DOCUMENT RESUME EC 307 697 ED 438 675 Kupper, Lisa, Ed.; Gutierrez, Mary Kate, Ed. AUTHOR Questions and Answers about IDEA. NICHCY News Digest ND21. TITLE 2nd Edition. National Information Center for Children and Youth with INSTITUTION Disabilities, Washington, DC.; Academy for Educational Development, Washington, DC. Special Education Programs (ED/OSERS), Washington, DC. SPONS AGENCY 2000-01-00 PUB DATE 29p.; For an earlier version, see ED 370 273. NOTE H326N980002 CONTRACT National Information Center for Children and Youth with AVAILABLE FROM Disabilities, P.O. Box 1492, Washington, DC 20013. Tel: 800-695-0285 (Toll Free, Voice/TTY); e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: For full text: Non-Classroom (055) Guides PUB TYPE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE *Definitions; Delivery Systems; *Disabilities; Due Process; DESCRIPTORS *Educational Legislation; Elementary Secondary Education; Eligibility; *Federal Legislation; *Federal Regulation; Individualized Education Programs Amendments; *Individuals with Disabilities Educ Act Amend IDENTIFIERS 1997 ABSTRACT This document provides answers to questions frequently asked by parents and practitioners about the mandates and requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 (IDEA). The 29 (1) background information on the questions are organized into six sections: IDEA (history of IDEA, and obtaining copies of IDEA and specific state laws); (2) purposes of the IDEA (meanings of such concepts as "free appropriate public education," eligibility for services, special education, and related (3) accessing services under IDEA (the student evaluation services); (4) the Individualized Education Program (IEP development, parent process); (5) procedural safeguards (the parent's involvement, student placement); rights in challenging the school district's decisions) and (6) resources (legal resources, resources available from the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities, and references). An attachment presents the full text of IDEA's definition of a "child with a disability." (DB) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. /a? / Nb21, 2nd Edition, January 2000 A publication of the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities Questions and Answers about IDEA Each year, the National Infor- special education law and services is mation Center for Children and also useful to professionals who work Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) with children and youth with disabili- receives thousands of requests from ties and their families. families and professionals for information about special educa- tion and related services for Table of Contents children and youth with disabili- ties. This News Digest has been Part I: Background Information developed to answer many of the on the IDEA 2 questions and concerns that families and professionals have Part II: Purposes of the IDEA ....3 when they contact NICHCY. This document looks specifically at the Part III: Accessing Services 5 mandates and requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Part IV: The Individualized Education Act Amendments of Education Program (IEP) 10 1997 (IDEA). The IDEA is the federal law that supports special Part V: Procedural Safeguards.... 17 education and related services programming for children and Part VI: Resources 25 youth with disabilities. Attachment A: IDEA's Definition While this issue often uses the of a "Child with a Disability" 26 word "you" to speak directly to parents and families, we hope that its detailed information about U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. BEST COPY AVAILABLE Points of view or opinions stated in this 2 document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. of 1997 were published in the Brief History of the IDEA with Disabilities; and Part D ad- Federal Register on Friday, March 12, dresses National Activities to Im- The federal law that supports 1999. These final regulations are prove the Education of Children special education and related service currently guiding school systems in with Disabilities. programming for children and youth how they design and implement with disabilities is called the Individu- The IDEA is an important federal their special education and related als with Disabilities Education Act law, because it requires that FAPE, services programs. (IDEA), [formerly the Education for which indudes special education and the Handicapped Act (EHA)]. The related services, be made available to Obtaining a Copy of IDEA and Its IDEA has its roots in Public Law 94- children and youth with disabilities in Regulations 142 (the Education of All Handi- mandated age ranges. This News capped Children Act), which was Because States base their programs Digest provides a general overview of originally enacted in 1975 to estab- upon the law and its final Federal the IDEA and its regulations as they lish grants to States for the education regulations, it is helpful for you to relate to school-aged children. The of children with disabilities. This law read and become familiar with the News Digest is intended to help you has been amended several times. understand the law and how it law itself. To obtain a copy of the law Under Part B of the law, all eligible (called the statute) and/or the final mandates services for your school- school-aged children and youth with Federal regulations, contact: Superin- aged child with a disability. Informa- disabilities are entitled to receive a free tendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- tion about services available to infants appropriate public education (FAPE). and toddlers through the Part C ment