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Electron-electron interaction strength in ferromagnetic nickel determined by spin-polarized positron annihilation PDF

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Preview Electron-electron interaction strength in ferromagnetic nickel determined by spin-polarized positron annihilation

Electron-electron interaction strength in ferromagnetic nickel determined by spin-polarized positron annihilation Hubert Ceeh,1 Josef-Andreas Weber,1 Peter B¨oni,1 Michael Leitner,2 Diana Benea,3,4 Liviu Chioncel,5,6 Dieter Vollhardt,6 Hubert Ebert,3 Jan Min´ar,3,7 and Christoph Hugenschmidt1,2 1Technische Universita¨t Mu¨nchen, Lehrstuhl E21, James-Franck Straße, 85748 Garching, Germany 2Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Technische Universita¨t Mu¨nchen, Lichtenbergstraße 1, 85748 Garching, Germany 3Chemistry Department, University Munich, Butenandstraße 5-13, 81377 Mu¨nchen, Germany 4Faculty of Physics, Babes-Bolyai University, Kog˘alniceanustr 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania 5Augsburg Center for Innovative Technologies, University of Augsburg, D-86135 Augsburg, Germany 6Theoretical Physics III, Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg, 86135 Augsburg, Germany 7New Technologies - Research Center, University of West Bohemia, Univerzitni 8, 306 14 Pilsen, Czech Republic 5 (Dated: January 14, 2015) 1 The two-photon momentum distribution of annihilating electron-positron pairs in ferromagnetic 0 nickel (Ni) was determined by measuring the spin-polarized two-dimensional angular correlation 2 of annihilation radiation (ACAR). The spectra were compared with theoretical results obtained n within LDA+DMFT,acombination of thelocal densityapproximation (LDA)andthemany-body a dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). The self-energy describing the electronic correlations in Ni J is found to make important anisotropic contributions to the momentum distribution which are not 3 present in LDA. Based on a detailed comparison of the theoretical and experimental results the 1 strength of thelocal electronic interaction U in ferromagnetic Ni is determined as 2.0±0.1eV. ] l e The electronic properties of many narrow-band materi- troscopy. In particular, this technique measures spectral - als, such as the d-shell transition-metal series and their functions,i.e.,theimaginarypartofaone-particleGreen r t compounds, cannot be explained within a one-electron function, and thus determines correlation induced shifts s . picture, because there exist strong correlations between of the spectral weight. This allows one to estimate the t a electrons in the partially filled d band [1–4]. Such sys- local Hubbard interaction U of a material, say, Ni. In- m temsarethereforebetterdescribedbymulti-bandmodels deed, most investigations on the electronic structure of - such as the Hubbard or Anderson-type lattice model. In Ni relied on photoemission spectroscopy [13, 14]. Braun d thesemodelsthelocal CoulombrepulsionU isassumedto et al. [15] demonstrated the importance of local correla- n o be the dominant interaction between the electrons. The tions inNi by exploiting the magnetic circulardichroism c “Hubbard” parameter U was originally introduced for inbulksensitivesoftX-rayphotoemissionmeasurements. [ single-bandmodels [5, 6] and is defined as the Coulomb- One of the dominant correlation effects observed in the 2 energy required to place two electrons on the same site: photoemission data for Ni is the satellite peak situated v U =E(dn+1)+E(dn−1)−2E(dn). HereE(dn)represents at6eVbelowtheFermilevel[16,17]. Thisfeatureisnot 4 the total energy of a system for which n electrons fill a capturedbyLDA,butiswellexplainedbyLDA+DMFT 8 given d-shell on a given atom. In multi-band systems U [18]. LDA+DMFT also reproduces the correct width of 5 takes the form of an interaction matrix. the occupied 3d bands and the exchange splitting [18]. 2 0 A fundamental difficulty concerning the interpretation . TheHubbardmodelandrelatedlatticemodelsareable of photoemission data is the fact that they involve an 1 0 to explain important general features of correlated elec- interaction of photons with matter. This makes the de- 5 trons,but they cannotdescribe the physics ofrealmate- terminationofaparametersuchasthe HubbardU quite 1 rialsinanydetail. Namely,foranapproachtoberealistic difficult. Namely, it is notonly necessaryto describe the v: it must take into account the explicit electronic and lat- excitation process, but also the propagation of the pho- i tice structureofthesystems. Herethe LDA+DMFT ap- toelectrons in the material as well as the process of de- X proach has led to great progress in the understanding of tection itself. Therefore the experimental data, and the ar correlated electron materials [3, 7–11]. LDA+DMFT is values of the interaction parameters derived from them, acomputationalschemewherethelocaldensityapproxi- will be strongly influenced by the surface of a sample. mation(LDA)orthegeneralized-gradientapproximation (GGA) provide the material dependent input (orbitals In this Letter we discuss an alternative experimental andhoppingparameters),while DMFT [2,12]solvesthe technique to determine the local Coulomb parameter U, interacting local many-body problem originating from involvingpositrons. Incontrastto photoemissionexperi- the local Hubbard interaction U and Hund’s rule cou- mentspositronspectroscopyexperimentsmeasureatwo- pling J. The results can be compared with experimen- particle Green function. Since there are no physicalpro- tal data obtained, for example, by photoemission spec- cessesexcepttheelectron-positronannihilation,positron 2 spectroscopy does not suffer from the above-mentioned as [23] difficulties faced by photoelectron spectroscopy. As a consequence the magnitude of U deduced from positron ∆Nexp(px,py)=N↑↑(px,py)−N↑↓(px,py) (1) spectroscopy is much less influenced by external effects where N (p ,p ) is the number of coincident photon (e.g., surfaces), which are difficult to control. Here we ↑↑(↑↓) x y counts measured with the positron spin aligned paral- showthatbycombiningexperimentalresultsofthe spin- lel(↑↑) andanti-parallel(↑↓), respectively,to the applied polarized two-dimensional angular correlation of annihi- field. Foradetaileddescriptionoftheexperimentaltech- lation radiation (2D-ACAR) with LDA+DMFT compu- niquewerefertoRefs.[24–26]. Spin-polarized2D-ACAR tations it is possible to assess the strength of the elec- is one of the few experimental methods that can probe tronic interactions in Ni quite unambiguously. We mea- the momentum distribution of the electrons in the bulk with respect to the spin direction. It was successfully applied to elemental Ni [27] and other materials [28–31]. In Fig. 2 we presentthe spin-difference of the 2D-ACAR measurement of Ni. In each spectrum an excess of 250 millioncountswascollected,andthedatawerecorrected for the momentum sampling function. Before subtrac- tion, the spectra N and N were normalized to an ↑↑ ↑↓ equal amount of counts. A renormalization due to 3γ decay was omitted since the corresponding correction in Positrons thecaseofNi[23]isnegligiblecomparedtothestatistical noise. The 4-fold symmetry is clearly observed in agree- Sample ment with the study of Manuel et al. [27]. It should be Detector noted that the difference spectrum (see inset of Fig. 2) is anisotropic, i.e., the signal is more intense along the Figure1. (ColorOnline)Schematicprincipleofspinpolarized Γ−X−Γ directionthan along the Γ−L−Γ direction. 2D-ACAR: In electron-positron annihilation the singlet con- figuration is preferred for majority or minority spinelectrons if the magnetization of the sample is parallel or anti-parallel p (mrad) −20 −10 0 10 20 to theemission direction of thepositrons. 20 Γ-X Γ-L 15 0 sured spin-resolved two-dimensional projections of the tnwetoi-cphfioeltdosnumpotmoe1n.t1uTmadtirsotroimbuttieomnp(eTraPtuMreD.)Tinhemfiaegld- Counts (arb) 110 100 Γ 510 was applied parallel and anti-parallel, respectively, rela- L d) Γ L Γ L Γ X Γ X a tive to the crystallographich110iorientationof the sam- Γ X Γ 0 mr ple which coincides with the emission direction of the p (010 −5 positrons (i.e., the polarization direction of the positron beam). The β+ spectrum of 22Na, which served as −10 positronsource,hasanend-pointenergyof545keVwith a mean energy of about 215keV. This corresponds to −15 a beam polarization of 74% for forward emission. Both, −20 thepositronbackreflectioninthesourcecapsuleandthe −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 p100 (mrad) magnetic guiding field, lower the net polarization of the beam, which was determined as 34.4(5)% in a separate Figure 2. (Color Online) 2D-ACAR difference spectra experiment. Although the positron undergoes multiple ∆Nexp(px,py) obtained when the magnetic field is reversed, scatteringduringthermalization[19–21]the polarization withtheintegrationalongtheh001idirection,px =h100iand of the positrons remains essentially unchanged until the py = h010i. The inset illustrate the anisotropy of the differ- moment of annihilation. Quantum electrodynamics pre- encespectra between two directions in momentum space. dicts the annihilation rate in the triplet configuration to be significantly smaller (1/1115)than that in the singlet To represent the difference spectra ∆N (p ,p ) in exp x y configuration[22,23]. Whenanexternalmagneticfieldis k-space we apply the magnetic Lock-Crisp-West (LCW) applied parallel (↑↑) or anti-parallel (↑↓) to the emission back-folding procedure. In practice this amounts to tak- direction the positrons will therefore annihilate predom- ing the difference of the individual spin-resolved LCW- inantly with electrons from the majority or the minor- projections [32] since the LCW-procedure is nothing but ity spin directions, respectively (see Fig. 1). The result a linear transformation. According to this scheme, first of a magnetic 2D-ACAR measurement can be expressed proposed by Biasini et al. [33, 34], effects due to the 3 