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Entanglement of multiparty stabilizer, symmetric, and antisymmetric states Masahito Hayashi1,2, Damian Markham3,4, Mio Murao3,5,6, Masaki Owari,3,6 and Shashank Virmani7,8 1Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8579, Japan 2ERATO-SORST Quantum Computation and Information Project Japan Science and Technology Agency, 201 Daini Hongo White Building. 5-28-3, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan 3Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan 4Universit´e Paris 7, 175 Rue du Chevaleret, 75013 Paris, France 5PRESTO, JST, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0012, Japan 6Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan 7Optics Section, Blackett Laboratory & Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 8 Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom 0 8Department of Physics, Astronomy & Mathematics, 0 University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, AL10 9AB, UK 2 n We study various distance-like entanglement measures of multipartite states under certain sym- a metries. Using group averaging techniques we provide conditions under which the relative entropy J ofentanglement,thegeometricmeasureofentanglementandthelogarithmicrobustnessareequiva- 6 lent. Weconsiderimportantclassesofmultipartystates,andinparticularshowthatthesemeasures 1 are equivalent for all stabilizer states, symmetric basis and antisymmetric basis states. We rigor- ouslyproveaconjecturethattheclosest productstateof permutationsymmetricstatescanalways ] be chosen to be permutation symmetric. This allows us to calculate the explicit values of various h entanglementmeasuresforsymmetricandantisymmetricbasisstates,observingthatantisymmetric p states are generally more entangled. We use these results to obtain a variety of interesting ensem- - t bles of quantum states for which the optimal LOCC discrimination probability may be explicitly n determinedandachieved. Wealsodiscussapplicationstotheconstructionofoptimalentanglement a witnesses. u q [ I. INTRODUCTION discriminate between the different forms of multiparty 2 entanglement), all these quantities have an operational v The quantificationofthe entanglementofmultipartite interpretationasboundsontheinformationthatmaybe 6 gained by LOCC measurements [9], and the relative en- quantum states has attracted a great deal of attention 5 tropy of entanglement in particular has applications to in recent years. Entanglement measures are real valued 0 the distillation of multipartite entanglement [10]. functionsofquantumstatesthatattempttoquantifythe 1 . amount of entanglement possessed by different quantum The three measures that we consider are related by 0 states [1, 2, 3, 4]. In the case of multipartite entangle- known inequalities [9]. In this paper we will investigate 1 ment the quantification of entanglement is complicated conditions under which those inequalities can be shown 7 0 by the fact that multipartite entanglement is known to to be tight. Our methods rely heavily upon the use of : exist in a variety of different inequivalent forms, and it symmetry techniques that have been applied in papers v is still not clear what the significance of these different such as [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. We use these methods, to- i X forms is [5]. Nevertheless, a variety of different entan- gether with some methods from linear algebra, to show r glement measures have been proposed for the multipar- that the inequalities in [9] are saturated for stabilizer a tite setting, with a variety of different motivations [6]. states (cf. [22]), antisymmetric states, and symmetric Computing these measures, and understanding the rela- stateswithfixed“Hammingweight”(orfixed“Type”for tionships between them, is usually very difficult as most constituentparticlesofdimensionsgreaterthanaqubit). measures are defined as the solutions to difficult varia- In the case of the last two families, explicit expressions tional problems. may be derived for the entanglement - these values are In this paper we will make progress on this prob- summarizedin Table I. Explicit expressions may also be lembyconsideringthreemultipartiteentanglementmea- derived for several families of stabilizer state - we refer sures,whichattempttoquantifythe‘distance’betweena the reader to [22] for details. quantumstate andthe setofseparablestates. The mea- In the next section we introduce these measures and sures that we will consider are the (Global) Robustness the relationship between them and we discuss the mo- of Entanglement [7], the Relative Entropy of Entangle- tivation for our investigations in terms of entanglement ment [1, 2], and the Geometric Measure [8]. Although witnesses and applications to LOCC information gain. these quantities do not capture all of the subtleties of In section III we present our general approach and two entanglement (in particular the variant of the Geomet- simple examples (stabilizer states and symmetric states ric measurethat we will consider is not an entanglement offixed type) where we canuse groupaveragingto prove monotone on mixed states, and none of these measures equivalence of the measures. For symmetric states of 2 n-party state ER = Eg = log2(1+Rg) mixed state. Nevertheless, in the following discussion, →− Symmetricstate |S(n, k)i nlog n−log n! G(ρ) works as a natural extension of E (Ψ ) from a 2 2 g | i −Pdj=1(kjlog2kj−log2kj!) mathematical view point, although G(ρ) has an unusual Antisymmetricstate |Ψai log2(n!) physical meaning - as it represents a ‘distance’ to the nearest pure product state (not just the nearest sepa- TABLE I: Summary of the entanglement values obtained for rable state) it acts more like a measure of both mixed- the symmetric (eq.