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Preview ERIC EJ910220: Networking Labs in the Online Environment: Indicators for Success

Networking Labs in the Online Environment: Indicators for Success 31 Hilmi A. Lahoud and Jack P. Krichen T h e J o u Abstract outcome perspective, but does not clearly indi- rn a l Several techniques have been used to pro- cate what aspects of the lab environments or o f vide hands-on educational experiences to online learner characteristics might be related to these Te c learners, including remote labs, simulation soft- outcomes (Lawson & Stackpole, 2006). Because hn o ware, and virtual labs, which offer a more struc- the online educational context can provide a lo g tured environment, including simulations and flexible environment to accommodate individual y S t scheduled asynchronous access to physical learning characteristics, discovering these char- u d resources. This exploratory study investigated acteristics and the affect they have on learning ies how these methods can be used from the learn- will enable the development and maturation of er's perspective to enhance the online learning more effective network labs. experience by improving its effectiveness and Background maintaining students’satisfaction while keeping From the early days of distance learning, the same level of standards and outcomes as commonly referred to as Distance Education, face-to-face courses. Current and former online and current online educational environments (e- learners from several community and four-year learning), teaching technical courses remotely colleges were surveyed to evaluate their experi- has been a challenge. Educational institutions ences for utilizing different networking lab tech- tried different aspects of teaching remote cours- niques. An analysis of survey results highlights es using hybrid methods, including video the importance of lab accessibility to learner sat- demonstrations, offline network laboratories, isfaction and evaluates the interaction between and other activities utilizing both synchronous learner experience and preference for network- and asynchronous teaching techniques within ing labs. These results are used to recommend the same course while attempting to include the best implementation practices and to guide experiential-based learning activities. Although future studies in online networking labs. the importance of providing experimentally Introduction based,hands-on learning in the online environ- Hands-on experience with network equip- ment was acknowledged, providing this experi- ment is an essential aspect of learning computer ence complicated technical support, and often networks, and historically it has been the mode required that learners purchase course-related of preparing professionals for careers in this equipment to performthe activities to master field. It reinforces the conceptual framework of network competencies (Lahoud & Tang, 2006). this discipline and provides the real-world expe- Therefore, it has been challenging to offer net- rience demanded byemployers in these profes- working courses online because of the need for sions (Nurul, 2006). The evolution of online hands-on experience and the high cost of net- learning and economic constraints haveprompt- working equipment, particularlyif it could not ed the development of remote computer network be shared (Ma & Nickerson, 2006). laboratories and network simulation programs that closelymimic the operation of corporate Technological advances during the last sev- computer networks (Lawson & Stackpole, 2006; eral years have supported the development of Wong, Wolf, Gorinsky, & Turner, 2007) . To high-quality network simulations (Boson, 2008) effectively prepare learners to transfer their and the sharing of expensivenetwork equipment learning in these environments to the enterprise, through Internet-based remote labs (Network it is essential to compare the traditional network Development Group, 2009). Remote labs learning environment and the remote and virtual became more popular because of the power of “simulated” environments. In particular,the personal computers and the speed of the Internet impact of using an online learning context in (Border, 2007; Rigby & Dark, 2006; Schumann, conjunction with these lab scenarios must be 2003). According to Corter, Nickerson, Esche, explored because of the expanding number of Chassapis, Im, & Ma (2007), remote labs proved online networking programs. Research exists to be an effectivetool in providing hands-on lab- that explores these relationships from the learner oratoryexperiences to students. As theses options became available, educa- acquire new competencies (pp. 153–169). Adult tional institutions, training centers, companies, learners prefer a more flexible learning environ- 32 and even individuals began exploring alterna- ment where they can both reflect on the material es tives to purchasing real equipment to support and apply it to their lives (Tennant & Pogson, di u computer labs. Instead, they explored simula- 1995, pp. 121-147). This study explored both t S tions and remote labs for their educational and tenants; its authors focused on the flexible y g o training needs (Schumann, 2003; Watts & online context while incorporating the experi- ol hn Becker, 2008). When these alternatives evolved ences learners have had in both the traditional c Te (i.e., remote labs and simulation software), edu- and online settings. They attempted to determine of cational institutions began to use such software which aspects of the labs are most relevant to al n to offer technical courses online. Supporting this learner satisfaction by comparing participants r u o initiative, publishers often bundle virtual labs with experience in networking and online educa- J e with their textbooks to attract educational insti- tion with those who had limited experience in h T tutions to select their books (Ma & Nickerson, these areas. Results that differed from those 2006). Educational application developers are expected according to the above precepts may currently using state-of-the-art software and indicate areas for improvement in the alignment hardware to continue to enhance remote and vir- of labs to types of learners. This information tual labs and improve the fidelity of simulations could guide in the development or use of labs to to emulate equipment and provide high-quality, improve their acceptance by students. cost-effective solutions for networking labs. Online Learning and Lab Options Unfortunately,those who use simulations First, the key types of network labs will be and remote labs often have not considered the considered. Online institutions use several individual differences between learners and the options to offer experiential learning with net- characteristics of labs on the success or satisfac- work labs (Adams, 2004; Brown & Lahoud, tion of the learning experience. Individual expe- 2005; Lahoud & Tang, 2006), including the fol- riential differences and differences in learning lowing: styles can affect the learners’level of satisfac- -Institutions provide/maintain their own tion and overall performance in many ways labs. (Corter et al., 2007). According to Corter and colleagues (2007), students in engineering fields -Institutions contract such task to a third performed better in traditional settings that party to provide such a service. involved interpersonal and instructor interaction. Additionally, they were more satisfied with tra- -Institutions ask learners to purchase their ditional labs than remote labs or simulation- own simulation software to be installed on based labs. However, little research about this their own computers. issue exists relative to computer networking courses and supporting labs, particularly in the These options encompass several types of online context. remote network laboratory learner experiences. However, two represent the majority of the This study is an attempt to better under- research in this area and are most used in educa- stand how learner characteristics, particularly tional practice (Ma & Nickerson, 2006), simula- students’prior educational experience and career tion software and remote networks labs. These disposition, might affect their satisfaction with options are the focus of this investigation. types of networking labs. Because the study focuses on adult learners, the tenants of adult Simulation Software learning theory provide the basis for the study The first category includes network and the analysis of the study’sresults. According simulators, similar to the Boson (2008) network to Adragogy, adult learning theory (Knowles, simulator (NetSim™), that provides a realistic Holton, & Swanson, 2005), adults learn best and emulation of network hardware, network are most satisfied when learning experiences configuration, and realistic usage scenarios align closely with their prior life experiences. (virtual routing tables, etc.). Simulators are Tennant and Pogson (1995) emphasize the cost effective compared to a laboratory of net- importance of linking to learners’prior experi- work hardware and can be utilized in a shared ence; however, these authors challenge such stu- resource environment. However, as simulations, dents with learning activities to help them they do not provide the exact interface and behavior that is available when using the actual Accessibility is a key consideration of these hardware. This is particularly evident when labs. Because actual network hardware is used 33 exploring error conditions where a user may and must be shared among learners, these labo- issue an improper or unexpected command. The ratories are expensive. Often a reservation sys- Th e real hardware will provide the actual response to tem is used in an online education setting to J o the situation, but a simulation often will not pro- support scheduling the hardware and to control ur n vide the true response since it may represent an learner access; this also tracks the experience of al o unexpected scenario. learners who use the laboratory environment. f T e Even though remote labs are usually used by c h The characteristics of simulators that may individual learners, some remote lab settings no align with learner characteristics include fidelity allow learners to work on the same environment log y or degree of similarity to the actual network simultaneously and co-operationally, as if they S t u environment. It is postulated that the fidelity of were managing a real network. This provides a die simulators would rank between a physical net- close representation to a traditional collaborative s work laboratory and a remote virtual laboratory. laboratory environment. The accessibility of the simulator is also a con- cern for the learner. This