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of DOL OVAV ETO) IN/AVE MEDIA INTERNATIONAL THE OFFICIAL QUARTERLY JOURNAL of the INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL for EDUCATIONAL MEDIA index to Volume 29 & KOGAN PAGE The official quarterly journal of the INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR EDUCATIONAL MEDIA (ICEM) Volume 29 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF JOHN BELL EDITORIAL BOARD MARIA TEIXEIRACOSTA Universidade Aberta (UA), Lisboa, Portugal ROBERT LEFRANC ICEM General Secretary, Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique (CNDP), Paris France MAURICE WENGER ICEM Treasurer, Service des Moyens Audio- Visuels (SAV), Geneva, Switzerland ISOBEL MARKS NFB, National Film Board, Montreal, Canada AESIGIRGUDMUNDSSON Namsgagnastofun, Iceland MARCEL MOYSON Dienst Media en Informatietechnologieén, Brussels, Belgium ALEX NADASI ICEM, Hungary © International Council for Educational Media 1992 Published by Kogan Page Ltd, 120 Pentonville Road, London N1 9JN Contents of Volume 29 Title Index Are We Ready Enough to Learn from Interactive Multimedia? Hiroo Saga Basic Assumptions and Dilemmas of the Polish Educational System Tadeusz Pszczolkowski The Business of Co-production Simon Graty Che Computer Serving the Video: a New Technology for All Philippe Vepierre Co-production: a Working Definition Geoff Wilson Co-production in Community Development: a Day at the Educational Fair Richard C Burke Co-production in Small Language Countries Fred Fleisher Determining Societal Needs for Distance Education in Tomorrow’s Global Village Tara D Knott Developments in Information Technology and Media, and the Maintenance of Language and Culture in Small Linguistic Societies Martin Vergés Distance Education Today and Tomorrow: a Personal Perspective Keith Harry The Effect and Value of Newspapers in Education in the Twenty-first CenturJya n Vincens Steen Experiences of Serveis de Cultura Popular in the Field of Co-production and Exchange Lluis Tuni rhe Finnish Broadcasting Company: Serving the Public’s Language Interest Sirkka Hautamaki Getting it Together — the Co-production, Involving Planning, Coordinating and Control, of aM ultimedia Course Jack Koumi The Globalization of Sesame Street: a Producer’s Perspective GregoryJ Gettas How Does Satellite Television Affect Small Linguistic Societies? Extracts from the Reykjavik Presentation Mark Curfoot-Mollington How to Offer Today the Ways of Teaching Tomorrow’s Culture: the Need for Educational Project Management Alain Chaptal The Inuit of Canada Rosemarie Kuptana Let There Be Languages! Pétur Gunnarson Molecular Graphics and Chemistry, Jacques Weber, Peter Fluekiger and Pierre-Yves Morgantini Multimedia and the Future of Distance Learning TechnologJyoh n Barnard Multimedia and Training: Practice and Skills of European Producers (Part 1) Christine Gardiol Gutiaendr Anrdreé Bzod er Multimedia and Training: Practice and Skills of European Producers, Results of the European Project ‘START-UP’ Part 2) Christine Gardiol Gutierrez and André Boder Networks for Knowledge: The Turkish Electronic Classroom in the Twenty-first Century Marina Stock MclIsaac An Online Open Learning Campus? Gert Gast, Jenny Ounsworth, Elyn Lewis, Sandra Davey and George Jaeger People and Technology in the Eastern European Countries Luciano Galliani Preserving the Language and Culture in Small Linguistic Societies H E Mrs Vigdis Finnbogadottir Problems and Prospects of Small Linguistic Societies - Catalonia Miguel Stubell iT ruete andJ acqueline Hall ‘Protecting Our Planet’ — a Case Study Jsobel Marks The Role of Schools in Small Linguistic Societies in the Age of Information Technology and Mass Media Anna Kristjdnsdottir Secondary School Children and their Television Jude Collins Small Linguistic Societies from a Global Perspective William Bright A Story of Survival Gwyn Griffiths l'arget Group Characteristics: Are Perceptional Modality Preferences Relevant for Instructional Material Design? Fons Jaspers Teacher Education from Classroom Broadcasts for the New South Africa Teboho Moja Tools for Managing Design and Development of a Twenty-first Century Technology Base James W King