Combining Cognitive and Machine Learning Models to Mine CPR Training Histories for Personalized Predictions Florian Sense Michael Krusmark Joshua Fiechter InfiniteTactics,LLC L3HarrisTechnologies BallAerospace Dayton,OH,USA Melbourne,FL,USA Dayton,OH,USA [email protected] jfi[email protected] Michael G. Collins Lauren Sanderson & Tiffany Jastrzembski ORISEatAFRL Joshua Onia AirForceResearchLaboratory Dayton,OH,USA RQIPartners,LLC Dayton,OH,USA [email protected] Dallas,TX,USA tiff[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a foundational life- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a basic life-saving saving skill for which medical personnel are expected to skillbutithasbeenshownthatmedicalprofessionalsarenot be proficient. Frequent refresher training is needed to pre- able to perform it consistently [1]. To remedy this shortfall, vent the involved skills from decaying. Regular low-dose, several improvements to skill acquisition and maintenance high-frequencytrainingforstaffatfixedintervalshasproven programshavebeenproposed[6]. Onedimensionoftheshift successfulatmaintainingCPRcompetencebutdoesnottake ineducationalfocus[5]emphasizesincreasedre(training)effi- into account inherent performance variability across learn- ciency by moving towards personalized, adaptive scheduling. ers. Tailoring refreshers to an individual’s past performance The current work aims to facilitate this development. would minimize personnel being trained too (in)frequently andwouldensurefasterknowledgeacquisitionfornewlearn- Currently, as in many domains, refresher trainings at fixed ers. To maximize the benefits of individualized schedules, intervals (i.e., regular and the same for everyone) are re- learning needs gleaned from past training history need to quired to maintain CPR compliance. A recent effort [14, 18] be identified. A recent field study conducted among nursing has shown that a cognitive model representing regularities students showed that a cognitive model-based approach was of memory can be leveraged to devise personalized train- abletosuccessfullytracetheknowledgeacquisitionanddecay ing schedules that maintain proficiency at lower cost and of learners and prescriptively devise personalized training risk. This effort will be referred to as the CPR field study regimes that outperformed fixed schedules with regards to throughout the current text, and the data collected during both training efficiency and learners’ performance. Here, we thisexperiment(seesections2.1and2.2fordetails)willform reportapost-hocanalysisofthecollecteddatatoinvestigate the bedrock on which the efforts presented here will build. whether an alternative modeling approach, blending cogni- tive modeling and machine learning, could have resulted in Specifically, we conducted a post-hoc simulation study of even higher quality predictions. Our results reveal modest the CPR field study data to explore whether the cognitive improvementsinpredictiveaccuracyforensemblemodels,in model’s predictions could be enhanced by combining it with which machine learning models predict the prediction errors machine learning (ML) models that can leverage additional (i.e., residuals) of the standalone cognitive model. These informationtoimprovepredictiveaccuracy. Thecombination promisingfindingsrevealstrongappliedutilityforfutureuse of the two modeling approaches is achieved by fitting the in domains where sustained proficiency is a requirement. modelssequentially,forminganensemblemodelinwhichthe cognitive model’s residuals are learned by the ML models. We show that their combined predictions afford a modest Keywords improvementoverthecognitivemodelbyitselfandareprefer- Predictive modeling; Cognitive model; Machine learning; able to using the ML models by themselves. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Learning Modern CPR training is an interesting educational data mining domain and modeling task because trainings are con- ductedonadvancedmanikinsequippedwithanarrayofsen- Florian Sense, Michael Krusmark, Joshua Fiechter, Michael G. Collins, sorsthatquantifyvariousaspectsofastudent’sperformance Lauren Sanderson, Joshua Onia and Tiffany Jastrzembski “Combin- against objective performance guidelines [16]. Consequently, ing Cognitive and Machine Learning Models to Mine CPR Train- ing Histories for Personalized Predictions”. 