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Expanding Equity through More and Better Learning Time Jaime L. Del Razo and Michelle Renée College readiness calls for tapping the resources of the whole community – higher education, community organizations, businesses, funders, and civic organizations – to support and align learning inside and outside of schools. At the start of the New Year and rich learning experiences. Middle-class the second Obama administra- families use their own resources to fill tion, a national dialogue about their children’s afternoons, summers, extending and improving the school and vacations with private tutoring for year for all students – especially those academic enrichment, music and art students who face limited resources lessons, science camp, and sports activi- within and outside their schools – ties. Parents know and research proves should be a national priority. Students that these activities are not “extra” – from affluent families already make up they are essential to rounding out their for the short school day and year by children’s education and giving them counting on their parents to fill these the skills and experiences that prepare crucial, and sometimes dangerous, them for college and successful careers. afterschool hours with a cornucopia of Jaime L. Del Razo is a postdoctoral research associate and Michelle Renée is a principal associate and clinical assistant professor at the Annenberg Institute for School Reform. VUE Winter/Spring 2013 27 Expanding learning time is as much what happens inside schools.1 Without about improving the quality of the that alignment, the new national goal actual amount of time a child learns as of transforming schools for college it is about expanding the quality and readiness will be impossible. diversity of a child’s learning. Many Yet, the expansion of the school day is parents cannot provide such activities no simple matter of just adding min- for their children. They may not have utes to the existing school structure. the money to pay for extra classes To increase the equity of the school and care, and they are often the same system, time needs to be thought of parents who work longer hours – as a strategic tool – a tool that can including those crucial afterschool and give teachers more time to collaborate school vacation hours. Similarly, due and plan, students more opportuni- to the systemic inequities of America’s ties to access meaningful new learning public school system, these families’ environments, and school systems children attend schools that have fewer the opportunity to benefit from new educational resources: less-qualified community resources. Meaningful teachers; fewer educational materi- expansion of learning time also means als; fewer science, arts, and sports that existing out-of-school programs, opportunities on campus; and unsafe community and business partners, schools and neighborhoods. This is teachers, principals, and district leaders why creating quality schools, with need to collaborate across their exist- more resources and better teaching and ing divides to restructure resources and learning, becomes just as important align opportunities. as extending the actual time. Without addressing the growing divide between AISR believes that expanded learning these two groups of students in cit- must be rigorous and engaging, and ies across the nation, we continue to it should not simply provide longer impede opportunities for many of our time for ineffective practices. We are students based on conditions beyond currently working with the Ford Foun- their control. dation on documenting evidence of such expanded learning reforms that are being developed with support from the EFFECTivE TiME – NOT JUST Foundation in cities across the nation. MORE TiME We are working with other national It’s widely recognized that high school partners, including the National Center graduation is no longer sufficient – all for Time and Learning (NCTL) and students must now be prepared to suc- UCLA’s Institute for Democracy, Educa- ceed in college or workforce pursuits tion, and Access (IDEA), to systemically and empowered to engage their world. gather evidence of these new and But our current system – a six-hour creative reforms using measures that school day and 180-day school year, extend beyond standardized testing. based primarily on a nineteenth- century agrarian calendar and using WHAT THE RESEARCH SAYS a business model of education – is inadequate to achieve that goal. Ensur- Expanded learning time (ELT) can ing college readiness extends beyond involve increasing the time for learning the reach of schools and districts. It calls for tapping into the resources of 1 AISR calls such a system of cross-sector the community – higher education, partnerships a “smart education system”: see the section Ecosystem-Level Indicators community organizations, businesses, in this