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Analysis of Radicals by EPR John C. Walton School of Chemistry, EaStChem, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Fife, UK 1 INTRODUCTION areas of biology and materials science. Extensive and valuable tables of EPR data, particularly for organic radicals at X-band, have been published in 1.1 BackgroundandScope the Landolt–Bo¨rnstein series.6 All radicals contain one or more unpaired electrons (UPEs),eachwithitsownmagneticdipolemoment 1.2 BasisoftheEPRTechnique arising from its spin. Radicals are therefore para- magnetic and possess net spin moments that can InaCWEPRexperiment,theparamagneticsample interact with the magnetic component (B ) of 1 is placed in a static magnetic field B where incident electromagnetic radiation. This interaction 0 it is irradiated with electromagnetic radiation of givesrisetoelectronparamagneticresonance(EPR) frequencyν havingoscillatingmagneticcomponent spectra, one of the most versatile and useful tech- B . The static magnetic field is scanned and the niques for studying radicals. There is a close anal- 1 electron undergoes transitions between available ogy between EPR (also called ESR, EMR) and the energy levels. These transitions occur when the more familiar nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) energy of the incident photons (hν) matches the spectra. This article focuses on the isotropic spec- separation of the energy levels ((cid:2)E). traobtainedfromorganicmonoradicalsandradical ions in solution. Numerous textbooks and mono- (cid:2)E =hν (1) graphs are available covering anisotropic spectra, electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spec- At each transition, power is absorbed from the tra, pulsed EPR techniques, and related topics.1–4 incident microwave radiation and this is detected Paramagnetic resonance absorption was first and amplified. The EPR spectrum is usually a observed on a CuCl2·2H2O sample by Zavoiskii display of the first derivative of this absorption as a using radio frequency irradiation and a low field.5 function of the applied magnetic field. Continuous wave (CW) EPR instruments oper- The energies of the electron and nuclear dipoles ating in the microwave region at about 9GHz in the radical are proportional to the strength of with magnetic fields of about 300mT (X-band) thestaticfieldandalsodependontheirorientations were the workhorses of the technique until around withrespecttoit.Radicalsofsmalltomoderatesize the start of the twenty-first century. Since then undergo random Brownian motion in fluid solvents high field/high frequency spectrometers, pulsed and this usually averages the anisotropies of the spin-excitation spectrometers, double resonance Zeeman and hyperfine couplings to zero. Under instruments, and so on have become commercially theseconditions,andtakingthestaticmagneticfield available and are enabling EPR to expand into new tobeinthez-direction,theenergiescanbeobtained EncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterials,Online2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. Thisarticleis2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. ThisarticlewaspublishedintheEncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterialsin2012byJohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. DOI:10.1002/9780470971253.rad001 2 BASICCONCEPTSANDMETHODOLOGIES fromthespinHamiltonianHˆ giventofirstorderby (2)7–9: E Hˆ =gβ BS +(cid:4)a I S (2) e z i z,i The first term in (2) represents the electron ms = 1/2 Zeeman interaction and contains the dimensionless spectroscopicsplittingg-factor,β ,theBohrmagne- hn = ∆E e ton (aconstantequaltoeh/4πm c),Bthevectorof e m = −1/2 themagneticfield,andS ,thespinangularmomen- s z tum operator of the UPE in the z-direction. The constantsa aretheisotropichfsconstantsthatquan- i tify the isotropic interaction of the electron with eachmagneticnucleus.Theycanbepositiveorneg- ativebutonlythemagnitudesaredirectlyaccessible B B B B 1 2 3 4 from EPR measurements (the signs can be deter- mined by NMR). The spin operators, Sz and Iz, a2 B act on the spin wave functions to yield eigenval- ues m =±1/ and m =−I,−I +1,...,I for the s 2 I a electron and nuclear components, respectively. The 1 available energy levels are given by (3): Figure1 Energy levels and transitions for a mono-radical containingtwospin1/2nuclei.ThecorrespondingEPRspectrum Eiso =gβeBms+ms(cid:4)aimI,i (3) isbelowthefieldaxis. where B is the field at resonance. The resonance spin state is equally probable, the four lines are of lines appear in the EPR spectrum at the following equal