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Preview Ethics 2009 - 2010: Vol 120 Index & Table of Contents

INDEX TO VOLUME 120 ARTICLES, DISCUSSIONS (D), AND LiBERTO, HALLIE Rose, Normalizing REVIEW ESSAYS (RE) Prostitution versus Normalizing the Alienability of Sexual Rights: A Re- BRAKE, ELIZABETH, Minimal Marriage: sponse to Scott A. Anderson (D), 138 What Political Liberalism Implies for Marriage Law, 302 LICHTENBERG, JUDITH, Negative Duties, Positive Duties, and the “New Harms”, BRUNERO, JOHN, Self-Governance, 557 Means-Ends Coherence, and Unaltera- ble Ends, 579 Raz, JosepH, On Respect, Authority, and Neutrality: A Response, 279 BUCHANAN, ALLEN, The Egalitarianism of Human Richts, 679 SeTIYA, KIERAN, Practical Knowledge Revisited (D), 128 DARWALL, STEPHEN, Authority and Rea- sons: Exclusionary and Second-Per- SREENIVASAN, GoPAL, Duties and Their sonal, 257 Direction, 465 ERIKSSON, JOHN, Homage to Hare: Ec- TASIOULAS, JOHN, Taking Rights out of umenism and the Frege-Geach Prob- Human Rights, 647 lem, 8 VALDMAN, MIKHAIL, Outsourcing Self- FABRE, CécILeE, Guns, Food, and Lia- Government, 761 bility to Attack in War, 36 VAN ROojeN, Mark, A Fork in the Road FINE, SARAH, Freedom of Association Is for Expressivism (RE), 357 Not the Answer (D), 338 VAN ROojeEN, MARK, Moral Rationalism ForsT, RAINER, TheJ ustification of Hu- and Rational Amoralism, 495 man Rights and the Basic Right to Jus- tification: A Reflexive Approach, 711 WALL, STEVEN, Neutralism for Perfec- tionists: The Case of Restricted State GLasGow, JosHuA, Racism as Disre- Neutrality, 232 spect, 64 WIELENBERG, ERIK J., On the Evolu- GREEN, Lesiiz, Two Worries about Re- tionary Debunking of Morality, 441 spect for Persons, 212 GRIFFIN, JAMES, Human Rights: Ques- tions of Aim and Approach, 741 BOOKS REVIEWED IN REVIEW ESSAYS (RE) AND BOOK REVIEWS (BR) Hits, ALIson, Moral Testimony and Moral Epistemology, 94 Ameriks, Karl and Hoffe, Otfried, eds., Kant’s Moral and Legal Philosophy, PAUL HINCHMAN, Epwarp S., Conspiracy, Guyer (BR), 820 Commiunent, and the Self, 526 Angle, Stephen C., Sagehood: The Con- Hopcson, Louts-PHILIpPE, Kant on the temporary Significance of Neo-Confucian Right to Freedom: A Defense, 791 Philosophy, ERIN M. CLINE (BR), 826 887 888 Ethics —_July 2010 Arnold, N. Scott, /mposing Values: An Es- Ferguson, Ann and Nagel, Mechthild, say on Liberalism and Regulation, Mat- Dancing with Iris: The Philosophy of Iris THEW D. ADLER (BR), 831 Marion Young, ELIZABETH V. SPELMAN (BR), 596 Baier, Annette, Death and Character: Fur- ther Reflections on Hume, JENNIFER A. Fischer, John Martin, Our Stories: Essays Herpt (BR), 146 on Life, Death, and Free Will, MANUEL VaRGAS (BR), 600 Bennett, Christopher, The Apology Rit- ual: A Philosophical Theory of Punishment, Geuss, Raymond, Philosophy and Real Pol- Mary SIGLER (BR), 382 itics, SAMUEL FREEMAN (BR), 175 Binmore, Ken, Rational Decisions, G1a- Gomberg, Paul, How to Make Opportunity COMO SILLARI (BR), 387 Equal, Davip ScumipTz (BR), 184 Brandom, Robert B, Reason in Philoso- Gosseries, Axel and Meyer, Lukas H., phy: Animating Ideas, HEATH WHITE eds., Intergenerational Justice, JOSEPH (BR), 836 HEATH (BR), 851 Gottlieb, Paula, The Virtue of Aristotle's Brock, Gillian, Global Justice: A Cosmo- Ethics, DAvip Keyt (BR), 855 politan