1908–1975 (cid:1005)(cid:1008)(cid:1005) &2012MacmillanPublishersLimited EuroFlowantibodypanels JJMvanDongenetal 1913 identification of the suspected cell population on the basis of its theBCP-ALLpanel(seeSection5),whereastheCyCD3,CD45and dimexpressionand,(ii)exclusionofnormalresidualcells.59–61To SmCD3 markers serve as backbone markers when information refine the blast cell gating and further confirm the immature regardingtheALOTiscombinedwiththeT-ALLpanel(seeSection6). natureofthepathologicalpopulation,CD34wasselected,asitis CD45andCD34arealsousedaspartofthebackbonemarkersetin expressed by a significant number of acute leukemias from any theAML/MDSpanel(seeSection7)(Table1).Thefinalcombination lineage. Lineage-associated markers were then added for final designedwithselectedtargetantigensisgiveninTable1,whereas blastcellgatingandassessmentofblastcelllineage.CyMPOwas theutilityoftheincludedmarkersissummarizedinTable2.Detailsof selectedasahighlyspecificmyeloidmarker.CyCD3wasincluded theantibodyclonesaregivenintheAppendix. as a specific T-lineage marker, which should be interpreted in combinationwithsurfacemembrane(Sm)CD3inordertoidentify a CyCD3þ/SmCD3(cid:2)/lo pattern, the most frequent phenotype of Evaluationof theALOTantibody combination T-ALL. CD19 was selected as a very sensitive B-lineage marker, The final ALOT antibody combination is the result of multiple which is expressed during the early stages of B-cell commitment evaluation rounds performed to optimize the choice of target as well as in virtually all BCP-ALL cases. However, CD19 lacks antigens,antibodyclones,fluorochromeconjugatesandcombina- specificityasitisalsoexpressedinasubsetofAMLcases,albeitat tions of antibody reagents. In total, the ALOT underwent five lower and more heterogeneous levels. Consequently, CyCD79a rounds of evaluation and redesigning with repeated testing on was added to improve B-lineage assignment, even though it is both control and patient samples, including the full spectrum of alsoexpressedint(8;21)+AMLcases50,51,54,55andatlowlevelsina acute leukemias (Table 1). After analysis of a total of 385 acute significant number of T-ALL cases, particularly the immature and T-cellreceptor(TCR)gdþ T-ALLsubgroups.62–64Ofnote,CyCD79a waspreferredtoCyCD22becauseCD22isnotlineagespecificasit isalsoexpressedathighlevelsinnormalbasophils,mastcellsand some dendritic cells.65–67 Finally, CD7 was selected because it is positive in virtually all cases of T-ALL and in a subset of, usually CyMPO-negative, AML. The other markers listed above were discarded because they were felt to be not specific enough or they have been found to be redundant with other markers. The choice between NuTdT and CD34 was discussed extensively. For this purpose, 34 cases were analyzed using TdT/CD34 in parallel, including 17 BCP-ALL, 11 AML and 6 T-ALL; the value of each markerwasindividuallyappreciatedforgatingofblastcellsforall cases.NuTdTandCD34werefoundtobepositiveandinformative in88and82%ofBCP-ALL,83and33%ofT-ALL,and18and55% of AML cases, respectively. The utility of each marker was overall strictlysimilarinthisseries(65%ofCD34orNuTdTpositivityover thedifferentdiseasecategories),supportingnoevidenceinfavor of one marker or the other. However, the contribution of each marker did not affect the same cases as the expression of TdT and CD34 was not systematically correlated (15% of cases CD34þ/NuTdT(cid:2), 15% CD34(cid:2)/NuTdTþ). This highlighted a certain complementarity of CD34 and TdT in this perspective. Owing to constraints of 8-color cytometry, it was chosen to include only one additional immaturity marker. CD34 had the advantage of identifying immature cells of all lineages and