(32)) and antisymmetric (eq.(47)) states ness and entanglement. In the context of LOCC state that we consider. In addition the measures are equal for all discrimination, in which both purity and entanglement purestabilizerstates,andequivalentforthe(normalised)pro- have operational significance, it is natural that quanti- jectorontothesymmetricsubspace. Thevaluesofthesemea- ties measuring both entanglementand mixedness should suresforseveralclassesofstabilizerstatesareobtainedin[22] play an important role. G(ρ) is also a useful quantity . when constructing entanglement witnesses as we will see in Sec. IIB. fixed type, we require a useful result from linear alge- The relative entropy of entanglement is defined as the bra,the Takagidecomposition,whichis discussedinAp- “distance” to the closest separable state with respect to pendix A. In the final section we apply these methods the relative entropy [2], to certain antisymmetric states, for which the measures E (ρ):= min S(ρ ω), (3) canalsobe calculatedexactly. In Appendix B we review R ω Sep || ∈ some notions of group theory. In Appendix C, we give a more general group theoretic treatment of the prob- where S(ρ||ω) = −S(ρ)−tr{ρlog2ω} is the relative en- lem - the results in the Appendixes B and C are used tropy, S(ρ) is the von Neumann entropy, and Sep is throughout the rest of this paper. the set of separable states. Note that strictly speaking S(ρ ω) is not a distance function. Operationally it tells || us, for example, how easy it is to confuse the state ρ for II. OUTLINE OF PROBLEM AND a separable state in the asymptotic setting [1]. MOTIVATION Theglobal robustness of entanglementR (ρ)isdefined g as [7]: We now go throughthe definition of the entanglement R (ρ):=mint measures that we will use throughout this paper, along g such that a state ∆, satisfying with some of their operational interpretations. ∃ Inthefollowing,weassumethatourHilbertspacecon- ω = 1 (ρ+t∆) Sep, (4) 1+t ∈ sists of m local Hilbert space, d=ef m , each with H ⊗i=1Hi where Sep is the set of separable states. We can un- finite dimensionality. Unless stated otherwise, we treat derstand this as the minimum (arbitrary) noise ∆ that entanglementandLOCCwithrespecttothecut m , ⊗i=1Hi we need to add to make the state separable. It can be i.e. each Hilbert space is assumed to belong entirely to usedalsotoconsidertherobustnessofoperationsagainst distinct parties. noise [19]. In the bipartite setting it gives a bound on The geometric measure of entanglement [8, 16, 17], is how well teleportation can be performed [20]. Recently defined as in the general multipartite setting, it has been shown E (ψ )= min log ( Φψ 2), (1) to be related to optimal entanglement witnesses [29] (as g | i Φ Pro( )− 2 |h | i| used in Sec. IIB). We will often refer to this measure | i∈ H simply as the robustness. For simplicity in expressions, where Pro( ) is the set of product states on . This is we will sometimes make use of the logarithmic version, H H the distance between state ψ and the closest product the logarithmic robustness [21]: | i state Φ in terms of fidelity, and has operationalsignifi- | i cance, for example in relation to channel capacities [18]. LR (ρ):=log (1+R (ρ)). (5) g 2 g This measure can be extended to the mixed state case In a sense, these are very broadly defined measures, in a natural way via the convex roof method [17]. How- anddonotpickoutmanyofthepossiblesubtletiesofen- ever, here we will define the “geometric measure” G(ρ) tanglementin the multipartite scenario (for example the for mixed states as, difference between entanglement arising from multipar- def titeentanglementandthatfrombipartiteentanglement). G(ρ) = log max trσρ= log max ΦρΦ , − 2σ Sep − 2 Φ Pro( )h | | i However, in addition to those applications already men- ∈ | i∈ H (2) tioned,theyhaverecentlyfoundseveralinterestingoper- where “Sep ” means the set of all separable states on ational interpretations (e.g. [4]), including as bounds on = m . Note that G(ρ) is no longer an entan- howmuchinformationcanbeaccessedfromstatesunder H ⊗i=1Hi glement monotone for general mixed states. Indeed, LOCC [9, 22]. G(ρ) > 0 for many non-pure separable states - it can In [9] (cf. [17]) it has been shown that the following attain its maximal value, for example, on the maximally relation holds between the three different distance-like 3 entanglement measures that we have defined above, Thisupperboundcanbeachievedbyseparableopera- tions in caseswhere the ensemble is generatedby a local r(ρ) ER(ρ)+S(ρ) G(ρ), (6) irreducibleunitarygroupactingonsomefiducialstateφ, ≥ ≥ where we denote A := tr(A), define P as the projector i.e. {ρi = UiφUi†|i= 1..N}, where each state is given to | | us with uniform priorprobability 1/N. This canbe seen onto the support of ρ [23], and r(ρ) is defined as: asfollows. As allthe states arelocalunitarilyequivalent P to