2021. In: Proceed- large amounts of high-resolution data are readily collected ings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Min- for a given event. The challenge is that events are usually ing (EDM21). International Educational Data Mining Society, 415-421. spacedmonthsapart,whichprovidesasparsesamplingspace for knowledge tracing. Consequently, it is difficult to make EDM’21June29-July022021,Paris,France precise predictions. However, given quality CPR’s central Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021) 415 roleinthe“chainofsurvival”[6,5],evensmallimprovements Training ML ML alone in predictive accuracy can conceivably have large real-life data N = 4 impacts—especially if predictive models can identify those PPE 4 models PPE+ML up to N = 20 most in need of more frequent refresher trainings and help Session i 5 variants PPE alone them to maintain compliance. N = 5 Figure1: Schematicofthevariouspredictivemodels. Generally speaking, the fields of cognitive science and ma- chine learning have approached the computational modeling of a task like CPR skill acquisition and maintenance with session, students completeda series of CPR events using the differentmindsets[24]. Specifically,cognitivemodelsprimar- Resuscitation Quality Improvement (RQI®) system with ily focus on explaining the mechanisms that drive individual Laerdal’s Resusci Anne® adult QCPR manikin. differences; machine learning models primarily focus on out- of-sample prediction. Aiming to combine the best of both First, students completed a pre-test consisting of 60 com- approaches, we engineered a pipeline of predictive models: pressions or 12 bag-mask ventilations with no feedback from First, a cognitive model that was specifically developed as a the manikin, followed by trainings where students received prescriptivetool[13]isfittothetrainingdata,whichresults real-time, dynamic feedback to guide, and then post-tests in residuals that indicate which instances are fit poorly by with no feedback. RQI provides composite scores for the the cognitive model. Next, a ML model is fit to those resid- qualityofcompressionsandventilationsonscalesof0to100, uals, effectively learning to fine-tune the cognitive model’s withhigherscorescorrespondingtobetterperformance. The predictions. We show that such an ensemble approach can compression score is based on depth, rate, release, and hand provide improvements in predictive accuracy without sacri- placement. The ventilation score is based on volume, rate, ficing interpretability, which is important to retain so that and compliance with inspiration time. the model’s personalized prescriptions are fully explainable. With an eye on advancing predictive tools in the domain Prior to the onset of the study, participants completed a of CPR training, our core motivation is to assess whether demographic questionnaire. Of the 475 participants that alternative predictive approaches could have yielded better began the study, we included in our study the 393 that result in the CPR field study, so that insights gained can be completedtheinitialacquisitionphase. Duetothevariations leveraged in future applied settings. inretrainingschedulesacrossthemaintenancephase,notall students completed the same number of sessions. We focus 1.1 Thecurrentstudy here on data from the first through the eighth session since Here,wewillusetheexactversionofthecognitivemodelthat the majority of students completed 8 sessions. was used in the CPR field study as a yardstick to determine: (I)Howwellwouldalternativeinstantiationsofthecognitive modelhaveperformed?,(II)Wouldanumberofoff-the-shelf 2.2 Inputfeatures ML approaches have yielded superior predictions than the This section describes all information available in the“train- cognitive model?, and (III) Could ML models be used to ing data”box of Figure 1. As sessions progress, the number learn the prediction error of the cognitive model? ofavailabletraininginstancesgrowsbutthenumberofinput features is constant. Using the color-coded arrows in Fig- We believe the last question is the most pertinent. How- ure 1 to categorize them, these features are detailed in the ever, the combined approach should be compared to the ap- following and the labels correspond to those in Figure 4A. proachesthatonlyuseeitherofthetwomodelingapproaches in isolation to ascertain whether it has any benefit. Gray arrow in Figure 1: time/lag: An event’s timestamp expressed as the number of seconds since the first/previous 2. METHODS recorded event; score: The composite performance score recorded for each event. Thissectionwilloutlinethedataweusedforourexploration, theinputfeaturesthatareavailableinthedata,thepredictive WhitearrowinFigure1: compvent: Doestherecordedevent model we employed, and the setup of the simulation study correspond to performing compressions or ventilations?; ac- we conducted to address our research questions. Figure 1 qint and maintint: What acquisition-maintenance