article. For more on AISR’s work on funders, recreation programs, and civic college readiness, see Foley, Mishook, and organizations – to support learning Lee’s article in this issue of VUE. outside of schools and align it with 28 Annenberg Institute for School Reform at schools by adding days to the school For some examples emerging around year, hours to the school day, or both – the nation of using time to create but must ensure that all time provides equitable changes in schools, see the for valuable teaching and learning. sidebar on pages 30 – 31. Schools using evidence-based ELT practices and supporting programs FORD FOUNDATiON’S MORE have improved student achievement across several student subgroups AND BETTER LEARNiNg TiME (Bodilly & Beckett 2005; Duffett et al. iNiTiATivE: NEW W AYS TO 2004; AYP Forum 2006). MEASURE EFFECTivENESS It may be obvious that spending more AISR is proud to be a partner in the time in school can produce better Ford Foundation’s More and Bet- academic results. But what may not ter Learning Time (MBLT) initiative, be as obvious is that not all students which aims to make effective expanded have equal access to more and better learning time (ELT) practices the “new learning time. This is especially true normal” across American schools, when addressing the loss in learning especially in underserved communities. that occurs over the summer vacation. The Foundation’s multilayered ap- Summer learning is important for all proach includes deep investments in six students, especially for low-income large cities – Rochester (NY), Newark, families, since they and their schools Chicago, Detroit, Denver, and Los An- tend to have the fewest resources avail- geles, as well as state-level and national able to them (Alexander, Entwisle & ELT efforts. Olson 2007; McCombs, Rand Educa- Like AISR’s “smart education sys- tion Institute & Wallace Foundation tem” theory,2 the Ford Foundation’s 2011). Yet despite the importance that theory of change includes the idea summer learning has for low-income that transforming education systems students, they are less likely to partici- requires multiple stakeholders. Grant- pate in out-of-school-time programs ees are involved in developing ideas than high-income students (Wimer and evidence compellingly commu- et al. 2006). This serves to widen the nicated to shape public and policy growing academic gap between those discussions; scalable school designs who can afford extra learning and that are effective and operating in the those who cannot. So as a national “regular” public school system; sup- discussion continues to develop, we port and advocacy from grass-tops and see that “extending learning time grassroots – including those in affected has gained traction as a strategy for communities – creating the public improving equity and narrowing support and political will to adopt achievement gap” (McAlister 2013). MBLT reforms; and policy changes and More time in school also lessens idle increased capacity to bring systemwide time for students. For those students changes needed to implement sustain- who live in underserved communities, able MBLT at scale. this idle time can transform itself into Ford has charged AISR, UCLA IDEA, dangerous choices that often result in and NCTL with developing a system further limiting future opportunities of indicators that will bring a deeper already hindered by social inequal- understanding of how expanded ity. Hence, providing more time for students to learn in a welcoming 2 For more in the concept of smart education environment across a range of subjects systems, see Warren Simmons’s article in this with a diverse set of caring adults can issue of VUE and http://annenberginstitute. provide students with an opportunity org/about/smart-education-systems. for greater equality and social mobility. Jaime L. Del Razo and Michelle Renée VUE Winter/Spring 2013 29 learning is changing the lives of stu- research, will produce a reliable and dents, the quality and rigor of schools, useful indicator system for the field. and the strength of the district systems and community supports that sur- round schools. ECOSYSTEM-LEvEL iNDiCATORS The goal of creating a multilevel indicator system is to document the The idea of the reform ecosystem be- current work on MBLT in Ford grantee gins with the assumption that schools sites and use that knowledge to create do not operate in a vacuum but rather a national system of indicators that can exist and coexist within the local, state, both measure and inform the MBLT and national policies that impact how initiative going forward and the ELT their students learn and grow. As one field in general. Grounding develop- example, it has been documented that ment of the indicators in the real out-of-school programs can posi- work of MBLT grantees, as well as the tively affect students, especially low iN THE FiELD USiNg ExPANDED TiME TO iNCREASE EqUiTY Generation