Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. (will be inserted by hand later) Equation of state of dense matter and the minimum mass of cold neutron stars 2 P. Haensel1, J.L. Zdunik1, and F. Douchin2,3 0 0 1 N. Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Bartycka18, PL-00-716 Warszawa, Poland 2 2 Department of Physics, Universityof Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, U.S.A. n 3 Centre deRechercheAstronomique deLyon, ENS deLyon, 69364 Lyon, France a J [email protected], [email protected] 6 2 24 January,2002 1 v Abstract. Equilibrium configurationsofcold neutronstars neartheminimummassarestudied,usingtherecent 4 equation of state SLy, which describes in a unified, physically consistent manner, both the solid crust and the 3 liquidcoreofneutronstars.ResultsarecomparedwiththoseobtainedusinganolderFPSequationofstateofcold 4 catalyzed matter. The value of Mmin ≃0.09 M⊙ depends very weakly on the equation of state of cold catalyzed 1 matter:itis0.094M⊙ fortheSLymodel,and0.088M⊙ fortheFPSone.CentraldensityatMmin issignificantly 0 lowerthanthenormalnucleardensity:fortheSLyequationofstatewegetcentraldensity1.71014 g cm−3,tobe 2 compared with 2.3 1014 g cm−3 obtained for the FPS one. Even at M , neutron stars have a small liquid core 0 min / of radius of about 4 km, containing some 2-3% of thestellar mass. Neutron stars with 0.09 M⊙ <M <0.17 M⊙ h areboundwithrespecttodispersedconfigurationofthehydrogengas,butareunboundwithrespecttodispersed p 56Fe.Theeffectofuniformrotationontheminimum-massconfigurationofcoldneutronstarsisstudied.Rotation - o increasesthevalueofMmin;atrotationperiodof10mstheminimummassofneutronstarsincreasesto0.13M⊙, r and corresponds to the mass-shedding (Keplerian) configuration. In the case of the shortest observed rotation t period of radio pulsars 1.56 ms, minimum mass of uniformly rotating cold neutron stars corresponds to the s a mass-shedding limit, and is found at 0.61 M⊙ for theSLy EOS and 0.54 M⊙ for theFPS EOS. : v i Key words.dense matter– equation of state – stars: neutron – stars X r a 1. Introduction gest, that after crossing the M value, a neutron star min will undergo an explosion (Blinnikov et al. 1984, Colpi et Mass of neutron stars is bound on the lower-density side al. 1989, 1991, Sumiyoshi et al. 1998). by the minimum mass, M . Equilibrium neutron star min Of course, rotation and thermal effects can affect (ac- configurations with M < M do not exist. Some astro- min tually - increase) the actual value of the minimum neu- physical scenarios, in which a neutron star looses mat- tron star mass. As we will see, rotation will also change ter, and reaches the critical value M , were proposed min the nature of the minimum-mass configuration. In the (Blinnikovetal.1984,Colpiet al.1989,Colpiet al.1991, present paper, we will restrict ourselves to neutron stars Sumiyoshi et al. 1998).Basically,one considers a neutron built of cold catalyzed matter. For newly born proto- star in a close binary system with a more compact, and neutronstars,boththermaland neutrino-trappingeffects more massive object (more massive neutron star, stellar are large, and are expected to increse minimum mass to mass black hole). At a sufficiently small separation be- tweenaneutronstaranditscompanion,lessmassive,and 0.9−1.1 M⊙ (Goussard et al. 1998, Strobel et al. 1999). However,M for static, cold neutron stars still remains therefore larger, neutron star starts to lose mass due to min the absolute lower bound on the mass of neutron star. gravitationalpull of its companion, the lost matter being accreted by the companion compact object. This process The calculation of Mmin for neutron stars has a long is self-accelerating, because decrease of mass leads to in- history. The first correct estimate of Mmin was obtained crease of neutron star size, making it even more suscepti- by Oppenheimer & Serber (1938). They showed, that