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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 469 166 TM 034 457 Bierschenk, Bernhard AUTHOR The Observer as Categoriser. TITLE Copenhagen Univ. INSTITUTION (Denmark). Cognitive Science Research.; Lund (Sweden). Cognitive Science Research. Univ. REPORT NO No-84 ISSN-0281-9864 ISSN 2002-00-00 PUB DATE NOTE 32p.; For a related paper from Cognitive Science Research, see ED 456 812. PUB TYPE Reports Research (143) EDRS Price MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS Biological Influences; *Cognitive Processes; English; Swedish; *Text Structure; *Translation; Verbal Communication *Agent Action Objective Model IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT This paper is a direct continuation of the experimental evaluation of the basic space-hypothesis explored in "Real Time Imaging of the Rotation Mechanism Producing Interview-based Language Spaces." This project has required that different pars, the spaces of the A- and 0-domains, be related and contrasted. In this paper the focus is on the rotation- translation hypothesis. This paper demonstrates that the oscillations in pattern dynamics produce perspective transformations of motifs and themes. Motifs are assumed to carry intentional cues and to locate structurally the observer's thematic orientation. At the kinematic level, this condition has made it possible to extract different perspective orientations. It is demonstrated that the asymptotic behavior of evolving motifs provides the basis for a thermodynamic description of an original Swedish sample text and to compare the description with the dynamics induced through its translation into English. As a result, it is shown that the original and its translation share highly similar informational invariants. This means that their attractor spaces are structurally alike. With reference to the general recognition problems, the capacity to induce dynamics in another system and to demonstrate their similitude has meaning and important implications for further analyses and system synthesis. (Contains 3 tables, 5 figures, and 22 references.) (Author/SLD) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ISSN 0281-9864 The Observer as Categoriser Bernhard Bierschenk Department of Psychology Lund University No. 84 2002 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Educational Research and Improvement Office of PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS CENTER (ERIC) BEEN GRANTED BY his document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization /L4jefded±_ originating it. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in this TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES document do not necessarily tepresent INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) official OERI position or policy. 1 Copenhagen University Denmark KOGNITIONSVETENSKAPLIG FORSKNING ti Cognitive Science Research O Lund University Sweden BEST COPY AVAILABLE 2 The Observer as Categoriser Bernhard Bierschenk Department of Psychology Lund University No. 84 2002 Cognitive Science Research Lund University University of Copenhagen Editorial board Bernhard Bierschenk (editor), Lund University of Copenhagen Inger Bierschenk (co-editor), University Copenhagen Ole Elstrup Rasmussen, University of Helge Helmersson (adm. editor), Lund University Education JOrgen Aage Jensen, Danish University of Adm. editor Cognitive Science Research Helge Helmersson Copenhagen Competence Dep. of Business Adm. Research Center Lund University University of Copenhagen P.O. Box 7080 Njalsgade 88 S-220 07 Lund DK-2300 Copenhagen S Sweden Denmark 3 2 Abstract experimental evaluation of the basic space- The article is a direct continuation of the the Rotation Mechanism Producing hypothesis as explored in "Real Time Imaging of that different parts, namely the spaces Interview-based Language Spaces". This has required contrasted to one another. Now, in focus is the of the A- and 0-domain, are being related and that the oscillations in rotation-translation hypothesis. The present paper is demonstrating transformations of motifs and themes. Motifs are pattern dynamics are producing perspective the observer's thematic assumed to carry intentional cues and to locate structurally it possible to extract different orientation. At the kinematic level, this condition has made behaviour of evolving motifs perspective orientations. It is demonstrated that the asymptotic original Swedish sample text and to provides the basis for a thermodynamic description of an dynamics induced through its translation into English. As a compare the description with the share highly similar informational result, it is shown that the original and its translation structurally alike. With reference to the invariants. This means that their attractor spaces are dynamics in another system and to general recognition problems, the capacity to induce implications for further analyses and demonstrate their similitude has meaning and important system synthesis. 