Selbyana 20(2):261-267. 1999. ESTIMATING EPIPHYTE ABUNDANCE IN HIGH-ELEVATION FORESTS OF NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA JOCELYN CAMPBELL University of Northern British Columbia, 3333 University Way, Prince George, British Columbia, V2N 4Z9. E-mail: [email protected] SUSAN K. STEVENSON Silvifauna Research, 101 Burden St., Prince George, British Columbia, V2M 2G8. E-mail: [email protected] DARWYN S. COXSON* University of Northern British Columbia, 3333 University Way, Prince George, British Columbia, V2N 4Z9. E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT. We characterized the distribution patterns of arboreal lichens in a wet temperate spruce-fir (Picea engelmanniilAbies lasiocarpa) rain forest in east-central British Columbia. Using the single rope technique for canopy access, we employed the "clump method" to estimate the abundance of arboreal lichens in three functional groups: Alectoria, Bryoria, and foliose lichens. Verification was achieved through a regression of those estimates with lichen biomass measured on a subset of branches. We used a probability proportional to prediction sampling scheme such that the probability that a branch would be selected for measurement was proportional to its estim.ated lichen abundance. Used in this way, the clump m.ethod is a reliable estimator of lichen abundance that can be used to accurately describe the distribution of lichen biomass in tree crowns. Key words: canopy, epiphytes, lichens, high elevation forest, Engelmann spruce, subalpine fir RESUMEN. Hemos caracterizado la distribuci6n de muestras de Ifquenes arb6reos en un abeto-pino (Picea engelmanniilAbies lasiocarpa), humedo, tempi ado bosque al este de British Columbia central. Usando el metodo "single rope," tecnica de cuerda simple, aplicamos el metodo de grupo para estimar la abundancia de Ifquenes ab6reos en tres grupos funcionales; Alectoria, Bryoria y liquenes frondoso. La compr6bacion fue realizada a traves de una regresi6n de estimaciones con Ifquenes mediante una prueba aparte (sub sample) obtenido a traves de probabilidad proporcional a pruebas pronosticas. La evaluaci6n de la com binaci6n de esas tecnicas muestra que el metodo grupo (clump method) es un estimador seguro de Ifquenes abundantes que se puede usar para producir un selecci6n datos objectivo que describe con exactitud la distribuci6n de epifita Ifquenes de biomasa. INTRODUCTION vious from the ground (Pike et al. 1975) and an inventory of the lower canopy and trunk pro The study of epiphytic lichen biomass in the vides an incomplete view of the total ecosystem upper canopy of high elevation Engelmann (McCune 1990). Thus, as much effort is often spruce-subalpine fir stands has previously been dedicated to accessing the canopy as is devoted limited to studies of felled trees (Edwards et al. to studying the communities within the canopy 1960) and studies of lichens within a few meters (Moffett and Lowman 1995). The rewards of of the forest floor (Stevenson 1979, Van Daele such effort are found when the canopy organ and Johnson 1983, Detrick 1985, Rominger et isms may be studied with as much detail as ter al. 1994). This is perhaps due to the difficulties restrial species. This, in tum, increases our con involved with accessing the communities in the fidence in the reliability of estimation methods upper canopy coupled with the intimidating task at each level in the canopy. of estimating the biomass, which, in some areas, Methods of assessing epiphytic lichen bio exceeds 3000 kg/ha (Edwards et al. 1960). mass range from obtaining biomass by tediously Access to the canopy is an integral part of dissecting and weighing each sample to tradi studying epiphytic communities. The mass of tional cover estimation techniques using quad epiphytes on the upper branches is often not ob- rats and transects. Direct biomass sampling is too time-consuming to be used in an inventory study in which the entire community Il).ust be * Corresponding author. quantified. Traditional methods that are gener- 261 262 SELBYANA Volume 20(2) 1999 ally used in terrestrial plant studies are rapid but rounded by an unspecified number of shorter are not easily applied or verified in a three di layers, these clumps physically separated one mensional environment (Boucher and Stone from another; 1992, McCune 1990). Quicker, more specialized b) disturbance vectors--eligible trees were lo techniques were therefore necessary to describe cated in undisturbed forest cover, at least two arboreal lichens in this study. We describe the tree lengths (ca. 60 m) from man-made open use of the "clump method," an estimation meth ings (roads, harvest openings); od that was originally developed to quantify li c) safety concems--eligible trees were not in chen biomass in the lower canopy (Stevenson immediate proximity to standing dead trees 1979), to visually assess lichen abundance (snags) which would pose a hazard to re throughout tree crowns. We also evaluate the ef search personnel and were otherwise deemed fectiveness of verifying our estimates with a safe to ascend (no heart rot, major cracks or sampling scheme in which the branches with breaks in the main trunk, etc.); high lichen abundance are sampled more inten d) ecological analogues-all trees were located sively than those with low lichen abundance. within