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ERIC ED611716: Milieu, Attitude and Cognitive Aspects of Student-Centered Learning in Nursing Education: A Correlational Study PDF

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Preview ERIC ED611716: Milieu, Attitude and Cognitive Aspects of Student-Centered Learning in Nursing Education: A Correlational Study

GlobusJournalofProgressiveEducation ARefereedResearchJournal Vol10/ No 2/Jul-Dec2020 ISSN:2231-1335 MILIEU, ATTITUDE AND COGNITIVE ASPECTS OF STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING IN NURSING EDUCATION: A CORRELATIONAL STUDY *Rachelle S. Garcia PaperReceived:20.06.2020/PaperAccepted:24.08.2020/PaperPublished:27.08.2020 CorrespondingAuthor:RachelleS.Garcia;Email:[email protected];doi:10.46360/globus.xxxxxxxx Abstract Introduction Recently, student-centered learning has found Student-centered learning approach was long its place in the Philippine nursing education overdue to be implemented in healthcare education yet there was very limited literature as to how yet, it was only recently, that few educational Filipino learners take it. This article: (a) institutions in the Philippines responded to the call describedthe assessment of implementation of to implement pedagogical change. The student-centered learning (SCL) in the B.S. advancement of student‐centered learning in the Nursing (BSN) program and (b) determined academic setting is expected to offer scientific the relationships of attitude, milieu and placement of new nurse graduates in the healthcare cognitive aspects of SCL. This correlational setting. Student‐centered learning approach shifted study underwent institutional review before a the role of teacher from primary source of sample of 250 nursing students completed the information to facilitator of learning. Student- 50-item 4-point Likert Questionnaire with centered learning is generally labelled with Chronbachα0.94. desirable benefits to students but how was it taken by Filipino nursing students is yet to realize This study showed that Filipino nursing furthermore. students assessed the implementation of both social and physical milieu as mostly Since 1999, the Bologna Process has brought with acceptable. Furthermore, SCL was assessed as it an extraordinary transformation to make higher completely acceptable to be fittingly education programs more transparent and supportive of the nursing students’ self- comparable across the European continent. This directedness, inventive skills, reasoning skills reform encourages higher education institutions and made them even more innovative, critical (HEIs) to place greater emphasis on students and thinker, expressive, and collegial. They usher students at the center of their thinking and assessed the entire SCL experience as suitable help them consciously and constructively design and adaptive to the demands of real-life their own learning paths [1]. This educational challenges. This study supported other study reform is widely known as student-centered findings that SCL milieu, attitude and learningapproach. cognitiveaspectsareinterrelatedtoeachother. This may be suggestive that further enhancing Traditional teaching method remains to be the the SCL milieu would correspondingly dominant teachingmethodinnursingeducationnot generate more desirable attitudes and onlyinthePhilippinesbutrelativelythroughoutthe cognitive attributes among nursing students. continent [2] for over a century. But the Full implementation of SCL may be employmentmarket fornursesisfast-evolving,and recommendedtoothernursingschools. it is important that educational system keep pace with new trends and employer needs. After all, Keywords: Milieu, Cognitive, Attitude, innovation occurs at breakneck speed. As Student-CenteredLearning,NursingEducation. healthcare educational institution compete to be at par with the global changes and challenges, curriculum needs to be updated to reflect those changing needs. To remain competitive, educational institution need to understand what qualities and skills public private partners are lookingforintheirnursinggraduates. Being used to traditional lecture type teacher- centered learning for over century, the shift would require major adjustment to nursing students. How well the learning goods of SCL has been delivered and received by Filipino nursing students provides verylimitedliterature.Thiscorrelationalstudy *RN,RM,MAN,FarEasternUniversity,Manila,Philippines. 