ble to the mass loss. After crossing M , no equilibrium the previous estimate obtained by Landau (1938) was min configuration can be reached. Numerical simulations sug- much too small, and moreover based on incorrect argu- ments. Oppenheimer & Serber (1938) obtained an esti- Send offprint requests to: P. Haensel mate0.17M⊙withouttakingintoaccountnuclearinterac- 2 P. Haensel et al.: Minimum mass of cold neutron stars tions.Thentheyargued,thatinclusionofthecontribution from the nucleon-nucleon interactions leads to a decrease ofMmin to0.03−0.10M⊙,dependingontheassumptions they made about the (very poorly known at that time) nucleon-nucleon interaction. It should be stressed, that theircriterionofstabilitywasbasedonenergyarguments: a neutron star had to be stable with respect to transfor- mationintomediummassnuclei(they tookcalciumasan example). Calculationof Harrisonet al. (1964)was based on the Harrison-Wheeler equation of state (Harrison et al. 1964), which described both the crust and the liquid coreofneutronstars.Fromthe present-daypointofview, theirequationofstateaboveneutrondripwasunrealistic. They obtained Mmin = 0.18 M⊙, at a central density of only 3 1013 g cm−3. Using two versions of the Levinger & Simmons (1961) baryon-baryon potential, Tsuruta & Cameron(1966)obtainedMmin =0.11−0.13M⊙. Cohen & Cameron (1971), using the equation of state (EOS) based on the up-dated version of the Levinger-Simmons nucleon-nucleon potential (Langer et al. 1969), obtained Mmin =0.065 M⊙. Finally, in their classical paper on the Fig.1. Comparison of the SLy and FPS EOS near the EOS and structure of neutron stars, Baym et al. (1971b, crust-liquid core transition. Thick solid line: inner crust hereafter BPS), who used their own (BPS) EOS of the with spherical nuclei. Dashed line corresponds to non- outer crust, and that of Baym et al. (1971a, hereafter spherical (“exotic”) nuclear shapes. Thin solid line: uni- BBP) for the inner crust and for the outer layers of the form npe matter. Vertical dashes separate different dense liquid core, obtained Mmin =0.0925 M⊙. matter phases. The properties of the equilibrium configurations near M are sensitive to the EOS of neutron star mat- min ter at subnuclear densities, i.e. for mass density signifi- studied in Sect. 6. Finally, Sect. 7 contains discussion of cantly below normal (saturation) density of nuclear mat- our results and conclusions. ter, ρ = 2.7 1014 g cm−3 (baryon density significantly 0 below n = 0.16 fm−3). As we will show, a particularly 0 2. Equation of state of cold catalyzed matter near important role is played by the EOS near the inner crust the crust-core interface - liquid core boundary. Therefore, the EOS should give physically correct description of this transition region; a The properties of neutron stars close to M are deter- min brutal ad hoc matching of the inner crust and liquid core minedbytheEOSofdensematteratsubnucleardensities, are not sound for this purpose. The microscopic model, and in particular in the density interval 0.1ρ < ρ < ρ . 0 0 underlying the EOS, should be the same on both sides of Atsuchdensities,the actualstructureofthegroundstate thecrust-coreboundary,andshouldthereforebebasedon of matter results from the interplay of the surface and the same effective nuclear hamiltonian. Coulomb terms in the total energy density. These tiny In the present paper, we calculate M and study “finite size” terms, which are absent in uniform npe mat- min static configurations near minimum mass. We also study ter, are difficult to calculate with high precision at the the effect of rotation on these configurations. We use density ofinterest.However,theseterms,verysmallcom- two EOS, based on different effective nuclear hamilto- pared to the main bulk energy contribution, decide what nians. These effective hamiltonians are: a recent SLy is the actual shape of nuclei, and whether or not matter