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Electronics Engineer's Reference Book Sixth Edition Edited by F F Mazda DFH, MPhil, CEng, FIEE, DMS, MBIM With specialist contributors Butter worths London • Boston • Singapore • Sydney Toronto • Wellington ^ PART OF REED INTERNATIONAL P.L.C. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (including photocopying and recording) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1956 (as amended) or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 33-34 Alfred Place, London, England WC1E 7DP. The written permission of the copyright holder must also be obtained before any part of this publication is stored in a retrieval system of any nature. Applications for the copyright holder's written permission to reproduce, transmit or store in a retrieval system any part of this publication should be addressed to the Publishers. Warning : The doing of an unauthorised act in relation to a copyright work may result in both a civil claim for damages and criminal prosecution. This book is sold subject to the Standard Conditions of Sale of Net Books and may not be re-sold in the UK below the net price given by the Publishers in their current price list. First published 1989 Butterworth International Edition, 1989 ISBN 0-408-05430-1 © Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd, 1989 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Electronics engineer's reference book—6th ed 1. Electronic equipment I. Mazda, F.F. (Fraidoon Framroz), 1939- 621.381 ISBN 0-408-00590-4 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Electronics engineer's reference book/edited by F.F. Mazda; with specialist contributors, p. cm. Bibliography: p. Includes index. ISBN 0-408-00590-4: 1. Electronics—Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Mazda, F.F. TK7825.E36 1989 621.381-dc 19 Typeset by Mid-County Press Ltd, 2a Merivale Road, London SW15 2NW Printed and bound by Hartnolls Ltd., Bodmin, Cornwall Preface On taking over as editor of the fifth edition of The Electronics that they are up to date. Inevitably some of the older material has Engineer's Reference Book, I did what all new editors do; out had to be (deleted, to make room for new text. Six new chapters came my broom and I started sweeping! The changes from the have been added, on topics which have gained considerably in fourth edition to the fifth were dramatic, and it has been importance since the last edition. These are on: application grafitying to note the success which the book has subsequently specific integrated circuits, such as gate arrays and standard cells, had on both sides of the Atlantic. The whole text was laid out in a which have rapidly become an essential element in any larger, more convenient to use format; the information was economical electronic design; computer aided design techniques, grouped together into five parts; and much of the old material involving the full range of design tools and methodology from was removed in order to make way for thirty-two new chapters. designs on silicon chips to those on printed circuit boards; digital Having completed, what I considered to be, such an Herculean system analysis, covering the instrumentation and measurement task, I naturally expected to rest on my laurels! So when the time techniques used to analyse digital circuits, including those based came around to produce the sixth edition, I brought out my pen on microprocessors; software engineering which, with the in readiness to dot the odd i and cross the occasional t. Alas, how importance of software in all major projects, plays a vital part in mistaken I was! As someone famous (whose name escapes me for