4 3 expression in the study of complex system Traditionally, the use of natural language verbalise his observations. Further, it can be behaviour presupposes that its observer can becomes of complex dynamical systems that text observed in the study of the behaviour of "word provide the elements for the construction broken into pieces, which are expected to the of fragmentation is assumed to guarantee models" (Jeffers, 1978, p. 164). This kind analysis. In this context "box" diagrams are generation of the proper basis for system kind of thought. Hence, it is believed that this designed which seems to provide a framework the boxes, complex interactions through links between of "boxitis" is capable of pinpointing diagrams is One of the main reasons for drawing box which mark the "information flows". essential elements. Thus modelling and theory probably the purpose of abstracting between boxes and designated by words. construction implies that links can be drawn behavioural sciences concerns the development Since the primary research goal of the precise verbal how difficult it is to search for a most of observation methods, it is striking its root the behavioural studies is in crisis, and description. Still, the research in the fields of bear the essential of statistical tests of significance, which can be traced, partly to the use mechanisms of algebraic models and stochastic responsibility (Bakan, 1966), partly to the use based on drawn from testing, nor model simulations, (Heath, 2000). Neither the conclusions behaviour. In the non-linear dynamics in human boxes (Ford, 1999), can accommodate models and stochastic mechanisms to verbal particular, the problems of linking algebraic non-linearity also poses insurmountable problems behaviour appear simply too complex. Its decision-making. used in mathematical modelling and for evaluating the normative theories number of material and immaterial properties That people can perceive or conceive a fact. But the rise and fall of one's conscious of objects and events is an indisputable structure and depends on the presence of a proper conceptual awareness of objects and events is assumed to emerge "bookkeeping" mechanism. The conceptual structure an effective 2001b). Recent of string dynamics (B. Bierschenk, naturally from the non-linear processes is closely interaction with real or virtual environments analyses have shown that conscious (B. in the exploration of those environments connected the one's synthesising ability Bierschenk, 2001b). from the working with artificially constructed What sets the present approach apart dynamics diagrams is its concentration on rotational classes and their arrangement into box Hence, the basic results of textual movement patterns. and on a geometric description of the and of a subtle interplay between intentionality focus will be on pattern dynamics as outcome (AaO) axiom provided the foundation. orientation, for which the Agent-action-Objective through its self-referential system becomes structured Since language conceived of as biological clocking mode. Thus forces, its production is a function of its own internal driving self-reference result of self-organising processes, but the formation of language patterns is the of language structure and system synthesising mechanism implies the coupling as information and the responsible for the formation of patterns dynamics. The discovered mechanism is coupling of textual agents (A) it has been shown that the circular emergence of order. Further, Through characteristic property of this mechanism. with textual objectives (0) is the well as their variations in nesting, it is individual variations in the growth of its components as generating stability and textual morphogenesis is possible to demonstrate that structural precondition for the study of emerging corresponding informational invariants. But a discovered through imposed a priory. However, it can be invariants is that structure cannot be 1996). Bierschenk, I. Bierschenk & H. Helmersson, Perspective Text Analysis (PTA) (B. themselves stable states and how these are organising PTA allows for the study of multiply will be the original meaning of categorisation within certain attractor spaces. In this sense hypothesis: studied on the basis of the following 5 4 into accusation or assertion are organising themselves Hypothesis. Multiply stable states of which a unified concept of categorisation can several different state attractors, through emerge. made the starting point for the operations of the Aa0- When the process of categorisation is that the dependent variables of the preceding formula (B. Bierschenk, 1984), it is implied variables for the identification of relations level of processing become the independent that the Schema-mechanism as demonstrated in B. between categories. Now, it is suggested and "Form" as the experimental factors. Figure Bierschenk (1994), operates with "Structure" cooperation and interaction. 