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EDUCATIFOONR C RITICAL CONSCIOUSNESS PaulFor eire FoCra rolina Continuum TheT owerB uilding I 5E as2t6 thS treet IIY orkR oad New York LondonS EI 7NX NY 10010 www.continuumbooks.com Copyrig©h 1t974b yS heed& WardL td Firsptu blish1e9d7 4 Thiesd iti2o0n0 5 Allr ighrtess ervNedo. p arotf t hipsu blicatmiaoynb er eproduced, storeidna retriesvyaslt eomr,t ransmititnea dn,y f ormo rb ya nym eans, electromneicch,a nicpahlo,t ocopyoirno gt herwiwsiet,h out priopre rmissiionwn r itifnrgo mt hep ublisher. BritiLsihb raCrayt aloguiinnP gu blicatDiaotna A catalroegcfuooertr dh bioso ikas v ailable frotmhB er itLiisbhr ary ISBN0 -8264-7795-X TypesbetyR efineCaLticmhi teBdu,n gayS,u ffolk Printaendd b oundi nG reaBtr itabiynA ntonyR owe,C hippenhaWmi,l tshire Contents IntrodubcytD ienoinGs o ulet vii Educatiaosn tPhrea ctiocfFe r eedom SociientT yr ansition 3 ClosSeodc iaentdyD emorcatIince xperience 19 Eduactivoenr sMuass sification 29 Eduactiaonnd C onscientiza<;ao 37 53 Postscript 55 Appendix Prefatcoe" ExtensoiorCn o mmunication" byJ acqueCsh onchol 79 ExtensioornC ommunication 85 v Introduction Tot hindkia lectitcoda elclryte heieo s b solesocfec nhceer ischoendc epts whicehx plaeivenon n er'esc epnats Otn.e o ft hmea rksa t orfud ei alect­ icihaonw,e evri.st haeb iltiot y" mboevyeo ntdh"pe a swti thoruetp udiat­ ingi t tihnen ameo f new levelsc oonfs cciroiuptsrinecesaselsn tly enjoyNeodc .o ntempowrrairtyme orr ep ersisteexnptllotyrh eems a ny dimensioofcn rsi tciocnaslc ioutshnaePnsa su lFor eiar meu,l ti-cultural educawtiotrth h ew holweo rlads h icsl assroom notwithstanding the totaBlrlayz iliaonf f lheaimvsoo tri ohnisls,a nguaagnedh, i usn iveorfs e thougFhrte.in reev etri relso ookfif nongre w forms ocfo ncsrciitoiucsa­l nesasn du neartnheiwnl gi nbkest ween oppirnae v sasriiooenfts ye ttings and tlhieb eraetfifneogcf "t cso cnisentaioz.Ta"hc; eu niyifntgh reianhd is woriksc ritciocnaslc iouasstn hemeso st oorfc ultuermaaln cipation. Thep ubliciant iEonng altti hsithsi moeft woe ssawyrsi tbtyeF nr eiirne 1695a nd1 698r,e spectaiivmeaslt ry e,c aptufroiUrn. gSr .e adewrhsa t PaulFroe icraelt lhs"e n aiovfe thteih so ugahttt h"t ei mew roift iFnagi.t h­ futlot hhei storoifc ihtuyme axnp erieFnrceeir,re ef utsoed si sowenv,e n whilter anscenhdipisan sgwt,r itianngdas c tioInfss u.cfi hd eltirtoyu bles readwehrosw oulmda keo f "conscieonrot fi zFarc;heaiiomr"se ae m lyft h ora no bjeocft consumspot iiboteFn! r, e iirste h fier stto rejionti hcues gainain negw w eapon agmayisntsitfi cation. "Edautcioanst heP ractoifFc ree edogmr"o wosu to f PaFurleoi re's createifvfeoi rnta sd ulltit ertahcryo ughBoruatz il ptrhiemo irl ittoa ry coupo fA priLl 1 964w,h icehv enturaelsluyl itneh di se xilWee.r e thep iecteob ew rittteond aIyf ,e ecle rtaini tttsih tawltoe u lbde come "Educaatsit ohPner axoifLs i beirnoa.tF"o arl thoFurgehi reea'rlswi oerrk vii INTRODUCTION does vaicetwia ospn r axtihspe,r e csiysmeb iobseitsw ereenf leaccttiivoen and crittihceaolr iizsti hnfegr uoiflt a tweorr kess,p eciCaullltyAu crtailo n forF reedaonmdP edagoogfyt hOep rpessedS.i milaFrrleyi,rn eo'tsi oofn freedhoams alwaydsy nbaemeainnc dr ootientd h hei stoprrioccabelys s whicthh oep presssterdu gugnlree mitttio"n egxltyr o(jtehtceet r"im sh is) thes lavceo nsciouwshniecsohsp