© Kamla-Raj 2019 Int J Edu Sci, 25(1-3): 18-24 (2019) PRINT: ISSN 0975-1122 ONLINE: ISSN 2456-6322 DOI: 10.31901/24566322.2019/25.1-3.1076 The Views of Preservice Teachers on the Comparison of the Turkish Education System and the Inter-grade Transition Systems of Some Countries Reyhan Sekerci Konyaalti Public Education Center, Konyaalti, Antalya, Turkey Telephone: 0242 259 61 20, Fax: 0242 259 61 21, E-mail: [email protected] KEYWORDS Comparative Education. Preservice Teachers. Views ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to determine the views and approaches of preservice teachers on the comparison of the Turkish education system and the inter-grade transition systems of other countries. In the study using qualitative research methods and techniques, the preservice teachers were asked to present their views and suggestions on the comparison of the Turkish education system and the inter-grade transition systems of other countries. The data were collected via documentation technique. Education systems of five countries were introduced to the preservice teachers and they tried to interpret and explain these conditions in the light of the theoretical knowledge they learned in the course of comparative education. The documents were used as data documents of the study. As a result of the study, the inter-grade transition systems of the countries were compared and some suggestions were made concerning the Turkish education system. INTRODUCTION cation also forms a basis for producing general theories in a broader framework. For example, if Comparative education is a study area which the studies conducted in the United States sug- helps to identify the similarities and differences gest that a child’s order of birth in the family is between two or more education systems of dif- associated with her/his school success, this find- ferent cultures and countries, explains phenom- ing may help the trainer to develop newer and ena that appear to be similar, and offers propos- more general theories. In other words, compara- als for the ways of training people (Türkoglu tive education is of prime importance in terms of 1985; Tatli and Adigüzel 2012). improving and enriching educational sciences. There are numerous studies on comparative Theoretical and practical studies conducted education in the literature (Arnove 1980; Hans within the scope of educational sciences can be 2012; Bray et al. 2014; Holmes 2018; Güngör and put into a more effective framework with the Göksu 2013). Comparative education embraces knowledge provided by comparative education the systems of education in a broad framework (Erdogan 2003). and thus, removes missing and wrong associa- Two approaches in comparative education tions related to the systems with the knowledge can be discussed. The first of these approaches and interpretations it offers. In addition, it is is the one-to-one comparison of the education shown that educational problems are not so pe- systems of two countries in terms of certain cri- culiar to any country by means of valid and reli- terion. For example, in the comparison of the able knowledge concerning other systems of education system of the country A and the edu- education. Comparative education also examines cation system of the country B in terms of pur- and offers standards that are used for education pose and policy, administrative structuring and applications. By this way, it becomes possible administration-process; firstly the purpose and to understand many terms such as “continued policy of the education system of the country A education” “the handicapped”, “the gifted”, are compared one-to-one with the purpose and “compulsory education”, evaluate the lessons policy of the education system of the country in schools and have information about the stan- B. Then, the same comparison is made one-to- dards used by other countries concerning mat- one according to the other two criteria. On the ters such as school year and teacher’s quality. other hand, the second approach includes an Knowledge acquired through comparative edu- integrated evaluation of the education systems TURKISH EDUCATION SYSTEM AND THE INTER-GRADE TRANSITION SYSTEMS 19 of the countries A and B first and then a compar- notes, formal records, policies, student compo- ison of these systems in terms of the criterion of sitions, homework, technical documents, meet- purpose and policy, administrative structuring ing minutes, plans, leaflets, advertisements, year- and administration-process. In other words, first- books, and newspapers are also among data ly the purpose and policy, administrative struc- sources used in the documentation technique turing and administration-process of the educa- (Cohen et al. 2007). These documents can be tion system of the country A are described. Then, used not only as data sources alone, but also the education system of the country B is de- for the purpose of providing additional informa- scribed according to the same three criteria. Fi- tion to other qualitative methods (such as inter- nally, the two systems are compared