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Preview ERIC ED615515: From Detail to Context: Modeling Distributed Practice Intensity and Timing by Multiresolution Signal Analysis

From Detail to Context: Modeling Distributed Practice Intensity and Timing by Multiresolution Signal Analysis Cheng-Yu Chung I-Han Hsiao ComputerScience ComputerScience ArizonaStateUniversity ArizonaStateUniversity [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT out practice sessions [3]. The distributed practice effect suggests that students re- tain learning content better when they pace their practice Optimaldistributedpracticerequiresacombinationofboth over time. The key factors are practice dosage (intensity) theintensity andthetiming ofthepracticeevents. Inother and timing (when to practice and how in between). In- words, an expressive student model must capture the in- spired by the thriving development of image recognition, tensity of practice sessions spaced by different periods. Al- thisstudyadoptsoneofthesuccessfultechniques,multires- though the two features appear to be straightforward, it is olution analysis (MRA), to model distributed and spaced noteasytoincorporatetheminasequentialbehaviormodel. practice (SP). We consider a sequence of practice sessions Forexample,typicalsequenceanalysisorsequentialpattern as a signal of the student’s learning strategy. Then, we mining would expect discrete input data and extract com- apply the stationary wavelet transform (SWT) to extract mon patterns in the data according to the sequence sup- practice patterns spaced by three periods: small, medium, port (the number of occurrences). Finding a meaningful large. The result reveals a positive correlation between the andinterpretablethresholdisusuallyanad-hocprocessand small-spaced practice and the exam grade. The benchmark particularly challenging [4]. A great threshold value may against baseline feature models shows that the SP patterns increase the chance of losing detail, and a small value may significantly improve the goodness-of-fit and complements introduce more noises and miss the context. In the case of the baseline models. This work successfully demonstrates distributedpractice,whenthepracticesessionsarefarapart, 1)theuseofMRAinmodelingsequentialpatternsbyevent such a frequency-based approach will require more data to intensity and event timing; 2) the MRA approach can be ensure sufficient within- and between-sequences support for used as an alternative method to improve existing student a pattern of interest. To address this modeling challenge, models of practice effort. we are motivated to explore an alternative computational method to capture the detail as well as the context, which can capture both the intensity and the timing of events at Keywords the same time. distributed practice effect, testing effect, stationary wavelet transforms, signal multiresolution analysis, feature extrac- Werationalizethatastudent’spracticesessionsdistributed tion overatimelineresembleasignaltoher/hislearningprocess wherethestrengthoflearningisquantifiedastheincreasing 1. INTRODUCTION ordecreasingvaluesabouttheoccurrencesoftheunderlying Inthemidstofblendedanddistancelearningenvironments, events. Withthisdefinition,wecanutilizeasignalprocess- it is increasingly important for students to manage their ing tool to extract the structural variation which approxi- time efficiently. Numerous researchers have proposed and matesdistributedpracticepatterns. Inthiswork, weadopt developed various student models to capture how students the stationary wavelet transform (SWT) algorithm for this utilize their time during the learning process. The results purpose. SWT is a widely-used signal processing tool in an haveshownthatdistributedpracticeisasimplebuteffective application such as image pattern recognition. The algo- time-management strategy for learning [5]. Essentially, dis- rithmdecomposesaninputsignalintomultiplecomponents tributed practice comprises the testing and spacing effects, andrepresentstheoriginalsignalbyinformationatdifferent which suggest that the retention of information increases resolutions. Withtheemphasisonthestructure,webelieve when the learner practices retrieving it in multiple spaced- thatSWTwillallowustoovercomethechallengewherethe amount of sequential data may not be big enough to main- tain the sequence support. Additionally, applying SWT as afeatureextractionmethodalsoallowsustoexaminestruc- tural nuances in behavior sequences. Cheng-YuChungandI-HanHsiao“FromDetailtoContext:ModelingDis- tributedPracticeIntensityandTimingbyMultiresolutionSignalAnalysis”. 