was finally selected in order to leave free the fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) channel in favor of MPO staining in the ALOT,andtoserveasavaluablebackbonemarkerintheBCP-ALL panel,avoiding intracellular staining. Figure3. Resultsof thepreliminarystudyaimedatclassificationof Designoftheconfiguration of theALOTantibody combination 158 acute leukemia samples—89 B-cell precursor (BCP)–acute Oncetheeightindividualmarkershadbeenselected,thelabeling lymphoblasticleukemia(ALL),27T-ALL,37acutemyeloidleukemia of antibodies and the specific fluorochrome configuration of the (AML) and 5 acute undifferentiated leukemia (AUL)/mixed pheno- ALOThadtobeset.ThefinalconfigurationoftheALOT(Table1) typeacuteleukemia(MPAL)—stainedwiththefinalacuteleukemia wasdesignedtomeettwocriteria:(i)optimaldetectionofantigen orientation tube (ALOT) combination, using principal component (PC) analysis implemented in the automated population separator expression, which may be fluorochrome dependent, and (ii) (APS) software tool. Comparison of well-defined entities (BCP-ALL, choice of backbone markers compatible with the different bluecircles;T-ALL,greencircles;AML,orangecircles)showsproper subsequent acute leukemia characterization panels so that classification based on the expression of the eight antigens, information from the ALOT could be integrated with them in a evaluated in the ALOT. Light scatter characteristics were excluded final multiparameter analysis of the whole blast cell phenotype. fromAPSanalysis,despitetheirutility,becausestandardizationhad This meant that the ALOT had to be developed in close synergy not been achieved at the time those samples were analyzed. Each withthedesignofthebackbonesofthethreeindependentacute individual circle represents a single case expressed as median leukemia characterization panels (BCP-ALL, T-ALL and AML/MDS fluorescence expression for all immunophenotypic parameters panels), and had to be re-tested following each modification measured in the PC1 versus PC2 plot, and contour lines represent s.d. curves (dotted and continuous lines represent 1s.d. and 2s.d., proposedforthecharacterizationpanels.Consequently,theCD45, respectively).Thefivemostinformativemarkerscontributingtothe CD34 and CD19 markers of the ALOT also serve as backbone bestdiscriminationbetweeneachdiagnosticentityaredisplayedat markerswheninformationregardingtheALOTiscombined(using thebottominadecreasingorderofpercentagecontributiontothe themergeandcalculationfunctionsoftheInfinicytsoftware)with discrimination. &2012MacmillanPublishersLimited (cid:1005)(cid:1008)(cid:1006) Leukemia(2012) 1908–1975 EuroFlowantibodypanels JJMvanDongenetal 1914 leukemia samples, this tube was considered to be in its ‘final’ brightness of the stainings. Additional evaluations were per- configuration. In every evaluation round, variants of the final formedtoevaluatealternativeclonesandantibodylabeling,such combinationweretestedinamulti-centricsettinginparalleltoin- as the CD79a and MPO FITC and phycoerythrin (PE) conjugates houseprocedures.Briefly,initialtesting(n¼35)includedCD45(cid:2) (n¼35) (version 4 of the ALOT) (Table 1). Given that CD3 Anemonia Majano cyan fluorescent protein (AmCyan) and CD3- antibodies are conjugated to almost all new fluorochromes, we Alexa Fluor 700 (AF700) fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies also checked which fluorochrome was optimal for CyCD3 (version 1 of the ALOT) (Table 1). A CD7-AF700 antibody was detection and whether the fluorochrome-conjugated CD3 anti- tested(n¼55)inordertoleavethebrightAllophycocyanin(APC) bodies were affected by fixation and permeabilization reagents fluorochrome position for the