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Energoprojekt. Hydropower and Navy System Đerdap (Iron Gate 1) PDF

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Preview Energoprojekt. Hydropower and Navy System Đerdap (Iron Gate 1)

ET{ERSOPROJEKT W E H y d r o p o waenr d n a v i g a t i osny s t e m ' i , 1 ' l ffii lIl i. 1' , . i,{l,l'r 'r ., i' fr. r mM DJERDAPH YDROPOWEARN D NAVIGAIIONS YSTEM The Djerdapp lant is locatedo n the DanubeR iver, upstreamf rom Kladovop lace' The system is constructedf or the purposeo f productiono f electric energya nd for regulationo f na- vigati6n in the Djerdaps ection of the DanubeR iver at the lengtho f more than 100km. The layouto f the plant is symmetricalc, onsistingo f the following works:.t wo navigationl ocks, two hydroeiectricp ower plants includingc entral spillway dam, the total length of the dam in the river channelb eing 1, 278m . General Data: - averagea nnual productiona t the operationr egime of Pool water level at the dam: 68.00/63.00 10.sb illionk Wh - at the operation regime of - maximums hort duration 69.50 69.s0/63.00 11 .5b illionk Wh - long duration 68.00 - minimum 63.00 General characteristicso f the dam: - numbero f bays 14 General characteristics of navigation locks: - length of openingo f the bay 25.0m - numbero f navigationl ocks two - thicknesso f the pier 7.0m - type of locks doublel ift - spillway crest elevation 55.20m - length of lock chamber 310m - maximump ier elevation 75.60m - width of chamber 34m - maximumh eight above - minimumd epth at the sill 4.50t o 5.00m foundation 60.60m - minimumc learance 10.0to 13.0m - annualt urnovero f goods 53m illiont ons Quantities of works: - excavationi n alluvium 13,410,00c0u .m General characteristics of power plants: - excavationi n rock 7, 240,000cu .m number of plants two - filling material 3,810,00c0u .m - concrete 3,160,00c0u .m numbero f units 2 x 6 - reinforcings teel 167,00t0 instalfedd ischargeo f turbine 725cu.m/sec - hydromechanicaml, echanical installedd ischargeo f power and electricale quipment 68,600t plants 8,700c u.m/sec installedc apacityo f power Gonstruction time schedule: plants 2,100M W - Commencemento f the works installedc apacityo f each unit 178M W 7th September,1 964 maximumh ead 34.50m - Preliminaryw orks 1965a nd 1966 minimumh ead 21.90m - Main civil engineeringw orks 1966t o 1970 mean head 27.17m - lntensive erection works 1969- 1971 Besidest he main works which are directlv concernedw ith the exploitationo f hydroelectricp ower plants and navigationl ocks, the section oi 220k m long storager eservoiro f the Dierdaph ydropower i:lant compriseithe following structuresi ntendedf or protectiono f the riparian zones, either com- pletedo r underc onstruction: - Protectiono f 80,000hao f agriculturall and:,1 20km of reconstructeda nd improveda nd 30km of newly constructedf lood proiection embankmentst,w o dykes were constructedo n the branch of the banube River near the olace of Veliko Gradiste,a s well as the drainages ystem for regula- tion of groundwaterso n the area covering7 0,000hai ncludingp ump stations,h ouses,c ommunica' tion lines,t ransmissiolnin es and transformesr tations - The works requiredf or protectiono f settlements,i ndustry and mines (Kostolac,G olubac,V eliko Gradi$te,S meierevo,K ovin, PandevoB, eograd,N ovi Beograd,U mka) comprisingc. onstructiono f quays,f lood control embankmentsd, eep drainage system (rows of drilled wells, drains, pump stations); - Protectiono f communals tructuresi n the o' laceso f KostolacV, eliko Gradi5teS, mederevoP, aneevo, and Novi Beograd:c onstructiono f new or recon structiono f the existing pump stationsa nd build- ings, main sewers their outflows etc.; - Protectiono f the existingh ydropowers tructures: parallel structure and the dyke.o n the Danube river branch near the place of lvanovow as reconstructeda nd improved,t he bank rivetmentw as performeda t the secti6n of the DanubeR iver from the p' lace of Ram to Dubravicaa, t the l'ength bf about 20k m; - Protectiono f storage reservoir: managemenat nd afforestationo f torrential catchmenta reas in order to prevents ilting up of the reservoir,c onstructiono f storagesf or silt retentioni n the Mo- rava river basin which is the main transportero f silt into the reservoir; - Relocationo f imperilleds ettlementss ituated along the Djerdaps ection of the DanubeB iver; - Constructiona nd reconstructiono f railway tracks,r oads,p orts,e tc. \ 5 ClNlUVl IVAOnI dlVN OJ IH] dIVNI le6eup: do Ae|' Honse L' I gd;1;me(/ qeu Z' pen16e1lou 1oc{s t' 1e{-g(/ V' snrllcq^erps g' % % ,EE k +ftb. @E .k, J b @r & ! & fF4q s> & t|kh" b6' INTERIORV IEW OF THE MACHINE HALL 'Itlt ' \ '_ ), -r 4 - ) HYDROELECTRIPCO WEBP OTENTIALO F THE DANUBE RIVER IFROM BELGBADET O cuTH) rN tg "u d, FOUNDATIONO F THE PIERS OF THE CENTRALN AVIGATION LOCK HEAD AND UPSTREAMC HAMBER OF THE LOCK REINFORCEDB LOCKS OF THE WALL OF THE UPSTREAML OCK CHAMBER w, ;5:.a r*hll \t.--**, qoMNsrulvl\v cHv\yslu ol rH lNV^tcvrtoN sorrot\/ onrtl_ st_rl]-tlN cBVSIN VNo rHl doMru Honsl l-03)' ullNrouclNc srlrl NrlMoH) rou rHr :Nvcl^vrroN t-oc) ndSIUlV\ UCHVI\/tsrU Ol I HNIVATCVITON ]OC) nNOt UCONSIUnCIION DOWNSTREAM CHAMBEB OF THE NAVIGATION LOCK UNDER CONSTRUCTION UPSTREAMC HAMBER AND NAVIGATION LOCK CONTROL GATE AT THE DOWNSTREAMN AVIGATION LOCK HEAD TOWER * NVAICVTION 103) rN dVSSVCI O lON C3ONAO TAHUOnCH NVAlcvrloN ]-oc) Orvdxrl HsvVddrluOoNxt'\vvrE'A 60 NtNnrts NVA|cvlloNs ]oc) uool\u coNluor' ffi$ ,l'1,*:',.;.r .E? s-j- i-,'*rr-*r,"l!*f''B ka"';Bh,"i l r r * CLOSUREO F THE DANUBE BIVER- CONSTRUCTIONO F PHASE II UPST. REAM COFFERDAM IN ADDITION TO NATURAL MATERIALS,R OCK BLOCKS AND GABIONS, THE CLOSUREO F THE BIVER WAS MADEFBOM THE RIGHT BANK APPLY. IHE CLOSUREO F THE BIVEB WAS MADE USING SPECIAL CONCRETE ING PIONEERM ETHOD,A ND FROM THELEFT BANK APPLYINGF RONTAL ELEMENTSA ND CONCRETEC UBES UP TO 25 TONS IN WEIGHT METHODO F FILLING FBOIVTI HE BRIDGE

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