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1 Energy Efficient Distributed Coding for Data Collection in a Noisy Sparse Network Yaoqing Yang, Soummya Kar and Pulkit Grover Abstract—We consider the problem of data collection in a A related problem is function computation in sensor net- two-layer network consisting of (1) links between N distributed works [1]–[6], especially the identity function computation agents and a remote sink node; (2) a sparse network formed problem [1]–[3]. In [1], Gallager designed a coding scheme by these distributed agents. We study the effect of inter-agent with O(NloglogN) broadcasts for identify function compu- communications on the overall energy consumption. Despite the 6 sparse connections between agents, we provide an in-network tationinacompletegraph.Here,weaddressthesameproblem 1 codingschemethatreducestheoverall energyconsumptionbya in a much sparser graph and obtain the same scaling bound 0 factor of Θ(logN) compared to a naive scheme which neglects usingaconceptuallydifferentdistributedencodingschemethat 2 inter-agentcommunications.Byprovidinglowerboundsonboth wecallgraphcode.Wealsoshowthat,therequiredinter-agent theenergy consumptionand thesparseness (numberof links)of n graph is the sparsest graph except for a Θ(loglogN) factor, thenetwork,weshowthatareenergy-optimalexceptforafactor a of Θ(loglogN). The proposed scheme extends a previous work in that the number of links in the sparsest graph for achiev- J of Gallager [1] on noisy broadcasting from a complete graph ing the O(NloglogN) number of communications (energy 2 to a sparse graph, while bringing in new techniques from error consumption) has to be Ω NlogN , if the error probability 2 control coding and noisy circuits. loglogN Pr(xˆ 6=x) is requiredto b(cid:16)e o(1). In(cid:17)[3], Giridhar and Kumar ] Index terms: graph codes, sparse codes, noisy networks, studiedtherateofcomputingtype-sensitiveandtype-threshold T distributed encoding, scaling bounds. functionsinarandom-planarnetwork.In[2],Karamchandani, I . Appuswamy and Franceschetti studied function computing in s I. INTRODUCTION c a grid network. Readers are referred to an extended version [ Consider a problem of collecting messages from N dis- [7] for a thorough literature review. 1 tributed agents in a two-layer network. Each agent has one From the perspective of coding theory, the proposed graph v independent random bit x ∼ Bernoulli(1), called the self- code is closely related to erasure codes that have low-density i 2 5 informationbit.Theobjectiveis tocollectallself-information generator matrices (LDGM). In fact, the graph code in this 9 bits in a remote sink node with high accuracy. Apart from a paper is equivalent to an LDGM erasure code with noisy 0 noisy channel directly connectedto the sink node, each agent encodingcircuitry[11],wheretheencodingnoiseisintroduced 6 0 can also construct a few noisy channels to other agents. We by distributed encoding in the noisy inter-agent communica- . assume that, the inter-agent network has an advantage that tiongraph.Basedonthisobservation,weshow(inCorollary1) 1 0 an agent can transmit bits simultaneously to all its neighbors thatourresultdirectlyleadstoaknownresultinLDGMcodes. 6 usingabroadcast.However,constructingconnectionsbetween Similar results have been reported by Luby [8] for fountain 1 distributed agents is difficult, meaning that the inter-agent codes,byDimakis,Prabhakaranand Ramchandran[9] andby v: network is required to be sparse. Mazumdar, Chandar and Wornell [10] for distributed storage, i Since agents are connecteddirectly to the sink, there exists bothwithnoise-freeencoding.Intheextendedversion[7],we X a simple scheme [1] which achieves polynomially decaying showthatthisLDGMcodeachievessparseness(numberof1’s r a error probability with N: for all n such that 1 ≤ n ≤ N, inthegeneratormatrix)thatiswithinaΘ(loglogN)multiple the n-th agent transmits x to the sink for Θ(clogN) times, of an information-theoretic lower bound. Finally, We briefly n where c > 1, to ensure that Pr(xˆ 6= x ) = O 1 . Then, summarize the main technical contributions of this paper: n n Nc using the unionbound,we have thatPr(xˆ 6=x)=(cid:0) O(cid:1)Nc1−1 . • we extend the classic distributed data collection problem However, this naive scheme can only provide a solution in (identity function computation) to sparse graphs, and (cid:0) (cid:1) which the number of transmissions scales as Θ(NlogN). In obtain the same scaling bounds on energy consumption; this paper, we show that, by carrying out Θ(NloglogN) • we provide both upper and lower bounds on the sparse- inter-agent broadcasts, we can reduce the number of trans- ness (number of edges) of the communication graph for missions between distributed agents and the remote sensor constrained energy consumption; from Θ(NlogN) to Θ(N), and hence dramatically reduce • we extend classic results on LDGM codes to in-network theenergyconsumption.Moreover,weshowthat,fortheinter- computing with encoding noise. agent broadcasting scheme to work, only Θ(NlogN) inter- agent