interval provides a schematic overview of the approach and its parts combination was this user assigned to? Together, these de- and connections are going to be explained in the following. fine the 12 experimental conditions (see previous section for detail) that the condition PPE variant is based on; session: 2.1 Data Session counter 1 through 8; pretrnpst: Was this a pre- Datawerefromamulti-phased,longitudinalstudyconducted test, training, or post-test?; site, age, gender, height, and at 10 nursing schools across the United States [18]. A to- weight: Demographic information associated with each user tal of 475 nursing students started the study. Participants (time-invariant). There were ten sites/locations and other were randomly assigned to 4 initial acquisition conditions information was coded in years, male/female, inches, and where they completed 4 consecutive CPR training sessions pounds, respectively; profile: We reduced the unique user that were spaced by 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, or 3 months. IDs to a low-dimensional set of performance profiles. This Students were additionally randomized to 3 maintenance approach was inspired by earlier work [2, 23] that showed training conditions where they refreshed their skills for 1 a small number of descriptive profiles could be obtained by year at intervals of 3 months, 6 months, or at personalized performing k-means clustering [9]. Here, we used k = 4, intervals prescribed by the cognitive model. During each and re-partitioned the training data on each iteration of the 416 Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021) simulation. Specifically,onlypre-testscoresacrossbothskills nance intervals), skill (compressions and ventilations), user, were taken into account. or user’s performance profile. By exploring these different groupingsforwhichasetofuniqueparametersareestimated, YellowarrowinFigure1: decay rateandmodel time: The we evaluate the trade-space between model flexibility and two PPE terms computed when fitting PPE (see section predictive accuracy, and how this interacts with the amount 2.3.1)arepassedtotheMLmodels;residual: Thedifference of data available for fitting the models. between PPE’s fit and score. 2.3.2 Machinelearningmodels The three rightmost arrows indicate the predictions that We used four different machine learning models. Depending are made, emphasizing that the PPE+ML ensemble models on the approach, these were either trained to predict the (purple) uses boththe cognitive (blue)andmachine learning score (red arrow in Figure 1) or PPE’s residuals (purple (red) models. Next, we outline which ML models were used arrow in Figure 1). For either task, all models had access to and how the five PPE variants were fit to the data. all input features outlined in section 2.2 (also see x-axis of Figure 4A). All models were run with the default settings of 2.3 Predictivemodels the cited R packages [21]. As noted in Figure 1, there are a total of 29 models. Here, we describe the PPE and ML models that make up the As the simplest model, we fit a single decision tree to the PPE alone/ML alone predictions. The remaining majority scores/residuals. Eachtreewasprunedthrough10-foldcross of models are based on combining the PPE+ML models by validation—as implemented in [22]—to avoid overfitting. In first fitting the PPE as described below and subsequently mostcases,thisresultedinveryshallowtreesandsometimes computing the PPE’s residuals in the training data and even single node“stumps.”Hence, the decision trees can be training the ML model to predict those. The PPE+ML thought of as baseline models. predictions can thus be thought of PPE predictions that were fine-tuned by a given ML model. The most complex model was a randomforest [4], which is an ensemble of decision trees. Using the default settings in 2.3.1 Predictiveperformanceequation(PPE) [15], we used both bagging and random feature sub-setting togrowaforestof500trees. Arecentcomparisonofgradient The PPE is a set of nested mathematical equations that boostingalgorithmsincludedrandomforestsasacomparison capturefindingsinthecognitivescienceliteratureassociated and nicely showed that they perform very well on a range withthetemporaldynamicsofhumanlearningandforgetting of ML tasks and have the added benefit of not requiring [26]. These include the power law of learning, the power law hyperparameter tuning [3]. The disadvantage of random offorgetting,thespacingeffect,andeffectsofrelearning. Two forests—as with many ML approaches—is that the internal essential components of PPE are sub-equations that model mechanicsthatresultinapredictionarenoteasilyinspected time and the rate of knowledge/skill decay. The model time (see our discussion around Figure 4 below). equation captures the idea that the age of items in memory should be skewed toward the most recent presentations, but The two other models were ridge regression and the lasso the full study history should be represented. Hence, model [10], which apply slightly different shrinkage terms when timeforeachinstancei(acrossninstances)isw ×t ,where i i coefficients are estimated. The key difference between the wi = (cid:80)nt−i0t.