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Entropy production and Kullback-Leibler divergence between stationary trajectories of discrete systems E´dgar Rold´an and Juan M.R. Parrondo Departamento de F´ısica Ato´mica, Molecular y Nuclear and GISC. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 28040-Madrid, Spain (Dated: January 27, 2012) The irreversibility of a stationary time series can be quantified using the Kullback-Leibler di- vergence (KLD) between the probability to observe the series and the probability to observe the time-reversed series. Moreover, this KLD is a tool to estimate entropy production from stationary trajectories since it gives a lower bound to the entropy production of the physical process gener- ating the series. In this paper we introduce analytical and numerical techniques to estimate the 2 1 KLD between time series generated by several stochastic dynamics with a finite number of states. 0 We examine the accuracy of our estimators for a specific example, a discrete flashing ratchet, and 2 investigatehowclose isthe KLDto theentropyproductiondependingon thenumberof degreesof freedom of the system that are sampled in the trajectories. n a PACSnumbers: 05.70.Ln,05.20.-y,05.40.-a J 6 2 I. INTRODUCTION versed [9]. This means that one can bound from below the entropy production in the NESS from a single time ] h The relationship between irreversibility and entropy series obtained in an experiment. Such a tool is of inter- c est in many practical situations. For instance, it allows production is mentioned in many undergraduate courses e one to discriminate between active and passive processes m of thermodynamics and statistical physics. A canonical in biological systems, or even to estimate or bound the example is a glass falling to the ground and smashing - amountofentropyproduced,andthereforetheamountof t into pieces. The time-reverse of this process is compat- a ATPconsumedinabiologicalprocess. Infact,therehave ible with Newton’s laws, but the chances for it to occur t s spontaneously are incredibly small. Such a process is ir- been previous attempts to make this distinction. Martin . et al. have considered the violation of the fluctuation- t reversible and the signature of this irreversibility is the a dissipationrelationshipasasignatureofnon-equilibrium production of a macroscopic amount of entropy in the m in the motion of a hair cell by using two types of mea- universe. - surement: the spontaneous motion of the hair bundle d The relation between irreversibility and entropy pro- andtheresponsetoanexternalforce[19]. Ammanet al. n ductionwasonlyaqualitativestatementuntiltherecent discriminated between equilibrium and NESS in a three o introductionoftheKullback-Leiblerdivergence(KLD)in c the context of fluctuation theorems [1, 2]. The time irre- state chemical system [20]. Finally, Kennel introduced [ in [21] criteria based on compression algorithms to dis- versibility of a process is given by the distinguishability tinguish between time symmetric and time asymmetric 1 between the process and its time reversal, which in turn v can be quantified using the KLD or relative entropy, a chaoticseriesbutwithoutanyconnectiontothephysical 3 measure of the distinguishability between two probabil- entropy. 1 itydistributionsdefinedininformationtheory[2–4]. This We are interested in estimating the KLD between the 6 KLD, multiplied by the Boltzmann constant, turns out probability of observing a stationary trajectory of one 5 to be a lower bound to the entropy production along the or several observables of the system and the probability . 1 process [1, 2, 5–15]. The bound becomes more accurate of observing the same trajectory but time reversed. We 0 whentheobservablesthatareusedtocalculatetheKLD want to explore how this quantity bounds the entropy 2 contain a more complete description of the state of the production of the underlying physical process [1, 2, 9] 1 : system. This result has been derived in a variety of situ- depending on the number of degrees of freedom of the v ationssuchasdrivensystemsunderHamiltonian[1,2,8] system that are sampled in the observed stationary tra- i X and Langevin [11, 14, 16, 17] dynamics; Markovian pro- jectory. Two distinct issues immediately arise: the es- cesses [7, 10]; and also for electrical circuits [12]. An- timation of the KLD from an empirical stationary time r a drieux et al. have verified it experimentally using the seriesandtheaccuracyofthebound. Inthispaperwead- data of the position of a Brownian particle in a moving dressthesetwoissuesbyintroducingnumericalandsemi- optical trap [14, 18], and we have shown that the bound analyticaltechniquestoestimatetheKLDfromdataob- yields useful estimates of the entropy production in non tained from systems with a finite number of states. equilibrium stationary states (NESS) [9]. Therehavebeendifferentattemptstoprovideaccurate Imaginerepeatedlysampling(ormeasuring)anobserv- estimatorsoftheKLDfromafinitenumberofdata. Ref- able of a system in a NESS. The trajectory of the out- erences [22, 23] investigate how this measure can be es- comes is a stationary time series that can be used to es- timated when considering empirical probability distribu- timate the KLD, by comparing the statistics of the time tionsoftwodifferentMarkovianandhigherorderMarko- series with the statistics of the same series but time re- vian time series. They develop techniques based on em- 2 piricalcountingoffinitesequencesofdatawhicharegen- indicates that the KLD decreases when only a partial eralized to real-valued time series in Refs. [14, 24, 25]. A description of the system, given by the variable X, is different approach is given in [26], where the KLD be- available. tweentwodifferentprobabilitydistributionsisestimated using compression algorithms. In this paper we refine these methods and test their performance when used to B. Irreversibility and entropy production estimate the KLD from single stationary trajectories. To explore the bound to