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Preview ERIC ED610427: Working from Home vs Learning from Home: A Critical Investigation and Analysis during the COVID-19

Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies 12(3): 23-29, 2020; Article no.AJESS.61904 ISSN: 2581-6268 Working from Home vs Learning from Home: A Critical Investigation and Analysis during the COVID-19 Afzal Sayed Munna1* and Md. Sadeque Imam Shaikh2 1School of Business, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, London, United Kingdom. 2School of Computing, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, London, United Kingdom. Authors’ contributions This work was carried out in collaboration between both authors. Author ASM designed the study, performed the statistical analysis, conducted the small-scale research, wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Author MSIS contributed on the analyses of the study and also assisted on the literature searches. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript. Article Information DOI: 10.9734/AJESS/2020/v12i330312 Editor(s): (1) Dr. Sara Marelli, Scientific Institute and University Hospital IRCCS San Raffaele Ville Turro, Italy. (2) Dr. Velan Kunjuraman, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Malaysia. (3) Dr. E. Seda Koc, Namık Kemal University, Turkey. Reviewers: (1) Rotariu Mariana, University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Grigore T Popa”, Romania. (2) Mrs. A. Uma Maheswari, Anna University, India. (3) S. Hemamalini, Bharathidasan University, India. Complete Peer review History: http://www.sdiarticle4.com/review-history/61904 Received 24 September 2020 Accepted 14 October 2020 Short Research Article Published 10 November 2020 ABSTRACT The article aimed to make a critical investigation and analysis on working from home vs learning from home during the COVID-19. Small-scale research was conducted only targeting parents (having at least one school going child) to capture the view of how they deem the concept of working from home vs learning from home and whether there are any reservations among both concepts. The findings from the 36 respondents’ feedback suggest that parents often prefer working from home (wherever possible) but the same parent does not want their child to learn from home. The research shows that most parents believe remote working leads to higher productivity and leads to cost-effectiveness and remote learnings deteriorate creativity. Keywords: Working from home; learning from home; work-life balance; quality of life; thinking paradox. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]; Munna and Shaikh; AJESS, 12(3): 23-29, 2020;; AArrttiiccllee nnoo..AJESS.61904 1. INTRODUCTION and who successfully go on ttoo hhiigghheerr eedduuccaattiioonn or into work [4]. TThhee ccoonncceepptt ooff wwoorrkkiinngg ffrroomm hhoommee iiss sslloowwllyy 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ggrroowwiinngg aanndd hheeaaddiinngg ooff sstteeaamm ffoorr wwoorrkkeerrss ooff aallll aaggeess.. TThheerree wwaass vvaarriioouuss rreesseeaarrcchh wwoorrkk ddoonnee iinn TThhee aarrttiiccllee wwiillll ffooccuuss oonn ssttuuddyyiinngg tthhee hhuummaann mmiinndd tthhiiss aarreeaa wwhhiicchh iiss nnoott vveerryy pprroommiissiinngg ccoonnssiiddeerriinngg aanndd hhuummaann ppssyycchhoollooggyy lliitteerraattuurree ttoo eessttaabblliisshh tthhee tthhee eemmppiirriiccaall eevviiddeennccee bbuutt ssttiillll bbeetttteerr tthhaann hhaavviinngg rreellaattiioonnsshhiipp bbeettwweeeenn tthhiinnkkiinngg oorr ttoo aaddddrreessss iiff nothing [1]. Over tthhee ppaasstt ffiivvee yyeeaarrss,, eevviiddeennccee tthheerree iiss aannyy ddiiffffeerreennttiiaattiioonn iinn tthhiinnkkiinngg ccoonnssiiddeerriinngg ffrroomm tthhee ssttuuddyy sshhoowwss tthhaatt UU..SS.. wwoorrkkeerrss wwoorrkkiinngg the circumstances. rreemmootteellyy ggrreeww 4444 ppeerrcceenntt ttoo aarroouunndd 44..77 mmiilllliioonn,, aaccccoorrddiinngg ttoo rreesseeaarrcchh bbyy jjoobb bbooaarrdd