the same subzone of the subalpine spruce-fir forest zone, on south-facing slopes MATERIALS AND METHODS with less than < 10° inclination, between 1450 and 1475 m elevation a.sJ, and greater Study Area than 2 m in height. We conducted the research in the Bowron Eight groups of trees were randomly selected River drainage near Pinkerton Mountain in east from within the 4 ha study area that met the central British Columbia. The study area above noted criteria. A set of 55 trees within (53°38'N, 121°25'W) is approximately 90 kID these clumps made up the sample tree popula ESE of Prince George on a gentle south-facing tion. Seven additional trees were also included slope at 1450-1475 m in the Engelmann Spruce in the data set, these representing individual Subalpine Fir Zone (Meidinger and Pojar 1991). trees that had a solitary growth habit (not grow The climate in the study area is cold and wet. It ing in clumps) and were located within 30 m of is within the range of woodland caribou (Ran the above selected clumps. All selected trees gifer tarandus caribou), a species at risk in east were rigged, climbed, and the amount of lichen central British Columbia that depends on the li was estimated. chens Bryoria spp. andAlectoria sarmentosa for winter forage. Canopy Access The coniferous forest is dominated by subal We reviewed the existing canopy access tech pine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) and Engelmann niques (Denison 1973, McCarthy 1988, Perry spruce (Picea engelmannii), many of which grow in close association with one another, and Williams 1981, Ring and Winchester 1996, Thcker and Powell 1991) and judged that most forming clumps separated by small natural open were more complicated than was necessary to' ings. Mature trees were 20-30 m tall with char achieve a safe and reliable working environment acteristically narrow canopies. Branches were 2- in our study area. We selected the single rope 4 m long but decrease in length with increasing access technique described by Perry (1978) as it height. They were downwardly sloped and usu was the most suitable for the requirements of our ally spaced in clusters of four or more approxi research in the subalpine canopy where the nar mately every 0.5-1.0 m up the trunk. The den row crowns and dense branches created prob sity of branches increased markedly with in lems in maneuvering around the trunk. creasing height (Campbell 1998). Using a single rope for ascending and de scending from canopy proved to be quite suc Sample Selection cessful. However, it was not possible to make The study area is the site of long-term re detailed observations in high elevation trees search on the effects of partial cutting on various from the main climbing line. The brarich density resource values and ecological processes, in made it difficult to reach every limb. A second cluding caribou habitat and epiphyte dynamics. ary system (lanyard) commonly used by tree Study trees were randomly selected from a pool climbers was employed. It allowed us to move of representative trees. To be included in this around to all parts of the tree while remaining population, trees had to meet the following cri securely attached to the trunk. teria: Epiphyte Biomass Estimation Methods a) canopy architecture-trees were located in characteristic groups (clumps) of trees, com Epiphytes were divided into three functional prising a taller stratum or layer of trees sur- groups: Alectoria, Bryoria, and foliose lichens. CAMPBELL ET AL.: EPIPHYTE ABUNDANCE IN HIGH-ELEVATION FORESTS 263 The Alectoria functional group was composed almost entirely of Alectoria sarmentosa, al though Usnea spp., which are extremely rare in the study area, were included if they were pre sent. The Bryoria functional group comprised Nodobryoria oregana and a number of Bryoria species, primarily Bryoria capillaris, B. fremon tii, B. fuscescens, B. glabra, and B. pseudofus cescens. The foliose lichen functional group was dominated by Hypogymnia imshaugii, H. me taphysodes, H. occidentalis, H. physodes, H. tu bulosa, Parmelia sulcata, Platismatia glauca, and Tuckermannopsis platyphylla. Those groups were selected because of their functional and ecological importance in the study area. Caribou use both Alectoria and Bryo ria, but prefer the latter (Rominger et al. 1996). Foliose nCI[lell The two fruticose groups differ in their distri bution in the canopy, and are expected to re (1.5 g) spond differently to forestry activities that alter the structure of the canopy. Foliose lichens con taining green algal symbionts are abundant in the study area, but are not known as important forage items for wildlife. Epiphytic bryophytes and cyanolichens were not included because they are rare or absent in our study area. Crus tose lichens were excluded because of time con straints. The abundance of each functional group on each branch was estimated using the "clump FIGURE 1. The standard clump and card used for method," a technique that facilitates estimation lichen biomass estimation at Pinkerton Mountain. The of biomass on a three dimensional substrate clump of fruticose lichen (Alectoria and Bryoria) is (Stevenson 1979). The lichen on a given branch 2.5 g, of which 30% is Bryoria and the card of foliose lichen weighs 1.5 g. was compared to a standard unit of lichen of known