intensity. fields: For radicals with groups of two, three, four, B =B −(cid:4)a m (4) and so on of equivalent nuclei, the corresponding 0 i I,i spectra are triplets, quartets, quintets, and so on with intensities according to the coefficients of In the case of a radical containing no magnetic the binomial series. For radicals with several nuclei,(3)yieldsE =gβ Bm .Radiationinduces iso e s nonequivalent sets of nuclei and with nuclei having transitions, that is, changes in the orientation of the I >1/, the EPR spectra can be extremely complex; electron spin relative to B , between the lower and 2 z such spectra are often incompletely resolved and the upper energy levels. Since m =−1/ and +1/ s 2 2 analyzing them is a nontrivial task. Second-order forthelowerandtheupperlevels,respectively,(cid:2)E spectra, sometimes containing additional lines, are becomes gβ B and hence the condition for an EPR e obtained for radicals with relatively large values transition is as follows: of a .10 i (cid:2)E =hν =gβ B (5) e Consider a radical containing two I = 1/ nuclei 1.3 RelaxationPhenomenaandLineShapes 2 coupled to the UPE with hfs a and a (a >a ). 1 2 1 2 Equation (4) indicates there will be four resonance When electromagnetic radiation interacts with an fields at B =B − 1/a , B =B − 1/a , B = assemblageoffreeradicalsinamagneticfield,there 1 0 2 1 2 0 2 2 3 B + 1/a , and B =B + 1/a . The allowed EPR is an equal probability of spin flip from the upper 0 2 2 4 0 2 1 transitionsarethoseinwhichm altersby±1,while or the lower level. For net absorption of radiation, s the nuclear spins stay unchanged ((cid:2)m =0). The giving an observable EPR spectrum, it is necessary I spectrum will consist of four lines separated by a for there to be more electrons in the lower state. 1 and a as shown in Figure 1. Since each nuclear The ratio of the number of spins in the lower level 2 EncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterials,Online2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. Thisarticleis2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. ThisarticlewaspublishedintheEncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterialsin2012byJohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. DOI:10.1002/9780470971253.rad001 ANALYSISOFRADICALSBYEPR 3 (N ) to the number of spins in the upper level (N ) coupled to the vibrations of the lattice (phonons). L U is determined by the Boltzmann distribution: In this case, τ in (7) will be dominated by τ . 1 In fluid solution, the motions of the solvent (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:1) (cid:2) N −(cid:2)E −gβ B molecules provide a less efficient thermal sink and U =exp =exp e (6) a second process known as spin–spin relaxation N kT kT L usually plays a more important role. Magnetic interactions between nuclei and electrons, and As long as the assemblage of radicals remains betweenlikespins,areanextremelyefficientmeans in thermal equilibrium, N will exceed N and net L U of relaxing both nuclear and electron spins. This absorption will ensue. Although the energy gap at dipolar interaction causes mutual spin flips so that X-band gβ B is small in comparison with the aver- e the lifetime of spins in the upper state is limited, age thermal energy kT, sophisticated instrumenta- but the total number of spins in the state remains tion ensures that EPR is a very sensitive technique. the same. It follows that this spin–spin relaxation, In solution, radical concentrations of 10−8M can with relaxation time τ , contributes to the lifetime routinely be detected and, under favorable circum- 2 broadeningoftheresonancelinebutdoesnotaffect stances(simplespectra,lowtemperatures)nanomo- the level of saturation. For free radicals in solution, lar concentrations can be studied. it is often τ that limits the linewidth; that is, When a sample of radicals absorbs radiation, (cid:2)B =h/gβ τ2 . the number in the upper level will increase until e 2 Deeper insight into spin relaxation is obtained N =N ,orevenN >N ,forlargeenergypulses. U L U L from solutions to the Bloch equations for the When N =N , there will be zero net absorption U L time dependence of the magnetic moment of of microwave radiation and the EPR spectrum will an ensemble of spins under the conditions of shrinktozero.Inthissituation,thespectrumissaid EPR experiments.11,12 The Bloch equations furnish to be “saturated” and this occurs for most radicals expressions for the real (χ(cid:2)) and imaginary (χ(cid:2)(cid:2)) at high enough power of the incident microwave parts of the magnetic susceptibility of the ensem- radiation. There exist mechanisms whereby