FFlleexxjjoobbss..ccoomm 2.1 FFrreeuudd’’ss MMooddeell ooff HHuummaann MMiinndd iinn ppaarrttnneerrsshhiipp wwiitthh GGlloobbaall WWoorrkkppllaaccee AAnnaallyyttiiccss.. GGaalllluupp rreesseeaarrcchh aallssoo eevviiddeenncceedd tthhaat around 43 The ppssyycchhooaannaallyyttiicc tthheeoorryy aanndd tthhee ssttuuddyy ooff ppeerrcceenntt ooff eemmppllooyyeeeess wwoorrkkeedd rreemmootteellyy iinn ssoommee human psychology is a long-ssttaannddiinngg ccoonncceepptt ccaappaacciittyy wwhhiicchh wwaass ccoonndduucctteedd bbeeffoorree tthhee wwhhiicchh wwaass ggaaiinniinngg ggrreeaatteerr aatttteennttiioonn aafftteerr tthhee 9900 COVID-1199 eeppiiddeemmiicc.. AA ssiimmiillaarr ssttuuddyy ccoonndduucctteedd ddeevveellooppeedd SSiiggmmuunndd FFrreeuudd''ss mmooddeell ooff tthhee hhuummaann bbyy CCoonnddeeccoo SSooffttwwaarree ooff gglloobbaall bbuussiinneesssseess mmiinndd.. TThhee eesssseennccee ooff tthhee mmooddeell wwaass pprriimmaarriillyy ssuurrvveeyyeedd tthhaatt aarroouunndd 4411 ppeerrcceenntt ooff tthhee evolving within the subject of psyycchhooppaatthhoollooggiieess bbuussiinneesssseess aallrreeaaddyy ooffffeerreedd ssoommee ddeegree of aanndd aass aa rreessuulltt ooff mmeennttaall iillllnneessss wwiitthhiinn aa ssuubbjjeecctt.. rreemmoottee wwoorrkkiinngg aanndd tthheeyy aallssoo aarree pprreeddiiccttiinngg tthhaatt IInn hhiiss mmooddeell,, hhee ddeevveellooppeedd tthhrreeee mmaaiinn lleevveellss ooff aarroouunndd 7733 ppeerrcceenntt ooff aallll tteeaammss wwiillll hhaavvee rreemmoottee awareness or consciousness [5].. TThhee mmooddeell iiss workers by 2028 [2]. ddeeppiicctteedd wwiitthh tthhee iilllluussttrraattiioonn bbeellooww wwhhiicchh iinnddiiccaatteess tthhee lleevveellss wwhhiicchh aarree ccoonnsscciioouuss,, OOnn tthhee ootthheerr hhaanndd,, lleeaarrnniinngg ffrroomm hhoommee iiss ssuubbccoonnsscciioouuss,, aanndd uunnccoonnsscciioouuss.. IItt wwaass aallssoo ccoonnssiiddeerreedd aass aa vveerryy ddiiffffeerreenntt,, wwoorrkkaabbllee,, aanndd eevviiddeenncceedd tthhaatt tthheessee eelleemmeennttss wwoorrkkiinngg ttooggeetthheerr ssuucccceessssffuull aapppprrooaacchh ttoo lleeaarrnniinngg tthhaatt ssoommee can create the true reality ooff oouurr mmiinnddss.. ppaarreennttss aarree cchhoooossiinngg ffoorr tthheeiirr cchhiillddrreenn iinnsstteeaadd ooff sscchhooooll.. LLeeaarrnniinngg ffrroomm hhoommee oorr hhoommeesscchhoooolliinngg iiss 2.2 Conscious Mind ssiimmppllyy tthhee wwaayy ooff eedduuccaattiinngg cchhiillddrreenn bbyy ttaakkiinngg tthhee ooppppoorrttuunniittyy ooff ffuullll rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ffoorr tthheeiirr TThhee wwoorrdd ccoonnsscciioouussnneessss iiss bbeesstt ddeessccrriibbeedd aass tthhee cchhiillddrreenn’’ss eedduuccaattiioonn wwiitthhoouutt sseennddiinngg tthheemm ttoo eevveenntt ooff aawwaarreenneessss aanndd bbeeiinngg aabbllee ttoo rreeccaallll iitt ttoo school [3]. It useess rreessoouurrcceess ffrroomm vvaarriioouuss mind aanndd rreeccaalllliinngg iiss tthhee ssttaattee ooff tthhee hhuummaann’’ss sources and an open-eennddeedd aanndd vvaarriiaabbllee mind of activities [6]].. TThheerree iiss aann eessttiimmaattiioonn tthhaatt aapppprrooaacchh ttoo lleeaarrnniinngg tthhaatt iiss pprroovveenn ttoo ggiivvee oonnllyy 1100%% ooff tthhee mmiinndd''ss wwoorrkkss aarree mmaaddee uupp ooff cchhiillddrreenn aa bbrrooaadd aanndd ddeeeepp eedduuccaattiioonn,, cc oo nn ss cc ii oo uu ss tthhoouugghhtt aanndd tthhee rreesstt aarree tthhee rraannddoomm oofftteenn qquuiittee ddiiffffeerreenntt ffrroomm tthhaatt wwhhiicchh mmaannyy ooff eevveennttss ccrreeaatteedd bbyy tthhee mmiinndd.. TThhee ccoonnsscciioouuss mmiinndd tthheemm wwoouulldd rreecceeiivvee iinn sscchhooooll.. IItt ggeenneerraallllyy serves as a scanner and iss bbaasseedd oonn tthhee ddeevveellooppss cchhiillddrreenn wwhhoo aarree eexxttrreemmeellyy iimm pp oorrttaannccee ooff tthhee eevveenntt iitt ssttoorreess eeiitthheerr iinn tthhee motivated, self-ccoonnffiiddeenntt,, ssoocciiaabbllee,, aanndd uunnccoonnsscciioouuss oorr tthhee ssuubbccoonnsscciioouuss aarreeaa ooff tthhee iinntteelllliiggeenntt,, wwhhoo hhaavvee aa wwiiddee vvaarriieettyy ooff lliiffee sskkiillllss,, human mind. FFiigg.. 