connections are required. II. SYSTEMMODELAND PROBLEM FORMULATIONS Denote by V = {v ,...,v } the set of distributed agents. This work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation 1 N under Grant CCF-1513936, NSF ECCS-1343324, NSF CCF-1350314, and Assumethatin thefirstlayerofthe network,eachagenthasa byNSFgrantECCS-1306128. linktothesinknodev ,andthislinkisaBEC(binaryerasure 0 Y. Yang, S. Kar and P. Grover are with the Department of Electrical and channel) with erasure probabilityǫ. Each transmission from a Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, USA.Email:{yyaoqing,soummyak,pgrover}@andrew.cmu.edu distributed agent to the sink consumes energy E1. We denote byG =(V,E)thesecondlayerofthe network,i.e.,a directed Problem 1 satisfies inter-agent graph. We assume that each directed link in G is 1 NE N N2E N 1 2 also a BEC with erasure probabilityǫ. We denoteby N− and E ≥max NE1, min ln , ln v ln(1/ǫ) 2 2δ 4D 2δ N+ the one-hopin-neighborhoodand out-neighborhoodof v. (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) v N N2E N Each broadcast from a node v to all of its out-neighbors in =Ω max NE ,min NE ln , 2 ln . 1 1 Nv+ consumesenergy1 E2. We allow Nv− and Nv+ to contain (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:18) ptar D ptar(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:19) (4) v itself (self-loops),becauseanodecanbroadcastinformation to itself. DenoteNby dn the out-degree of the vn. Then, we For Problem 2, suppose 4Eδ2ENM2 > e1.5 and EM < have that |E|= d . NE1 ln N. Then, solution2 of Problem 2 satisfies n 2ln(1/ǫ) 2δ n=1 A. Data GatheriPng with Transmitting and Broadcasting |E|≥ N2E2 ln N =Ω N2E2 ln N . (5) 4ln(1/ε)E 2δ E 2p M (cid:18) M tar(cid:19) A computation scheme S = {f }T is a sequence of t t=1 Proof: Due to limited space, we only include a brief Boolean functions, such that at each time slot t, a single introduction on the idea of the proof. See Appendix A for a node v(t) computes the function f (whose arguments are to t completeproof.First,forthen-thnode,theprobabilityp that n be made precise below), and either broadcasts the computed all t transmissions and t broadcasts to its d neighbors output bit to Nv+, or transmits to v0. We assume that the areenr,a1sedispn =ǫtn,1+dntnn,,22.Ifthiseventhappennsforvn,all scheme terminates in finite time, i.e., T <∞. The arguments informationaboutx is erased,andhenceallself-information n of f may consist of all the information that the broadcasting t bits cannot be recovered. Thus, node v(t) has up to time t, including its self-information bit N N x , randomlygenerated bits and informationobtained from itsv(ti)n-neighborhood. A scheme has to be feasible, meaning PeG =Pr(xˆ 6=x)≥1− (1−pn)=1− (1−ǫtn,1+dntn,2). n=1 n=1 that all arguments of ft should be available at v(t) before Y Y (6) time t. We only consideroblivioustransmissionschemes, i.e., The above inequality can be relaxed by the three-tuple (T,{f }T ,{v(t)}T ) and the decisions to t t=1 t=1 N broadcast or to transmit are predetermined. Denote by F the ǫtn,1+dntn,2 <ln 1 <ln 1 , (7) set of all feasible oblivious schemes. For a feasible scheme 1−PG 1−p n=1 e tar S ∈F, denote by t the number of transmissions from v X n,1 n where p is the target error probability. The lower bounds to the sink, and by t the number of broadcasts from v to tar n,2 n of Problem 1 and Problem 2 are obtained by relaxing the N+. Then, the overall energy consumption is v constraint PG < p by (7). In what follows, we provide e tar N some intuition for Problem 1 as an example. For Problem E = E1tn,1+E2tn,2. (1) 1, we notice that, in order to make the overall energy E in nX=1 (1) smaller, we should either make tn,1 smaller, or make tn,2 Conditioned on the graph G, The error probability is defined smaller,whilemaintainingtn,1+dntn,2 largeenoughtomake as PG =Pr(xˆ 6=x), where xˆ denotes the final estimate of x (7) hold. Actually, we can make the following observations: e at the sink v0. It is required that PeG ≤ ptar where ptar is the • ifdn ≤ EE21,we shouldsettn,2 =0,i.e.weshouldforbid target error probability and might be zero. We also impose vn frombroadcasting.Otherwise,weshouldsettn,1 =0; a sparse constraint on the problem, meaning the number of • if dn ≤ EE21, since tn,2 = 0, we can always make the edges in the second layer of the network is smaller than D. energy consumption E smaller by setting dn = 0, i.e., The problem to be studied is therefore we construct no out-edges from vn in the graph G. Using these observations, we can decompose the original op- PG ≤p , Problem 1: minG,S∈F E,s.t. |Ee|<Dta.r (2) timization into two subproblems respectively regarding dn ≥ (cid:26) E2/E1 and dn < E2/E1. We can complete the proof using A related problem formulation is to minimize the number of standard optimization techniques and basic inequalities. edges (obtaining the sparsest graph) while making the energy Remark 1. Note that the lower bounds hold for individual consumption constrained: graph instances with arbitrary graph topologies. Although the twolowerboundsarenottightforallcases,weespeciallycare PG ≤p , Problem 2: min |E|,s.t. e tar (3) aboutthecasewhenthesparsenessconstraintD satisfiesD = G,S∈F E <E . (cid:26) M O(NlogN) and the energy constraint E satisfies E = M M o(NlogN). Inthiscase,we willprovideanupperboundthat B. Lower Bounds on Energy Consumption and Sparseness differs from the lower bound by a multiple of Θ(loglogN). Theorem 1. (Lower Bounds) For Problem 1, suppose N2 > In Section IV-A, we provide a detailed comparison between e1.5, where δ = ln 1 = Θ(p ). Then, the solut4ioδDn of the upper and the lower bounds. 