electron-positroninteraction,knownasenhancement,are the electron-positronmomentum density: cancelled out. This proves to be particularly advan- 1 teangheaonucsemasenntopcroomblpemleteismavicariolasbcloep.icSedveesrcarilprteiocinpefsorhathvee ρασ(p)=−π Z dEeGασσ′(pe,pp,Ee,Ep). (3) been discussed in the literature [35–41] and have also Integration over positron energies E is not required, beenconsequentlyappliedforNi[42,43]Hence,theonly p sinceonlythegroundstateisconsidered,andσ′ =−σat parameterinthisanalysisisauniformscalefactor,which the annihilation. The momentum carriedoff by the pho- isobtainedbyfittingtheamplitudeoftheoreticalspectra tons is equalto that of the two particles up to a recipro- to experimental data. callatticevector,reflectingthefactthattheannihilation The theoretical analysis requires the knowledge of the takes place in a crystal. Hence an electron with wave two-particleelectron-positronGreenfunction,describing vector k contributes to ρα(p) not only at p=k (normal the probability amplitude for an electron and a positron σ process) but also at p = k+K, with K a vector of the propagating between two different space-time points. In reciprocal lattice (Umklapp process). The experimental view of the fact that experiments performed on Ni [43– spin-difference spectra ∆N (p ,p ) can be compared exp x y 45] show no significantenhancementeffects, we factorize with the computed difference in the integrated momen- the two-particle Green function into a product of elec- tum densities of Eq. 3: tronicandpositronicGreenfunctions. TherebyCoulomb interaction induced correlationeffects between the anni- ∆Nα (p ,p )= dp ρα(p)−ρα(p) . (4) hilating particles are neglected. At the same time cor- theo x y Z z ↑ ↓ relations between the electrons are explicitly included in (cid:2) (cid:3) the DMFT. InFig. 3weshowthemeasured∆N (p ,p )andthe exp x y Electronic structure calculations were performed with theoretical∆Nα (p ,p )LCW-foldeddifferencespectra theo x y the spin-polarized relativistic Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker for different values of U. It is clearly seen that with in- (SPR-KKR) method [46]. For LDA computations the exchange-correlation potentials parametrized by Vosko, LDA U=1.4eV Wilk and Nusair [47] were used with a lattice param- eter of 3.52˚A. To include the electronic correlations, a charge and self-energy self-consistent LDA+DMFT scheme was employed, which is based on the KKR ap- proach [48] and where the impurity problem is solved with a spin-polarized T-matrix fluctuation exchange Exp. (SPTF) method [10, 49]. This impurity solver is fully U=2.6eV U=1.7eV rotationally invariant even in the multi-orbital version and is reliable when the interaction U is smaller than the bandwidth, a condition which is fulfilled in the case of Ni. In this LDA+DMFT framework the electron- positron momentum density ρ (p) is computed directly σ from the two-particle Green function in the momentum representation. The neglect of electron-positron correla- U=-62.3eV U=2.0eV tions correspondsto the factorizationof the two-particle d) -4 a -2 Green function in real space. In the numerical imple- mr 0 Γ X mentation the position-space integrals for the “auxil- p (010 42 L iary” Green function Gσσ′(pe,pp) obtained within LDA 6 orLDA+DMFT,respectively,areperformedasintegrals -6-4-2 0 2 4 6 over unit cells: p100 (mrad) 1 Gασσ′(pe,pp,Ee,Ep)= NΩZ d3rZ d3r′ Ftriugmure(c3e.nt(eCro)locromOpnalirneed)tEoxtpheeroimreetnictaallsmpeacgtnreaticcoLmCpWutesdpefocr- φe† (r)ImGα (r,r′,E )φe (r′) (2) differentvaluesofthelocalCoulombparameterU intherange peσ e+ e peσ from 1.4 to 2.3eV. φp† (r)ImG (r,r′,E )φp (r′), ppσ′ p+ p ppσ′ creasing U a gap opens at the L-points of the Brillouin where α = LDA or LDA+DMFT, and (p ,σ), and zone. This gap is associated with the necks in the FS e (p ,σ′) are the momenta and spin of electron and of Ni. Apparently LDA underestimates the density at p positron, respectively. Here Gα is computed for each the X-point, while the density near the L-point is over- σσ′ energy point on the complex energy contour, providing estimated. In the LDA+DMFT calculation the highest 4 density is found at the X-point, similar to the experi- formationcontentofthetwo-dimensionaldatacompared mental data. However, the structure connecting the X to twice-integrated one-dimensional data from Compton andL-pointsislesspronouncedinthe experimentaldata scattering. Wefoundstrongevidencefortheexistenceof than in the LDA+DMFT results. Obviously the local electronpocketsaroundthe Xpointwhicharerelatedto interaction (see e.g. [15]) pushes the d-bands below the electronic correlation effects. A detailed comparison of Fermi energy, whereby the X hole pocket obtained in the experimental results with electronic structure calcu- 2 LDA disappears. This also greatly changes the calcu- lations in the framework of LDA+DMFT allowed us to lated anomalous Hall effect of Ni [50, 51]. evaluate the local Coulomb interaction (“Hubbard” U) as 2.0±0.1eV. 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