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ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AGROCHEMICALS VOLUME 2 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AGROCHEMICALS Editor-in-Chief EditorialStaff JackR.Plimmer ExecutivePublisher:JanetBailey ExecutiveEditor:JacquelineI.Kroschwitz AssociateEditor DerekW.Gammon ManagingEditor:ShirleyThomas CaliforniaEPA PublishingTechnologyAssociateManager,Books: DavidBlount AssociateEditor IllustrationManager:DeanGonzalez NancyR.Ragsdale AgriculturalResearchService,USDA EditorialAssistant:AudreyRoker ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AGROCHEMICALS VOLUME 2 Jack R. Plimmer Derek W. Gammon Nancy N. Ragsdale TheEncyclopediaofAgrochemicalsisavailableOnlineat www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/eoa A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication Copyright2003byJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.Allrightsreserved. PublishedbyJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,Hoboken,NewJersey. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. 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LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData: ISBN0-471-19363-1 Encyclopediaofagrochemicals/JackR.Plimmer,editor-in-chief. p.cm. ISBN0-471-19363-1(cloth) 1.Agriculturalchemicals—Encyclopedias.I.Plimmer,JackR.,1927- S584.4.E532002 631.8(cid:1)03—dc21 2002027418 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10987654321 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AGROCHEMICALS VOLUME 2 F FAO as P O or 30 to 50kg/hectare calculated in terms of 2 5 elementalP.1 FoodandAgriculturalOrganization,Rome. Theprimarysourcesofpotassiuminsoilsarethepotas- sium bearing minerals in the parent rock and the clay mineralspresentinthesoil.Astheseweather,thepotas- siumisreleasedandretainedasexchangeablepotassium FERTILIZERS associatedwiththenegativelychargedclaymineralsand organic matter. This exchangeable potassium is readily ALANW.TAYLOR availableforplantuptakebutmaynotequaltheamount USDA-ARS requiredbythecropoverthewholegrowingseason.Except CollegePark, Maryland in some tropical soils with high rates of weathering, the rate of release from minerals is often insufficient to sup- port the crop requirement, and supplemental additions from fertilizers are needed. The amounts required are in FERTILIZERS therangeof50to100kg/hectareintermsofelementalK, or60to120asK O. 2 PurposeandUse Calcium and sulfur are also essential plant nutrients present in fertilizer materials but are not regularly included in listings of composition and are not used Fertilizers are added to soils to supplement the supply to calculate application rates. Calcium is present in of inorganic nutrients required for plant growth in superphosphate fertilizers as calcium phosphate or amounts necessary to eliminate the deficiencies that calcium sulfate; it may also be added to soils in limit profitable crop and livestock production. The three limestone, which is not considered as a fertilizer but a principalnutrientsrequiredforplantgrowtharenitrogen, soil additive used to correct soil acidity. Where ordinary phosphorus—asorthophosphate—andpotassium. superphosphates are used, the sulfur needs of crops are The chemistry of nitrogen in soils is complex, involv- usually more than adequately met by the sulfate which ing cycling through ammoniacal, nitrate, and organic thesecontain.Inareaswheresulfurdeficienciesdooccur, forms, as discussed in the Entries on Soil Nitro- these may be overcome by supplemental additions of gen, Nitrogen Fixation, and Nitrogen Management. gypsum,whichisgenerallyregardedasasoilamendment The total nitrogen content of many soils is of the ratherthanafertilizermaterial. order of 2 to 4tonnes/hectare, but this is almost The growth in the world consumption of fertilizers, entirely bound to organic matter and mineral soil illustratedinFigure1,hasshownasteadyincreasesince material; at any one time only a few kg/hectare are 1930 with a marked acceleration after about 1960 due present in available forms as nitrates or