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g WW. NORTON é& COMPANY ESSAY ON THE TRUE ART OF PLAYING KEYBOARD INSTRUMENTS by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach CONTENTS Preface Introduction PART ONE Forenord 19 Patt One Introtuction 19 Peri One CuK URKE. Performance PART TWO Foreword to Part Two Introduction to Part Two carmen sour Intemals and Their Signatures cure Five Thorough Bass TH Tia (uy Ib CHORD Ur TAF STH) ME CHORD OF RE SIRI) vii CONTENTS ux x04 conn (i) fs so foun naee Qe 2 Toei i) ‘bit sours uo (ty THe chon or Steen () {hit chow OF a eye FP ctons cu wm sree iy Tie Chow wr th Majon seve (9 Ht choto oe ran won svat The conn or ras nev cuneina s0dccompaninent cunrine sein. tmprecisaion Bibliography | ale eens, ILLUSTRATIONS (Gurl Philip Emanuel Rach “tn sngrating by #6. eign, Sess ‘Tide Page of the Firs Wdition of Essay om the rue vt of Playing Keyboard Tnsiransent Part 1 Tile Page of tive Fles Edition uf Eecy on the True Are of Playing Keyboard Instruments, Pare tt Frederick the Great with His Musicians Frontispiece 6 168 wees essS Seo SET E ENS SSSSSe: INTRODUCTION Plans were formed co eect a commen orative monument in the Mfichaetiskirche in Hambuxg. "To this project, which dic not mature, che renowned poet and Bach admirer, Friedsich Gottlieb Klopstoc, coitiouted am epi Se AFTER Emasucl Packs death on December 14.188, “Payot Forges it Waar ena {Py Ea Bn Fels anos fon Dorey dm ower mi Serva a ventory oneomeno rhe hl dot of prernane Somesiing less than inspite value as carte of Bach's fuacipal art vices, an as 4 sucmary of the his of his fame in "aeminds of his contemporaries. Our chief crneern here is with the feel who “raised the art of performanre, though teaching ane Practice, to ie perfection, “Tie most fous pupil ol Bach was his youngest brother, Johann Christian, wh studied with him during the fein yeses he spent i [Beiter iis father's death, Another waa the widely ancwn Gzeth janis, Jan Ladislay use, who spent sbout a year at Hamburg We V7) with Bach, alter Raving alresdy come into prominence Prose was prised hy both Haydnand Melo td der:bed 2 INTRODUCTION in J Tomek Autobiography 2 eng the st pane who wee dhin mamentstege onthe later, awh ou pian ae essun al foo hn gon they have 79 7 inere seat ehibt "Tw oubitl Wht e leaned sos a7 chal ps of hs sy i ah, ‘ler pu mere fen weil Enown, sul a Nikoaus exe sealant the Kongievg ogni Gal Coste Rieter, Pit ce Mvie Rurs nal Gal Fach whe ase wit and ner tetcdee Bh panto Freeh he Gent a> Dn pe Teeter ot eH plying nent cae en pod ea o Dact extnng ar Acta tt reno hea a ering tere an yn nq injuace to both hr ads pple x0 vine nese tochane ho ied dizesy wih Bie Fee gender feo wae hve ncn ore i Ba igh che agency esac 9 te Es, he ater iL oy Eid the olf ll shoo Ad Mora, Fees Ba lemma added tir endorsement, speaking un rae st beckon howe mone mut be ude noe ply rere decters\erearig ie yonne remy perfor in st rye te her ante Goya en Tal eke BS aoe een and car Mm Sse mt me nea medk Be ae Enanecl Bucs imatotion book en the True Art oRioke AT. of these en, expec “Shiva fe and never forgot hn, can be called lus pupils in chis broader see of rhe tex, Tie Bvmay berame Euigus a1 an insructian book almost imme diately and reached many stents Uhroughout the Itter Ralf of the ddicentury. Natecord available of the numberof copies that rere printed, but zn ea ofthe rate of its distribution can be gine By omuuiting a letter that Bach wrote ro Engelhardt Benjarain Sebwichest, April 0, 17. Iu ithe expressed his willingness to sur aerrcomtrclul tye work ro this Leiprig publisher. He wrote in part can now say with cetsincy du 1 all possess 260 copies of Part ‘One and gg of Part Two." For these 624 copie, with the examples INTRODUCTION 3 t9PartOneand maniserisrevison toe ene bow, Bach asked Sd evidently raened 18 luis os To aipel any ie nvion tha theater as ingen Doh aed srewly am more