model(Chabanatetal.1998,forapplicationsseeDouchin with nuclear structures is energetically preferred over the & Haensel 2000, Douchin et al. 2000, EOS in Douchin spatially uniform npe matter. & Haensel 2001), and a somewhat older FPS model AswealreadystressedinSect.1,itismandatorytouse (Ravenhall & Pandharipande 1989, for applications see the same effective nuclear hamiltonian to describe both Lorenz et al. 1993). nuclear structures (nuclei) and neutron gas in the inner The plan of the paper is as follows. Equation of state crust, and the uniform npe matter of the liquid core. In near crust-liquid core interface is discussed in Sect.2. In the present paper we use a recently developed SLy model Sect. 3, we study equilibrium configurations near M , ofneutronstarmatter(Douchin&Haensel2000,Douchin min and their dependence on the assumed EOS model. The et al. 2000, Douchin & Haensel 2001), based on the SLy problem of binding energy and stability of low-mass neu- effective nuclearinteraction(Chabanatet al. 1997,1998). tron stars is studied in some detail in Sect.4. Possible ef- For this model, nuclei in the ground state of neutron star fectsofelasticstrainwithintheequilibriumconfigurations matter remain spherical down to the bottom edge of the nearM areestimatedinSect.5.Effectsofrotationare inner crust (Douchin & Haensel 2000). Transition to the min P. Haensel et al.: Minimum mass of cold neutron stars 3 uniformnpeplasmatakesplaceatρ =1.31014g cm−3 edge (baryondensityn =0.078fm−3).Thecrust-corephase edge transitionisveryweaklyfirst-order,witharelativedensity jump of about 1%. Unfortunately, absence or presence of non-spherical (called also “exotic” or “unusual”) nuclear shapes in the bottom layers of the inner crust depends on the assumed model of effective nuclear hamiltonian. As an example of a different effective nuclear hamiltonian, we will con- sider the FPS model (Pandharipande & Ravenhall 1989, Lorenz et al. 1993), which also gives a unified descrip- tion of both the inner crust and the liquid core. For the FPS model, the crust-liquid core transitiontakes place at higher density ρ = 1.6 1014 g cm−3 (baryon density edge n = 0.096 fm−3), and is preceded by a sequence of edge phase transitions between various nuclear shapes (Lorenz et al. 1993). The sequence of phase transitions starts at 1.11014 g cm−3 ≃ 1ρ (baryondensityn =0.064fm−3), 3 0 b at which spherical nuclei immersed in neutron gas are replaced by the cylindrical ones. Then follows a transi- tion from cylindrical nuclei immersed in neutron gas to the slabs of nuclear matter interspaced with neutron gas, Fig.2. Gravitational mass versus radius near M , for which at still higher density are replaced by nuclear mat- min cold, static neutron stars. Calculation performed for the ter with cylindricalholes filledwith neutrongas,replaced SLy EOS. Solid line - stable configurations,dotted lines - eventually by nuclear matter with sphericalbubbles filled configurations unstable with respect to small radial per- with neutrongas.This lastphase persists up to ρ .All edge turbations.Minimummassconfigurationisindicatedwith phasetransitionsareveryweaklyfirst-order,withrelative a filled circle. density jumps smaller than 1%. Both EOS are compared, in the relevant density in- terval, in Fig.1. In the vicinity of the crust-core interface, theSLyEOSisstifferthantheFPSone.Moreover,inthe caseofthe SLyEOSthe discontinuousstiffening(jump of compressionmodulus)atthe crust-coretransitionismore pronounced than in the FPS case, where it has been pre- ceded by a sequence of phase transitions connected with changesofnuclearshapes.Such a sequenceof phase tran- sitions implied therefore a gradual stiffening of matter. 