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Edward de Bono PDF

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ti Bs i oi Pee Hl BeBe Sow cig ater Thinking Seupaty ‘Vn Tank EDWARD DE BONG ' TEACH YOUR CHILD HOW TO THINK ) PENGUIN BOOKS Ft oping atu ierm ao as eects CEA pli ae de apc Penden Contents PART ONE This Roel Not Fan You Ht 8 teaduotow Why We Neod New Thbikig About Thing 5 ‘ate Aut the Author 22 How tose Trin ool ‘ageand ADIN 4 Thing lvoe 5 ‘TheNonwe of Thinkion 56 PART TWO Campentenennd Thinkers 85 Stetnden 8 he Ste Dinking ate 74 Weyer Thing ad Re thinking 30 BlacklietTeinkiog and YelowHat Thlckiog M6 (Greece Teak aid slut Thai ‘he Thinking nti Seqvanon 97 ‘Outcome aod Conclusion 102 ‘tard oe Passa 167 lope and Perception 110 CAF Gooeidc All Pastors 113 APU: Alleralites Pooiblten Ubaices 125 PY: Other Peeps Views: 121 CaS: Canseyuenoe and Seguel Tz PM: Plo Mie a Lstretiog 120 Paons ond Pospace 131 AGO: Aine Gone and Oblectven 135 {ive nortan aoe 18 PART TURRE ane Tincng opin 358 train tog and Creat Fbing 188 ‘er Whe rsa net ‘tyne Spcunton and Powoenton 377 ‘ince Tang 188 sortie PART ONE Randoer Wort 208 second vi Sion 219 Pipa Thking 220 Sautures and Situations 227 "ToLoPasGa #0, Ammomints aed Diageromantn 264 Problemeand Tks 25% aetetons ood Chotees 285 ‘Thiel Review Soiton 177 PaRTene i Nowepapet ixercaae 207 Tae Trarfimse Phckiog Came 298 ‘The Trawing Mithod 2S ‘i ord SD Appendix: Thinking Cubs 302 Hy one ambition n writing thi bok is that around the world Une should bao fw more young people whe comet ‘Cama thinear! 1 ould be even more pleased ome of than wen ogo futher and ‘ama thinker endTenjey taking? ‘hens mul onpastuity in thin hook for parents peerah to fod thaelves ying is ae thog “Thinking snot afc. Tinka ls oct Boring. You ela nl nee 0 bea geal Warder lobe u yd hiner. 5 adull i ‘The fvtare wellbeing ofthe world ogolag Lo resi gad sinking Prreonal ip bse alwaye equim pond thinking hot inthe COTE the inareasing complexity of aman and apportaAa will equi ‘evn tong. Doses ad proleatnal is. pood thinking {eee for evi, for suze for enmotton This Book is Not For You If... 4 You Dele thal ntalignnen fz enangh: TT yon bliove that highly ioteigent person is gotamatcly« geod thinker aod thal + pstoon wha Totes italigaaoe eas ols tke thie be ot oeyou In ay expeconce highly iotligent prop arena alway good tok sn. Many highly Snteligent poeple fal foto the “utligeuce Vag! Sod function as por Wlakess. Intelignce laa potenila. Teioking ix Ube sl wih which we une (Gal gent |b he owning thin pict in mare daa witha ‘few pepe 2, You bene Dat hinkiog kil ae akon being moght in ah Wyo hove thet sebool is te ght place co teach thinking and ‘hat achool ave deg thle wel thi bok at Lr you In my experince tat achoul do at Leach thong ata Snme schosie ach he Boited thinking ekilsineoved ia adormaton fortig aud avalos, Lately there at been eometivy of «urge te ‘he teaching of fhioking in arkool. Som achoola have bog 40 teach roel thinking. hie fa worthwhile bot elo IneufSeleat sd even dangarvusen Us wwe (a ch expla lle ‘The CoRT Thug Program which 1 desigued is wow lu use with rillons of shlon in sarinns penton nro the wast Pen ‘tis only toe ous in de cebool peu etildnen attend 23. You bev that thinking sls cannot og ect yo hatinon that ehining kes ean be developed ony by thinking about pace anbjoct ot epplng thang in evtrylay We, thi ol roller yoo unt pein luton and many hace ewer, hace slay Telewed that thinking ect be ekg vets Thi nw ee 4 ort One Lugiuing a dean as oxperence aod escech besos ta shew hat IUSnkiog skis cam be ugh diel Because wt spend a ot of tm thinking aboct thongs does wot by lial fupeave sor thinking idle, joonnalt wie Iya with va Fngers el il be typing Mi wo Gage a the ng of er hin inet for Jtk uf typing practice Picker in twosinge plage eve only seo thatpeceon a bates twe-Gagee pia. Yl shar ora n ooo yping at & Young age WaAld bree thot pereon 2 MUch beter