CyCD3 reagent (version 2 of the (forexample,Fix&Perm,AnderGrub,Vienna,Austria).Toaddress ALOT),buttheobtainedresultswerenotsatisfactory(Table1).We this issue, 26 acute leukemia samples (including 3 T-ALL) were thencomparedtheperformanceofCD45(cid:2)PacificOrange(PacO)/ analyzed with both SmCD3-APCH7/CyCD3-PacB and CyCD3- CD3(cid:2)APC Hilite7 (APCH7) (version 3 of the ALOT) with that of APCH7/SmCD3-PacB combinations in parallel. The average SI of CD45(cid:2)AmCyan/CD3(cid:2)AF700referenceconjugatesandvalidated residual T-cells measured was 14.9/19.9 with the SmCD3-APCH7/ the switch of fluorochromes to these new conjugates (n¼102 CyCD3-PacB combination, and 8.7/45.6 for the CyCD3-APCH7/ samples) to get rid of spectral overlap and to improve the SmCD3-PacB combination. In addition, the mean SI of blast cells from T-ALL samples was improved with CyCD3-PacB staining as compared to CyCD3-APCH7 (27.2 versus 9.1 for CyCD3-PacB and CyCD3-APCH7, respectively). We concluded that the results were infavorofaCyCD3-PacB/SmCD3-APCH7combinationforoptimal detection of immature T-cells. This allowed us to fix the final configuration, which was validated on 158 acute leukemia samples (version 5 of the ALOT): CyCD3(cid:2)PacB/CD45(cid:2)PacO/ CyMPO(cid:2)FITC/CyCD79a(cid:2)PE/CD34(cid:2)peridinin chlorophyll pro- tein complex-Cyanin5.5 (PerCPCy5.5)/CD19(cid:2)PECyanin7 (Cy7)/ CD7(cid:2)APC/SmCD3(cid:2)APCH7(Table1).Overall,dataobtainedwith the final ALOT version performed similarly to local immunostain- ing protocols and the stainings were of good quality, with low backgroundsignalwhenfreshandwell-preservedsamples(within 48 h of sample collection) were analyzed. Deviation from this criterion was notably associated with increasing background for CyCD3andCD45,andwithunspecificSmCD3stainingthatcould generallybe solved by discarding deadcells. Conventionalandmultivariateanalysisofacuteleukemiasamples TheALOTconfigurationwasfixedbasedonconventionalanalysis of an initial series of 158 acute leukemia samples (89 BCP-ALL, Figure 4. Automated population separator (APS) results of the multicentric evaluation of the acute leukemia orientation tube (ALOT) in its final configuration (n¼466 acute leukemia patients). The orientation tube was applied routinely to any fresh acute leukemiasampleinalleightEuroFlowlaboratories.Resultsareshown as APS plots of the eight fluorescence parameters with exclusion of light scatter parameters—B-cell precursor (BCP)–acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), blue circles; T-ALL, green circles; acute myeloid leukemia(AML),orangecircles.(a)APSclassificationofthethreewell- defined entities; the principal component (PC)1-axis (horizontal) displays B- versus T-discrimination, while the PC2-axis (vertical) highlights lymphoid versus myeloid separation. (b–d) Pairwise APS analyses of the same well-defined acute leukemiasamples. The PC1 axis (horizontal) highlights intergroup differences, while PC2 axis (vertical) displays intragroup heterogeneity. Classification is optimal betweenBCP-ALLandT-ALLandbetweenBCP-ALLandAML,whereas someoverlapisseenbetweenT-ALLandAML,mainlyreflectingthe intrinsicbiologicalproximityofcertaincases(n¼8/466;1.7%)ofthese diseases. (e, f) Overlay of unusual acute leukemia samples on thepreviouslydefinedclassificationAPSplots.Noteworthily,mostof these mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL), TþMyeloid (My), MyþBandTþBcasesmapinbetweenthetwogroupstheybelong to phenotypically, while acute undifferentiated leukemia (AUL) cases falltogetherwiththenon-lymphoidAMLcluster.MPALTþMy,yellow; MPAL BþMy, grey; MPAL BþT, brown; AUL, blue. Each individual circle represents a single case expressed