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EERE 105: Funding Opportunity Announcement GEOTHERMAL PLAY PDF

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Preview EERE 105: Funding Opportunity Announcement GEOTHERMAL PLAY

EERE 105: Funding Opportunity Announcement GEOTHERMAL PLAY FAIRWAY ANALYSIS Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Number: [DE-FOA-0000841] FOA Type: Initial CFDA Number: [81.087] FOA Issue Date: 01/24/2014 Informational Webinar: 02/06/2014 1:00PM EST Submission Deadline for Concept Papers: 02/21/2014 11:59PM EST Submission Deadline for Full Applications: 04/11/2014 11:59PM EST Submission Deadline for Replies to Reviewer Comments: 05/14/2014 11:59PM EST Expected Date for EERE Selection Notifications: 07/31/2014 Expected Timeframe for Award Negotiations: 09/30/2014  Applicants must submit a Concept Paper by the due date listed above to be eligible to submit a Full Application.  To apply to this FOA, Applicants must register with and submit application materials through EERE Exchange at https://eere-Exchange.energy.gov, EERE’s online application portal. Frequently asked questions for this FOA and the EERE Application process can be found at https://eere-exchange.energy.gov/FAQ.aspx.  Applicants must designate primary and backup points-of-contact in EERE Exchange with whom EERE will communicate to conduct award negotiations. If an application is selected for award negotiations, it is not a commitment to issue an award. It is imperative that the Applicant/Selectee be responsive during award negotiations and meet negotiation deadlines. Failure to do so may result in cancelation of further award negotiations and rescission of the Selection. Que stions about this FOA? Email [email protected]. Problems with EERE Exchange? Email EERE- [email protected]. Include FOA name and number in subject line. T C ABLE OF ONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... 1 I. FUNDING OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 2 A. DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................. 2 B. APPLICATIONS SPECIFICALLY NOT OF INTEREST ........................................................................................................... 4 II. AWARD INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................ 4 A. AWARD OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................... 4 1. Estimated Funding ...................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Period of Performance ................................................................................................................................ 5 3. New Applications Only ................................................................................................................................ 5 B. EERE FUNDING AGREEMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 5 1. Cooperative Agreements ............................................................................................................................ 5 2. Funding Agreements with FFRDCs, GOGOs, Federal Agencies and Federal Instrumentalities ................... 6 3. Grants ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 4. Technology Investment Agreements .......................................................................................................... 6 III. ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................... 7 A. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS ............................................................................................................................................ 7 1. Individuals ................................................................................................................................................... 7 2. Domestic Entities ........................................................................................................................................ 7 3. Foreign Entities ........................................................................................................................................... 8 4. Incorporated Consortia ............................................................................................................................... 8 5. Unincorporated Consortia .......................................................................................................................... 9 B. COST SHARING..................................................................................................................................................... 9 1. Legal Responsibility .................................................................................................................................. 10 2. Cost Share Allocation ................................................................................................................................ 10 3. Cost Share Types and Allowability ............................................................................................................ 11 4. Cost Share Contributions by FFRDCs and GOGOs ..................................................................................... 12 5. Cost Share Verification ............................................................................................................................. 12 6. Cost Share Payment .................................................................................................................................. 12 C. COMPLIANCE CRITERIA ........................................................................................................................................ 13 1. Compliance Criteria .................................................................................................................................. 13 D. RESPONSIVENESS CRITERIA ................................................................................................................................... 