typi fur all ie oe her fe, tom eh ane th Tbiaking telennat enema Introduction: Why We Need New Thinking About Thinking INFORMATION AND THINKING Information i very import folomation i ena to teach. informa (oni ey 10 tate nt arpaing that co mock of cation ‘nceeted wih donaan. ‘Thinking oa sabstitote for inlaoaton bul toforaten wey bea ubettaefrsbinking ost theca) dofsions grant God gestet and complote hee Jadgo, When Inowedgo ts prnfect and compte thei no aed for thinking tn sme ans we nigh! e able achive complete tfurintion end then thors eae become Toone mates thot rnin no thinking. ‘elute we shall and over eve outoe alas te comptes, Less we bave complete Solration we need ibsoking in arder te make the be! tas ofthe information see have. When wae sorpalers fad fofermation techoclegy gva ua more aad mere ioformaion we fs need linking io nrder to avid being averted ad (onlosed by altho lofartion, ‘War se are dahug withthe future ws nd chnking beervon we an sever have peer foration ule Fate Sey eres, dig. enleprian and doing anything new, we seed thinking ‘We need thinking inorder to make even better use of information ‘ha fala ava Uo abe ones, Se information se: wou Wed ue inking a wel alata ‘aly thee fra ict Seman. All inner i slat. very ‘eve Dit of taformatin is of lactening value beooaer it adem Ish ore lady hevw So ow du ov get tha coUrage to dus the fount of line we spend am tacbiny information i ardor lo od 6 sest One ‘noe tats the thzkiug alls that ae need te make the bit (hoof he nfermalcn? A rao i eely sade INTELLIGERCE AKU THINKING “bball thatlntelgenoe at hiking the xame fs le wo Atnlurunale vondusin i educa 1. hat nothing neds tobe dana for students wat nigh imal hea ey wl tml be pd ens. 2. That anthing tam be co: for adents withou Ligh atlgence ‘cause they canoe oes be geod thinkers ‘The eslalonchlp horarsn ineligence nd thiking i We thal be lead ca and the dtve of tht car A power ex may be driern ‘rudy. Ae paweria at oxy Be desea we The power he at fhe poten of he ne jet a nlligene i he pte of he ‘ied. Tha sla ofthe car dvr deteronaes bow the power of tho ae i aed "The abil of rh nko delenuies how ntligence (a ony T have afer dined thinking ax the operating sit with which latligence aca pon experanc! ‘Maoy bighlyIntaltgent people often take up vn on a aublest and he bee Ua teierce ta defeud tat view Since ley ean den Be view sery wl hay ever sin non ta wen the saber at listen to alternative mw, blsf poor tinkcag and io past af Totellgence tne 2 the Diagram pit ween steal ue Mike se he a Sion ano inant fwdgee Another thinker epee the etn, {hon preceda le explore the altation sod olf thay yea ta Judge The highly tnligen ean may eaey out the ering’ and ulin sey wel nat fig abn tha as TWghly itettgant peopia are uavally good at oleing passe or Drablame iebere all te piers nce given. They sir Tete R008 st loaiens wach masse thom to And the pares and to mamas tbe ‘le ofthe ples Fially there cnn he wm ego problem. BiRhhy ingen people do neoducton: Why We eed Net Ehbtog. Abu Thinking sTuATON —~—. en sruamion stena uaa FAPioRNG } won a Pastas ‘We tbe ght. Tole may mean tht they spond thn time atackiog ‘ad elnng thats ~ ence eau ean ta prove the bere wong Tals nay rea ht Wiig pte wre wow bo ake _prciltive risks becawe hey cannot thon ese hey ate ihe “There af ans, thing “a prover highly intligoat prope alae ‘elog sneallct thinkers, But thie door net follow avtomatiely hare Beed a develop te ob tala, CUSVERNESS AND WISDOM Ia chal, an putes, in tests jn esaminaions ané fm aby aun: systome we pu all the phate au caverta ‘A cloves young man may ake a gt ‘Tati peracual le ay be en deal af money on Wall Steet Covecnnes in whan toca canes lee wind i wimg as ‘We pny rb Ins atenion to windam thon we do to cleverness ‘Ths eaetaly bacauon wo belle that dow cose cul wil tnd enperonte and the you canaol gombly tench wisdom. Ths aloe. Windom com he Tayght. Tone of the main Fntons oF {hin bck to tach