1−ptar tar 2Note that when the energy constraint EM → 0, the RHS of (5) goes 1Duetopossiblylargedistancetothesinknode,itislikelythattheenergy to infinity. This does not mean the lower bound is wrong, but means that consumption E2 < E1. But we do not make any specific assumption on Problem2doesnothaveafeasible solution, andhencetheminimized value relationship betweenE2 andE1. ofProblem 2isinfinity.SeeRemark3inAppendixAfordetails. Code Bit = Local Parity the value ‘e’. We denote the vector of all local parity bits by y = [y ,y ,...,y ]⊤. If all nodes could successfully receive 1 2 N v v all information from their in-neighborhood,we would have 1 2 y⊤ =x⊤A, (12) where A is the adjacency matrix of the graph G. During the second step, each node v transmits x and n n the local parity y to the sink exactly once. If a local parity Fig.1. Eachcodebitistheparityofallone-hopin-neighbors ofaspecific n node.Someedges inthedirected graphmightbebi-directional. yn has value ‘e’, vn sends the value ‘e’. Denote the received (possiblyerased)versionoftheself-informationbitsatthesink III. MAIN TECHNIQUE:GRAPH CODE by x˜ = [x˜1,x˜2,...,x˜N]⊤, and the received (possibly erased) versionoflocalparitiesby y˜ =[y˜ ,...,y˜ ]. Notice that, there In this section, we provide an distributed coding scheme 1 N might be some bits in y changed into value ‘e’ during the in accordance with the goal of Problem 1 and Problem 2. second step. We denote all information gathered at the sink The code considered in this paper, which we call GC-3 graph code3, is a systematic binary code that has a generater matrix byr=[x˜⊤,y˜⊤].Ifalltheconnectionsbetweenthedistributed agentsandfromthedistributedagentstothesinkwereperfect, G = [I,A] with (A) being the graph adjacency matrix N×N the received informationr at the sink could be written as (8). of G, i.e., A = 1 if there is a directed edge from v to v . i,j i j However,thereceivedversionispossiblywitherasures,sothe The encoding of the GC-3 graph code can be written as sink carries outthe Gaussian eliminationalgorithmto recover r⊤ =x⊤·[I,A], (8) all informationbits, using all non-erasedinformation.If there are too many erased bits, leading to more than one possible wherex⊤ =[x ,x ,...,x ]denotestheself-informationbits 1 2 N decoded values xˆ⊤, the sink claims an error. and r⊤ denotes the encoding output with length 2N. This In all, the energy consumption is means that the code bit calculated by a node v is either its self-informationbitx ortheparityoftheself-informationbits Nlog(clogN) in its in-neighborhoovd N−. Therefore, GC-3 codes are easy E =2N ·E1+N ·t·E2 =2NE1+ pch E2 v log(1/ǫ) to encode using inter-agent broadcasts and admit distributed =Θ(max(NE ,NE loglogN)), implementations. In what follows, we define the in-network 1 2 (13) computing scheme associated with the GC-3 code. where t is defined in (9), and the constant 2 in 2N ·E is 1 introducedin the second step, when both the self-information A. In-network Computing Scheme bit and the local parity are transmitted to the sink. Thein-networkcomputingschemehastwosteps.Duringthe firststep,eachnodetaketurnstobroadcastitsself-information IV. ANALYSIS OF THEERROR PROBABILITY bit to N+(v) for t times, where First, we define a random graph ensemble based on the 1 clogN Erdo¨s-Re´nyi graphs [12]. In this graph ensemble, each node t= log , (9) log(1/ǫ) (cid:18) pch (cid:19) has a directed link to another node with probability p = clogN,wherecisthesameconstantin(9).Allconnectionsare where c ∈ (0,∞) and pch ∈ (0,1/2) are two predetermined N independent of each other. We sample a random graph from constants. Then, each node estimates all self-information bits fromallitsin-neighborsin N−. Theprobabilitythatacertain thisgraphensembleandcarryoutthein-networkbroadcasting v scheme provided in Section III-A. Then, the error probability bit is erased for t times when transmitted from a node v to PG(x) is itself a randomvariable,because of the randomness one of its out-neighborsis e in the graph sampling stage and the randomness of the p P =ǫt = ch . (10) input. We define P(N)(x) as the expected error probability e clogN e P(N)(x)=E [PG(x)] over the random graph ensemble. e G e Ifallinformationbitsfromitsin-neighborhoodN−(v )are n Theorem2. (UpperBoundontheEnsembleErrorProbability) sent successfully, vn computes the local parity Suppose η > 0 is a constant, p ∈ (0,1) is a constant, ǫ is ch 2 yn = xm =x⊤an, (11) the channel erasure probability and ε0 =(1−21/e +1)pch+ǫ. Assume clogN >1. Define vm∈XN−(vn) where a is the