2021.In:ProceedingsofThe14thInternationalConferenceonEducational 2. RELATEDWORK Data Mining (EDM21). International Educational Data Mining Society, 540-546.https://educationaldatamining.org/edm2021/ 2.1 SequenceAnalysisinEducationalData EDM’21June29-July022021,Paris,France Mining 540 Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021) Abehaviorsequence isachronicleofanactivity. Itdescribes a collection of events, and the order of them is meaningful. We can choose different features to characterize such a se- quence, e.g., types of events, arrangements of events, time gaps between events. The features directly affect what we can find out from the analysis. Sequence analysis, in gen- eral, can refer to any data model that involves a kind of behavior sequences its characterization. Extensive research Figure 1: The Decomposition of Multiresolution Analysis. inEDMhasbeenusingbehaviorsequenceanalysistomodel Theprocessconsistsoftwofilters: thehigh-passfilterHand students’ development of knowledge or skills. the low-pass filter G. They iteratively extract the detail sig- nalandtheapproximationsignalattheresolution2j fromthe The most intuitive approach is sequential pattern mining, inputsignalf(x)untilamaximumlevelL. Wecanassociate whichaimstodiscoverrepeatedstringpatterns,alignments, theinterpretationofthedetailsignaltotheunderlyingtime or the very next possible items [11]. For example, Gitin- scale. For example, say the sampling rate of the input signal abard et al. characterize behavior sequences by students’ is1. Thedetailsignalatlevel1(acoarserlevel)denotesthe interactionswithonlinetools[7]. Theymaptheinteraction informationfromthefrequencyband[1/2,1/4]. sequences to study habits and use sequence patterns to dif- ferentiatethehigh-performingandlow-performingstudents. Dermy and Brun argue that the time interval is the key to wavelet transforms, which fit in the scope of this research. modelstudents’activities[4]. Theycharacterizebehaviorse- quences by time intervals between events and formalize the Themultiresolutionanalysis(MRA)isahierarchicalframe- temporal information in sequential pattern mining. Their work that describes how to decompose a signal from fine experiment suggests a strong correlation between the stu- to coarse levels [12]. The decomposition consists of a high- dents’ activities and the time information. pass filter (H) and a low-pass filter (G). They are a pair of quadraturemirrorfiltersandhavethefollowingrelationship: One research gap we notice is that most of the reviewed g(n) = (−1)1−nh(1−n) [12]. The high-pass filter extracts worksfocusonthebehaviorsequencesatasingletimescale. impulses,andmeanwhile,thelow-passoneretainstheother Forexample,foragivenbehaviorsequencee ,e ,...,e where 1 2 t information. ThisprocessisalsoknownasDiscreteWavelet e isaneventthatoccursattimei. Atypicalsequenceanaly- i Transform(DWT).Byconvolution(∗),thefilteringprocess sisfocusesontherelationshipofadjacenteventse ,e ,e j−1 j j+1 iteratively produces series of detail signals (D f(x)) and where j ∈ 1,...,t. Since the step size is 1, sometimes such 2j approximation signals (A f(x)) for the input signal f(x): a sequence is called 1-sequence. Following this setting, a 2j pattern must be a consecutive 1-sequences that meets pre- defined criteria, e.g., the support. One limitation of 1- sequencesisthattheycannotcaptureaninconsecutiveevent. D2jf =(f(u)∗ψ2j(−u))(2−jn) (1) Such an inconsecutive event can provide a coarser view of thebehaviorsequence,thereforethecontext. Indeed,wecan A2jf =(f(u)∗φ2j(−u))(2−jn) (2) trytoincreasethestepsizetohave2-sequences,3-sequences, or k-sequences where k ∈ Z. Nonetheless, the increment of where n ∈ Z. The high-pass and low-pass filters rely on a step size inevitably reduces the number of k-sequences we wavelet function (ψ) and a scaling function (φ) that trans- can find in a dataset. This situation may exclude potential late and scale the input signal at different resolutions, re- sequences of interest due to the threshold of the support spectively. We illustrate the whole filtering process in Fig- or the shortage of data. To tackle this challenge, we inves- ure 1 for reference. See [2] and [12] for more details about tigate an alternative model that focuses on the structural the math properties of the wavelet function and the scaling information of behavior sequences. function. 