7 (a)described the assessment of nursing students belowdividedintothreeaspects:inthemilieuarea, toward the implementation of student-centered the higher score denoted the students are more learning(SCL)and likely to appreciate on the social and physical milieu student-centered learning, while in the (b) determined the relationships of attitude, milieu cognitive area, the higher the score denoted the andcognitiveaspectsofSCL. higher they agree in SCL in developing inventive, reasoningcriticalthinkingandinnovativeskillsand Methodologyand Methods lastlyinattitudearea,thehigherthescore,themore Thiscorrelationalresearchstudy: positive that they manifested attitude like collegiality, self-directedness and expressiveness (a)described the assessment of the implementation through SCL approach in which the global society of student-centered learning (SCL) in the B.S. needs.[3] Nursing(BSN)classroomand Table1:VerbalInterpretationofScores (b) described the relationships of attitude, milieu andcognitiveaspectsofSCL. MeanScore VI VerbalInterpretation The eligibility criteria of the respondents were as follows: 1.00-1.75 NA NotAcceptable 1.76-2.50 SA SomewhatAcceptable (a)full-timefirst-yearnursingstudents, 2.51-3.25 MA MostlyAcceptable (b)undergonestudentcentered-learningpedagogy, 3.26-4.00 CA CompletelyAcceptable (c)currentlyenrolled, Instrument content was validated by three (d)willingtoparticipate. Doctorate degree holders in Education and subsequently subjected to pilot testing yielding a The researcher made use of Raosoft sampling size Cronbachalphaof0.94. calculator to determine the representativeness of thepopulationwitha95%confidence leveland a5 The study underwent Institutional Ethics Review margin of error. A stratified sampling technique approval and sought informed consent of every was employed to ensure representativeness from targetrespondents. eachsection.Outof564nursingstudentpopulation, 229wasthe computedsamplesize. Twentypercent Results (46respondents)wasaddedtoserveascontingency Results showed that respondents have an average for possible invalid responses reaching a total of age of 19.24 years, majority were female 275 respondents. Twenty-five (25) questionnaires accounting to 76%, and most of them (78%) were were invalidated due to insufficient and/or into teacher-centered learning approach during erroneous data accounting to a total of 91% theirpre-collegeyears. responserate. As shown in table 1.1 the SCL Milieu (x� =2.82) A two-part instrument was used in the conduct of was assessed to have been employed as mostly this study. The first part focused on the acceptable manner both in social (x� =2.83) and demographic profile of whom includes the age, sex physical environment (x� =2.86) aspects. Also, the and pre-college teaching method employed to the nursing students assessed that SCL implementation students. as completely acceptable to support cognitive developmenthavingax�=3.20. The second part was a 50-item questionnaire utilizing a 4-point Likert scale that focused on Similarly, as reflected in table 1.2 nursing students assessment of SCL as a teaching-learning assessed SCL implementation as mostly acceptable pedagogy. in developing reasoning skills (x� =2.92) and completely acceptable to support inventive skills The questionnaire was subdivided into three (x� =3.24). Furthermore, SCL implementation was aspects: milieu, cognitive and attitude. It was assessed as completely acceptable to develop interpreted using mean score based on the table innovative skills (x� =3.38) and critical thinking skills(x�=3.32). 8 Table1.1:AssessmentofMilieuAspectofStudents-CenteredLearningAccordingtoProfileVariables PhysicalMilieu SocialMilieu ProfileVariable Interpretation Interpretation Mean Mean <20y/o 2.82 *MA 2.84 MA Age ≥20y/o 2.71 MA 2.87 MA 2.96 MA 2.77 MA Sex Male 2.81 MA 2.81 MA Female Teaching 2.78 MA 2.77 MA Method *TCL 3.08 MA 2.89 MA Method *SCL Overall 2.86 MA 2.83 MA *TCL-Teacher-centered Learning, SCL-Student- centeredLearning 1.00-1.75 NA NotAcceptable 1.76-2.50 SA SomewhatAcceptable 2.51-3.25 MA MostlyAcceptable 3.26-4.00 CA CompletelyAcceptable Table1.2:AssessmentofCognitiveAspectofStudents-CenteredLearningAccordingtoProfileVariables Critical ProfileVariable Inventive *VI Innovative VI Reasoning VI Thinking VI Skills Skills Skills Skills Age <20y/o 3.19 *MA 3.39 CA 2.90 MA 3.33 CA ≥20y/o 3.25 MA 3.39 CA 2.82 MA 3.24 MA Sex Male 3.23 MA 3.25 MA 3.04 MA 3.27 