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EffecotfSs h elAlb rasiaonnd A eriEaxlp osuorne · Crassogsitgraesa theP erofrmancoefP acifOiycs ters 1793) (Thunberg, CulturienTd a smania, Australia. ColleeMna reOe' Meley B.S[cH.o n(sC.h e)m]. Submititnfue ldf ilmoeftn htre e quirefmoetrnh tdese groefe MastoefAr p pliSecdi einncA eq uaculbtyuR rees earch '. UniverosfTi atsym anNioav,e mb1e99r5 Declaration Id eclthaartet hithse sicso ntaniomn ast erwihailch ha bse eanc cepftoerd thaew arodfa nyo ther doerdg irpeleo imnaa n yt ertiinarsyt itauntido n that to otfmh yek nboewesldtg aen db eliiectfo ,n tanionm sa terial previously opruwb rliitsbthyeae nnd yo thpeerr soenx,c ewphte rdeu e referiesmn acdee i nt he tofet xhtte h esis. Thitsh esmiasyb em adea vailfaoblrlo eaa nn dl imictoepdy iinng accordwaintctheh Ce opyrigAhct1t 9 68. f'. Ol/YJ� ColleMeanr eOe' M�ley Novembe1r99,5 " v Abstract Twoo fth em ajomra nagemsetnrta tuesgeibdeys T asmanoiyasnt er farmers fogrr ow-oofuu tn atta(cshiendg leP-asciefieocdy )s t(erCsr asgsiogsaasrt)er ea shealblr asoicocnu,r reiintghd eerl iberoarit nealdyv erdteunrtilnyg mechanigsreadd ianngdm, a nipuloatifio nnt ergtirdoawli hnegi g(hdte gree ofa eiraelx posuSormee) f.a rmearsss etrhtat th esstrea tegciaepnsr omote fastmeerag tr owtha,n dh enchei gher conditi[omne awiten idgirhcetel sa tive eithteosr h eclalv ivtoyl u(mCel voo!r)t ,os hewleli g(hCtl es1h.lT )h]ese reports, ahroaewn eevcedroa,tn adhl a vneo bte esnub stantiattehde in literaTthuepr ree.s setnutd wya su ndertatkoee vna lutahteeeff ecotfss h ell abrasainodan e rieaxplo sounrt eh pee rform(agnrcoew ctohn,d itiionnd ex, sheslhla pgel,y cocgoennt aenndtg onadde velopmoefPn atc)i ofyisct ers cultuirnme eds bha skeitnts w,os epareaxtpee rimoennt twsoc, o mmercial leasienTs a smania. Paciofyisct ienrE sx perim1ew netrs eub jecttoet dhf eo llowsihnegl l abrastiroena tmoennet-st;wh eirrmeda chine-gtrwaid(ceMedM g roup), anothtehriw redr mea chine-gra(dMeg dr oounapcn)edt hlea sgtr ouwpe re nomta chine-g(rCga rdoeudcp o,n trTohle)ip.re rformwaansmc eea sured ove�r1d a nd 87%o ft h77e datsae t(se lepveernf ormianndciec es in measuroensd e vesna mpdlaet essh)e,al blr aswiaosnn o ats igniffiaccatnotr (P>0.I0ti5 s)s .ug gesttheatdth iwsa sb ecauthseea vabilloeay stheardsl ittle 'shferlil(l flr'a sghielelexl t ensoinot nhoseu ter margins). Paciofyisct uesresid nE xperim2he andtl arsghee flrlie lxlt ensiontso, prior _ beintgr eaatsef do llotwwso;- thoiftr hdoesy stweerrsie n itimaalclhyi ne­ grad(eMdg rouapn)do ne-twhaisrn do( tC groupt)h,e hnaa nlodfft hMe grouopy stweerrsse h akent hiebnia rs kaefttsse irwx e ekasn,dt welve week(sM Bg rouipn)tt oh eex perimOeynstt.em rasc hine-gornacd(eeM d groulpo)sa mt e aonf 3 .