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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 440 176 UD 033 470 AUTHOR Rees, Nina Shokraii TITLE School Choice, 2000: What's Happening in the States. INSTITUTION Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC. ISBN ISBN-0-89195-089-3 PUB DATE 2000-00-00 NOTE 228p.; Foreword by Jeb Bush. For the 1997 report, see ED 412 320. AVAILABLE FROM Heritage Foundation, 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4999 ($12.99). Tel: 800-544-4843 (Toll Free); Web site: http://www.heritage.org. For full text: http://www.heritage.org/schools/. PUB TYPE Reports Evaluative (142) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC10 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Charter Schools; *Educational Vouchers; Elementary Secondary Education; Free Choice Transfer Programs; Minority Groups; Nontraditional Education; Private School Aid; *School Choice; School Restructuring; State Legislation; *State Programs; Tax Credits; Tuition; *Urban Schools ABSTRACT This report presents an analysis of the school choice movement throughout the United States, and a state-by-state analysis that provides snapshots of each state's progress toward school choice and charter schools. The Children's Scholarship Fund found that 1.25 million low-income parents would take advantage of scholarships that would allow their children to attend private or religious schools if given the chance. A number of state initiatives affecting school choice are planned, but the one development that could significantly alter the course of school choice is the Presidential election. The state profiles contain information on the state's education statistics, an overview of its educational reform efforts, and an analysis of recent developments in school choice and charter schools, along with a review of the positions of the governor and the state legislature on school choice. State contacts for further information on school choice are provided. Appendixes contain a list of national organizations that promote school choice and a review of state home school laws. (SLD) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. 1. L C 00 OICe WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THE STATES t".": '116 t Jit L U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. El Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. by Nina Shokraii Rees Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. Foreword by Gov. Jeb Bush PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND BEST COPY AVAILABLE DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY O 2 j U75 "ffogtaso 76;undarcllo11/ TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) We cliefitagecFoundatiort MISSION STATEMENT research and Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a formulate educational institutea think tankwhose mission is to the principles and promote conservative public policies based on individual freedom, of free enterprise, limited government, defense. traditional American values, and a strong national timely and Heritage's staff pursues this mission by performing key policy issues and effectively accurate research addressing members of marketing these findings to its primary audiences: policymakers in the Congress, key congressional staff members, and the academic and executive branch, the nation's news media, publications, policy communities. Heritage's products include articles, lectures, conferences, and meetings. The Heritage Governed by an independent Board of Trustees, Heritage Foundation is a non-partisan, tax-exempt institution. public relies on the private financial support of the general and individuals, foundations, and corporationsfor its income, and performs no contract work. accepts no government funds policy organizations. Heritage is one of the nation's largest public the most broadly supported More than 200,000 contributors make it in America. necessarily reflecting Note: Nothing written here is to be construed as aid or hinder the the views of The Heritage Foundation or as an attempt to Congress. passage of any bill before 3 wwwheritage.org Washington, DC 20002-4999 214 Massachusetts Ave., NE School Choice 2000 What's Happening in the States By Nina Shokraii Rees rol Se cliefitageToundatioq, The Heritage Foundation 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002-4999 www.heritage.org 2000 The Heritage Foundation Copyright ISBN 0-89195-089-3 Front cover photo credits (from left to right): 2000 Photo Disc, Inc. Photo copyright Photo courtesy of Charles Tack Photo copyright © 2000 Photo Disc, Inc. Photo courtesy of Institute for Justice Back cover photo courtesy of Charles Tack 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Montana v 99 Acknowledgments Nebraska viii 101 A Note on Updating This Edition Nevada ix 103 An Explanation of the New Hampshire 105 State Profile Categories x New Jersey 109 A School Choice Glossary of Terms xii New Mexico 113 School Choice 2000 Annual Report xv New York 117 North Carolina 123 STATE BY STATE ANALYSIS North Dakota 127 Alabama 1 Ohio 129 Alaska 3 Oklahoma 135 Arizona 5 Oregon 137 Arkansas 11 Pennsylvania 141 California 15 Rhode Island 145 Colorado 21 South Carolina 147 Connecticut 25 South Dakota 151 Delaware 29 Tennessee 153 District of Columbia 31 Texas 157 Florida 35 Utah 163 Georgia 39 Vermont 167 Hawaii 43 Virginia 171 Idaho 45 Washington 175 Illinois 49 West Virginia 179 Indiana 55 Wisconsin 181 Iowa 59 Wyoming 187 Kansas 61 Mariana Islands 189 Kentucky 65 Puerto Rico 191 Louisiana 67 Maine Appendix A 71 Maryland 75 Select List of National Organizations That Massachusetts Promote School Choice 79 193 Michigan 83 Appendix B Minnesota 89 Mississippi Home School Laws of the United States 93 197 Missouri 95 6 iii FOREWORD -11 O a CHOICE LEAVES NO CHILD BEHIND THE HONORABLE JEB BUSH Ideas really do have consequences, and if you children gain a year's worth of knowledge in a stick with them and you believe in trying them, year's time. and you are creativenot just in the ideas them- Now, the elements of our plan are fairly simple. selves, but in how to implement themgood Our students will now be tested in grades three things can happen. through ten. Until now, we could not measure how When I first became governor of the great state one student did compared to another, but starting