3. Mass, radius and central density of configuration close to Mmin The mass-radius plot for the SLy EOS, in the vicinity of M , is shown in Fig.2. The mass minimum is very flat, min particularly on the lower-density branch. In contrast, the Fig.3. Gravitational mass versus central density, in minimum of the mass-centraldensity curve is very sharp, the vicinity of M , for cold, static neutron stars. min andthecurveM(ρ )onthelower-densitysideisextremely c Calculations performed for the SLy and the FPS EOS. steep, as seen in Fig.3. Configurations to the left of the Solid line - stable configurations,dotted lines - configura- minimum in Fig.3 have dM/dρ < 0, and are therefore c tions unstable with respect to small radial perturbations. unstable with respect to small radial perturbations; they Minimummassconfigurationisindicatedwithafilledcir- arenotexpectedtoexistintheUniverse(see,e.g.,Shapiro cle. & Teukolsky 1983). LetusdenotecentraldensityoftheM configuration min byρ .Configurationswithρ ≃ρ areveryloosely radiusby∼hundredkilometers(i.e.,bymorethanafactor c,min c c,min bound by gravitationalforces (see below). Their radii are of two !). Simultaneously, as seen in Fig.3, for ρc <ρc,min ∼ hundreds of kilometers, and a small difference in their (unstable branch) the increase of mass with decreasing mass is accompanied by a large difference in radii. For central density becomes extremely steep. example, on a stable branch on Fig.2, a decrease in mass Thisbehaviorisrelatedtothespecificstructureofneu- by 0.001 M⊙ (i.e., by one percent) implies an increase in tronstarsnearMmin,andto the propertiesofthe EOSof 4 P. Haensel et al.: Minimum mass of cold neutron stars Table 1. Configurations of minimum mass for cold, static neutron stars EOS M ρ R M /M R E(Fe) E(H) min c core core bind bind [M⊙] [1014 g/cm3] [km] [km] [1051 erg] [1051 erg] SLy 0.094 1.6 270 0.02 3.8 -1.0 0.5 FPS 0.088 2.2 220 0.03 4.2 -1.2 0.2 neutron star matter at subnuclear density. Neutron stars closeto M arelooselybound,huge spheresofthe solid min crust, of the radius of hundreds of kilometers, containing a tiny liquid core, which at M constitutes 2% of the min stellar mass for the SLy EOS, and 3% of mass in the case of the FPS model. Inthecontextofthestabilityofequilibriumconfigura- tions, a particularrole is playedby the adiabatic index of theneutronstarinterior,Γ=(n /P)(dP/dn ).Aswesee b b inFig.3the mostdramaticsteepening oftheM(ρ )curve c takesplaceatρ ≃1.61014g cm−3fortheSLyEOS,tobe c comparedwithρ ≃2.21014 g cm−3 fortheFPSEOS.At c suchcentraldensity,neutronstarshaveatiny,stiff,liquid core with Γ ≃ 2. The average value of the adiabatic core index within the crust is much lower, Γ ≃ 1.3, below crust the Newtonian threshold for instability with respect to small radialperturbation.Gravitationalpull barely binds the equilibrium configurations, which are unstable with respect to small radial perturbations. At M , the radius of the liquid core is 3.8 km for min the SLy EOS, and4.2 km for the FPS model. As the SLy EOS is stiffer for 1013 g cm−3 < ρ < ρ0 than the FPS Fig.4. Gravitational mass versus central density, and one,the SLy neutronstarsat Mmin areless compact,and binding energy(relative to dispersed56Fe - labeledby Fe, contain smaller and less massive liquid core. Parameters and relative to hydrogengas - labeled by H) versusgravi- of neutron star models with minimum mass are collected tational mass, for cold, static neutron stars. Calculations in Table 1. performed for the SLy and the FPS EOS.Solid line - sta- Forρc <ρc,min,boththemassoftheliquidcoreandits ble configurations, dotted lines - configurations unstable radius decrease very slowly with decreasing ρc, while the withrespecttosmallradialperturbations.Minimummass totalmassandtotalradiusofthestarincreasesextremely configuration is indicated with a filled circle. steeply. 