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ERIC ED446767: Annual Report, 1998-1999: Serving Kentucky's Need To Know. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED446767: Annual Report, 1998-1999: Serving Kentucky's Need To Know.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 446 767 IR 057 790 TITLE Annual Report, 1998-1999: Serving Kentucky's Need To Know. INSTITUTION Kentucky State Dept. for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort. PUB DATE 2000-00-00 NOTE 17p.; Printed with Library Services and Technology Act Funds and State funds. PUB TYPE Reports Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Access to Information; Annual Reports; Archives; Cooperative Programs; *Library Planning; *Library Services; *State Libraries; Strategic Planning; User Needs (Information) IDENTIFIERS *Kentucky ABSTRACT This 1998-99 annual report for the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives begins with messages from the state Cabinet Secretary of Education, Arts and Humanities and the State Librarian and Commissioner. The department's mission statement, vision statement, and core values/guiding principles are then presented. Objectives and focus group results for the following goals are summarized: (1) to provide effective services that meet the needs of library and public records customers; (2) to build effective and productive partnerships with other organizations and public agencies for enhanced management of and access to information and services; (3) to improve employee job satisfaction and agency operations. The final section highlights activities for 1998-99 and provides a budget summary for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1999. (MES) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. KENTUC EPARTMENT FOR D RARIES RCH S Annual Report 1998-1999 Serving Kentucky's Need to Know U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS CENTER (ERIC) 6 This document has been reproduced BEEN GRANTED BY as received from the person or organization originating it. K Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in this TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES document do not necessarily represent INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) official OERI position or policy. 1 2 KENTUCKY D PARTM3NT -1 OR II I CZAR_ S AND ARCHIVES ANNUAL REPORT 1998°1999 3 Paul E. Patton Governor Marlene M. Helm, Secretary Education, Arts and Humanities Cabinet James A. Nelson State Librarian and Commissioner Published by Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives P.O. Box 537 Frankfort, KY 40602-0537 (502)564-8300 Fax (502)564-5773 http://www.kdla.net 2000 Printed with Library Services and Technology Act Funds and State Funds. The Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment or the provision of services. This publication will be made available in alternative format upon request. "The main goal of this administration's public policy initiatives is to set Kentucky on the path to achieving economic opportunity, and a standard of living above the national average, in 20 years." Governor Paul E. Patton Cabinet Secretarys Message The public library is one of The challenge of providing America's greatest treasures. these services is handled by a It is a special place offering wonderful team of knowl- something of value and edgeable and dedicated interest to everyone from professionals. preschool to senior citizen. Books, of every size and KDLA also administers grants, subject, artifacts, games, and maintains valuable archi- videos, cassettes, CD's, val records and other docu- puzzles, puppets and the ments for state agencies, local internet, the library has it all. governments, and the court system. In each community, large or small the library is truly a As we reflect on this past family place. The Kentucky year and look forward to the Department for Libraries and challenges of the new millen- Archives has a stellar record nium, we take this opportu- of providing over the years, nity to express our sincere technical assistance, advo- Marlene M Helm, Secretary appreciation and congratula- cacy, support and resources Education, Arts and Humani- tions to KDLA for its many to all of the Commonwealth's ties Cabinet accomplishments. community libraries. Comwgissione-ris Message we set out to do. We added full time continuing education and automation consultants for improving public library services; our communications have improved considerably, especially through our Home Page on the Web (see the statistics in this report that put us in the top 100 sites for / non-federal sites); our inter- nal automation of public records functions improved a This Annual Report signals a process, so our new direction great deal with the imple- change in our agency's Strate- is natural and appropriate at mentation of an online cata- gic Plan and a more cohesive this time. What an opportu- log on the KDLA website and context for program direction nity to look to the future our entry into the electronic into the new millennium. We when we are just about to imaging environment; we have gone from five to three enter a new century! We look have become important major agency goals with the forward to a future where the agents for citizen access to intent that our overall plan- services of government and EMPOWER Kentucky services ning will focus on improving education are individual- even as we have helped our customer service; strengthen- centered, not institution- state implement the new ing partnership strategies for centered, and where a true Gates Library Initiative to accomplishing this; and, sense of "enterprise" becomes make Internet access avail- improving internal operations the way we do business. able in public libraries; pro- and employee job satisfaction Technology and modern cesses for assessing customer to improve overall perfor- business systems encourage needs have