CA Female 3.19 MA 3.44 CA 2.85 MA 3.33 CA Teaching 3.14 MA 3.38 CA 2.85 MA 3.28 CA Method *TCL SCL 3.43 CA 3.44 CA 3.03 MA 3.47 CA Overall 3.24 MA 3.38 CA 2.92 MA 3.32 CA *TCL-Teacher-centered Learning, SCL-Student- centeredLearning *VI-Verbalinterpretation 1.00-1.75 NA NotAcceptable 1.76-2.50 SA SomewhatAcceptable 2.51-3.25 MA MostlyAcceptable 3.26-4.00 SA CompletelyAcceptable Moreover, based on table 2 the nursing students developing self-directed learners (x� =3.27). assessed SCL implementation as completely Opportunely, SCLimplementationwasobservedas acceptable to be promotive of desirable attitude completelyacceptabletobuzzcollegiality(x�=3.28) having a x� =3.27. Correspondingly, as shown in and expressiveness (x� =3.34) among nursing table 1.3 nursing students assessed SCL students. implementation as completely acceptable in 9 Table1.3AssessmentofAttitudeAspectofStudents-CenteredLearningAccordingtoProfileVariables Self- ProfileVariable Interpretation Expressiveness Interpretation Collegiality Interpretation directedness Age <20y/o 3.23 *MA 3.34 CA 3.27 CA ≥20y/o 3.2 MA 3.24 MA 3.28 CA Sex Male 3.20 MA 3.26 CA 3.19 MA Female 3.24 MA 3.35 CA 3.30 CA Teaching 3.29 CA 3.38 CA 3.24 MA Method *TCL SCL 3.46 CA 3.44 CA 3.38 CA Overall 3.27 CA 3.34 CA 3.28 CA 1.00-1.75 NA NotAcceptable 1.76-2.50 SA SomewhatAcceptable 2.51-3.25 MA MostlyAcceptable Completely 3.26-4.00 CA Acceptable Furthermore, cognitive, milieu and attitude aspects mostly acceptable (x� 3.11) parallel across all ages, of Student-Centered Learning were assessed as sexandteachingmethodsduringpre-college. Table2: Assessmentofimplementation ofaspectsofStudent-Centered Learning StandardDeviation StudentCenteredLearningAspects Mean Interpretation 0.43 Milieu 2.82 *MA 0.45 Cognitive 3.20 MA 0.37 Attitude 3.27 CA Overall 3.11 MA 1.00- 1.75 NA NotAcceptable 1.76- 2.50 SA SomewhatAcceptable 2.51- 3.25 MA MostlyAcceptable 3.26- Completely 4.00 CA Acceptable Furthermore, Table 3 shows that SCL milieu, displayed moderate relationship rho=0.55 while attitude and cognitive aspects were interrelated to cognitive and attitude displays a high positive each other having a p-value 0.00 at α 0.05. Both relationship(0.82). milieuandcognitive (0.61);andattitudeandmilieu Table3:Relationship betweenMilieu and Cognitive,Attitudeand Milieu,and Cognitiveand Attitude aspectsofStudent-Centered Learning Variables Mean Correlation p-value Interpretation Milieu & 2.82 Moderate positive Cognitive 3.20 0.61 0.00 relationship Attitude& 3.27 Moderate positive Milieu 2.82 0.55 0.00 relationship Cognitive & 3.20 Attitude 3.27 0.82 0.00 Highpositiverelationship 10 Discussion bases of gratitude and respect to the teacher, but, what is evident is that student are less reserved in Milieu Aspect ofStudent-centered Learning their way of putting some points to consider in the The milieu is a critical variable in facilitating discussionthatencouragesotherstudentstopresent student-centered learning (SCL). It is an another point. This kindof freewheeling discussion environment in which relationship with each other setup encourages the whole class to enjoin the in a classroom develops [4]. It encapsulates not class’s vibrant discussion of a topic. Facilitators, only the external (physical) aspect but also the however,mustnotonlybetactfulbutquicktosend socialcomponentofalearningspace.Itisalwaysa signals in pursuing valuable context to put some fact that when studentsknow something that others directionandfocus. can learn from co-students are motivated to think deepersome more. The freedom of him unleashing Cognitive Aspect of Student-centered deep seated information he had doubt of whether he is right or wrong can create an unexpected Learning confidence because he is able to expound the According to Vygotsky, learning is a socially schema of where he is coming from for his mediated process [6]. Students develop cognitively reasoning. If students can communicate freely by interacting with peers. The social interactions among them, they tend to present argument that involved in SCL pedagogy, students were even facilitators can use to ignite others to encouraged to hypothesize, experiment with new participate in the deepening of knowledge. In this ideas, receive feedback and learn from classmates. study, both the physical and social aspect of SCL The result of this study provides another evidence milieu was assessed at a satisfactory level of that student-centered learning