1.6587 10−24 g. Binding energy with respect to such a 4. Binding energy of low-mass neutron stars dispersed configuration is Binding energy of a neutron star, Ebind, is defined as the Eb(Fined) =(AmFe−M)c2 . (1) mass defectwith respectto dispersedconfigurationofthe Another dispersed configuration is that of a pressureless samenumberofbaryons,multipliedbyc2.Dispersedcon- hydrogen cloud. Binding energy in that case is figurationischaracterizedbynegligiblepressureandgrav- itational interactions. Equivalently, one may define Ebind E(H) =(Am −M)c2 , (2) as a net work needed to transform a neutron star into a bind H dispersed configuration. where the mass of the hydrogen atom m = H One may contemplate several definitions of dispersed 1.6735 10−24 g. configuration.Letusfirstconsiderthenetworkneededto Bindingenergyoflow-mass,cold,staticneutronstars, transformneutronstar,consistingofAbaryons,intoadis- versus stellar mass, in the vicinity of M , is plotted in min persedconfiguration,under the conditionof keepingmat- Fig. 4. As we see, neutron stars with M < 0.17 M⊙ are teralwaysinthe groundstate.Inthis way,dispersedcon- unboundwithrespectto 56Fe.However,neutronstarsare figuration will be a pressureless cloud of the dust of 56Fe, always bound with respect to the hydrogen cloud config- with mass per nucleon m ≡ mass of 56Fe atom/56 = uration. At the same mass (or baryon number), unstable Fe P. Haensel et al.: Minimum mass of cold neutron stars 5 configuration(dotted line in Fig.4)is less bound thanthe stable one. The case of E < 0 deserves a comment. Negative bind binding energy with respect to dispersed 56Fe indicates, that neutron stars with M < 0.17 M⊙ are actually metastable with respect to transformation into a cloud of 56Fe dust. Their decompression(while locally keepingthe matter in the ground state) would eventually lower the total energy, after overcoming an initial energy barrier resulting from gravitational binding of the outer layers. While being metastable with respect to large amplitude decompression, configurations with ρ > ρ are, how- c c,min ever, stable with respect to small amplitude radial per- turbations; this is to be contrasted with an instability of configurations with ρ < ρ . One expects, that equi- c c,min librium configurations with ρ < ρ , after being per- c c,min turbed, will eventually expand to huge white-dwarf like Fig.5. Gravitational mass, M, versus equatorial radius configurations with radii exceeding 104 km. forlow-massneutronstarsandeffectsofuniformrotation. For non-rotating neutron stars equatorial and polar radii areequal,R =R.Solidlinecorrespondstonon-rotating eq 5. Effect of elastic strains neutron-star models based on the SLy EOS. Short-dash lines correspond to uniformly rotating neutron-star mod- Configurations of hydrostatic equilibrium were calculated els basedon the SLy EOS,the upper one for rotationfre- using the Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation (OV) of general quencyofthemostrapidobservedmillisecondpulsar,and relativity (see, e.g., Shapiro & Teukolsky 1983). The OV theloweronetorotationperiodof10ms.Long-dash-dot equation is derived under the assumption that matter is line describesM−R relationforneutronstarsbasedon described by the ideal fluid stress tensor. However, at eq the FPS EOS, rotating at the maximum observed pulsar M ∼0.1M⊙ aneutronstarisnearlyallsolid,exceptfora frequency.Curves for rotating neutronstar models termi- smallliquidcorecontainingonly2−3%ofstellarmass.In nateatthelow-massendattheKeplerian(massshedding) contrasttoliquid,asolidcansustainashearstrain,which configuration, denoted by an open circle. contributes to the stress tensor. In the isotropic approxi- mation, the elastic shear-strain term in the stress tensor of the Coulomb crystal of the solid crust is determined structure, and can be described using slow rotation ap- by the shear modulus µ. The effect of elastic strain on proximation (Hartle 1967). Leading effects of rotation on the stellar structure can be roughly estimated using the neutron star structure are then quadratic in ν, and are model of Baym & Pines (1971). In the presence of elas- small as long as gravitational