1 is demonstrating the result of their Figure 1. Emergence of Structural Invariants Form -+ a Variation of Relationship Orientation (Wholeness) Structure Invariance Variation of Intention the of a "relationship" between categories constitutes As shown in Figure 1, the identification Without the reconstructive capacity of the condition for the zero-hypothesis of wholeness. foundational prerequisite of wholeness, namely Schema, there is no way to access the establish the shape (= Gestalt) of a structural identity. Therefore, it is always necessary to implies that the structural identity of a Gestalt remains structure. Hence the zero-hypothesis implicit and consequently unknown. implicates that the "Intention" in the However, mobilising the "Structure"-factor result of time-dependent changes of its formation of a Gestalt becomes accessible as the "Form"-factor means that the "Variations in the shape. In this perspective, mobilising the evolutionary time. Hence, in the process of Orientation" of the shapes become evident in in the resulting transformation. But only under differentiation, both factors generate variations mobilised, becomes the character of transformation the condition that both are simultaneously is the novelty at this level of processing. conserved in a shape. As a result, "Invariance" in Figure 2, is to make evident that natural The purpose with the design, depicted complex geometric forms, which are carrying language production is expected to generate representation of information (in the Gibsonian meaningful information. It follows, that the morphogenesis and the concept of evolution (Thom, sense) requires the establishment of a driving processing demands a measure on the rhythmic 1975, p. 145). Moreover, progressive condition for this kind of study, its impact is in text production. Since evolution is the basic (McNamara, 1997). But the establishment of expected to emerge in the "Shapes of Time" of his motifs and his themes. Stable those shapes concerns the observer's moulding 6 5 the basis of the relationship, depicted in informational invariants are expected to emerge on toward the presence of thematic transformations. Figure 2. This operational approach points Figure 2. The Sources of Accusation Form -+ a Variation of Discourse Theme Structure Morphogenesis Variation of Motif thematic development and Possible transformations in the microstructure of a motif or a of an account of rotational dynamics and subsequent translations are expected to be the result Traditionally, the study of natural language its effect on the changes in perspective. well as to rotational translation. production has been insensitive to perspective changes as weight to the effect that distinct changes However, the rotation-translation hypothesis gives changes in attitude concern the text have on the resulting asymmetries. Consequently, the position taken by other people. producer's observation of his own position in relation to be observed that any pure verbalisation must As a product of changing attitudes, it can Furthermore, it can be expected that have been anchored in the producer's ego-involvement. by an observer and the meaning- the functional relation between the position formed in its entirety through generating context give rise to awareness, which is difficult to capture import of the observer-event involvement in text production any translation. The functional producer gives expression to his mode of picking up means that the observer as text been observed and expressed information from his ecological surroundings. What has kind. Further, any immediately verbally is always multivariable and multidimensional in that the analysis can be carried out expressed perceptual awareness can be analysed, provided To the degree that a sensitive verbal "without any intervening dissociation" of the expression. the synthesis of the perceived reaction to a perceivable phenomenon can be processed implies wholeness, perceptual phenomenon can be approached scientifically. Since synthesis in which the perceiver has coherence can be penetrated without direct access to the context made his perceptual experiences. various points of view is The way in which the observer in his discourse is handling environment. With respect to the closely related to his own way of functioning in a given the perceiver's "point of apprehension of any particular "point of view", its distance from point of view and a point observation" can be analysed effectively. If the distance between a rotational operations. Hence, the of observation appears to be tiny, it would imply constricted of observation and certain operating viewpoints greater the distance between a particular point shifts. However, when a certain point the higher is the acceleration in the involved attitudinal particular point of view, a rotational change of observation is determined by its closeness to a Moreover, when a point of would give expression to the speed of shifting perspective. 