the fiducial state, the upper bound becomes : r(ρ):=log P 1+R( ) . (7) 2| | P D (cid:18) | | (cid:19) P 2 G(φ). (10) s − ≤ N For pure states the inequalities (6) reduce to ThiscanbeachievedbytheseparablePOVMdefinedby: LR (ψ ) E (ψ ) E (ψ ). (8) g R g | i ≥ | i ≥ | i D The difficulty in calculating these measures usually in- Mi := NUiΩUi† (11) creases from right to left as the defining optimization problemsgetharder. Wewillseethatincertaincaseswe where Ω is the optimal product state that achieves the can show equivalence across (6) and (8). geometric measure of the fiducial state φ. Thismotivatesthequestionastowhether‘closestsep- Beforewegointoanyproofsandexamples,wewilldis- arable states’ may be used to obtain separable POVMs cusssomemotivationsforstudyingthisproblem. Firstly, that give good lower bounds in other cases. Let us sup- showing equivalence across (6) immediately allows the posethateachstateinthe ensemblehasa‘closest’prod- optimization problems of all measures to be reduced to uct state ψi, i.e. for each i the quantity that of the geometric measure, which is easiest amongst tr ρψ (12) the measures. This means that all the possible opera- { i i} tional interpretations of all the measures can be studied is as large as it can be for an overlap between ρ and a i in terms of the easier, more calculable measure. separable state. Our goal in trying to find a good sepa- Inparticularwenowfocusontwoapplicationsofthese rable measurement to discriminate the ensemble will be measures - to LOCC state discrimination and the study to ‘pretend’ that we are instead trying to discriminate of entanglement witnesses. these closest separable states from each other, and use the outcomes to infer information about the original en- semble ρ . With this goal in mind we write down the A. Bounds on state discrimination by separable { i} square root measurement for discriminating the ψ : operations i Mi :=ψm−1/2piψiψm−1/2 (13) The quantities described in the preceding section all arose naturally in the authors’ previous work [9] on where ψm is the mean state: LOCC state discrimination. There it was shown that the measures defined above supply upper bounds on the ψmean :=ψm := piψi. (14) effectivenessoforthogonalstate discriminationwhenthe i X measurements are implemented separable or LOCC op- For generalensembles ρ with generalcloseststates ψ i i erations. Inthis sectionwewilldiscusshowinsituations { } there is no guarantee that the POVM elements M de- i ofhighsymmetrytheabovequantitiescanalsogivetight finedinequation(13)willthemselvesbeseparable. How- lower bounds on what may be achievedby separable op- ever, under the restriction that the mean separable state erations. is itself maximally mixed then the M defined in equa- i Let us consider at first an ensemble of states p ,ρ { i i} tion (13) will indeed define a separable measurement. In (the p are probabilities), the ρ are states that we must i i fact the POVM elements will be given by the separable discriminate by separable operations. Then we may de- operators: rivethefollowingupperboundonthetotalsuccessprob- ability for discrimination by a separable POVM {Mi} Mi :=piDψi (15) [22], whereDisthetotaldimensionofthesystem. Ifweapply Ps = pitr Miρi pitr Mi 2−G(ρi) this measurement to the original ensemble, then we find { }≤ { } that the optimal probability of successful discrimination i i X X P will be bounded by the following expression: max pi2−G(ρi) trMi =Dmax pi2−G(ρi) (9) s ≤ i { } i { } Xi PS ≥ pitr{ρipiDψi}=D p2itr{ρiψi} where the first inequality follows from the fact that each i i X X dMimiiesnpsrioonpoorftitohneaslytsotaemse.parablestate,andDisthetotal = D p2i2−G(ρi) ≥Dmiin{pi2−G(ρi)} (16) i X 4 It is not difficult to construct ensembles for which this Puttingthe lowerandupperbounds togetherfor ensem- lower bound matches the upper bound of equation 9. bles such that the average closest separable state (for the For example, consider any state multi-qubit state ρ for robustness) is maximally mixed we find that: whichaclosestproductstate(undertheGeometricmea- sausre|0)0i0s...ain. eTlehmeenntbeocfauthsee cthome psuettatoifonparlodbuacstis,stsautcehs Dmiax{pi2−G(ρi)}≥Ps ≥Dmiin(cid:18)tr{ρ2i}1+Rpig(ρi)(cid:19) Xa Xb Xc...000... a,b,c... = 0,1 define a com- p{lete⊗produ⊗ct basis|, theni|the ensemble: } (the upper bound is independent of the nature of the ensemble). We can weaken the lower bound further by Xa Xb Xc...ρXa Xb Xc...a,b,c...=0,1 (17) usingtheinequalitytr ρ2 1/P ,whereP is thepro- {{ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ | }} { i}≥ | i| i jector onto the support of ρ , in which case the bounds i where each state is taken with equal prior probability, become: will be an example of an ensemble for which the mean cselomsebsltepwriollduaclstostbaeteonisemfoarxiwmhailclhy tmhiexeudp.pAernybosuuncdh e(9n)- Dmiax{pi2−G(ρi)}≥Ps ≥Dmiin(cid:18)|Pi|(1+piR(ρi))(cid:19)(19) and the lower bound (16) match. Note that this exam- ple is not contained within the examples involving ir- Asa consequenceof(6)one mightexpectthatthis lower reducible representations discussed above, as the group boundistypicallynotastightastheonederivedinequa- Xa Xb Xc...a,b,c...