Printing Office, Attn: New program (formerly known as the Part Orders, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, In 1986, the EHA was amended by PA 15250-7954. Charge orders may H program) and to preschool chil- P.L. 99-457 to provide special fund- be telephoned to: (202) 512-1800. dren with disabilities is presented in a ing incentives for States that would separate NICHCY document entitled For a copy of the statute, state that you make FAPE available for all eligible are requesting a copy of Public Law A Parent's Guide: Accessing Programs preschool-aged children with disabili- 105-17, the Individuals with Disabili- for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers ties ages three through five. Provisions ties Education Act Amendments of With Disabilities. were also included to help States 1997. To obtain a copy of the final develop early intervention programs The information provided in this Federal regulations, request the latest for infants and toddlers with disabili- News Digest is drawn specifically from copy of the IDEA's regulations: Code ties; this part of the legislation became the IDEA Amendments of 1997, as of Federal Regulations: Title 34; known as the Part H Program. passed by Congress in 1997 and Education; Part 300-399. There will codified into law under 20 United be a minimal charge for both of these The EHA was amended again in States Code (USC), Chapter 33. Final documents. 1990 by P.L. 101-476, which, among regulations for the IDEA Amendments other things, changed the name Both of these documents are of the legislation to the Individu- also available on the Internet at § Special Symbols in This Issue § als with Disabilities Education the Web site of the Office of Act, or IDEA. The IDEA was first As you read the explanations about the law Special Education Programs amended in 1992 by P.L. 102- below, you will find references to specific (OSEP) at the U.S. Department 119. The newest amendments to sections of the Federal regulations, such as of Education. OSEP's Web this law are the Individuals with §300.1. You can use these references to locate address is: Disabilities Education Act the precise sections in the Federal regulations Amendments of 1997 (P.L. 105- that address the issue being discussed. For 17). These amendments IDEA/index.html example, in the discussion of the IDEA's pur- restructure IDEA into four poses, you are given the reference §300.1. This Another useful Web site for parts: Part A addresses General reference tells you that, if you wanted to read obtaining these materials is the Provisions; Part B covers the the exact words the regulations use to define the OSEP-funded IDEA Partnership Assistance for Education of All IDEA's purposes, you would look under Projects at: Children with Disabilities; Part Section 300.1 of the Code of Federal Regulations C covers Infants and Toddlers (CFR) for Title 34 (sometimes referred to as 34 lawandregs.htm CFR). News Digest 21 (2nd Edition) NICHCY: 1-800-695-0285 2 Obtaining a Copy of Your State's Using the Term "Public Agency" Special Education Law In this News Digest, you will read a great deal about the responsibilities It is also important to become and rights of the agency that is responsible for providing education to familiar with your State special your child with a disability. The term that is used in IDEA's regulations is education law. The IDEA is a Federal generally public agency. law and, as such, provides minimum requirements that States must meet in The "public agency" may vary from location to location and from child order to receive Federal funds to assist to child. In some instances, it is the State Education Agency (SEA); in in providing special education and others, it is the local education agency (LEA), a public charter school, or related services. Your State law and some other entity. regulations may go beyond the Although public agency is not a term most people are overly familiar Federal requirements, and it is impor- with, we have chosen to use this term to refer to the agency in your area tant to know their specifics. You may that is responsible for providing education to children with disabilities. want to contact your State Depart- In most cases, this agency will be your local school district. ment of Education, Office of Special Education, and ask for a parent handbook on special education. 3. Who is eligible for services 2. What is a free appropriate I. What are the purposes of the under the IDEA? public education? IDEA? The regulations for IDEA define a Under the law, a free appropriate The major purposes of the IDEA "child with a disability" as including a public education (FAPE) means are: child (a) who has been evaluated special education and related services to ensure that all children with according to IDEA's evaluation that: disabilities have available to them requirements (specified at §§300.530 are provided to children and youth a "free appropriate public educa- 300.536 and discussed in Part III of with disabilities at public expense, tion" that emphasizes special this document); (b) who has been under public supervision and education and related services determined, through this evaluation, direction, and without charge; designed to meet their unique to have one or more of the disabilities needs and prepare them for listed below; and (c) who, because of meet the standards of the State employment and independent the disability, needs special education Education Agency (SEA), includ- living and related services. The disabilities ing the requirements of the IDEA; listed by IDEA are: to ensure that the rights of children indude preschool, elementary and youth with disabilities and mental