Schools The Generation Schools model has been successfully implemented in Brooklyn and Denver. The first school was launched in 2004 using practices tested by more than a decade of pilot program–driven research and evaluation. Generation Schools expand learning time by up to 30 percent for all students without increasing teachers’ time in the classroom. In fact, by staggering teacher schedules and lever- aging cutting-edge instructional technology, Generation Schools provides its teachers with increased professional development and daily common planning time. Students are in school for 200 days per year, but teachers work the same number of days as they would in a school following a traditional calendar. This additional time is high quality; students enjoy personalized instruction in studio classes, where they have the chance to engage in arts, music, foreign language, and counseling, among other options. Furthermore, students engage in month-long intensive classes twice a year, where college guidance intersects with reading and math instruction and students have the chance to explore col- leges, boardrooms, community organizations, and public service opportunities around the city. The Generation Schools model has garnered national praise because it offers expanded learning time and highly effective instruction without significantly increasing schools’ per-pupil expenditures. A report from the University of Pennsylvania showed significant growth by Generation Schools students, noting that the program is relatively new, but that “early performance indicators are promising” (Bar- rett et al. 2011, p. 56). While only 20 percent of the Brooklyn school’s students were on grade level when they matriculated, they passed the 2010 New York State exams at nearly four times that rate. For more on Generation Schools, see www.generationschools.org. Citizen Schools citizen Schools Massachusetts has developed an expanded learning time model that has inspired New York city and chicago, among other cities, to expand the school day. Their schedule for sixth-graders includes an expanded day that lasts for an additional three hours on Monday to Thursday afternoons. Students participate in apprenticeships in fields such as architecture and journalism, academic support 30 Annenberg Institute for School Reform socio-economic students (Alexander, Ideally, in a reform like MBLT, partners Entwisle & Olson 2007; AYP Forum will work to form what AISR calls a 2006; Wallace Foundation 2008; smart education system (SES) – that is, Wimer, et al. 2006). Yet, in an ail- a system of cross-sector partnerships ing economy, funding for schools and collaborating to increase opportunities out-of-school programs is often cut. and outcomes for low-income students To ensure that all students are being and students of color, including English given equal opportunities to access language learners. AISR developed out-of-school programs, especially low an SES framework based on years of socio-economic status students, outside work in the practice of school reform resources are necessary. Understanding combined with education research who makes up an ecosystem and how (Simmons 2007). An SES addresses they must work together to increase persistent achievement gaps and devel- equity is a key part of understanding a oping sustainable education reforms reform strategy like MBLT. through the combined commitment, sessions that emphasize enrichment and quality homework, college-to-career connections focusing on college exposure and study habits, and culture of achievement sessions. Results show that students enrolled in citizen Schools or who participate in the programs they run are more engaged and successful than their peers, even years later. An external study conducted by Policy Studies Associates found that the program impacted chronic absenteeism, as citizen Schools alumni attended high school for seven more weeks on average than their peers (Arcaira, Vile & Reisner 2010). Furthermore, citizen Schools students passed state exams at a higher rate and showed greater enthu- siasm for school. citizen Schools convened an expanded learning time summit in July 2012 for school leaders who were planning to implement a longer school day. For more on Citizen Schools, see www.citizenschools.org/about/results. Linked Learning Linked Learning is a system that integrates a rigorous academic program with exposure to profes- sional experiences. It offers students a significant amount of choice in their expanded school day, and students who participate graduate at a higher rate than their peers. Its design features an academic program with rigorous instruction in the core subjects, a technical component where students take three or more classes in a field, work-based learning opportunities that start with mentoring and shadowing and turn into apprenticeships or internships, and support services such as counseling and supplemental academic instruction. Los Angeles’s Linked Learning sites are partnering with organiza- tions such as connectEd, the Alliance for a Better community, UcLA center X, UNITE-LA, and the LA Small Schools center (LAScc) to make these opportunities available for its students. For more on Linked Learning, see www.linkedlearning.org. REFERENcE Arcaira, E., J. D. Vile, and E. R. Reisner. 