exchange- totheincreasingconsumptionofnitrogen,whichreached able ammonium. Except in the case of leguminous about 60% of the total nutrient consumption in 1999. plants, which have the capacity for the ‘‘biologi- The data presented in Table1 show that there has been cal fixation’’ of atmospheric nitrogen, this amount of no corresponding increase in the consumption of either available nitrogen is insufficient to meet the needs phosphorus or potassium since 1970. The geographic of high yielding crops, although continually replen- distribution of production has also changed, with Asian ished by ‘‘mineralization’’ of the organic forms. The productionincreasingfromabout16%ofthe1970totalto amounts of fertilizer nitrogen that must be added vary closeto50%ofalargermarketin1999;thisareaincludes greatly in different soils, crops, and climates but gen- bothIndiaandChina,whichwerethemostrapidlygrow- erally range up to maximal values of about 250kg/ ingmarketsattheendofthecentury.Incontrast,North hectare. Americanproductionstagnatedatabout21±1.3MT/year Soilphosphorusexistsinanumberofforms,including after1980,andEuropeanproductionremainedatalevelof organic compounds, precipitated minerals, and adsorbed about21±0.8MT/yearsince1990,afterbeingatasteady forms,withaverysmallamountpresentinthesoilsolu- level of about 31±1.8 MT/year between 1980 and 1990. tion.Onlyasmallfractionofthetotalisreadilyavailable This general pattern of world production is expected to for uptake by plants. The phosphorus itself is always continueintotheimmediatefuture(1). present as orthophosphate (PO ) minerals or organically 4 boundorthophosphate.Theamountthatmustbeapplied 1In stating fertilizer composition nitrogen is always expressed to supply enough available phosphate for economic crop as elemental N, but phosphate and potassium content may growth varies greatly for different soils. In soils with be expressed in terms of either their elemental forms, P and a high capacity for the fixation of phosphate in insolu- K, or as their oxide forms, P2O5 and K2O. The conversion ble forms the amounts that must be added may be 70% factorsareP=0.437P2O5orP2O5=2.29PandK=0.83K2Oor greater than the plant requirements. Application rates K2O=1.20K.Theoxideformisthemostfrequentlyencountered are usually in the range of up to 70 to 115kg/hectare andwillbeusedhere. 483 484 FERTILIZERS of ammonia are achieved by its removal from the gas streamandrecyclingoftheunreactedsynthesisgas. Theprocessisdependentonsuppliesofpurehydrogen 150 and nitrogen, and the production of these is an integral part of the overall process. In the original process, hydrogen was made using the ‘‘water gas’’ reaction in Total which water vapor is passed over glowing coke to give (NPK) the reaction C+H O→CO +H . The introduction of 2 2 2 more water in the product gas in the presence of an ironoxide/chromiumoxidecatalystresultedinconversion 100 s of carbon monoxide to the dioxide with an increased e n amount of hydrogen: CO+H O→CO +H . The CO n 2 2 2 2 o NH M. t 3 was removed in a scrubber and excess CO in a second scrubber containing cuprous ammonium formate. Pure nitrogen was obtained from the Linde process for the liquefaction of air, which has remained as the source of 50 purenitrogenuptothepresenttime. Sinceitsinceptionin1910,theprocesshasbeenfurther developed and improved in many plants throughout the world.One ofthe moreimportantofthese improvements has been the improvement in energy efficiency. The total energy requirement of the process includes the fuel and electrical energy used plus the heat equivalent of the chemical energy in the feedstocks. The initial 1940 1960 1980 2000 coke-based Haber-Bosch process of 1910 required more Year than 100GJ/tonne of NH , but this requirement has 3 Figure1. Annualworldfertilizerconsumption(Mtonnes/year), now been reduced to less than 30GJ/tonne(2). One of 1930–1999(1)andannualglobalproductionoffertilizerammo- the most important improvements in the 1950s was the nia by the Haber-Bosch process (Mtonnes/year) 1930–2000 introductionofhydrocarbonalkanesinplaceofcokeasthe [after(3)]. basic feedstock for the water gas reaction, which may then be written CnH(2n+2)+nH2O→nCO+(2n+2)H2. Although mixtures of light hydrocarbons may be used, Table1. AnnualWorldFertilizerConsumption methane—often available in natural gas—is the most (M/tonnes),1930–1999 economicalbecauseithasthehighestH/Cratioof4,when Total thevalueofnintheaboveequationis,ofcourse,1.0. Year N P2O5 K2O Nutrients The growth in the amount of nitrogen fixed by the Haber-Boschprocesssince1930isshowninFigure1and 1930 1.30 2.77 1.39 5.46 1940 2.34 3.23 2.99 8.56 Table2. 