3. MULTIRESOLUTION SIGNAL ANALY- 3.1 AnalyzingDistributedPracticeviaSignals SIS Inthisstudy,wefocusonthepracticalimplicationofMRA In pattern recognition, the information of a given object and illustrate how it can help identify students’ distributed usually is determined by the variations of signal intensity. practice patterns. Students, especially those in an online For example, we can recognize a building as a building in learning or a blended learning environment, usually have an image because the distinct contours and shapes are for- greaterflexibilityinself-pacingtheirstudies. Inotherwords, mulatedbytheiruniquesignalvaluesequencesanddifferent they can watch the lecture videos and practice quiz ques- from the other objects. Such signal features are essentially tions anytime at their convenience. This nature makes it sequences of values (sets of numbers) where a variation of challenging to analyze their behaviors on the timeline. intensity could suggest a potential event of interest, e.g., a change of shapes or colors. However, because the objects Forexample,inscenarioA,whenasemesteristwotothree to analyze may have different shapes and sizes, the feature months long, we may find out that the students’ practice extractionmustconsider“howfaraway”aneventisfromits sessions are sparse and do not follow one unified schedule. neighborhood to recognize the objects’ structures at mul- This makes the time of sessions less discriminating in find- tiple resolutions. The field of computer vision and signal ing common behavioral patterns. Thus, the researcher may processing have developed various methods to address this choose to ignore the time feature. An alternative approach challenge. One of which is the multiresolution analysis and (scenario B) is aggregating the practice sessions by a priori Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021) 541 assumption (e.g., students always study on a week-by-week An online practice platform was introduced to the students basisorrightbeforeadeadline). However,alltheaboveap- atthebeginningandavailablethroughoutthesemester. On proachesmayinevitablylosesomedetailabouthowexactly the platform, students could take multiple-choice questions the students utilize their schedules, either missing discrim- topracticeandreviewtheclasscontent. Foranygivenprac- inating patterns over time (scenario A) or limited to those tice question, the students had unlimited chances to retry; strictly abiding by the class-paced schedule (scenario B). for any attempt, the corrective feedback (correct answer) would be provided upon submission. The questions served Tomodelstudents’distributedpracticebehaviorovertime, likeso-called“tasks”inthecontextoftutoringsystems[16]. his/herbehaviorcanbedenotedasasequenceoftheevents, Each of the tasks aims to help the student master some f with T discrete time steps: f = {e ,e ,...,e } where e knowledge(orembeddedknowledgecomponents). However, 1 2 T i for 1 ≤ i ≤ T can be any activity event of our interest. the practice activity is different from working with assign- A student distributes his/her practice sessions at different ments: there is no“hard deadline”by which the students rates or frequencies according to his/her preferences, path, must complete the practice questions. The students can orpace. Thisrepresentationislikeasignalandenablesthe practice on the platform as a kind of self-assessment [13]. feasibility to apply a signal processing algorithm. In other words, the activity is“self-paced”[18] and aligned withtheactionsofreviewingslides,takingquizzes,orother Similartothepatternrecognitionincomputervision,astu- practices that students can do for their benefit whenever dent’s practice sessions are like the shapes and colors that they want. may evolve according to the sequences of signals. The ses- sions may have different sizes, i.e., time gaps between any Thestudents’practiceactivitieswereloggedastransactions two sessions. In other words, we aim to extract distributed of events, including the timestamps, the questions, and the spaced practice (SP) that are subsets of the input behavior correctness of the attempts. We processedandtransformed sequence: SP ⊆ f where k ∈ N and any two consecutive thedataintosequencesofdailypracticeintensity. Here,the k event items {e ,e }⊂SP are spaced by k time steps. Fol- term “intensity” refers to the number of unique questions i j k lowing this idea, MRA is used to extract such a“feature” solved by a student. Each day is assumed to be a complete from sequences of practice sessions, and thereby interpret practice session. The sequence of daily intensity thereby the output as distributed practice patterns. For a practice resembles a discrete-time signal sampled at a constant rate signalatsamplingrate=1/day,theoutputsignalscanrep- equalto1sampleperday. Weexcludedsomestudents’data resent the information at coarser rates, e.g., 1 per 4 days fromtheanalysisduetolowusage(thosewhoonlyhadonly and 1 per 8 days. onepracticesessionthroughoutthesemester). Anoverview of the datasets is described in Table 1. 