=0,1 isnotirreducible. More- tion (16). However, it is quite possible that the require- { ⊗ ⊗ | } over, in such cases the equations (9) and (16) can be mentthatthemeanclosestseparablestatebemaximally achieved by LOCC operations, as the POVM defined by mixed is not valid for one measure while being valid for the projectors onto the computational basis may clearly theother,hencethetwolowerbounds(16),(19)maysep- be achievedby LOCC operations. Hence a largenumber arately prove useful in different cases. ofensemblesmaybe constructedforwhichequations(9) Theseobservationsalsobegthequestionastowhether and (16) provide the exact optimal discrimination prob- the stringent constraint on the nature of the ensemble - ability for both separable and LOCC operations. the lower bounds are only valid when the mean closest Theprocessofconstructingsuchensemblesisbywork- separable states is maximally mixed - may be relaxed. ing in reverse - we pick a standard product computa- Some generalisationsshould be possible - for instance, if tionalbasis,andthenwefindstatesthathavetheseprod- the averagemean state is sufficiently close to maximally uct states as “closest” separable ones. The ensembles of mixed,thenaperturbationoftheaboveapproachshould statesthatcanbeidentifiedinthiswayareonesforwhich lead to similar bounds as all the quantities considered the lower bounds presented above apply. abovearecontinuous. However,itwouldbeofmoregen- Following a similar line of reasoning we may also con- eral interest to consider how one can define a separable sidertheclosestseparablestatesfortherobustnessofen- analogue of the square root measurement in situations tanglement. Ifthestatesintheensemblehavetheclosest where ωm is not constrained at all. A more general ap- states proach,for example,would be to write the globalsquare root measurement, and compute bounds on the minimal ρ +R (ρ )σ ω := i g i i, (18) noiserequiredtomakethatglobalPOVMseparable. We i 1+Rg(ρi) willnot,however,pursuethisapproachanyfurtherhere, as we hope to pursue it in future work. then as before we may write down the square root measurement for discriminating the ω as: M := i i ω 1/2p ω ω 1/2 whereω isthemeanstateω := m− i i m− m mean B. Optimal Entanglement Witnesses ω := p ω . Again, if we assume that ω is itself m i i i m maximally mixed, then the M will indeed define a sepa- i P We will now see how two of the entanglement mea- rablemeasurement. Ifweapply this measurementto the sures considered, the robustness and the geometric mea- original ensemble, then we find that the optimal proba- sure,arenaturallyrelatedtotheconceptofentanglement bility of successful discrimination P will be bounded by s witnesses. The geometric measure can be used to define the following expression: a particular entanglement witness which we will denote P p tr ρ p Dω =D p2tr ρ ω WG. The robustness of entanglement can be considered S ≥ i { i i i} i { i i} as a quantification of the amount a state violates a kind i i X X ofoptimalwitnesswhichwedenoteW . Asweshallsee, ρ +R (ρ )σ R = D p2tr ρ i g i i if the geometric measure and logarithmic robustness are i { i 1+R (ρ ) } Xi g i equal, then both WG and WR are optimal in the sense tr ρ2 of ρ optimality considered in [29]. Note that this notion ≥ D p2i1+{Ri(}ρ ) of optimality is actually different to the notions of opti- g i i mality considered both in [25] and [24] - in those papers X Dmin tr ρ2 pi a witness is only said to be optimal if it is impossible to ≥ i (cid:18) { i}1+Rg(ρi)(cid:19) find another witness that detects a strictly larger set of 5 entangled states. The notion of ρ optimality is likely to The proposition is proved by comparing this to the ex- be more relevant when considering the statistical signifi- pectation value of W (ρ) for ρ: G cance of violations in experimental implementations. 2G(ρ) An entanglement witness W is a Hermitian operator tr(W (ρ)ρ) = 1+ =R (ρ). (24) G g (henceanobservable)suchthatforallseparablestatesω, − − P | | tr(ωW) 0,andforsomeentangledstateρ,tr(ρW)<0. By(22),W (ρ)is alsoaρ-OEWrelativetothe set = ≥ G W is said to witness the entanglement of ρ [25]. W W ,W I1 . (cid:3) M Similar to those used in, for example Ref. [26], it can { | ∈W ≤ } easilybeseenthatthegeometricmeasureG(ρ)naturally defines a normalised entanglement witness associated to III. OUTLINE OF APPROACH: STABILIZER state ρ, STATES AND PERMUTATION INVARIANT BASIS STATES 1 W (ρ): = (αI1 ρ) G α − The essence of the argument to prove equivalence of α = max tr(ρω)=2−G(ρ). (20) the measures across (6) is to take the product state Φ ω SEP | i ∈ whichachievesthegeometricmeasure(1),andperforma Some of these witnesses may be trivial, because if the local “twirling” operation (a group averaging), to give a maximal eigenvalue of ρ correspondsto a product eigen- separablemixed state. If the symmetries have a suitable state, then the witness will not detect any entangled structure, or if the product state Φ has certain proper- | i states at all. However, if the maximal eigenvalue of ρ is ties, then the twirled version of Φ can be a good can- | i non-degenerate and corresponds to an entangled eigen- didate for the state ω in the optimisation for the global state, then the witness will certainly detect some entan- robustness (4). This then gives an upper bound to the gled states. robustnesswhichwhichsitsontheleftof(6),(8). Wewill A so-called ρ-optimal entanglement witness (ρ-OEW) see that for certain states this upper bound matches the relative to a set is a witness W , that is associated geometric measure, hence implying equality across (6), M ρM to a state ρ, and which satisfies [27] (8). Forthis toworkitis essentialthatthe twirledprod- uctstatebeofthecorrectform(4). Amoreformalgroup tr(WρMρ)= min tr(Wρ), (21) theoretical statement of this is given in appendix B. In W ∈M generaltheseconditionsmustbecheckedbyknowingthe where is a compact subset of entanglement witnesses closest product state Φ (see Theorem 1 for projection M | i [28]. Inthiswayaρ-OEWis onewhichisviolatedmaxi- states and Theorem2 for pure states in appendix B). In mallyforthestateρathand,foragivenclassofwitnesses certaincasessomegroupsymmetrypropertiesof Φ will | i . Experimentallywemayliketochoosesuchawitness suffice. Thisisthe caseforthe symmetricbasesstatesas M since the violation would then be the most visible. wewillsee. Inothercasestheconditionsmaybesatisfied We willseethatequalityofthelogarithmicrobustness simply by the properties of the group averaging and we andthegeometricmeasureimpliesthatthewitnessesW do not need to know anything about the state Φ (see G | i are ρ optimal for the set of entanglement witnesses Theorem 3 for projection states and Theorem 4 for pure M satisfying = W W ,W I1 . This is the set of states in appendix B). This is the case for the stabilizer M { | ∈ W ≤ } witnesses that can be associated in a special way to the states as we will see. In this section we will first give robustness of entanglement: In [29] it is shown that the a sketch of the ideas, and two sets of examples which robustness is given by illustrate the methods that we will use. If Φ istheclosestproductstatetopurestate ψ ,the | i | i Rg(ρ)=max 0, min tr(Wρ) , (22) effect of averaging over some group U is essentially to { −W } { } ∈M project onto the invariant subspaces (see Lemma B3) where = W W ,W I1 . This implies that, for any staMte ρ,{if th|ere∈exWists a≤wit}ness, we write WR such ω′ = U|ΦihΦ|U†dU= Pi|ΦihΦ|Pi, (25) that Rg(ρ) = −tr(ρWR), then WR is ρ-OEW relative to Z Xi the set = W W ,W I1 . whereP aretheprojectorsontotheinvariantsubspaces. M { | ∈W ≤ } i Since the U are local, ω is separable. In order to be ′ Proposition: For a projection state ρ= P , if we have a valid candidate for the robustness state ω in (4), we P | | equivalence of measures log (P (1+R (ρ)))=E (ρ)+ require that it is possible to reach ω by adding noise to 2 | | g R ′ S(ρ) = G(ρ), then the normalised witness W (ρ) is a ψ ψ . This is certainly possible if for some i we have G | ih | ρ-OEW relative to the set = W W ,W I1 . M { | ∈W ≤ } (i) P Φ ΦP =λψ ψ , i i | ih | | ih | Proof: If G(ρ)=log (P (1+R (ρ))), then 2 | | g hence if ψ is invariant under the action of the group. 2G(ρ) Further,|if iwe also have R (ρ)= 1. (23) g P − | | 6 (ii) λ=2−Eg(|ψi), Since the operators Gi are local, the state ω′ is a separable state, we can hence consider it as a candi- then it can be shown quite easily that LG(ψ ) = date for closest separable state. For any candidate state E (ψ ), hence we have equality across (8) (see| Tiheo- ω = 1 (ρ+tδ), we havethatt R (ρ). State (29)is g | i ′ 1+t′ ′ ′ ≥ g rgermoup1 tahnedorTehtiecosrteamte2mienntaopfpethnidsixfaBct)f.or a more general Hofetnhcieswfoermhafvoer |Si with t′ = |hS|Φ1Si|2 −1=2Eg(|Si)−1. Both (i) and (ii) are immediately satisfied if ψ is it- | i self a full invariant subspace, i.e. one of the P is itself i E (S ) log (1+R (S )) E (S ) E (S ),(30) the projector ψ ψ (see Theorem 3 and Theorem 4 in g | i ≥ 2 g | i ≥ R | i ≥ g | i | ih | proving equality across all measures, i.e. appendix B). This will be the case for our first set of examples below, the stabilizer states. If this is not the case, we need to find other ways to check that (i) and log2(1+Rg(|Si))=ER(|Si)=Eg(|Si). (31) (ii) are explicitly satisfied (note, ψ must still be invari- | i ant). Wedothisbyexplicitlyfindingtheclosestproduct state and checking. The symmetric basis states provide an example of this case, as we will see below. Wecannowconsiderwhatthismeansintermsofmea- surementsandwitnessesfromourearlierdiscussion. Sup- pose that we are working in a basis where closest prod- A. Stabilizer States uct state to S is 000... , then the optimal prob- 0,0,0.. | i | i ability of discriminating the ensemble of graph states A stabiliser states S is defined by the associated Xa Xb Xc...S0,0,0.. a,b,c...=0,1 (all with equal groupS ={Gi}2i=n1, wh|erie Gi aremade up oflocalPauli a{-pri⊗ori pr⊗obabilit|y p =i2k−n), is given e}xactly by equa- operators, which stabilize the state in the sense of the tion (16) - this follows from the discussion in section II. eigen-equations [30] Using the explicit formulae presented in [22] for the en- tanglementofavarietyofclassesofstabilizerstate,many G S = S , G S. (26) ensembles of graphstates may be constructedwhose op- i i | i | i ∀ ∈ timalLOCC discriminationprobabilitymay be obtained The groupS is called the stabilizer group, and the equa- in this way. tions (26) completely characterize the state. In fact, by To define the proposed entanglement witness W we G considering the plus and minus mutual eigen-states of S needthevalueofthegeometricmeasure. Herewedonot we define a complete basis. Taking any n generators,we have it, however, we can say that for any cases where it define the 2n basis states S , with {| g1,g2..gni} is known such witness will also hold as WR. Examples ofwhereitisknownformanyimportantstabilizerstates G S =( 1)gi S (27) i| g1,g2..gni − | g1,g2..gni including cluster states is given in [22]. where g = 1,0 corresponding to eigen values +1 or 1 i − respectively, label the basis states. These states are ex- actly the invariant subspaces of the stabilizer group, i.e. B. Permutation Symmetric States P = S S , where g¯ is the binary list g ,g ..g . The g¯ g¯ g¯ 1 2 n | ih | stabilizer state (26) is then S = S . 