as median fluorescence expression for all immunophenotypic parameters measured in the PC1 versus PC2 plot, and contour lines represents.d. curves (dotted andcontinuouslinesrepresent1s.d.and2s.d.,respectively).Thefive most informative markers contributing to the best discrimination between each diagnostic group are displayed at the bottom of the corresponding APS plot, in a decreasing order of percentage contributiontothediscrimination. Leukemia(2012) 1908–1975 (cid:1005)(cid:1008)(cid:1007) &2012MacmillanPublishersLimited EuroFlowantibodypanels JJMvanDongenetal 1915 27 T-ALL, 37 AML and 5 AUL/MPAL). Testing of these 158 cases CD7þ AML (Figure 5). This overlap may be the consequence of demonstrated a good correlation between the information both the biological nature of immature blast cells in some provided by the ALOT and both in-house procedures and the malignancies arrested at a stage of early T/Myeloid (My) final WHO diagnosis of the disease. Further confirmation of the development, and the high phenotypic heterogeneity of non- ALOT efficiency was obtained when processing the data using lymphoid acute leukemia cases. Consequently, the few cases PCA(Infinicytsoftware).Forthispurpose,eachALOTdatafilewas falling into this area should optimally benefit from further computed to specifically extract the information relative to the evaluation with both the T-ALL and AML antibody panels for blast cell population. All blast populations derived from the complete characterization. Acute leukemia of ambiguous lineage differentpatientsweremergedintoasingledatafileandplotted (17 out of 483; 3.5%) represented a heterogeneous category, together on an automated population separator (APS) view for which comprised AUL (n¼4; 0.8%), MPAL with populations from automatedseparation by PCA.16 Pairwise analysis ofwell-defined two distinct lineages (n¼2; 0.4%) and MPAL with mixed lineage acute leukemia subgroups (BCP-ALL versus T-ALL versus AML) cellpopulations,eitherTþMyorBþMy(n¼11;2.3%)(Figure4). demonstrated excellent discrimination of each disease category, WhenanalyzedinthemultidimensionalPCAviewwithsupervision thus validating the approach (Figure 3). The dispersion observed based on well-defined entities, MPAL from TþMy lineages and within each reference group resulted mainly from the wide alsoBþTcasesclusteredasexpectedinbetweenT-ALLandAML spectrumof CD34expression inallacute leukemia subgroups. and in between BCP and T-ALL clusters (Figure 4). By contrast, The approved ALOT antibody combination was then prospec- MPAL from BþMy lineages appeared more heterogeneous, as tively applied to an independent cohort of 483 freshly collected two out of five patients clustered in between AML and BCP-ALL, acuteleukemiacellsamples(seeSupplementaryTable1),mainlyPB whereastwootherclusteredtogetherwithBCP-ALLs,andonewas (n¼89) and BM (n¼387), but also some pleural effusions (n¼5) close to T-ALL, owing to strong expression of CD7. Noteworthily, and other body fluids (n¼2) obtained from well-characterized three out of four AUL cases fall together with non-lymphoid patientsatdiagnosis:259BCP-ALL,131AML,76T-ALLand17AUL/ acuteleukemiareferencecases(Figure4).Thesepreliminarydata MPAL patients. An additional set of 41 samples were analyzed, suggest that multicenter collection of a large number of consisting of other hematological malignancies (n¼21), such as ambiguouslineagecasescombinedwithmultivariatecomparison diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), Burkitt lymphoma (BL), of harmonized results will be useful to significantly increase the chronic mature B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders (B-CLPD) and number of these rare cases