Clg co sll sam you ve a0 uy" The taeton ha et “The Bog copies, some going bck 3 yeas ote 8, aut rep. rent oily their pt ofthe teal pine in 9g, gp ae a, hat eve infnmton provided oy We fa tr Shere sho mos cersnly was st ctined to deo) tach Shieh Bah placed ven poe ol thes teresa the Ey in 0 by singly ating Ue ide page af te sete copies tomate som or the mane of ene pur. The fe pase of th sealed "Inied Feltin” eaned he wevestng Zevie lage” ut te een of 730 ‘Tne cpa of Fars One mt he een Inet sl by 8 salen Schwert ined he reve elton tod the 46y cops GUFa Two had beam exhoed hy 1999 when i reappene ie fern This eps yearly Netage sl of Delete go tevcpies each pars which, extended back te gia Seva publi, salt ge ht op sae Ihe ree Serva too and co and pep copie ofeach es a snaald_Anodem public would sil inital uch parry, bute shoud be kp mind oa he ean Puen the vB coma was at sale them i 03 A, Siihisot png sn aio ne een aes, Te publics laren ate (78) pte sow coma Grete Went, bt cond Ha toe te Gorse he ee ‘Andro the inci ohare ere even se, The Teme iterate Zeng very Popa u wie ed jl the Sie achive stereo ues of to open ace leet ten by Cvchen to Wieland. Pr werk Ite The Eg, Sengac fora very tte pu, to teach cur magened, com ssvsvey eae mimes a coi teed ape, en ‘Snipaed ith these cer ges Temostavo betememberee tat the tapping and harseing tbs were widespend pacers thi ine. ene ron nm copies ered many mone tate ‘valent number ofveder, ier eda o the pend of Bach's Ey, bt with tty ' INTRODUCTION se found in an open leeerof protest ss he tansarisactory sens, uthor published in te Hamburger snpartheischer Carcespaui fen, 1778, Now. Deed Jsauacy v4, 1793. sb runs pas ‘hase uber with goeatew etic te eange that Ma some over de Swedd of heyboued playing snc the pts of my Hy Ce ase wid in hows tat inthe appease sag id playing Rave inprove Shr rt Toros og s ay high tones ave aeemly gen es fed cn novi battarss Vin pla adept oe ts longs aiid wich povng tht oe fatons ced bly apd foceig he the Tews Not They wast sch imanstlieyvough aetecrnip ae 3 res Stony sito and tet bovis have spend sree ry Hay tat 3 en ew ace. | have been inj st Y Sean wan seks A hg yi at tos are trope nee and pin o py dn itescdy Prete ares he teem ob a ee ging nC neti fpplctin oentelshremia a tiooughly bad thor Han act hoot perenne cat ever ook vt {he sen ance he pelt ‘aden oan Hon (and Lele ve rem eer al se wih rom Ws Tyran be prone il recery, rip page vever, the Esny in 6 oncorenpied orm sath ll pas 0 Ane Cominent. Sle of ny rks ely te Novi sa Livonia, Courlnd, Sweden, Dermark, Hosein, Have, Mest energy Cauenburg, anc Litre" wre Baca ie dhe eb tere stipithet But iealso rnd fs way southyard. Gene tne, procare iy copy ia Vienna Tans the eed of ie Bat thence was widely eeavered. Some concept of the Jnpact aM cause ata Blog vn te 15th century san be gained em Sous Fnmous sveeping satement, ae quotes by Roch: Het ath father we are t Thewe of who do saytt in wwe ute (1e wale ie fom arn, Whoever do The evidence that it presides by such tescisary from many sources, and bythe seat spted of sue Esmy, reve trea rat Emanuel liac’s comtributiens sere up all pa of eh foes that Aitected the lesling, musics ati. tis of the Ge It shoul mot bs rnecesrey to serk for superficial tena dc simi-aities Detvcer his works and of vers in order to poove this Movact gave sued [Fresion to the relationship of tse music lus generation to Bach's ‘We can no longer do as he ic: bur she way st sleigh he did it places him: beyond all others" Tr akes a crue student te make so foolound an observation, Roehl the suurce of cis as well asthe “the pitch. Karle, le wating INTRODUCTION 5 _Preveding statement, is not always dependaies font in this ese he ‘om be crusted, simply Letauae ise lacked the insight necesary for the formulauich of sy paietriting an observation, 1 is wo. pointless tw inquire alter the teachers of this teacher. De. Charles