according view, observation) and increasing the reliability. to these criteria (Balci 2009). As documents contain rich and enormous data, they are considerably effective in describing the Objective of the Study phenomenon, which is the subject of the study, from all aspects. Besides, documents are useful The second approach was adopted in this for detecting personal views and emotions which study. In this context, after analyzing the educa- cannot be obtained in other ways and examin- tion systems of Turkey and the specified coun- ing how the conditions develop in the course of tries in detail, it was asked to compare and inter- time in long-term studies (Cohen et al. 2007). pret the inter-grade transition systems in the education systems of the related countries. Con- Study Group sidering from this point of view; the aim of this study was to determine the views of preservice Many pre-service teachers benefit from var- teachers on the comparison of the Turkish edu- ious trainings and courses of non-formal educa- cation system and the inter-grade transition ed- tion within the scope of protocols and coopera- ucation systems of other countries. tion made between public education centers and faculties. It was paid attention to select students METHODOLOGY who were able to make comparison among edu- cation systems of the countries having language Study Model competencies in particular among these preser- vice teachers. The participants consisted of 10 In this study, methods and techniques of case voluntary fourth-year students who were study- study, which is among qualitative research ap- ing in Faculty of Education Department of En- proaches, were used (Yildirim and Simsek 2011). glish Teaching in the Autumn Term of the Aca- For that purpose, the student views on differ- demic Year of 2017-2018, took the comparative ences in the inter-grade transition systems of education course, and were selected via conve- the countries were analyzed (Silverman 1998). nience sampling method, being one of purpose- ful sampling methods. Data Collection Data Analysis The documentation technique, which is in- cluded in document and record analysis meth- During the practice studies of the compara- od, was used as data collection tool (Ekiz 2003). tive education course, each student examined Also known as document analysis; this method the education systems of five countries (Germa- is one of the major data collection tools of his- ny, United States, England, Japan, South Korea) torical and biographical researches and uses and made a presentation about the comparison written documents, voice records, photos, elec- of the inter-grade transition systems and the tronic files and videos, which include informa- Turkish education system in the classroom. The tion about the phenomena that are intended to following processes were followed in the com- be investigated as data sources. Lincoln and parative education course: 1. Examining and eval- Guba (1985) usually gave written materials such uating the inter-grade transition systems in the as personal diaries, letters, memories, travel education systems of five countries, 2. Compar- notes and biographies as examples to documents ing the inter-grade transition systems of the (Lincoln and Guba 1985). Apart from them; field countries examined with the Turkish education 20 REYHAN SEKERCI system, 3. Finally, determining, discussing, in- system. We can at least hold more exams like terpreting, and evaluating good examples and the previous SBS (placement test) and thus, applications which could be transferred from the create a more accurate evaluation system.” education systems of the examined countries to (Preservice Teacher 1) the Turkish education system. “The Turkish education system is currently teacher-based and gradually prepares students FINDINGS to the exam simply because students will en- counter an exam in every stage of their lives. The Comparison of the Turkish System of This condition has begun to prevent students Education and Inter-grade Transition from socializing. We see a similar situation in Systems of some Countries other countries; for example, students in Japan also have to take high school and university The views of the preservice teachers con- entrance exams, but these exams are less signif- cerning the comparison of Turkish education icant factors in determining life compared to system and the inter-grade transition systems Turkey. Thus, they have fewer impacts on stu- in education systems of some countries were as dents. Because in Turkey’s conditions, if a stu- follows (Table 1): dent fails an exam, her/his personal and aca- “I think the most remarkable part of the demic progress interrupts until he/she passes comparison of countries is inter-grade transi- the exam. In some situations, we may even en- tion exams that are held in England. All prima- counter students who think that life is over. This ry, secondary and high school students in En- situation is different in Japan, because there gland are subjected to an exam at the end of are one or several alternatives preventing