in order to delineate relevant MDS as well as reactive BM samples (n¼20). Each ALOT data file individual clusters within the AUL/MPAL category that will contained information on 6000 blast cells per patient and was pinpoint cases that require specific characterization. Until such analyzed with the Infinicyt software, through direct PCA compar- an extensive database becomes available, cases with suggestive ison with each pair of acute leukemia groups (BCP versus T-ALL, phenotypic criteria of belonging to AUL/MPAL groups according T-ALLversusAMLandBCP-ALLversusAML),asdescribedabove. to the WHO classification should be analyzed with appropriate Analysis of the 466 well-characterized BCP-ALL, T-ALL and combinations of characterization panels (for example, T-ALL and AML cases, excluding AUL/MPAL samples (n¼17), highlighted AML/MDS antibodypanels). excellent discrimination of BCP-ALL from both AML and T-ALL In order to further appreciate the value of each individual (Figure 4). Conversely, T-ALL and AML groups showed a slight markerincluded inthe ALOTthe analyseswere repeated leaving overlap. Of note, overlapping cases (8 out of 466; 1.7%) out each marker one by one. Results showed that most of the mostly corresponded to immature T-ALL that fit the criteria for seven-antibody combinations led to decreased discrimination of the recently described Early T-cell Progenitor T-ALL68–71 with the well-defined entities (Figure 6). For instance, exclusion of unusuallydimCyCD3expressionandimmatureCD34þ/CyMPO(cid:2)/ CD19 significantly impaired separation of BCP-ALL and AML Figure5. PairwiseanalysisoftheT-acutelymphoblasticleukemia(ALL)andacutemyeloidleukemia(AML)casesafterAMLsubsettingbased on CD7 and CyMPO expression. AML are known to harbor major phenotypic heterogeneity. Pairwise analysis of AML phenotypic subsets demonstratesthattheoverlapismainlyobservedwithCyMPO(cid:2) CD7þ AMLcasesandimmatureformsofT-ALL(T-ALL,green;CyMPOþAML, red; CyMPO(cid:2)/CD7(cid:2) AML, orange; CyMPO(cid:2)/CD7þ AML, yellow). Each individual circle represents a single case expressed as median fluorescenceexpressionforallimmunophenotypicparametersmeasuredintheprincipalcomponent(PC)1versusPC2plot,andcontourlines represents.d.curves(dottedandcontinuouslinesrepresent1s.d.and2s.d.,respectively).Thefivemostinformativemarkerscontributingto thebestdiscriminationbetweeneachentitygrouparedisplayedatthebottomofthecorrespondingautomatedpopulationseparator(APS) plot,inadecreasingorderofpercentagecontributiontothediscrimination. &2012MacmillanPublishersLimited (cid:1005)(cid:1008)(cid:1008) Leukemia(2012) 1908–1975 EuroFlowantibodypanels JJMvanDongenetal 1916 entities, as expected, while not much affecting discrimination whoseexclusionhadlessimpactonthequalityoftheseparation betweentheT-ALLandBCP-ALLgroups.Comparableresultswere of all the well-characterized acute leukemias. These markers obtained for all markers left out, except for CD45 and SmCD3, contributed less to disease category discrimination but were not excluded from the combination and replaced by alternative markers because they were considered as essential for blast cell identificationandgating,aswellasforexclusionofresidualnon- malignantcells. Finally,thenon-acuteleukemiasamples(n¼41)weredirected withtheALOTtowardstheexpectedpanelsforfurtherinvestiga- tion.Forexample,matureBcelldisorderswereassignedtoaBCP- ALL panel, which allowed exclusion of BCP-ALL and orientation towards the appropriate B-CLPD panel. It should be noted that the ALOT alone using conventional or multivariate analyses did not allow direct re-orientation towards the mature B-CLPD panel as the CD45þ/CyCD79aþ/CD19þ/CD34(cid:2) phenotype may corre- spond to