characteristic is related To mitigate expense and to improve accessi- to the simulator’s ability to be used on a learn- bility, remote labs have been enhanced by reduc- er's computer or accessed through a browser and ing the number of required hardware compo- Internet connection. The later use may involve nents through the use of virtual software, such an additional level of user interface. The usabili- as VMware™ . Virtual software applications ty of a simulator must be considered from the provide layers of working environments, which perspective of how accessible or intuitive is the allows learners to install several operating sys- interface. tems and applications on the same computer (Golden, 2008). Even though this is a break- Simulators include the option to purchase through in teaching operating systems and appli- the software, and thus the student would own it cations, it is still challenging when teaching after the course is finished. One of the advan- configuring devices, such as routers, switches, tages of using “owned” simulation software is firewalls and other network equipment. the convenience of being able to performthe labs at any time without the need to schedule a With an understanding of the history, time and/or access the Internet to utilize the rationale, and characteristics of key types of net- simulation; learners are able to complete their work lab environments, it is nowbeneficial to assignments while theyare traveling as long as analyze the relationship of learners’characteris- theyhave access to a laptop that contains the tics compared to each type of environment. simulation application. Methodology Remote Labs Learners’satisfaction with using remote Remote network laboratories comprise the labs compared to using simulation software was next group of learning environments. These evaluated from the perspective of how learner laboratories supportshared learner access to characteristics and past experience relate to pref- physical network equipment through an Internet erences for a type of network lab. This study interface. Depending on the interface used to also investigated which aspects of the laboratory access the hardware, this experience of configur- experience were most essential to learners and if ing, maintaining, and troubleshooting a network those lab characteristics had a relationship to environment is close to the experience in a true learner characteristics or prior experience. campus network (ElementK, 2008). The interface Learners from several online and traditional col- that mediates access to the physical hardware is leges and universities were invited to take an responsible for the quality of the learner experi- online survey. Participants were currently ence (Wong et al., 2007). Wong et al. (2007) enrolled,were former Information Technology indicated the interface may improve the accessi- (IT) learners who had completed at least one bility of the labs for learners who have had little online technical class, and were familiar with prior network experience. Additional software is both online labs and simulation software. often used to augment the environment through Participants completed IT-related classes from reporting services that provide a detailed analysis different accredited institutions, and they repre- of network behavior (Wong et al., 2007). sent different demographics (age groups, level of education, gender, and years of experience). Table 2. Experience in Network Technology The names and the personal information of par- 34 ticipants were optional. Participants were under Years n Percentage es no pressure to complete the survey. Participants 0 12 21.82% di tu were contacted via electronic mail and were 1-2 9 16.4% S y given one week to complete the online survey. 3-4 10 18.2% g olo The survey and data were hosted online at 5-6 6 10.91% hn www.speedsurvey.com. A password was needed 7or More 18 37.2% c Te to access the survey, and a mechanism was put Total 55 100.0 of into place to prevent participants from taking the nal survey more than one time from the same com- From an educational experience perspective, r ou puter. Data was downloaded and analyzed using the sample population had more experience with J e Microsoft Excel. traditional courses than with online courses h T (Table 3). This table illustrates the number of The survey included 10 questions that both online and traditional courses taken by focused on the demographic, work, and educa- participants. It is apparent from that 24 (45%) tional experiences of the participants. had taken more than three courses in an online Additionally, 13 Likert-style formatted questions environment, indicating good participant back- were used to ascertain the participants’level of ground in online learning; thus, they could satisfaction with types and characteristics of net- provide useful information for this study. working labs. Two open-ended questions explored other aspects of the network lab envi- Table 3. Experience Traditional and Online Courses ronment. This survey is exploratory in nature and has not been validated or aligned with other Traditional Courses Online Course instruments evaluating satisfaction with lab Number n % n % characteristics. It serves as a potential baseline of Courses 0 0 0.0 9 16.4 for investigation in this area. A copy of this sur- 1-2 13 23.6 22 40.0 vey will be provided upon request. 