electronic designs; local area networks, describing the latest the moment) once said, Time and Technology wait for no man'. developments in networks based on the ISO open system So the son of Hercules was recruited to work on the sixth edition! interconnect (OSI) standards; and integrated services digital For this new edition I have retained the same five groupings, network (ISDN), a topic which no self-respecting modern book which have proved so successful in the fifth edition. As before the on electronics could be without! first part contains a synopsis of mathematical and electrical A large number of sub-editors from Butterworths worked on techniques used in the analysis of electronic systems. Part two the sixth edition of The Electronics Engineer's Reference Book. covers physical phenomena, such as electricity, light and To them go my thanks for the dedication which they have shown radiation, often met with in electronic systems. The third part of in labouring tirelessly in the background, and even though I do the book contains chapters on basic electronic components and not mention them by name they will know the genuine gratitude materials, the building blocks of any electronic design. The I have for their hard work and support. information presented covers a wide spectrum of devices, from And finally, as always, the last word must be reserved for the the humble resistor to the glamorous microprocessor. many, many authors who made this book possible. Thank you Part four has chapters on electronic circuit design and on all for the excellent manuscripts you have produced; for instrumentation. A range of design techniques are covered from accepting the tight schedules you have had to work to; and for linear to digital circuits, and from signal power levels to those in the skilful excuses you have employed when late manuscripts the megawatt region. The fifth part of the book contains topics, were being chased by the sub-editors! such as radar and computers, which form well recognised application areas of electronics. FFM All the chapters have been revised in going from the fifth to the Bishop's Stortford sixth edition, many of them being extensively rewritten to ensure March 1989 Aa cknowledgements The production of this reference book would have been Morgan Materials Technology Ltd impossible without the good will, help and cooperation of the Mostek Corporation electronics industry, the users of electronic equipment and Motorola Ltd members of the educational profession. Bare acknowledgements Mullard Ltd are very inadequate but the editor wishes to thank the following Murata Manufacturing Co. firms and organisations which so readily made available North East Thames Regional Health Authority information and illustrations and permitted members of their Nortronic Associates Ltd specialist staffs to write contributions: N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken Ovum Ltd AMP of Great Britain Ltd Plessey Company Ltd AMPEX Great Britain Ltd Polytechnic of North London Atomic Energy Establishment Post Office British Aerospace Racal-Redac Ltd British Broadcasting Corporation Rank Xerox Ltd British Railways Board, Research and Development Division RCA British Telecom International Rediffusion Ltd British Telecom pic Rutherford and Appleton Laboratories, Science Research Cambridge Scientific Instruments Ltd Council Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge SAFT (UK) Ltd Clinical Research Centre SEEQ Corporation Cranfield Information Technology Institute Siemens Ltd Department of Trade & Industry Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd Digital Equipment Co. Ltd STC pic Duracell Batteries Ltd STC Technology