pull, acting on a unit mass tic shear strain, static neutron star configuration can be element at the equator ∼ GM/R2 is significantly larger non-spherical. Assuming for simplicity that the deviation than the centrifugal force ∼ 4π2Rν2. However, with de- from sphericity is quadrupolar, let us estimate possible creasing mass of a neutron star rotating at fixed ν, the ellipticity δR/R, where δR is the absolute value of the rotational effects become more and more important. At difference between the polar and the equatorial radii. For the same M, the equatorial radius of a rotationally flat- a Coulomb crystal the maximum (i.e., breaking) strain tened neutron star becomes significantly larger than that does not exceed ∼ 10−2 (Ruderman 1992). The Baym- of a static configuration.Importance of rotationincreases Pines (1971) model predicts that δR/R < 0.01b where withincreasingequatorialradiusanddecreasingmass,and the “rigidity parameter” b ≡ βRVcrustµdV/|Egrav|. Here, become decisive for ν2 ∼GM/(4π2R3). E is the gravitational energy of a neutron star and β grav Weperformedexactcalculationsofstationaryconfigu- is a numerical factor ∼1. For a 1.4 M⊙ neutron star, one rationsofcoldneutronstars,rotatinguniformlyat100Hz typically has b ∼ 10−5, but for M ≃ 0.1M⊙ one obtains and 641 Hz. Numerical calculations were carried out us- b ∼ 10−2 (Carlini & Treves 1989). Therefore, we expect ing exact 2-D equations for uniformly rotating configura- that the effect of elastic shear strain on the stellar radius tions in general relativity. Equations of hydrostatic equi- at M ∼0.1 M⊙ is δR/R<10−3. librium were solved using numerical code, based on the pseudospectralmethod,anddevelopedatDARC Meudon (Bonazzola et al. 1998, Gourgoulhon et al. 1999). Low- 6. Effects of rotation mass constant-ν sequences in the M −R plane are dis- The shortest observed pulsar period is Pobs = 1.558 ms, played in Fig. 5. min which corresponds to rotation frequency νobs = 641 Hz. Effects of rotation are larger for the stiffer SLy EOS, max For massive neutron stars of M >∼ 1.3 M⊙, rotation at which is most natural. At 641 Hz and M < 0.8 M⊙, ef- such frequency has a rather small offect on neutron star fects of rotation are very large. The lowest-mass config- 6 P. Haensel et al.: Minimum mass of cold neutron stars uration corresponds to the mass-shedding limit. We get ones. Let us denote central density of the minimum mass MmSLiny(641Hz)=0.61M⊙.For the FPSEOS,the effectis configuration by ρc,Mmin. In the static case, equilibrium smaller, because it is softer than the SLy one, and there- configurations with ρ < ρ are secularly unstable c c,Mmin forelow-massneutronstarsaremorecompact.We obtain withrespecttoradialperturbations.However,forν >∼100 MmFPinS(641 Hz)= 0.54 M⊙. Even at ν =100 Hz, rotation Hz,stationaryconfigurationswithρc <ρc,Mmin justdonot has a sizable effect, with minimum mass, reached at the exist. mass-sheddinglimit,MmSLiny(100Hz)=0.13M⊙,larger,by nearly 40%, than that for static neutron stars. 7. Summary and conclusion For the SLy minimum mass configuration rotating at ν = 641 Hz the equatorial and polar radius of the liq- In the present paper we determined the properties of the uid core are 11 km and 9 km, respectively. However, the minimummassconfigurationofneutronstars,builtofcold crust is much more deformed than the whole star, hav- catalyzed matter. We used two recent EOS of cold cat- ing equatorial thickness of 6 km, four times larger than alyzed matter, which describe in a unified way both the the polar one. This results in quite a large oblateness, crust and the liquid core, as well as their interface. For R /R = 0.6. The mass is concentrated in a liquid pole eq static neutron stars, we get a minimum mass of 0.09 M⊙, core, which contains 93% of neutron star mass. coinciding with the value of M obtained three decades min Minimum mass configuration, calculated for the SLy