Description:Includes the following 17 stories (2 short novels, 2 novelets, and 13 short stories):
REX STOUT - Counterfeit for MurderCHRISTIANNA BRAND - Such a Nice ManJOSH PACHTER - Invitation to a MurderDAVID ELY - No Time To LoseCARTER DICKSON (JOHN DICKSON CARR) - The House in Goblin WoodJON L. BREEN - The House of the Shrill WhispersCELIA FREMLIN - Golden TuesdayWILLIAM BRITTAIN - Wynken, Blynken, and NodJERROLD PHAON - Hunting SeasonGEORGES SIMENON - Inspector Maigret ThinksHUGH PENTECOST - Volcano in the MindHASKELL BARKIN - The Last SassettaEDWARD D. HOCH - The Theft of the Satin JuryJOEL TOWNSLEY ROGERS - The MurdererFLORENCE V. MAYBERRY - Hong Kong or WhereverELLERY QUEEN - The Little SpyROSS MACDONALD - The Missing Sister Case