Jap- each educational grade in order to pass to the anese students from facing the same situation next grade. They gain right to pass to the next in Turkey to a certain extent. To get the solu- grade according to their marks. In our system tion; I believe that it is necessary to change of education, on the other hand, students take completely the exam system in Turkey. Instead only one exam at the end of secondary school of an exam-oriented system, an ability-orient- and set their destiny of education. It may not ed system should be written. However, this is always be sufficient and proper to measure an not possible in the short term. Ability-oriented 8-year education with only one exam. Taking systems are available in Turkey to an extent. that as an example, we can improve our exam Universities prepare aptitude-oriented exams Table 1. Views of preservice teachers on the comparison of the Turkish system of education and inter- grade transition systems of some countries Themes UK Japan Ger- South USA Tur- many Korea key 1. There is an evaluation system at the end of each grade. (PT 1, PT 2, PT 7, PT 9) (cid:51) (cid:51) 2. Inter-grade transition is carried out with general and (cid:51) (cid:51) large scaled exams. (PT 1, PT 2, PT 3, PT 4, PT 8) 3. Address-based placement is available. (PT 10) (cid:51) (cid:51) (cid:51) 4. Social skill education is in the foreground rather than (cid:51) (cid:51) (Partially) theoretical knowledge. (PT 7) 5. Guidance is made according to art/occupational (cid:51) (cid:51) (cid:51) (Partially) education and talents. (PT 8) (Partially) 6. Moral development education starts at young ages and is prioritized. (PT 3, PT 6) (cid:51) 7. Success rate in literacy and success tests is very (cid:51) high and these matters are taken into consideration in education. (PT 9) 8. A Discipline and success- oriented sense of (cid:51) education is adopted. (PT 9) 9. Compulsory education comprises 9 to 12 years. (cid:51) (cid:51) (cid:51) (cid:51) (cid:51) (cid:51) (PT 5, PT 6, PT 8, PT 10) 10. There is a local sense of education. (PT 5, PT 6, PT 7) (cid:51) (cid:51) (cid:51) (Centralist) TURKISH EDUCATION SYSTEM AND THE INTER-GRADE TRANSITION SYSTEMS 21 in fields like music and painting. I believe that time education is provided on Saturdays. While this needs to be improved.” (Preservice Teach- there are at least two employees in every school er 2) in Turkey, there is no employee in Japan. Ja- “Students in Turkey prepare for exams as pan has a local sense of administration just from very young ages. There are even students like Germany. Foreign language lessons begin who prepare to the future by solving tests in the in the second grade in Turkey and seventh third grade. On the other hand, the first 6 years grade in Japan. Education budget is one and a in Japan are dedicated to individual moral half times greater than military expenditures. education. Their system is based on respect and Moral education begins as of the first grade in merit. In order to have a sense of team work as Japan. That’s how it should be in our country, from young ages, students are even made clean as well. A great part of compulsory education the toilets. As the Turkish family structure is should focus on moral education rather than not appropriate for that, the system can be ap- exams.” (Preservice Teacher 6) plied mildly. Students can clean the classroom “When considering the English education and the board or take the trashcan out.” (Pre- system, it is seen that education is in the hands service Teacher 3) of local units, as in Germany. The duration of “While the high school exit exam, Abitur compulsory education in England is eleven (oral+written) in Germany is horribly difficult, years and the duration of course hours is forty the presence of multiple-choice questions such hours, as in Turkey. We see that education aims as YGS-LYS in Turkey is more relieving. To me, for a social change. An exam is held at the end another advantage of the Turkish education of every stage. Professional orientation begins system is that English education begins as of at the ages of 7-11 years in junior school. In the second grade in Turkey and the sixth grade Turkey, children older than 72 weeks start in Japan. On the other hand, children in Japan school, whereas in England, there are different are more equipped because they are trained in ages and criteria of acceptance for every school. campus-like schools as of primary school; That’s how it should be in Turkey.” (Preservice whereas, in Turkey, primary school is too limit- Teacher 7) ed and insufficient.” (Preservice Teacher 4) “When considering the German education “Preschool education is not compulsory in system, it is seen that the duration of compulso- Germany and Turkey and while this education ry education is 12 (4+5+3) years. Children is free in Turkey, it is paid in Germany. The du- are obliged to start school at 6 years. Students ration of compulsory education is twelve years are not given marks in the first and second (4+4+4) in Turkey and ten years in Germany. grade in junior school and