14 E. OTHER ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 14 1. Requirements for DOE/NNSA Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC) Listed as the Applicant ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 2. Requirements for DOE/NNSA and non-DOE/NNSA Federally Funded Research and Development Centers Included as a Subrecipient .................................................................................................................................. 14 F. LIMITATION ON NUMBER OF CONCEPT PAPERS AND FULL APPLICATIONS ELIGIBLE FOR REVIEW ......................................... 15 G. QUESTIONS REGARDING ELIGIBILITY ....................................................................................................................... 15 IV. APPLICATION AND SUBMISSION INFORMATION ........................................................................................ 15 A. APPLICATION PROCESS ........................................................................................................................................ 15 B. APPLICATION FORMS .......................................................................................................................................... 17 C. CONTENT AND FORM OF THE CONCEPT PAPER ......................................................................................................... 17 1. Concept Paper Content Requirements ...................................................................................................... 17 D. CONTENT AND FORM OF THE FULL APPLICATION ...................................................................................................... 19 1. Full Application Content Requirements .................................................................................................... 19 Que stions about this FOA? Email [email protected]. Problems with EERE Exchange? Email EERE- [email protected]. Include FOA name and number in subject line. 2. Technical Volume ...................................................................................................................................... 20 3. SF-424: Application for Federal Assistance ............................................................................................... 26 4. Budget Justification Workbook (EERE 159)............................................................................................... 27 5. Summary/Abstract for Public Release ...................................................................................................... 27 6. Summary Slide .......................................................................................................................................... 27 7. Subaward Budget Justification (EERE159) ................................................................................................ 28 8. Budget for DOE/NNSA FFRDC (if applicable) ............................................................................................ 28 9. Authorization for non-DOE/NNSA or DOE/NNSA FFRDCs ......................................................................... 28 10. SF-LLL: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities ................................................................................................... 28 11. Waiver Requests: Foreign Entities and Performance of Work in the United States ................................. 29 12. Data Management Plan ........................................................................................................................... 29 E. POST-AWARD INFORMATION REQUESTS ................................................................................................................. 30 F. CONTENT AND FORM OF REPLIES TO REVIEWER COMMENTS....................................................................................... 30 G. SUBMISSION DATES AND TIMES ............................................................................................................................ 31 H. INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 31 I. FUNDING RESTRICTIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 31 1. Allowable Costs ......................................................................................................................................... 31 2. Pre-Award Costs ....................................................................................................................................... 31 3. Performance of Work in the United States ............................................................................................... 32 4. Construction.............................................................................................................................................. 33 5. Equipment and Supplies ........................................................................................................................... 33 6. Lobbying ................................................................................................................................................... 33 7. Data and Software Costs .......................................................................................................................... 34 V. APPLICATION REVIEW INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 34 A. TECHNICAL REVIEW CRITERIA ................................................................................................................................ 34 1. Concept Papers ......................................................................................................................................... 34 2. Full Applications ........................................................................................................................................ 34 3. Criteria for Replies to Reviewer Comments .............................................................................................. 36 B. STANDARDS FOR APPLICATION EVALUATION ............................................................................................................ 36 C. OTHER SELECTION FACTORS ................................................................................................................................. 