retardation; school, or secondary school their parents are protected; education in the State involved; a hearing impairment, induding and to assist States, localities, educa- deafness; tional service agencies, and Federal are provided in keeping with an a speech or language impairment; agencies to provide for the educa- individualized education program tion of all children with disabili- a visual impairment, including (IEP) that meets the requirements ties; and blindness; of law, as specified in § §300.340- 300.350. (§300.13) to assess and ensure the effective- serious emotional disturbance ness of efforts to educate children (hereafter referred to as emotional The requirements for an IEP are with disabilities. (§300.1) disturbance); discussed in greater detail in Part IV of this document. an orthopedic impairment; 4 NICHCY 1-800-695-0285 News Digest 21 (2nd Edition) 3 autism; 5. Where is special education instruction provided? Special education is traumatic brain injury; As listed above, special education defined as instruction that is other health impairment; instruction can be provided in a specially designed, at no cost number of settings, such as: in the a specific learning disability; classroom, in the home, in hospi- to you as parents, to meet your deaf-blindness; or tals and institutions, and in other child's unique needs. settings (§300.26). Public agencies multiple disabilities. [§300.7 must ensure that a continuum of (a) (1)] alternative placements is available 4. What is special education? to meet the needs of children with Attachment A of this News Digest disabilities [§300.551(a)]. This provides the complete description of Special education is defined as continuum must indude the place- each of these disabilities, as contained instruction that is specially designed, ments just mentioned (instruction in in the regulations for IDEA. at no cost to you as parents, to meet regular dasses, special classes, special your child's unique needs. Specially For children aged 3 through 9, a schools, home instruction, and designed instruction means adapting "child with a disability" may include, instruction in hospitals and institu- the content, methodology, or delivery at the discretion of the State and the tions) and make provision for supple- of instruction: local educational agency (LEA) and mentary services (such as resource subject to certain conditions (enumer- to address the unique needs of room or itinerant instruction) to be ated at §300.313), a child who is your child that result from his or provided in conjunction with regular experiencing developmental delays, as her disability, and class placement. Unless a child's IEP defined by the State and as measured requires some other arrangement, the to ensure your child's access to the by appropriate diagnostic instruments child must be educated in the school general curriculum so that he or and procedures, in one or more of the he or she would attend if he or she she can meet the educational following areas: did not have a disability standards that apply to all children [§300.552(c)]. physical development; within the jurisdiction of the public agency. Special education instruction must cognitive development; be provided to students with disabili- Special education can indude ties in what is known as the least communication development; instruction conducted in the class- restrictive environment, or LRE. Both room, in the home, in hospitals and social or emotional development; the IDEA and its regulations have institutions, and in other settings. It or provisions that ensure that children can indude instruction in physical with disabilities are educated with adaptive development; and education as well. Speech-language nondisabled children, to the maxi- pathology services or any other who needs, for that reason, special mum extent appropriate. The IDEA's related service can be considered education and related services. LRE requirements apply to students in special education rather than a related [§300.7(b)] public or private institutions or other service under State standards if the care facilities [§300.550(b)(1)]. Each From birth through age 2, children instruction is specially designed, at no State must further ensure that special cost to the parents, to meet the unique may be eligible for services through dasses, separate schooling, or other The Infants and Toddlers with Dis- needs of a child with a disability. removal of children with disabilities Travel training and vocational abilities Program (Part C) of the from the regular educational environ- education also can be considered IDEA. This News Digest does not ment occurs only if the nature or discuss the Part C program. For special education if these standards severity of the disability is such that are met. (§300.26) information about how to access education in regular dasses with the services for infants and toddlers, use of supplementary aids and contact NICHCY and request a copy services cannot be achieved satisfacto- of A Parent's Guide: Accessing Programs rily [§300.550(b)(2)]. for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers with Disabilities. 