n-th column of the adjacency matrix A, and 1 1−e−2cη n b = (1−ε )(1− ), (14) η 0 the summation is in the sense of modulo-2. If any bit x is 2 2 m not sent to v successfully, i.e., erased for t times, the local and assume n paritycannotbecomputed.Inthiscase,y isassumedtotake ǫ<b . (15) n η 3WenamethiscodeGC-3becausewealsodesignedGC-1andGC-2graph Then, for the transmission scheme in Section III-A, we have codes.Readersarereferredtoanextendedversionofthispaper[7]formore details. Problemin[7]aremotivated fromtheperspective ofcommunication P(N)(x)≤(1−b )N+ηeǫN2−c(1−ε0)(1−cη),∀x. (16) complexity, whichisfundamentally different fromthispaper. e η logN That is to say, if 2 < c(1 − ε )(1 − cη), the error proba- A. Gap Between the Upper and the Lower Bounds 0 bility eventually decreases polynomially with N. The rate of In this part, we compare the energy consumption and the decrease can be maximized over all η that satisfies (15). graph sparseness of the GC-3 graph code with the two lower Proof: See Section IV-B. bounds in Theorem 1. First, we examine Problem 1 when Thus, we have proved that the expected error probability D =Θ(NlogN)andp =Θ 1 ,γ ∈(0,1),whichisthe tar Nγ averaged over the graph code ensemble decays polynomially same case as the GC-3 Graph Code. In this case, the lower (cid:0) (cid:1) with N. Denote by A the eventthat an estimate erroroccurs bound (4) has the following form: e at the sink, i.e., xˆ 6=x, then E =Ω(max(NE ,min(NE logN,NE ))). (20) 1 1 2 P(N) >Pr(2cNlogN >|E|)Pr(A |2cNlogN >|E|). e e (17) Under the mild condition E2 > 1 , the lower bound can E1 logN be simplified as Since the number of edges |E| in the directed graph is a Binomial random variable∼Binomial(p= clogN,N2), using Elower =Ω(max(NE ,NE )). (21) N 1 2 the Chernoff bound [13], we can get TheenergyconsumptionoftheGC-3graphcodehasthe form Pr(2cNlogN >|E|)≥1− 1 c22logN. (18) hEausppaerΘ=(loΘgl(omgaNx)(NmEul1t,ipNliEca2tilvoeggloagpNw)it)h(tsheeel(o1w3e))r,bwouhnicdh. N (cid:18) (cid:19) Notice that if we make the assumption E >> E , i.e., the 1 2 Combining with (17) and (16), inter-agentcommunicationsare cheaper, the two boundshave c2logN −1 the same scaling Θ(NE1). Pr(A |2cNlogN >|E|)< 1− 1 2 P(N), Then, we examine Problem 2 when EM = e  N  e Θ(max(NE ,NE loglogN)) and p = Θ 1 ,γ ∈ (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 2 tar Nγ (19) (0,1), which is also the same case as the GC-3   (cid:0) (cid:1) which decays polynomially with N. This means that there Graph Code. Notice that under mild assumptions, exists a graph code (graph topology) with O(NlogN) links, EM = Θ(max(NE1,NE2loglogN)) = o(E1NlogN), and at the same time, achieves any required non-zero error which means that the condition EM < 2lNn(E1/1ǫ)ln2Nδ in probability p when N is large enough. Interestingly, the Theorem 1 holds when N is large enough. In this case, the tar derivationaboveimpliesamorefundamentalcorollaryforera- lower bound (5) takes the form surecodinginpoint-to-pointchannels.Thefollowingcorollary NE N states the result for communication with noise-free circuitry, |E|=Ω min 2 logN, logN . (22) E loglogN whiletheconclusionsinthispaper(seeTheorem2)showsthe (cid:18) (cid:18) 1 (cid:19)(cid:19) existenceofanLDGMcodethatistolerantofnoisyencoding The number of edges of the GC-3 graph code has the scale and distributed encoding. |E|=Θ(NlogN).Therefore,theratiobetweentheupperand the lower bound satisfies that Corollary 1. For a discrete memoryless point-to-point BEC with erasure probability ǫ, there exists a systematic linear |Eupper| =O(max(loglogN,E /E )). (23) code with rate4 R = 1/2 and an N ×2N generator matrix |Elower| 1 2 G = [I,A] such that the block error probability decreases polynomially with N. Moreover, the generator matrix is B. An Upper Bound on the Error Probability sparse: the number of ones in A is O(NlogN). The Lemma 1 in the following states that PG(x) is upper e Proof: See Appendix E. bounded by an expression which is independent of the input Remark 2. In an extendedversion[7, SectionVI], we discuss x (self-informationbits). In Lemma 1, each term on the RHS a distributed coding scheme, called GC-2, for a geometric of (24) can be interpreted as the probability of the existence graph. The GC-2 code divides the geometric graph into of a non-zero vector input x0 that is confused with the all- clusters and conquer each cluster using a dense code with zero vector 0N after all the non-zero entries of x⊤0 · [I,A] length O(logN). Notice that the GC-2 code requires the are erased, in which case x0 is indistinguishable from the all samesparsityΘ(NlogN)andthesamenumberofbroadcasts zero channel input. For example, suppose the code length is (and hence the same scale in energy consumption) as GC- 2N = 6. The sent codeword x⊤0 ·[I,A] = [x1,0,0,x4,0,x6] 3. However, the scheduling cost of GC-2 is high. Further, it and the outputat the sink happensto be r⊤ =[e,0,0,e,0,e]. requires a powerful code with length O(logN), which is not In this case, we cannot distinguish between the input vector practicalformoderateN (thisisalsotheproblemofthecoding