2010. Citizen Schools: Achieving High School Graduation: Citizen Schools’ Youth Outcomes in Boston. Washington, Dc: Policy Studies Associates. Jaime L. Del Razo and Michelle Renée VUE Winter/Spring 2013 31 efforts, and investment of an entire dialogue around this issue is important. community (National Commission on But even more important is the action Civic Investment in Public Education needed to create an educational system 2011; Warren 2005). that recognizes its limitations in solving all social inequalities, but does not shy SES reforms assume that technical away from what is possible within our solutions alone will not improve the school classrooms and walls. conditions and outcomes of school- ing. Effective solutions should involve By bringing together AISR, UCLA building social, cultural, and politi- IDEA, and NCTL, the Ford Founda- cal capital of impacted communities tion’s MBLT initiative is taking the (Hubbard & Stein 2006; Oakes et al. next step in a national strategy of 1998; Welner 2001). Working with making More and Better Learning the community is just as important as Time the new normal. This partner- working for the community. Ensur- ship of educational researchers seeks ing that the system leads to learning to document the existing work on the and development on a broad set of ground, policies in place and those positive outcomes, including but not being drafted, and a new pedagogi- limited to academic achievement, and cal approach to public education that developing indicators and measures leaves behind class time limitations that foster shared accountability across of the past and propels us into a new partner organizations and groups are twenty-first century education for all. important to an SES (Foley et al. 2008; There are many organizations, school Mishook 2012). Thus, all stakeholders districts, union leaders, educators, and in the education system must deal can- community leaders joining the effort to didly with cultural, racial, and political expand the amount and improve the factors and build the trust they need quality of learning time. The new na- to develop productive and equitable tional Time to Succeed coalition is one partnerships. example of the growing momentum.3 We recognize that there is no one solu- Other evidence that this idea is taking tion. Rather, a multitude of solutions hold is that the United States Depart- must be levied onto schools, espe- ment of Education requires expanded cially those located in areas of poverty, learning to be a component of reforms aimed at reducing the opportunity funded with federal School Improve- gap between affluent and non-affluent ment Grants, and it created a process families. Therefore, ecosystems that allowing states applying for ESEA successfully provide school resources waivers new opportunities to spend to reduce this gap must be documented federal money on expanded time. But and possibly replicated in other areas. as with any large policy, the devil is in It is an ecosystem that supports learn- the details – how expanded learning ing and development, with insiders and time will be developed and imple- outsiders working together to influence mented is being decided in schools and education reform. districts around the nation. THE viSiON gOiNg FORWARD The More and Better Learning Time initiative moves toward education eq- uity by recognizing that though we all 3 See www.timetosucceed.com and http://annenberginstitute.org/ value extended and improved learning commentary/2012/06/time-succeed- time, not all students have the resourc- coalition-making-expanded-learning-time- es to make it possible. The national priority. 32 Annenberg Institute for School Reform As an institute working to advance and parents should help shape, im- educational equity, we believe that plement, and monitor various details there are some core principles that of the reform along with traditional must be in place to ensure that the eq- school, afterschool, community, uity intent of expanded learning time business, and government leaders is met and sustained. engaged in creating the reform at the local, state, and national levels. • E quity must remain at the center of how expanded learning time is • T he reform must be comprehensive developed, transformed into policy, and integrated into the school to implemented, and sustained. The reach equity: this means all students promise of expanded learning time is attending a school must be included to bring needed educational resources in the high quality. to children in