5 NICHCY: 1-800-695-0285 News Digest 21 (2nd Edition) 6. What are related services? The list of related services identi- fied in the IDEA's regulations is not Related services are defined in the intended to be exhaustive and could regulations as transportation and such indude other developmental, correc- developmental, corrective, and other tive, or support services if they are supportive services as are required to required to assist a child with a assist a child with a disability to disability to benefit from special benefit from special education. education. Related services may indude: counseling services, including You should inform yourself fully rehabilitation counseling speech-language pathology and about the related services that are audiology; orientation and mobility services; listed (and described in some detail) in the regulations. NICHCY's News psychological services; medical services for diagnostic or Digest called Related Services for evaluation purposes only; physical therapy and occupational School-Aged Children can also provide therapy; information and guidance about school health services; related services. recreation, including therapeutic social work services in schools; recreation; and early identification and assessment parent counseling and training. of disabilities in children; ( §300.24) 7. What is the first step in that your child has a disability, your (2) The public agency may ask to obtaining special education and child must be evaluated at no cost to evaluate your child. Based on a related services? you. teacher's recommendation, or obser- vations or results from tests given to Before a child with a disability can If the public agency refuses to all children in a particular grade, a receive special education and related evaluate your child because it does public agency may recommend that a services for the first time, a full and not believe that your child has a child receive further screening or individual initial evaluation of the disability, you must be given a written assessment to determine if he or she child, also known as a preplacement notice of the refusal and a full expla- has a disability and needs special evaluation, must be conducted nation of the reasons for the refusal education and related services. If the (§300.531). Informed parent consent [§§300.503(a)(1)(ii) and public agency thinks that your child must be obtained before this evalua- 300.503(b)(1) and (2)]. This notice may have a disability and needs tion may be conducted must also indude a statement telling special education and related services, [§300.505(a)(1)(i)]. you that you have protection under it must evaluate your child at no cost IDEA's regulations. In addition, at the to you. You, as a parent, must give 8. How do I receive an evaluation time of initial referral for evaluation, informed written permission before of my child? you must be given a procedural the public agency can evaluate your safeguards notice that includes, child [§300.505(a)(1)(i)]. There are at least two ways in among other elements, the State which your child may be selected to complaint procedures and a full It is important for you to know receive an evaluation: explanation of all the procedural that the law requires that the public safeguards available under IDEA, agency notify you, the parents, in (1) You may request that your child induding your right to challenge the be evaluated. You can call or write to writing before it evaluates your child. your child's teacher, the principal of public agency's refusal through a due All written communication from the process hearing (§300.507) and your your child's school, or the Director of public agency must be in a form the public can understand (and provided right to request mediation Special Education in your school (§300.506). in your native language if you do not district. If the public agency suspects read English, or in the mode of 6 News Digest 21 (2nd Edition) NICHCY 1-800-695-0285 5 representatives from any other communication you normally use, agency that may be responsible for such as Braille or large print), unless paying for or providing transition it is dearly not feasible to do so. If services (if your child is 16 years your native language or other mode old or, if appropriate, younger and of communication is not a written will be planning for life after high language, the public agency must take the law's due process procedures or its school); steps to ensure: mediation procedures (discussed in your son or daughter, if appropri- that the notice is translated orally Part V of this News Digest), unless ate (if transition services needs (or by other means) to you in doing so would be inconsistent with and/or transition services will be your native language or other State law relating to parental consent considered, the student must be mode of communication, and [§300.505(b)]. invited to be part of the evaluation that you understand the content of group); and 9. What does the evaluation the notice [§300.503(c)(2)]. process involve? other qualified professionals, as The notice must also: appropriate. (§300.533) The regulations are very specific state the action that is proposed or about how public agencies are to In this latter category"other conduct evaluations of children and refused; qualified professionals"a wide youth thought to have a disability. range of individuals may be involved, the reasons for the proposal or Your child's evaluation must be depending upon the suspected disabil- refusal; conducted by a group that indudes: ity of your child. For example, any of a description of any other options the following may be part of the you, as parents; considered by the agency and why evaluation team: school psychologist, at least one regular education they were rejected; speech-language pathologist, remedial teacher of your son or daughter if reading teacher, occupational or a description of each evaluation he or she is, or may be, participat- physical therapist, adaptive physical procedure, test, record, or report ing in the regular education education therapist, educational used as a basis for the proposed or environment; diagnosticians, or others. refused action; at least one of your child's special The law requires that your