the entropy production, we Consider a physical system with Hamiltonian H(z;λ), work with a discrete flashing ratchet model, where we where z denotes a point in phase space Γ, and λ is a can compare the entropy production with the analytical parameterofthesystemcontrolledbyanexternalagent. value and the empirical estimations of the KLD. With The system is initially isolated in equilibrium at tem- this model, we can analyze how information losses affect perature T, and the external agent modifies λ following theestimationoftheKLDandthetightnessofthebound a protocol λ , with t [0,τ]. We then let the system t for the entropy production. equilibrate by coupling∈it to a bath at temperature T(cid:48). The paper is organized as follows: section II reviews Theinitialandfinalstatesofthisprocessareequilibrium theconceptoftheKLD,anddiscussesitsconnectionwith states for which entropy is well defined. We denote by entropy production. In Section III we present novel ana- ρ(z,t) the probability density on phase space at time t, lyticalandsemi-analyticaltoolstocalculatetheKLDbe- and by ρ˜(z˜,t) the probability density when the system tweenhiddenMarkovchains. SectionIVgivesadetailed is driven by the time-reversed protocol λ˜ = λ with t τ−t description of the estimators of the KLD from empirical t [0,τ]. Here z˜ denotes the point in phase space re- data, whose performance for the flashing ratchet is ana- su∈lting from changing the sign of all momenta in z. In lyzedinSec. V.Finally,wepresentourmainconclusions Ref. [2] it is proved that the change of the entropy ∆S in Sec. VI. in the system plus the bath, averaged over many realiza- tions of the process, satisfies II. KULLBACK-LEIBLER DIVERGENCE, ∆S =kD[ρ(z,t) ρ˜(z˜,τ t)], (3) IRREVERSIBILITY, AND ENTROPY (cid:104) (cid:105) || − PRODUCTION wherekisBoltzmann’sconstant. Equation(3)isvalidfor a variety of initial equilibrium conditions [2]: canonical, A. The Kullback-Leibler divergence multi-canonical (several uncoupled systems at different temperatures),andgrand-canonicaldistributions,aswell The Kullback-Leibler divergence, or relative entropy, as for different types of baths equilibrating the system measures the distinguishability of two probability distri- at the end of the process. In particular, for canonical butions p(x) and q(x): initialconditionsintheforwardandinthetime-reversed processes,bothatthesametemperatureT,Eq.(3)reads (cid:90) p(x) (see Ref. [2]) D[p(x) q(x)]= dxp(x)log . (1) || q(x) It is always positive, and vanishes if and only if p(x) = ∆S = ∆Ssystem + ∆Sbath (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) q(x) for all x. Its interpretation as a measure of dis- ∆E ∆F Q = (cid:104) (cid:105)− + (cid:104) (cid:105) tinguishability is a consequence of the Chernoff-Stein T T lemma[3]: theprobabilityofincorrectlyguessing(viahy- W ∆F pothesis testing) that a sequence of n data is distributed = (cid:104) (cid:105)− , (4) T according to p when the true distribution is q is asymp- toticallyequaltoe−nD[p(x)||q(x)]. Therefore,whenpandq where ∆E and ∆F refer respectively to thesystemav- (cid:104) (cid:105) aresimilar inthesensethattheyoverlapsignificantly erage energy and free energy change, Q is the heat ex- − − the likelihood of incorrectly guessing the distribution, p changed with the thermal bath at the end of the process or q, is large [3]. (realization dependent), and W = ∆E +Q is the work Let us recall a property of the KLD that we will use performed by the external agent. Therefore, in this spe- throughout the paper [3]. If we have two random vari- cific case, entropy production equals the average dissi- ablesX,Y andtwojointprobabilitydistributionsp(x,y) pated work W = W ∆F divided by the temper- diss (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105)− and q(x,y), then ature T and (3) becomes D[p(x,y) q(x,y)] D[p(x) q(x)]. (2) W =kTD[ρ(z,t) ρ˜(z˜,τ t)]. (5) diss || ≥ || (cid:104) (cid:105) || − Thismeansthatitishardertodistinguishbetweenpand Since the evolution is deterministic, except for the last q whenweconsideronlythemarginaldistributions, p(x) stage where the system is connected to the bath, the and q(x), instead of the full joint distributions, p(x,y) point z at time t determines the whole trajectory of the andq(x,y). IfX,Y describethestateofasystem,Eq.(2) system z(t) τ . Then z(t) and z(t) τ carry the { }t=0 { }t=0 3 sameinformationandtheKLDoftheirrespectivePDF’s the KLD calculated with ∆S yields the same value as areequal. Equation(5)canberewrittenintermsofpath the one calculated with full information of the system. probabilities [16] Therefore entropy production captures all the informa- P tion about the time irreversibility of the NESS. (cid:104)Wdiss(cid:105)=kTD[P({z(t)}τt=0)||P(cid:101)({z˜(τ −t)}τt=0)]. (6) Whenonedτoesnotobservetheentiremicroscopictra- jectory z(t) in(8)butthetrajectoryfollowedbyone { }t=0 Ontheotherhand, integratingCrook’srelationship[27], or several observables of the system x(t), the KLD only W ∆F =log p(W) , where p(W) [p˜(W)] is the proba- provides a lower bound to the entropy production [31]. − p˜(−W) bility density of the work done on the system along the Equations (7) and (9) indicate that the equality is re- actual (time-reversed) process [16, 27], one immediately covered if the observables determine in a unique way the gets entropy production or the dissipated work. Inanexperimentalcontext,theobservablesareusually W =kTD[p(W) p˜( W)]. (7) sampled at a finite frequency. The output is then a time diss (cid:104) (cid:105) || − series of data or discrete trajectory, x=(xˆ ,xˆ , ,xˆ ), 1 2 n ··· Notice that the work W is a function of the trajectory where xˆ can be the value of a single or several observ- i z(t) τ containing much less information than the tra- ables of the system. In this case, we are interested in { }t=0 jectory itself. As indicated by Eq. (2), the KLD of work estimatingtheentropyproductionper data oftheunder- distributionsshouldinprinciplebesmallerthantheKLD lyingphysicalprocess,whichwedenoteby S˙ intherest (cid:104) (cid:105) of trajectory distributions. On the contrary, the KLD is of the paper. Entropy production per data is related to thesame,indicatingthatalltheirreversibilityofthepro- the KLD rate per data, which we define below. cess is captured by the dissipative work [16]. Given an infinitely long realization or time series sam- pled from a random process X (i=1,2,...), which can i be multi-dimensional, we define by p(xm) the probabil- 1 C. Stationary trajectories ity that a given string of m consecutive data is equal to xm = (x ,x , ,x ). We define the m th order KLD 1 1 2 ··· m − We now proceed to apply the above results to station- for this random process Xi by the distinguishability be- arytrajectories. Consideralongprocessinwhichthesys- tween p(xm1 ) and the probability p(x1m) to observe the tem reaches a non-equilibrium stationary state (NESS) reverse sequence of data x1m =(xm,xm−1,··· ,x1). after a possible initial transient. In the NESS the exter- nal parameter is held fixed, λt = λ; the system is kept (cid:88) p(xm) out of equilibrium due to the existence of baths at dif- DmX =D[p(xm1 )||p(x1m)]= p(xm1 )logp(x11 ). ferent temperatures (a possibility that is included in the x1,···,xm m hypothesis used in [2] to prove (3)) or different chemical (10) potentials, external constant forces, etc. In the steady TheKLDratefortheprocessXi isdefinedasthegrowth state,sincethecontrolparameterremainsfixed,thepro- rate of DmX with the number of data, tocol and its time reversal are identical λ =λ˜ =λ [13]. t t DX Thereforetheprobabilitydistributionsoftheprocessand dX = lim m. (11) m→∞ m its time reversal are identical, (cid:101) = . In the long time P P limit,τ ,wecanneglectthecontributionofthetran- Byvirtueof (8)and(2),thisquantityboundsfrombelow →∞ sient to the entropy production and rewrite (3) for the the entropy production per data entropy production per unit of time S˙ in the NESS [28] S˙ kdX, (12) as (cid:104) (cid:105)≥ wheretheboundissaturatediftherandomvariableisthe microstate of the system X = q,p and the sampling S˙ = lim kD[ ( z(t) τ ) ( z˜(τ t) τ )]. (8) rateisinfinite[31]orX determi{nesu}niquelytheentropy (cid:104) (cid:105) τ→∞τ P { }t=0 ||P { − }t=0 production in the process. AsimilarexpressioncanbeobtainedfromtheGallavotti- Equation (12) is our basic result. It reveals a striking Cohen theorem [29, 30], ∆S klog pτ(∆S) , where connection between physics and the statistics of a time (cid:39) pτ(−∆S) series. Theleft-handside, S˙ ,isapurelyphysicalquan- pτ(∆S) is the probability to observe an entropy produc- tity,whereastheright-hand(cid:104) s(cid:105)ide,dX,isastatisticalmag- tion ∆S in the interval [0,τ]. The Gallavotti-Cohen re- nitudedependingsolelyontheobserveddata,butnoton lationship, which is exact for τ , yields, after aver- → ∞ thephysicalmechanismgeneratingthedata. Suchacon- aging nection generalizes Landauer’s principle relating entropy k production and logical irreversibility in computing ma- S˙ = lim D[pτ(∆S) pτ( ∆S)]. (9) chines [1, 32, 33]. Equation (12) extends this principle (cid:104) (cid:105) τ→∞τ || − and suggests that we can determine the average dissipa- Consequently, although ∆S is another observable that is tion of an arbitrary NESS, even ignoring any physical obtained as a function of the microstate of the system, detail of the system. 4 D. Markovian trajectories obeying local detailed by the product of a flow times a thermodynamic force balance that is proportional to the flow itself. Equation (16) im- plies that the time asymmetry of a Markovian process We first analyze how the bound (12) is expressed for not far from equilibrium is revealed by the currents or Markovian time series that obey detailed balance by de- probabilityflowsthatcanbeobserved. Inotherwords,a riving analytical expressions for both entropy produc- Markovian process without flows is time reversible. This tion and the KLD rate. If the random process X is is not the case for non-Markovian time series, where ir- i Markovian, the probability distribution p(xm) factorizes reversibility can show up even in the absence of currents 1 p(xm) = p(x )p(x x ) p(x x ), which also holds (see below and [9]). 1 1 2| 1 ··· m| m−1 if we reverse the arguments, i.e., for p(x1 ). Substituting m these expressions into equation (11), we get III. KULLBACK-LEIBLER DIVERGENCE dX = (cid:88) p(x ,x )logp(x2|x1) =DX DX =DX, BETWEEN HIDDEN MARKOV CHAINS 1 2 p(x x ) 2 − 1 2 x1,x2 1| 2 In many experimental situations, a physical process (13) is Markovian at a micro- or mesoscopic level of descrip- since DX = 0 when comparing a trajectory and its re- 1 tion, but the observed time series only contain a subset verse. Therefore, dX only depends on transition proba- of the relevant observables, being non-Markovian in gen- bilities if X is a random Markovian process. eral. This is the case in biological systems, where one We now relate dX in Eq. (13) with the entropy pro- can only register the behavior of some mechanical and duction when the system reaches a NESS, because it is maybe a few chemical variables, while most of the rele- in contact with several thermal baths. In this situation, vantchemicalvariablescannotbemonitored. Thesekind the local detailed balance condition is satisfied. We call of non-Markovian time series obtained from an underly- V(x ) is the energy of the state x , and T is the i i x1,x2 ingMarkovprocessarecalledHiddenMarkovchains [35]. temperature of the bath that activates the transitions Inthissectionwederiveasemi-analyticaltechniqueto x x and x x . The local detailed balance condi- 1 → 2 2 → 1 calculate the KLD rate between hidden Markov chains. tion reads in this case We focus on a simple case where the underlying Markov (cid:18) (cid:19) p(x x ) V(x ) V(x ) process is described by two observables X and Y; how- 2 1 1 2 | =exp − . (14) p(x x ) kT everweonlyobserveX whoseevolutionisdescribedbya 1| 2 x1,x2 hidden Markov chain. The KLD rate for the observable Inserting (14) into (13), X is dX = (cid:88) p(x1,x2)V(xk1)T−V(x2) dX =ml→im∞m1 (cid:88)p(xm1 )log(cid:80)(cid:80)y1mpp((xxm11 ,,yy1m1 )). (17) x1,x2 x1,x2 xm1 ym1 m m = (cid:88) p(x ,x ) Qx1,x2 = (cid:104)S˙(cid:105), (15) It is convenient to write dX as a difference between two 1 2 x1,x2 kTx1,x2 k terms, dX =hXr −hX, where where Q = V(x ) V(x ) is the heat dissipated to 1 (cid:88) (cid:88) x1,x2 1 − 2 hX = lim p(xm)log p(xm,ym), (18) the corresponding thermal bath in the jump x1 x2, −m→∞m 1 1 1 and S˙ is the total entropy production per data. T→here- xm1 y1m fore, Eq. (12) is reproduced, with equality, in the case is called Shannon entropy rate, and of a physical system obeying local detailed balance, if wehaveaccesstoallthevariablesdescribingthesystem. 