36 1. Program Policy Factors ............................................................................................................................. 36 D. MERIT REVIEW AND SELECTION PROCESS ................................................................................................................ 37 1. Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 37 2. Pre-Selection Interviews ........................................................................................................................... 37 3. Pre-Selection Clarification ......................................................................................................................... 37 4. Selection ................................................................................................................................................... 38 VI. AWARD ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 38 A. ANTICIPATED NOTICE OF SELECTION AND AWARD DATES ........................................................................................... 38 B. AWARD NOTICES ................................................................................................................................................ 38 1. Rejected Submissions ................................................................................................................................ 38 2. Concept Paper Notifications ..................................................................................................................... 38 3. Full Application Notifications .................................................................................................................... 39 4. Successful Applicants ................................................................................................................................ 39 5. Postponed Selection Determinations ........................................................................................................ 39 6. Unsuccessful Applicants ............................................................................................................................ 40 C. PROGRAM DOWN-SELECT .................................................................................................................................... 40 D. ADMINISTRATIVE AND NATIONAL POLICY REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 41 1. Registration Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 41 2. Award Administrative Requirements ........................................................................................................ 42 3. Foreign National Involvement .................................................................................................................. 42 4. Limitations on Compensation Costs .......................................................................................................... 42 Que stions about this FOA? Email [email protected]. Problems with EERE Exchange? Email EERE- [email protected]. Include FOA name and number in subject line. 5. Subaward and Executive Reporting .......................................................................................................... 43 6. National Policy Requirements ................................................................................................................... 43 7. Environmental Review in Accordance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) ........................... 43 8. Applicant Representations and Certifications........................................................................................... 43 9. Statement of Substantial Involvement ..................................................................................................... 46 10. Intellectual Property Management Plan................................................................................................... 47 11. Subject Invention Utilization Reporting .................................................................................................... 47 12. Intellectual Property Provisions ................................................................................................................ 48 13. Reporting .................................................................................................................................................. 48 14. Go/No-Go Review and Stage-Gate Review ............................................................................................... 48 VII. QUESTIONS/AGENCY CONTACTS ............................................................................................................ 49 VIII. OTHER INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................... 49 A. FOA MODIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 49 B. INFORMATIONAL WEBINAR .................................................................................................................................. 49 C. GOVERNMENT RIGHT TO REJECT OR NEGOTIATE....................................................................................................... 50 D. COMMITMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS .......................................................................................................................... 50 E. TREATMENT OF APPLICATION INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 50 F. EVALUATION AND ADMINISTRATION BY NON-FEDERAL PERSONNEL ............................................................................. 51 G. NOTICE REGARDING ELIGIBLE/INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................. 52 H. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CONDUCT A REVIEW OF FINANCIAL CAPABILITY ........................................................................... 52 I. NOTICE OF POTENTIAL DISCLOSURE UNDER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT ................................................................ 52 J. REQUIREMENT FOR FULL AND COMPLETE DISCLOSURE .............................................................................................. 