1949 3.40 5.65 3.87 12.9 1959 9.83 10.37 8.21 28.4 OtherProcesses. Otherprocesses,nowofminorimpor- 1969 28.6 19.8 15.2 63.6 tance, include electric arc production, the calcium 1979 57.5 31.7 24.1 113.3 cyanamide process, and ammonia recovery from coke 1989 79.1 37.6 26.7 143.4 ovens. 1999 82.8 33.5 22.0 138.3 Electric arc processes depend upon the formation of relativelysmallamountsofnitrogenoxidesbythereaction N +O ⇔2NO when air is passed through high voltage 2 2 PRODUCTIONPROCESSESANDPRODUCTS discharges at temperatures above 3,000◦C. Because the reactionisreversible,rapidcoolingisnecessarytoreduce NitrogenFertilizers thebackreactionwithcondensationoftheoxidestonitric Production AmmoniaSynthesis. The Haber-Bosch process for the Table2. AnnualGlobalProductionofNitrogen ‘‘fixation’’ofatmosphericnitrogen,developedinGermany FertilizersbytheHaber-BoschProcess,(ktN/Year)1929 between 1908 and 1910, is now the primary process in through2000[after3] theproductionofover99%ofnitrogenfertilizermaterials. Haber-Bosch Haber-Bosch In this process, a mixture of pure hydrogen and nitrogen Year ProcessProduction Year ProcessProduction with a3:1:atomic H/N ratio (‘‘synthesis gas’’) is passed ◦ 1929 930 1970 30,230 over an iron oxide catalyst at 530 C at a pressure of 1940 2,150 1980 59,290 35MPa (=app. 350atms), which facilitates the reaction 1950 3,700 1990 76,320 N +3H →2NH .Conversionofthesynthesisgasisnot 2 2 3 1960 11,290 2000 85,130 completeinasinglepass,butproductionoflargeamounts FERTILIZERS 485 acid, which is then reacted with lime to produce calcium Table3. NitrogenCompoundsinFertilizers,Formulae, nitrate.Thereactionsare: and%NitrogenContent Nitrogen 2NO+O===⇒N O 2 3 Compound Formula Content,% N O +H O+O ===⇒2HNO 2 3 2 2 3 Anhydrousammonia NH3 82 2HNO +CaO===⇒Ca(NO ) +H O Aquaammonia NH4OH Varied 3 3 2 2 Ammoniumnitrate NH4NO3 35.0 Thehighenergyrequirementsofthisprocesshavelimited Ammoniumsulfate (NH4)2SO4 21.2 Ammoniumphosphates (NH4)H2PO4 16.1 its usefulness, except where cheap hydroelectric power (NH4)2HPO4 21.2 hasbeenavailable.DespitesomedevelopmentinNorway Calciumnitrate Ca(NO3)2 17.0 duringthefirstpartofthetwentiethcentury,theprocess Urea (NH2)2CO 46.6 isnolongerasignificantsourceoffixednitrogen. Calciumcyanamideismadebyheatingcalciumcarbide (CaC )inapurenitrogenatmosphereat1,000to1,100◦C. 2 30% of the national requirement of agricultural nitrogen Thecalciumcarbideitselfismadeinapreliminaryprocess use. In many areas in Texas, Louisiana, and the Middle requiring the fusion of lime and coke in an electric West ‘‘Corn Belt’’ states, direct delivery by pipeline to furnace. The reactions are: CaO+3C→CaC +CO and 2 distribution centers offers favorable economics, reducing CaC +N →CaCN +C. The calcium cyanamide itself 2 2 2 freight costs and avoiding the need for on-farm storage may be used as a nitrogen fertilizer or used as a facilities. Both fertilizers are applied by injection to a sourceofammoniawhentreatedwithsuperheatedsteam: depthofseveralcentimetersintothesoil. CaCN +H O→CaCO +2NH . The multiple steps in 2 2 3 3 this process complicate production schemes, and this, Ammonium Nitrate. Ammonium nitrate is one of the together with the high energy requirements, limit the twoleadingnitrogenfertilizermaterialsonaworldbasis: commercialusefulnessoftheprocess. 