0,0,..0 | i | i Denoting Φ as the closest product state, we have Inthepreviouscasethestateitselfisaninvariantsub- S | i space of the group, and this is sufficient for showing the E (S )= log Φ S 2. (28) equivalence of the measures (as stated more precisely in g | i − 2|h S| i| Theorem 3 and 4 of Appendix B). If we also know the We construct our candidate for the closest separable state Φ whichgivesthegeometricmeasurewecanrelax state ω in 4, by averaging (or “twirling”) over a local this re|quiirementa little (Theorems 1 and 2 in Appendix group, in this case, the stabilizer group. We thus define B). We will do just that to prove equivalence of these measures for the so called symmetric basis states. ω = G Φ Φ G ′ i| Sih S| i In = (Cd)⊗n, symmetric basis states S(n,→−k) , GXi∈S whichHform a basis of the symmetric subspac|e n, arie = S Φ 2 S S . (29) defined as S g¯ S g¯ g¯ |h | i| | ih | g¯ X k0 k1 kd−1 1 S(n,−→k) := 0 01 1 d 1 d 1 , (32) | i C | ··· ··· ··· − ··· − i n,→−k →−i Xperm z }| {z }| { z }| { ∈ q 7 where the summation is over all permutations of the se- Proof ByLemma1, S(n,−→k Φ attainsitsmaximum k0 kd−1 when Φ can be writte|hn as Φ||=i|φ ⊗n for a local state | i | i | i quence (0 0 d 1 d 1), (that is, a n-length se- φ . Moreover,since all coefficients of S(n,−→k) are ··· ··· − ··· − | i∈H | i quenceinzw}|hi{ch“iz”app}e|arsju{stki times),andCn,→−k := positive in the computational basis, S(n,−→k) φ ⊗n at- |h || i | perm = n! . We also note that −→k = (k , ,k ) tainsitsmaximumwhenallcoefficientsof φ arepositive | | Πdj=1kj! 0 ··· d−1 inthe computationalbasis. Thus,wecan|wriitedown φ satFisofiressymmda−=e10trkiac=bansi.s states, the value of the geomet- as |φi = |−→pid=ef dl=1√pl|li for some probability dist|rii- P bution −→p. Using this we can derive an upper bound as ricmeasureofentanglementisalreadyknown[17],under P follows, theassumptionthattheclosestproductstateisalsosym- metric, E (S(n,−→k) )=nlog n log n! d (k log k log k !), hS(n,−→k)||−→pi⊗n = Cn,→−kΠdl=1√plkl g | i 2 − 2 − j 2 j− 2 j q →− Xj=1 = C 2n2(Pdl=1 nk log2pl) (33) n,→−k and a closest product state is given by = qC 2n2H(→−nk)−D(→−nkk→−p) n,→−k Φ = d kl l ⊗n. (34) ≤ qCn,→−k2n2H(→−nk), (37) | i l=1rn| i! q X Before we show the equivalence of the entanglement measures, we will first prove rigourously the working as- where H(−→p) is the Shannon entropy, D(−→p −→q) is the k Classicalrelativeentropy,andtheinequalityfollowsfrom sumption leadingto (33), (34), by using symmetry argu- the positivity of the relative entropy. In (37), equality ments. holds if and only if −→p = −→k/n, since a necessary and Lemma 1 If |Ψi ∈ Sn, then, there exist a closest prod- sufficient condition for D(−→pk−→q)=0 is −→p =−→q. (cid:3) uct state Φ in the symmetric Hilbert space, thus, | i Φ = φ n, E (Ψ )= log max φ n Ψ 2, (35) | i | i⊗ g | i − 2 φ |h |⊗ | i| | i∈H We are now ready to show equality of the measures where is symmetric subspace of n. n ⊗ S H Proof of Lemma 1: We prove this in A. Using this lemma it is possible to show that(34) gives log2(1+Rg(|S(n,−→k)i) the closest product state [8]. For completeness we give a = E (S(n,−→k) )=E (S(n,−→k) ) simplified proof of this: r | i g | i d = nlog n log n! (k log k log k !).(38) Lemma 2 If Ψ = S(n,−→k) , then a closest product 2 − 2 − j 2 j − 2 j | i | i j=1 state Φ forthe geometricmeasureis givenby Eq. (34), X | i i.e.: d kl ⊗n ToshowthisweaverageoverthegroupU(1)×···×U(1), Φ = l . (36) with representation | i rn| i! l=1 X d 1 d 1 − − U(θ ,θ ..θ )=( exp(iθ )j j ) ( exp(iθ )j j ) (39) 1 2 d−1 j1 | 1ih 1| ⊗···⊗ jn | nih n| jX1=0 jXn=0 The symmetric states S(n,−→k) S(n,−→k) are invariant Atthispointtocheckthatthetwirledstatesareofthe | ih | elementsofthisrepresentationifwechooseθ =0. How- correct form we could simply apply (39) with θ = 0 to 0 ever, they are not the total invariant subspaces. the state (34) and it easily follows that 8 2π 2π ω = U(θ ,θ ..θ )Φ ΦU(θ ,θ ..θ ) dθ dθ ′ 1 2 d 1 1 2 d 1 † 1 d 1 Z0 ···Z0 − | ih | − ··· − 2 = Φ S(n,−→k) S(n,−→k) S(n,−→k), (40) h || i | ih | X→−k (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) which by construction is separable and is of the appro- Type(−→k)isthesetofsequencesderivedbypermutations priate form and hence proves equality of the measures. k0 k1 kd−1 Infact,however,thiscanalsobeseenwithoutknowing of 0, ,0,1, ,1, ,d 1, ,d 1 (sequencesof the exact state Φ itself, but using only the fact that it { ··· ··· ··· − ··· − } must be symme|triic (Lemma 1). “Tyzpe}−→|k”{).zT}h|us,{the pzrojectio}n| opera{tor correspond- ing to the total invariant subspaces can be written It can easily be seen that the invariant subspace of A→−k down as P = a a. We thus need to this unitary group consists of the subspace of the fixed A→−k a∈Type(→−k)| ih | “Type” (or fixed ”Hamming weight”) ; by means of check that the twirled Φ is of the correct form. A→−k P | i the d-dimensional vector −→k = (k ,k , ,k ) satisfy- ing ki ≥ 0 and di=−01ki = n, th0e s1ub··s·paced−A1→−k is de- ricWHeilcbheorotsespaaccelos(eLsetmpmroadu1c)t, satantde afrvoemragtehe(3sy4m) moveetr- fined as = span a b a,b Type(−→k) , where U(θ ,θ ..