Ltd E-Sil Components Ltd STC Telecommunications Ltd English Electric Valve Company Ltd Texas Instruments Incorporated Ever Ready Ltd University of Aston Ever Ready Special Batteries Ltd University of Cambridge Exacta Circuits Ltd University of Leeds Fujitsu Microelectronics Ltd University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology GEC-Marconi Electronics Ltd University of Oxford Gould Advance Ltd University of Sussex Greater London Council, Department of Planning and University of Technology, Loughborough Transportation Xerox Corporation Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Hewlett-Packard Ltd Hitachi Europe Ltd Acknowledgement is made to the Director of the International International Rectifier Ltd Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) for permission to use LSI Logic Ltd information and reproduce diagrams and curves from the CCIR Lucas Electrical Company Ltd Documents. Marconi Company Ltd Extracts from British Standards publications are reproduced Meteorological Office by permission of the British Standards Institution. List of Contributors P Aloisi P J Cottam, BSc Motorola Semiconductors Ltd Eltek Semiconductors Ltd S W Amos, BSc(Hons), CEng, MIEE J Curtís Freelance Technical Editor and Author Electronic Components Group, Siemens Ltd J A Dawson, CChem, MRSC J Barron, BA, MA(Cantab) Rank Xerox Ltd Cambridge University V A Downes J Berry, BSc(Hons) Ovum Ltd LSI Logic Ltd J P Duggan C JBowry Mullard Ltd Ever Ready Ltd G W A Dummer, MBE, CEng, FIEE, FIEEE, FIERE Electronics Consultant P A Bradley, BSc, MSc, CEng, MIEE Rutherford Appleton Laboratory J L Eaton, BSc, MIEE, CEng Science and Engineering Research Council Consultant (Broadcasting) G H Browton M D Edwards, BSc, MSc, PhD STC Technology Ltd The University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology D K Bulgin, PhD Cambridge Instruments Ltd M Ewing SAFT (UK) Ltd M Burchall, CEng, FIEE REL Ltd T C Fleming, BSc Liddicon Camera Tubes English Electric Valve Co. Ltd J M Camarata Electronics Division, Xerox Corporation P A Francis Racal-Redac UK Ltd J RCass STC Telecommunications Ltd R M Gibb, MA, DPhil STC Optical Devices Division P M Chalmers, BEng, AMIEE English Electric Valve Co. Ltd C L S Gilford, MSc, PhD, FInstP, MIEE, FIOA Independent Acoustic Consultant A Clark, DipEE, CEng, MIEE Electrical Engineering Consultant A Goodings, PhD, DIC, BSc, ARCS Atomic Energy Establishment G T Clayworth, BSc High Power Klystron Department C J Goodings English Electric Valve Co. Ltd The Cavendish Laboratory H W Cole M W Gray Marconi Radar Systems Ltd Hewlett-Packard GmbH A P O Collis, BA CEng, MIEE V J Green, BSc Broadcast Tubes Division, English Electric Valve Co. Ltd STC pic P G Hamer P Longland, PhD STC Technology Ltd STC Hybrids Division J E Harry, BSc(Eng), PhD, DSc, CEng, FIEE S Lowe Loughborough University of Technology Ampex Great Britain Ltd P Hawker P G Lund Formerly, Independent Broadcasting Authority Oxford University D R Heath, BSc, PhD R C Marshall, MA, FIEE, MInstMC British Aerospace Ltd Protech Instruments & Systems Ltd E W Herold, BSc, MSc, DSc, FIEE F F Mazda, DFH, MPhil, CEng, FIEE, DMS, MBIM STC Telecommunications Ltd D W Hill, MSc, PhD, DSc, FInstP, FIEE North East Thames Regional Health Authority A D Monk, MA, CEng, MIEE Consultant Engineer P H Hitchcock, PhD Ever Ready Special Batteries Ltd DOrd E-Sil Components Ltd S R Hodge Racal-Redac Systems Ltd T Oswald, BSc, MIEE STC Telecommunications Ltd J Houldsworth International Computers Ltd, UK S C Pascall, BSc, PhD, CEng, MIEE Telecommunications Policies Division P J Howard, BSc, CEng, MIEE Commission of the European Communities STC Telecommunications Ltd A M Pope, BSc