the ble of radicals in terms of just the two relaxation electrons in the upper level lose energy to the times τ and τ . The real part χ(cid:2) relates to the 1 2 surrounding medium, or internally, such that they EPR dispersionspectrum, which is less useful than return or “relax” to the lower level. The loss of theabsorptionspectrum andisrarelyrecorded.The excess energy to the surroundings takes place by expression obtained for χ(cid:2)(cid:2) relating to the conven- an exponential decay, which is characterized by tional absorptionspectrum far from saturation is the spin–lattice relaxation time τ . The spin–lattice 1 relaxation time is related to the mean lifetime of χ(cid:2)(cid:2) =χ τ2ω0 (8) a given spin state and so has an effect on the 01+τ 2γ 2(B −B)2 2 e 0 linewidth. According to the Heisenberg uncertainty princi- χ0 is the bulk static magnetic susceptibility, ω0 is ple,the“width”orenergyrangeδE ofashort-lived the angular frequency of the microwave radiation excited state is not well defined but is related to at resonance (ω=2πν), and γe(=−2πgβe/h) its lifetime τ by τδE =h/2π. A certain broaden- is the magnetogyric ratio of the electron. The ingwillbeobservedintheresonancetransitionand, power P absorbed per unit sample volume (V) onsubstitutionfromPlank’sequation,thefollowing by the ensemble of radicals from the microwave relationships are obtained: radiation is ωχ(cid:2)(cid:2)B 2 1 h P =1 1 (9) (cid:2)ν ≈ or (cid:2)B ≈ (7) µ V 0 τ gβ τ e where µ is the magnetic permeability of the 0 This kind of line broadening is called lifetime vacuum. The expression (8) takes the form of a broadening and defines the minimum linewidth Lorentzian function and this is the EPR lineshape for a given system. Spin–lattice interactions are observed under conditions of slow field sweep and particularly important for radicals in condensed with power levels below saturation. With these phases where the spin system can be directly conditions, the linewidth at half height ((cid:2)B ) is 1/2 EncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterials,Online2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. Thisarticleis2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. ThisarticlewaspublishedintheEncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterialsin2012byJohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. DOI:10.1002/9780470971253.rad001 4 BASICCONCEPTSANDMETHODOLOGIES given by (10): 2 ISOTROPICg-FACTORS 2 (cid:2)B = =31/2(cid:2)B (10) The field experienced by an UPE will differ from 1/2 pp γ τ e 2 the static magnetic field B because of local fields, which may be permanent or may be induced by Equation (9) shows that the power absorbed by thesampleisproportionaltoχ(cid:2)(cid:2),andthereforetothe the external magnetic field. To allow for this, the dimensionless g-factor of (3) is understood to be numberofparamagneticspeciespresent.Thepower variable. The effective field can be written as absorbed by the whole sample (Pw), during a(cid:3) scan throughthewholeEPRspectrum,isgivenby PdB (cid:1) (cid:2) g whichisameasureoftheareaundertheabsorption B =(1−σ)B= B (12) eff curve. Hence, the number of spins in a sample is ge proportional to the integral of the absorption curve, or the double integral of the more usually recorded Here, σ is the analog of the “chemical shift” first derivative spectrum. parameter of NMR spectroscopy and it is replaced In a real CW EPR spectrum of a radical in by g in EPR spectroscopy. Orbital angular motion solution, the lines are often Lorentzian or nearly of the UPE is an important contributor to the Lorentzian in shape (Figure 2). However, when localfield.Inmanytransitionmetalions,spin–orbit additional factors come into play such as slight coupling is large so that g deviates greatly from anisotropies due to inefficient tumbling, unresolved g (2.00232). For most organic radicals in solution, e hyperfine interactions from substituents or the on the other hand, the ground state has zero orbital surrounding liquid, or static dipolar interactions, angular momentum and so the isotropic g is close the lineshapes tend to Gaussian, in which case the to g . However, in the majority of radicals, a small e linewidths are given by (11): amount of orbital angular momentum from excited states is mixed in causing g-factors to diverge from (cid:2)B = 2(πln2)1/2 =(2ln2)1/2(cid:2)B (11) ge.The observed g-factors are sensitivetothe local 1/2 γ τ pp environment surrounding the UPE and can be used e 2 for radical characterization in much the same way as chemical shifts from NMR spectroscopy. Experimentally, the g-factor of a radical can be