±30 .m4m shehleli gahntd ±51 ..9m0 m ins hell in leng(tmhe a±n s .;en .=13A)d.d itisohneafllrl iw lalsr emovwehde no ysters werseh akiennt hebiars ke(tMsBg roupO)n.t hfei rosctc astihomene ,a n shehleli gahntds helleln gwtehr ree ducbey3d . ±40 .m5m and2 .±50 .m4m (mea±ns .en=.2;)9 r,e spectWihveenlt yhb.ea skweetrsse h aken asgiaxi n, weeklsa treerd,u ctoif4o .n±5s0 .m6m ins hehleli gahntd2 .±9 0 .m7m in shell leng±ts h.; en (.=m2)e9w aenr ree corded. TheC grougpr efwa sttehrat nh MeB grouwph,i lrsets uflottrsh Me group werues uailnltye rmedBiyta htfeei .n saalm p(l1e2 d4)i nE xperim2e,tn hte -1- resul(tPS< 0�w0e5r)fe o,r w;h olwee ig(hgot y steCr>1M),M B,s hehlelih gt C>M>MBs,h elleln gCt,Mh > MBs,h edlelp tCh> M,M B,d rsyh ewleli ght (go ysteCr>lM),M B,a ndf odrr ym eawte ig(hgot y ster,1b)u ttCh >eM MB grouwpa sn osti gnifidciaffnetr(lePyn> t0 .t0ot5 h)oe t htewro R.e duced shelglr owrtehl attoimv eeag tr owtihso, n eo ft hmea jofra ctionrflsu encing conditiionnd etxh;Me B grouhpa dah igher Cmlevaotnlh abno tMh a ndC grou(pPs< 0.w0h5i)lth,ee C lvoolfth el atswto g rouwpesr neo t signifidciafnftleyr entb y(t Ph>fie0n .as0la5 m)p lThee. tr endisnO shell valuweesr sei milbaultre ,sp sr onounacnedbd y,th efi nasla mple the mean CIshevlall uweesr sei milar (SPh>e0sl.hl0a 5pw)ea. ss ignifiaclatnetrleyd sucthh athteM Bg rouhpa dah igh(ePr< 0.m0e5a)cn u pi nde[x=( shell heigxhs th ellelngOt.Ihss) h edlelp tbhu]lt o we(rP <0.m0e5a)nr oundness inde(x=s heilelngtshhleh leli ght) cotmotp haoerth eetdrw og roups. Throughtohueetx peritmhemene ta ng lycocgoennt deinndto dti ffer signifi(cPa>n0t.al0my5o )n ggsrto ups. Ther angfeo,ar v eradgaeia leyr ieaxlp osturreea tmweanstm su,ch greaitne r Experim1(e 0n-t2 e6x%p osdu-r1te)h an in Ex2p( e0r-i7em%xe pnots ure d-1B)y.t hfei nsaalm pilnEe x perim1e,tn htme e awnh olwee ighsth,e ll heigshhte,ll eln gsthhe,l l adneddp rtysh h ewleli gohfst u btid(a0l% exposdu-rL1e; g rouopy)s tweerrshe i gh(ePr< O.t0h5at)nh ohseel adt2 6% exposdu-1r( eH g roupB)e.c autsheed irrym eawte ighwtesr e similar (P>O.t0h5He) g,r oudpe veloaph eidg h(ePr< OOS.m)e aCnl voaln dC lshell thathne L grouTph.eH grouhpa da h igh(ePr< 0.m0e5a)cn upi ndebxu t lowe(rP <O.mOeSa)rn o undniensdsec xo mparteotd h Le g rouapn,dt he meagnl ycocgoennt oefnt thH e g rouwpa sh igh(ePr< O.tOhSai)nn t hLe group. Aerieaxlp osluerveeo lf0s % e xposdu-r(1eL g roucpo)m par7e%de xposure d-1( Hg roudpi)nd o sti gnifiacfafn(etPcl>t0y0 5 .t)h mee anw holwee ight, shehleli gshhte,dl elp tdhr,sy h ell woerdi rgymhe ta wte igihntd ices, althotuhgsehh elleln gotfth h He grouwpa sh igh(ePr< 0.t0h5at)nh aotft he L groubpyt hfei nsaalm pilnEe x perim2e.Cn