−60.6 andti isthetime,inseconds,relativetothe two methods is that ridge regression will retain coefficients firstinstja=n1cej. Thedecayrate equationcapturestheideathat for all input features, while the lasso effectively performs spacingpracticeacrosstimeproducesmorestableknowledge feature selection (see section 6.2 in [12] for an introduction). thatdecaysataslowerrate,whilemassingpracticeproduces This generally makes lasso models more interpretable. Both less stable knowledge that decays at a faster rate. Since models have a single hyperparameter, λ, that was tuned model time and the decay rate are essential to how PPE for each iterative prediction using the cross-validation pro- captures learning and decay, we include them separately cedure implemented in [8] and all numerical features were as features in the machine learning models. For a more standardized. extensive description of the mechanics of the PPE, please see [25, 26]. 2.4 Simulationstudyandanalysis Theapproachtooursimulationstudycanbesummarizedas In the CPR field study, PPE was fit separately to each follows: For each session s=1,2,...,7, train the models on participant’s history of compression and ventilation scores. data up to session s and issue predictions for the pre-test of We refer to this variant as the original PPE throughout sessions+1. Wefocusedonpre-testscoresbecausewewere the paper. The rationale for individual fits was from prior interested in predicting students’ readiness to perform CPR research suggesting that each individual would have unique compressions and ventilations, prior to additional training. learning and forgetting trajectories across sessions due to The procedure was run for all 29 (combinations of) mod- psychometric differences, the trajectories would vary for els described above and generated iterative predictions for compressions and ventilations, and thus predictive accuracy sessions 2 through 8. The quality of predictions across the would be maximized by fitting to each student on each skill. models will be compared by computing the mean absolute error (MAE), which summarizes how accurately, on average, Here, we conduct post-hoc simulations to explore these as- each model predicts the scores recorded in the subsequent sumptions by comparing the methodology used in the field session. This yields 7×(4+20+5)=203 (i.e., number of studytolessgranularPPEvariantsinwhichfreeparameters predicted sessions times number of models) errors. For the are fit to: experimental condition (acquisition and mainte- sake of easier presentation of these results, we subsequently Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021) 417 ML alone PPE variant 24 ML alone user profile condition PPE alone 24.1 19.5 20.4 23.5 21.3 AE)22 original skill M decision tree 24.1 24.9 19.3 21.5 23.8 21.1 or ( err20 e ut lasso 20 23.4 19.2 19.9 23.8 20.8 ol s ab18 n a ridge 20.2 23 19.2 19.7 23.3 20.8 e M 16 random forest 21.3 21.7 19.2 18.9 21.8 19.8 3 4 5 6 7 8 ML alone condition original profile skill user Session that predictions were made for Figure2: AverageMAEacrosssessionsforallmodels. Figure 3: Comparison of all models in the“random forest” rowofFigure2,showingpredictionerrorsforeachsession. summarize the errors by (i) computing the average MAE for each model (Figure 2), and (ii) ranking the models based on combinations. These correspond to the larger facet labeled their errors (Table 2). These overall results are elaborated “PPE variants”in Figure 2. A number of notable patterns on with additional figures and tables that highlight relevant emerge: the average MAE for the original PPE is hardly details. affected by adding any of the ML models to predict its residuals. This might be because this variant of PPE is 3. RESULTS very flexible, which restricts the residuals in the training Figure 2 presents the average MAE for all 29 models and data that the ML can actually fit to. For all other PPE speaks to all three research questions posed in section 1.1. variants,weseeagradientfromtoptobottom,withaverage As detailed in section 2.4, the 203 prediction errors were MAEs decreasing