of Florida, I set out to implement one such idea this school year we will be able to measure how that has been near and dear to my heart for a long children have progressed. We have created high while: educational choice. I, like many concerned standards, and our test is a rigorous assessment of Americans, believe that not enough children in our those standards. This year, in Florida, we will state or in our country get a year's worth of knowl- clearly communicate how schools perform based edge in a year's time; and so, over time, in incre- on student achievement. Schools are graded on an ments not necessarily discernible to everybody, A through F grading system. We have also aligned kids fall behind in school. They lose interest in the schools based upon how they perform in stu- learning. They don't connect what they do at dent achievement: We graded all schools; and we school with the potential it offers their lives. And moved back to that principle of imposing different we have quiet little tragedies unfolding across our consequences for success and failure in some very country. meaningful ways. Here is how: So we decided to do something dramatic in the We will reward the schools that show improve- state of Florida last year. Our A+ Education Plan is ment. Three hundred schools are A-rated and based upon some guiding principles. others have shown improvement by moving up at least one grade. These schools all will get an First, we have implemented measures for mean- additional $100 per student. They will be able to ingful and undiluted accountability. For the public education system, there are now different conse- use that money for anything they want, with no quences for success and failure. That must be one strings attached. of the standard principles for any reform effort. As for those that fail, we now have a different Second, we have zero tolerance for failure. Not consequence. When schools are rated F for two only do we have the honesty to admit it, but we years running (to be rated F in the state of Flor- also are creating a system in which we are going to ida today requires that 60 percent of the students roll up our sleeves to ensure that every child gains taking the standardized test are below the basic a year's worth of knowledge in a year's time. We're level in reading, math, and writing) parents are not going to excuse it away, as sadly happens so given other choices. They can send their child to often. any public school in their school district; send Finally, and most importantly, the education their child to any private school that opts into system in Florida is becoming child-centered. How our system; or send their child to the same many times do you hear the term "public school schoolbut that school is going to be dramati- system," with the focus on the word "system" and cally changed because it will have to come to the not on whether children are learning or not. We State Board of Education with a dramatic plan of don't want a school-centered system or a public action to rectify its problems. education-centered system. We want a child-cen- tered system, where the whole objective is that our V For updates go to: www.heritage.org/schools School Choice 2000 that were graded F, 85 percent are minorities, and During the first year, 78 schools in Florida 81 percent are eligible for free and reduced-price received an F grade. They serve a total of 61,000 lunches. students. So this fall the A+ Program will expand dramatically if there is not marked improvement in Don't let people tell you this program only helps these schools. This school year, 134 children in people in the suburbs. It's not true. It is going to two schools opted out of their current school. Sev- advance student achievement across the board. It is enty-six moved to another public school; 53 of the not geared to the wealthy in our state; and I believe students' parents chose to send their children to that it is the appropriate thing to do. We should, five participating private schools in Pensacola, and will, focus our energies where learning Florida: a Montessori School, and four parochial achievement has been deficient. schools. The public school system in the state of Florida The advocacy of ideas is more difficult when the will always be there. It will always be the principal issue is abstract. It is easier when you put a human choice for most Floridians. It needs to be face on it; and now, there is a human face on improved, and it needs to be reinvigorated, and parental choice in our state. And that is helping to that is our objective. Because of that, people like erase the myths about education that have been Andrew Young, speaking to the NAACP Freedom built up over time. Dinner in Tallahassee, supported our Opportunity Scholarships. The NAACP is suing us, but Young Myth #1: The Brain Drain. had the courage to step up to the plate and say he You have undoubtedly heard about how only is for Opportunity Scholarships because he knows the smart students, only the really committed par- it will help the kids that have been left behind. I ents, will accept the choice of a scholarship to applaud him for his courage. send their child to another school. This myth is Bob Butterworth, Florida's Attorney General, constantly used by the advocates of the status quo one of the highest ranking Democrats in the state, who don't want to change any systems anywhere. has to support the A+ plan as Attorney General A study was conducted of the 53 children that because the state is being sued left and right. But, have gone to the private schools and the 70-plus while he was not a personal supporter of this plan students who are going to public schools, and the as I proposed it during the campaign, he personally several hundred students who have remained in supports it now because he has seen the benefits of the two elementary schools I mentioned earlier. focusing our efforts where the effort needs to be The study shows that their aptitudes are the same, made: in schools where kids have not been given a their family income is basically the same, and their proper quality education. We are beginning to see family structures are basically the same. I might movement among the traditional advocates of the add, 95 percent of these children are African status quo, who are now recognizing that this plan American, and about 