1 (cid:88) (cid:88) hX = lim p(xm)log p(x1 ,y1 ), (19) The same conclusion is reached if we induce the NESS r −m→∞m 1 m m by means of non-conservative constant forces. xm1 ym1 Equation (13) can be explored further by defining the cross entropy rate. Since the underlying process is currentfromthestatex tothestatex asthenetprob- 1 2 Markovian, p(xm,ym) factorizes and both Shannon and abilityflowfromx tox ,J =p(x ,x ) p(x ,x ). 1 1 1 2 x1→x2 1 2 − 2 1 cross entropy can be expressed in terms of the trace of a If the system is not far from equilibrium the current product of random transition matrices T [36, 37]. These tends to zero, and the following condition is satisfied aresquareM M randommatrices,whereM isthenum- Jx1→x2 (cid:28)p(x1,x2), yielding ber of values×that the variable y can take on, and their (cid:104)S˙(cid:105) =dX =DX (cid:88) (Jx1→x2)2. (16) entries are given by k 2 (cid:39)x1,x2 2p(x1,x2) T(x1,x2)y1y2 =p(x2,y2|x1,y1). (20) This expression is well known from linear irreversible Notethedifferentroleplayedbyeachvariableinthisfor- thermodynamics [34], where entropy production is given malism: x are parameters defining the matrix (making i 5 T a random matrix), whereas y are subindices of the section, which only need a single stationary time series i matrix elements. The Shannon and cross entropy can be toestimatetheKLDanddonotassumeanyknowledgeof expressed in terms of these matrices, the dynamics generating these data. On the other hand, one can also get analytical approximations of Eqs. (21) (cid:42) (cid:34)m−1 (cid:35)(cid:43) and (22) by using the replica trick, in an analogous way hX = lim 1 logTr (cid:89) T(x ,x ) , (21) as it has been done in Ref. [39]. The calculation is cum- i i+1 −m→∞m bersomeandisexplainedinAppendixA.Boththesemi- i=1 analytical and the replica calculations are used in Sec. V to check the accuracy of several empirical estimators of 1 (cid:42) (cid:34)m(cid:89)−1 (cid:35)(cid:43) the KLD. hX = lim logTr T(x ,x ) r −m→∞m m−i+1 m−i i=1 (22) IV. ESTIMATING KLD RATES FROM SINGLE where denotes the average over the random process X , wh(cid:104)i·c(cid:105)h are weighted by p(xm). For sufficiently large STATIONARY TRAJECTORIES i 1 m, Eqs. (21) and (22) are self-averaging [37], meaning In previous sections, we calculated the KLD analyti- that we do not need to calculate the average but just cally (or semi-analytically) for series where we know in compute the trace for a single stationary trajectory. For anysufficientlylongtimeseriesx=(xˆ ,xˆ , ,xˆ )with advancethedynamicsoftheunderlyingphysicalprocess. 1 2 n ··· We now investigate how the KLD rate can be estimated nlarge,thefollowingexpressionsconvergeto hand h r − − from a single empirical stationary trajectory, obtained almost surely, from a discrete stochastic process whose dynamics is un- known. Wecallxˆ thevalueofthei thdataofanempiri- λˆx = 1 log(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)n(cid:89)−1T(xˆ ,xˆ )(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13) hX, (23) caltrajectoryofnidata,whichisde−notedbyx={xˆi}ni=1. n (cid:13)(cid:13) i i+1 (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:39)− Therearetwotypesofestimatorsintheliterature: plug- i=1 in estimators, based on empirical counting of sequences (cid:13) (cid:13) 1 (cid:13)n(cid:89)−1 (cid:13) ofdata,andestimatorsbasedoncompressionalgorithms. λˆx˜ = log(cid:13) T(xˆ ,xˆ )(cid:13) hX (24) n (cid:13)(cid:13) n−i+1 n−i (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:39)− r Inthissection,weintroducearefinementofthethesetwo i=1 methods and analyse their performance for a specific ex- where is any matrix norm that satisfies A B ample in Sec. V. (cid:107)·(cid:107) (cid:107) · (cid:107) ≤ A B [37]. Inparticular,thetracesatisfiesthiscondi- (cid:107) (cid:107)(cid:107) (cid:107) tion for positive matrices. In the context of random ma- trixtheory,λˆx andλˆx˜ areknownasmaximum Lyapunov A. Plug-in estimators characteristicexponents [38]andmeasuretheasymptotic rateofgrowthofarandomvectorwhenbeingmultiplied The simplest approach to estimate the KLD rate is by a random sequence of matrices. In practice, we can known as the plug-in method [24], which consists of an estimate dX semi-analytically as empirical estimation of the probabilities of sequences of m data, p(xm), appearing in Eq. (10). The probability dˆx =λˆx λˆx˜. (25) to observe th1e sequence xm, p(xm), is estimated empiri- − 1 1 cally from simply counting the number of times that xm Here λˆx and λˆx˜ are estimated using (23) and (24) with appearsinasinglestationarytrajectoryx=(xˆ ,...,xˆ1) 1 n a single time series x of size n, following a technique of size n. The empirical probability distribution is introduced in Ref. [38]: we generate a random station- ary time series x = xˆn and compute the matrices T { 1} analytically; then a random unitary vector is multiplied n−(m−1) 1 (cid:88) by those matrices and normalized every l data, keeping pˆx(xm)= δ δ 1 n (m 1) xˆp,x1··· xˆp+(m−1),xm track of the normalization factor; finally the product of − − p=1 these factors divided by n yields λˆx. For λˆx˜, the same (26) procedure is repeated but using the reversed time series ThenanestimateofDmX isobtainedbypluggingtheem- x˜ = xˆ1 . The technique is semi-analytical since the pirical probability distribution into Eq. (10): { n} transition probabilities are known analytically but a sin- gle random stationary time series x is necessary to esti- mate dX with the multiplication of n transition matrices Dˆx =D[pˆx(xm) pˆx(x1 )]= (cid:88) pˆx(xm)logpˆx(xm1 ). that are chosen according to x. m 1 || m x1,···,xm 1 pˆx(x1m) Letusrecallthattheestimatordˆxcannotbeappliedto (27) empirical time series unless we know the Markov model NotethattheprobabilitiesinEq.