preshsaovre"s i ntrojienctttoehd e" deepersetc esosfte hse bieri nYge.ti nr eceyneta Frrse ihraegs r owenv er morea ttenttoit vhees pecoipaplr ession bymt ahsfeko erdmo sfd emo­ crat"ifcr eedoormc "i v"illi tbye".r Accordinhgel yn,oe wm phasizes liberaatsbi eoinn bgo tah d ynamaictci viatnydt hep artcioanlq uoefs t those enignda igaeldo geidcuacla tion. Americraena doefrP se dgoagoyft hOep prewsisleld f"iEnuddc aitnia osn thPer actoifFc ree edotmh"be a sic componentlsi toefmr eaFtcrhye oidr.e 's Theseel emeanrtes • particoibpsaenrtv aotfei dounc at"otrusn iinngt" o t hev ocabular univeorfts hepe e ople; theairrd uosuesa rfcohgr e nerawtoirvdeas t t wol eveslysl:l abic richnaensdas h igchh arogfee x perieinntvioallv ement; • a firscto dificaotfit ohne sweo rdisn tvoi suiamla gewsh ich stimulpaetoep"l seu bmerignet dh"ec ultoufrs ei letnoc" ee merge" asc onscimoaukse rst hoeofiw rn " culture"; • thed ecodificbayta i o"nc ultcuirrec ulned"e trh es eleff-facing stimuluas c ooorfd inwahtoio srn o" teachientr h"ec onventional sense,w hbou thb aesc omaene ducaetdourac-tee-diina lowgiuteh educateuec-aetodtoroosf tetnr eabtyef do rmal edauscp aatsosrisv e recipioefkn ntosw ledge; • ac reatnievwce o difictahtioisno ene ,x plicitly acirmietdi caatl and actiwohne,r etihno sweh ow eref ormeirlllyi terabteeg itnnoo w rejetchte riorl aesm ere" objeicntn sa"t uarned sohciisatlao nrdy underttaobk eec om"es ujbectosf" t ohwenid re stiny. Thenyo wp ercetihveeoi wrn i llitaesrt ahcceyu ltuartrailf oafct th ose who wouolpdp retshse. mT hiissa fi rst reflreotmah soews rei ttwoernd s whicthh eoiprp reshsaodr s kiempptr isoinnte hdem agitco ol-obfo x thosper esents-odracye rtehres ,s teowfat rhdecs u ltursei loefnO cnee. spontanetohuisnlhkeysr o efL evi-Starsha eu sdsi sctuhssesp eesca iwael, almorsetl igiinco hurasa c,te exrperiebnypc reidm itiintv hepesr eseonfc e thoswheo m asttehre aorfwt rsi tiEndugc.a tiiontn h Fer eimroed ei st he viii INTRODUCTION practoiflc ieb ebretcya uistfe r eese dtuhcea ntool re stsh atnh ee ducatees fromt het wint hraldoofms ilenacnedm onologBuoet.hp artners arlei beraastt ehdeb ye gitnol eartnh,eo net ok nows elafsa beinogf worth-notthwsitantdhisent gi gmial loift peorvaecryot,rty e,c hnological ignorancet-haen do atshc earp abolfde i aloignsu pei otfte h set rjacaiktet imposbeytd h reo loefe ducaatsoo nre w hok nows. PaulFor eircee'nstm reasls aigste h at onken ocwoa nnl tyot heex tent thaotn e" problematthienz aetsu"r caull,t uarnadhl i storriecaalilin t y which si/sih mem ersPerdo.b lematiistz hiean ngt ithoefts hiest ech­ nocra"tp'rso blem-ssotlavniIcnnetg .h"l e a tatpeprr oaacneh x,p ert takes somed istafnrcoemr ealiatnya,l yiztei sn tcoo mponepnatr tdse,v ises meanfso rre soldviifnfgi ciuntl htmeio esset f ficiweanyta, n dt hedni ctates as tratoerpg oyl iScuyc.h problema-cscoolrvditinoFng rg,e idries,t orts thet otaloift yh umeaxnp eriebnyrc eed uciitn gt thoo sdei mensions whicahr aem enabtlote r eatmaesmn etr e difficbuels toilevsBe udttt. oo "problemaitnh iizsse e"n siest oa ssociaanet net iproep ulace to the tasokfc odifyinrge atloiitntatylso y mbowlhsi ccha ng enercartiet ical consciouasnndee mspso wetrh etmo a lttehre rierl atwiiotnnhsa tuarned socifaolr cTehsi.rs e flecgtriovueepx ercirsees ciufser do nma rcisosri sm psycholoognilisyfim tt hruasltplsa rticiipnatdnoit