P Gaussian determinedfromtheEPRspectrumbytheuseof(5). This requires the measurement of the frequency ν ∆B 1/2 andthefieldB withanaccuracybeyondthatofmost a commercial spectrometers. It is normal, therefore, to add a standard of known g-factor (in a capillary b tube, or otherwise) to the sample of the unknown radical such that spectra of both the standard and ∆Bpp unknown are simultaneously scanned. Symmetrical B spectra free from distortions are required for the Lorentzian uncorrected fields at the center of the standard (B ) S and the center of the unknown (B ) to be read off c X thespectrum.Theunknowng-factorg canthenbe X obtained from (13): d g (B −B ) g =g − S X S (13) X S B S B B 0 Standard radicals frequently used include DPPH (g =2.00354inPhHsoln.),perylene(g =2.00257 Figure2 GaussianEPRlineshape;(a)absorptioncurve,(b)first derivative.AnalogousLorentzianlineshapes(c)and(d).Notethe in conc. H2SO4), weak pitch (g =2.0028 in KCl differencebetween(cid:2)B1/2 andthepeaktopeaklinewidth(cid:2)Bpp. powder), and TEMPONE (g =2.0062 in PhH EncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterials,Online2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. Thisarticleis2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. ThisarticlewaspublishedintheEncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterialsin2012byJohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. DOI:10.1002/9780470971253.rad001 ANALYSISOFRADICALSBYEPR 5 2.000 2.002 2.004 2.006 2.008 2.010 2.012 2.014 Peroxyl, ROO• Thiyl, RS• Nitroxide, R NO• 2 Sulfonamidyl, RSO NR 2 Sulfonyl, RSO • 2 Aryloxyl, ArO• Aminyl, R N• 2 Iminyl, RC=N• Silyl, R Si• 3 Alkyl, R C• 3 Free electron, e− P-centered, R P•, R P• 2 4 Acyl, RC=O• Diazenyl, RN=N• 2.000 2.002 2.004 2.006 2.008 2.010 2.012 2.014 Figure3 Centralrangesofisotropicg-factorsoforganicradicalsinsolution(datafromRef.6). soln.). The central ranges for g-factors of common symmetrical cluster of resonance lines around the radical types are presented in Figure 3. central field B . A set of hfs (a ; analogous to j in 0 i For an unknown radical, the g-factor is a valu- NMR spectroscopy) quantifies the electron–nuclear able indicator of the principal site of the UPE. The interactions.ForradicalsinwhichtheUPEinteracts rangesofvalues(Figure3)occurbecauseadditional with only a few sets of nuclei, the spectra can functional groups in the vicinity of the UPE affect be interpreted and the ai values determined by the spin–orbit coupling. A few radicals such as simple inspection of the multiplets that appear. acyl, diazenyl, and some phosphorus-centered radi- The line heights should also be symmetrical, but cals have g-factors <g . Most C- and Si-centered non-ideality can result from slow tumbling of the e radicals, and radical ions, have g-factors of about radicals. Serious asymmetry usually indicates that 2.0026, but multiple substituents substantially spectra from two or more radicals, with different g-factors,aresuperimposed.Hyperfinesplittingsare increase this. Nitrogen-centered radicals including usually expressed in millitesla or Gauss [a(G)= iminyls and aminyls have g-factors in the range 10a(mT)]butcanalsobereportedinMHz[a(MHz) 2.003–2.004. Nitroxides (aminoxyls) are the most =1.3996ga(mT)]. common type of persistent radical and they have The following rules are helpful in analyzing very characteristic g-factors around 2.006. Most spectra: aryloxyl radicals and semiquinone radical anions have g-factors around 2.0045. Many alkylperoxyls 1. The separation between the two outermost lines have large g-factors close to 2.015. Extensive at high field (or low field) is almost always the tables of isotropic g-factors for many radical types smallest hfs. Note, however, that the outermost can be found in Ref. 6. low intensity lines may be hidden in noise. 2. The spectral extent (cid:2)B is the separation w between the low and high field outermost lines 3 INTERPRETATIONOFCOMPLEXSPECTRA and for I = 1/ nuclei, it is given by (cid:2)B = 2 w (cid:4)n a , where i =1,...,N. Here, N is the i i At X-band, the applied field B is large compared number of sets of equivalent nuclei and n is the i to almost all hfs, so isotropic spectra show a number of equivalent nuclei with hfs a . i EncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterials,Online2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. Thisarticleis2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. ThisarticlewaspublishedintheEncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterialsin2012byJohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. DOI:10.1002/9780470971253.rad001 6 BASICCONCEPTSANDMETHODOLOGIES a = 0.12 mT 1 H H •− a = 0.42 mT 2 a3 = 0.61 mT Me a4 = 1.10 mT S NO2 H H P B 0 ∆B = 3.77 mT w Figure4 Deductionofhyperfinesplittingsai fromanEPRspectrum. 