3-4 23 41.8 16 29.1 Results 5-6 12 21.8 6 10.9 Demographics and Experience 7or More 7 12.7 2 3.6 The demographics of the participants are Total 55 100.0 55 100.0 illustrated in Table 1. Fifty-five individuals par- ticipated in the survey, including 33 males As indicated in Table 4, participants also (60%) and 22 females (40%). The majority of had considerable experience in networking participants were over 31 years of age. The dis- courses; 35 (64%) had taken three or more of cipline area of the learners included: 18 IT relat- these courses. They also had experience with ed (33%), 16 networking (29%), 9 business courses of all three lab types, as indicated in (16%), and 12 in other disciplines (22%). The Table 5, but most had more experience with majority of the participants specified that net- Table 4. Experience Networking working or information technology was their Courses discipline area: 34 (62%). However, most partic- ipants indicated general IT related 18 (33%) as Courses n % their primaryarea of interest. As illustrated in 0 5 9.1 Table 2, the participants had substantial experi- 1-2 15 27.3 ence in the networking profession; 34 (62%) 3-4 11 20.0 had over three years of experience in networking 5or more 24 43.6 technology. Total 55 100.0 Table 1. Participant Characteristics Gender: n % Age Groups: n % Discipline Areas: n % Female 22 40.0 0-20 0 0.0 IT Related 18 32.7 Male 33 60.0 21-30 17 30.9 Networking 16 29.1 Total 55 100.0 31-40 16 29.1 Business 9 16.4 41-50 14 25.5 Other 12 21.8 51-60 8 14.5 Total 55 100 Total 55 100 Table 5. Experience Types of Labs Remote Lab Traditional Lab Simulation Lab 35 Number of n % n % n % T Courses h e 0 11 20.0 14 25.5 2 3.6 J o 1-2 23 41.8 3 5.5 16 29.1 u r n 3-4 14 25.5 `7 30,9 14 25.5 a l 5or more 7 12.7 21 38.2 19 34.5 of T Total 55 100.0 55 100.0 55 100.0 e c h n o traditional labs. This balance between traditional Comparing preference for types of labs lo g and online experience provided a good founda- within a traditional course, labs with simulations y S tion for analysis of the results of this study. rated as most desirable 19 (35.2%), and tradi- tu d tional labs rated the second most desirable 17 ie s Overall Perspectives on Labs (31.5%). It is interesting to note that learners The results of this survey clarified the fol- were comfortable with remote labs: 31 (56.4%) lowing questions. First, what type of network lab rated them desirable, but only 9 (16.7%) rated and what characteristics of the lab are most pre- them most desirable. ferred by learners? Second, what characteristics of learners align with preferences for lab types? Level of Desirability Between Traditional Courses and Remote Labs (TC/RL), Traditional Courses with Simulation Labs (TC/SL), and TraditionalCourses To explore satisfaction with types of labs, with Traditional Labs (TC/TL) the following questions were employed using a 35 five-level Likert scale (1– very dissatisfied, 2 – 30 dissatisfied,3–neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 25 TC/RL 20 4–satisfied, 5 – very satisfied): TC/SL 15 TC/TL 10 -Rate your satisfaction with remote labs. 5 0 1 2 3 -Rate your satisfaction with traditional net- Level of Desirability (1 = Least Desirable, work labs. 3=Most Desirable) Figure 2. Lab type desirability – -Rate your satisfaction using network traditional courses. simulations. In the online educational environment, sim- The results are represented in Figure 1. The ulation labs were also rated most desirable by 22 highest satisfaction appears to be with tradition- (40.7%) learners. Remote labs were rated sec- al network labs, and a lower satisfaction appears ond most desirable by 15 participants (27.8%). to be for remote and simulation-based labs. Traditional labs were least desirable, with 12 Remote labs appeared to be more satisfying for (22.2%) of participants listing them at that level. the learners than did the simulations. Forty-three In this virtual learning environment, accessibili- (78%) were satisfied or very satisfied with tradi- ty of labs with actual hardware, whether remote tional labs, 35 (63%) were satisfied or very or in-person, mayinfluence a learner’s prefer- satisfied with remote labs, and 32 (58%) were ences for the type of lab. satisfied or very satisfied with simulations. Level of Desirability of Online Courses/Remote Level of Satisfaction between Remote Labs (RL), Labs (OC/RL), Online Courses/Simulation Labs Traditional Labs (TL), and Simulation Labs (SL) (OC/SL), and Online Courses/Traditional Labs s40 (OC/TL) ant35 Particip322050 RT erofpants3400 OC/RL mberof11505 S NumbPartici12000 OOCC//STLL u N 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 Level of Desirability (1 = Least Desirable, 3 =Most Desirable, Level of Satisfaction (1 = Least Satisfied, 5 = Most Satisfied) Figure 1. Overall satisfaction with Figure 3. Lab type desirability – online lab types. courses. Importance of Lab Characteristics both the online and traditional environment, To further explore why learners preferred indicate that the ability to access and utilize the 36 specific types of network labs, the importance environment appears to be most important to es of the characteristics of the network labs was networking learners. di u analyzed. Responses to survey questions, illus- t S trated in the following figures, asked learners to Types of Labs as Related to Learner Characteristics y og compare and rate fidelity, usability,and