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Ethanol by continuous fermentation using a combination of immobilised yeast and liquid-liquid ... PDF

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Loughborough University Institutional Repository Ethanol by continuous fermentation using a combination of immobilised yeast and liquid-liquid extraction ThisitemwassubmittedtoLoughboroughUniversity’sInstitutionalRepository by the/an author. Additional Information: • A Doctoral Thesis. Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy of Loughborough University. Metadata Record: https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/14347 Publisher: (cid:13)c M. Gyamerah Please cite the published version. This item was submitted to Loughborough University as a PhD thesis by the author and is made available in the Institutional Repository (https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/) under the following Creative Commons Licence conditions. For the full text of this licence, please go to: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/ · ",.:; 13 L L :::L b AI 0 .' - . .:D So7 Yl.J /%'7 LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY LIBRARY AUTHOR/FILING TITLE ___________ ------------ 6_'b:l~:~~1tl,...---M----- -- ---------------------------- --------------------..- ACCESSION/COPY NO~ .' ________________ ~~~7~L~'!:~~----------------- VOL. NO. CLASS MARK 13. ~i.', 4.3. t.';V'g1~. 2 It NOV 1995 2 2 11~ \996 ._ ,.. \ ' \7 0:; .''J_vJ iJi;'~ - .- ...... "" .. ' r"'. '''' It J N 1997 , . 96 - 9 MAR 1998 - It MAR 1996 2 It MAR 1999 1 1 MAY 1999 ... '000 4700 02 M~~\\~I\\\\\\\\~\\I~\~\\~\\\\\ '- "f" , .. "-. ETHANOL BY CONTINUOUS FERMENTATION USING A COMBINATION OF IMMOBILISED YEAST AND LIQUID-LIQUID EXTRACTION by MICHAEL GYAHERAH A DOCTORAL THESIS Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the Loughborough University of Technology 1984 Supervisor: Mr. John Glover Director of Research: Professor D. C. Freshwater © M. Gyamerah, March 1984 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY This is to certify that I am responsible for the work submitted in this thesis, that the original work is my own except as specified in acknowledgements and that neither the thesis nor the original work contained herein has been submitted to this or any other institution for a degree M. Gyamerah t..o"hhor(!ugh Unlvef'Itty of or !:;chnoic9Y Ubnry '''----I''f;;:-- : ,;,.,. 'i1-t '~ iI -'--~ CI:.s<; (i) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my very profound gratitude to my supervisor Mr. John Glover for his invaluable guidance and encouragement at every stage of the study. My sincere thanks also go to Professor D. C. Freshwater, Head of Department and Director of Research for making available the excellent facilities for the work. May I also extend my thanks to Mer-srs. Andy Milne, Frank McKeown, David· Smith and Hugh Peters of the Department of Chemical Engineering ", for their kind cooperation and help during the construction of the experimental apparatus and during the work. Gratitude also to my friends and colleagues - Sudi Mteza, Emad Baddar, Peter Wilson, John Erinne, and Teju Bogunjoko - for their encouragement and various useful suggestions. Thanks to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission of the United Kingdom for making the grant available for. the study and to my employers, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (C.S.I.R), Accra, Ghana for granting me a 3-year study leave. Finally my thanks and gratitude to Mrs Christine Sharpe for her patience in typing the scripts. (ii) LIST OF TABLES TYPICAL DRY YEAST CELL COMPOSITION 20 THE ABILITY OF S. CEREVISIAE AND S. UVARUM TO FERMENT DIFFERENT CARBOHYDRATES 22 3.2.1 PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION OF STARCH AND AVERAGE CROP YIELDS OF STARCHY RAW MATERIALS 77 3.4.1 ANNUAL WORLD PRODUCTION AND ETHANOL YIELDS OF CARBOHYDRATE FEED STOCKS 80 IMMOBILISED YEAST FERMENTER PRODUCTIVITIES 103 ENERGY REQUIREMENTS IN ETHANOL RECOVERY PROCESSES 141 9.1.1 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE SOLVENTS FOR CONTINUOUS EXTRACTIVE FERMENTATION 206 BEAD SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF BATCH NO.1 239 BEAD SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF BATCH No.2 239 MINIMUM TIME FOR EXPERIMENTAL RUNS 279 12.1.1 RESULTS OF CONTINUOUS PILOT PLANT OPERATION (10.0% WT GLUCOSE FRESH FEED) 282 12.1. 2 FLOW RATES, GLUCOSE, ETHANOL AND GLYCEROL CONCENTRATIONS FOR STEADY STATE PILOT PLANT OPERATION (10.0% WT GLUCOSE FRESH FEED) 283 12.2.1 RESULTS OF CONTINUOUS PILOT PLANT OPERATION (19.6% WT GLUCOSE FRESH FEED) 285 12.2.2 FLOW RATES, GLUCOSE, ETHANOL AND GLYCEROL CONCENTRATIONS FOR STEADY STATE PILOT PLANT OPERATION (19.6% WT GLUCOSE FRESH 'FEED) 286 (iii) U 12.3.1 RESULTS OF CONTINOUS PILOT PLANT OPERATION I- (27.2% WT GLUCOSE FRESH FEED) 288 12.3.2 FLOW RATES, GLUCOSE, ETHANOL AND GLYCEROL OPERATION (27.2% GLUCOSE FRESH FEED) 289 12.4.1 RESULTS OF CONTINUOUS PILOT PLANT OPERATION (35.5% GLUCOSE FRESH FEED) 301 12.4.2 FLOW RATES, GLUCOSE, ETHANOL AND GLYC!ROL CONCENTRATIONS FOR STEADY STATE PILOT PLANT OPERATION (35.5% WT GLUCOSE FRESH FEED) 302 U V' 12.5.1 RESULTS OF CONTINOUS PILOT PLANT OPERATION I- (45.8% GLUCOSE FRESH FEED) 304 12.5.2 FLOW RATES, GLUCOSE, ETHANOL AND GLYCEROL CONCENTRATIONS FOR STEADY STATE PILOT PLANT OPERATION (45.8% WT GLUCOSE FRESH FEED) 305 13.1.1 SUMMARY OF MASS BALANCES 309 13.2.1 FERMENTER PRODUCTIVITIES, EQUIVALENT DILUTION RATES AND RELATIVE WEIGHT FRACTIONS OF WATER IN THE FRESH FEED 312 13.3.1 THE PERCENTAGE GLUCOSE TO ETHANOL CONVERSION, PERCENTAGE GLUCOSE CONVERSION AND THE OVERALL PERCENTAGE YIELD OF ETHANOL ON GLUCOSE 313

SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF EXTRACTION. COLUMN 1 Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes. Jerusalem artichoke. Cellulosic materials. Wood.
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