3. A spectrum with a central line indicates the may be possible to deduce one or two of the a i presence of an even number of I = 1/ nuclei. valuesusingtheaboverules.TheWinsim2002soft- 2 However, the presence of central line does not ware,andtheMATLAB-basedpackageEasySpin,14 exclude an odd number of nuclei. are particularly useful because they directly read experimentalEPRspectrafromseveraldifferentfile For the model spectrum shown in Figure 4, the formats. The simulated spectrum is compared with two outermost lines form a doublet with separa- the experimental spectrum and a correlation coeffi- tion 0.12mT and so this is the smallest hfs a . cient is outputted as a measure of the goodness of 1 The doublet pattern indicates that this results from fit. Application of the Winsim2002 autocorrelation interaction with one I = 1/2 nucleus. A triplet split- functiontotheexperimentalspectrumprovidesalist ting from two I = 1/2 nuclei starts 0.42mT upfield of hyperfine parameters. The list contains all the from the first (a2). A doublet from one I = 1/2 required ai values for the unknown radical mixed nucleus starts 0.61mT upfield again (a ). The mea- up with sums and differences of the a values. On 3 i suredspectralextent(cid:2)B is3.77mT.Thus,thefinal the basis of this list, a likely set of a can often be w i hfs can be found from the difference: (cid:2)B −[1× guessedandtheresultingsimulationcomparedwith w 0.12+2×0.42+1×0.61]=2.20mT. Inspection experiment. Help in estimating appropriate a val- i shows that this corresponds to a 1:1:1 triplet uescanalsoobtainedfromliteraturedataformodel with hfs 1.10mT from an I =1 nucleus (N, radicalsorfromabinitio computedhfs.Byworking a ). In this species, therefore, the UPE interacts through several iterations of inputted a and com- 4 i with two nonequivalent H-atoms, a CH group, parisonofthesimulatedandexperimentalspectra,it 2 and an N-atom as expected for the radical anion isoftenpossibletoobtaingoodsimulationsofeven of 5-ethyl-2-nitrothiophene. Analyses such as this very complex spectra of unknown provenance. should be confirmed by computer simulation of the In difficult cases, it is necessary to obtain spectrumusingoneofthefreelyavailablepackages and compare spectra from a series of radical forisotropicspectra.(TheWINEPRSimFoniapack- isotopomers. Deuterium (D, 2H) has I =1 and age is freeware available from Bruker Corporation since a(H)/a(D)=[µ /I ]/[I /µ ]=6.5 substi- D D H H and runs in the MS Windows environment).13 tutionofHbyDusuallymeansthehfsfromthesub- Definitive analyses of complex and imperfectly stitutedH-atomisremoved(towithinthelinewidth) resolved spectra present formidable problems. It or becomes a smaller set of 1:1:1 triplets.15 EncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterials,Online2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. Thisarticleis2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. ThisarticlewaspublishedintheEncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterialsin2012byJohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. DOI:10.1002/9780470971253.rad001 ANALYSISOFRADICALSBYEPR 7 A simplified spectrum, which is easier to interpret, B B oftenresults.Similarsimplificationcanbeachieved by substitution of 14N (I =1) by 15N (I = 1/2). p a p a Occasionally, 17O (I =5/2) has been introduced a b in place of 16O (I =0) to confirm the site of an s b s a O-atom, notably in peroxyl radicals.16,17 (a) (b) 4 INTERPRETATIONOFISOTROPIC Figure5 SpinpolarizationinaC–Hfragmentofaπ-radical. HYPERFINESPLITTINGS molecular framework. This phenomenon, known as 4.1 TheOriginofHyperfineSplitting spinpolarization,canbeunderstoodbyreferenceto a C–H fragment forming part of a π-radical. Two The magnitude of the isotropic interaction depends arrangements of the spins (a) and (b) are possible on the probability of finding the electron at the (Figure5).However,becauseofexchangecoupling nucleus. Clearly, this hinges on the character of between the π- and σ-orbitals, arrangement (a) is the orbital containing the UPE. In general, the slightly lower in energy. spins of electrons and nuclei are coupled by the In (a), the two spins on the C-atom (α) are Fermi contact interaction, which represents the parallel,leadingtoafavorableexchangeinteraction. energy of the nuclear moment in the magnetic field Hence, there is a slight excess of α-spin in the produced at the nucleus by the spinning electron. σ-orbital and