size and weight; biomass was estimated according to how many multiples of the standard made by the same researcher to minimize inter unit that it represented (FIGURE 1). For both fru observer error and to maintain the high level of ticose lichen functional groups (Alectoria and consistency required with this technique. As Bryoria) a 2.5 g clump of lichen was used as a well, observers calibrated their estimates standard and the total biomass of fruticose li throughout the field season by practicing togeth chen was estimated as multiples of that weight. er. Accuracy and precision were tested by com Alectoria and Bryoria were subsequently parti paring the estimates to dissected samples ob tioned into separate functional groups by giving tained by sampling with a probability of selec an estimate of the percentage of the total fruti tion that was proportional to estimated biomass. cose lichen that was made up of Bryoria. A sim ilar method was used for the foliose lichen func Verification of Estimates tional group. The three dimensional clump of fruticose lichen was modified to a "card" of fo Because biomass sampling is time-consum liose lichen of known dimensions. The standard ing, we aimed at a sample size of 5% of the was an 8.5 X 8 cm surface which was the equiv branches on each sampled tree. Random sam alent of approximately 1.5 g of foliose lichen. pling with a relatively small sample size is un The foliose lichen on each branch was then as likely to adequately represent the branches with sessed according to how many multiples of that high lichen biomass, because the frequency dis surface area (card) it represented. In many cases tribution of lichen biomass on branches is foliose lichen grew in horizontal layers, forming strongly skewed right. We used Probability Pro mats. In such cases, the number of cards re portional to Prediction (3P) sampling (Cochrane quired to make the mat was estimated by the 1977), a method similar to Probability Propor observer. tional to Size (PPS) sampling as described by All biomass estimations in one tree were Pike et al. This provided better representation of 264 SELBYANA Volume 20(2) 1999 branches with high biomass loading, as com RESULTS pared to a strictly random sampling of canopy branches. Branches were chosen for inclusion in Our measurements of lichen biomass were the sample in direct proportion to the estimated based on a combination of the clump method and 3P sampling. The standard errors of estimate biomass of lichen found on them. The resulting (SEM) indicate that there was some variability sample thus has a greater proportion of branches in the difference between estimated and mea with a large amount of lichen than would occur sured biomass. However, the strong coefficients through random sampling. of determination for the regressions between es Branch selection was achieved in three steps. timated and measured biomass (FIGURE 2) and First, the number of clumps of fruticose lichen large effect sizes for each functional group on each branch of a tree was estimated, as de (Alectoria: R2 = 0.68, F = 2.12, SEM = 6.41; scribed above. Second, the sample branches for Bryoria: R2 = 0.76, F = 3.14, SEM = 19.63; that tree were selected, using a method borrowed foliose lichen: R2 = 0.61, F = 1.58, SEM = from timber cruising (Dilworth and Bell 1971). 7.53) showed that the clump method coupled For each branch, a random number was drawn with 3P sampling for verification was an effec between 1 and an upper limit. The formula for tive tool for assessing lichen biomass at the tree choosing that top random number, T, was: level. There were no significant differences in the T = Sx/s quality of the estimates on branches measured early versus late in the season or on branches where T was the top random number, Sx was the with low versus high abundance (R2 difference sum of the estimates of total fruticose lichen for test, P < 0.05; Fox 1997). That indicates that the entire tree, and s was the expected sample the clump method can be effectively applied size, which was 5% of the branches on the tree. with little practice time throughout the canopy. The estimate of fruticose lichen on each branch It was, however, necessary to "calibrate" the es was then compared to a random number less timates of the observers at the beginning of the than or equal to the top random number. The field season, based on side-by-side comparisons branch was selected for sampling if the estimat using standardized lichen clumps of known ed biomass was greater than or equal to the ran weight, to ensure consistency within the re dom number. search team. Sometimes, because of the skewed frequency The application of the clump estimation tech distribution of the lichen estimates, T was small niques in sub-alpine spruce-fir forest at Pinker er than one or more of the largest single esti ton Mountain demonstrates a strong height re mates on a tree. In that case, the formula was lated vertical zonation for each of the three func modified so that T was doubled and each branch tion groups (FIGURE 3). Members of the Bryoria on that tree was given two chances to be sam functional group reach greatest abundance in the upper canopy, up to 30 g/branch, at heights pled. If a branch was selected by both random above 15 m in the canopy. Alectoria thalli, in numbers then it was