52 K. RETENTION OF SUBMISSIONS ................................................................................................................................ 53 L. TITLE TO SUBJECT INVENTIONS .............................................................................................................................. 53 M. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS IN SUBJECT INVENTIONS ........................................................................................................ 53 1. Government Use License........................................................................................................................... 53 2. March-In Rights ........................................................................................................................................ 54 N. RIGHTS IN TECHNICAL DATA ................................................................................................................................. 54 O. COPYRIGHT ....................................................................................................................................................... 55 P. PROTECTED PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION ............................................................................................... 55 Q. ANNUAL COMPLIANCE AUDITS .............................................................................................................................. 57 APPENDIX A – DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................. 58 APPENDIX B – COST SHARE INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 63 APPENDIX C – SAMPLE COST SHARE CALCULATION FOR BLENDED COST SHARE PERCENTAGE ............................ 68 APPENDIX D – OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................ 70 APPENDIX E – DATA MANAGEMENT PLANS ....................................................................................................... 74 APPENDIX F – NOTICE OF INTENT DE-FOA-0001061 ............................................................................................. 78 APPENDIX G – SLIDES FOR REFERENCE IN WEBINAR ............................................................................................ 83 Que stions about this FOA? Email [email protected]. Problems with EERE Exchange? Email EERE- [email protected]. Include FOA name and number in subject line. [1] E S XECUTIVE UMMARY Means of Concept Papers, Full Applications, and Replies to Reviewer Comments must be Submission submitted through EERE Exchange at https://eere-Exchange.energy.gov, EERE’s online application portal. EERE will not review or consider applications submitted through other means. The Users’ Guide for Applying to the Department of Energy EERE Funding Opportunity Announcements is found at https://eere- Exchange.energy.gov/Manuals.aspx. Total Amount to $3,000,000-$4,000,000 for Phase 1 be Awarded $3,000,000-$5,000,000 for Phase 2 $3,000,000-$5,000,000 for Phase 3 (All subject to the availability of appropriated funds.) Average Award EERE anticipates making awards that range from $100,000 to $500,000 in Phase 1, Amount approximately $1,000,000 in Phase 2, and approximately $1,000,000 in Phase 3. Types of Funding Cooperative Agreements, Grants, Technology Investment Agreements, Work Agreements Authorizations, and Interagency Agreements Period of 9 to 12 months for Phase 1 Performance Eligible Applicants Individuals, Domestic Entities, Foreign Entities, Incorporated Consortia, Unincorporated Consortia, subject to the definitions in Section III.A. Cost Share 20% of Total Project Costs Requirement A reduction to 10% cost share is available when (1) the Prime Recipient is a domestic institution of higher education; domestic nonprofit entity; FFRDC; or U.S. State, local or tribal government; and (2) the Prime Recipient performs more than 50% of the project work, as measured by the Total Project Cost. Submission of Applicants may submit more than one application to this FOA, provided that each Multiple application describes a unique, scientifically distinct project. Applications Application Forms Required forms and templates for Full Applications are available on EERE Exchange at https://eere-Exchange.energy.gov. FOA Summary DOE is seeking applications to address the overarching theme of uncertainty quantification and reduction, specifically through the development of Geothermal Play Fairways. A play fairway analysis defines levels of uncertainty with respect to the presence and utility of geothermal system elements, and translates them into maps to high grade the geographic area over which the most favorable combinations of heat, permeability, and fluid are thought to extend. This analysis is conducted on a regional (basin) scale, with the resulting maps covering areas up to several thousand square miles. Questions about this FOA? Email [email protected]. Problems with EERE Exchange? Email [email protected]. Include FOA name and number in subject line. [2] I. F O D UNDING PPORTUNITY ESCRIPTION A. DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Productive conventional hydrothermal geothermal systems occur in diverse geologic settings, often without clear surface manifestations of the underlying resource. Identifying and characterizing these hidden systems is challenging and costly, with resource confirmation relying on the drilling of multimillion dollar wells, often with low success rates. Reducing this risk through improved exploration and drilling success rates is critical to securing investment and ultimately lowering overall costs; this will impact and enable the identification and ultimate development of an estimated 30 gigawatts electric (GWe) of undiscovered hydrothermal, 100+ GWe of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), and several GWe of low-temperature hydrothermal resources across the U.S. The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is an office within the Department of Energy (DOE) that invests in high-risk, high-value research and development