θ ) to get A→−k P {| ih | | ∈ } 1 2 d−1 2π 2π ω = U(θ ,θ ..θ )Φ ΦU(θ ,θ ..θ ) dθ dθ ′ 1 2 d 1 1 2 d 1 † 1 d 1 Z0 ···Z0 − | ih | − ··· − = P Φ ΦP A→−k| ih | A→−k X→−k = PA→−k( |S(n,→−l )ihS(n,−→l )|)|ΦihΦ|( |S(n,−→m)ihS(n,−→m)|)PA→−k X→−k X→−l X→−m = δ δ S(n,−→l )Φ ΦS(n,−→m) S(n,−→l ) S(n,−→m) →−k→−l →−k→−mh | ih | i| ih | →−kX,→−l,→−m 2 = Φ S(n,−→k) S(n,−→k) S(n,−→k), (41) h || i | ih | X→−k (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where we use Lemma 5 in appendix B in the sec- we generally cannot conclude the equivalence of the en- ond part, the fact that a closest product state Φ tanglement measures only by invariance of a state under | i is in the symmetric Hilbert space and the equation local unitary group actions (see Theorem 1 in appendix S(n,−→k) S(n,−→k) Φ = Φ in the third part, B). →−k | ih | | i | i (cid:16)anPd the fact PA→−k|S(n,−→(cid:17)l )i = δ→−k→−l |S(n,−→l )i in the fourthpart. Sincetheoriginalstate Φ isseparable,and | i only local unitaries are used, the final state ω is sepa- ′ rable. We see that the state ω is now a candidate state ′ Wenowturnagaintothe topicsofseparablemeasure- for the closest separable state for the robustness, and ments and witnesses. Again the methods of Sec. IIA we again get equivalence of the measures Eq.(38) in the can be applied to obtain ensembles of states that are lo- same way as the stabilizer states. Note that, in compar- calunitarilyequivalenttothesymmetricbasisstates,and ison with the case of the stabilizer states, we must use forwhichthe optimalLOCC discriminationprocedureis additional information about the nearest product state given by a simple product measurement. We may also Φ in the proof of Eq.(38); that is, in Eq. (41), we use | i easily apply the discussion concerning optimal entangle- the fact that a closest product state can be chosen from ment witnesses. Since in this case we know the value of thesymmetricHilbertspace(Lemma1). Thisshowsthat E we can define the entanglement witness as in section G 9 IIB, therepresentationspaceFλ ofpartitionλ=(n,0, ,0) d ··· corresponds to the symmetric Hilbert space , and the 1 Sn W (S(n,k) ) = (αI1 S(n,k) S(n,k)) representation space of partition λ = (1, ,1) corre- G | i α −| ih | ··· sponds to the anti-symmetric Hilbert space , which n d k kl only exists under the condition n d. HencAe we have α = C l (42) ≤ n,→−k n proven the following Corollary, l=1(cid:18) (cid:19) Y which by the equality of the measures will be ρ-OEW. Corollary 1 In H = (Cd)⊗n, the projection states trPP corresponding to the symmetric (RanP = ) and anti- n S symmetric (RanP = ) Hilbert spaces satisfy n A IV. FURTHER EXAMPLES: MULTI-PARTITE P P P STATES RELATED TO THE TENSOR PRODUCT log (1+R ( ))=E ( )=G( ) log trP. REPRESENTATION OF U(n) 2 g trP R trP trP − 2 (45) We now consider a set of further examples. Sup- As we will see in the following part, an anti-symmetric pose our Hilbert space is = (Cd)⊗n. We consider basis state is an example to which this corollary may be H the tensor product representation of U(d), that is, π : applied. n Anti-symmetric basis states. Suppose = (Cn) n, ⊗ tUion∈cUle(adr)ly7→onlUzy⊗inv·}·o|·lv⊗esU{lo∈calBu2n(iHta)r.y Topheisrarteiopnrse.seInttais- nsy≤mmd,etarnicdb|Ψasaisisd=teaft|e1)i,∧w·h·e·r∧e |nii, (nweicsaallnH|Ψoratihoannoarmntai-l well known that, by means of “Weyl’s unitary trick”, basis of Cn, and is the we{d|gie}ip=r1oduct (a b = there exists a natural bijection between all irreducible 1 (a b b ∧ a )). Since for the irred|uici∧ble| riep- representationsderived from the above representationof √2 | i⊗| i−| i⊗| i Uriv(ded) afrnodmatlhleirtreendsuocribplerordeupcrtesreenptraetsieonntsatwiohnicohfaGrLe(dde)-, breysemnetaatnisonof(πT(h1,e·o··r,1e)m,F1d(,1,w··e·,1h)a),veFde(q1,u··i·v,1a)le=ncAedof=diCst|aΨnacie, n like measures that is, A GL(d) A A B ( ) [31, 32, 33]. 2 ∈ 7→ ⊗···⊗ ∈ H log (1+R (Ψ ))=E (Ψ )=E (Ψ ). (46) Moreover, by “Schur dzuality}”|, the{tensor product repre- 2 g | ai R | ai g | ai sentationofGL(d)canbedecomposedasfollows[31,32], Moreover, the value of the geometric measure of entan- (Cd)⊗n ∼= Gλ⊗Fdλ, (43) glement is known in this case as follows [34]: λ∈PMar(n,d) Lemma 3 In =(Cd)⊗n, anti-symmetric basis states H where Par(n,d) is a partition of n with depth d n, thadt isλ, a=sne,tGoλf iλst∈heNspdascaetoisffyainnigrrλed1u≥cib·l·e·re≥prλesde≤natnad- |Ψai d=ef |l1i∧···∧|l+ni i=1 i = ǫ α ,..,α (47) tionofthesymmetricgroupofdegreen(whichwedenote N! k1,k2,..,kN| k1 kNi PGn) defined by partition λ, and Fdλ is the representation {Xkl} spaceoftheirreduciblerepresentationofGL(d)withthe satisfy highest weight λ [31, 32]. Using Young tableaux termi- nology, λ Par(n,d) corresponds to a Young tableau E (Ψ )=log n!, (48) ∈ g | ai 2 which has λ boxes in the kth row. Since this represen- k tation (π,H) can be decomposed by lwhedre ǫkn1,,ka2n,.d.,kNiisdtheisLeavni-oCritvhiotanosrymmablobla,snis≤ondC, d1.