(27)includethesuper- behind the data. Consequently, it is not useful in practi- script x to emphasize that they are obtained empirically cal situations. However, we will use it to check the per- from a single stationary time series x and therefore de- formance of the estimators introduced in the following pend on each particular realization. The simplest way 6 estimate dX would be by taking Dˆmx for m as large as A different strategy is to artificially bias the empirical m possible. However, this naive approach is not efficient. probabilities such that all of them become positive. In- The empirical probability pˆx(xm) —and therefore Dˆx— stead of the observed empirical frequencies, we can use 1 m is less accurate as m increases, because the number of the following biased frequencies [41] possible substring xm increases exponentially and the satltaetrisntaictisvesheoxrptlryesbsieocn1osmwesithpoaorf.asIttciosncvoenrgveenncieen.tIttotufirnnds pˆx(xm1 )= (cid:80) nx[n(xxm1(x)m+)γ+γ]. (32) xm 1 out that the slope of Dˆx as a function of m, 1 m Herenx(xm)isthenumberofobservationsofxminxand dˆx =Dˆx Dˆx , (28) 1 1 m m− m−1 γ is the bias, which is a small number that prevents any of the probabilities to be zero, assigning a probability Dˆx alsoconvergestotheKLDratebutfasterthan m. Our of order γ/n to sequences that are not observed. The m plug-in estimator will be constructed as the limit denominatorinEq.(32)ensuresnormalizationofpˆx(xm). 1 dˆx = lim dˆx. (29) m m→∞ B. Ziv-Merhav estimator For a Markovian time series, as shown in Eq. (13), the limit is reached for m = 2, and using distributions of three or more data we only get redundant information: Ziv and Merhav introduced in Ref. [26] an estimator dˆx = dˆx = dˆx, for any m > 2. Therefore, dˆx = dˆx is of the KLD rate between two probability distributions 2 m 2 an excellent estimator of the KLD, dX. If x is a k-th basedoncompressionalgorithms. Itconsistsonslicingor parsing stationary discrete time series into smaller parts order Markov chain (i.e., it is Markovian when consid- ering blocks of k data xˆk ), then the limit is reached according to a specific algorithm. The slicing produces for m = k, i.e., dˆx ={dˆx1}= dˆx = dˆx = [23]. a sequence of numbers (often called a dictionary) that k k+1 k+2 ··· contains the same data than the original series, but it The convergence of (29) is then expected to be fast if a is divided into subsequences, called phrases. The algo- time series can be approximated by a k-th order Markov rithms that are used are called compression algorithms chain. because the number of phrases in which a time series x If the trajectory x is sampled from a general non- of n numbers is parsed into is smaller than n. Markovian process, one needs further information to ex- trapolate dˆx for m , specially when only moderate The estimator is defined in terms of two concepts m →∞ which are now described, the compression length of a valuesofmcanbereached. Intheexamplesdiscussedbe- sequence and the cross parsing length between two dif- low, wehave found that convergence is well described by ferent sequences. Given a series x = xn, its compres- thefollowingansatz,proposedbySchu¨rmannandGrass- 1 sion length c(xn) is defined as the number of distinct berger [40] to estimate Shannon entropy rate 1 phrases in which it is parsed using the Lempel-Ziv (LZ) logm algorithm [42]. The LZ algorithm parses a series sequen- dˆx dˆx c . (30) m (cid:39) ∞− mγ tially, such that each phrase that is added to the dictio- nary is the shortest distinct phrase that is not already Here c and γ are parameters that, together with dˆx , in the dictionary. For example, let us consider the series ∞ can be obtained by fitting the empirical values of dˆx x = x11 = (0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0). The LZ sequential m 1 as a function of m. The fitting parameter dˆx gives an parsing for this example is as follows: First we store the ∞ estimation of the limit (29). firstelementofthesequencex1 =0inthedictionaryasit This estimation method is efficient as long as there is isempty,henceDict= 0 . Thenwereadthenextnum- { } sufficient statistics in the data, that is, if for every se- ber, x2 =1, which is not already in the dictionary, so x2 ries xm that occurs in the trajectory, its reverse x1 is is added to the dictionary, Dict= 01 . The next num- 1 m { | } observed at least once. On the other hand, if we find ber in x111 is x3 = 1, which is already in the dictionary. ecmaspe,irtihcaellayrgpˆuxm(xem1nt)o(cid:54)=f0thwehloilgeapˆrxit(hxm1m)in=E0q.fo(r10a)tldeiavsetrgoense, Tx43he=n w(1e,a1p).penTdhitsopxh3rathsee nisexntontuimnbtehreodfitchteiosneaqruyenacned, yielding dˆx = . We can avoid this divergence by re- therefore it is parsed, Dict = 01(1,1) . By doing this stricting tmhe su∞m in Dˆx to sequences xm whose reverse for all the series x111, we obtai{n|th|e follo}wing dictionary m 1 of phrases Dict = 01(1,1)(1,0)(0,0)(1,1,0) . The x1m occur in the time series: compressionlengthi{st|h|enum|berof|phras|esthat}thedic- (cid:88) pˆx(xm) tionary contains once the series x is completely parsed, Dˆmx →Dˆmx(cid:63) =(xm1 )∗pˆx(xm1 )logpˆx(x11m), (31) cst(axt11i1o)n=ary6 itnimtehisseerxieasmisplree.laTthede ctoomitpsreSshsaionnnolenngetnhtroofpya rate [3] in the limit of infinitely long sequences: where (xm)∗ = xm pˆx(xm) = 0 and pˆx(x1 ) = 0 . 