Account, Bropi Kemp (BR), 150 Hill, Thomas E., ed., The Blackwell Guide Brudner, Alan, Punishment and Freedom: to Kant’s Ethics, HELGA VARDEN (BR), A Liberal Theory of Penal Justice, DOUGLAS 860 Husak (BR), 841 Holton, Richard, Willing, Wanting, Wait- Cohen, G. A., Rescuing Justice and Equal- ing, HELEN STEWARD (BR), 604 ity, INGRID RoBeyns (BR), 156 Janaway, Christopher, Beyond Selflessness: Cohen, G. A., Why Not Socialism? ALas- Reading Nietzsche’s “Genealogy, BERNARD DAIR MACINTYRE (BR), 391 REGINSTER (BR), 188 Cohon, Rachel, Hume’s Morality: Feeling Kolers, Avery, Land, Conflict, and Justice: and Fabrication, JOHN Corvino (BR), A Political Theory of Territory, SARAH FINE 846 (BR), 609 Cunningham, Stanley B., Reclaiming Mo- Lange, Marc, Laws and Lawmakers: Sci- ral Agency: The Moral Philosophy of Albert ence, Metaphysics, and the Laws of Nature, the Great, KEVIN FLANNERY, SJ (BR), 161 Mark LANCE AND MAGGIE LITTLE (BR), 431 Darby, Derrick, Rights, Race, and Recog- nition, JOHN A. BERTEAUX (BR), 592 Linzey, Andrew, Why Animal Suffering Matters: Philosophy, Theology, and Practical Edlin, Douglas E., Judges and Unjust Ethics, GARY CHARTIER (BR), 614 Laws: Common Law Constitutionalism and the Foundations of Judicial Review, Hei Luper, Steven, The Philosophy of Death, M. Hurp (BR), 165 BEN BRADLEY (BR), 395 Engstrom, Stephen, The Form of Practical MacCormick, Neil, Practical Reason in Knowledge: A Study of the Categorical Im- Law and Morality, TORBEN SpAak (BR), perative, ANDREWS REATH (BR), 170 192 Index 889 Markovits, Daniel, A Modern Legal Ethics: Shafer-Landau, Russ, ed., Oxford Studies Adversary Advocacy in a Democratic Age, in Metaethics, vol. 3, ER1c WiLAND (BR), Davip LuBAN (BR), 864 202 Marmor, Andrei, Social Conventions: Sobel, David and Wall, Steven, eds., Rea- From Language to Law, Kevin Tou (BR), sons for Action, MARY CLAYTON COLE- 617 MAN (BR), 631 McCarthy, Thomas, Race, Empire, and the Steinbock, Bonnie, ed., The Oxford Idea of Human Development, NAoM1 ZACK Handbook of Bioethics, Tom L. BEAv- (BR), 622 CHAMP (BR), 409 McMahan, Jeff, Killing in War, WHITLEY Stilz, Anna, Liberal Loyalty: Freedom, Ob- KAUFMAN (BR), 399 ligation, and the State, Davip LeFKOWITZ Miner, Robert, Thomas Aquinas on the (BR), 874 Passions, COLLEEN McCiuskey (BR), Sunstein, Cass R., A Constitution of Many 627 Minds, Kerra E. WHITTINGTON (BR), Ripstein, Arthur, Force and Freedom: 413 Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy, WiL- Superson, Anita M., The Moral Skeptic, LIAM A. EDMUNDSON (BR), 869 NeerA K. BADHWAR (BR), 635 Schroeder, Mark, Being For: Evaluating the Semantic Program of Expressivism, Thomson, Judith Jarvis, Normativity, MARK VAN ROojeNn (RE), 357 WILLiAM J. FrrzPaTrrick (BR), 417 Schroeder, Mark, Being For: Evaluating Tiberius, Valerie, The Reflective Life: Liv- the Semantic Program of Expressivism, ing Wisely with Our Limits, JASON R. Rat- MARK VAN Rooyen (RE), 357 BLEY (BR), 640 Segvic, Heda, From Protagoras to Aristotle, Tsouna, Voula, The Ethics of Philodemus, IAKovos VasiLiou (BR), 404 RACHEL BARNEY (BR), 422 Shachar, Ayelet, The Birthright Lottery: Zack, Naomi, Ethics for Disaster, KRISTIN Citizenship and Global Inequality, PETER SHRADER-FRECHETTE (BR), 426 Hicorns (BR), 197

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