accessi- To investigate whether the prior experience ol n bilityof the labs. Fidelityis defined as the of learners or their academic discipline affected h ec degree to which the experience of utilizing the their satisfaction with types of network labs, T of network equipment or simulation in the labora- responses to survey questions rating satisfaction nal tory environment aligns with using it in an actu- with laboratory types were compared with par- r ou al workplace environment. Usabilityis defined ticipants’work experience in networking and J e as the ability of learners to utilize the interface then with their discipline area. From the work h T to the equipment or simulation and other fea- experience perspective, participants were catego- tures of the laboratory environment. rized into the following levels: (0 years, 1-2 Accessibilityis a measure of the availability of years, 3-4 years, 5-6 years and 7 or more years). the laboratory environment, particularly when APearson Chi-Square analysis of the impact of learners desire to use it. The results seem to experience on satisfaction for each type of lab indicate that accessibility is the most important (traditional (18.6, df=16, Sig. .288), remote characteristic. In the online environment (Figure (14.7, df=12, Sig. .258), and simulation (23.3, 4), accessibility was the key concern, followed df=16, Sig. .105) did not yield significant by fidelity and then usability. In this environ- results. This may be partially attributed to the ment, being able to readily access the labs lownumber of participants (n=55) and the appears to be more important than howwell requirements that each element in a Chi-Square they mimic the real environment. cross-tabulation table should contain at least five counts. A visual analysis of the results, as Considering both online and traditional illustrated in Figure 6, implies that learners with courses, usability 23 (40.8%) and accessibility more experience in networking (7 or more 18 (32.7%) were rated as important lab charac- years) favor traditional labs over simulations or teristics (Figure 5). But accessibility remains remote labs (satisfied + very satisfied partici- the primary concern as an essential feature of a pants: traditional = 43, remote = 35 and simula- networking lab with 21 (38.2%) rating this as tions = 32). Although this provides some sup- essential in importance. It is surprising that port to the notion that adult learners prefer labs fidelity ranked so low. It seems that this charac- that align with prior experience, the lack of a teristic would be rated higher reflecting that significant result implies more research in this learners prefer a more realistic network learning area is needed. environment. But these results, which consider From the discipline perspective, participants Lab Characteristics were categorized into IT related, networking, 30 business and other disciplines. The expectation NumberofParticipants2100 wwoasu ltdh abte p marotiscti psaatnistsf iiend twhei tnhe ttrwadoirtkioinnga lc laatbegsory 0 because that category would align most closely Fidelity Accessiblity Usability Figure4. Lab characteristic to work experience. A Pearson Chi-Square importance in online course. analysis of the affect that discipline has on pref- erence for lab types did not showasignificant result for traditional labs (13.204, df=12, Sig. Importance of Fidelity (FD), Accessibility (AC), and Usability (US) .354) or for simulations (16.04, df=12, Sig. .189). However,the affect that the discipline s25 NumberofParticipant11205005 FAUCDS abProaerradti echrialpdian noet nss isignant iitsfhfieca acITnti-to r(ne1l af6ot.e8rd 8r 6edm,i sdocftiep= lli9an,be Ss i inwgd.a is.c0 a5te1d). 1 2 3 4 more satisfaction with remote labs (satisfied + Level of Importance (1 = Somewhat Important, 4=Essential) very satisfied = 16) to Networking participants Figure 5. Lab characteristic (satisfied + verysatisfied = 9) or the other importance in networking course. discipline areas. 37 T h e J o u r n a l o f T e c h n o lo g y S t u d ie s Figure 6. Lab satisfaction related to Figure7. Lab satisfaction related to work experience. discipline. Upon further inspection of the results in Table 6, it appears that learners in the academic Table 6. Lab Satisfaction vs. networking discipline (i.e., networking is their Discipline Area specialization) preferred traditional labs (75.0% satisfied + very satisfied), but that those in relat- Traditional Remote Simulation ed IT areas appeared to prefer remote labs IT Related 83.4% 88.9% 72.2% (88.9% satisfied + very satisfied). However, the Networking 75.0% 56.3% 56.3% difference between their satisfaction levels for Business 88.9% 66.7% 55.6% remote vs. traditional labs is small and inconclu- Other 66.7% 33.3% 41.7% sive. Interestingly, learners in business also pre- Note.Each cell is the percent of the count of satisfac- ferred traditional labs (88.0% satisfied + very tion + verysatisfied responses to the total responses for a discipline area. satisfied), as did learners in other (non-IT) areas (66.7% satisfied + very satisfied). The stronger labs. This seems surprising since one might satisfaction for traditional labs by networking assume in a traditional environment students 38 learners would align with the perspective that would prefer network labs that provided direct es labs that more closely mimic “real life” would