counted twice in the cal contrast show greatest abundance in the lower culations (Stevenson 1979). The third step was canopy, ca. 5 m above the forest floor. Foliose to return to the tree and remove all the lichen lichens are represented are represented at all from the sample branches. height stratums, although reaching greatest Natural log (Bryoria + 1) and log (Alectoria abundance in the lower canopy. + 1 and foliose + 1) transformations were ap plied to the measured and estimated lichen abun dance values, to which a constant of 1 had been DISCUSSION added to avoid taking the logarithm of zero. The single rope technique was successfully Simple regression models were calculated for applied in the high elevation forests of east cen each functional group to describe the relation tral British Columbia. The equipment was rela ship between the measured and estimated lichen tively inexpensive and readily available from on the 5% sample. The resulting (In-In or log many outdoor equipment stores, could be carried log) regression equations were used to calculate and easily assembled by one person, and afford a corrected lichen biomass estimate for each ed rapid access. functional group on each branch on each study The success of the access techniques allowed tree, including the trees that had not been sub us to apply the clump method confidently to jected to destructive sampling. Estimates were each branch individually. Stevenson (1979) ap converted back to g/branch by taking the anti plied the clump method to both highly visible log/ln of the output of the regression equation. and poorly visible branches and found that co- CAMPBELL ET AL.: EPIPHYTE ABUNDANCE IN HIGH-ELEVATION FORESTS 265 en 2.0 • en '" • 25 E • i0D-_5 1.5 • • • .2~u ._0~ 1.0 • • • • • 20 -~.:O 0>> g "0 0 0.5 • .:'e~"nJ, d • • • E ::;; 0.0 'iOjjJ 15 :x: 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Estimated Alectoria Biomass (Log g/branch) ..r:: 0c !!! 10 III -= Alectoria • Bryoria • 5 == Foliose • 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Lichen Biomass (g/branch) FIGURE 3. Height related vertical zonation of li 2 4 Estimated Bryoria Biomass (Ln gibranch) chen biomass at 1 m class intervals (Mean and Stan dard Error) for Alectoria, Bryoria, and Foliose func tional groups in subalpine spruce-fir forest at Pinkerton Mountain, B.C. 2.0,------------------, IccInnI -. • . . •• E vented the evaluation of the very top of each .2 _ 1.5 1Il.<: ...... - tree. However, since the branches in this region ~ g • II.' •• •• o ~ 1.0 were primarily young, most had a diameter be ~~ • lei • : ••••• low our study cut off (2 cm) and would not have ~,.,3 0.5 •• •• • been included in the sample. Thus, this omission ::IcQ;In;I) 0.0 • • • • eosntliym saltiegsh. tIlny aafdfdeicttieodn ,o suirn coev ethrael lv laiscth mena jboiroimtya ossf lichen in that portion of the tree was Bryoria, 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 the impact of excluding these branches on Alec Estimated Foliose Biomass (Log g/branch) toria and foliose lichen was negligible. FIGURE 2. Regression lines for the clump method We found that the clump method was well as an estimator of lichen abundance. Measured lichen suited for the lichen community structure of our (Y) is the biomass of the dissected and weighed sam study site in two ways. It allowed rapid esti ples obtained through 3P sampling, and estimated li mations of all three lichen functional groups on chen (X) is the abundance of lichen estimated using the clump method on the same sample as above. Re each branch. This was necessary both because gression statistics were performed on log and In trans this was an inventory study and because our formed data. A. Alectoria: Log Y = 0.0755 + 0.992 scheme for verifying and correcting our esti log X (R2 (N = 94) = 67.9%). B. Bryoria: Ln Y = mates required that the entire population be as 0.790 + 1.l02 In X (R2 (N = 94) = 76.1 %). (C) Fo sessed. Also, we found that even though esti liose: Log Y = 0.l36 + 0.969 log X (R2 (N = 94) = mates could vary by as much as two orders of 61.3%). magnitude, we were able to use a single refer ence clump for fruticose lichens. We were also able to use a single card as a standard for foliose efficients of variation ranged from 15% to 85%. lichens in this ecosystem in which the branches Coefficients were lowest for branches that were were small and easily seen. Although o,ur eco most easily observed and not concealed by oth system required only one size standard, a refer ers. Combining the clump method with tree ence clump can be tailored in size to suit the climbing techniques ensured that every branch community, and several reference clumps of dif in this study was highly visible. ferent sizes can be used if necessary. This flex The single rope technique provided near total ibility makes the method applicable to a wide access to the tree crown. As with other canopy range of ecosystems. studies (Pike et al. 1977), safety concerns pre- The efficacy of the clump method as an esti- 266 SELBYANA Volume 20(2) 1999 mator varied among our lichen functional with the sub-sampled biomass. The ratio method groups. There are two reasons why this variation is more suitable for intensive studies of one or might exist. First, the standard clump was large a few trees, because correction ratios are calcu