with ML models relative to PPE alone. aggregated across sessions and the average MAE for each Thedecisiontreesareanexceptiontothispatternandseem combinationofmodelsispresentedasaheatmap. Thecolor- to worsen the performance more often than not. Otherwise, coding corresponds to the magnitude of the errors; lower we generally see the lasso and ridge regressions improving values are better. By averaging across sessions, variations on PPE alone and the PPE+random forest resulting in the in predictive accuracy as a function of session (see Figure 3) best performance for all PPE variants. is lost but it becomes easier to assess the model’s relative performance in one glance. Zooming in on the models using random forests, Figure 3 shows the session-by-session prediction errors of the ran- First, we can look at the“PPE alone”row in Figure 2 to dom forest alone (ML alone) and the PPE+random forest comparethefivePPEvariantsthatweretested. Overall,the combinations. We omitted predictions for the second ses- original instantiation of the cognitive model as used in the sion because they are quite poor for the random forests CPRfieldstudy—ifusedalone—doesindeedoutperformthe combined with the condition and skill PPE variants, which more constrained variants explored here. This is somewhat distorts the y-axis and obscures differences between models surprising since the original model exhibited signs of over- in the later sessions1. The figure highlights that the ran- fitting (i.e., fit MAE lower than prediction MAE) that were dom forest alone consistently performs worse than all other amelioratedfortheconstrainedvariantsofPPE.However,it combinations of models, in which the random forest is used appears that despite overfitting the training data, the orig- specificallytolearnPPE’sresidualsratherthanobservedper- inal variant of PPE did produce the best predictions after formance. This suggests that the most promising approach all. is an ensemble of a PPE variant that captures the overall temporaldynamicstoissuepredictionsthataresubsequently Second, whether a number of off-the-shelf ML approaches fine-tuned by a random forest that can leverage all other would have yielded superior predictions than the cognitive available input features. model can be assessed by comparing the cell original PPE alone (MAE = 19.5) with the prediction errors in the“ML Another way to summarize these results is by ranking all 29 alone”column in Figure 2. All ML approaches yield average models’MAEwithineachsessionandcomputingtheaverage errors larger than 19.5 when applied alone, which suggests rank for each PPE variant. These average ranks are shown that the ML models tested here—if used by themselves— would not have resulted in better predictions overall. How- 1Predictions for session 2 were generally much worse than ever, the differences in prediction errors are not large and forallsubsequentsessions. Weranallanalysesreportedhere withoutsession2predictionstoconfirmthatourconclusions the ridge and lasso regression in particular perform well on do not depend on differences between models on session 2. average. If session 2 is omitted, the skill PPE variant performs a little better overall but results are not otherwise affected And third, and most importantly, we turn to the PPE+ML drastically. 418 Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021) Table1: ComparisonofPPEvariantsacrossallMLmodels. Table 2: The top 10 models overall sorted by average rank acrossthesevenpredictionsmadebyeachmodel. PPE variant average rank average MAE PPE variant ML model average rank profile 11.9 20.1 skill 12.7 23.2 1 profile random forest 5.3 original 15.1 19.3 2 skill random forest 6.7 user 17.2 20.8 3 condition random forest 7.9 condition 18.4 23.4 4 original lasso 8.1 5 original random forest 8.3 6 original decision tree 8.4 7 original ridge 8.6 in Table 1, and reveal that although the original PPE yields 8 user random forest 10.1 the lowest overall average MAE, both the profile and skill 9 original PPE alone 10.7 variants achieve better average ranks. This suggests that if 10 condition ridge 11.9 ML models are leveraged to predict PPE’s residuals, more constrainedvariantsofPPEtendtoperformbetter. However, even the lowest average ranks listed in Table 1 is relatively Figure4Bzoomsinontwoimportantfeaturesandshowsthe high, suggesting that no model consistently outperforms predictionsmadefortheprofilePPEmodelforthefourthses- the others. This observation is confirmed by inspecting the sionagainsttheresidualstherandomforestpredictsforeach models’MAEsindetail(notshownhere),whichrevealsthat instance. We generally see the most differentiation