10%in1997.ThehighNcontentisadvantageousforthe Duringtheheatingofcoaltoremovecoaltarandcoal- reductionoffreightandapplicationcostsperunitweight gasincokeproduction,about15%ofthenitrogenpresent of nitrogen. The presence of 50% of the nitrogen in the inthecoalisreleasedasammonia,whichcanbecaptured highly available nitrate form makes it suitable for use by passage of the gas through a solution of ammonium in regions growing crops with a short vegetation period sulfate in dilute sulfuric acid. The yields are relatively but has the disadvantage that, because the NO − ion is low,equalingabout3kgNH /tonneofcoal.Theammonia 3 3 notadsorbedbysoil,itmaycontribute torelativelylarge recovery is secondary to the primary production of coke, nitrogen losses by the leaching of increased soil nitrate and the cost of the necessary recovery plant makes this into streams and groundwater. Although the application economicallyuncompetitivewithHaber-Boschproductas ofanynitrogenousfertilizerresultsinsomedegreeofsoil asourceofammonia. acidification, the nitrate form is notably less acidifying thanammoniumsulfateandhasalowertendencyforthe Nitric Acid Production. Nitric acid, HNO , which is 3 loss of nitrogen to the atmosphere as gaseous ammonia. required for the manufacture of ammonium and calcium The hygroscopic character of the crystalline material, nitrates, both used as nitrogen fertilizers or components coupled with its explosive nature, contributes to difficult of mixed fertilizers, is commercially produced by the storage and handling properties and the need for the oxidation of gaseous ammonia to nitrogen oxides with productionofpurifiedandstabilizedforms. catalyticassistanceaccordingtothereactions: 4NH +5O ===⇒4NO+6H O Ammonium Sulfate. Ammonium sulfate was the first 3 2 2 nitrogenous fertilizer made by the Haber-Bosch process, 2NO+O ===⇒2NO producedbythereactionofammoniawithsulfuricacid.In 2 2 contrast with the nitrate salt, it is chemically stable, not 4NO +H ===⇒HNO +NO. 2 2 3 highlyhygroscopic.Italsosuppliessupplementalsulfurto soils that may be deficient in this element, but this is of Although these reactions were previously known, the minorvaluewhenitisusedonsoilsreceivingapplications industrial development of the process was undertaken of ordinary superphosphate. The disadvantages of the in Germany in the early years of World War I for the material are its relatively low nitrogen content, which manufacture of ammonium nitrate for use in munitions increasesstorageandtransportationcosts,anditsmarked andexplosives. tendencytocausesoilacidification,whichisgreaterthan thatofanyothernitrogenfertilizermaterial. NitrogenFertilizerMaterials Thenitrogencompoundspresentinfertilizersarelistedin AmmoniumPhosphates. Ammoniumphosphatesinclude Table3. mono- and diammonium orthophosphates (see Table3) andammoniumpolyphosphates.Asdiscussedbelow,these Ammonia. Anhydrous ammonia itself, or as a concen- are made directly by reaction anhydrous ammonia with trated solution in water (aqua ammonia), is used exten- orthophosphoric acid or superphosphoric acid. Both are sivelyasanitrogensourceintheUS,representingabout drycrystallinematerialswithgoodhandlingproperties. 486 FERTILIZERS Calcium Nitrate. Calcium nitrate, made by neutraliza- Table4. WorldPhosphateRock tion of nitric acid with ground limestone, is mainly used ReservesandResources(inmillion in Europe. The calcium content reduces the tendency of tonnes)(1) the fertilizer for soil acidification and makes the mate- Reserve Resource rialdesirableforusewherethereisanytendencyforsoil salinization.Calciumammoniumnitrate,arelatedmate- WorldTotal 11,000 33,000 Morocco 5,900 21,000 rial made by mixing ground limestone with concentrated USA 1,200 4,400 ammoniumnitratesolution,hasahighernitrogencontent, Other 1,810 7,920 between 21% and 27.5%. In the 1990s this material sup- plied about 80% of the nitrogen fertilizer use in Holland buthassincebeendecliningintheworldmarket(4). worldwide, but the dominant sources are in the United Urea. Urea is a stable highly water-soluble compound States, Morocco, and Russia. Estimates of the world of high nitrogen content (47%), with good storage reserves and resources are presented in Table4. The propertiesthatmakeitthemostcommonlyusednitrogen wide and complex range of deposits of different quality