and Richard A Cornell Virtual Reality: A Strategy for Training in Cross-Cultural Communication Catherine Meyer and Richard Dunn-Roberts 3,175 Visualizing Humans by Computer Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann 4,213 Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Box? Children and TV Advertising in Four Countries Elise Seip Tannessen, Ann Marie Barry and Helen Yeates; led by Jude Collins 4, 254 With Media? With Media Too? Edit Boda and Klara Tompa 4, 260 Author Index Barnard, John Multimedia and the Future ofD istance Learning Technology Boda, Edit and Tompa, Klara With Media? With Media Too? Bright, William Small Linguistic Societies from a Global Perspective Burke, Richard C Co-production in Community Development: a Day at the Educational Fair Chaptal, Alain How to Offer Today the Ways of Teaching Tomorrow’s Culture: the Need for Educational Project Management Collins, Jude Secondary School Children and their Television Curfoot-Mollington, Mark How Does Satellite Television Affect Small Linguistic Societies? Extracts from the Reykjavik Presentation Finnbogadottir, H E Mrs Vigdis Preserving the Language and Culture in Small Linguistic Societies Fleisher, Fred Co-production in Small Language Countries Galliani, Luciano People and Technology in the Eastern European Countries Gast, Gert; Ounsworth, Jenny; Lewis, Elyn; Davey, Sandra and Jaeger, George An Online Open Learning Campus? Gettas, Gregory J The Globalization of Sesame Street: a Producer’s Perspective Graty, Simon The Business of Co-production Griffiths, Gwyn A Story of Survival Gunnarson, Pétur Let There Be Languages! Gutierrez, Christine Gardiol and Boder, André Multimedia and Training: Practice and Skills of European Producers (Part 1) Gutierrez, Christine Gardiol and Boder, André Multimedia and Training: Practice and Skills of European Producers, Results of theE uropean Project ‘START-UP’ (Part 2) Harry, Keith Distance Education Today and Tomorrow: a Personal Perspective Hautamaki, Sirkka The Finnish Broadcasting Company: Serving the Public’s Language Interest Jaspers, Fons Target Group Characteristics: Are Perceptional Modality Preferences Relevant for Instructional Material Design? King, James W and Cornell, Richard A Toolsfo rM anaging Design and Development of aT wenty-first Century Technology Base Knott, Tara, D Determining Societal Needs for Distance Education in Tomorrow’s Global Village Koumi, Jack Getting it Together — the Co-production, Involving Planning, Coordinating and Control, of aM ultimedia Course Kristjansdéttir, Anna The Role of Schools in Small Linguistic Societies in the Age of Information Technology and Mass Media Kuptana, Rosemarie The Inuit of Canada Mclsaac, Marina Stock Networksfo rK nowledge: The Turkish Electronic Classroom in the Twenty-first Century Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia Visualizing Humans by Computer Marks, Isobel ‘Protecting Our Planet’ —a Case Study Meyer, Catherine and Dunn-Roberts, Richard Virtual Reality: A Strategfyo r Training in Cross-Cultural Communication Moja, Teboho Teacher Education from Classroom Broadcasts for the New South Africa Pszczolkowski, Tadeusz Basic Assumptions and Dilemmas of the Polish Educational System Saga, Hiroo Are We Ready Enough to Learn from Interactive Multimedia? Steen, Jan Vincens The Effect and Value of Newspapers in Education in the Twenty-first Century Tonnessen, Elise Seip; Barry, Ann Marie and Yeates, Helen; led by Collins, Jude Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Box? Children and TV Advertising in Four Countries Truete, Miquel Stubell i and Hall, Jacqueline Problems and Prospects of Small Linguistic Societies - Catalonia Tuni, Lluis Experiences of Serveis de Cultura Popular in the Field of Co-production and Exchange Vepierre, Philippe The Computer Serving the Video: a New Technology for All Vergés, Martin Developments in Information Technology and Media, and the Maintenance of Language and Culture in Small Linguistic Societies Weber, Jacques; Fluekiger, Peter and Morgantini, Pierre-Yves Molecular Graphics and Chemistry Wilson, Geoff Co-production: a Working Definition Qiig neminmnsnsnimesite

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