Burney in is Proven: State ot Afusic wscte «Bach “How he formed his ste, whore be acquired all us tite and re fhnement, wom’ be dificult to trace; re osrtauniy wes dies iavericet nor adapred ther from his father «. .” Wut in is Htcory, he as sent, “Tt appesss from Tlasse's ope «quired his ne vocal as. in composing féry and laboured sigle of is fatier,” Philipp Emanuel wis in a great admsuet off! vary Sucre, asthe Traian called thae fruored composer ol vpetas, but it He certain shar she Reezy anes, such to Johana Sebastian, “Ta composition and keyboord per formance, | have vever ludany teacher burmy father,” we are told in the An:obiogtaply. Repeatedly in the Exery he mentions his in deotediness to hs Ft ‘Bus 4 lage part ef the practical wisdera comtained im it must bbave been gathered dnving the years that he spent at che court tn Beilin. Engaged informally in 1758 by Frederic, the ceown prince Ihe was appointed ta his position a» chamber cevabalist ou Ue ae King’s scersson in 0740. We retd in Lmanwel » Autobicgcapligs "L Iuud the honor to accompany alone atthe hassel tie bs fave sole thar he played ns king a¢ Charlotiendung Rech absorbed much trough his datie at lve cots His presence wostequired almost daily, Zor he played the accompaninseuts atthe king's private concer's. These chamber covets weve lied fern 7 fo g PM. except on Meislays anc Fridays, when Ftederick the Grest attended che operg. Punctuality was the xing 8 rule in all Mars, hence the musicians found it advisnb’ to be asembled be. fore te required vine. Precisely a 7. he would appear ard sound sicians could hear him vehearsing the mare challenging gasses of the evening, ‘There wasnt mach variety over the yeere Usnal'y the main fare consisted of sbouit six concertos played hy the monvech, Later chit, number was eeuced to three oF fair, Mot af these were composed, by Johann Joachim Quant, Mice virtaoso, whote playing had aroused the young Predevie\'sinerest in tha ssinursent. dha received flute lear from Qanteregulacly sive vay aud Uke where Einatel Bach ae ens, so diferent fem the ‘ INTRODUCTION deacher wrote approximately gon concertee for the exclusive use Of ihe king, Occasionally, Predevick played one of his own works, Quant and other instramencalst played soo, die perlormances being varied with wiias sung by the court singers. ‘Emanuel Haeh’s inusie was fot popilar ar che cour, Burne. after bit $e macs ng mention of the perfurmances of Bach's masie, bur wove: "The womponitions of the two Grawns ané of Quante, have heen in favour with his Peusian majesty for fmoxe than forty yenrs «= And later: "Tt must be owned tha tmuany of the passiges, in these pieces oi M. Quancr are now become ‘ld ad coramon; bat thisces nat prove thet: deficiency in novelty, fwleu dey were bret composed, as same of thea have been made snore haa Tory years” ‘Blunney give usan intimce pleture of ene of che private concerts: geo ni Tania tie hoe pg fw ne then exept newt hes (09 ot Era trend obo paru ad chnes nchsernu te bea prvlge alla movies musician of Te bend Th endene hich hs ose) ade were Gro. at Yer 04 nd Ise. iscanyiodacovee dat ys overtone cpa a! ime When idk ot so reursy eirean oppor of rehng rent ait fom ofthe dvi, which wre vey Lag and ical eel ai he cles. fe wos cblged to take bit reas canary 10 rae Beloe Ue poses we “There is no strong reson taheieve that this concert which Rutney attended siter Bach's deparnire for Heabuig was very differen: avept in unimportant devil, fem earlier ones rom other contemporaries, chiefly Tobaum Fiiedrich Reicharée sand Carl Easch, Bach saltemate at the aurpeichordané later Kael tneisier. we win more information. Fasch aserted that she Bing, ‘long with Bach and Franz Bends sas greararast in adagio playe ing, but that bie tapi sense ws not always dependable, espe Cally in tapi passages. Ax seomareh he retained and exerived the ‘ight o bring che emeanble