otm parteotd h Le g roup, the H grouhpa dh ighbeurnt,o sti gnifidciafnfte(lrPye> n0t. m0e5a)nC, l voaln d CIshienldli caensdw, e rsel ighrtoluyn dbeurlt e scsu ppeidns hapTeh.eH groudpi dh aves iag nifihciagnh(tePlr<y O .mOeSa)ng lycocgoennt benytt h e lassatm ple. -i-i . . resw(tPs<0.w0e5r)ef ,o wrh;o lwee ig(hgot y steCr>lM),M B,s hehleli ght C>M>MBs,h elleln gCt,Mh > MBs,h edlelp th C>MMB,,d rsyh ewleli ght (go ysteCr>lM),M B,a ndf odrr ym eawte ig(hgot y steCr>lM)b uthte M B grouwpa sn osti gnifidciafnfte(lrPye> n0t.t 0ot5 h)oe t htewro R.e duced sheglrlo wrthe lattiomv eeag tr owtihso, n eo ft hmea jofra ctionrflsu encing conditiionnd etxh;Me B grouhpa da h ighmeera Cnl votlh anb otMh a ndC grou(pPs< 0.w0h5i)lth,ee C lvoolfth el atwsot grouwpesr neo t signifidciafnfte(lrPye> n0t.b 0yt5 h)fie n asla mplTeh.etr endisnO shell valuweesr sei milbaulrte, s psr onounacnedbd y,t hfien asla mpthleem ean CIshevlall uweesr sei mi(lPa>r0 .S0h5e)l.l wsahsas pieg nifiaclatnetrleyd sucthh atthM eB grouhpa dah igh(ePr< 0.m0e5a)cn u pi nde[x=( shell heigxhs th elleln g0t./h5s )h edlelp tbhu]lt o we(rP0 <.0m5e)a nr oundness inde(xs helleln gth/hsehieglhlt ) cotmotp haoert ehtdew ro g roups. = Throughtohueetx peritmhemene ta gnl ycogen dciondno tdtei nffetr signifi(cPa0>n.t0al5my)o ngst groups. Ther angfeo,ar v eradgaeia leyr ieaxlp osturreea tmweanstm su,c hg reater in Experim1e n(t0 -e2x6p%o sdu-r1te)h ainnE xperim2(e 0n-t7 e%x posure d-lB)y.t hfei nsaalm pilneE xperim1e,tn htme e awnh olwee ighsth,e ll heigshhte,ll eln gsthhe,dl elp tahn dd rys newleli gohfst u bti(d0a%l exposdu-1rL;e g rouopy)s tweerrshe i gher (tPh<a0tn.h 0o5hs)ee l adt2 6% exposdu-1r( eH g roupB)e.c autsheed irrym eawte ighwtesrs ei milar (P>0.t0h5He) g,r oudpe veloaph eidg h(ePr< 0.m0e5a)Cn l voaln dC lshell thatnh Le g rouTph.eH grouhpa dah igh(ePr< 0.m0e5a)cn upi ndebxu t lowe(rP <0.m0e5a)rn o undnessc oimnpdaertxeo td h Le g rouapn,dt he meang lycocgoennt oefnt thH e grouwpa sh igh(ePr< 0.t0h5ai)nn t hLe group. Aerieaxlp osluerveeo lf0s % e xposdu-1r( eLg roucpo)m parede x7p%o sure d-1( Hg roudpi)nd o sti gnifiacffaen(ctPtl> y0 .t0h5me)e anw holwee ight, shehleli gshhte,dl elp tdhr,ys hewleli gohrtd rym eawte igihntd ices, althoutghhse h elleln gotfth h He grouwpa sh igh(ePr< O.tOhSat)nh aotft he L groubpyt hfei nsaalm pilneE xperim2e.Cn otm parteotd h Le g roup, the H grouhpa dh ighbeurtn, o sti gnifidciafnfte(lrPye> nOt. mOeSa)Cn,l voaln d CIshienldli caensdw, e rsel ighrtoluyn dbeurtl escsu ppeidns hape.H The . ' groudpi dh aves iag nifihciagnhtelry O (SmP)e< aOgn.l ycocgoennt benytt h e lassta mple. -ii- In neitehxepre ridmiesdnh te alblr asoirao enr ieaxlp oshuarveae c onsistent effoencg to