x0 and 0N based on the output at the sink. scheme in [1]). Nonetheless, the graph topology for the GC-2 Lemma1. The errorprobabilityPG can be upper-boundedby e code is deterministic, which does not require ensemble-type arguments. PeG(x)≤ PeG(x0 →0N),∀x∈{0,1}N, 4Generalizing the analysis technique in this paper to R > 1 is trivial, x0∈{0,X1}N\{0N} (24) 2 but designing a distributed encoding scheme for the inter-agent graph with where 0 is the N-dimensional zero vector. R> 1 isnotintuitive. ForR= 1,eachnodesends itsself-information bit N 2 2 andthelocalparity,whichispractically convenient. Proof: See Appendix B. Therefore,toupper-boundPG(x),weonlyneedtoconsider clogN >1. Then, for 1≤i≤N, it holds that e the event mentioned above, i.e., a non-zero input x of self- 0 N informationbits is confusedwith the all-zero vector 0N. This Pr[A(i)(x )]=ǫk. (27) 0 happens if and only if each entry of the received vector r⊤ i=1 Y at the sink is either zero or ‘e’. When x and the graph G 0 For N +1≤i≤2N, it holds that are both fixed, differententries in r⊤ are independentof each other. Thus, the ambiguity probability PeG(x0 → 0N) for a Pr[A(i)(x0)]≤ε0+(1−ε0)· 1+(1−2p)k, (28) fixed non-zero input x and a fixed graph instance G is the 2 0 product of the corresponding ambiguity probability of each where p= clogN is the connection probability. N entry in r⊤ (being a zero or a ‘e’). Proof: See Appendix C for a complete proof. The main The ambiguity event of each entry may occur due to idea is to directly compute the probabilities of three error structural deficiencies in the graph topology as well as due events A(i), A(i) and A(i) for each bit x . to erasures. In particular, three events contribute to the error 1 2 3 i Based on Lemma 2 and simple counting arguments, note atthe i-thentryof r⊤: theproductof x⊤ andthe i-thcolumn 0 that (26) may be bounded as of [I,A] is zero (topology deficiency); the i-th entry of r⊤ is ‘e’ due to erasures in the first step; the i-th entry is ‘e’ N N 1+(1−2p)k N P(N)(x)≤ ǫk ε +(1−ε )· . due to an erasure in the second step. We denote these three e k 0 0 2 eventsrespectivelybyA(1i)(x0),A(2i)(x0)andA(3i)(x0),where Xk=1(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:21)(29) the superscript i and the argument x⊤0 mean that the events By upper-bounding the RHS of (29) respectively for k = are for the i-th entry and conditioned on a fixed message O(N/logN) and k = Ω(N/logN), we obtain Theorem 2. vector x⊤. The ambiguity event on the i-th entry is the The remainingpartof the proofcan be foundin AppendixD. 0 union of the above three events. Denote by the union event as A(i)(x0) = A1(i)(x0)∪A(2i)(x0)∪A(3i)(x0). By applying V. CONCLUSIONS the union boundover all possible inputs, the error probability In this paper, we obtain both upper and lower scaling PG(x) (for an arbitrary input x) can be upper bounded by e bounds on the energy consumption and the number of edges in the inter-agent broadcast graph for the problem of data 2N PeG(x)≤ Pr[A(i)(x0)|G], (25) cgorallpehcteionnseimnbaletw, toh-elaayveerrnageteweorrrko.rIpnrothbeabdiilrietyctoefdtEhredpo¨rso-Rpoe´sneydi x0∈{0,X1}N\{0N}iY=1 distributed coding scheme decays polynomially with the size Inthisexpression,therandomnessofGliesintherandomedge ofthegraph.Weshowthattheobtainedcodeisalmostoptimal connections. We use the binary indicator E to denote if in terms of sparseness (with minimum number of ones in mn thereisadirectededgefromv tov .Notethatweallowself- the generator matrix) except for a Θ(loglogN) multiple gap. m n loops. By assumption, all random variables in {E }N Finally, we show a connection of our result to LDGM codes mn m,n=1 are mutually independent5. Therefore with noisy and distributed encoding. P(N)(x)=E [PG(x)] REFERENCES e G e 2N [1] R. Gallager, “Finding parity in a simple broadcast network,” IEEE (a) ≤ E Pr A(i)(x )|E ,1≤n≤N Transactions onInformation Theory,vol.34,pp.176–180,Mar1988. G 0 ni [2] N. Karamchandani, R. Appuswamy, and M. Franceschetti, “Time and x⊤0∈{0,X1}N\{0N}iY=1 h h ii energycomplexityoffunctioncomputationovernetworks,”IEEETrans- 2N actions onInformationTheory,vol.57,pp.7671–7684, Dec2011. (=b) Pr[A(i)(x )], [3] A.GiridharandP.R.Kumar,“Computingandcommunicatingfunctions 0 oversensornetworks,”IEEEJournalonSelectedAreasinCommunica- x⊤0∈{0,X1}N\{0N}iY=1 tions,vol.23,no.4,pp.755–764, 2005. (26) [4] H. Kowshik and P. 