3.2 StationaryWaveletTransform The output of DWT are signals that represent information Inthisstudy,theexamlettergradeisusedasthestudents’ at different resolutions (or frequencies). The typical imple- learning performance index. The exam letter grade ranges mentationof DWTkeepsdownsamplingthe input signalto from A (M ≥ 90), B (80 ≤ M < 90), to C/D/F (M < 80) obtainthedetailsignalandtheapproximationsignalateach where M is the raw average of three exam scores. resolution [12]. Therefore, the transform is time-variant. Thedetailsignalatonelevelisahalfshorterthantheoneat 5. REPRESENTINGDISTRIBUTEDPRAC- thepreviouslevel. Thispropertymaycauseamisalignment TICEBYSWTSIGNALS intime/frequency,whichwillmakethedecompositiongener- Thereareseveralparametersrequiredforourmodelpipeline: atefewerfeaturevaluesforanalysis. Inthisstudy,wefollow the wavelet for SWT, the padding scheme, the maximum analternativeimplementationofMRA,StationaryWavelet decompositionlevel,andthepenaltyofchangepointdetec- Transform (SWT), which is time-invariant. SWT replaces tion. The Haar wavelet is adopted in the SWT algorithm thedownsamplingbyupsamplingateachstep[6]. Research implementation,duetothesimplestformofwavelet[14]. It has shown that SWT can improve the approximation and creates a shape like a step function that produces 1, 0, and a preferred approach for applications like breakdown point -1, following the formula detection and denoising [1]. 4. DATASETS  Toevaluatethemethod,weusetwosemesters’datasetsfrom 1 if 0≤x< 12 the same undergraduate class offered in a four-year univer- ψ(x)= −1 if 1 ≤x<1 (3) 2 sityintheUnitedStates: Spring2018(SP18)andFall2018 0 otherwise (FA18). Bothsessionslastedabout3-month. Theclasswas a typical lecture-style in-person class with weekly assign- ments and monthly exams. The two sessions were prac- This property makes it a good option for detecting edges tically identical, having exactly the same syllabus, same (e.g., sudden signal transitions or changes) [17] in discrete instructor, same teaching assistants, except for minor ad- signals like the datasets in this study. The implementation justments to the exam questions. Note most students in ofSWTusedinthisstudyrequiresthelengthofinputtobe FA18sharedasimilarbackgroundinengineeringbecausethe amultipleof2LwhereListhemaximumnumberoflevelsto classwasarequiredclassforfirst-yearengineeringstudents. decompose [9]. To meet this requirement, we preprocessed In SP18, there were more students from non-engineering all input sequences by adding a prefix of zeros. In our ex- schools, which resulted in much more diverse student back- periment, we found that the SWT signals at L > 3 did not ground. work. Itwaslikelyduetoshortinputsequences. Therefore, 542 Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021) Dataset # of Students # of Included Max Length of Sequence (Days) # of Questions M (SD) of Intensity SP18 121 76 (63%) 93 96 0.26 (0.36) FA18 200 67 (34%) 82 95 0.32 (0.49) Table1: StatisticsoftheTwoDatasets Figure 2: The SWT Signals in the SP18 Dataset. From left to right, the SWT signals D1, D2, D3 capture practice sessions in theperiodbands[2d,4d],[4d,8d],and[8d,16],small-,medium-andlargely-spacedrespectively. Thesesignalscapturepractice sessions spaced by different periods. From D1 (more detail) to D3 (more context), we can see the focus gradually spreads out whenthelevelincreases. Forreadability,theplotexcludespracticesequencesnothavinganychangepointsintheSWTsignals. wesetL=3inourexperiment. OncetheSWTalgorithmis patterns,weusethenumberofchangepointsasthefeature built,weappliedthechangepointdetectionalgorithmwith to represent the information from the three SWT signals. thepenalty=0.5tosearchforsuddenchangesintheSWT signals[8]. Wedecidedonthispenaltyvaluebymaximizing For readability, we use the lower bound of the frequency thegroupdifference(Section5.2)andthegoodness-of-fitof band to denote the spaced practice patterns. We call the regression(Section6.2). Theexperimentprogramanddata practicepatternsfoundintheD1,D2,D3signals2SP (2-day are available at the link for future work1. spaced practice), 4SP, and 8SP patterns, respectively. For