hands-on experience with hardware. This di u be preferred by learners with a direct interest in assumption is verified to some extent by tradi- t S this discipline area. tional labs being more desirable (by ratings) y g o than remote labs. However additional character- hnol Limitations istics of the lab environment seem to affect how Tec As with all research, participants did not desirable traditional labs are. This factor may be of represent the entire population of students in the accessibility of the lab. From the perspective al networking courses and were limited to a few n of online courses and networking courses in r u educational institutions. Laboratory types were o general (Figure 4 and Figure 5), accessibility J e limited to simulation software, remote labs, and was rated the most important characteristic of h T traditional labs. All participants attended two- networking labs. Traditional labs being less year and four-year institutions in the eastern part desirable may reflect difficulties that students of the United States that offer both traditional experience in scheduling time for them and and online courses. technical difficulties experienced while using them. It may reflect similar difficulties students Because this was an exploratory study, a experience when accessing remote labs via the unique survey was developed to determine rela- Internet. In the online environment, remote labs tionships between student characteristic and lab were rated second in desirability to simulations, types. This prevented direct comparisons to but theywere rated higher than traditional labs. results of similar studies. Further, the limited This reflects the desire of students to complete sample size and the exploratory nature of the all coursework in the online environment, but it Likert scale survey questions did not warrant a indicates that some aspects of the remote labs statistical analysis of the data. detract from their desirability in this environ- ment. The questions were related to simulation labs and remote labs in general; specific vendors Students who are in Networking Technology were not indicated. Therefore, the results do not areas of study havehigher levels of satisfaction represent anyspecific vendor or network hard- (i.e., “verysatisfied”) than other disciplines ware. Because of the lack of specific informa- when it comes to their experience with tradition- tion about the lab types, the results must be al labs. In addition, it was observed that learners interpreted from a general characteristic per- in IT-related fields (not including networking), spective. havehigher levels of satisfaction with remote Summary labs and simulation than learners in other areas of studies. The survey responses also indicate This study highlighted that preference for that learners with experience in networking, and satisfaction with types of networking labs either through work or discipline area, prefer are related to several interconnected items, traditional network labs. However, there appears including the characteristics of the labs them- to be a tendency, particularly among those with selves and the characteristics of learners. The less experience, to desire nontraditional labs. value of the study is in examining these relation- This maybe explained by the focus on accessi- ships in more detail to discover implications for bility as a key desired characteristic of labs. course design and instruction practice. Traditional labs mayhavehigh fidelity, and Considering laboratory types in general it depending on the interface to remote labs, they appears that students are more satisfied with tra- may have high usability. However, fidelity ditional labs than remote labs or simulations. seemed less important than being able to access However, a different picture appears when the the labs and complete the lab assignments. course room environment is considered, or when Perhaps if the accessibility of remote labs learner experience and the primaryacademic improves, fidelity may play a stronger role in area of the students are considered. satisfaction. In both the online and traditional course From a theoretical perspective, these obser- room environments, simulations were rated as vations align with the tenants of adult learning more desirable then either remote or traditional theory that stipulate the prior experience of the studying the effect of gender on various labora- adult learner affects the learning process (i.e., tory methodologies; studying the effect of the 39 they learn better when the learning experience number of job-related years of experience on the aligns with prior work experience) (Knowles, level of satisfaction of utilizing remote labs, Th e Holton III, & Swanson, 2005). Knowles and col- simulation software, and traditional labs; and J o leagues (2005) further indicated that the motiva- studying the effects of instructor involvement ur n tion to learn is stronger when the learning tasks when offering online education courses on the al o relate to the “real life” orientation of the student. level of satisfaction of learners when each one f T e Thus, one would expect that students with net- of the three lab methodologies is used. c h n working experience or whose discipline area is o networking would strongly value labs with the Another study with participants from the log y most realistic learning experience. However, it