1 { 1 | 1 (cid:54) m (cid:54) } With this restriction, a lower bound to Dˆmx is always c(xn)logc(xn) obtained, Dˆx(cid:63) <Dˆx. lim 1 1 =hX. (33) m m n→∞ n 7 However, as dX = hX hX, we also require an esti- mator for hX in orderr t−o determine dX. This is given 0 r in terms of another quantity called cross parsing length. The cross parsing of a series xn with respect to an- other sequence zn is obtained by1parsing xn looking for γ α 1 α the longest phra1se that appears anywhere1 in zn. As 1 − − 1 β an example, let us consider the cross parsing of x = 1 γ x11 = (0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0) with respect to another 2 − 1 1 sequence z = z11 = (1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0). The first β 1 numberinxisx =0,whichisinz. Thereforeweappend 1 tox thenextnumberinx,x2 =(0,1). Thissequenceis 1 1 0.10 also somewhere in z, more precisely it is equal to z4 ,z6 3 5 and z9, so we append the next item in x, x3 = (0,1,1). 8 1 0.05 Again this sequence is somewhere in z, x3 = z10, and it 1 8 is added to the dictionary, Dict= (0,1,1) because x4 { } 1 0.00 is not equal to any subsequence of z11. We repeat this 1 procedure again starting from x and the resulting dic- 4 0.05 tionary is: Dict = (0,1,1)(1,1,0)(0,0,1,1,0) . The − { | | } cross parsing length is the number of parsed sequences, 0.10 which in this example is equal to c (x11 z11) = 3. In − r 1 | 1 Ref. [26]it is proved thatthe following quantity tendsto 0.15 − the KLD rate between the probability distributions that generated the sequences x = xn and z = zn, which we call pX and qZ respectively, 1 1 −0.200 2×105 4×105 n6×105 8×105 1×106 1 FIG. 1: Sketch of the 3-state toy model used to check the nl→im∞n[cr(xn1|z1n)logn−c(xn1)logc(xn1)]=d(pX||qZ). accuracy of our compression estimator (37) and comparison (34) between different compression estimators and the analytical We can estimate dX by using as inputs in the left-hand value of dX. The analytical value of dX for a model with α = 0.5,β = 0.7,γ = 0.6 (dX = dX = 0.08278) is indicated side of the above equation a stationary time series and 2 by the solid black line in the plot. We show the value of its time reverse. The Ziv-Merhav estimator of dX when thecompressionestimatorsobtainedfromasinglestationary using a time series x of n data is introduced as follows time series xn as a function of the length n: the Ziv-Merhav 1 estimator dˆx (red dashed line), the bias d˜x (red dotted ZM ZM 1 line) and our estimator dˆx (red squares). dˆx = [c (xn x1)logn c(xn)logc(xn)], (35) c ZM n r 1| n − 1 1 which converges to dX when n , although the con- convergence to zero for large n [22]. Then, we define our → ∞ vergence is slow [26]. This estimator has been used as a estimator as measure of distinguishability in several fields such as au- dˆx =dˆx d˜x , (37) thorship attribution [22] or biometric identification [43]. c ZM − ZM When the KLD rate between the probability distribu- which still converges to d when n and yields much tions under consideration is small (dX 1), the estima- →∞ (cid:28) better results for finite n, as we show with a simple ex- tion given by Eq. (34) can be even negative [22]. The ample. estimator gives negative values in some cases because it We perform a first validation of this estimator using mixes two types of parsing: the sequential parsing of the thethree-statemodelillustratedinFig.1. Trajectoriesof trajectory and the cross parsing, which is not sequential. themodelarelistsofnumbers,0,1or2,representingthe Weproposethefollowingcorrection,whichhelpstosolve three states of the system. The dynamics is Markovian this issue and improves the performance of the estima- withtransitionprobabilitiesgivenbyp =1 p = 0→1 1→0 tor. We first evaluate (35) between different segments of − α, p = 1 p = β and p = 1 p = γ. 1→2 2→1 2→0 0→2 the same trajectory. More precisely, we split x into two − − We call X the stochastic process describing the state of i equal parts and apply the original estimator (34) the system and x a particular stationary time series, e.g. d˜x = cr(xnn/2|xn1/2)logn2 −c(xnn/2)logc(xnn/2). (36) xon=ly(w0,h2e,n1,t0h,e1,t2h,r1e,e2,tr·a·n·)s.itTiohnisptriombeabsielritieiessissaretivsefyrsitbhlee ZM n/2 Kolmogorov condition [44], αβγ =(1 α)(1 β)(1 γ). − − − In Fig. 1 (lower plot) we compare the value of different If the time series is stationary, the two fragments, xn1/2 compression estimators with the analytical value of dX and xn , are equivalent and d˜x should vanish. How- as a function of the length of the empirical trajectory n/2 ZM ever it is usually negative for finite n and exhibits a slow n. Since the trajectories described by the state of the 8 Y Whenthepotentialison(y =1), thevalueofthepoten- T 2V V1(x) tisiaolffe,neVrg(yxV)1=(x)0isfogrivaelnl ixn,Faingd. 2k. When the p=ote1ntfioarl V 0 (x1,0)→(x2,0) x =x . The switching rate does not depend on the po- 1 2 (cid:54) (2,1) (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (0,1) (1,1) sitionoftheparticle: k(x,y1)→(x,y2) =r foranyvalueofx and y =y , and consequently violates detailed balance, 1 2 (cid:54) driving the system out of equilibrium. r We simplify the analysis by mapping the dynamics V (x) 0 onto a discrete-time process, a Markov chain. To this (2,0) (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (0,0) (1,0) end, we record in a time series (x,y) = xn,yn just { 1 1} a list of the visited states, discarding any information X about the time where jumps and switches occur. The FIG. 2: Illustration of our discrete ratchet model. Particles resultingMarkovchainisdefinedbythetransitionprob- are immersed in a thermal bath at temperature T and move abilities in one dimension in an asymmetric linear potential V (x) of 1 height 2V with periodic boundary conditions. The potential iasflswatitcphoetdenotniaal,nadnodfftahteaswraittechri,nwghperroebVa0b(ixli)ty=d0oersepnroetsedntes- p[(x2,y2)|(x1,y1)]= (cid:80) k(x1k,y1)→(x2,y2) . (39) pendonthepositionoftheparticle. Thestateoftheparticle x2,y2 (x1,y1)→(x2,y2) is represented by two random variables (X,Y) indicated in Since we discard any information about the transition the figure, where X ={0,1,2} stands for the position of the times, we will focus along the rest of paper only on dis- particlewhereasY ={0,1}forthestateofthepotential. Us- sipation and KLD rates per jump or per data. For finite ingthisdescription, thesystemcanbeinsixdifferentstates, switching rate r, the ratchet rectifies the thermal fluctu- (0,0),(1,0),(2,0),(0,1),(1,1),(2,1). ations inducing a current to the left in Fig. 2 [34, 45]. The system obeys a local detailed balance condition, as system are Markovian, dX only depends on transition described in Sec. IID. The nonequilibrium nature of the probabilities: dX = dX. We see that the Ziv-Merhav switchingcanbeinterpretedintwoalternativeways: one 2 estimator dˆx fails to estimate dX accurately when it is can imagine that it is activated by a thermal bath at in- ZM finite temperature or by an external agent [34]. In either small (dX 0.083) and in some cases gives a negative (cid:39) ofthetwointerpretations,switchingdoesnotinduceany value. The proposed estimator dˆx, on the other hand, c entropyproduction(thebathneedsaninfiniteamountof is significantly closer to the analytical result, although energytochangeitsentropyandtheexternalagentdoes slightly overestimates its true value. not produce any entropy change). Therefore, entropy is only produced when heat is dissipated to the bath at temperature T, which only occurs when the potential is V. APPLICATION: THE DISCRETE FLASHING on. The average entropy production (or dissipation) per RATCHET data in the time series is then [cfr. (15)] A. The model S˙ = (cid:88) (cid:88) p[(x ,y);(x ,y)]Vy(x1)−Vy(x2), 1 2 Wenowapplytheprevioustechniquestoaspecificex- (cid:104) (cid:105) T ample: a discrete flashing ratchet consisting of a Brown- y=0,1 x1,x2=0,1,2 (40) ianparticlemovingonaonedimensionallattice[45]. The which is equal to the KLD rate when calculated for particle is immersed in a thermal bath at temperature T time series containing the information of both position and moves in a periodic, linear, asymmetric potential of and state of the system (which we call full information), height2V,whichisswitchedonandoffataconstantrate S˙ =dX,Y =dX,Y. We now analyze how can d be esti- r (see Fig. 2). Trajectories are denoted by two random (cid:104) (cid:105) 2 mated using single stationary trajectories of this model, observables: thepositionoftheparticleX (0,1or2)and and how close is this estimation to the entropy produc- thestateofthepotentialY (ON,Y =1orOFF,Y =0). tion depending on the number of degrees of freedom of The particle evolves in continuous time according to a the system that are sampled in the time series. Master equation. The dynamics is described in terms of rates of spatial jumps and switching. For each possible transition except switches, i.e. (x ,y ) (x ,y ) with 1 1 → 2 2 B. Full information y = y = y, we define a transition rate k 1 2 (x1,y)→(x2,y) obeying detailed balance, Firstly, we investigate the estimation of the KLD rate whenusingfullinformationofthesystem(thepositionof (cid:20) (cid:21) Vy(x2) Vy(x1) theparticleX andthestateofthepotentialY),andhow k =exp − . (38) (x1,y)→(x2,y) − 2kT closeisthisKLDratetotheactualentropyproductionof 9 sudden drops in dˆx,y and dˆx,y are a consequence of lack 2 3 of statistics in the trajectory. For the specific time series 2.5 used in Fig. 3, the lack of statistics starts at βV 10 2.0 fordˆx,y andarisesearlierfordˆx,y becausethethree-(cid:39)data 2 3 sampling space is bigger and it is easier that some tran- 1.5 sitions(x ,y ) (x ,y ) (x ,y )donotappearwhile 1 1 2 2 3 3 → → 1.0 their reverse do. A more efficient way of dealing with the missing se- 0.5 quences is incorporating a small bias to the empirical probabilities, asdescribedinEq.(32). Thisisequivalent 0.0 to assigning a probability of order 1/n to those tran- 0.5 sitions that are not observed in a time series of n data. − Figure3showsd˜x,y withabiasγ =1(blueopencircles), 2 −1.00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 which is able to extend the accuracy of the estimation βV even when there is lack of statistics. Although in the case of Markovian series with a fi- FIG. 3: Analytical value of the average dissipation per data nite number of states the most convenient strategy is to inunitsofkT (blackline)asafunctionofβV intheflashing use the plug-in estimator, we include for comparison the ratchet (r = 1) and different estimators of dX,Y. For each compression estimator dˆx,y (red squares) which gives ac- valueofβV,estimatorsareobtainedfromasinglestationary c time series of n=106 data containing full information of the curate values of the dissipation for weak potentials. Fur- system (position, X, and state of the potential, Y): Plug-in thermore, thecompressionestimatorisbetterthansome estimators: dˆx,y (blue circles), dˆx,y (green diamonds), and plug-inestimatorsevenforstrongpotentials,sinceitdoes 2 3 d˜x,y usingbiasedprobabilitieswithγ =1(blueopencircles). not exhibit sudden jumps due to lack of statistics. 2 Compression estimator: dˆx,y (red squares). c C. Partial information the process. In Fig. 3 we compare the actual dissipation and several empirical estimations of dX,Y for different We now analyze the performance of our estimators values of the height of the potential, V. For each value whenthereisnotaccesstothefulldescriptionofthesys- of V we simulate a single stationary time series of n = tem. As in [9], we assume that only the position of the 106 datathatcontainsfullinformation,andcalculatethe ratchet X is observable. Accordingly, we simulate tra- plug-inestimators dˆx,y, dˆx,y, as wellas the compression- jectories containing full information, and we remove the 2 3 based estimator dˆx,y. information of the state afterwards, (x,y) x. The re- Since trajectorcies containing full information are sulting time series x={xn1} is not Markovi→an and hence Markovian, the plug-in estimator immediately converges the limit (29) is not reached for small values of m. In etonotuhgehdsistsaitpiasttiicosn, dwˆx2h,yich=hdˆaxp,ype=nsdXw,hYen=V(cid:104)S˙i(cid:105)s/kbeilfotwheorreoisf pthoisssicbalseea,nwdefiptrothceeerdesbuyltoinbgtavinaliunegsdˆtxmo tfhoer mansaastzla(r3g0e).as orderkT. IfV kT,theobservationoftheuphilljumps We have generated trajectories of size n=107 for val- such as (0,1) (cid:29)(1,1), (0,1) (2,1), or (1,1) (2,1) ues of V that range from 0 to 2kT. Once we remove is very unlikely→in a single sta→tionary trajectory.