satisfactorily implementation. This showed that the current promotes cognitive skills. Studies show that active implementation in terms of milieu was assessed as learning results cognition development greater or good enough or mostly acceptable in enabling equal to the use of passive instructional techniques student-centered learning. This can be attributed to [7]. In student-centered environments, the the transitions made by the university from regular individual assumes responsibility for exploration classroom into what they called “interactive and hypothesis formation through personal classroom”. The concept of traditional learning is interactions with groups, individuals, and objects, the presence of an authority about the subject thereby increasing the cognitive demands matter who can feed the inquiring minds of the associated with learning. As we migrate the students and the students are limited with only the student’s cognitive skills the SCL way, do not things they are required to do by the authority discount the necessity of our traditional teachers to where most ofthe time, they are made to to listen. migrate as well. This is a two-way process of Even the physical set up of the classroom is paradigm shift if we want a result that is emulating dominated by an impression of grandeur whoever andacceptable. is seated in front of all the students. Traditionally, regular classroom is where teacher’s table is In this study, SCL was implemented in nursing as stationedatthecenterstageinfrontandthestudents mostly acceptable to stimulate reasoning and are set as audience at the back to nowadays trend, inventive skills while it was completely acceptable research locale’s classrooms’ face was changed to to support development of innovative and critical where there are round tables equipped with Wi-Fi thinking skills. The result of this study conformed and LAN connections for internet, with power with recent researches that suggest that cognitive socket where gadgets can be charged, with nine 32 toolscanbe scaffoldedin student‐centered learning inches LCD that surrounds the classroom so those environments. This may be attributed that the new who are visually challenged, and with touch screen commonlyusedstrategieslike informationseeking, and scribble-ready large screen that replaces white information presentation, knowledge organization, board and colorful chairs that helps in brain knowledge integration, problem solving and stimulation. This new learning spaces intend to knowledge generation activities which are geared provide opportunity to decentralize learning to toward more on the direction of development of allow students to collaborate and talk to each other innovative and critical thinking skills, inventive andworkwiththeirteacher[5]. andreasoningskillsinstudent-centeredlearning. In the new interactive classroom, the students are In SCL classroom, students were enabled to more engaged because they don’t just play as plain develop their innovative skills [8] through varied passive listener to their teacher instead, they are activities that was done independently or in orchestrated in groups to interact with another. The collaboration with other students. Studies have current classroom supports the students to be more shown that creative thinking was enhanced bySCL socially engaged as they take part on different [9]. This may be caused by the techniques educational activities. The less formal setup of a employed where students actively engage in group modernclassroommaybesubjecttoquestiononthe dynamics and other activities that require sharing 11 of thoughts and making decisions that’s crucial in name a few is provision of sound-proof rooms, developingcritical thinking. Studentsareimmersed ascertained functionality of the technical gadgets on a day to day basis in classroom engagements and only few rooms have been set-up to fit SCL where higher order thinking are the expected implementation. outcome. Being in the academe myself for almost two decades, the said scaffolds of learning is never Furthermore, based on table 2, overall assessment acquired through structure or procedure prescribed of attitude, milieu and cognitive aspects of SCL in any book. This is embedded in an open source implementation was mostly acceptable almost idea coming from students as they lay arguments parallel across all ages, sexes and pre-college aboutatopicdiscussedathand.Thisdeepeningand teaching methodology