both CD34(cid:2) BCP-ALL or a mature B-cell malignancy, regardlessofthelevelofCD45expression.72,73TheBCP-ALLpanel, however, contains sufficient markers for re-orientation towards the mature B-CLPD panel, such as surface immunoglobulin (Ig) light and heavy chains as well as numerous maturation markers. As expected, non-AML myeloid neoplasias (for example, MDS) clusteredwiththeAMLgroupandwereconsequentlyorientedto befurther analyzed withthe AML/MDSpanel. CONCLUSION Hereweproposeanextensivelytestedsingletubewithan8-color combination of antibodies for fast and efficient orientation of acute leukemias towards a full BCP-ALL, T-ALL and/or AML characterization panel. An unprecedented orientation efficiency of 98.3% for non-ambiguous lineage cases was shown for the ALOT combination with a series of 483 newly diagnosed acute leukemia cases, tested prospectively at different centers. In addition, the combination of ALOT and the PCA-based data analysis facilitates standardized orientation to subsequent BCP-ALL,T-ALLand/orAMLpaneltesting.However,theclassifica- tion efficiency using APS remains to be assessed with an independent validation cohort. Interestingly, in a small fraction of cases an early T/My precursor acute leukemia phenotype is likely to be identified using multivariate analysis, which requires evaluation by more than one of the three acute leukemia multi- tubeantibodypanels.PhenotypicclusteringofunusualMPAL/AUL cases will require collection of a vast number of acute leukemia casesinordertoachieverelevantcharacterization.Altogether,the ALOT tube with an integrated analysis of only eight markers appeared to be an unprecedentedly strong tool for acute leukemiadiagnosis. Figure 6. Utility of each individual marker of the acute leukemia orientationtube(ALOT)foracuteleukemiaclassification.Classifica- tion results using all possible seven-parameter combinations show theimportanceofthecontributionoftheeighthmarkerfordisease categorydiscrimination.Thequalityofseparationbetweenclassical entities is demonstrated using a traffic-light code: optimal separa- tion (42s.d.), green; minimal overlap (1–2s.d.), orange; major overlap (o1s.d.), red. Automated population separator (APS) plots illustrate thecorresponding pairwise comparisons (B cell precursor (BCP)–acutelymphoblasticleukemia(ALL)casesareplottedasblue circles;T-ALLasgreencircles;andacutemyeloidleukemia(AML)as orange circles). Each individual circle represents a single case expressed as median fluorescence expression for all immunophe- notypic parameters measured in the principal component (PC)1 versusPC2plot,andcontourlinesrepresents.d.curves(dottedand continuouslinesrepresent1s.d.and2s.d.,respectively). Leukemia(2012) 1908–1975 (cid:1005)(cid:1008)(cid:1009) &2012MacmillanPublishersLimited EuroFlowantibodypanels JJMvanDongenetal 1917 SECTION2. LYMPHOID SCREENING TUBE(LST) Selectionof antibodiesfor theLST JFlores-Montero1,J Almeida1,JJPe´rez2,VAsnafi3,LLhermitte3, The selection of antibodies for the LST aimed at dissecting MBVidriales2,SBo¨ttcher4,A Mendonc¸a5, PLucio5,D Tielemans6, lymphoidcellsintotheirmajorsubsetswithasetofreagentsthat AWLangerak6,M Lima7,AHSantos7,R de Tute8,MCullen8, can simultaneously define aberrant and clonal phenotypes. ARawstron8,JG te Marvelde6,H Wind6,VHJ van derVelden6, InitiallyCD45wasselectedforthedefinitionofthecompartments LSedek9,TSzczepan´ski9,TKalina10,QLe´crevisse1,JHerna´ndez11, of mature versus immature lymphocytes, CD3 for the identifica- JJMvan Dongen6 andA Orfao1 tionofT-cells,andbothCD19andCD20fortheselectionofB-cells; 1USAL, Salamanca, Spain; 2HUS, Salamanca, Spain; 3AP-HP, Paris, France; these two later markers combined with CD45 would allow 