and therefore more easily compared to lichen in lated for the whole population that is sampled large amounts. Bryoria makes up the bulk of with probability proportional to prediction. In epiphyte abundance and is therefore more ac studies that involve climbing, that population curately estimated using a large standard than would normally be a single tree. It would be either of the less abundant functional groups. impractical to estimate abundance on the entire Second, the 3P sampling was calculated based population of trees, select the sample branches, on the estimates of total fruticose lichen (Alec and return to the trees to collect the samples. toria and Bryoria combined), the majority of Thus, the number of brandIes sampled on each which is Bryoria. In essence, then, the selection individual tree would have to be sufficient to of samples was based on the sum of estimates achieve a reasonable confidence interval when of Bryoria and therefore has a larger proportion using ratios. By using regression statistics, we of branches heavily laden with Bryoria than were able to pool the data from all our study those with large loads of either Alectoria or fo trees, and apply a single regression for each liose lichen. The larger coefficient of determi functional group to all branches. nation for Bryoria reflects this bias. Sampling The efficacy of these clump estimation tech according to Bryoria abundance was, however, niques is demonstrated by the fine resolution still a reasonable estimator of both Alectoria (R2 data obtained for height related vertical zonation = 67.9%) and foliose (R2 = 61.3%). It appears of lichen functional groups in subalpine forest advantageous to select branches for sampling ac at Pinkerton Mountain. Lichens in the Bryoria cording to the most important or most abundant functional group reach their greatest abundance attribute in the context of the study (Le., caribou in the upper canopy, in marked contrast to that forage lichen). of the Alectoria functional group lichens. Al By estimating lichen abundance on all branch though Alectoria and Bryoria spp. lichens have es, measuring lichen abundance on some previously been grouped together within an branches, and using the relationship between es Alectorioid functional group (e.g., McCune timated and measured values to correct the es 1990) our present findings demonstrate quite dif timates, we arrived at a reasonably accurate and ferent ecological affinities for these two genera, objectively collected data set. The variation in at least within the context of these moist-cool the relationship between estimated and mea subalpine forests. sured biomass, which was reflected in the SEM, This differential response of these two lichen is a weakness in any epiphytic lichen estimation groups may reflect changes in both substrate technique that occurs because it is not logisti characteristics and operating environments for cally possible to directly measure every branch lichen growth, especially parameters of canopy in the population. Our technique resulted in a microclimate. Goward (1998) hypothesizes that relationship between measured and estimated li Bryoria lichen communities cannot tolerate ex chen biomass that was comparable to those re tended wetting episodes, and thus are favored in sulting from many of the existing methods. The upper canopy aspects. We are presently profiling coefficients of determination from the regression canopy microclimate in context of measures of equations calculated for the three functional lichen physiology to verify the applicability of groups varied from 0.76 for Bryoria to 0.61 for foliose lichens. McCune (1990) estimated lichen this hypothesis. A more detailed examination of biomass using a variety of estimators. Resulting canopy structural variables for this site is pro coefficients of determination were 0.58 < R2 < vided in Campbell (1998). 0.91, 0.30 < R2 < 0.96 and 0.33 < R2 < 0.91 In summary, the combination of the clump using cover classes, maximum thallus length, method, 3P sampling, and regression statistics and maximum thallus width, respectively. Al allowed us to characterize lichen abundance and though our estimator was not as closely related distribution on a large number of trees. These to the actual lichen biomass as in the best cases techniques may be effectively applied where de with previously used estimators, it is uncertain scriptions of lichen biomass at the stand level whether cover classes and maximum measures are required. In the subalpine spruce-fir forests for each functional group would be easily ap of the present study area these measures show plied in ecosystems where Alectoria and Bryoria that Alectoria and Bryoria lichens occupy dif thalli are abundant and intertwined (Stevenson ferent niches within the canopy, and suggest that and Enns 1993). traditional groupings of these genera into a com Regressions, rather than ratios (Pike 1981), mon Alectoriod functional group may not be ap were used in this study to compare the estimates propriate in these cool wet ecosystems. CAMPBELL ET AL.: EPIPHYTE ABUNDANCE IN HIGH-ELEVATION FORESTS 267 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Meidinger, D. and J. Pojar. 1991. Ecosystems of Brit ish Columbia. B.c. Min. Forests, Victoria. 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