nadde velopmoersn etgx,r ourpa t(imoa lfee:m ale: indeterminate). Thisstu dyh assh own sthheaaltbl r asion csahne glrrleo twatbrhud,t improthveeC lvoCll,s haenldcl u pi ndefxoP ra cifiocy stwehrisc hha ve substanstihaelfrl illlp ritooar b rasiTohner. o undniensdsea xn dg lycogen contehnotw,e vweer,rn eo itm provIendc.r ealseevdeo lfas e rieaxlp osure letdoan improvgeldy cocgoennt ecnotm,p arteosd u btiodyaslt ers. Increasleedv eolfes x poswuirlaell sroe tasrhdeg lrlo wtbhu,wt i lilmp rove thea volC,l shaenldcl u pi ndebxu,nt o tth reo undneisnsd eAxs.s ucthh ey areu sefmualn agemteonotl s budton otpthr eoym oftaes tmeerag tr owth. '. iii - - �cknowl�dgements l,wisthoth ankm ys upervDirGs roerMg a guifroehr i csr itgiuciadla nce, encourageamnedpn att ieMnyc ger.e attehsatn kst ohg ioma ,n Cdh riisnte Magui.r e Iam vergyr atetfoCu oll ainnSd u eD ykea,n Pde tearnJ da Cnh eww hog ave men umeroouyss tfeortrsh isustd yt,h ues oef t heliera saensd equipment, andp rovitdheedtii mrea nde xpertTihsisesut. d yw oulndo hta vbee en posbsliwei thoyuotus ru ppoThratn.k sa lstoHo a ydeDny kea nTdi m McM annus for abs ueiclodrniadnc hgke igahtet a chl eathseeh, a rwdo rikn getttihneegx perimseeuntpt ,s tahnrede gutleamrp eramtounriet oarnidn g colleocftiw oant esra mples. Iw asa wardtewd'o s tea'rrg tranftrso tmh Uen iverosTfi atsym anainad, furthseurp portp rwoavsib dyet dhN ea tioKneayCl e nrtef oTre achianngd ReseairAncq hu acultCuorleai.nn Sd u eD ykea,n Rdo geCra lvearlts o provimdoende tdaornyai tonssu;p pogrrte aatplpyr eciCaotleSidun.m ner, alownigt thh fea rmearbso vmee ntioanlespdor ovicdreidt ical input. Spectihaaln tkAosd elaen Gdr eKge nwth,o h elpoepde ann dm easutrheo se thousaonfod yss tearnsda, l shoe lpmeedt os tasya nweh ildeo inigt . StephHeinn drudmi tdh gel ycogen aTnhaalnykassle stsoJo. a nGer iffith focrr itriecvailoe ftw h Ien troduscetcitooinfto hni msa nusc.r ipt Thitsh esiisdse dicattome ydm othEenrg eliOe'nMae lmeyys ,i sSetreern a . whoh aasl wabyese bny m ys idmey,g oofdr ieDnedba ,n dm yo thferri ends whol uckairlteyo nou merotuoms e ntiThoann.k y oua ll yfoourr support ande ncouragement. '. -iv- Cont'eftfS' i Abstract iv Acknowledgements v Contents viii LisotfF igures xi Listo fT ables 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Review 1 1.1.P1r oducatinodnv aluPea cioffoi ycs ters 1 1.1.2T axonoamnydd itrsibution 1 1.1.3S in-gleseed 3 1.1.4S itsee lieocnt 5 1.15. Factoafrfse cmtairnkgbe itlaiotfPy a ciofyisct er9s 11..6 Effeocfcts u lture teocnth hnpeie qrufeosr mance oPfa ciofyisct .e rs 12 1.1.6.S1t ockdienngs ity 12 1.1.6.D2e groef�ee rieaxlp osure 13 11..6.3S healblr asion 15 1.2 Summarayn da imosft hisst ud.y 19 2. Materialasn dM ethods 