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Suppose the constants δ,ε ∈ 0,1 ,A,N > 0. which is equivalentto PG >1− (1−p ). Using the AM- 2 e n Suppose N2 >e1.5, and suppose the minimization problem n=1 δA (cid:0) (cid:1) GM inequality, we have that Q N N N x∈RmN,ian∈RN nXN=1xi,s.t. nP=1anN≤ǫAan,xann<≥δ1,,∀n. (30) 1−PeG <"N1 nXN=1(1−pn)# = 1− N1 nXN=1pn! (,37) n=1 has a solution,i.e., the feasible regPionis notempty.Then, the Using the fact that 1−x≤exp(−x), we have that solution of the above minimization problem satisfies that N 1 −1 ln 1 1 1 N N2 N N pn <1−e N 1−PeG < N ln1−PG. (38) x∗ ≥ ln . (31) n=1 e i Aln(1/ǫ) δ X n=1 Plugging in (35), we get X Proof: First, consider the case when a1,...,aN ≥ 1 N 1 1 are fixed. In this case, it can be easily shown in the KKT ǫtn,1+dntn,2 <ln <ln , (39) 1−PG 1−p conditions that the minimization is obtained when n=1 e tar X δ where p is the target error probability in Problem 1 and ǫanxn = , tar N Problem2.Notethattoprovidealowerboundforsolutionsof a 1 n al Problem1 and Problem2, we can always replace a constraint l=1 witharelaxedversion.Inthefollowingproof,wealwaysrelax P which is equivalent to the constraintPG ≤p by (39), whichonly makesourlower e tar bound loose, but still legitimate. N 1 1 1 1 1 1 x = lna + ln . (32) Consider Problem 1, in which we have a constraint on the n n ln(1/ǫ)an ln(1/ǫ)an δ al! N Xl=1 sparseness dn ≤ D, and a constraint on the error proba- N N n=1 Since a ≤A, we have that 1 ≥ N2. Therefore,for P N n=1 n n=1an A bility p. Our goal is to minimize E = E1tn,1+E2tn,2. fixed a ,...,a ≥1, summing up (32) for all n and plug in n=1 P1 N P Note that in this problem, we have the constraint that N P n=1a1n ≥ NA2, we get tdn,1∈,t[n1,2,,∞dn]∪∈{0}Z,+t ∪,{t0},∀∈n[.0,W∞e],r∀enla,xwthhiicshcsotinllstyraieinldtstoa n n,1 n,2 P N 1 N 1 1 N2 N 1 legitimate lower bound. x ≥ lna + ln First, we notice the following facts: n n ln(1/ǫ) a ln(1/ǫ) δA a nX=1 1 nXN=1 1n N2 (cid:18) (cid:19)nX=1 n • sIfetdntn≤,1 =EE120,.weshouldsettn,2 =0.Otherwise,weshould =ln(1/ǫ)nX=1an (cid:18)lnan+ln δA(cid:19). (33) • EIfdsnm≤alleEEr12b,ywesecttainngaldwnay=sm0.aketheenergyconsumption Proof: For the n-th node, if we keep t :=t +d t n n,1 n n,2 When B := N2 > e1.5, we can prove that the function fixed,theLHSoftheconstraint(39)doesnotchange.Noticing δA f(x) = 1 (B+lnx) is convex in [1,∞]. Therefore, the that the energy spent at the n-th node can be written as x ifnuenqcutiaolnitya,1nw(eBh+avelntahnat) is convex in an. Using the Jensen’s tEh1etnc,o1n+cluEsi2otnn,t2ha=t wEe1tsnho+uld(Es2et−tE1d=n)0tnw,2h,ewnedarr≤iveE2at. n,2 n E1 Otherwise, we should maximize t , which means setting n,2 N 1 N A N2 N t =0. This concludes the first statement. x ≥ N · B+ln = ln . n,1 n ln(1/ǫ) A N Aln(1/ǫ) δ Based on the first statement, we have that, when d ≤ E2, nX=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) (34) wesett =0.Therefore,theconstraint(39)doesnotncontEa1in n,2 d for d ≤ E2 anymore, which means that further reducing n n E1 d doesnotaffecttheconstraints.Thus,weshouldsetd =0, In the limit of small p , p ≈ln 1 . Thus, the minimiza- n n tar tar 1−ptar which can help relax the constraints for other d . tion problem (40) always satisfies n We assume, W.L.O.G., d ≥ d ≥ ···d ≥ 0. Using the 1 2 N N N2E N twoargumentsabove,wecanarriveatthefollowingstatement E =Ω min NE ln , 2 ln . (47) 1 p D p about the solution of the relaxed minimization Problem 1: (cid:18) (cid:18) tar tar(cid:19)(cid:19) Statement A.1 : there exists m∈{1,...,N}, s.t. Moreover,thenumberoftransmissionsfromdistributedagents 1. for 1≤n≤m, d ≥max E2,1 , t =0; to the sink should be at least in the order of N, because n E1 n,1 2. for m+1≤n≤N, dn =(cid:16)0, tn,2(cid:17)=0. there are N bits to be transmitted over the binary erasure Since d ≥max E2,1 , we know that mmax E2,1 ≤ channels from the distributed agents to the sink. Therefore, n E1 E1 E ≥ Θ(NE ), which, together with (47), concludes that (4) D. We can then rew(cid:16)rite th(cid:17)e original optimization p(cid:16)roblem(cid:17)as 1 holds. follows: The lower bound of Problem 2 can be obtained similarly m N by relaxing Problem 2 to the following problem: min E = E t + E t , 2 n,2 1 n,1 {tn,1,tn,2,dn}Nn=1,δ1,δ2 n=1 n=m+1 m X X min d m N m (40) n ǫdntn,2 ≤δ2, ǫtn,1 ≤δ1, dn ≤D, n=1 X s.t.n=1 n=m+1 n=1 m N Pdn ∈δ[11,+∞δ]2∪<{0Pln},1t−n1p,1ta,r,tnδ1,2,δ∈2[≥0P,0∞.],∀n nP=1ǫdntn,2 ≤δδ2,+n=δPm<+1lǫntn,11≤,δδ1,,Eδ1T≥1+0,E2T2 ≤EM, Wtwhoesnumb-,pδro1balnemdsδ:2 arefixed,we decomposetheprobleminto s.t. m1 tn,22≤T2,1−pNtar 1tn,21 ≤T1 n=1 n=m+1 min m tn,2, s.t. m dn ≤D, m ǫdntn,2 ≤δ2,δ2 ≥0.  dn ∈P[0,∞],tn,1,tn,2P∈[1,∞]∪{0},∀n. (48) n=1 n=1 n=1 X X X (41) When δ ,δ , T ,T and m are fixed, the above problem can 1 2 1 2 be decomposed into two sub-problems. N N min tn,1 s.t. ǫtn,1 ≤δ1,δ1 ≥0. (42) m m m n=Xm+1 n=Xm+1 min dn, s.t. tn,2 ≤T2, ǫdntn,2 ≤δ2,δ2 ≥0. According to Lemma 3, the first sub-problem, if m2 > e1.5, nX=1 nX=1 nX=1 (49) δD satisfies the lower bound m m2 m m2 m N N tn,2 ≥ ln ≥ ln , (43) min0, s.t. tn,1 ≤T1, ǫtn,1 ≤δ1,δ1 ≥0. Dln(1/ǫ) δ Dln(1/ǫ) δ nX=1 2 n=Xm+1 n=Xm+1 (50) where 1 δ=ln . (44) Notice that the second sub-problem only tries to search for 1−p tar a feasible solution. Using convex programming techniques, The second sub-problem can be solved using simple convex- N N optimization techniques and the optimal solution satisfies we have that, when ǫtn,1 ≤ δ1, tn,1 ≥ n=m+1 n=m+1 N N−m lnN−m. ThereforeP, if m< N, P N −m N −m N −m N −m ln(1/ǫ) δ1 2 t ≥ ln ≥ ln . n,1 ln(1/ǫ) δ1 ln(1/ǫ) δ N −m N −m N N n=m+1 E >E T ≥ ln > ln , X (45) M 1 1 ln(1/ǫ) δ 2ln(1/ǫ) 2δ 1 Therefore, when m is fixed, which contradicts the condition E < NE1 ln N in Prob- N M 2ln(1/ǫ) 2δ E = E t +E t lem 2. When m ≥ N/2, it holds that m2 ≥ N2E2 > e1.5. 