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Preview ERIC EJ941714: Improving Oral Reading Fluency with a Peer-Mediated Intervention

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2011, 44, 641–646 NUMBER3 (FALL2011) IMPROVING ORAL READING FLUENCY WITH A PEER-MEDIATED INTERVENTION KRISTI L. HOFSTADTER-DUKE AND EDWARD J. DALY, III UNIVERSITYOFNEBRASKA–LINCOLN Thisstudyexaminedtheeffectsofanexperimentallyderived,peer-deliveredreadingintervention on the oral reading fluency of a first-grade student who had been referred for poor reading fluency. Same-grade peers were trained to lead the target student through a structured interventionprotocolbasedontheresultsofabriefexperimentalanalysis.Resultsindicatedthat reading improvements were obtained and are discussed in terms of selecting efficient interventions for use bypeers. Key words: brief experimental analysis, multiple-probe design, oral reading fluency, peer tutoring, reading interventions _______________________________________________________________________________ As one of the five basic areas of literacy intervention may promote maintenance of (National Reading Panel [NRP], 2000), oral intervention effects. reading fluency is a critical prerequisite to An intervention can provide maximum independent comprehension of text. Unfortu- benefits to the learner when it contains the nately, oral reading fluency is frequently right amounts of practice, error correction, neglected by classroom teachers (NRP, 2000; antecedent prompting strategies, and reinforce- Topping, 2006) who may feel pressed to spend ment, which often differs across students (Daly, moretimeworkingoncomprehensiontasksand Martens, Barnett, Witt, & Olson, 2007). Brief not devote sufficient time to practicing oral experimental analysis (BEA) has proven to be reading of connected texts. Peer-mediated useful for selecting intervention components on interventions (i.e., the use of other students as an individualized basis. Reading interventions change agents) may be an efficient method to selected based on BEA results have led to have students practice tasks to improve fluency increasedoralreadingfluencywhenimplement- with basic academic skills like oral reading ed by experimenters (VanAuken, Chafouleas, (Hoff & Robinson, 2002). Peer-mediated Bradley,&Martens,2002),teachers(Bonfiglio, interventions have been shown to improve Daly, Persampieri, & Andersen, 2006), parents reading outcomes (e.g., Greenwood et al., (Daly, Shroder, & Robinson, 2001/2006; 1984; McMaster, Fuchs, & Fuchs, 2006; Gortmaker, Daly, McCurdy, Persampieri, & Yurick, Robinson, Cartledge, Lo, & Evans, Hergenrader, 2007; Persampieri, Gortmaker, 2006). Besides reducing the amount of direct Daly, Sheridan, & McCurdy, 2006), and even instruction required by the teacher, peers are a the students themselves (Daly, Persampieri, readily available resource and have frequent McCurdy, & Gortmaker, 2005). The purpose contact with each other, making them a of the current study was to evaluate the effects potentialsource of reinforcement. Contact with of an experimentally derived reading interven- natural reinforcement contingencies such as tion, delivered by peers, on the oral reading prosocial peer interactions through a structured fluency of a first-grade student. Same-grade peers were trained to lead the target student We thank Melissa Andersen for assistance with data collection. through a structured intervention that was Correspondence concerning this article should be based on the results of a BEA. Oral reading addressed to Edward J. Daly, III, 33 Teachers College, fluency was measured with intervention passag- Lincoln,Nebraska 68588(e-mail: [email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2011.44-641 es within a multiple-probe design. In addition, 641 642 KRISTI L. HOFSTADTER-DUKE and EDWARD J. DALY, III generalization to equally difficult but indepen- the direct impact of the peer-mediated fluency dent reading passages was probed across intervention. Passages from the DIBELS oral baseline and intervention phases. reading fluency progress-monitoring materials (Good & Kaminski, 2002) were used as generalization probes. METHOD Participant, Peer Tutors, and Setting Measurement and Interscorer Agreement Michelle was a 7-year-old first-grade Cauca- ResponsesweremeasuredasCRWanderrors sian girl who had been referred for reading per minute. CRW included words pronounced problems. She had no known psychoeducation- correctly within 3 s, including self-corrections. al diagnoses and received no intervention or Error words included omissions, mispronunci- special education services. At the time of ations, and hesitations of more than 3 s. The referral, Michelle was reading 11 correctly read experimenter conducted all assessments. An words (CRW) per minute, compared to the independent scorer scored 33% of the assess- class average of 66 CRW per minute. Three ment sessions. Average interobserver agreement children in the same classroom were selected by (calculated based on the point-by-point agree- the teacher to be peer tutors. All chosen tutors ment method for both CRW and errors) was exceeded the classroom average reading perfor- 99% (range, 95% to 100%). mance as well as the first-grade Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DI- Design and Procedure BELS) spring benchmark (i.e., 40 CRW per For the BEA, three conditions (described minute; Good & Kaminski, 2002). During the below)werebrieflyalternated.Thebaselineand winter DIBELS administration period, tutors effective intervention conditions were repeated read an average of 88 CRW (range, 78 to 107). once using independent stimulus materials to Assessments (conducted by the experimenter) replicate the results. To evaluate whether andreadinginterventionsessions(conductedby performance increased as a result of the peer- tutors) occurred in the classroom. mediated intervention, a multiple-probe design was used with the intervention (Treasures, Materials and Screening 2006) passages. After baselines were established Intervention passages for the BEA were on all passages, tutoring was conducted with drawn from the Silver, Burdett, and Ginn one passage per week while measurements were reading series (Pearson et al., 1989), and taken repeatedly across all six passages for intervention passages for the peer-mediated 6 weeks to conform to design requirements. intervention consisted of six passages selected BEA. Baseline and two intervention condi- from the school’s reading curriculum (Trea- tions—instruction (IN) and instruction plus sures, 2006). The intervention (curriculum) reward(IN+R)—wereadministeredtoMichelle passages contained a median of 216 words inonesession,followedbyareplication.Aprior (range, 171 to 473 words), and the median evaluation had determined that Michelle’s Flesch-Kincaid grade level was 1.2 (range, 0.9 reading performance did not improve with a to 3.1). Measurements were conducted in reward only. Therefore, this condition was not intervention passages as well as high-word- included in the BEA. IN included listening overlap passages. Passages that contained a high passage preview (i.e., experimenter modeling of percentage of overlapping words (i.e., 80% to fluent reading), repeated readings (i.e., student 95%) but were written as a different story (i.e., read the passage three times), and error high-word-overlap passages) were used for the correction (i.e., the experimenter modeled BEA. Intervention passages were used to assess correct reading of error words and had the PEER-MEDIATED READING FLUENCY 643 student read the phrase containing an error Generalization probes. Generalization to nov- word three times). For the reward, Michelle el, low-word-overlap passages was routinely selected her choice of activity (e.g., lunch with probed using first-grade DIBELS oral reading theteacher,coloringtime;thesewerebasedona fluencyprogress-monitoringmaterials(Good& prior stimulus preference assessment) if she Kaminski, 2002). Probes were administered exceeded her previous score. When her CRW concurrently with the other passages during per minute improved in a session, the experi- baseline and immediately prior to peer-tutoring menter presented a menu of activities to sessions during the intervention phase. Michelle and arranged for her to have access to the chosen activity on the same day. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Peer-mediatedreadingintervention.Theteach- The results of the BEA are presented in er trained the tutors using explanations, model- Figure 1 (top). The IN+R condition led to ing, and practice of the protocol. At the greater improvements in responding than the beginning of each week, the teacher prompted IN condition. Therefore, all the components Michelle to choose a reading partner. Prior to were included in the reading fluency interven- each intervention session, the experimenter tion. The results displayed in Figure 2 reveal assessedMichelleusingfourofthesixcurriculum that performance increased (including both passages (i.e., the current weekly intervention improved CRW and reduction in errors) passage and three other randomly selected following the introduction of peer tutoring intervention passages to establish concurrent across all passages. Baseline performance re- measures across passages for design purposes). mained stable for subsequent passages, indicat- The teacher then reminded the students of the ing that experimental control was achieved. contingency for performance improvements, Moreover, improvements were maintained