into agreement with is wayward expat by hescing me forcetully. A story goes (hata reval aduaes on one sich necaaion ext, "What rhyzhm!" To which Basis ceplied fryly, “What rhydumst"Te ruts ofthese daily experiences appear themaghous che Busy, They can be found im the many devaile of [practical advice chat Bach gives to hie reader. "Phese two avutves of Bach's attic eduestion is fathers insiruc- INTRODUCTION ? tion and the execution of his dusies inthe aerviee of rhe king, were supplemenced dy a third, bis assecicien with many of the leading musical figures of his day. At che court were two of the brothers Gram: Carl Heinrich, musie director and celebrated composer of The Death of Jesus, ané Johann Gottlieb, conciactor of te ruyal orchestra, composer, nd eminent violinist. Quinte, already men toned, was present 26 chamber nuician, His Persuch einer am veeinung die Fiotecravevseve a spielen (lerlin, v73e) wt 2 api to Bach, Five members of Use Bess family played atthe court jn lading Fran aud for a shorter time, Georg. Johann Friedrich Agucola, cov, wos there as cour eompaser, “mote corpallent tha Jowelli ur than his relation Handel," according to Burney, whe ‘Visited him Inter In Rerlin was aso the qurrelsome Johann Philipp Kirnberger, like Agvicoin a smidens of Jehtnn Sebastian Bach, Engaged as vio- "nia im the conse from 1753, he left to become mutical director o the Princess Amalie in 138. Ie wrote several impostant theo ical works and contribnted many of the sousical artis w J. G. Suleer's Allgemeine Theorie der schonien Kinate Berlin, hee ec fon 174152), the remaincer being writen by hie pupil Jobann ‘Abraham Peter Schulz, On adding the nae of Friedrich Wilhelon Marpurg to this roser we have teasvem bled the prip OF writers who made Berlin the hub of musical theoty, Buaney its The Present State of Musi writes of Berka: 1 pain to bg ym! age tn pce. where hs the thar 22 pra fla en se poten ene an eer ip prcemos al hedge lon hw ang nv ‘Sepa eno tale exeen an aperi s te ent ‘alae rane rougou: Gorey area He proceeds 19 eaumerate, not without errs, writings by Quant, Bach, Agricola, Marpurg, Kienborger, anc Soler, With the exception of Quanu’s Ferach ard te publications bby Marpnrg, sll ofthe writings of these men appeared after Bach's Exam. Ts influence is apparent in many of thers, jut as iti in stl later works such as Turk’s Clavierscule (1784) us Mileameyer's Diz ware Ave das Picnojorte su spielen (0797) But trathe im seas tan in two dicections; Bach mes his awuxiates Ieequencly and ex Changed opinions with dhens In hie Autobiography he wrote: “My Prusian duties never Fell me enougls time 49 travel in forcign s INTRODUCTION Ihara to any: youth on to hoar av clese range the Finesse all kinds rouse wn tarmeo: mastersa rhe five rank, meny nf whom became my friends, Boch absorbed much from these sriendships, the resale af whi carefully evalusted and recast, 29pear chroughout che Essa. Mex! easy tociscoves ate use pountson which ke and his con:emore Avagress Abdul ne rsels men dows anyone by name, Cs ele thar he and Quanz were divided on several mates. Tn order to comalere oie ekereh af the Baa’s background we amuse direct our sttentian 40 Bach's ahicing interest in the proper inatveticn of the musical novice. A grea” desl of his wusic has swritcen for texting prspases The rite of his bestkrawn koyhoard ‘works, the ellections for Connoinenrs snd Amatrars, indicates the spteae of bis inerests In action, the Sones sith woried reprises find the pieces pblbahee in Marpa’s and nthers el ecriens were Gesigned for the now-proiesions: musician Tt is trae that the Beery Seas written forthe siden: whose aim vas complete matery of che Keyboted, But the Tatvorwetions to both pats sow clearly Dac vas well aware of the genztal save of musical instruction, im ‘deed thas he weote with iin mind, Especially is this trte of the Ine lueduction te Pact Oae, where fe writes