drama courses are In contradistinction to Turkey, students are not provided in some states. These courses are given marks within the first two years of prima- among example applications for students’ learn- ry school in Germany. The school where the ing by doing and experiencing and developing student would go after primary school is noti- empathy skills. Additionally, in some states, fied with a Letter of Reference in Germany. If there are courses enabling students to select parents are dissatisfied with that condition, they and play any instrument. That’s how it should can raise an objection and take an acceptance be in Turkey. Such courses can be added and exam. In Germany, higher education consists of applied. Also, a student who graduates from a two-year college and at least four-year under- conservatoire or a music school can teach as a graduate education; whereas in our country, teacher. In teacher training, on the other hand, undergraduate education takes four years. The assignments are made by states. Individuals sense of education is local in Germany and cen- who aim to become a teacher need to have the tralist in Turkey. As a consequence, all the dif- abitur. They take an exam after receiving both ferences in Germany from Turkey take them to theoretical and practical courses for four years. success.” (Preservice Teacher 5) Those who succeed receive a two-year intern- “In the Japanese system of education, on ship training. At the end of that training, they the other hand, the duration of compulsory ed- take oral, written and occupational experience ucation is nine years (6+3). The duration of exams again and get assigned. In our country, education which is 180 weekdays in Turkey is on the other hand, people get assigned and 240 weekdays in Japan, mainly because part- start to work only after taking the KPSS (pub- 22 REYHAN SEKERCI lic personnel selection examination).” (Preser- outcomes. For example, school levels can be vice Teacher 8) adjusted better or schools accessible to every- “Considering the South Korean system of one can be established.” (Preservice Teacher education, it is seen that students who attach a 10) great importance to education spend 14 hours When analyzing descriptively the views of a day in school and literally run to success. the preservice teachers concerning the compar- Indeed, the concept of education is extremely ison of Turkish education system and the inter- disciplined and strict not only in South Korea, grade transition systems in education systems but also in the large part of the Far East. Among of some countries, the participants mentioned these countries, South Korea is undoubtedly about similarities and differences between ap- the most successful country on the edge. Their plications in the other countries and application exams require quite a different and more exten- in Turkish education system. When it comes to sive information sophistication compared to the inter-grade transition system, it was ob- familiar exams such as TEOG, YGS and KPSS served that the participants assessed the appli- and can be intensely tiring and wearing. I don’t cation in Turkey based on exam systems in gen- think students can cope with such a system in eral and pointed out orientation and guidance our country. However, it is not possible to state applications based on talents and skills in the that this strict and difficult system of education other countries rather than transfer exams. is unsuccessful, because the rate of literacy in South Korea has reached 100 percent. In addi- DISCUSSION tion, South Korea is among the leading coun- tries in international comparative success tests. The study and comparisons have showed However, this success certainly comes at a price. that there are still structural disorders between Students in South Korea are under a tremen- the grades. There used to be serious problems dous and cruel pressure to succeed. Especially in transition from secondary education to high- families never accept any excuse for failure.” er education and now this stress is also experi- (Preservice Teacher 9) enced in transition to high schools. Today high “One of the most controversial topics in the schools are no more educational institutions Turkish system of education used to be 4+4+4. preparing students to life and occupation; they The United States also uses this system which prepare students to only an upper level of edu- obliges 12 years. Another controversial topic cation. Even vocational high schools have been is the determination of criteria to be used for transformed into such institutions with open going to high school with the motto, “best admission. An equality of opportunity is tried to school is the one that is closest to home”. We be provided in education; however, every new see that this model is also applied in the United regulation in the system deepens the inequality States and England. I think this application of opportunity even further (Ergün 2014). has many advantages from a lot of aspects. It is Thus, according to Ekinci (2014) the Minis- an applicable method