R S Hurst RR Electronics Ltd STC Technology Ltd S C Redman, AMIEE M Jones, BSc STC Telecommunications Ltd Hitachi Europe Ltd M Remfry, CEng, MIEE, MBIM, MUM P Jones, BSc STC Components Group Fujitsu Microelectronics Ltd J Riley AMP of Great Britain Ltd J Kempster, BSc(Hons), MBCS Digital Equipment Co. Ltd I Robertson Digital Equipment Corporation C Kindell AMP of Great Britain Ltd M J Rose, BSc(Eng) Mullard Ltd T Kingham AMP of Great Britain Ltd M G Say, PhD, MSc, CEng, ACGI, DIC, FIEE, FRSE Heriot-Watt University P Kirkby, PhD STC Technology Ltd M J B Scanlan, BSc, ARCS Marconi Research Laboratories P R Knott, MA, CPhys, MInstP, MICeram Morgan Materials Technology Ltd A Shewan, BSc Motorola Ltd J A Lane, DSc, CEng, FIEE Radio Communications Division S F Smith, BSc(Eng), CEng, FIEE Department of Trade and Industry STC Telecommunications Ltd I G Lang C R Spicer, DipEE, AMIEE Exacta Circuits Ltd BBC Design and Equipment Department J R G Lloyd, CEng, MIMechE, MIQA K R Sturley, BSc, PhD, FIEE, FIEEE Nortronic Associates Ltd Telecommunications Consultant R W Lomax, MSc, CEng, FIEE, CPhys, FInstP C J Tully Power Components Division, STC Components Ltd Cranfield Information Technology Institute C E Longhurst L W Turner, CEng, FIEE, FRTS Duracell Batteries Ltd Consultant Engineer K Wakino F Welsby, BSc, CEng, MIEE Murata Manufacturing Co. British Telecom pic D B Waters, BSc(Eng) J D Weston, BSc(Eng) STC Telecommunications Ltd STC Technology Ltd F J Weaver, BSc, CEng, MIEE R C Whitehead, CEng, MIEE English Electric Valve Co. Ltd Polytechnic of North London Trigonometric Functions and General 1 Formulae J Barron BA, MA (Cantab) University of Cambridge Contents 1.1 Mathematical signs and symbols 1/3 1.14 Zeros, poles and residues 1/5 1.2 Trigonometric formulae 1/3 1.15 Some standard forms 1/6 1.3 Trigonometric values 1/4 1.16 Coordinate systems 1/6 1.16.1 Cylindrical coordinates 1/6 1.4 Approximations for small angles 1/4 1.16.2 Spherical polar coordinates 1/6 1.5 Solution of triangles 1/4 1.17 Transformation of integrals 1/6 1.6 Spherical triangle 1/4 1.18 Laplace's equation 1/6 1.7 Exponential form 1/5 1.19 Solution of equations 1/7 1.19.1 Quadratic equation 1/7 1.8 De Moivre's theorem 1/5 1.19.2 Bisection method 1/7 1.19.3 Regula falsi 1/7 1.9 Euler's relation 1/5 1.19.4 Fixed-point iteration 1/7 1.19.5 Newton's method 1/7 1.10 Hyperbolic functions 1/5 1.20 Method of least squares 1/7 1.11 Complex variable 1/5 1.21 Relation between decibels, current and voltage ratio, and 1.12 Cauchy-Riemann equations 1/5 power ratio 1/8 1.13 Cauchy's theorem 1/5 Trigonometric formulae 1 /3 1.1 Mathematical signs and symbols Sign, symbol Quantity sec x secant of x Sign, symbol Quantity cosec x cosecant of x arcsin x arc sine of x = equal to arceos x arc cosine of x + i= not equal to arctan x, arctg x arc tangent of x = identically equal to arccot x, arcctg x arc cotangent of x A corresponds to arcsec x arc secant of x z approximately equal to arccosec x arc cosecant of x -• approaches sinh x hyperbolic sine of x ^ asymptotically equal to cosh x hyperbolic cosine of x ~ proportional to tanh x hyperbolic tangent of x oo infinity coth x hyperbolic cotangent of x < smaller than seen x hyperbolic secant of x > larger than cosech x hyperbolic cosecant of x 5 ^2 smaller than or equal to arsinh x inverse hyperbolic sine of x > ^ > larger than or equal to arcosh x inverse hyperbolic cosine of x < much smaller than artanh x inverse hyperbolic tangent of x * much larger than arcoth x inverse hyperbolic cotangent of x + plus arsech x inverse hyperbolic secant of x — minus arcosech x inverse hyperbolic cosecant of x . x multiplied by i, j imaginary unity, i2 = — 1 a Re z real part of z - a/b a divided by b b Im z imaginary part of z \a\ magnitude of a \z\ modulus of z a" a raised to the power n arg z argument of z z* conjugate of z, complex conjugate a112 y/a square root of a of z alln yã nth root of a A, A', A1 transpose of matrix A a <a> mean value of a A* complex conjugate matrix of p\ factorial p, Ix2x3x...xp matrix A binomial coefficient, A+ Hermitian conjugate matrix of M n{n-\)...