cxieticlly of the preten Liousness of dhe average teacher, his abysmal sgnerance ard wn asics. ‘Lew contemporary Jocunnent give ws inSermation on keyboard ina uciom atthe Ge. ‘The Litt, a continuation of vie open le that has already beer quoted, sates Bach's stews ex teats che serious anc the eannalerutent: se wn act tat my say too lng say nosing and at ee same ice veal strom aeraner. {ie al keyioar pelormer one gon the as ve dane fore se gua ad i Sees anaes soho eek thorough inrtruesin By vay ie tended forthe Sat sFoup 3 ‘hs ane eveyg that ep far imp say sn be cee nh eet ie murach and ier af ftrasion bet advo tothe muds that hy ‘MoikingLaconceal css be aswel widest sve and pote. Sy of ear petormance ic no a rompeadious air, aad date ox I teamed throu, What ero ay abut thew te struction books INTRODUCTION 6 For the second group. iis amateur, thee aed acston book, i this teu aver he meoned upoe te team lve, ane she proced 21 eouingy bat owt of neces Before ars hos, mote the Teson nat atnsed ges ant comers mp only vid mune ene rnciles. Neri a amt poy womens em hme vee of Bcussamineny, the divided acomparnent, ete Fd to Keone they wee ‘eed Toghout the tent an we soe 43g eo Tike howe tht ae arse mon an any oka he sede pe pate, i cael ya ca de eke eared lesion itt oo {he atienes,wakh were preppsess eh sam height ancl eva lege ercelmatr ax bythe pret cin ia abt ial hee pape Tene, tor purpina of herough ietaion “at sting of Kebawnd ces wen si Sone wot stom lest des more hon fa Iie, am others, mem, Ut ial espe, mages of errora What ble acave cam be ound! sme nd ti thes pe fem fhe cols, e author ave mer sd! compoict, whl they mus by mei nw in onder to concn camapasivent Thi dy Benet tory te role of comport bee dieiy on an understand a Composit Ia word, so ome am pt it rat in» toyota cams boo Tae author has nat prvinly made Meet sacra pone het wow tae comer 2 sampled ongne heh Good compton Tn er crviche Musicus on der Spree, the weekly thar Marpurg published in 1749, there are two rior lett satire in nature end probably written by the publisher, tat vefer w keyboard playing and instruction, These give us mate informatien than is revealed in many cextbouks vf the time. The hrs, areibuted to an anony- ‘mous young lady. appeutec ithe ive of March 11,1749, Ieuna, in pa May dear Popa ei an xin nt a sn tthe for omen 08 < Peg mtn deo cua onan 2 “eau trip us Rives me »hal-hour lesion. leis mo’ cxpens ee shim rovaghly vor ucat 8 month. and each yor ny teas os pee ont «ste of Gate Fuemif thet re term mun dhs sam eo oe Tes quite unmnanis, Uhr © of common ted he kaye we we nang th pope, Meson ‘orga to bow niche few ies tear each lee rind of unnecrvary bales ne marke all noees we tee, libra | om ready bpinnsea to resgese se cee ot he tt and ar lines. eco tot bas dhe get ewes itrocured sor ely hewyeby une thnk, Sand his rarer gander ws har wos sey. Hewes ingen {mal mater whith Pelesves wy een, a 0ugh Be aso behing “Us ut, and often expres annoyerce a tne nke sons neo ” INTRODUCTION cae i as inte in tse mt wa yy pres for pero thts yc he digas al of sham, sorting Cat they etn tapi ply ng. Alesse aur eT hl oon gi 99a the et as tine Ualreniy tame under my bers bout x ha dee chores ation to he Sars Courans ome popubs serge ado Fi canoes. So Lam repel for move rete pieces twtr et ose ou ce PRO Fi mcser cart ide Lats a Jews Iup oc pipe wh ote he often 36 neparie mem nt, athe expr he cam gt me ew es 0m ‘The second leter appesred in the iaue of May 15, -pqp. ais signed Musenbold. The bosly of it describes a prejected method ot Timateing an occhestaa in + smal! town by means of conwibue cious anid die novel imposition of fines for auch transgressions as a Tady’s premaaize weurng of x mew coifface or a hushand’s with- hulding of «auld service from his spouse. The correspondent pre cetdstu describe thesorry perenne] of te incumbent orehestes and nudes a Follows: Stoment Ineing