21 2.1 Duratioofne xpiemrenstist,e s, ecquulitpumreen t and experimoeynsttaelr s 21 2.2 Treatme.n ts 25 2.2.1S healblr asiporno cedures 25 2.2.2S tockdienngs iatnidae esr eixalp osluervee ls2 8 23. Samplirnegg im.e 28 2.4A biotmieca surements 29 2.4.W1a tetre mperaatnudsr ael inity 29 2.4.A2e rieaxlp osure 29 2.5B iotmieca surements 30 2.15 .Surviv.a l 30 " 2.5.W2h olwee igahntds heglrlo wth 30 25..3 Meagt rowth 32 2.5.4C onditiionnd ices 32 2..55 Shapien dices 33 25..6 Glycogceonn tent 33 2.5.G7a metogenesis 33 -y- MaterainalMdse tho(dcso ntinued) 2. 2.5.8S helf life . 34 35 2.6 Statistiacnaall yses 3. Results 37 Experime1n t 3.1 Abiotimce asurements 37 3.1.1W atetre mperataunrdse a ltiyn i 37 3.1.2A erieaxlp osu.r e 37 3.2 Biotimce asurements 37 3.2.1S urvival 37 3.2.2G rowth 38 3.2.2W.h1o lwee ighatn ds heglrlo wth 38 3.2.2M.e2a tw eight 39 3.2.3C onditioinn dices 39 3.2.3V.o1l umceo nditiinodne x 39 3.2.3S.h2e lclo nditiinodne x 39 3.2..4S. h apien dices 40 3.2.4R.o1u ndneisnsd ex 40 3.2.4C.u2p i ndex' 40 3.2.5G lycogen content 40 3.2.6G ametogenesis 41 Experim2e nt 3.3 Abiotmieca surements 64 3.3.1W atetre mperataunrsse a linity 64 3.3.2Ae rieaxlp osu.r e 64 3.4 Biotmieca surements 64 3.4.1S urvival 64 3.4.2Gr owth 65 3.4.2.Wh1o lew eighatn ds heglrlo wth 65 3..42.2M eatg rowth 66 3.4.3C onditiionnd ices 67 3..43.1V olumceo nditiinodne x 67 3.4.3.Sh2e lclo ndtii oinn dex 67 3.4.4S hapien dices 67 3.4.4.Ro1u ndneisnsd ex 68 3.4.4.Cu2p i ndex 68 3.54 .Glycogceonn tent 68 3.4.6G ametogenesis 68 3.4.7Sh ellfi fe 69 -vi- 4i .;,.;tD: iscussion 97 ....·�.. ". •... '.' '.�-":'--' t' 97 4.1 Survival 4.2 Wholwee igahntds heglrlo w.t h 102 112 Meagtr owth 114 4.4 Conditiinodne x 4.5 Shapien dex 118 4.6 Glycogceonn tent 122 4.7 Gametogenesis 124 4.8 Shelliff e 126 5. Conlcusions 130 Appendices 133 A Ac omparativeo ftha env aollyuscmioesn diitinodne x (Clvaonld)t h seh ecloln diitnido(enCx I shell) 133 B Normaloifit nyi tiaanldf indaalti anE xperim1e nts and2' 141 C Correlaantailoynos fte espn e rformianndciec es measurienPd a ciofyisct ers 145 Growtihns helleln gatnhds hedlelp tohfP acific D oystienEr xsp erim1e annt2ds 149 E Additiroensaulsl htosw itnhgse h edlilm ensainodn s shapien diocfEe xsp erim2e onyts tseurbsj etcot ed shell atbrreaastimoenn ts 159 F Thee ffoefcs th akbiansgk eotPfsa cifoiycs toenr s thewihro lwee igshhte,dl ilm ensainodns sh ape indices 163 References 166 " -vii-

The range, for average daily aerial exposure treatments, was much greater in. Experiment 1 . Stephen Hindrum did the glycogen analyses. Thanks also to .. Anderson, 1977; Heral and Deslous-Paoli, 1990), Canada (Quayle, 1988),. -4-
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