same institutions is recommended within a year- S t u appears that factors such as the accessibility of period to determine if participants’perspectives die the labs must be improved to ensure labs of any toward network labs have changed and how the s category can provide a high-quality, desirable population has changed in their experiences rel- experience for adult learners. ative to the labs and learning environments. To accommodate the differences in prefer- Computer networking and the type of net- ences for laboratory types between learners working labs used in its instruction will continue based on their level of experience and profes- to evolve toward remote and virtual networking sional domain, it is recommended that a dual interfaces. As this occurs, the borders between learning path maybe most effective. For exam- traditional labs, remote labs, and simulations ple, learners who are new to networking or who will begin to dissolveto supportthis migration are not planning to specialize in networking (Gerdes & Tilley,2007). It will be essential to from an academic or career perspectivemay explore the impact of the change of network benefit more from simulation based labs. Those technology, particularly virtualization, on the more experienced with networks or who are development and instruction of network labs on working in this domain may relate better to student satisfaction and learning outcomes. remote or virtual network labs that offer an Dr. Hilmi A. Lahoud is Adjunct Faculty in authentic network learning experience. the School of Business & Technology at Capella Recommendations University, Minneapolis, Minnesota. More research is required to further refine the impacts of how laboratory types and learner Dr.JackP.Krichen was the Faculty Chair characteristics interact in online learning envi- of the School of Business & Technology at ronments. Some of the research areas include Capella University, Minneapolis, Minnesota References Adams, M. A. (2004). Managing open access labs: MacGyver principle. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM SIGUCCS Conference on User Services,(pp. 183 - 187). Baltimore, MD. Border,C. (2007). The development and deployment of a multi-user,remote access virtualization system for networking, security, and system administration classes. 38th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education,(pp. 576-580). Covington, Kentucky. Boson (2008). NetSim: Network Simulator Software. Retrieved from http://www.boson.com/AboutNetSim.html Brown, S., & Lahoud, H. (2005). An examination of innovative online lab technology. Proceedings of the 2005 ACM Information Technology Education Conference,(pp. 65 - 70). Newark, NJ. Corter,J. E., Nickerson, J. V., Esche, S. K., Chassapis, D., Im, S., & Ma, J. (2007). Constructing reality: Astudy of remote, hands-on, and simulated laboratories. ACM Transactions on Computer- Human Interaction,Vol. 14 (pp. 7-27). New York, NY. ElementK (2008). vLab Virtual Labs ElementK. Retrieved from http://www.elementk.com/index.asp?orgid=392&menuID=378 Gerdes, J., & Tilley, S. (2007). Conceptual overview of the virtual networking laboratory. ACM Information Technology Education Conference,Destin, FL. 40 Golden, B. (2008). Virtualization for dummies.Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. s e di Knowles, M. S., Holton, E. F. III, & Swanson, R. A. (2005). The adult learner (6th ed.). Burlington, u St MA: Elsvier. y g o Lahoud, H., & Tang, X. (2006) Information security labs in IDS/IPS for distance education. ol n Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Information Technology Education Conference, (pp. 47-52). h c e Minneapolis, MN. T of Lawson, E. A., & Stackpole, W. (2006). Does a virtual networking laboratory result in similar student al rn achievement and satisfaction? Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Information Technology Education u Jo Conference,(pp. 105-114). Minneapolis, Minnesota. e Th Ma, J., & Nickerson, J. V. (2006). Hands-on, simulated, and remote laboratories: A comparative litera- ture review ACM Computing Surveys,Vol. 38. New York, NY. Network Development Group (2009). NETLAB academic edition, NETLAB. [Retrieved from http://www.netdevgroup.com/ae/overview.htm Nurul, S. I. (2006). Teaching computer networking fundamentals using practical laboratory exercises. IEEE Transactions on Education,Vol. 49 (pp. 285-291). Rigby, S., & Dark, M. (2006). Designing a flexible, multipurpose remote lab for the IT curriculum. Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Information Technology Education Conference, (pp. 161-164). Minneapolis, MN. Schumann, G. (2003). Innovations in teaching plant pathology. Annual Reviews in Phytopathology, Vol. 41 (pp. 377-398). Tennant, M., & Pogson, P. (1995). Adult education and the reconstruction of experience. In A.B. Knox (Ed), Learning and change in the adult years: A developmental perspective (pp.153-169). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Watts, B., & Becker, W. (2008). A little more than chalk and talk: Results from a third national survey of teaching methods in undergraduate economics courses. Journal of Economic Education, 39, 273- 286. Wong, K., Wolf, T., Gorinsky, S., & Turner, J. (2007). Teaching experiences with a virtual network laboratory. ACM SIGCSE,(pp. 482-485). Covington, KY.

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