agointheBPSpaper.ThevalueofM forneutronstars min EOS at ν =100 Hz, has the (nearly spherical)liquid core built of cold catalyzed matter is quite independent of the constituting half of the stellar mass. However, the equa- specific EOS used. However, the structure of the minu- torial radius of the liquid core is only about 6 km, to mummassconfigurationissensitivetotheEOSatρ<∼ρ0. be compared with the 28 km equatorial thickness of the For the FPS and SLy EOS we get R(M ) ≃ 220 km min crust. Consequently, the oblateness of the minimum mass and 270 km, respectively. Our minimum mass configura- configuration is large, R /R ≃0.7. pole eq tions contain a tiny liquid core with 2−3% of the stel- Ourcalculationsshow,thattherotatingconfigurations lar mass. The structure of the M configurations for min close to minimum mass cannot be approximated by a ho- the EOSconsideredinthe presentpaperaresubstantially mogeneous rotating ellipsoid, like the model of Colpi et different from that obtained in the classical BPS paper. al. (1991). The two quantities relevant for the Keplerian WhileBPSgotasimilarvalueofM ,theradiusoftheir min (massshedding)limit,massandequatorialradius,arede- minimummassconfigurationwasonly160km,anditwas termined by different parts of a low-mass neutron star. completely solid. These differences can be easily under- Namely,the mass is supplied by the liquidcore,while the stoodintermsofthedifferencesintheEOSatsubnuclear equatorial radius is defined by the outer edge of the ex- density. Namely, for ρ <∼ ρ0, the BPS EOS is softer, and tendedsolidcrust.Therefore,theapproximationinwhich its crust-coretransitiontakesplace at significantly higher aneutronstaris representedbyahomogeneous(constant density than for the SLy and FPS ones. density - incompressible) spheroid (Colpi et al. 1991) is Within mass interval Mmin = 0.09 < M < 0.17 M⊙, inadequate. neutron stars are unbound with respect to dispersed It should be mentioned, that even at the mass- 56Fe. In the similar mass range, neutron stars are less shedding limit at 641 Hz, rotating configurations are boundthancarbon-oxygenwhitedwarfsofthesamemass. not susceptible to the viscosity-driven tri-axial instabil- However, all neutron stars are bound with respect to dis- itywhichwouldimplyemissionofgravitationalradiation. persed hydrogen. This secular instability sets in at kinetic to gravitational Effects of rotation have been shown to be important potential energy ratio T/W =0.14. We get T/W =0.061 for M , and for the low-mass neutron stars in general. min for the SLy EOS, and even less, T/W = 0.056, for the For neutron stars rotating rigidly at P = 1.56 ms, mini- softer FPS EOS. Our conclusion is opposite to that ob- mum massis determined by the mass-sheddinglimit: it is tainedbyColpietal.(1991),whichresultsfromthe inad- 0.5 M⊙ and 0.6 M⊙, for the FPS and SLy EOS, respec- equacy of the model used by these authors. tively. The minimum mass configuration at P = 1.56 ms One may ask, whether the values T/W = 0.05−0.06 is quite oblate, due to strong deformation of the crust by are above the threshold for the gravitational-radiation the centrifugal force. drivenChandrasekhar-Friedman-Schutz(CFS)instability. The threshold values T/W ∼0.04−0.05 for the m=4,5 Acknowledgements. WearegratefultoA.Potekhinforhishelp CFS instabilities, calculatedfor realistic EOSby Morsink inpreparationofFigs.1,3,4.Wearealsoverygratefultotheref- et al. (1999), correspond to M >∼ 0.8 M⊙. Extrapolation eree,S.Blinnikov,forhisremarksandcommentswhichhelped of these results to strongly deformed configurations with toimprovethepresentpaper.Thisresearch waspartially sup- M ∼ 0.6 M⊙ rotating at 641 Hz (Fig. 5) would be risky. ported bythe KBN grant No. 5P03D.020.20. Therefore, the problem of the CFS instabilities in rotat- inglow-massneutronstarshastobeclarifiedinthefuture References studies. 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