11.. SSiiggmmuunndd FFrreeuudd''ss mmooddeell ooff tthhee hhuummaann mmiinndd aanndd uussaaggee SSoouurrccee:: CCrreeaatteedd bbyy tthhee aauutthhoorr,, 22002200 24 Munna and Shaikh; AJESS, 12(3): 23-29, 2020; Article no.AJESS.61904 2.3 Subconscious Mind has a long-standing history and thus requires understanding the philosophical perspective. According to [5], the subconscious mind is the Plato (427-347 BCE) saw the human soul as the state of holding and the recent recall of any seat of personality. In his literature, he mentioned memories including thoughts, behaviour patterns, three basic forces that guide human behaviour habits, and feelings. Freud stated, "Thus the which is: reason, emotion, and appetite. Among unconscious mind can be seen as the source of these three treasons has been given the highest dreams and automatic thoughts (those that value and ranking as Plato believed that reason appear without any apparent cause), the keeps the more primitive forces of appetite and repository of forgotten memories (that may still emotion at bay. Aristotle (384-322 BCE) referred be accessible to consciousness later time), and to the seat of personality as the psyche and his the locus of implicit knowledge (the things that explanation of psyche was the product of we have learned so well that we do them without biological processes. He saw the psyche as thinking). including a set of faculties that he placed in a hierarchy of importance. He also mentioned that 2.4 Unconscious Mind these faculties can also be found among plants and animals. On the other hand, Rene Descartes (1596-1650), a French philosopher explained The unconscious mind is the state of mind that human personality as the product of the primarily holds memories and past experiences. interaction of divide and primal forces [9]. In his Some of these memories could have been view, the essential force behind the personality is developed through trauma designed as the immortal soul, which is perfect, pure, and automatic thoughts [7]. The illustration above intangible. depicted the deeper involvement of behaviours and beliefs which sitting a layer deeper in the The current research was conducted to see if the mind under the subconscious. It was evidenced variation on the decision choice and the that although the subconscious and unconscious personality characteristics are the product of the are directly related with almost similar things, still dual personality or not which is very much unconscious mind is the cellar on compared to indicated from the study of Cartesian Dualism. the others. The concept of Cartesian Dualism is the distinct philosophical stands of two substances which 2.5 Personality Study and Theories include: matter and spirit or brain and mind. 2.6 Working from Home (WfH) The study of social psychology, cognitive psychology, and individual psychology all reveal The concept of working from home is a recent the endeavour of how we behave and how our trend in international companies where they behaviour circulates and is considered as the believe that it increases the healthy working life factor to success. Despite our similarities, it is balance by allowing the flexible working hours to hard to doubt that each of us on the planet is its employees. It was evidenced by various uniquely distinct in our thinking process. company examples that, companies having Personality psychology study is the only appropriate and high profiled technological empirically tested measure to address and advancement are greatly benefited from allowing identify the human differences. Personality its employees and have less constraint at work. psychology is the only way that answers the The employees are having less stress, can save most common questions for instance, why we on traveling, and spent more quality time on differ from