1 n,1 2 n,2 δ2T2 4δEM Therefore, using Lemma A, we can also solve problem (49). n=1 (46) X 2m2E m (N −m)E N −m Skipping the details, we can show that the resulted optimiza- ≥ 2 ln + 1 ln , tion problem can be written as Dln(1/ǫ) δ ln(1/ǫ) δ If we choose m≥ N, and since N2 >e1.5, we have that min m2 lnm, 2 4δD N2E N N2E N m∈{N/2,...,N},δ1,δ2,T1,T2 T2ln(1/ε) δ2 (51) E ≥ 2 ln =Θ 2 ln . N−m lnN−m ≤T ,E T +E T ≤E , 4Dln(1/ǫ) 2δ D δ s.t. ln(1/ǫ) δ1 1 1 1 2 2 M (cid:18) (cid:19) δ +δ ≤ln 1 ,δ ,δ ≥0. If we choose m< N, we have that ( 1 2 1−ptar 1 2 2 Noticing that T ≤E /E , and hence that m2 ln m ≥ E ≥ 2lNn(E11/ǫ)ln2Nδ =Θ NE1lnNδ . m2E2 lnm2,wherMeδ =2ln 1 ,thesolutTi2olnn(o1f/εt)heaδb2ove (cid:18) (cid:19) EMln(1/ε) δ 1−ptar problem can be further lower-bounded by the solution of Thatistosay,ifx isconfusedwithx ,then,ifalltheerasure 1 2 events are the same and the self-informationbits are changed m2E m min 2 ln , to x1−x2, they will be confused with the all zero vector 0N m∈{N/2,...,N},δ1,δ2,T1,T2 EMln(1/ε) δ and vice-versa. Thus, in order to prove (54), we only need to (52) N−m lnN−m ≤T ,E T +E T ≤E , show that the probability of having particular erasure events s.t. ln(1/ǫ) δ1 1 1 1 2 2 M δ +δ ≤ln 1 ,δ ,δ ≥0, remains the same with different self-information bits. This ( 1 2 1−ptar 1 2 claim is satisfied, becauseby the BEC assumptionthe erasure which is equivalent to events are independent of the channel inputs and identically distributed. m2E m 2 min ln , Using the union bound, we have that m∈{N/2,...,N}ln(1/ε)EM δ (53) N −m N −m PG(x)≤ PG(x→x ). s.t. E ≥E ln . e e 1 (57) M 1 ln(1/ǫ) δ x⊤1∈{0X,1}N\{x} Since m ≥ N/2, we know that the solution above satisfies Thus, using the result from Lemma 4, we obtain E∗ ≥ N2E2 ln N. 4ln(1/ε)EM 2δ PeG(x)≤ PeG(x−x1 →0N), (58) Remark 3. Notice that, if E is very small, e.g., E → 0, we have to set m=N in (53M). TheobtainedlowerboMundhas x⊤1∈{0X,1}N\{x} the form|E|≥ N2E2 lnN →∞ fora fixed N. This doesnot which is equivalent to (24). lnEM δ suggest that the lower bound is wrong, because in this case, the set of feasible solution in Problem 2 is empty. Therefore, APPENDIX C thetrueminimizationvalueofProblem2shouldbe∞,which PROOF OF LEMMA2 means that the lower bound is still legitimate. First, we notice that for1≤i≤N, the vector x˜⊤ received is thenoisy versionof x⊤. Since, accordingto thein-network 0 APPENDIX B computingscheme inSection III-A, the vectorx˜⊤ is obtained PROOF OF LEMMA1 in the second step, the event A(i)(x⊤) is the only ambiguity 3 0 event. Moreover, if the i-th entry of x⊤ is zero, it does not From Section III-A, we know that an error occurs when 0 matterwhetheranerasurehappenstothisentry.Thus,theerror there exist more than one feasible solutions that satisfy the probabilitycanbecalculatedbyconsideringalltheknon-zero version with possible erasures of (8). That is to say, when entries, which means all positions with erasures are eliminated from the received vector, there are at least two solutions to the remaining linear N equations. Denote by x and x two different vectors of Pr[A(i)(x⊤)∪A(i)(x⊤)∪A(i)(x⊤)]=ǫk. 1 2 1 0 2 0 3 0 self-information bits. We say that x1 is confused with x2 iY=1 if the true vector of self-information bits is x1 but x2 also ForN+1≤i≤2N,A(i)(x⊤)istheerasureeventduringthe satisfies the possibly erased version of (8), in which case x 3 0 1 second step and is independent from the previous two events is indistinguishable from x . Denote by PG(x → x ) the 2 e 1 2 A(i)(x⊤) and A(i)(x⊤). Therefore probability that x is confused with x . 1 0 2 0 1 2 Lemma 4. The probability that x is confused with x Pr A(i)(x⊤)∪A(i)(x⊤)∪A(i)(x⊤) 1 2 1 0 2 0 3 0 equals the probability that x −x is confused with the N- dimensional zero vector 0N,1i.e., 2 ≤Prh(A3(i)(x⊤0))C +Pr A3(i)(x⊤0) Pir A1(i)(x⊤0)∪A(2i)(x⊤0) PG(x →x )=PG(x −x →0 ). (54) =1−hǫ+ǫPr A(i)i(x⊤)∪hA(i)(x⊤)i h i e 1 2 e 1 2 N 1 0 2 0 Proof: We define an erasure matrix E as a 2N-by-2N =1−ǫ+ǫ Phr A(i)(x⊤) +Pr (Ai(i)(x⊤))C ∩A(i)(x⊤) . 1 0 1 0 2 0 diagonal matrix in which each diagonal entry is either an ‘e’ (cid:16) h i h (5i9(cid:17)) ora1.Defineanextendedbinarymultiplicationoperationwith ‘e’,whichhastherulethatae=e,a∈{0,1}.Theintuitionis TheeventA1(i)(x⊤0)happenswhenthelocalparityx⊤0aiequals thatboth0and1becomeanerasureafterbeingerased.Under zero, i.e., in the k locations of non-zero entries in x⊤, there 0 this definition, the event that x is confused with x can be are an even number of ones in the corresponding entries in 1 2 written as a , the i-th column of the graph adjacency matrix A. Denote i by l the number of ones in these k corresponding entries in x⊤1 ·[I,A]·E=x⊤2 ·[I,A]·E, (55) ai. Since each entry of ai takes value 1 independently with probability p, the probability that an even number of entries where a diagonal entry in E being ‘e’ corresponds to era- are 1 in these k locations is sure/removal of the corresponding linear equation. We know thatif the erasurematrixE remainsthe same,we canarrange Pr[A(i)(x⊤)]=Pr[l is even] 1 0 the two terms and write 1+(1−2p)k (60) = pl(1−p)k−l = . (x⊤−x⊤)·[I,A]·E=0⊤ ·[I,A]·E. (56) 2 1 2 N liseven X Theevent(A(i)(x⊤))C∩A(i)(x⊤)indicatesthatlisoddandat where step (a) follows from j N−k = (N − k) N−k−1 . 