been initiated, to mance. Using these three and allow this to happen and strengthen future planning; goals, we will have a more our agency is committed to and, we took on a major unified presence overall and this end. leadership role as the Ken- can focus on division-specific tucky Commonwealth Virtual customer needs through the Our former strategic plan was Library grew from work we objectives we have set to a very appropriate step for had done with the Kentucky work towards these goals. us, as we initiated this pro- Library Network and a long cess for our agency. We Strategic planning is a dy- time planning effort by the namic, evolving and changing accomplished much of what state's public universities. KDLA Web Hits, 1998-1999 160,00 Back home at KDLA, every 140,00 employee either has a com- 120,00 puter or has ready access to one to increase their job 100,00 satisfaction and performance; 80,00 we initiated agency-wide training for our staff to better 60,00 utilize technology; internal 40,00 communications are greatly enhanced on critical issues 20,00 and we instituted an internal newsletter and an annual cr) .o E Staff Development Day to 0 z LL U) better serve and work as a KDLA WEB FACTS team; we began business process improvements to Total 'hits' (excludes graphics and KDLA personnel access) for improve our support of the past year (October 1998 September 1999) are 1,315,309. technology in the department International users from at least 87 countries have visited the and to strengthen our records KDLA website in 1999. management systems; and, we developed many other Our web pages are ranked 86th for Non Federal Government sites in Webjump's Top 100 Web Pages. internal means to improve our ability as an agency to better serve the people of better serve our citizens. As dard of living in the next Kentucky. we work on this new plan, twenty years. we ask all those who serve Now, we have set about our the same customers that we Please join us as we strive to work within a new strategic do to focus on meeting the add value to living, learning plan, with more input from customers' needs rather than and working for every Ken- our customers and partners, our own it's time to em- tuckian in the new millen- as well as broad-scale staff power these customers to nium. involvement, to make sure meet the challenges of the we are addressing all issues 21st Century, in order to properly. Planning and team- achieve Governor Patton's James A. Nelson work have become part of goal of our state rising to and State Librarian and our organizational culture exceeding the national stan- Commissioner and we think this will help us tatement To support and promote equitable access to quality library services and information resources, and to ensure that adequate documentation of government programs is created, maintained, and available for public use. Vision Statement As a dynamic, evolving organization, The rights of citizens are protected in and as a leader in providing quality a democracy by essential documenta- management and delivery of informa- tion of government agencies, pro- tion resources, the Kentucky Depart- grams, and policies. ment for libraries and Archives envi- sions a future in which: People use information resources and technology to improve the quality Libraries are valued as essential part- of their lives. ners in the educational and economic development of their communities. Core Valkes/Cmi6ing Principles enhance and promote TEAMWORK QUALITY SERVICE We believe that in today's lifelong learning by sew- We are committed to complex work environ- ing the information, delivering quality service, ment success requires cultural and leisure needs which is friendly, flex- collaboration and coop- ible, and focused on of all community mem- eration among co-work- responding to customer bers. ers. We will promote information needs. We open communication and value innovation and a work environment seek continuous im- EQUITABLE ACCESS which will assure quality provement in the way we AND PRIVACY results and win-win solu- We are committed to provide services. providing consistent and tions. widespread access to information resources, PARTNERSHIPS while addressing the We believe that collabo- PROFESSIONALISM We are committed to ration and cooperation confidentiality and pri- providing an environ- vacy concerns of govern- will be essential ingredi- ment that will encourage ment and all citizens. ents of all services and staff to develop to their that partnerships will be fullest potential through integral components of We believe that every opportunities for continu- citizen in the Common- the economic and educa- ous learning in an ethi- wealth has the funda- tional future of our busi- cal, principled environ- mental right, as embod- ness. ment. ied in the U.S. Constitu- tion and the Bill of Rights, to have access to all expressions of knowl- LIFELONG LEARNING We believe lifelong learn- edge, creativity, and ing opportunities are intellectual activity, and essential for enriching to express their thoughts personal and professional publicly. lives and that libraries G0A: ONE To provide effective services that meet the needs of library and public records customers. Develop an on-going planning strategy to Offer continuing education and training evaluate customers needs and service delivery opportunities that meets customers needs. in anticipation of future needs and continuing Seek equitable access to state funding for change. library and information services for all Ken- Appraise and assess KDLA information re- tuckians. sources to determine appropriate management and access strategies. Implement policy, standards, and programs to assure that all Kentuckians have access to Assist libraries and government agencies to quality public library services in every county. better use technology for implementing services.

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