between forsomesessions,mostmodelsperformeffectivelyidentically. models on Session 4, which is why we chose it—however, this figure is broadly representative of the profile PPE+RF Lastly,wepresentthetop10modelsintermsoftheirranking dynamics for other sessions. Figure 4B suggests that ven- in Table 2. Here, the ranks are computed as an average tilations are more often down-adjusted than compressions across the seven sessions each model made predictions for. (i.e., more triangles below the equality line) unless PPE pre- The best-performing model is the PPE with parameters for dicts near-ceiling performance. The fact that model time each performance profile whose residuals are predicted by is consistently identified as the most important feature (see a random forest. Figure 2 corroborates this observations, Figure 4A) but no clear relationship between the magnitude showing that this combination of models obtains the lowest of the adjustment (i.e., distance from equality line) emerges average MAE overall. Notably, all five instances of the in Figure 4B highlights the disadvantage of applying ML original PPE and five out of six instances of random forests models—such as a random forest—that are challenging to are represented in the top 10, confirming that these models interrogate. perform very well in various combinations. 4. DISCUSSION 3.1 Peekingintotherandomforest The post-hoc simulation study reported here suggests that Space constraints limit the amount of model interrogation the original cognitive model used for prescriptive, adaptive we can report here. However, we want to at least showcase schedulingintheCPRfieldstudyperformedverywelloverall. one prominent example. Table 2 and Figure 2 show that the In fact, in the aggregate, it resulted in lower average predic- best model overall is the combination of the PPE variant tion errors than both the more constrained variants of PPE withuniqueparametersforeachperformanceprofileanda and the machine learning models included in the current random forest that learns its residuals. (This model is the comparison. Thus, it is unlikely that the tested off-the-shelf blue line in Figure 3, which highlights that other models ML models would have performed better than the original perform very similarly.) Figure 4A shows the normalized PPE, although the regularized regression models (ridge and feature importance computed for each input feature (white lasso) in particular achieved prediction errors similar to the andyellowarrowsinFigure1)foreachiterativesessionthat original PPE. We expected the ML models to outperform predictions are made for. Superimposed are the average the cognitive model because the latter’s main“insights”(the importanceandthespread(inblack)andfeaturesaresorted estimated model time and decay rate) were included as in- from least to most important based on average importance. put features to the ML models (yellow arrow in Figure 1. Notably, most time-invariant features (gender, age, etc.) are This suggests that the PPE, using much less information, equally important across the seven iterations. The session was slightly better at extrapolating performance to the next counter, stability, and model time, on the other hand, session. become gradually more important as more sessions were included in the training data, while the opposite pattern is The current explorations also showed, however, that an en- evident for compvent and users’ performance profile. semblecognitiveandMLmodelhasthepotentialtoperform slightly better than either alone. Notably, the more con- Feature importance plots as shown here can be informa- strained variants of PPE performed particularly well in this tive but should be interpreted with caution since they do ensemble arrangement. One possible explanation is that the not capture and visualize the potential intricate non-linear lessflexiblecognitivemodeloperatesasasmoothingfunction relationshipsbetweenthevariousinputfeatures[17]. Further- on the temporal information, which leaves the ML to learn more,featureimportanceandtheirimpactonpredictionsare underwhichconditions(i.e.,[combinationsof]inputfeatures) not necessarily the same—more advanced approaches exist the general temporal dynamics should be adjusted to fur- [19] but are beyond the scope of the current paper. ther improve predictions. This framing of the procedure is Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021) 419 (A) Normalized feature importance (B) Fine−tuned predictions predicting session: 100 model_time 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 l als 2.0e+07 15.0% l l g residum forest 80 11..05ee++0077 no 10.0% l l l l l after