E N C Y C L O P E D I A O F LATIN AMERICAN H i s t o r y & C u l t u r e S E C O N D E D I T I O N 1 A-B JAY KINSBRUNER, EDITORIN CHIEF ERICKD. LANGER,SENIOREDITOR ENCYCLOPEDIA OF L A ATIN MERICAN H ISTORY AND C ULTURE EDITORIAL BOARD EDITOR IN CHIEF Jay Kinsbruner Queens College, Emeritus SENIOR EDITOR Erick D. Langer Georgetown University ASSOCIATEEDITORS Patrick Barr-Melej Ohio University Matthew Childs Florida State University Jorge Chinea Wayne State University Catherine Conaghan Queen’s University, Ontario Barbara Driscoll de Alvarado Assumption College Romana Falco´n Centro de Estudios Histo´ricos, El Colegio de Me´xico Andrew J. Kirkendall Texas A&M University Mary Rolda´n Cornell University Thomas Ward Loyola College in Maryland ENCYCLOPEDIA OF L A ATIN MERICAN H ISTORY AND C ULTURE SECOND EDITION Volume 1 A–B Jay Kinsbruner EDITORINCHIEF Erick D. Langer SENIOREDITOR EncyclopediaofLatinAmericanHistory ª2008Gale,apartofCengageLearning andCulture ALLRIGHTSRESERVED.Nopartofthisworkcoveredbythecopyrighthereinmaybe JayKinsbruner,EditorinChief reproduced,transmitted,stored,orusedinanyformorbyanymeansgraphic, ErickD.Langer,SeniorEditor electronic,ormechanical,includingbutnotlimitedtophotocopying,recording, scanning,digitizing,taping,Webdistribution,informationnetworks,orinformation storageandretrievalsystems,exceptaspermittedunderSection107or108ofthe1976 UnitedStatesCopyrightAct,withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisher. Forproductinformationandtechnologyassistance,contactusat GaleCustomerSupport,1-800-877-4253. Forpermissiontousematerialfromthistextorproduct, submitallrequestsonlineatwww.cengage.com/permissions. Furtherpermissionsquestionscanbeemailedto [email protected] Whileeveryefforthasbeenmadetoensurethereliabilityoftheinformation presentedinthispublication,Gale,apartofCengageLearning,doesnotguaranteethe accuracyofthedatacontainedherein.Galeacceptsnopaymentforlisting;and inclusioninthepublicationofanyorganization,agency,institution,publication,service, orindividualdoesnotimplyendorsementoftheeditorsorpublisher.Errorsbroughtto theattentionofthepublisherandverifiedtothesatisfactionofthepublisherwillbe correctedinfutureeditions. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData EncyclopediaofLatinAmericanhistoryandculture/ JayKinsbruner,editorinchief; ErickD.Langer,senioreditor.--2nded. p.cm.-- Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-0-684-31270-5(set)--ISBN978-0-684-31441-9(vol.1)--ISBN978-0-684- 31442-6(vol.2)--ISBN978-0-684-31443-3(vol.3)--ISBN978-0-684-31444-0(vol.4)-- ISBN978-0-684-31445-7(vol.5)--ISBN978-0-684-31598-0(vol.6) 1.LatinAmerica--Encyclopedias.I.Kinsbruner,Jay. F1406.E532008 980.003--dc22 2008003461 Gale 27500DrakeRd. FarmingtonHills,MI,48331-3535 978-0-684-31270-5(set) 0-684-31270-0(set) 978-0-684-31441-9(vol.1) 0-684-31441-X(vol.1) 978-0-684-31442-6(vol.2) 0-684-31442-8(vol.2) 978-0-684-31443-3(vol.3) 0-684-31443-6(vol.3) 978-0-684-31444-0(vol.4) 0-684-31444-4(vol.4) 978-0-684-31445-7(vol.5) 0-684-31445-2(vol.5) 978-0-684-31598-0(vol.6) 0-684-31598-X(vol.6) Thistitleisalsoavailableasane-book. ISBN-13:978-0-684-31590-4ISBN-10:0-684-31590-4 ContactyourGale,apartofCengageLearning,salesrepresentativeforordering information. Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 09 08 IN MEMORIAM This work is dedicated to the memory of Jay Kinsbruner, Editor in Chief, who passed away on October 6, 2007, just as the encyclopedia was entering its final phase of production. JaywasatirelessworkerwhocareddeeplyaboutthestudyofLatinAmerica.Jay’s thoughtful leadership served as an inspiration to his colleagues. His hard-driving work ethic, which kept him at his desk well into his illness, had far-reaching momentum as members of the Editorial Board and project staff labored to keep pace. No one can single-handedly produce a multi-volume reference work, especially one that attempts to profile such a large subject by way of so many individual entries. However Jay, more than any other person, is responsible for transform- ing a colossus of words and ideas into a focused, authoritative encyclopedia. Jay was a true professional, and he will be missed. EDITORIAL AND PRODUCTION STAFF Project Editor Scot Peacock