7 6 that distance gives expression to invisible points observation is at great distance, it is implied Implicitness provides greater resistance to change. A of view, and therefore to implicitness. change from one phase to another is the corresponding direct measure on the resistance to a change in pattern dynamics. will be demonstrated that the oscillations in In focussing on rotation and translation, it perspective transformations of motif and themes. Motifs are pattern dynamics are producing be shown that motifs contain assumed to carry intentional cues. Furthermore, it will produced textual pattern dynamics. information concerning the thematic orientation of the and to point toward the presence of a Invariant structural relations are expected to emerge holophors of the perspectivation of the biologically determined interplay between the following sample text: Original Swedish Text: bara bland de kommunalt anstallda, de Tina pa hur installningen ar idag, och det är ju inte da hjalpa till med att komma pa hur fiesta tycker ju att jag har ju min ton, varfor ska jag har, /.../. kommunen ska spara, det skiter val jag i. Det ar samma resonemang English Translation: does not go for local government employees Just think of the common attitude today, and that should I bother to come up with ideas as to only, most people think I have got my salary, why damn. It is the same reasoning here, how the local authority could save money? I do not care a /.../. structural analysis of this paragraph The present approach to "foliation" (Connes, 1994) and established phase-dependency (B. will be based on discontinuity and the previously of the AaO- mechanism has, Bierschenk, 2002b). The strict dependency in the working incompleteness" problem of the classical approaches moreover, overcome the "polynomial for exact and precise (Raff, 1996, p. 106). It follows that the only tool necessary has been provided by reconstruction is an efficient foliation procedure. Such a procedure Connes. of producing "leaves". The basic condition of this procedure concerns the process of leaves in a leaf bud. According to Connes, the state of being in leaf means the arrangement that "ornamentation of a bud" consists of In following Connes argumentation, it can be stated variables reproduced in Table 1. Since the the degrees of change in the articulation of the change in attitude, change in the observation of a change in articulation means a the Figures 3 to 6. Thus, the process ornamentation is reflected below in the cups and foils of requires that a change is of producing branches and their arrangement in succession of a period. By applying the Connes- determined within and between the periods and intervals processed progressively. It follows fusion as method of foliation, the values of Table 1 can be magnitudes. As a result, it can be shown that operations come into existence that unite certain rotation can be captured by the that subtle discontinuities in the speed of textual pattern Connes-fusion. Text Functional Relation between Attitude Change and Displaced that the observer's verbalisation Basic to the degree of displacement is the assumption with respect to the degrees of of an event is always intentional and causing a discourse to vary of a kinetic trajectory has involved rotations. In short, timing and spacing in the development of sequence-specific bindings. verbal significance and calculation directs the generation 8 7 Table 1. and the English Sample Interval-dependent Displacement in the Swedish 0-domain A-domain English 0-domain A-domain Swedish a a Variable Variable i3 f3 6.695100 3.466560 -0.902812 01 0.000000 01 4.103980 3.818240 , 02 1.239363 0.996550 02 8.981500 4.501526 4.433680 03 0.989100 03 5.092920 0.989100 , 04 3.786840 4.116540 04 2.989547 4.505465 05 -0.762710 3.471074 05 4.116540 1.125866 06 3.793120 4.110260 06 4.430540 3.786840 , 07 3.789980 -0.887050 07 -19.02950 4.558167 08 3.786840 0.910600 08 -10.51767 2.872959 09 -34.49540 5.106746 09 -7.028198 2.872959 -33.12930 10 5.106746 10 0.337751 4.458800 -25.32032 2.650337 11 11 4.113400 3.949413 -16.65811 12 3.802540 12 -9.716056 ? 3.549990 13 1.258715 3.457140 13 4.427400 3.640661 4.119680 -11.84649 14 14 1.887140 -11.84649 15 . 5.096220 -0.296398 15 . 