addid by rand 4600 5.0e+06 5.0% l l l l ediction predicte 20 compCveonmtp Pr Vent l 0.0% 0 gender maintint session acqint pretrnpst height age weight profile site compvent decay model 0 20 40 60 80 100 rate time Prediction of profile PPE for Session 4 Input feature 0.7% 3.3% 3.7% 4.7% 5.1% 7.1% 7.3% 9.1% 9.3% 9.6% 11.7% 12.4% 16.1% Figure 4: Details on the best-performing model. (A): The normalized feature importance for each iteration of the model with superimposed averages (black dots). (B): Initial PPE predictions for Session 3 (x-axis) plotted against fine-tuned predictions (y-axis);color-codingindicatesthemodel timeforeachpredictedinstanceandshapedifferentiatescompvent. conceptually akin to a two-step boosting algorithm [7] and would conceivably introduce more variance that is not a the“fine-tuning”of predictions induced by the second step function of time-based features alone. We expect that under (theMLmodelinthiscase)isnicelyillustratedinFigure4B, these conditions, the ensemble approach’s advantage over whichshowstheresultsofthefirststep(theconstrainedcog- PPE alone would be more pronounced. nitive model’s predictions on the x-axis), against the results afterthesecondboosting-likestep(thePPE+MLpredictions In the current effort, we choose to assess the models’ ability on the y-axis). In this process, the initial PPE prediction’s tomakesession-by-sessionpredictions. Thisapproachmeant quite restricted range is expanded by the random forest, that events did not line up chronologically (a student in the whichcan—anddoes(cf. Figure4A)—drawonvariousinput weeklyacquisitionconditionwillhavecompletedthefirstfour features. session before a student in the 3-month condition returned for their second session) but the amount of training data The ensemble approach outlined here has the added benefit availableforeachstudentisequalized—onlythelagbetween of a modular structure. Thus, it is easy to make design events varies. This reveals, for example, that predictions decisions, particularly regarding(i)whichconstraintsshould improve up to session 4 (the end of the acquisition phase; be built into the parameter fitting procedure for PPE, and seeFigure3)andthengetworseforsession5,whichiswhen (ii) what type of ML model is most informative. The latter students switch to the maintenance phase. This suggests willdeterminewhereonthecontinuumofinterpretabilitythe that the models get better at forecasting performance as ensemblewillfall. Forexample,thedynamicsoftherandom moredatafromaconsistentschedulebecomesavailable,and forestthatpredictstheprofilePPE’sresiduals(highlightedin that one should expect a dip in predictive accuracy as the Figure4),doesnotlenditselftostraightforwardmodelinter- temporal dynamics are altered. rogation but the PPE+lasso and PPE+ridge combinations would not reduce the interpretability of the ensemble, while Future work in this domain should validate the approach slightlyreducingpredictionerrorsrelativetoPPEalone(see presented here in more naturalistic data that more closely Figure 2). resemble how medical professionals train and maintain CPR proficiency. We believe that cognitive models in particular— It should be pointed out, however, that the improvement in andacognitive-machinelearningensemblespecifically—hold prediction errors relative to the original PPE alone is minor. greatpromiseinmovingtowardsapredictiveframeworkthat Nevertheless, we consider these findings significant for two affords personalized, adaptive refresher training schedules reasons: First,thesmallimprovementvindicatesthatPPE’s that are tailored towards individual learning needs—either time-based mechanisms capture the majority of variance in of an individual or groups of learners that exhibit similar this task domain. Second, the PPE+ML ensemble approach performance profiles. Furthermore, the outlined predictive used here serves as a proof-of-concept that illustrates how pipeline’s potential value in adaptive, educational learning the core mechanism of PPE can be preserved while incorpo- system outside of the medical domain should be explored. rating an arbitrary number of additional input features. For example,someoftheinputfeaturesusedherewerespecificto the field study’s design (notably acqint and maintint) and 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS wouldnotbepresentinthehospitalsettingRQIsystemsare This work was funded through the 711th Human Perfor- primarilydeployedin. Insuchsettings,however,otherinput mance Wing Chief Scientist Seedling award at the Air Force features would be available (e.g., job title or department) Research Laboratory. 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