child be a description of any other factors education teachers or special assessed in all areas related to his or relevant to the proposal or refusal; education providers; her suspected disability. This includes, where appropriate, evaluating your a statement that, as the parents a representative of the public child's: of a child with a disability, you agency who is qualified to provide have protections under the or supervise the provision of health, procedural safeguards of the law special education and who knows and the means by which you can vision, about the general curriculum (i.e., obtain a full explanation of those the curriculum used by hearing, protections and State complaint nondisabled students), and about procedures; and social and emotional status, available resources; sources you can contact to obtain general intelligence, an individual who can interpret assistance in understanding the the instructional implications of academic performance, provisions of IDEA. the evaluation results; [§300.503(b)(7)] communicative status, and other individuals (invited at your As was stated above, you, as discretion or the discretion of the motor abilities. [§300.532(g)] parents, must give your informed public agency) who have special written consent before the public To accomplish this, a variety of knowledge or expertise regarding agency may conduct an initial evalua- assessment tools and strategies must your child; tion of your child. If you refuse be used to gather relevant functional consent for an initial evaluation, the and developmental information public agency may continue to pursue about your child. This includes conducting the evaluation by using information provided by you, as well as information related to enabling 7 News Digest 21 (2nd Edition) NICHCY 1-800-695-0285 6 1. No single procedure may be your child to be involved in and 1111ENIUNIMIN used as the sole criterion for progress in the general curriculum The law requires that your determining whether your child is (that is, the curriculum used with child be assessed in all areas a "child with a disability" and for nondisabled children). The ulti- determining an appropriate mate purpose of the initial evalua- related to his or her suspected educational program for your tion is to gather information that disability. child. may assist in determining: 4V-itt ^zeOfwig3A,AtalaMIVIAMMIPAIKEZilkail se, tifte-ze. 'eV 2. Tests and other evaluation whether or not your child is a if so, whether any additions or materials must be selected and admin- "child with a disability" (see modifications would need to be istered so as not to be discriminatory discussion above under made in the special education and on a racial or cultural basis. Question #3), and related services to enable your 3. Tests and other evaluation the content of your child's IEP, if child to meet the goals set out in materials must be provided and he or she is found eligible for the IEP to be developed and to administered in your child's native special education and related participate, as appropriate, in the language or other mode of communi- services. [§300.532(b)] general curriculum. [ §300.533(a)] cation, unless it is clearly not feasible To this end, then, the evaluation For an initial evaluation, it is likely to do so. must be sufficiently comprehensive to that additional data will be needed to 4. If your child has limited English identify all of your son or daughter's answer these questions, particularly proficiency, materials and procedures special education and related services given the law's requirement to evalu- used to assess your child must be needs, whether or not those needs are ate your child in all areas related to selected and administered to ensure commonly linked to the disability the suspected disability. The public that they measure the extent to which category in which he or she is thought agency must administer tests and your child has a disability and needs to have a disability [§300.532(h)]. other evaluation materials as may be special education, rather than measur- needed to collect the needed data. The evaluation process, as de- ing your child's English language Before the agency may collect this scribed within IDEA, requires that the skills. information about your child, it will group of individuals listed above need to ask you for your informed These last three provisions of the begin the evaluation by reviewing written permission [§300.505(a)(1)]. law are meant to protect children of existing evaluation data on your As was stated above, if you refuse different racial, cultural, or language child. This includes evaluations and consent, the public agency may backgrounds from misdiagnosis. For information provided by you; current continue to pursue conducting the example, children's cultural back- classroom-based assessments and evaluation by using the law's due grounds may affect their behavior or observations; and observations by process procedures or its mediation test responses in ways that teachers or teachers and related services provid- procedures (discussed in Part V of this other personnel do not understand. ers. (Your permission is not needed News Digest), unless doing so would Similarly, if a child speaks a language for this review.) be inconsistent with State law relating other than English or has limited Based on that review and on input to parental consent [§300.505(b)]. If English proficiency, he or she may not from you as the child's parents, the you give your informed written understand directions or words on consent to the evaluation, then the group then identifies what additional tests and may be unable to answer data (if any) are needed to deterinine: public agency will go ahead and correctly. As a result, a child may collect the needed information about mistakenly appear to be a slow whether your son or daughter has z your child. learner or to have a hearing or a particular category of disability communication problem. (e.g., "other health impairment," In addition to the requirements "specific learning disability"); stated above, the IDEA includes a 5. Any standardized tests that are number of general evaluation provi- given to your son or daughter must your child's present levels of sions that are intended to ensure that be validated for the specific purpose performance (that is, how he or evaluations of children provide for which they are used. They must she is currently doing in school) information that is comprehensive also be administered by trained and and his or her educational needs; and accurate about their strengths and knowledgeable personnel according needs. With respect to your child (and whether your child needs special to the instructions provided by the all children), this includes the follow- education and related services; and producers of the tests. ing: 78 NICHCY: 1-800-05-0285 News Digest 21 (2nd Edition) 6. If an assessment is not con- copy of the evaluation report to the ducted under standard conditions parent, as well as the documenta- tion of the determination of the meaning that some condition of the child's eligibility [§300.534(a)(2)]. test has been changed (such as the qualifications of the person giving the Some school systems will hold a test or the method of giving the make these decisions, the public meeting where they consider only the test)a description of the extent to agency will ask your permission to eligibility of the child for special which it varied from standard condi- collect the information. After you give education and related services. At this tions must be included in the evalua- your informed written consent, the meeting, your child's assessment tion report. public agency will collect whatever results should be explained. The additional information is needed, 7. The evaluation must include specialists who assessed your child following the guidelines listed above tests and other evaluation materials will explain what they did, why they for sound evaluation and using a tailored to assess your child's specific used the tests they did, your child's variety of evaluation methods and areas of educational need and not results on those tests or other evalua- strategies, including tests, observa- merely include those that are designed tion procedures, and what your tions, and classroom-based assess- to provide a single general intelligence child's scores mean when compared ments. An evaluation report will then quotient (your child's IQ score). to other children of the same age and be prepared. Such a report generally grade. 8. If your child has impaired would summarize the results of your sensory, manual, or speaking skills, It is important to know that the child's evaluation. group may not determine that a child the law requires that tests are selected and administered so as best to ensure is eligible if the determinant factor for 10. How are the evaluation results that test results accurately reflect his or making that judgment is the child's used? her aptitude or achievement level (or lack of instruction in reading or math Upon completing the administra- whatever other factors the test claims or the child's limited English profi- tion of tests and other evaluation to measure), and not merely reflect ciency. The child must otherwise meet materials (if they are determined to be your child's impaired sensory, the law's definition of a "child with a needed), a group of qualified profes- disability"meaning that he or she manual, or speaking skills (unless the sionals and you, the parents, must test being used is intended to measure has one of the disabilities listed in the determine whether or not your child those skills). law (see Attachment A) and, because is a "child with a disability," as of that disability, needs special 9. The public agency must use defined by IDEA (see Attachment A in education and related services. assessment tools and strategies that this document) and local policy, and [§300.534(b)] provide relevant information that whether your child needs (and, thus, directly assists persons in determining The regulations also specify criteria is eligible for) special education and your child's educational needs. for determining the existence of a related services (§300.534). This (§300.532) specific learning disability, one of the determination will be made based on 13 disability categories listed in the the results of your child's evaluation Thus, the evaluation process begins law. Section 300.541 states that a and information from a variety of when a group of individuals, includ- team may determine that a child has a sources, including aptitude and ing you as parents, reviews existing specific learning disability if two achievement tests, parent input, evaluation data on your child and conditions are met. The first is that the teacher recommendations, and your decides what (if any) additional data child does not achieve commensurate child's physical condition, social or are needed to decide if your child has with his or her age and ability levels cultural background, and adaptive a disability and to help plan instruc- in one or more of the following areas: behavior [§300.535(a)(1)]. tion for your child. If more informa- oral expression, listening comprehen- tion is needed about your child to Previously, parents were not sion, written expression, basic reading expressly included in the group that skill, reading