providedtheinterventionchecklist,anddirected when the intervention was no longer delivered thestudentstobegin.Instructionalstepsinclud- for a particular passage (Passages 1 through 5). ed listening passage preview, repeated readings, Results of the generalization probes (Figure 1, and word supply error correction. After the bottom)indicatethataclearchangeinlevelwas interventionsession,theteachertimedMichelle’s correlated with the introduction of the peer- thirdreadingwhilemeasuringCRWperminute mediated intervention for both CRW per (with the same procedures used by the experi- minute (increase in performance) and errors menter) and graphed her performance. (These per minute (reduction in performance). Anec- data do not appear in the data display.) If dotally, the teacher stated that Michelle was Michelleexceededherpreviousperformance,the ‘‘likeadifferentchild,’’inthatbothherreading teacher awarded points (i.e., one point for and peer interactions improved significantly. exceeding CRW and one point for reducing The teacher observed fewer negative interac- errors)thatcouldbeexchangedforpermissionto tions (e.g., name calling) and more positive engage in a shared activity with the peer tutor social interactions. The teacher also reported after six points had been earned. Intervention that the intervention was easy to supervise, sessions were conducted for approximately required minimal time, and produced the 30 min daily. Peer tutoring was applied desired effects. sequentially across passages so that intervention The results extend the use of BEA to peer- sessionswereconductedwithonestoryperweek. mediated interventions, demonstrating that The tutors followed 92% of the steps correctly individualized reading fluency interventions on average (range, 77% to 100%) across all can be competently carried out even by well- sessions. trainedfirst-grade students.Afurtheradvantage 644 KRISTI L. HOFSTADTER-DUKE and EDWARD J. DALY, III Figure1. Michelle’sCRWanderrorsperminuteduringthebriefexperimentalanalysis(top)andtutoring(bottom) withlow-word-overlap passages. PEER-MEDIATED READING FLUENCY 645 during small-group instruction as well. Thus, natural reinforcement contingencies may have been altered as a by-product of the peer- mediated intervention, which would explain the consistent increase in academic responding under conditions in which there was no programmed reinforcement. The generalizability of these results to other students is limited by the fact that they were basedononlyonestudent.Someofthepositive features of the environment may further limit generalizability of the results. For example, the teacher and peers were highly cooperative. The same results might not be achieved under less optimal circumstances. The individual contri- butions of the instructional components (e.g., practice vs. error correction) also cannot be identified. Future investigations could deter- mine whether positive results are obtained with different configurations of interventions. Although the design choice for the general- ization probes did not permit the establishment ofexperimentalcontrol,thedatadosuggestthat there was a significant change in oral reading fluency (bothin termsof CRWperminute and errors)thatwascorrelatedwiththeintroduction of peer tutoring. The remarkable aspect of this finding is that the results were obtained with low-word-overlap passages, providing a more compelling demonstration of effect. These results appear to augment the visible effects obtained with the intervention passages. We would argue that the results further strengthen the suggestion that measurement of generalized responding should become the standard of academic intervention studies (Daly et al., 2007).Infuturestudies,asystematicevaluation of generalized responding following academic Figure2. Michelle’sCRWanderrorsperminutewith intervention within an experimental design intervention passages. would be helpful for determining whether of using peers to deliver interventions is that students’ responding is coming under the they can provide social reinforcement that may stimulus control of the universe of possible produce other intangible but important bene- stimulus–response relations that are necessary fits.Inthecurrentcase,theteacherobservedthe for them to progress through school curricula peerspraisingMichelleforappropriatebehavior (Alessi, 1987). 646 KRISTI L. HOFSTADTER-DUKE and EDWARD J. DALY, III REFERENCES McMaster, K. L., Fuchs, D., & Fuchs, L. S. (2006). Research on peer-assisted learning strategies: The Alessi, G. (1987). Generative strategies and teaching for promiseandlimitationsofpeer-mediatedinstruction. generalization. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 5, Readingand Writing Quarterly, 22,5–25. 15–27. 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