each other? How consistent these family responsibilities. The concept also can be differences are? in what situation and along what used in various other names which include, dimensions do we differ in concepts and or telework, telecommute, or flexible working these perceptions? This concept and the developed all are initiated to improve employee productivity theory were completely opposed by some and also attracted talented graduates to come experts who defined the situationism. The and stay in the labour force. [10] stated that concept of situationism defines that the flexible working often applied to the ICT behaviour of a human differs not because of industries, but a recent study highlighted that his/her personality traits but because they are the academics are also given the option to take artifacts of various situations and the impact of lessons online including open and distance human’s own social, cultural, and environmental education programs in the higher education surroundings [8]. The study of human psychology institutions [11]. 25 Munna and Shaikh; AJESS, 12(3): 23-29, 2020; Article no.AJESS.61904 On the other hand, the most recent study personality, quality, adaptation, to the learning conducted by the American Time Use Survey by situation, and the creation of course materials the Bureau of Labour Statistics indicated that affect the learning-teaching performance which is around 57% of employees are working under a quite different in the online/e-learning situation flexible schedule, 29% of people are allowed to [18]. work from home and approximately 25% people 3. METHODOLOGY often worked on a flexible working schedule [12]. Owl Labs researched in 2019 and the State of The research used a mixed method combining Remote Work report indicated that some qualitative and quantitative research methods. employees are even ready to accept a pay cut to Data was collected during the UK lockdown consider flexible working. According to the report, period May-June 2020 using 3 open-ended and 2 34% of workers would be willing to take a 5% close-ended questions. The research aimed at cut; 24% would take a 10% cut, and 20% would very small-scale respondents selected carefully take a cut larger than 10%. The study also from the working colleagues in various industries, emphasized on the reason why peoples’ are specially targeted parents (having at least one interested working from home despite the pay cut school going child). There were 5 questions and study revealed that 91% believe working relating to the concept of working from home and from home will increase their better work-life learning from home which was carefully designed balance, 79% believes it will increase productivity to capture the feeling of parents about their by allowing better focus on tasks, 78% believe it professional job vs their own children's learning reduced the tress and 78% agrees as it will allow from home perceptions. A total of 36 responses them to avoid a commute to work [13]. were used in this current survey to analyze the findings. The online data collection platform 2.7 Learning from Home (LfH) Survey Monkey was used to collect the research data. Data were organized and analyzed using Likewise, many other subjects’ technological Microsoft Excel to formulate the tabulation and study and the use of technology has increased in graphical presentation. recent days. Technology has entered into our life and especially in the life of education [14]. The 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION increased number of students, technological There was a total of 36 responses collected development, new learning theories, and where all the respondents were asked the same personal needs have led to the introduction of e- 5 questions. On the first question, the learning and vis-à-vis learning from home [15]. E- respondents were asked whether they prefer learning has recently been very popular support working from home or not. All 36 (especially considering the