4.775940 -15.23049 16 . of the Rotation Mechanism Note. The values are adapted from "Real Time Imaging Bierschenk, (2002), Cognitive Producing Interview-based Language Spaces" by B. Science Research, 83, p. 12. increasing depth implies increasing On the kinetic level of verbalisation, it means that of strings in the form of implicitness and consequently increasing angular displacements acceleration in the displacements of text textual agents and textual objectives. The greater the covered by the developing path. segments the larger is the distance to be operation on the variable (x) Applying the Connes-fusion means applying a technical point (x) of a variable be equal to of the S3-matrix (Winfree, 1980, p. 5). Letting the base of the connecting T-matrix for the A- (q=1) so that [U(x)=1] means a progressive processing [T = (C ®C)] is resulting directly from the and 0-domain respectively. The connection matrix (131#132). It follows that progressive association of two discrete points, for example (a"c2) or (0/2) operator, which is folding the A- processing is definable on the basis of the distance coupling process (C) evident and gives matrix as well as the 0-matrix. The folding makes the the outcome its direct physical meaning. in the "Note" of Table 1, the As has been elucidated in the article mentioned of VERTEX are efficient properties geometric description of a verbal flow and the flexibility Bierschenk, 2002a). However, it is in the processing of complicated AaO- configurations (B. 9 8 of the dependency relation between Aa0- crucial for an understanding of the dynamics profile over the p-dimensional shapes of it's A- and 0- systems, that a comprehensive [p(e)=U] is the relation, which is configurations can be established. It follows that contours within hyperbolic spaces, transforming single a(3- compounds into comprehensive (Greene, 1999, pp. 379-380). Moreover, by which by definition are negatively curved level (Connes, 1994). definition, these spaces are "hyperbolic" at any generation of a space and depends Thus, angular articulation is developing during the of timing and spacing. This is equivalent with saying that on the constraining effects through developing constraints and deviations from surface-uniformity can be captured that differ in magnitude. How differences demonstrated at the kinematic level through radians of individual a- and 13-variables within a in angular articulation will constrain the behaviour connection with the presentation of the certain interval will be demonstrated below in holophors. in which the radians of Table 1 are The experimental procedure will focus on the way spacing of textual elements. A first reflecting the functional requirements of the timing and and the posed in the translation of categorised ecological properties measure of the difficulties re-distribution of generated categoriser's explanations is the degree to which a potential phase-dependency, it can be depth-relations has taken place. Within the framework of produced some observable differences in concluded that the variations in text production have clocking, which mirror various kinds of oscillations. distance measures of Table 1. A To restate, the notion "depth" refers to the manifested of a convoluted configuration is to rule convenient device for visualising distance in the form Thereafter, the rotation dynamics of a particular space a coordinate grid on the source space. between aggregated radians. This operation opens a new can be examined as distance discussion of the meaning to the perspective on the dynamics of text building and implies a example, the Figures 3 to 6 are emerging information profiles. Related to the given basis of "Strain"-function, which is representing the distances in the attractor spaces on the specifies the Y-axis. These functions are marked on the X-axis, and "Shear"-function, which fitness landscapes, which are forcing the aggregated measures on the Z-axis to create characterised by mountains and valleys. the SigmaPlot To generate the foundation for the formation of an attractor space, with its standard transformation (1998) grid procedure has been used and interpolated where the distance weight value (p) function. SigmaPlot is using an inverse distance method, is taken as criterion for the evaluation of a has been set (p=3). When the property of distance holophors, shown in the Figures 3 and 4, particular convolution, it turns out that the Swedish the English holophors, shown in have the highest degree of implicitness, when compared to and reconstruction of the functional relations the Figures 5 and 6. Moreover, the distinctness expression of perspective rotation. An between the terms of a holophor is a demonstrative therefore an expression of the translation evolving thematic trajectory at the kinematic level is of a microstructure as well as a theme. generation of the pathways to the Short but significant sequences are making up the themes are initiated through microstructures of a particular configuration. On the other hand, of Table 1 corresponds to processing the crossing of two pathways. But folding the variables defined by the Connes-operator, can be of the terminal states of a system. That meaning, as suggesting that a name of the abstracted from the involved text segments is simultaneously of the interacting text resulting "virtual" state attractor can be generated on the basis segments. 10

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