4UNIKIEL, Kiel, Germany; 5IPOLFG, Lisbon, Portugal; 6Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, subsetting of B-cells into mature B-lymphocytes (CD19þ, CD20hi TheNetherlands;7DepartmentofHematology,HospitaldeSantoAnto´nio(HSA), andCD45hi)andB-cellprecursors(CD19þ,CD20(cid:2)/lo,CD45lo).NK- Centro Hospitalar do Porto (CHP), Porto, Portugal; 8UNIVLEEDS, Leeds, UK; cells should fulfill the criteria for mature lymphocytes (CD45hi, 9SUM, Zabrze, Poland; 10DPH/O, Prague, Czech Republic and 11Cytognos SL, SSClo) in the absence of CD19 and SmCD3 expression and they Salamanca,Spain would typically show reactivity for CD56. Additional markers selected for further subsetting of B, T and NK-cells included (i) BACKGROUND SmIgkandSmIgl,(ii)CD4,CD8andCD56and(iii)CD56andCD8, respectively. These antibody reagents were arranged into a first Detection of phenotypically aberrant and clonal mature lympho- version of an 8-color LST (Table 3). Additional markers were cytes is the diagnostic hallmark of CLPD. Clonogenic events lead incorporated later intheLST, asdescribed below. totheexpansionandaccumulationofmature-appearinglympho- cytes, which carry a proliferative and/or survival advantage over their normal counterparts.3,74,75 This translates into progressive Designandconstruction of theLST accumulation of clonal cells and their products causing PB TheproposedLSTresultedfromaseven-roundprocessofdesign– lymphocytosis, BM lymphoid infiltrates, enlargement of one or evaluation–redesignofsuccessiveLSTversions(Table3).EachLST multipleothertissues(forexample,lymphadenopathy,splenomegaly version was evaluated in a large but variable number of normal, or other organomegalies), or emergence of a serum monoclonal reactiveandneoplasticpatientsamplesobtainedatdiagnosis,as component.Clinicalmanifestationsandlaboratoryfindingsrelatedto well as at other disease time-points (for example follow-up or theincreasednumberoflymphocytesinitiatethediagnosticprocess relapse)inparalleltotheroutineapproachesappliedforthesame (Figure 1).18,25 In addition, functional impairment of tissues involved purposeineach participating center (6EuroFlowcenters). may also lead to other diagnostic information such as cytopenias, Version 1 of the LST (Table 3) proved to be a robust unexplainedneurologicalsymptomsorserouseffusions.Suchfindings combination that allowed identification of the major populations demandforassessmentofthepotentiallyclonalorneoplasticnature ofnormalB-,T-andNKlymphocytesandtheirdissectionintoup of the mature lymphoid cells in the various types of samples.25,76 to13normallymphoidsubsets:(1)SmIgkþ andSmIglþ mature Identification of the abnormal lymphocytes and their discrimination B-cells, plus B-cell precursors; (2) CD4þ, CD8hi, CD4þ/CD8lo and from normal and reactive cells are key steps in establishing a final CD4(cid:2)/CD8(cid:2)/loT-lymphocytes(furtherdividedaccordingtoCD56 diagnosis. For decades now, flow cytometric immunophenotyping is expression into (i) CD4þ/CD56(cid:2) and CD4þ/CD56þ; (ii) CD8hi/ an essential tool for the diagnostic screening of CLPD and for the CD56(cid:2) and CD8hi/CD56þ; (iii) CD4þ/CD8lo/CD56(cid:2) and CD4þ/ specific identification and characterization of the expanded aberrant CD8lo/CD56þ;and(iv)CD4(cid:2)/CD8(cid:2)/lo/CD56(cid:2) andCD4(cid:2)/CD8(cid:2)/lo/ lymphocytes.6 Over the years, refined approaches have been CD56þ T-cells,respectively)andbothCD56þ/CD8(cid:2)/loandCD56hi/ developed and technical improvements implemented, which have CD8(cid:2)/loNK-cells. progressively increased the efficiency of the diagnostic screening of Preliminaryevaluationofversion1oftheLSTshowedcomparable CLPDinclinicalandlaboratorysettings.17,20 