COVID-19 situation respondents replied among which 69.44% of and lockdown) and learning from home for the respondents said they do support working from children as they stayed out from the school and home and 30.56% of respondents do not support did home learning to keep them educationally working from home. While some respondents updated. Many schools in Britain have adopted were asked whether they do support their online teaching using various technological tools children’s learning from home or not. 48.57% of to keep their pupils updated and ahead on the respondents agreed supporting learning from crowd [16]. Most of the higher educational home for their children and 51.43% disagreed institutions also considered delivering their and do not support learning from home. regular programs online. While assessing the However, 1 respondent has decided not to importance of home learning with the parents it respond. was evidenced that parents agreed on flexible learning (often referred to as e-learning and Analyzing the results of these two questions it is home learning) because they think e-learning quite clear that parents prefer to work from home has made education effective, it has been but when it comes to learning from home for their considered as a motivation factor in terms of self- children, they do not feel comfortable. When efficacy [17]. However, from the personal asked about the professions of the respondents experience of teaching and learning, it was truly the research finds that equally 40% of the evident that there are a lot of differences respondents are equally from the education and between traditional and e-learning. In traditional telecommunications industry, construction, learning, the teachers have full control of class advertising & marketing, and manufacturing and management and the learning environment. In the healthcare sector also received equally traditional learning, the teacher’s ability, 5.71% each. 26 Munna and Shaikh; AJESS, 12(3): 23-29, 2020;; AArrttiiccllee nnoo..AJESS.61904 Fig. 2. GGrraapphhiicc pprreesseennttaattiioonn ooff wwoorrkkiinngg ffrroomm hhoommee FFiigg.. 33.. GGrraapphhiicc pprreesseennttaattiioonn lleeaarrnniinngg ffrroomm hhoommee FFrroomm tthhee rreesstt ooff tthhee rreessppoonnddeennttss,, 88..5577%% wwaass bbeehhiinndd tthheeiirr cchhooiiccee mmoosstt ooff tthhee rreessppoonnddeennttss ffrroomm ttrraannssppoorrttaattiioonn aanndd tthhee rreemmaaiinniinngg 2288..5599%% referred to the COVID-1199 ppaannddeemmiicc aass an aarree ffrroomm vvaarriioouuss sseeccttoorrss iinncclluuddiinngg aaggrriiccuullttuurree,, eexxccuussee wwhhiicchh iiss oobbvviioouuss aanndd ttrruuee ttoo ssoommee eexxtteenntt aauuttoommoottiivvee,, bbuussiinneessss ssuuppppoorrtt && llooggiissttiiccss,, ffoooodd && ffoolllloowwiinngg tthhee UUKK ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt lloocckkddoowwnn bbeevveerraaggeess,, aanndd ffiinnaanncciiaall sseeccttoorrss.. IItt ccaann bbee rreessttrriiccttiioonnss.. HHoowweevveerr,, mmaannyy rreeffeerrrreedd ttoo deemed that, the higher thee sskkiillll lleevveellss aarree ffoorr tthhee tthhee ssaaffeettyy aanndd sseeccuurriittyy mmeeaassuurreess wwhhiillee pprrooffeessssiioonnaallss,, tthheeiirr ppeerrcceeppttiioonn ooff oo tt hh ee rr ss mm ee nn tt iioonneedd tthhaatt,, tthheeiirr cchhiillddrreenn lleeaarrnn aa lleeaarrnniinngg ffrroomm hhoommee mmiigghhtt bbee ccoonnssiiddeerreedd aass better and mmoorree oorrggaanniizzeedd wwaayy iinn aa hhoommeellyy positive and vice-vveerrssaa.. WWhheenn aasskkeedd tthhee rreeaassoonn environment. 27 Munna and Shaikh; AJESS, 12(3): 23-29, 2020; Article no.AJESS.61904 5. CONCLUSION 3. Matthews D. How will technology reshape the university by 2030? Results from THE’s The Dual Process Theory suggests that, while university leaders survey. Times Higher making decisions we often use two different Education; 2018. thinking systems called intuition or gut feeling Accessed 15 June 2020. 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