comprehension, math- determined their child's eligibility ematics calculation, or mathematic and, in fact, were often excluded. reasoning, even if the child is Now, under the IDEA Amendments of provided with learning experiences 1997, parents are to be part of the appropriate for his or her age and group that determines their child's ability level. The second condition is eligibility [§300.534(a)(1)]. The that the team finds that a child has a public agency must also provide a severe discrepancy between achieve- 9 NICHCY: 1-800-695-0285 News Digest 21 (2nd Edition) 8 and pay for the IEE, or it may initiate' ment and intellectual ability in one Under IDEA '97, parents a hearing to show that its own evalua- or more of those areas. However, the tion was appropriate. The public team may not identify a child as are to be part of the group agency may ask why you object to the having a specific learning disability if public evaluation. However, the that determines a child's the severe discrepancy between ability agency may not require you to and achivement is primarily the result eligibility. explain, and it may not unreasonably of (a) a visual, hearing, or motor delay either providing the IEE at impairment; (b) mental retardation; public expense or initiating a due (c) emotional disturbance; or (d) criteria, in any decision made with process hearing to defend the public environmental, cultural, or economic respect to providing your child with evaluation. [§300.502(b)(4)] disadvantage. (§300.541) FAPE. The results may also be pre- sented as evidence at a hearing If the public agency initiates a If the evaluation results indicate regarding your child. [§300.502(c)] hearing and the final decision of the that your child meets the definition of For more information about hearings, hearing officer is that the agency's one or more of the disabilities listed see Part V of this News Digest. evaluation was appropriate, then you under IDEA and needs special educa- still have the right to an IEE but not tion and related services, the results 12. Will my child be evaluated at public expense [§300.502(b) (3)]. will form the basis for developing again in the future? As part of a due process hearing, a your child's IEP. The IEP is discussed hearing officer may also request an in detail in the next section of this In most cases, yes. The first time IEE; if so, that IEE must be at public your child is evaluated is called an News Digest. expense. Whenever an IEE is publidy initial evaluation (§300.531). Evalua- funded, that IEE must meet the same tions must also be conducted at least I I. What happens if I don't agree criteria that the public agency uses with the evaluation results? every three years (generally called a when it initiates an evaluation. The triennial evaluation) after your child If you, as parents of a child with a public agency must tell you what has been placed in special education disability, disagree with the results of these criteria aresuch as location of [§300.536(b)]. Reevaluations can your child's evaluation as obtained by the evaluation and the qualifications also occur more frequently if condi- the public agency, you have the right of the examinerand they must be tions warrant, or if you or your to obtain what is known as an Inde- the same criteria the public agency child's teacher request(s) a reevaluation pendent Educational Evaluation, or uses when it initiates an evaluation, to [§300.536(b)]. Informed parental IEE (§300.502). An IEE means an the extent they are consistent with consent is also necessary for reevalu- evaluation conducted by a qualified your right to an IEE. However, the ations [§300.505(a)(1)(i)]. examiner who is not employed by the public agency may not impose other public agency responsible for the As with initial evaluations, reevalu- conditions or timelines related to your education of your child. If you ask for ations begin with the review of obtaining an IEE at public expense. existing evaluation data, induding an IEE, the public agency must [§300.502(e)] provide you with, among other evaluations and information provided Of course, you have the right to things, information about where an by you, the child's parents. Your have your child independently IEE may be obtained. consent is not required for the review evaluated at any time at your own of existing data on your child. On the Who pays for the independent expense. (Note: When the same tests basis of that review, the group, evaluation? The answer is that some are repeated within a short time induding you and other qualified IEEs are at public expense and others period, the validity of the results can professionals (as appropriate), must are paid for by the parents. For be seriously weakened.) The results of identify what additional data, if any, example, if you are the parent of a this evaluation must be considered by are needed to determine whether your child with a disability and you the public agency, if it meets agency child continues to be a "child with a disagree with the public agency's disability" and continues to need evaluation, you may request an IEE at special education and related services. public expense. "At public expense" If the group determines that addi- means that the public agency either tional data are needed, then the pays for the full cost of the evaluation public agency must administer tests or ensures that the evaluation is and other evaluation materials as otherwise provided at no cost to you needed to produce the data. Prior to as parents [§300.502(a)(3)(ii)]. The collecting this additional information, public agency may grant your request 910 NICHCY 1-800-695-0285 News Digest 21 (2nd Edition) BEST COPY AVAILABLE