≤ (π, )=( Gλ Fλ, I π ), (44) ≤ − {| i}i=1 H ∼ ⊗ d Gλ⊗ λ Proof Firstly, the entanglement of l l+n in λ∈PMar(n,d) λ∈PMar(n,d) (Cd) n,andtheentanglementof 1 | i∧··n·∧in| (Cni) n ⊗ ⊗ where πλ is an irreducible representation with high- are equivalent, because they can| ib∧e·i·n·t∧er|coinverted by est weight λ, we can apply Theorem 3 for this rep- LOCC. Thus, we only consider the case Ψ = 1 a resentation of U(n). In order to apply Theorem 3 n . Therefore, all we have to do is| toicalcu|liat∧e for the projection states corresponding to subspace Fdλ, t·h··e∧va|luie of the geometric measure of entanglement for the dimension of Gλ must be one. Since the dimen- 1 n . From the definition of the wedge product sion of Gλ is given by the number of standard Young w| ei∧ca·n··e∧as|ilyisee that tableaux (that is, a Young tableau in which the num- bers form an increasing sequence along each line and φ φ φ φ Ψ 1 1 3 n a h |⊗h |⊗h |⊗···⊗h || i along each column) corresponding to the partition λ, a necessary and sufficient condition for dimGλ = 1 is = hφ1|⊗hφ1|⊗hφ3|⊗···⊗hφn|U†12U12|Ψai n = φ1 φ1 φ3 φn Ψa −h |⊗h |⊗h |⊗···⊗h || i λ=(n,0, ,0),or(1, ,1). Itis alsowellknownthat = 0, ··· ··· z }| { 10 where U is the swap operation between the ith and phase factors sign(n), these two states have very differ- ij jth particle. Extending this observation by induction ent entanglement, and actually an anti-symmetric ba- we can easily show the following fact: We can always sis state is more entangled than symmetric basis states. atasisnusmtehtehamtaaxismtautme |oΦf0imda=exf |φ1i⊗···⊗Φ|φΨni whsaicthisfiaets- FSu(rnth,(e1r,more,,1)s)incheavtehethseymlamrgeetsrticvablauseissosftaotfesen|tΨasnigl=e- φ φ . Then, un|dΦeir∈Pthroe(Hc)o|nhdi|t|ionaio|f the or- m| entam·o·n·gallsiymmetricbasisstates S(−→k) (underthe 1 n |thoigo⊥na·l·i·ty⊥o|f thie φ n , we can calculate Φ Ψ condition n d), the anti-symmetric|basisistates Ψ {| ii}i=1 |h || ai| ≤ | ai as follows, have larger values of the distance like measures than all symmetric basis states in (Cd) n. ⊗ φ φ Ψ 1 n a |h |⊗···⊗h || i| = φ φ 1 n 1 n |h |⊗···⊗h || i∧···∧| i| 1 V. CONCLUSION = sign(σ) φ σ(1) φ σ(n) 1 n |√n! h || i···h || i| σX∈Gn In this paper, we have discussed sufficient conditions 1 under which the values of the distance like measures of = det φ j i ij √n!| {h || i} | entanglement, (i.e. the robustness of entanglement, the 1 relativeentropyofentanglement,andthegeometricmea- = , √n! sureofentanglement),areequivalentbymeansoftherep- resentation theory of compact topological groups (The- where φ j is a matrix with φ j as its (i,j)th orem 9 and Theorem 3). As applications of these theo- i ij i {h || i} h || i element, and we used the unitarity of φ j in the rems, we have seen that such distance like measures of i ij {h || i} last equality. Therefore, entanglement are equivalent for stabilizer states, projec- tionstatesdefinedby the symmetric andanti-symmetric E (Ψ ) = log max Φ Ψ 2 subspaces (which include anti-symmetric basis states), g | ai − 2|Φi∈Pro(H)|h || ai| and also for symmetric basis states. Moreover, by cal- = log2n!. culating the value of the geometric measure of entangle- ment, we derived the values of all the measures for anti- (cid:3) symmetric basis states and symmetric basis states. By comparingthesevalues,weconcludethatanti-symmetric Thus in the case of antisymmetric states we can de- basis states are more entangled than any symmetric ba- rive the values of the other measures from the value of sis states on (Cd) n with n d. The results have ap- geometric measure. That is, by Eq.(48) and Eq.(46), we ⊗ ≤ plications as lower and upper bounds, which can often derive the following corollary. be tight, on the optimal probability of discriminationby separable or LOCC operations for certain classes of en- Corollary 2 In = (Cd) n, anti-symmetric basis H ⊗ semble. def states Ψ = l l+n satisfy a | i | i∧···∧| i log (1+R (Ψ ))=E (Ψ )=E (Ψ )=log n!, 2 g | ai R | ai g | ai 2 Acknowledgments (49) where n d, 1 l d n, and i d is an orthonor- mal basis≤on Cd≤. ≤ − {| i}i=1 We thank A. Miyake and F. Branda˜o for very helpful discussions. MH was supported by a MEXT Grant-in- Aid for Scientific Research on Priority, Deepening and By Eq.(49) and Eq.(38), we can compare the entan- Expansion of Statistical Mechanical Informatics (DEX- glement of anti-symmetric basis states Ψ = 1 a | i | i ∧ SMI), No. 18079014. SV was supported by the EPSRC n with that of the symmetric basis states Ψ = s ···∧| i | i QIP-IRC, EU Integrated project QAP, the Royal Com- S(n,(1, ,1)) = σ(1) σ(n) on a g|iven Hil·b·e·rt spiace (Cd)σ∈nG,n(|n id)⊗. S··in·c⊗e | logi 1 mission for the Exhibition of 1851. MO and MM were n Ψ 2 = logPn!⊗= E (≤Ψ ), we ca−n eas2il|yh s|e⊗e supported by Special CoordinationFunds for Promoting ···⊗h || si| 2 g | ai ScienceandTechnology. DMacknowledgessupportfrom E (Ψ ) E (Ψ ), where equality holds if and only if g | ai ≥ g | si QICS. n = 2. Moreover, when n is large enough, by means of Eq.(49), Eq.(38) and the Stirling formula, we derive E (Ψ ) nlog n n+1 APPENDIX A: PROOF OF LEMMA 1 g | ai 2 − E (Ψ ) ≈ n+1 g s | i Proof First, for an arbitrary Φ Pro( n), suppose ≈ log2n. (50) that Φ Ψ =reiθ, where r 0|aind∈θ is rHea⊗l. By choos- h || i ≥ Although the differences between anti-symmetric Ψ ing Φ d=ef eiθ Φ Pro( n),wecanalwaysfindastate a ′ ⊗ | i | i | i∈ H and symmetric Ψ basis states correspond only to Φ such that Φ Ψ = Φ Ψ = Φ Ψ = r. Thus, s ′ ′ ′ | i | i h || i |h || i| |h || i|

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