in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. The Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO), an office within EERE, researches, develops, and validates innovative and cost-effective technologies and tools to locate, access, and develop geothermal resources in the United States. DOE is seeking applications to address the overarching theme of uncertainty quantification and reduction, specifically through the development of Geothermal Play Fairways. A play fairway analysis defines levels of uncertainty with respect to the presence and utility of geothermal system elements, and translates them into maps to high grade the geographic area over which the most favorable combinations of heat, permeability, and fluid are thought to extend. This analysis is conducted on a regional (basin) scale, with the resulting maps covering areas up to several thousand square miles. Additional background information on Play Fairway Analysis and Geothermal Exploration was contained in Notice of Intent (NOI) DE-FOA-0001061. That paper is attached to this document as Appendix F. The Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) seeks Play Fairway Analysis development projects of up to 1 year in duration (for Phase 1). Collaboration among industry, national laboratories and academic institutions is highly encouraged; Team and Resources is one of three technical review criteria by which applications will be evaluated. The Geothermal Technologies Office also encourages applications for unique or new regions for geothermal exploration and development, in addition to known geothermal regions. However, such applications must take into consideration the available and applicable data which will be used to generate an accurate and useable product. GTO also encourages applications which may use new or non-traditional datasets, keeping in mind that integration and verification with more conventional data would then be critical. Questions about this FOA? Email [email protected]. Problems with EERE Exchange? Email [email protected]. Include FOA name and number in subject line. [3] Applications must specify the source(s) and types of data to be utilized. They must explain how they intend to utilize and integrate this data, how they will represent it in a meaningful, GIS/map or other useable format, and how they expect industry to successfully utilize this product. They must clearly identify the geographic area to be assessed, including why that area was chosen. They must propose detailed plans for uncertainty quantification and potential value added from these contributions, and explain the expected operational and economic impact of concentrating future exploration efforts on the areas identified for elevated geothermal prospectivity. It is also expected that applicants will outline the process whereby they will attempt to grade and rank various types of data, including how they will identify and quantify future types or categories of data which could be collected to cost-effectively improve the accuracy of their work. GTO is interested in projects that: • Focus on under or unexplored regions • Are at a basin or regional scale • Consider a wide range of possible geothermal resources, including traditional hydrothermal, blind hydrothermal, EGS, and low-temperature geothermal resources • Apply innovative analysis methods to extract new value from existing public and/or private data. • Develop methodologies that quantitatively couple multiple data types and incorporate a wide range of geologic and geophysical data in order to evaluate the risk of potential failure vs. size of the potential reward. • If an area looks prospective, will develop a clear plan to further characterize the geothermal resource in later project phases. New data acquistion, defined as field-based collection of new geologic or geophysical data, will not be funded in Phase 1 under this FOA. Awardees will be expected to obtain and utilize all applicable and appropriate existing datasets for the chosen area of investigation; if costs are required to access, obtain or purchase these datasets, that information must be quantified in the application. If viable leads or prospects are identifed in the initial phase, then the Phase 1 report must include a plan for further exploration in Phase 2. Upon completion of Phase 1, a downselect process will be held and a subset of awardees may receive funds for continuation to Phase 21. Phase 2 awards may allow funding for acquisition of new data (field surveys and/or temperature gradient wells). Downselects are described in Section VI.C. 1 In addition to passing the downselect process, continuation funding is contingent on (1) the availability of funds appropriated by Congress for the purpose of this program and the availability of future-year budget authority; (2) meeting the objectives, milestones, deliverables, decision point criteria, and stage gates of Recipient’s approved project and obtaining approval from EERE to continue work on the project; (3) submittal of required reports; and/or (4) compliance with the terms and conditions of the award. Questions about this FOA? Email [email protected]. Problems with EERE Exchange? Email [email protected]. Include FOA name and number in subject line. [4] This FOA is authorized under EPACT 2005 section 931 (a)(2)(c). B. APPLICATIONS SPECIFICALLY NOT OF INTEREST The following types of applications will be deemed nonresponsive and will not be reviewed or considered (See Section III.D of the FOA):  Applications that fall outside the technical parameters specified in Section I.A of the FOA, including but not limited to applications for projects that begin with field collection of new data, instead of analysis of existing datasets. Proposals for Phase 1 should not include field work.  Applications that propose work inside or are extensions of already-developed geothermal fields.  