Art Editor Jennifer Wisinski Editorial Support Angela Allen, Deirdre Blanchfield, Shawn Corridor, Douglas Dentino, Angela Doolin,Jason Everett,AlanHedblad,JohnMcCoy,MarkMikula,JenaiMynatt, Rebecca Parks, Carol Schwartz, Andrew Specht, Jennifer Stock, Ken Wachsberger Editorial Assistants Andrea Fritsch, Lauren Grace, Carly Kaloustian, Darcy Thompson Copyeditors Anne Davidson, Jessica Hornik Evans, John Krol, Michael Levine, Mary Russell, Linda Sanders, Drew Silver Researchers Emily Berquist, Jennifer Bookbinder, Byron Crites, Daniela Garreton, Meredith Glueck, Sean Goforth,AmandaGray,MonicaHernandez,James McBride,Kelly McDonough, Joshua Nadel, Jana Nelson, Naomi Wood, Jackie Zahn Proofreaders Carol Holmes, Melodie Monahan, Kathleen Wilson Captions Sheryl Ciccarelli, Meredith Glueck Translations Comms Multilingual Cartography Mapping Specialists Custom Graphics GGS Information Services, Pre-PressPMG Indexer Katharyn Dunham Technical Support Mark Drouillard, Mark Springer Page Design Pamela A. E. Galbreath Imaging Lezlie Light Permissions Dean Dauphinais, Kelly Quin, Jhanay Williams Manufacturing Wendy Blurton Editorial Director John Fitzpatrick Publisher Jay Flynn CONTENTS n Introduction . . . Volume 1, page ix UsingtheEncyclopedia...Volume1,pagexiii List of Contributors . . . Volume 1, page xv Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture . . . 1 Volume 1: Abad´ıa Me´ndez, Miguel to Butler, Smedley Darlington Volume 2: Caaguazu´ to Dzibilchaltu´n Volume 3: Earthquakes to Izquierdo, Mar´ıa Volume 4: Jaar, Alfredo to Oviedo y Valde´s, Gonzalo Ferna´ndez Volume 5: Pachacamac to Szyszlo, Fernando de Volume 6: Ta´bara, Enrique to Zutuhil n Chronology . . . Volume 6, page 529 Thematic Outline of Topics . . . Volume 6, page 551 Table of Biographical Subjects by Profession . . . Volume 6, page 581 Index . . . Volume 6, page 641 viii INTRODUCTION This, the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, is a monumental work and represents the best of scholarship on Latin America. Based on the landmark first edition published in 1996, the second edition incorporates new material in substantial ways. It includes 568 new entries, expanding the total number of articles to 5824. One hundred and fifty-five articles have been replaced and 403 were substantially revised. More than 4,000 bibliographies were updated and 537 entries were partially revised and had bibliographic updates. Of the 3322 biographies, 366 are new and the rest have been revised, replaced, or updated. Debuting in this edition are eight new ‘‘Mega Essays,’’ authored by renowned specialists and treating such impor- tant themes as ‘‘Democracy,’’ ‘‘Economic Development,’’ ‘‘Hispanics in the United States,’’ and ‘‘Race and Ethnicity’’ in articles of up to 10,000 words. This edition has been careful to include Spanish and Portuguese-language sourcesasmuchaspossible,sincethevastbulkofknowledgeabouttheregionis produced by Latin Americans themselves. It also includes many more Latin American authors—about a quarter of the total new contributors—many of whom initially wrote their entries in their respective languages. Other new features are an extensive chronology that is useful in placing events,processes,andpeopleintotheirappropriatetemporalcontexts;athematic outline of subjects with a separate table of biographical subjects by profession; maps for all Latin American countries; a new and revitalized selection of photos and illustrations; and six full-color photo essays presented as an insert in each volume. The Encyclopedia has retained the best characteristics of the first edition, written under the editorship of Barbara Tenenbaum and her team of editors and contributors. They deserve credit for conceiving this massive work and bringing it to fruition more than ten years ago. It immediately became the standard of referenceforthefieldandmarkedaturningpointforLatinAmericanscholarship in terms of encyclopedic scope and level of detail. For this reason, we have remained inclusive of all periods, going from prehistoric times to the present. Cultural issues continue to occupy an important place. Biographies of important personagesremainthesinglelargestcategory(withmorethan3300entries).The ix