reference,theinputdailypracticesessionsarecalled1SP.In theSP18dataset,themeans(M)/standarddeviation(SD) 5.1 CharacteristicsofSWTSignals fromthethreelevelsare2SP=1.83/2.68,4SP=1.79/2.63, The SWT algorithm decomposes the input signal by multi- and 8SP = 1.75/2.63. In the FA18 dataset, the values are level filtering. Filtering at a level k extracts information at 2SP = 1.12/2.29, 4SP =1.27/2.14, and 8SP = 1.37/2.30. thefrequencyband[1/2kf,1/2k+1f]wherefisthesampling rate of the input. In our datasets, because the sampling 5.2 MarginalRelationshipofSpacedPatterns rate is 1 sample per day (1 cycle per day), the three de- withExamGrades composition levels (Dk where k = 1,2,3) filter the input in thefrequencybands[1/2,1/4],[1/4,1/8],and[1/8,1/16]. In We analyzed the relationships between the practice pat- other words, the algorithm filters the input into the period terns and student grades by the marginal distribution. The (thedurationoftimeofonecycle)bandsD1=[2(d)ays,4d], Kruskal-WalliesH-testwasappliedtotestifthegroupshad D2=[4d, 8d],andD3=[8d, 16d]. Wemapthesethreebands the same population median (Figure 3). The method was to small-spaced, medium-spaced, and largely-spaced prac- selected because the sample size was small, and therefore ticepatterns,respectively. Followingthisinterpretation,we the sample might not follow the normal distribution. The expect the SWT signals to identify students’ practice ses- results showed that there was only 2SP that appeared to sionsspacedbydifferentperiods. Forexample,D1caniden- be significant for both datasets (SP18: H=8.89, p=0.01; tify sessions spaced by 2 to 4 days, which are small-spaced FA18: H=7.95, p=0.02). The visualization of the distri- practice. bution showed that in SP18 A students had a higher 2SP (M = 3.12, SD = 3.11) than C (M = 1.50, SD = 2.32) and To further illustrate this characteristic, Figure 2 demon- B (M = 0.72, SD = 1.79); in FA18, the B students had a strates what the algorithm found in the SP18 dataset. The higher value (M = 2.17, SD = 3.05) than A (M = 0.62, SD visualizationshowstheSWTsignalsatthethreelevels. We = 1.50) and C (M = 0.41, SD = 1.14). can see that D1 highlights small-spaced practice sessions. TheD2andD3signalsspreadtheirfocusand“blur”these- There are more spaced patterns discovered for B students quences not fitting their period bands. Note, there may be in FA18 but not A students, which suggests there could redundancyintheinformationcapturedbydifferentcompo- be other factors in the correlation of their practice with nents. For example, an input sequence having meaningful even higher exam grades. For example, engineering and change points in D3 can also have ones in D1. Overall, non-engineering students may have/need different practice the information about practice sessions at different levels strategiesadaptedtotheirlearningconditions. Despitethis provides an insight into how the students distribute their slightdifferenceacrossthetwosemesters,ifwefocusonthe practice over time. In our analysis of distributed practice difference between the higher-performing students (A/B) andtheC/D/Fones,theresultconsistentlysuggestsaposi- 1https://github.com/rickchung/edm21-msa tivecorrelationbetweenexamgradesandsmall-spacedprac- Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021) 543 Figure3: MarginalDistributionoftheSPpatternsfrom the ThreeGradeGroups. TheKruskal-WalliesH-testfoundthat only 2SP was significant in both datasets. The result consis- tentlyshowedthathigher-performingstudents(AinSP18or B in FA18) had more small-spaced practice than the C/D/F onesinSP18andFA18. Figure 4: The Standardized Values (Means) and the Inter- actions of the Basic and Experiment Features. The plot groups the features into intensity and timing according to tice. theirfunctions. They-axisshowsthestandardizedvalues(by (X −M )/SD in each feature category X) for between- X X 5.3 Quantifying the Schedule of Distributed features comparison. The vertical dashed lines separate the Practice basicandexperimentfeatures. TheAstudentsinSP18have the highest TotalIntensity. On the contrary, the B students WehaveseenhowtheSPpatternscanhelpidentifypractice in FA18 have the highest TotalIntensity. Although the basic spacedbydifferentperiods. However,thisfeaturealonedoes featuressomehowcorrelatewiththeexperimentfeatures,we not depict the entire picture of distributed practice strate- can find more discriminating differences in the experiment gies. Another key factor in the distributed practice effect is spaced-practicepatterns. thetimingofpractice. Wedevelopanindextoquantifythe