a corresponding excess of β-spin The Hamiltonian operator corresponding to this is in the H-atom’s s-orbital. The α-spin on the given by (14) π-orbital induces β-spin at the H-atom and hence (cid:1) (cid:2) the spin density at the H-atom is negative, and 8π Hˆc = gβgnβnδ(r)S.I (14) so is the H-atom hfs to the π-electron. In (a), 3 the α-spin of the π-electron induces α-spin in the σ-orbital centered on the C-atom and hence the The Dirac delta function δ(r) ensures that this hyperfine coupling tothe13C-nucleus (I = 1/)will is only effective when the electron has a finite 2 probability of being at the nucleus. Thus, Hˆ only be positive. c McConnell showed that the hfs a(H) of H-atoms hasfinitevaluesfors-orbitalsbecausep-,d-,f-,and in π-type radicals are directly proportional to the soonorbitalshavezerodensityatnuclei,andhence π-electron spin densities ρ in the p-orbitals of the only electrons with some s-character can interact π C-atoms to which they are attached18,19: with the corresponding nucleus. The hfs derived from (14) takes the form a(H)=Qρ (16) (cid:1) (cid:2) π 8π an = gβgnβnρ(rn) (15) Therelationshiphasbeentestedformanydiverse 3 series of π-type radicals and radical ions and reasonable linearity resulted with Q usually in the where ρ(r ) is the spin density evaluated over the n range −2.2 to −2.9mT.20 This simple relationship volume of the nucleus. enables a rough picture of the distribution of In π-type neutral radicals (methyl, allyl, cyclo- unpaired spin in a free radical to be built up from hexadienyl, etc.), aromatic radical ions, and simi- the experimental hfs of “reporter” H-atoms. lar species, the UPEs are contained in π-molecular orbitals(MOs)thatextendovermuchofthemolec- ular framework. The π-MOs have a node in the plane of the radical, where many of the H-atoms, 4.2 HyperfineSplittingfromNucleiTwoor 13C,andothermagneticnucleireside.Atfirstsight, MoreBondsfromtheUPE it appears that electron–nuclear coupling should be zero, but in practice exchange forces bring about The distances of H-atoms from a radical center, coupling of the π-electron with σ-electrons in the which may or may not be part of a π-delocalized EncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterials,Online2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. Thisarticleis2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. ThisarticlewaspublishedintheEncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterialsin2012byJohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. DOI:10.1002/9780470971253.rad001 8 BASICCONCEPTSANDMETHODOLOGIES have shown that β-hfs follow a Karplus type Hg Hg relationship (17): Ha Hd a(Hβ)=A+B cos2θ (17) Hd Hb Hb Constant A is small (<0.4mT) and can often 1 be neglected; B is ≈5.0mT for C-centered z radicals. There are two particular cases: (i) q Hb R C•–CH βR(cid:2) where there are two β-H-atoms H 2 2 and (ii) R C•–CHβR (cid:2) with one β-H-atom. For 2 2 ◦ (cid:2) (i) the value of θ is 60 when R eclipses the ◦ π-orbital (4) and 30 when the conformation is staggered (3). For free rotation, the average 2a 2b ◦ value of θ is 45 . If the preferred conformation is R′ eclipsed (4), a(Hβ) will be in the range A+ 1/4B Hb to A+ 1/B, and will increase toward the latter 2 R′ with increasing temperature. If the preferred conformation is staggered, a(Hβ) will be in the Hb Hb Hb range A+ 3/4B to A+ 1/2B and will decrease toward the latter with increasing temperature. In 3, staggered 4, eclipsed case (ii), the limits are wider, that is, from A to Scheme1 ConformationsofR2C•−CH2βR(cid:2) radicals. A+B. These expectation values can be useful for determining the preferred conformation about the Cα–Cβ bonds of nonrigid radicals. For example, system, are usually indexed as shown in 1 the EPR spectrum of the n-propyl radical displayed (Scheme 1). a(Hα)=2.21 and a(Hβ)=3.32mT at 100K. Thus, Hα are one bond away from the π-orbital On increasing the temperature to 200K, a(Hβ) containing the UPE, while Hβ, Hγ, Hδ, and dropped to 2.92mT. It follows that the preferred so on are two, three, four, and so on bonds, conformationofthen-propylradicalisstaggered3. respectively, removed from the radical center. For On the other hand, for the CH SCH CH • radical 3 2 2 Hβ-atoms, interaction with the UPE occurs mainly a(Hβ) increased from 1.35mT at 150K to 1.49mT by a hyperconjugative mechanism. The π-orbital at 205K showing that its preferred conformation is containing the UPE has correct symmetry for direct eclipsed 4. In general, radicals RXCH CH • tend 2 2 overlap with the σ-orbital of the Cβ–Hβ bond to adopt conformation 3 if X is a first row element (2a, Scheme 