→A time the information of the state of the potential from these series of n data captures the statistics of jumps with time series, we are able to estimate dˆx up to m = 9 m probability well above 1/n, which amounts to say en- with no lack of statistics. Figure 4 shows the plug-in ergy jumps below kT logn, (kT log106 14kT for the estimators dˆx for m = 2,3,5,7,9 and the extrapola- ≈ m trajectory used in the figures). tiondˆx (orangepentagonsconnectedbyadashedlineto ∞ If, for instance, the transition (0,1) (1,1) is miss- guide the eye) resulting from the fit to the ansatz (30). → ing in the trajectory, there is no way of estimating For each value of βV, we fit dˆx as a function of m for p[(0,1);(1,1)]whichcontributestotwotermsindˆx,y [see m = 2,3, ,9 to Eq. (30) usimng the curve fitting tool 2 ··· Eq. (10) for n=2]. One of these two terms accounts for available in MATLAB, which provides a robust least- jumps (0,1) (1,1), which are very unlikely and their squaresfitwithbisquareweightsasdescribedin[46]. The → contributiontothetotaldissipationrateisnegligible,and fititselfforaparticularvalueofthepotential,βV =1,is the other term accounts for jumps (1,1) (0,1), whose shown in the inset of Fig. 4. Our ansatz reproduces the → probabilityislargerandthereforecontributemoresignif- dependenceofdˆx withmbutthefinalestimatordˆx still m ∞ icantly to the entropy production. bounds significantly from below the actual dissipation InFig.3,dˆx,y (bluecircles)anddˆx,y (greendiamonds) (black solid line in Fig. 4). Nevertheless, plug-in estima- 2 3 havebeencalculatedrestrictingtheaveragetosequences tors clearly distinguish between equilibrium and NESS, (oftwoorthreedatarespectively)whosereversearealso even with partial information. In equilibrium (V = 0), observed in the time series, as given by Eq. (31). The thetrajectoriesarereversibleandalltheestimatorsvan- 10 0.20 0.012 0.008 0.15 0.004 0 0.10 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1/m 0.05 0.00 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 βV FIG.4: Averagedissipationperdata(blackline)andplug-in estimators ofdX using partialinformation givenby theposi- FIG. 5: Scaling of plug-in estimators of dX, dˆxm, with the size of the time series n, for a flashing ratchet (r = 1), for tion (X) for a discrete flashing ratchet with r =1. For each value of βV, we calculate estimators from a single stationary βV =0(left)andβV =1(right): dˆx2 (bluecircles),dˆx3 (green time series of n = 107 data containing partial information: diamonds) and dˆx5 (purple stars). We simulate a single sta- dˆx(blue circles), dˆx (green diamonds), dˆx (purple stars), dˆx tionary trajectory x of 107 data and calculate the estimators 2 3 5 7 (yellowtriangles),dˆx(cyanhexagons)andtheresultfromthe for subsequences containing the first n data of x . 9 fitdˆx (orangepentagonswitherrorbarsandconnectedbya ∞ dashedline). Inset: dˆx asafunctionof1/mform=1,··· ,9 m for βV = 1 (open black circles) and the fit to the ansatz (orange line). The y−intercept of the fit is indicated by an orange cross and it is equal to dˆx∞. 0.20 101−020 10−4 0.15 10−6 (isVh,>dˆxm0)=th0eyfordemtec=t t2h,e··ir·r,e9v,erwsihbeilrietaysofforthteheprNoEceSsSs 1100−−11800−1 100 101 0.10 βV yielding dˆx > 0 for all m. This is illustrated in Fig. 5, m where we plot the dependence of the plug-in estimators withthesizeofthetrajectory. ForβV =0,dˆx,dˆx anddˆx 0.05 2 3 5 tendtozerowhenincreasingthenumberofdatawhereas they saturate to a positive value in the NESS (βV =1). 0.00 There are two possible origins for the discrepancy be- 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 tween dˆx and the dissipation: either (i) our fit under- βV ∞ estimates the actual KLD rate dX of the trajectory; or FIG.6: Averagedissipationperdata(blackline)anddifferent (ii) the bound (12) is not tight. To address this question estimators of dX for a flashing ratchet described with partial we need to calculate the actual value of dX. Since the information (r = 1, n = 107 data) as a function of βV: dˆx position of the ratchet x is a hidden Markov chain, we (orange dashed pentagons) dˆx (red squares), replica estim∞a- can calculate its KLD rate dX semi-analytically, using tionofdX (greendottedline)candsemi-analyticalvalueofdX the Lyapunov exponents (23,24) introduced in Sec. III. (yellow crosses). Inset: Dependence of the average dissipa- In Fig. 6 we show the value of the semi-analytical cal- tion (black line), dˆx (analytical values in blue dashed line), 2 culation of dX using the norm of transition matrices, dˆx and dˆx on βV in the vicinity of βV =0. c ∞ Eq. (25), which is not significantly different to the em- pirical estimation dˆx . We therefore conclude that dˆx is ∞ ∞ a good estimation of dX, but still dX only yields a lower estimator dˆx . The compression estimator dˆx lies be- ∞ c bound to dissipation whose accuracy is in principle hard tween dˆx and dˆx (not shown in the plot), indicating that to determine. This is an expected result, since the posi- 7 9 it is only able to capture correlations up to size 8. For tion of a particle in a flashing ratchet does not obey the completeness, we include the calculation of dX based on Gallavotti-Cohen theorem [47]. thereplicatrick(seeappendixA).Ityieldsatightbound Summarizing, although dˆx turns out to be a good es- for V <kT, but departs from dX for larger values of V. ∞ timator of dX, using only information of the position we Thisdeviationiscausedbytheestimationofthelimitsin only get a lower bound to the dissipation. We also show Eqs. (A10,A13), where we take α 0 when α is defined in Fig. 6 the value of dˆx, which is well below the plug-in only for integer values, one of the s→tandard drawbacks of c

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