skewness in practice schedules and investigate its correla- tiontoexamgrades. Onesimplemeasureoftheskewnessis First, the C/D/F students from SP18 do not have better thelag time. Wecanusethelag time betweentheoccasion performance,eventhoughtheyputeffortsintopracticejust of a practice session and a specific event of interest (e.g., likethebetterperformingstudentsdo(Astudents). Second, exam dates, assignment deadlines) to model the schedule inFA18,theanalysisdoesnotexplainthepracticestrategy skewness. Due to programming is inherently accumulative, of the A students. They achieve a good grade but do not a later exam covers the content from all the previous ex- show significantly more SP. These cases suggest that there ams, we cannot assert that a practice session only affects could be other factors in the distributed practice effects. the upcoming exam. Considering this case, we focus on the time lag since the beginning of the semester. Specifically, Followingthisidea,wetrytousemultivariateanalysisthat for anSWTsignal atleveli, D , we cancompute the lagof i includes experiment SWT features and commonly-used ba- days between the start of the semester and the occurrences sic features. The basic set comprises the following. For of change points. Then, we can transform a practice se- quence into a sequence of lags {TDi,TDi,TDi,...,TDi}. To the practice intensity, we use the total number of questions 1 2 3 n solved (TotalIntensity) and the total number of daily prac- know where on the timeline the student has more practice, wecomputethesample mean, µDi. Thenumber, therefore, tice sessions (1SP). For the practice schedule, we use the T standard deviation of the daily intensity (SDIntensity) and represents how far the schedule is away from the beginning theSSofdailypracticesessions(1SS).Forreference,weplot of the semester. We further divide the number by the total thestandardizedvaluesofthefeaturesinFigure4. Thefig- number of days (N ) in the semester for interpretation. day ureshowsthatalthoughthebasicfeaturescorrelatewiththe The equation of the schedule skewness is defined as experiment features, we can potentially find more discrim- inating difference in the spaced practice patterns between the grade groups. µDi SS = T (4) N days 6.1 Assessing the Marginal Effects by Multi- nominalLogitRegression Whenastudenthasallhis/herpracticesessionsearlyinthe Tounderstandtherelationshipbetweenmultiplefeatureand semester,SSwillbeclosetozero. Ifs/hehasmorepractice examgrades,weusethemultinominallogisticregressionand sessions over the middle of the semester, SS will be some investigate the marginal effects of the feature values. The valueover0.5. Wecanapplytheformulatotheinputsignal multinominal logistic regression (MLogit) is a generalized (1SS)andtheSWTsignals(2SS,4SS,8SS).Theresultwill version of the logistic regression for multiclass classification indicate the schedule of different spaced-practice patterns. problems[15]. WecanuseMLogitwhenthedependentvari- able in a query is nominal (categorical) and has more than 6. MIXED PRACTICE EFFECTS IN MUL- two possible categories. The setup of MLogit is similar to TIVARIATEANALYSIS the logistic regression. We assume a linear relationship be- Adistributedpracticestrategyismultifaceted. Theunivari- tween the independent variables (predictors), X, and the ate analysis is insufficient because it does not consider the dependent variable (response), Y, and model the probabil- confounding variables. There are two cases remain unclear. ity of the Y ∈{y ,...,y } by the logistic function (sigmoid) 1 k 544 Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021) and k-1 sets of weights (w for the label y ): Partoftheresultissimilartotheanalysisofmarginaldistri- k k bution. In SP18, an increase of small-spaced practice adds to the likelihood of A. In FA18, the same effect works for exp(w +(cid:80) w X ) B. It is worth noting an additional finding in MEnsemble P(Y =yk|X =X1,...,Xn)= 1+(cid:80) exkp0(w +i (cid:80)kiwi X ) from SP18. When we control the intensity and SS, the j j0 i ji i model shows two extra significant predictors for the grade (5) C/D/F: 4SS and 8SS. The marginal effect suggests that an increase/decreasein4SS/8SSaddsto/reducesthelikelihood We can obtain the prediction by picking up the class with of C. Since an increase in SS means the schedule becomes thehighestprobability. ThemainadvantageofMLogitover later in the semester, these two findings somewhat suggest otherclassificationtechniquesistheinterpretability. Wecan the same thing: students who practice early and space the explainthecontributionofindividualfeaturestotheoutput practice largely are less likely to obtain C/D/F. probability (dx/dy) similar to the linear regression [15]. In the analysis, we set Y as the grade groups (A, B, C/D/E) It is also worth noting that the one in FA18 improves the and examine the marginal effects with respect to X when most from the best experiment model and reaches R2 = the model fits different sets of predictors. 