windam, Wisdom dapende bewlly on peszepion, Tele e matter of teacboy peceptian ~ oa as ge. ‘Wy do wa alway uy to develop puople's Uiag Ly ivy teas lash Pic are lw dil fr te a? (1 ubvaue tal tbe thinking fork Ln eae, tha cn oftent required. na anna af achievement and nothing sae fe slo tune of sill renogment enn. ing, mv tok ing we wie ase that eva moderetalydlscult In ober arde tie ha an be da, bal wr do he oe we tn priate ails wo eee Thi buen ennfdence al Benny in th sl, Take ‘hot sre amoet impooeLbie dosteey confidence That Ls wy wo ui poeple ao tamed off tsnkag. They fod It orlng becnuwe it tn Re hc a0 oy of parlarany you canbe perfor, Intradontion: Why Wa Noad New Thinking Abewt Thinking 9 1a an belive tha hrioaasers, pesos ant mute game ana good syaye ofeach thing. Tati wby te inka asks a. ‘xercten ued in tle back ane not xk Tostnermore the bre thot if yo eam an very Ail hinge the you can also do all things that ae les dticuk is ot supported by Thun wepediaoon May paople who are capebo of Fary alt ‘mental frat someone wer la abl te hone simpler ke. HOWTO BE AN INTELLECTUAL “Te fst rule of itlletuation i Af you do net ave mush Lo sa. make st a2 comple’ ae posible’ A trom nts hay a8 deep = fant of implicty ana farmer hao of droupit, I tere iso ecm ils, what Ueto work lb wel ut? "have cx scoslon talked to audenons of edacatore wha have mone tron il Plane ae your tlh orale wavogh frum a impreseed Hvt then nyyld etn empleo to be nec ‘Thorns ov end Lo the comple of deveripions. Yow could vide a siuplepenelinto ten pee yruvnked and then procard odes alten parts and the rlatooahlp ofthe parts Once you havo her Df enncepts yn cin chorea theese wtp of dances betes ‘a otto the word renes that can be player with word ‘You commen! on te ccpesily uber and al onthe comments of commentators, And se the proses feeds upon ill. Quite seon Yament Levoman eats iapertent then ciety aod We osteo thio achlarehi Some poop Ga hie press walleative end unnecsasny, Thais Datticoey un of thar who ne ntrerted & prt uli ‘Thay como te aqueteieslectatem’ wth teh snd got sme eBlbinking we result Talal ‘You oan be @ thinker vethnat eng an intend ty inteetusla ate not pasuelely good takers. REACTIVE AND PRO-ACTIVE THINKING, a sleal fa very pauls tu yal worksbeeta textboaks, and blockhead tert in fant of students The student we Ube sake to react to wh in before them Por thor pete] renee almost al he thinking sagt La achel le tao “ow ia snetlng what do you think of 10" ‘You cenbutesady ask ttdents to go ott end orguows @ busnass, “You cant ay an tents sl el robes wlth srl prowet Hsp is ot practical aa seh sting 1 aleo bappane tat this reactive ype of thinking ta kn with the Fetetlecual tradition af theless bow da we Feoct Io whale trendy iene 1 sthonl and edacalion i ot game sot ell. eal sina gust deal of proactive’ thinking, Toe means going out end ding Thang A: dhe iafrmason Je bol give ~ yuu bave a hud Suse ‘ing not place fare ye. 8 you fan itn eur Ehsi thing, ‘Wl bappeo. KU easy enough to set Jaa restaurant If tbe oa placed Lire you. al Luyiay the fol far eras gas lee Enakingit re differen mater Winer the fot of eduction that pro-active thinking i at soca? to beodla ae rercive thinking. But Ile he felt of education lo Spousal cv hing i tae, THE NEW WORd OPEKACY [Breyone knows sehat ieacy aod nuaiscy mean lovented che \word-apacacy” water years ago lo usver the sil "dina “Ther le say adcation Ul “hoowiag’ ie Snug IC you have slfient nme, ton ix obvi apd enay HF yoy bare dead ng shaw ey ‘The ral wand in diferent My any vers of exparence working ‘with busiteae aod #00 government have wow (ba lung ot ling. Thee geet deal sf hinking inode in te “Sut Ianvodustion Why We Need Now Thinking Aboat Phinking 17 esting and yng hy the sent of Ih gant’ ave long cane He be svetcent ‘These ate poops 19 be delt with. There are decisions ro be mae. hae are setepes 10 be designed and wanloned, Tate are pees tb ade nod iplemeotd Toei adit