of nursing students. Despite enrichment earned while discussion is ongoing, that the respondents belong to different age continuously delve into a melded web of generation (Millennials and Gen Z), when it comes information that brings out quality of reasoning to learning and education, they share similar unexpectedly valuable for the whole class to re- qualities of searching for continuous development evaluatecertainconcepts.Quiteoutstandingtonote thatbothgenerationagesfindinSCL.Bothmodern is the interest and enthusiasm this SCL have ages and sexes seemed to dislike sitting down in a created. room all day and get bored. With SCL, they get more control over how they spend their learning Attitude Aspect in Student-centered time, stimulate their critical thinking, communicate effectively, innovate and collaborate with other Learning students. These skillsare veryimportant when they Attitude can critically affect every aspect of a become registered nurses and when there are no person's life, including their learning. Student’s more clinical instructors who will be looking over attitude towards specific learning platform theirshoulderswhentheycarefortheirpatients. determine their ability and willingness to engage and learn. If negative attitudes are not altered, a Table 3 shows that SCL milieu, attitude and student is unlikely to continue his education or cognitive aspects were interrelated to each other might transfer to other learning institution. having a p-value 0.00 at α 0.05. Both milieu and Unpredictably, considering that 78% of the cognitive (r= 0.61); and attitude and milieu respondents were molded up in a teacher-centered displayed moderate relationship (r=0.55) while learning environment, table 1 showed that nursing cognitive and attitude (r=0.82) displayed a very students assessed student-centered learning strong positive relationship. Results showed the instructional approaches as very satisfactorily dynamismofthree interrelatedfactors onhow each leading to positive student attitudes. The finding of play an important role in honing the students this study negated the claims of a study done in learning process. The figures suggested that when Hongkong that despite their effort, students in one enhances the environmental aspect, an Hong Kong still tend to be traditional learners who expected increase will likewise happen to both the rarely experience real student-centered learning behavioral and the intellectual component. The [10]. This may be inferred that even if most of the result supported the theory of Bandura proposing students has been strongly rooted from a teacher- that the learning process of student are interwoven centered learning environment, when the students by three variables namely: environment, behavior are well primed about the advantages of SCL prior andcognitiveentity[12]. to its implementation their attitude towards SCL becomes positive. With the group-related activities Conclusionand Recommendations involved in SCL like round robin, role play, problem solving, project-based, etc., students Despite being rooted from traditional teacher- becomemoreself-directed,expressiveandcollegial centered learning environment for a long time, and appreciate SCL even more. SCL facilitators Filipino nursing students mostly accepted the believed that nursing students should be wheedled transitioning to a student-centered learning to participate in the classroom even though many environment. Evidence seemed to point out that of them are reluctant to voice their opinions at the nursing students mostly accepts that SCL enhances beginning[11]. self-directedness, inventive skills, reasoning skills and completely accepts that it makes them even Overall, nursing students’ assessment of attitude, more innovative, critical thinker, expressive, and milieu and cognitive aspects of SCL collegial. Data further revealed that students seem implementation in a private university revealed as to undergo metamorphosis in active learning mostly acceptable. Although seemingly, environment that SCL offered. More than the transitioning from traditional teacher-centered to positive evidences gathered in the data, what is active learning pedagogy like SCL gained most encouraging is the confidence that is built cooperation and appreciation from the nursing within the person that will arm him to face the students, there are other areas to improve on. 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