90 percent qualify for the is going to improve public schools across the reduced-price or free school lunch program. board. So, the myth of the brain drain has been shat- Myth #3: Schools that are failing will be tered, at least in the case of our experiment, and I left behind. believe we will continue to see that parents will Our whole approach, the whole point of this make these choices in their own interest no matter what level of income they have, no matter what reform is to achieve the exact opposite result. I their family structure is, no matter what the apti- wish you all could have been at the cabinet meet- tude of their child may be. That is exactly how it ing where the State Board of Education heard from should be. We should not be mandating and the principals of the two schools that I mentioned demanding that parents adapt to our model of previously about their mitigation plans, their plans to improve the quality of education at their behavior. These are their children. They should have the power to make those choices. schools. First, the state offered support for additional Myth #2: Only the wealthy and elite will reading programs. Second, the state and the local benefit. school district supported and approved their idea A myth often repeated by the advocates of the of expanding the school year from 180 days to 210 status quo is that only high-income families will days. Third, the school district said that it was benefit. In fact, of the 61,000 students in schools going to give the power to the principals to select VI Foreword and retain teachers. They could remove teachers that allows us to do this. But now we are beginning they did not want to retain, they could hire any to see a very positive reaction to our plan. There teacher they wanted who wanted to come to work are smaller class sizes now in Broward County in there. Trust me, this is a big deal in public schools the 104 low-performing schools, the schools that across the state of Florida. were graded D and F. In Jacksonville, the School Board decided to expand summer school and after- Schools focused on after-school programs school programs for the low-performing schools. because they wanted to extend not only the school In Tampa, Earl Leonard, the superintendent of the year, but also the school day. They showed us a Hillsborough County School District, made a pub- plan that would have 70 volunteers in each school lic statement that he would take a 5 percent pay to provide mentoring and tutoring opportunities cut in his salary, and all of his top administrators for these young people. They explained how they would do the same, if any of the schools in Hills- were going to use direct instruction to ensure that borough County were given a grade of F. A quote kids in the early grades begin to learn to read at an from a teacher says it all: appropriate level. I've seen principals eat worms. I've seen vice- It was exciting: more money and a more focused principals kiss pigs to get students to read a approach to ensure that children learn. I'm not a certain number of pages. But I have never big gambling man, but I can almost guarantee that seen a superintendent put his salary on the these schools are going to see improvement, and line. that the children are going to get a year's worth of knowledge in a year's time. At the end of this process, in a decade perhaps, we will.see rising test scores across the board; each So, the myth that somehow the schools will be and every year we will see more significant left behind because parents are pulling their chil- improvements in test scores among students at the dren out, that they will languish, and that we're 25th percentile and below. We're going to see going to "destroy" public education is not becom- more resources go to the classroom and less to the ing a reality. What this attitude reflects is pessi- bureaucracy; and we're going to see a renaissance mism about the condition of public schools. of involvement by in public education. Virtually every parent would have to remove their child from a public school in order for them to be I hope other governors will use the Florida "destroyed." In fact, the exact opposite will happen model as they set to reform education in their if reform is done the right way, and, in Florida, we states. With education a high priority among vot- are committed to doing it the right way. ers, one could fairly say now is the time we must act to ensure that all children receive the best pos- I wish you could see the reaction across the state sible education. to this plan. The folks in the system who are most protective of it were probably a little more angry at first than anything else when they saw the law pass VII For updates go to: www.heritage.org/schools ACKNOWLEDGMENTS School Choice 2000: What's Happening in the States is the product of many years of painstaking research by education analysts and others at The Heritage Foundation, working closely with many school choice supporters at the national, state, and local levels. The author wishes to thank all those who have contributed to this ongoing effort over the years, especially our national and state contacts. In addition, the author wishes to thank the many individuals at Heritage who have contributed to this year's edition, including Angela Antonelli, Director, Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies; Devin Brown, Domestic Policy Administrative Assistant; Adam Condo, former Domestic Policy Research Assistant; Jennifer Garrett, Domestic Policy Research Assistant; Erin Hymel, Domestic Policy Administra- tive Assistant; Philippe Lacoude, Senior Database Programmer, Center for Data Analysis; William Rasmussen, Center for Data Analysis Intern; Amber Williams, Domestic Policy Research Intern; and Sarah Youssef, former Domestic Policy Research Assistant. Special thanks to William T. Poole, Senior Copy Editor, for his diligent editing of the entire book. The author also thanks John H. Dickson, Deputy Director of Online Services; Richard Odermatt, Senior Editor; Janice A. Smith, Managing Editor; and the following members of the Publishing Services staff: Ann Klucsarits, Director of Publishing Services; Anne C. Gartland, Design and Layout Specialist; and Thomas J. Timmons, Deputy Director of Publishing Services. 0 VIII

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