argablag, ange a” {ng ond deal mag. Thre are wen Yo be zssreed and idea lo be wade AU thle raquiao a groat dest of thinkiog, All this teaviten high degees a aperacy fo a eampelilive Word, dastelwallons thal do not pay attention to operacy wf be Bot bein. On a personal lew! yong: whn flo nat acqute the aklls of opsrecy wll oced to reusia in an teenie sean DOperey inalees mock aspect af thinking ax othar peuple views plone obeatirex aberaetiven eomseq gener Reearng: densi ‘ofl relia: eteattty and many ober aspects not noel coved inthe typeof thinking ane for eformaton wala Toe {Udige are part of “pooertive” thinking, oor the anal “nner inking CRITICAL THINKING The Lraditony of Western thinking have gut vey bigh omphesis con ert! thinking, Tis ie panty duet Ibe aaclant Gronkbabla of Thinking thet ace rediecoveod in the Rensinsonen nd partly dus Unthe nee for Chor thinkers othe Middle gosto havea Way Of ‘racking heey. Cato thinking hoe a high value im any two stales of soctety. In Sey alablesocley as fa the eoclnt Greek sites nd the Middle ‘Racoon new ih a intunin al Uva charge would na4d tora efially aseened. Tho second station io wen weet fe Trimming with vousleoeive and erative etary acral BNR ig mondot tose no he valuable oom the suicus, nfotanately nether of exe tesa i pet cea today. Thane ds 2 luemendondueed for cheng wd thar = remarkable nk of now ‘me eel eg. ‘bug. projet Coe: of ob Bont etc] thinkere wha ment rm icoan bow they te going to cope with Tac pollution one Of Them cam oe thee Mighly tained minds en smn mes wath an getvalsiggetion. The aifenhy ig that esl thn ‘reactive, Thats hes tobe somethog te bo ‘itlelznd. But wheres hat wamcthing young Lo we font hw propa and auygeaions howe tn come fem Dhicking that ie aoatrtiv vod svete nd bersen baa good tanker? Not at all It we Walnad aor ve 10 void wl errore tx ding, Wot that patton bet gwd diver? No. True hal antl eve he hr age a sas bg possibly of ctor Avclaing etre In deving le vary Yale loved the oar i actly goiog sumatwhare. bn Ii aur wy Erle Ibinking is only valuable f we alo hawt thinking Ht onstontve andl ematon & no vow having tein if you do not fave a bore ‘Te pone avery aaous one beoeuee any schools elven is alii! es el cil hiking. They ets ee ein ‘with thems emphia on eeactive nko and ale the wodtional ew of chang, Clea Ang le sapovial an iL das Tave yeu pe in ‘inking. Mul 3 any» part of kinking Ta say thot a alone ‘wheal ane motor-cor' nadequte ie otto atk ib worth of tal rhea ‘The dangers of bsevtng eral Wathing Unb sulin are man, ‘The best bros leowee nya ins Sor of tinkion and donot sleep ihe constrictive ane ecentave thinking aide thet ane 20 essen ec at. tae elo hol els mls th teaeaetve and erative pecs of thinking hecho geoal De owe to be teaching thinking” aledy, These i Ube Dwoyerous trogance aca ale Cases Linking bese thinking tt Fevect eu: anen ae bing sherlatly ihr avon hough based, bn ral intron or patel kaha turn il Tate, Stl necator llbautsmatcbing sil in retin and Constructive tbioking mabeci enn more tc oe the needed ner ‘le La emicpe: Creo very moc eesle theo cretion, Ieerodactin: Why We Need Now Thinking About Thinking. 19 ‘THE ADVERSARIAL SYSTEM: tn he TRA thers ove bye fr very 2 tan. Je pan tere sone tren for every 1 ate, The adversenal syten Lo undammatal i West Uiaking tale tinea asics diwaly fum che habits of ris thing and the seveh necro hough denon ilogne Argument and dchnte are stem as the pacer way te axplans ‘vbine beoavae beth parian are metfeted Bn ae tbe metiaten dees a0 the explosloh (all, Would dee yy be eck ts rng ieee point whic ssn heater sie? 3m ight — yu aren “The adversarial aye i he i of polities la, selene t some tnt ed daly Rls Yet las «vary ited wad defective aystom {he pal te auc sore fully expla my boul es Might — Yo Are rane tal bat Coaflcts mare offen reqs &dauiged! outcome theo ial nf avail eng. ‘hy do ave ta gel pe tbe mociog" “Why do hw to wna a” "Why do Lbave 9 got