resultswiththelocalapproachesfortheidentificationoftheaberrant Identification of aberrant lymphocytes currently not only relies orclonalpopulationsofmaturelymphocytes(n¼9/9).However,this on their absolute or relative numerical distribution among all LST version also showed some unwanted features. First, some lymphocytes(ortheirsubpopulations)presentinthesample,but antibodyconjugatesperformedbelowtheexpectations,forexample, alsomainlysearchesformorespecific‘abnormal’immunopheno- CD19-AmCyan and CD3-APC Cyanin7 (Cy7) showed suboptimal typic profiles. These aberrant phenotypes can clearly be distin- performance(lowresolution)forpositiveidentificationoftheB-and guished from normal and reactive patterns in the multi- T-cell populations (data not shown). Second, the relatively high dimensional space generated by unique combinations of fluor- degree of overlap observed between the PE and PerCPCy5.5 ochrome-conjugated antibodies.17,18,77–81 fluorochrome conjugates pointed out the need for a more careful At present, different screening protocols, antibody panels and selection of the markers included at these two fluorochrome immunophenotypic strategies are used in individual laboratories positions. Finally, inclusion of CD38 was proposed to provide forthediagnosticscreeningofCLPD.Overall,itiswellestablished complementary information about the normal versus abnormal that in a diagnostic screening step the informative markers populationsoflymphocytes,toincreasetheaccuracyindiscriminat- have to be combined whenever possible in a single antibody ing B-cell precursors, particularly in BM samples, and to evaluate combination that can easily and rapidly be evaluated. The additionalsubsetsofB-cells(forexample,plasmacells). EuroFlow group has designed and evaluated an 8-color, 12- The reagents selected to solve these issues were included in marker combination of antibodies aiming at the detection of version2oftheLST,evaluatedin29samples(Table3).NewCD19 phenotypicallyaberrantpopulationsofmatureB-,T-andNK-cells and CD20 conjugates were selected and subsequently incorpo- inPB,BM,lymphnodes(LN)andothertypesofbodytissuesand rated in the LST owing to poor resolution of CD19(cid:2)PerCPCy5.5 fluids,whichcanbeusedinthediagnosticscreeningofCLPD.The and CD20(cid:2)APC, which were replaced in version 3 by CD19(cid:2) use of multiple markers conjugated with the same fluorochrome PECy7andCD20(cid:2)PacB.Inversion4,CD38(cid:2)AF700wasreplaced haspreviouslybeenshowntobehighlyefficientinthisregard.17 by a custom-made CD38(cid:2)APCH7 conjugate (Table 3). These The antibody combination in this so-called lymphoid screening fluorochrome replacements resulted in a better discrimination tube (LST) can guide the need for further immunophenotyping betweenthedifferentpopulationsofnormallymphoidcells.With with appropriate antibody panel(s) for accurate diagnosis and this version only CD45(cid:2)AmCyan showed suboptimal perfor- classification of lymphoid malignancies, through the EuroFlow manceowingtorelativelyhighfluorescencespilloverintotheFITC panels for B-CLPD (Section 8), T-CLPD (Section 9), and NK-CLPD channel. Additionally, inclusion of an anti-TCRgd antibody was (Section10). proposed for version 5 of the LST (Table 3). This ‘matured’ LST &2012MacmillanPublishersLimited (cid:1005)(cid:1008)(cid:1010) Leukemia(2012) 1908–1975

with entries defined by clinical and laboratory parameters. The panels were constructed in 2–7 sequential design–evaluation– redesign rounds, using novel Infinicyt software tools for multivariate data analysis. Two groups of markers are combined in each. 8-color tube: (i) backbone markers to
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