1). This mechanism implies that Hβ but 4 if X is from the second or subsequent rows hyperfine splittings should be positive and this has of the periodic table. been confirmed by NMR experiments. The direct Longer range hfs generally decrease with the natureoftheoverlapin2a,bleadstosizeableβ-hfs, number of σ-bonds between the H-atom and UPE. which are often larger than α-hfs. For example, in Hfs from γ-H-atoms are normally much smaller the ethyl radical, where there is free rotation about [<1/ ×a(Hα)]. In general, the prerequisite for 10 the Cα–Cβ bond, the measured a(Hα) is 2.24mT, observation of a substantial long-range hfs is a whereas the a(Hβ) is larger at 2.69mT. “frozen” conformation (on the EPR timescale). In nonrigid radicals, a degree of torsion about Most EPR studies of long-range hfs have involved the Cα–Cβ bond takes place in solution. The extent bicyclic or polycyclic radicals in which the rigid of overlap, and hence the magnitude of a(Hβ), structures place particular H-atoms at sites that will depend on the dihedral angle θ between the are favorable for hyperfine interactions.23–26 For π-orbital and the Cβ–Hβ bond (2b). This angle example, in the bicyclo[2.2.1]heptylsemidione radi- varies with the rate of internal rotation about the cal anion 5 a large γ-hfs of 0.65mT was observed Cα–Cβ bond, which depends on temperature. It for the indicated Hγ (Scheme 2). followsthata(Hβ)arealsosignificantlytemperature Generally,γ-H-atomsforwhichtheσ-bondsand dependent. Extensive studies of alkyl radicals21,22 the orbital containing the UPE adopt a “W-plan” EncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterials,Online2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. Thisarticleis2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. ThisarticlewaspublishedintheEncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterialsin2012byJohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. DOI:10.1002/9780470971253.rad001 ANALYSISOFRADICALSBYEPR 9 In n-propane solvent, in the temperature range Hg 90<T <125K tumbling remains fast for small to −O medium-sized radicals, but internal rotations may Hg cease, so that long-range hfs can be resolved.37 O In the “rigid” conformations adopted at these temperatures γ-H-atoms situated trans (W-plan) 5 6 withrespecttothesinglyoccupiedmolecularorbital Me Me (SOMO) show large hfs. For example, three of Hd H Hg the γ-H-atoms of the neopentyl radical exhibit H Me a(Hγ)=0.40mT and, even more remarkably, the Me unique Hγ of the 2,2,3-trimethylbutyl radical 8 had 7 8 a(Hγ)=0.80mT.38,39 Scheme2 Largelong-rangehyperfineinteractions. 4.3 QuantumChemicalComputation ofEPRParameters The straightforward picture of just one UPE in a 1.0 mT particular orbital interacting with nearby magnetic nuclei is a gross oversimplification.40 In fact, rad- (a) icals contain many electrons all of whose spins interact to some extent. For a more complete and accurate picture, all the populated molecular orbitals have to be taken into account in eval- uating the spin density ρ(r ), which is actually n the net difference between the α-spin and β-spin at the nucleus. In-depth treatments of the calcula- 335.0 337.5 340.0 342.5 tion of EPR parameters can be found in the com- (b) mT pilation edited by Kaupp etal.41 Modern quan- tum mechanical MO packages based on DFT, or Figure6 (a) EPR spectrum of bicyclo[1.1.1]pentyl radical 6 other ab initio methods, can compute optimum in liquid DTBP at 240K. (The intensity difference of the two geometries of free radicals, together with the ener- multiplets is due to a CIDEP effect.) (b) Spectrum of cubyl gies and eigenvectors associated with their occu- radical7inliquidDTBPat245K. pied (and virtual) orbitals.42,43 Considerable effort has gone into finding the most effective quantum conformation (see 5 and 8) show substantial hfs. mechanical models and basis sets44,45 for the com- The EPR spectra of the bicyclo[1.1.1]pentyl radical putation of isotropic EPR parameters.46–48 Meth- 6 and the cubyl radical 7 (Figure 6) were quite ods based on the unrestricted Kohn–Sham (UKS) remarkable in that huge hfs of 6.96mT were approach to DFT are among the most efficient. observed for the single Hγ of 6 (the intensity Quadratic configuration interaction (QCI) and cou- difference of the two multiplets is due to a CIDEP pled cluster (CC) methods give accurate results but effect.)27,28 and 0.63mT for the single Hδ of 7,29,30 are not practical for medium- or larger-sized radi- because of multiple W-plan through bond and cals(>10non-hydrogenatoms).Hybridfunctionals through space interactions. such as the popular B3LYP and