io slats with he young Ly rade The orecanie ering we rnspesy anos tar Fand il, we oly We eco shied ger sus am eh ae ear= play ea am 30 oun, In paying hres prt ord othe ight ann which he Jw ons Aree apatt and the pers hid pare. cond id sad tk tague even duh he ie one met be played the oth A fa. fromthe beginning. no rine Bie wader ads Ala he i sha Chores that he Boom nether the ones no heal ef the coord 9 te supe seven, scpaning be er the mies: earae AEE he lespu al ser te keyboatd from ane vee w anode wi git had, Bf he Meniy of chars were Haan tobi ony bere sud dheesAad a ies prot tat he kno hing shea Reem” moto dogh ey all {sabes fm pour capi of arnt, esnrtbesthem rte Woe ne ‘udani copy books 1C Bach vas unacquainted with shese two letters, published in Beilin bya musician wlio was well known co hia, it made little dif- ference, lor this famous son an pupil of "ld Bach of Leipzig,” as Marpig called him, thie celebrated keyboard playes who knew and [practice ar itz best the music of Berlus, wh kiaew stany ofthe co Tegnant mariciane of hie ime, was also conversant with Ube cour man day-totay practices. ‘The content. of the Essny provides us with direce evidenes, for the discasions that it contains run [roa the INTRODUCTION finest and subrles topics to the broadest and sacs basi, A ls greea with Queav, oF echoes Couperin, it aso laste tte Local ansicmusic masters, ‘The Bias isfiret and foremost a practical Luvk that was designed less for discussien than for insisaction. Kes ancestry runs back tough works like Matcheson’s General Bess Scale, Hesnichow’s General Bars, to Niesc's Musiralieris Handleitung, the tex. of which his farhers teaching was based, Alea in the anckground is Frangeis Couperin's "Art de taucher le clovecin, There in trace ofthe speenlative temper of the Age of Reason thst broughs fouth Lewing’s Laokcon, Sulver's Allgemeine Theorie... er ealies, harles Ranieuy's Fes eguscrt reduits a use ménte prince, For wars thae pronouneed first principles anc tle gover sng laws of esthetice, Bach had aly the pracitione'’s stn "They disperse their alms ss" le writes i sn and improvement of the beybuardist's foc taoug® a painaaking ordering and experitian of the several farcors chat rela she practice of hie nt. The author's qualifications were eminently suited t9 the requirements Of his practical experience and wilom sr aleeady Enove. Ili contempo- ‘vies et che highest store on hinexpreseue playing. Ata compover hae was the leading exponent of the Frspiindecsntett, the German counterpirt of the syle galant. Beyond this he had an enduring Snteres all msi, as well as highly developed ciscal faculties In his Autobiography he wro:e: Tate Tae el wy diene Bh of god thing bess Ke ay Bren mh opinion tha the gov Sud cepted weds ot uheve sy Defound. een when it appevein small dens pce. ti bem ok these ‘vsdeations a he ta pronsed by 4 God sien mas iy et Aevatiey which ds sibeed vo ony composes as Anothies important qualification: he was « callertor by macae. tn his estate weve ver yoo porate of famous mer, mostly musicians which he had gathered together over the years. Many ni thew hung iu hi home in Hamhurp, where Burney ssw end remarked en teu. And withour his eatefel presewvation of many of bia father’ sures, aur knowledge of the Leiprig Bach's music would be far ourer. Wide musieal experience, catvolie tates ann. interes die 7 INTRODUCTION ‘rinination. the cllecor' its of aaiivenen al of there farm eoilate wo de value ofthe Bay aod le (oi unigue tus). Bat nally, dere ca be found on move than one page a Ty wemetimese cast, wi Joann Hiedrich Dols, a choo com Dunion ad one of Jobann Sebnsian's suceors at the Thomas Tahuleonce std "lke many boo ive mind amd body, he wa int on hoot on ihe ayo tesa ee Syimplonnatie ae hie remasbs on local teacher, alan. com pn Une pefouinance of incompletely marked nes Nowaere b Plligp Lnanuelsiadebede tos er more ciel