0.23. When predicting the A students, the model shows 1SS(dy/dx=1.01,p=0.00)andthetotalintensity(dy/dx 6.2 ComparingAlternativeModels =-0.02,p=0.04)aresignificantpredictors;whenthemodel predictstheCstudents,1SSistheonlysignificantly-negative To understand the capability and limitation of the SWT predictor (dy/dx = -0.90, p = 0.01). We do not find the model of distributed practice, we use MLogit to fit various same effect in any of the baseline models. The result com- baselineandexperimentfeaturesets. Afterward,webench- plements a missing part of our analysis about the A and C markthequalityofthesemodelsbythegoodness-of-fit. Due students’ practice strategies in FA18. It suggests that an to MLogit does not use the standard R2, we use the mea- increase in 1SS adds to the likelihood of A. Conversely, the sure of the goodness-of-fit by McFadden’s pseudo R2 [10]. same increase reduces the one of C/D/F. In other words, McFadden’s pseudo R2 uses the formula more early or late practices in the semester may reduce or improve the probability of C/D/F or A, respectively. R2 =1− lnL(Mfull) (6) 7. CONCLUSIONS lnL(Mintercept) Students’practicebehaviorischallengingtomodelbecause they can practice anytime and do not necessarily follow a where L is the estimated likelihood. A small ratio of the unified schedule. This study aims to build such a feature two log-likelihoods (or a large McFadden’s pseudo R2) sug- model that can help researchers describe the distributed geststhatthefullmodelisbetterthantheinterceptmodel. practice behavior. We adopted the method from multireso- We can use this measure to benchmark one model against lution analysis to extract patterns of our distributed prac- another if they fit the same data. tices, focusing on two factors in the distributed practice ef- fect: intensity and timing. In the experiment, we applied Wecomparedtheexperimentandalternativebaselinemod- the MRA model and extracted features that could repre- els. The result showed that none of the baseline models sent practices spaced by different periods, including small werecompetitivewitheventhesimplestSWTmodel(using (2-4days),medium(4-8days),andlarge(8-16days). These only 2SP, 4SP, 8SP). The best baseline model (M ) three kinds of practice patterns were analyzed to explain BaseAll used all the baseline variables and achieved R2 = 0.04 in their correlation to the exam grades. We found that stu- SP18 and R2 = 0.07 in FA18. The simplest SWT model dents who practiced early and spaced the practice by the (M ) achieved R2 = 0.07 in SP18 and R2 = 0.09 in smallandlargeperiodsweremorelikelytogetahighergrade ExpDose FA18. The best experiment model (M ) used all the than C/D/F. Also, the students having more small-spaced ExpAll SWT variables and achieved R2 = 0.12 in both SP18 and practicesthroughoutthesemester(i.e.,practicingmoreper- FA18. Using all the baseline and experiment variables, the sistently)weremorelikelytogetbetterexamgrades. Addi- ensemble model (M ) unsurprisingly outperformed tionally,theMRAmodelwasbenchmarkedagainstbaseline Ensemble alltheothermodelsandachievedR2 =0.13andR2 =0.23 models. The result showed that the MRA model not only in SP18 and FA18, respectively. achieved a better goodness-of-fit than the baselines when working alone, but it could complement a baseline model and achieve better performance. 6.3 MarginalEffectsintheRegression Models 8. REFERENCES In SP18, M found 2SP was a significantly-positive [1] R. R. Coifman and D. L. Donoho. ExpDose predictor for the A students (dx/dy = 0.07, p = 0.01). Translation-Invariant De-Noising. Wavelets and M also found that 2SP was a significant predictor Statistics, pages 125–150, 1995. ExpAll for the A students (dx/dy = 0.10, p = 0.00). Besides, it [2] I. Daubechies. Ten Lectures on Wavelets. Society for found4SSand8SSweresignificantfortheC/D/Fstudents Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1 1992. (dx/dy=2.55,p=0.02;dx/dy=-2.58,p=0.03). InFA18, [3] P. F. Delaney, P. P. Verkoeijen, and A. Spirgel. 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