fertilizer.Thesynthesisprocesshasremainedessentially andcharacteristicsaredescribedinanextensivetechnical unchanged since it was first developed by the BASF literature(5). The principal phosphate mineral is apatite Corporation in 1922. In this process, liquid ammonia or fluorapatite, Ca (PO ) (OH,F) . Secondary minerals 10 4 6 2 is reacted with carbon dioxide to produce ammonium include silica, silicates, and carbonates, usually as carbamate, which is then dehydrated to form urea. The calcite or dolomite (CaCO ); these must be removed by 3 reactionsare: beneficiation treatment before the rock is processed(6). Beneficiation processes may differ depending upon the 2NH3+CO2 ===⇒NH2·CO2·NH4 characterandcompositionofdifferentdeposits;twosteps NH2·CO2·NH4 ===⇒(NH2)2CO+H2O aarneduthsueapllhyosrpehqautireedfraicntiownhitchhenthseepoarreatiesdfibrystwcarsuhsihnegd, screening,orflotation. The high analysis and good handling properties of urea Afterbeneficiation,thephosphaterockisreactedwith have made it the leading nitrogen fertilizer, both as strong acid to form more soluble phosphate compounds. a source of nitrogen alone or when compounded with Sulfuricandphosphoricacidsareusedforthemanufacture othermaterialsinmixedfertilizers.Althoughanexcellent ofsuperphosphatesandnitricacidfor‘‘nitricphosphates.’’ source of nitrogen, urea can present problems unless properlymanaged;duetoitsrapidhydrolysistoammonia, PhosphateFertilizerMaterials significant volatilization loss of this may occur if prilled or granular urea is applied to and left on the soil Theprincipalphosphatecompoundspresentinfertilizers surface without timely incorporation. Mixtures of urea arelistedinTable5. andammoniumnitrateforuseinmixedfertilizersarealso morehighlyhygroscopicthanammoniumnitrateitself. Phosphate Rock. Despite the very low water solubility ofphosphaterock,ithasbeenfoundtobeaneconomically Urea-Formaldehyde (38%N) and Isobutylidene Diurea. useful fertilizer in some acid tropical soils of high Urea-formaldehyde (38%N) and isobutylidene diurea phosphate fixing capacity. This is probably due to slow (IBDU, 31%N) are specialized materials developed as dissolution under the acid conditions to give a low ‘‘slow-release’’ nitrogen fertilizers. Both are polymeric phosphate concentration in the soil solution; this does compounds made by reacting urea respectively with not produce the rapid reaction with the soil minerals formaldehyde and isobutyraldehyde. Both are insoluble characteristic of the high concentrations released during in water, and, in the soil, both hydrolyze to release urea the dissolution of more water-soluble phosphates. The at a rate that depends upon the granule size, which can effectiveness of the rock varies considerably depending be varied to control the rate of nitrogen release. The uponitscharacterandcompositionandthesoilconditions. category of ‘‘slow-release’’ materials also includes sulfur- The effectiveness declines rapidly where the soil pH coatedurea(36%N),madebysprayingureagranuleswith is higher than about 5.0 or 5.2, and its usefulness is, molten sulfur followed by a light coating of wax sealant. therefore,confinedtoacid-tolerantcropsthatcangrowin Here the rate of release is controlled by physical factors soilsofthispHorless(8).Becausemostofthemajorcrops that delay the entry of water into the granule; once this ofthetemperateregionrequiresoilpHvaluesabovethis occurs, osmoticforcescause rapid release ofthe solution. limit,phosphate rockisnotamajorfertilizermaterialin Theslowoverallrateofreleasereflectsdifferencesinthe suchareas. lifetimesofindividualgranulesratherthananychemical reaction. Ordinary Superphosphate. Ordinary superphosphate is produced by the treatment of apatite rock with concen- PHOSPHATEFERTILIZERS trated sulfuric acid to give a mixture of monocalcium phosphateandcalciumsulfate.Theidealreactionis: SourceMaterials Ca (PO ) (OH/F) +7H SO ===⇒3Ca(H PO ) Mineral deposits of phosphate rock are the primary 10 4 6 2 2 4 2 4 2 source material for phosphate fertilizers. These occur +7CaSO /F +H O 4 2 2

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