{n-p + \) matrix A W Ix2x3x...xp A, a vector £ sum |A|, A magnitude of vector n product A • B scalar product f(x) function / of the variable x A x B, A A B vector product [/WH f(b)~f(a) V differential vector operator Vcp, grad (p gradient of (p lim/(x); limx^a/(x) the limit to which f(x) tends as x V • A, div A divergence of A x"a approaches a VxA, VAA \ . e A Ax delta x = finite increment of x curl, A', ro4t A. J curl of A Sx delta x = variation of x V2<p, A<p Laplacian of q> T-; d//dx; f\x) differential coefficient of f(x) with ax respect to x d"/ —; flH\x) differential coefficient of order n of 1.2 Trigonometric formulae dX fix) zti /zf\ partial differential coefficient of sin2 A + cos2 A = sin A cosec A = 1 ffl*.K-"). i<jf_\ f(x,y,...) with respect to x, when àf dx ' \dx }y... tyh,.e.. toatrael hdeiflfde rceonntisatla notf / si.n AM = ccoost AA- = cose1c A- = {l-cos, 2A)1.1.2. J/(x)dx indefinite integral of f(x) with Í respect to x oosAA = sin 4- = 1 - = (l-sin2,/ l)1/2 fívx H v definite integral of f(x) from tan A sec A ,nx)a* x = atox = 6 sin A 1 e base of natural logarithms tan A= -= - cos A cot A ex; exp x e raised to the power x loga x logarithm to the base a of x 1+tan2 4 = sec2 4 lg x; log x; logj 0 x common (Briggsian) logarithm of x 1 + cot2 A= cosec2 A lb x; log2 x binary logarithm of x sin x sine of x 1 — sin A = coversin A cosx cosine of x 1— cos >4 = versin/I tanx; tgx tangent of x cot x; ctg x cotangent of x tan ¿0 = t; sin d = 2í/(l +12); cos 6 = (1 - f2)/(l +12) 1/4 Trigonometric functions and general formulae cot/I = 1/tan/I 1.5 Solution of triangles secA = \/cosA sin A sinB sin C b2+c2-a2 cosec/l = l/sin/l = —r—= cosA = — a bc 2bc cos (A±B) —cos A cos B + sin A sin B D c2 + a2-¿>2 a2 + b2-c2 sin (A ± B) = sin A cos B ± cos /I sin B cosB = cosC = —-— 2ca 2ab . A , _ tan/1+tanB tan (/I ± B) = — = 1 -|- tan A tan B „x cot /4 cot £ +1 cot (A±B) = ±- cotB±cot/l sin/l±sinB = 2sin^/l±B)cosfM:j:B) cos/l+cosB = 2cos^/l + B)cos^/l-B) cos A - cos B = 2 sin ^A + B) sin %B - A) • sin(/l + B) tan/l+tanB=— ~ cos A cos B „ sin(B + /4) cot A ± cot B = —v ~ ; sin A sin B sin 2/1=2 sin A cos /I cos 2/4 = cos2 /I - sin2 A = 2 cos2,4 -1 = 1 - 2 sin2 /I cos2 A - sin2 B=cos (4 + B) cos {A - B) Figure 1.1 Triangle fan2/l = 2tan/l/(l-tan2/4) sin^4 = /l-cos.4Y/2 h-w-o B n=ñ=ü sind= sin = 2 yj be 2 yj ca cosi4=±i/ l+cos/l\j1 /2 . C ¡(s-a)(s-b) ^-yl—alT- , A sin/I A ls(s-a) B ls(s-b) tan kA = 2 \] be 2 yj ca C ls{s-c) 1+cos/l W^r sin2/l=^<l-cos2/l) C0S tan^L A»-»*-*> COS2/l=j{l+COS2/l) 2 >/ s(s-a) , A 1-cos2/1 tan2/l = 1 + cos 2/4 1.6 Spherical triangle ,, , „, sin /14- sin B tan^4±B) = = sin A sin B sin C cos A + cos B .. , „x sin A + sin B sin a sin ò sin c cot^±B) = -= - cos a=cos ò cos c + sin 6 sin c cos /I cosB —cos/1 1.3 Trigonometric values cos b = cos c cos a + sin c sin a cos B cos c = cos a cos ¿> + sin a sin b cos C Angle 0° 30° 45° 60° 90° 180:> 270° 360u where /I, B, C and a, ¿, c are now as in Figure 1.2. Radians 0 n/6 n/4 n/3 n/2 n 3n/2 2n Sine 0 \ \J2 \J3 I 0 - 10 Cosine 1 ±y/3 \Jl \ 0 -1 0 1 Tangent 0 \J7> 1 ^3 OO 0 oo 0 1.4 Approximations for small angles sin 9 = 9 - 03/6; cos 0 = 1 - 02/2; tan 9 = 9 + 03/3; (6 in radians) Figure 1.2 Spherical triangle

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