Applications for proposed technologies that are not based on sound scientific principles (e.g., violates the laws of thermodynamics). II. A I WARD NFORMATION A. AWARD OVERVIEW 1. ESTIMATED FUNDING EERE expects to make awards as described in the table below, subject to availability of appropriated funds. EERE may establish one budget period for each Phase and fund only the initial budget period(s). Funding for all budget periods, including the initial budget period, is not guaranteed. Before the expiration of each budget period(s), EERE will perform a down-select among different recipients and provide additional funding only to a subset of recipients. The downselect process is described in Section VI.C. Phase Length Anticipated Anticipated Anticipated Anticipated Anticipated No. of Average FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 Awards Award Size Funding Funding Funding 1 12 months 5-15 new $100,000- $3,000,000- - - awards $500,000 $4,000,000 2 12-24 1-5 continuing $1,000,000 - $3,000,000- - months from Phase 1 5,000,000 Questions about this FOA? Email [email protected]. Problems with EERE Exchange? Email [email protected]. Include FOA name and number in subject line. [5] 3 12-24 1-5 continuing 1,000,000 - - $3,000,000- months from Phase 2 5,000,000 2. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE EERE anticipates making Phase 1 awards that will run up to 12 months in length. Phase 2 and 3 awards are expected to be 12-24 months in length. In addition to the downselect held between Phases 1 and 2, projects that are active in Phases 2 and 3 will be subject to Go/No-go points. Project continuation will be contingent upon satisfactory performance and Go/No-go decision review. At the go/no-go decision points, EERE will evaluate project performance, project schedule adherence, meeting milestone objectives, compliance with reporting requirements, and overall contribution to the program goals and objectives. As a result of this evaluation, EERE will make a determination to continue the project, re-direct the project, or discontinue funding the project. Only those projects demonstrating a high probability of successfully meeting the program targets will be continued. 3. NEW APPLICATIONS ONLY EERE will accept only new applications under this FOA. EERE will not consider applications for renewals of existing EERE-funded awards through this FOA. B. EERE FUNDING AGREEMENTS Through Cooperative Agreements and other similar agreements, EERE provides financial and other support to projects that have the potential to realize the FOA objectives. EERE does not use such agreements to acquire property or services for the direct benefit or use of the United States Government. 1. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS EERE generally uses Cooperative Agreements to provide financial and other support to Prime Recipients. Through Cooperative Agreements, EERE provides financial or other support to accomplish a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by Federal statute. Under Cooperative Agreements, the Government and Prime Recipients share responsibility for the direction of projects. EERE has substantial involvement in all projects funded via Cooperative Agreement. See Section VI.D.9 of the FOA for more information on what substantial involvement may involve. Questions about this FOA? Email [email protected]. Problems with EERE Exchange? Email [email protected]. Include FOA name and number in subject line. [6] 2. FUNDING AGREEMENTS WITH FFRDCS, GOGOS, FEDERAL AGENCIES AND FEDERAL INSTRUMENTALITIES In most cases, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC) or Government- owned, Government-operated laboratories (GOGO) are funded independently of the remainder of the Project Team. The FFRDC or GOGO then executes an agreement with any non- FFRDC/GOGO Project Team members to arrange work structure, project execution, and any other matters. Regardless of these arrangements, the entity that applied as the Prime Recipient for the project will remain the Prime Recipient for the project. 3. GRANTS Although EERE has the authority to provide financial support to Prime Recipients through Grants, EERE generally does not fund projects through Grants. EERE may fund a limited number of projects through Grants, as appropriate. 4. TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT AGREEMENTS In rare cases, and if determined appropriate, EERE will consider awarding a Technology Investment Agreement (TIA) to a non-FFRDC applicant. TIAs, governed by 10 CFR Part 603, are assistance instruments used to increase the involvement of commercial entities in the Department’s research, development, and demonstration programs. A TIA may be either a type of cooperative agreement or an assistance transaction other than a cooperative agreement, depending on the intellectual property provisions. In both cases, TIAs are not necessarily subject to all of the requirements of 10 CFR Part 600. In a TIA, EERE may modify the standard Government terms and conditions, including but not limited to:  Intellectual Property Provisions: EERE may negotiate special arrangements with Recipients to avoid the encumbrance of existing intellectual property rights or to facilitate the commercial deployment of inventions conceived or first actually reduced to practice under the EERE funding agreement.  Accounting Provisions: EERE may authorize the use of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) where Recipients do not have accounting systems that comply with Government recordkeeping and reporting requirements. EERE will be more amenable to awarding a TIA in support of a proposal from a consortium or a team arrangement that includes cost sharing with the private sector. Such a consortium or teaming arrangement could include a DOE/NNSA FFRDC, other Federal agency, or other Federal agency FFRDC. If the DOE/NNSA FFRDC is a part of the consortium or teaming arrangement, the value of, and funding for the DOE/NNSA FFRDC portion of the work will be authorized and Questions about this FOA? Email [email protected]. Problems with EERE Exchange? Email [email protected]. Include FOA name and number in subject line.

Questions about this FOA? Email [email protected]. Problems with EERE Exchange? Email EERE- [email protected]. Include FOA name and number in subject line.
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