achat or many peopla “he es af thinking bae come to msen chang profes l arguinon. Thi is why many givers, edeton Eutborog and even perents ore oftso agaist the Lisa of teaching UUiching They aw ching tuning sulin dcupton, 37a snd segurent. Thie hae inde hoon The rane ace fl Fashioned oon of protest thinking heo bovn demsnant. Yor the CORT Thinking Pograa is wow io use acrse mans enters sd Ltolege (Cathal, ProtstaaL. Marta, slau, Chinese stl “This heeause Ihe CoAT Program da wilh omsieatve thinking. aul hin cabernet he alloys nprotest ty thinking Tedd seme goveramonte we hn Yehiog of canaries ‘thinking as tho best protection against ho Blanket protest raking swbich Is all thal ie ually avalable fy balay woergets youn ‘esple hu ave nal ber sug oki, ‘Cholange nbog i azey rata oe thinking aod adenear {at hiking Ite afm fl thot enough to potest o7ctalonge nd then the other aide (ortho authors vail somehow "aks Thloge phe ie x very snc the Laking of «Td demanding Tha paw re ing igh ‘ae fs @ lau er pret aind much Te boon vebiceed by i cology coneerneotatortim on wale uDtogr Woks Bt, Yalboliy igh; wale tare lz leet Bas ie plow in semeving Injustice ad raining enmatieurnees om an tawe, Where fla hr romoved,pootat aay anovgh. bother ares whlch zaqulce cette and roosuelive Diaking, proto I louse ‘et there a -& postive type of eballange, fo wu! challenge we sxpuld neve eg fom ld sin seder to develo beter Onan: ‘This postive challenge part of croatve baking T.the nogotve challenge we attack the exting ia ad aah the ce pst edafend tbe des a a impevei Inthe postare challange we atkaowndge he volar of the sxnting Hea. tea we ees a new iden and ly logit the ad iden, W lle ken show chat he noo ie Rae ead el, “Traditional molatiocs have always been negative: defies ent ad straegoto aebrow le ey Lite ee doelapod doe Ter yomve revalutions acho ihre ore na eoemien bu exHCtor fer making things beter, ‘THE NEED TOBE RIGHT 1 you werk eo!» mathnmales prhlem and ge the ght answer, youelap tbieking Yow eaunot be ware ight then sight Bul el ie ‘a ot Tike sha. You get an ansver Ihat seen igh? bak yo 90 Thioking. Yow go oa Unskiog Teiauee sheow ane mull tet anawers that age beter (in toa of Por Ieee pollu, hana, ‘values compentine adveninge ot) Intraduelion Why We Need Now Thinking About Thinking 15 ‘ae egos become very much tnd up wilh being right. To Wists talus thar ix the basio of argamont and the advarsanel system. ‘Weare soluctan: to ada delet because of us ego problem. The tooo br that us ig bx Et agente al eens, ba peel construe, ‘woraclly aeryone cool be happy ta lee an aagement ben ‘har vy go en ap th mare than yom hod the Bence, [A stings rere nt hie tm provail_whathero7 not ifs to bet i beceuge hai oga is nvold, Because of thie sean eo problem. an imprint aapect of Warning tu thik ye deena Sent uf eshuigues sr dstark thisking few tbe eo, T shall > Geaing with sub Teche:quen Gls te sich techolgus) i thls oak ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ‘Aunlysis i sueb an important past of oor thinking tation that float the Whole of our terlny education ayslem falegee abd nivel) footed wanda developing sualtira il ‘There iy na dowbt that amass ea very important part of thinking, 1p through enalyie that we beck dewe complex sltoations Into one we tle (i Brus aya aa oe Rd ow couse at 1 problem aed nek to nae that ona. ‘Ax with eal thinking tha qvaaton in nat thee atin haa ‘au but whather (ti enough If wo now have te whale on tke Tras cach whorl wooo hut ie meer ti cl goed cnc 1 you ait on a shazp object quick anolyas will allow you to cia (cae of your danoafel sd 0 solve Dw ables MOD ‘rable ran be elied by Bnding and removing the eauee, at {hace are alo many otber problene bens cannot Bod the rxbon. (,tbeze oy be sulle flezeiated ceusee Or, we ma? Bad the ‘xine for mm man pel hal nee able seme e ts for cis reat that we ar so oor at scling such roblems

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