expres than inthe chapter on fingeing Te som works tot tre delat ater fine he be pve. However, {Cte hte grate a raed ewer tat the Bas ay dit ti Eines ermnted nto, Other fs #98 Be hiker organised snd elaborated it IMtéuced te sippore this view . (Of the alder Ringeriage it can be ste that it tacked eystemacinw tion TH was conditioned by earlier imusical styles and was charac: Arlaed in general Py asparing use of ee (auiab ard fifth Anger with consequent favoring of the mie Rayer. For example, in ing passages the righs hond often aaceraed andl the lefe hand de- fcwaded by repeatey erasing the Ud lager over the Fourth. As the right hand descended the third finger repeatedly eromed the Second. The tiumb came into repeated wse ooly in wide stretches da the left hard ascended, a common hngering Veing itt. The difereneces from ene school 19 anotier lay & Senvialy iw dhe amount of ws alloted 20 the extreme lingers In Girolany Dasuta'sdt 1 vasstfomne (age, Ugeq) these hapless wen hersare almost completely banished. More sindly disposed tvwuid them sere the Haglei, wiggiaalists ard Germans such as Elias Nicels Ammeriaes, in whose Ein New Kunsttich Tabsdatr duck (xz) the fourth Bager ofthe left hand erosse the thu in stepwise nent. In Frangois Couperin's L'art de teucher te elavecin (1796, 1749} the thurs is employed frequently in wide Stretches, and in sunning passes forte left hand, but in the right rho more frequently then others hac used it, Characteristic forthe Trench schol at this time is the replaceett of oe finger by ted held tone, alu nth divectrepesitions Cla ungle finger in vanning passages, A payable aisprict ae INTRODUCTION 6 lars shat Let de toucher «. , oveshadows dhe covints for the geting. Avery impoviantinwweation of the ew method was the turning unde: of the tu iu canis and arpeggiated passage, The al Fingering wade use o: th chum large sreches ane rns, But lve laterite sole faneion was en atrige the key ond rermain inactive ‘while dhe serond oe varely rhe tied andl fourth steed it, Yeu the fared thumb in The Bach fingering mse have been known and employed by Nomenico Scarati fo the vituoso passages in his aoracas cold hardly have been delivered satsLacanily wi lout ic. Fer oreoberative evidence ave can call en Fane Atos Maichelbeck, in witose Die auf dem Clavier ielvenile Cilia (\ugbung, 1558) the carned thamb is called for eepeatally, This fact is of special nterest tere, ior Nluichelbeck’s own Keyoouxd works inconpurate way afte bravura elemencs af the Scotia Farther, Maapuig’s Diz Kunct das Clie su spin (1790.60) ‘employs the turned thurab: asa basiewochniqne in tie performance ‘ol scalesILisquite posible, however, that Franiel Bach had a par in the working oat of cis fearure 6° Maypuirg’s short treatise. Cex tainly Mazpurg did not hesizate to nek plums From the Kesay once it had appente: 1, then, the new Bngering wn8 kowa to some, it remained a tlosed hea to the rink and file of teschers ane students unt s sytematic exposition appeared ia 1758, Marputy s satuit learers quote earlier, are clear enough proot ofthis. an au ob the fact that the old fingering had oucasted is funtion, “Wao doce ‘not know when » new epoch began lor music iat general, ad for ier most accurate and finest perfocmanee it patticular =." wr0ue Bach in his Ausobiography. Ihe uew siyle demided a new de livery. Dach’s geting s the toundacion of modern technique. Of the folder metlads bu: few dette remain in his exhsnstive exposition, scl aye erssiug Uf y over <i the agcanding ight sand, be this omy 24 an altesnative :o tie nev method af running he thom. Ae keyboard style Ceveloped, as rhe pienoforte with ite diferent setion ‘aime inty its awa, cezuin extensions af technique were reguired ‘These were provided hy Clersem, Cacrny. J.B. Cramer, and many others, It Munio Clement is sometimes evidited with istrodacing

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