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ERIC ED457105: Kant's Moral Education--On the Cultivation of an Autonomous Person. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED457105: Kant's Moral Education--On the Cultivation of an Autonomous Person.

DOCUMENT RESUME SO 032 987 ED 457 105 AUTHOR Ng, Wang Kee Kant's Moral Education--On the Cultivation of an Autonomous TITLE Person. PUB DATE 2000-00-00 125p.; Master of Philosophy Thesis, The Chinese University NOTE of Hong Kong. Masters Theses (042) PUB TYPE Dissertations/Theses LANGUAGE Chinese EDRS PRICE MF01/PC05 Plus Postage. *Educational Principles; *Ethical Instruction; Higher DESCRIPTORS Education; *Moral Values; *Personal Autonomy; *Philosophy *Kant (Immanuel); Philosophical Research; Theoretical IDENTIFIERS Orientation ABSTRACT By focusing the research on Kant's theory of moral education, this Chinese language thesis aims to inquire into the essential nature of morality and the incentive to moral practice to arrive at the basic principles of cultivation of moral personality. The thesis first analyzes and makes a comparison among four schools of moral philosophy: social school, utilitarianism, Christianity, and Mencism. By discussing the differences and similarities of the four schools, it could reveal that the essence of morality is autonomy. Supported by the elaboration of Kant's theory through which the exploration of the source of morality and the establishment of the idea of good, it could again arrive at the conclusion that the essence of morality is autonomy, i.e., human will, according to Kant, being obliged to the law of freedom, is self determining. Based on Kant's relevant works, this thesis concludes the ways to autonomous personality by inquiring into the essence of morality, the incentive to moral practice, the inclinations breach with morality, the restoration of the original disposition to good, and the steps of cultivating moral character. Thus, the thesis sums up two kinds of educational principles in cultivating autonomous personality: the passive educational principle, which is to let the blind force of desire under the control of reason, thus revealing the domination of free will; and the active educational principle, which is to initiate the educated person to respect the internal free will by the inference of reason and the consciousness of freedom. (Contains 18 references.) (Author/BT) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. **--112JOct- ffl fclit-Net NIX Fa 61 ft A 46 2.en Kant's Moral Education on the cultivation of an autonomous person *IAA Atft ( 4E1 41- At ) Jr_itA U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Ars PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND IAA Office of Educahonal Research and Improvement DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION BEEN GRANTED BY CENTER (ERIC) "rlhis IfT3T document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Points of view or opinions stated in this INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. CO/ 4.t 94184500 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE *.xcAjvivitittAigiCtIJI--tegfftti-t( 440 4-itlIA.4f e gclit leuittat*WitrtAilAtOth *R,M° Ati&tI7 MtkatV-417LES01. A.,193MAgzA4413444E1,1MAtO*WU Alg PA ti 14,tgi *it a* ; ItittO4K31t3t 4A415tifttt -1T1-4C-4- itaht*W4-,ft Alt 2-4 ; PrP; of ar A tit h ' ° ;A111 cd02,- (RE 14,VItkeitI4-"4-1/F (ittr6V_Ez_4*-4 fta AID ( g r6,4t, $11 ) WV-11-031-1---t-i---4-1-) 'hi-4K,S) 1eZII *3&1-Alt*07-Ititt-td0-0,74t3J-ttkl4tr A *3 Prgi- -Z.