the parameter-free Small long-range hfs are often resolvable in PBE0 model provide good descriptions of the EPR acyclic radicals,21,31,32 and in radicals containing spectra of many types of radicals. A combined oxygen, usually in an ether linkage.33–35 Many PBE0/QCISD approach is recommended for more alkane radical cations in “rigid” conformations in accurate work with species containing several het- low temperature matrices exhibit large long-range eroatoms such as nitroxides. Particular basis sets hfs.36 such as EPR-II,49 and the much larger triple-zeta EncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterials,Online2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. Thisarticleis2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. ThisarticlewaspublishedintheEncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterialsin2012byJohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. DOI:10.1002/9780470971253.rad001 10 BASICCONCEPTSANDMETHODOLOGIES quality EPR-III,50 usually enable good agreement 5 GEOMETRIESATCα OFC-CENTERED of computed and experimental hfs to be achieved RADICALS for H-atoms. However, for heteroatoms (even the first row N, F) considerably more computational Theground-statestructureatCα ofcarbon-centered effort is often required. A number of well-tried radicals may be planar 12 such that the UPE electronicpackagesarenowavailabletoimplement occupies a p-type orbital, that is, the radical has the quantum mechanics (QM) computations includ- π-character. Alternatively, the radical may be pyra- ing GAMESS-UK,51 Jaguar,52 and Spartan.53 The midal13suchthattheUPEoccupiesahybridorbital Gaussian03and09seriesofpackages54 areconve- of σ-character (Scheme 3). The EPR hfs of adja- nient because isotropic and anisotropic spin densi- cent magnetic nuclei can be very helpful in distin- ties and hfs are directly computed and spin density guishing between these alternatives. Table 1 shows maps can be plotted. experimental parameters for archetype C-centered Forexample,the1,3-dimethylimidazolyldihydro- radicals with various substituents. borylradical9wasgeneratedbyH-atomabstraction The a(13Cα) are particularly valuable because from the corresponding HNC-borane and exhibited they give a direct measure of the amount of the isotropic EPR spectrum shown in Figure 7 at s-character in the SOMO. 13C (I = 1/) is present 2 245K.55 The molecular structure was optimized in organic radicals with a natural abundance of using the DFT method with the B3LYP functional 1.1%; thus, signals from the interaction of UPE and the 6-31+G(d) basis set and is shown in 9 with this nucleus accompany the main spectrum (Figure 7). The corresponding maps of the SOMO as small satellites on either side of the main andspindensity,computedwiththesamegeometry 12C lines. For transient radicals, the 13C satellites but the EPR-III basis set, are shown as 10 and 11. are usually undetectable in the noise, so isotope ThecomputedFermicontacthfsarecomparedwith enrichment has to be employed. For the series of the experimental parameters below and give a fair radicals •CHnMe3−n, the a(13Cα) values increase idea of the achievable level of agreement: only slightly with increase in the number of Me groups (Table 1). 13Cα and Hα hfs usually show Hfs/mT a(2Hα) a(11B) a(2N) a(2H) a(6H) small temperature dependencies that result from vibrational motions, particularly from inversions at Exptl. ±1.20 ±0.67 ±0.41 ±0.12 ±0.25 EPR-III −1.02 +0.52 +0.23 −0.20 +0.28 f H H C 12, p-radical 13, s-radical H H C N H Scheme3 Geometriesofπ-andσ-radicals. C B C H N H H C H H 1.0 mT Table1 EPRparametersforsubstitutedmethylradicals.a 9 Radical a(13Cα) a(Hα) a(X) g-factor •CH2–H 3.85 −2.30 — 2.0026 H H H •CH2–Me 3.91 −2.24 — 2.0027 H C H H C •CH2–NH2 — −1.32 0.5(14N) 2.0029 H CC NN HC B HH HH CC N CHH B HH •••CCCHHH(22M––OFe)H2 454...514338 −−−221...218110 61..—403(1(7FO)) 222...000000324265 H C H H C H ••CCHH(FO2Me)2 1104..19 −+12..3226 8.—42(F) 2.0—041 10 11 •CF3 27.2 — 14.2(F) 2.0031 •CMe3 4.52 — — 2.0026 Figure7 DFT computed structure, SOMO, and orbital spin ahfs in millitesla; data from Ref. 6. Note that EPR spectra give the densitymapofNHC-borylradical9. magnitudebutnotthesignofhfs. EncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterials,Online2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. Thisarticleis2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. ThisarticlewaspublishedintheEncyclopediaofRadicalsinChemistry,BiologyandMaterialsin2012byJohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. DOI:10.1002/9780470971253.rad001

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