low-income communi- • S uccess must be defined and mea- ties and communities of color. sured on multiple dimensions • T eachers and high-quality teaching – increasing test scores is not the must be at the heart of this reform sole goal of the education system, – staggered schedules, collabora- nor should it be the sole goal of an tive work time, and data-informed expanded learning time reform. instruction are all examples. • T he goal of an expanded learning • T he additional time must be signifi- time reform should be creating rich, cant in amount and must be used to high-quality personalized education- restructure the entire school day. This al journeys for all students, especially reform cannot be limited to tacking in low-income communities of color. on a few minutes of more of the same We will know the reforms are suc- for some students – it means using ceeding when students in the nation’s time to shift the content and style of lowest-performing schools are grow- teaching, create new kinds of learn- ing academically, physically, and ing opportunities, and increase access psychologically and meet ambitious to and quality of learning. educational and career goals. • E xpanded learning time reforms need to engage the entire community within and outside of the school. Teachers, administrators, students, REFERENcES Alexander, K. L., D. R. Entwisle, and L. S. High-Need Secondary Students. Phila- Olson. 2007. “Lasting Consequences of the delphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania, Summer Learning Gap,” American Socio- School of Social Policy & Practice, Center logical Review 72:167–180. for High-Impact Philanthropy. Available for download at www.impact.upenn.edu/us- American Youth Policy Forum. 2006. Help- domestic-issues/view-teachingquality. ing Youth Succeed Through Out-of-School Time Programs. Washington, DC: AYP Foley, E., J. Mishook, J. Thompson, M. Ku- Forum. biak, J. Supovitz, and M. K. Rhude-Faust. Barrett, K., K. Hovde, Z. L. Hahn, and K. 2008. Beyond Test Scores: Leading Indica- Rosqueta. 2011. High-Impact Philanthropy tors for Education. Providence, RI: Brown to Improve Teaching Quality: Focus on University, Annenberg Institute for School Jaime L. Del Razo and Michelle Renée VUE Winter/Spring 2013 33 Reform. Available for download at http:// Wallace Foundation. 2008. A Place to annenberginstitute.org/publication/beyond- Grow and Learn: A Citywide Approach test-scores-leading-indicators-education. to Building and Sustaining Out-of-School Time Learning Opportunities. New York: Hubbard, L., H. Mehan, M. K. Stein. 2006. Wallace Foundation. Reform as Learning: When School Reform Collides with School Culture and Commu- Warren, M. 2005. “Communities and nity Politics. London, UK: Taylor & Francis. Schools: A New View of Urban Education Reform,” Harvard Educational Review 75, McAlister, S. 2013. Extended Learning no. 2:133. Time. New York: A+ NYC. Available for download at http://aplusnyc.org/extended- Welner, K. G. 2001. Legal Rights, Local learning-time. Wrongs: When Community Control Col- lides with Educational Equity. Albany, NY: Mishook, J. 2012. “College Readiness State University of New York Press. and Smart Education Systems,” Voices in Urban Education 35:42–52. Available for Wimer, C., S. M. Bouffard, P. Caronon- download at vue.annenberginstitute.org/ gan, E. Dearing, S. Simpkins, P.M.D. issues/35. Little, and H. Weiss. 2006. What Are Kids Getting into These Days? Demographic National Commission on Civic Investment Differences in Youth Out-of-School Time in Public Education. 2011. An Appeal to Participation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard All Americans. Washington, DC: Public Family Research Project. Available for Education Network. download at www.hfrp.org/publications- Oakes, J. 1989. “What Education Indica- resources/browse-our-publications/ tors? The Case for Assessing the School what-are-kids-getting-into-these-days- Context,” Educational Evaluation and demographic-differences-in-youth-out-of- Policy Analysis 11, no. 2:181–199. school-time-participation. Oakes, J., K. Welner, S. Yonezawa, and R. L. Allen. 1998. “Norms and Politics of Equity-Minded Change: Researching the ‘Zone of Mediation.’” In International Handbook of Educational Change, edited by A. Hargreaves, A. Lieberman, and D. W. Hopkins (vol. 1, pp. 952–975). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Shavelson, R. J., L. McDonnell, L., and J. Oakes. 1991. “What Are Educational Indicators and Indicator Systems?” Practi- cal Assessment, Research & Evaluation 2, no. 11. Simmons, W. 2007. “From Smart Districts to Smart Education Systems: A Broader Agenda for Educational Development.” In City Schools: How Districts and Communi- ties Can Create Smart Education Systems, edited by R. Rothman, pp. 181–204. Cam- bridge, MA: Harvard Education Press. 34 Annenberg Institute for School Reform

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