- tie` Az- ,01 ° uT73 AgtAild 4XA8AR -;1=AR40401dItIAM:AAgtitittg413AthAtiA t;t-zAilt ii"Mt49119P-ht h rA otift.4 flilY:*-c-At3)Y:x.Ct_itttO*W-Titi-xsotAit--1,ttc. ,*A.450V:1474-Mzikitt4t*Cal IfiltSs4cR,R1 3 Abstract By focusing the research on Kant's theory of moral education, this thesis aims at inquiring into the essential nature of morality and the incentive to moral practice in order to arrive at the basic principles of cultivation of moral personality. This thesis will first of all make analyze and comparison among four schools of moral philosophies: social school, utilitarianism, Christianity and Mencism. By discussing the similarities and differences of ideas and levels of the four schools, it could reveal that the essence of morality is autonomy. Supported by the elaboration of Kant's theory through which the exploration of the source of morality and the establishment of the idea of good, it could again arrive at the conclusion that the essence of morality is autonomy, i.e., human will, according to Kant, being oblige to the law of freedom, is self determining. Based on Kant's relevant works, such as Education, Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals, Critique of Practical Reason, Religion within the Limits of Reason Alonea discussion on the radical evil in human nature, Metaphysics of Ethics etc., this thesis concludes the ways to autonomous personality by inquiring into the essence of morality, the incentive to moral practice, the inclinations breach with restoration of the original disposition to good, and the morality, the steps of cultivating moral characters. Thus, the thesis sums up two kinds of educational principles in cultivating autonomous personality. One is the passive educational principle which is to let the blind force of desire under the control of reason, thus revealing the domination of the free will. The other is the active educational principle which is to initiate the educated person to respect the internal free will by the inference of reason and the consciousness of freedom. Since the thesis aims at the inquiring into the essence of morality and establishing basic principles of moral education, it would help teachers clarify and understand the meaning and significance of the essence to of morality, so that they could grasp the real incentive in moral practice. 4 at ME 111116A62,** Kant's Moral Education on the cultivation of an autonomous person -.* A-11113Z 1_1 M* 2. fra Pi wawn . r= 71 M-M arl- 4 M=IN aPIWA 8 MEM WREMRIS 10 MT:* TiffRatt4.3`dat 13 M-M W9na: 13 -.VWW44 =1.WRMR M=M iME 18 MEM WARM 21 ME* AINIMMWZMaft*A2.- A 26 m M-M Alt-MgMtr.7-5MM2AR* N M=IM VAJIAMOMI:NZ * 5 1 MEM a*R4AMMMAOPUZAA MEM -T-IIAMMTh*ibZrif$ 35 --MNZ*S =-r_INNZYWA E.A*ZWA 151-441i MHM MMMZ*WffiA 40 --fltA*EMPIJZN fEw-,zno MIN* Mt LOMA* 2.A444r(zu 49 m-m wen*ItuttA*41 49 m=m wenmea*Ho 50 --m1zNt MtVidtt*NZPIM M.H* 57 --twothmtrim*AVit nommEtimmffimt m M-M Elatt2.451MW M4nift M=IM MMOZAMARAWT 61 -.STMEp --L.MMMS MMENJEThnNiMMZiA2-.67 MEM -.SHMOZgNMA MHM 44% 73 6 MHM MYEMW 75 MA* *MA rziTtA4q2.iii* 83 -{rniftWangt/P2 4-mIsithwan MM W'=MOZNit 83 M=IM AMMO2AW 86 MEM AMEtZWY 89 MINM AWiR2VM 91 --miEtnmeawwm =1-mammtatlym MHM 441-i 96 MAM HMO 98 etAiiRAM 103 M-M NM:MM*WAA20# firmittma*wmzma 103 M=M MM:NARM4MMR* 106 M=IM Ma 111 3,11E1 114 ag h MEINA412ig* tfiagi4rmazitiffl M M71- SAATJALV:--)LA---* (41-4314,tia 11 ) CiA rdiaat TM44 (#111) ft t *KOSS 4 iltit 0-11 it it 'ft [M A* tir 412 (*V-1-4stit1 A-rokiv-4 ° tIA olt-ri iv 1I-1-5- SI t )'/,k, lit1 rf6:411t*40417L4111/stk 4NiOticibt 11 44'4"iii**0 SOStirliVt141661411 -t-0 11311-R, 0 [ ] rI2 ° T tei t I It gfi , , 0111 ( 1 ) 1iiilliff-401t1t4174-11-11i0E ? 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