1 0 2 0 j j−1 leastoneentryofallnon-zeroentriesinx⊤ iserased.Suppose Therefore 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) in the remaining N −k entries in ai, j entries take the value Pr[(A(i))C ∩A(i)] 1 and hence there are (l+j) 1’s in a . Therefore, for a fixed 1 2 i k l, we have = pl(1−p)k−lPr[(A(i))C ∩A(i)(l)] l 1 2 lisodd(cid:18) (cid:19) X k p N −k ≤ pl(1−p)k−l(l ch +p · ) ch l clogN N lisodd(cid:18) (cid:19) X k N −k = pl(1−p)k−lp · ch l N lisodd(cid:18) (cid:19) X k p Pr[(A(i)(x⊤))C ∩A(i)(x⊤)|l] + l pl(1−p)k−l ch 1 0 2 0 l clogN N−k N −k lXisodd (cid:18) (cid:19) = pj(1−p)N−k−j ·[1−(1−pe)l+j] =p · N −k k pl(1−p)k−l j ch Xj=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) N lisodd(cid:18)l(cid:19) X ≤N−k N −k pj(1−p)N−k−j(l+j)p , + kppch k−1 pl−1(1−p)k−l j e clogN l−1 Xj=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) lXisodd(cid:18) (cid:19) N −k1−(1−2p)k k 1+(1−2p)k−1 =p · +p · ch ch N 2 N 2 (a) 1−(1−2p)k ≤Lp , ch 2 where the constantL in step (a) is to be determined.Now we show that L= 2 +1 suffices to ensure that (a) holds. In 1−1/e fact, we only need to prove where p is the edge connection probability and p is the e probabilitythata certainbitin x0 iserasedfort= lolgo(gc(l1po/cghǫN)) N −k1−(1−2p)k+ k 1+(1−2p)k−1 ≤L1−(1−2p)k. timeswhentransmittedto v fromoneof its neighborsduring N 2 N 2 2 i thefirststep ofthein-networkcomputingscheme.Combining Since N−k <1, it suffices to show that N the above inequality with (10), we get k 1+(1−2p)k−1 1−(1−2p)k ≤(L−1) . N 2 2 Since (1−2p)k−1 <1, it suffices to show that k 1−(1−2p)k ≤(L−1) , N 2 or equivalently, Pr[(A(i))C ∩A(i)(l)] 2k 1 2 ≤N(L−1). (61) N−k N −k p 1−(1−2p)k ≤ pj(1−p)N−k−j(l+j) ch j clogN We know that j=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) Xp N−k N −k 1−(1−2p)k ≥2kp−Ck2(2p)2 =l ch pj(1−p)N−k−j =2kp−2k(k−1)p2 =2kp[1−p(k−1)]≥2kp(1−kp). clogN j j=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) p XN−k N −k Thus, when kp≤ 21, 1−(1−2p)k ≥2kp(1−kp)≥kp and + ch j pj(1−p)N−k−j 2k 2k 2N clogN j Xj=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) 1−(1−2p)k ≤ kp = clogN ≤2N, (a) pch =l clogN when clogN >1. When kp> 1, (1−2p)k ≤(1−2p)21p ≤ 2 N−k 1 and + pchp (N −k) N −k−1 pj−1(1−p)N−k−j e 2k 2k 2N clogN j−1 ≤ ≤ . Xj=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) 1−(1−2p)k 1−1/e 1−1/e N−k =l pch + pch(N −k) N −k−1 pj−1(1−p)N−k−jThus, as long as L≥1+ 2 , (61) holds. Jointly consider- 1−1/e clogN N j−1 ing (60), we get j=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) X =lclopgchN +pch· NN−k, Pr[A1(i)∪A2(i)]≤ 1+(12−2p)k +Lpch1−(12−2p)k. Combining (59), we finally arrive at Plugging the above inequality into (66), we get Pr[A(i)∪A(i)∪A(i)] N 1+(1−2p)k 1 2 3 ǫk[ε +(1−ε ) ]N 1+(1−2p)k 1−(1−2p)k k 0 0 2 ≤ǫ+(1−ǫ) +Lp (cid:18) (cid:19) " 2 ch 2 # ≤ Ne kǫk 1 ck(1−ε0)N(1−ε0)·c2k(k−N1)logN 1−(1−2p)k (cid:18) k (cid:19) (cid:18)N(cid:19) =ǫ+(1−ǫ)"1−(1−Lpch) 2 # = eǫN1−c(1−ε0)[1−c(k−1N)logN] k < eǫN1−c(1−ε0)(1−cη) k, k k 1−(1−2p)k (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (6(cid:17)7) =1−(1−ǫ)(1−Lp ) ch 2 where the last inequality follows from (63). 1−(1−2p)k Second, when k satisfies <1−(1−ǫ−Lp ) ch 2 N 1+(1−2p)k k>ηlogN, (68) =1−(1−ǫ−Lp ) 1− ch 2 " # we can directly write =ǫ+Lp +(1−ǫ−Lp )1+(1−2p)k (1−2p)k =[(1−2p)21p]2pk ≤e−2pk <e−2cη. ch ch 2 1+(1−2p)k Therefore, it holds that =ε +(1−ε ) , 0 0 2 N 1+(1−2p)k where ε0 =Lpch+ǫ. k ǫk[ε0+(1−ε0) 2 ]N APPENDIX D k>XηloNgN (cid:18) (cid:19) N 1+e−2cη PROOF OF THEOREM2 ≤ ǫk[ε +(1−ε ) ]N 0 0 k 2 We will prove that for any η >0, it holds that k>XηloNgN (cid:18) (cid:19) Pe(N) ≤(1−bη)N+ηeǫN2−c(l1o−gεN0)(1−cη). (62) ≤[ε0+(1−ε0)1+e2−2cη]N N Nk ǫk As shown in what follows, we bound the right hand side kX=0(cid:18) (cid:19) 1+e−2cη of (29) with two different methods for different k’s. First, =[ε +(1−ε ) ]N(1+ǫ)N 0 0 2 when k satisfies N 1−e−2cη 1≤k <η , (63) =[(1−(1−ε ) )(1+ǫ)]N logN 0 2 define 1−e−2cη 1−(1−2p)k ≤{1−[(1−ε0)(1− 2 )−ǫ]}N u=N(1−ε ) (64) 0 2 ={1−(2b −ǫ)}N. η Then, based on the inequality When (15) holds, we have 1 (1− x)x ≤e−1,∀x∈(0,1], (65) N ( pch )k[ε +(1−ε )1+(1−2p)k]N 0 0 we have k clogN 2 1+(1−2p)k k>XηloNgN (cid:18) (cid:19) [ε +(1−ε ) ]N <(1−b )N. 0 0 η 2 (66) u u (69) =(1− )N =[(1− )Nu]u ≤e−u. N N Combining (29) and (67), we get From the Taylor’s expansion, we get P(N) ≤(1−b )N+ k(k−1) e η (1−2p)k =1−2pk+ θ2,θ ∈[0,2p]. N 1+(1−2p)k 2 ǫk[ε +(1−ε ) ]N 0 0 By applying the equation above to (64), we get k 2 k<XηloNgN (cid:18) (cid:19) k(k−1) u=N(1−ε0)[kp− 4 θ2]. ≤(1−bη)N + eǫN1−c(1−ε0)(1−cη) k k Therefore, we have k<XηloNgN (cid:16) (cid:17) k(k−1) N e e−u =e−k(1−ε0)·clogNexp{N(1−ε0) 4 θ2} ≤(1−bη)N +ηlogN kǫN1−c(1−ε0)(1−cη) 1 ck(1−ε0) k(k−1)4c2log2N N2−c(1−ε0)(1−cη) ≤ exp{N(1−ε ) } ≤(1−b )N+ηeǫ . N 0 4 N2 η logN (cid:18) (cid:19) = 1 ck(1−ε0)N(1−ε0)·c2k(k−N1)logN. When 2 < c(1−ε0)(1−cη), the right hand side decreases N polynomially with N. (cid:18) (cid:19)

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