both economically and try of National Education should develop poli- with regards to student safety. If we stress the cies to remove the quality and equality problem importance of Turkish society for the concept in the system and reduce the difference of suc- of family; it may not be wrong to state that par- cess between schools. Considering that students ents fall all over their children a lot. Thus, par- will have an exam anxiety; it is required to aban- ents yearn for sending their children to good don the exam-based system in transition to sec- schools for a good education. However, these ondary education and higher education, devel- schools can be far away, which may pose a prob- op a transition system that students can prefer lem for both children and parents. Therefore, it according to their interests and demands and is good for students to be close to school. What also review the exam number and inter-session should actually be discussed here is adoption period which are considered as factors increas- of this system in haste without a proper infra- ing the exam anxiety of students. structure. Considering in general rather than Considering all these; it is primarily required specifically; adopting another system without to provide the equality of opportunity in educa- preparing an infrastructure is the greatest fac- tion. Some students in Turkey have better pos- tor for the failure and constant alteration of sibilities than others and thus, benefit from more TURKISH EDUCATION SYSTEM AND THE INTER-GRADE TRANSITION SYSTEMS 23 quality educational services. Especially the dif- The exam system which mainly highlights ferences between school types should be re- students’ academic achievement seems to be far duced in terms of financial possibilities provid- from giving them an opportunity to develop from ed to students. The sense of educational admin- all aspects. Necessary precautions should be istration should be altered. A centralist and strict taken to prevent lessons outside the core cur- sense of administration should be replaced by a riculum in schools from remaining in the back- flexible sense of administration authorizing and ground. Investigating the reasons for students empowering local governments. Exams aimed at not to continue school from all aspects and es- evaluating students should not be based on pecially removing the academic anxiety of stu- memorization. They should develop creativity dents by school administrators and teachers will and critical thinking. University programs pro- be effective in succeeding. viding teaching education should be made more qualified and applications encouraging the pro- RECOMMENDATIONS fession of teaching should be developed. Also in the comparisons by Baskan et al. (2006) it is Within the scope of the study, following rec- ommendation can be listed; first equal opportu- stressed that technical and academic dimensions nity should be provided in the education. Espe- of teacher training system of the process of se- cially differences between school types in terms lecting students for faculties of education in of financial possibilities offered to students Turkey should be reviewed; courses in teach- should be decreased. The sense of education ing programs should concentrate mainly on the administration should be changed. Instead of a dimensions of general culture, professional centralist and strict management understanding, teaching knowledge and school practices and a flexible management understanding that gives should be subjected to practice exams where authorization and assignment to local govern- they can perform practically at the end of the ments, as well should be adopted. Education process; and professional exams should be held programs and the contents of the textbooks to measure the field information of preservice should be arranged based on the country needs teachers concerning every branch before get- and individual differences of students and they ting assigned in the profession. In the study by should be based on practices instead of memo- Güngör and Göksu (2013) it is emphasized that rization. The exams made for evaluating students educational financing in Turkey is not sufficient should aim at creativity and critical thinking. and there are differences between the countries University programs providing the teacher train- in general. In this respect, in order to fulfil all ing should be qualified and the encouraging these proposals, the amount of educational ex- applications for teaching profession should be penditures should be increased substantially. developed. Most importantly, amount of edu- cational costs should be absolutely increased. CONCLUSION REFERENCES Education is one of the most important fac- tors that need a special attention for a country Arnove RF 1980. Comparative education and world- to develop and exceed the level of contempo- systems analysis. Comparative Education Review, rary civilization. A properly planned and estab- 24(1): 48-62. Balci A 2009. Comparative Education Systems. 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