asl owgiuteoh t hers whoshei stor"ivcoacla tiisot nob" e comter ansforamgienngt st hoefi r sociraela lOintlyy. thpueso pdloe bseucbojmeeic ntsst,oe fao dbj etcso,f theoiwrn h istory. Suclha nguamgaeya ppeaunrd uly Promteott hheoaswneh of ear ecologdiicsaalso trwe hro s eek retion sat ZaetneT, ao ,o rS ufic ontem­ platpiovset uarsae c orrecttoti hvee ovteirvW-eea sct. Buti snF or eire ethnocernetdruicct ihoenk insotwt:sh aatc tiwoint hocurti triecfalle ction ande vewni thogurta tuictoonutse mpliasdt iisoans trous Caocnt­ivism. versehleiy n,s itshtatsth eoorryi ntrospienctt hiaeob ns enocfce o llective sociaaclt ioens ciaspi idseta loirws ims hftuhli nkIinn gh.vii se, gw enuine theocrayno nlbyed erivferdos mo mper arxoiost ienhd i stosrtircuaglg les. Thiisst hree aswohny F reicraen nboett hteh eoroifss otc iraelv oluitni on thUen itSetda taelst,h omuagnhyo fh ihse areurnsc onscitorutyso cl ays t him tihni rso lOen.l yth osweh oa reh istori"ciamlmleyr siendt "h e complfeoxr mso popfr estsaikoebnny l iifnet hUen itSetda tceasin d entify thsep ecial gabry"b c uwlotrsunir laelni cnte h"is so cieCtlye.ai rtil sny o t illitaersa ncioynr, t heBarsatzo irel c,o nommiacr ginaliazsa triiunor na l ChilWeh.a ti si tt,h etnh,a btl ocokpsp resAsmeedr icfarnoscm o ntrolling theoiwrn s ocidaels tiInsy t?ih tle a ckc eorft sakiinlo lrts h,ie n abitloi ty ix INTRODUCTION manipultahtee ltaotw h eoiwrn e nds,t haeds o minacnlta sdsoew si th impuniItsiy tf? a ulitdye oloorgt yh ei nabitlooi rtgya nliozcea lly beyond meres elf-intOerr eiistsbt e?c autsheep sychbiocu ndarbieetsw een oppresasnodros p presisnet dh eU niteStda taerses of uzzDyo?m ost Americraencso gnize thaesem istehlevre so popror pepsrseesdos ro rdso, thesye teh emsealsvi enseb retn eficiaanridte hse,r eby pcaosnsniivvee rs, ini mpersosntarlu ctoufro epsp ressAinodna ?r er aciasnmd s exism int hisso ciemtayni festaotfiw ohnastF reierceh,o iMnago ,c alls the "princciopnatlr adiocrtm ieorne"la ys,h es ugges"tpsr,i ncipal aspects of et phrincicpoanltr adicTthieosanen" d? similar mquusetbs et ions anwsered-ia nd ialecwtaiycw ahli cghr owfsr omp raxainsdw hich generattheersoy -befoPraeu lo Fr"emierteh'ocsda "nb ea ppliteotd h e UnitSetda tes. Thef utiolfli otoyk itnotg h Fer ei"rmee thoadsa" p anaciesda r amatized int hivso lumsee'cso ensds a"yE,x tensiCoonm mournc aiotni.T"h iwso rk, writtienCn h ilien1 986,a ppltiheesl essoonf"s c onscienttioaz a<;ao" domaionfv itiamlp ortainnLc aet iAnm ericnaa,m elryu,r eaxl tension. Extenswioornk earnsdc ounatgye natrsfe a milfiiagruo rnet sh Ue. Sr.u ral landsctahpeeby;r inagd vancteedc hniaqnudep sr odudcetvse loipne d agriculstcuhroaoalnl dsl and-gcroalnltet gote hsfe a rmeArnsdi. n r ecent decadreusr,ea xlt ensoinot hneU .Sm.o del has thsrporueagdhL oauttin AmericIanm .a nya reaesx,t enssitoann adsst hee pitoomfet echnical assistNaenvceer.t healshe esa sn,ay lzetsh tee rm"se xtensainod"n c"o m­ municatiaonndt, h"er ealiutnideesr lytihnegmF ,r eidreet eac tbsa sic contradibcettiwoenet nh et woG.e nuidniea lowgiuteh peahsea nts, holdissi, n compatwiibt"lhee x tendtiotn hge"m t echneixcpaelr toir se agriculktnuorwha-olw .C onseque"nExttleyn,s oiroC no mmunication" cannboetr eaadsa s peciatlriazocefitd n teroenslttyor urpaelo pOlnet .h e contrairthy a,s general spirgenciifbsieecclaaynu icstdee e mystiaflile s "aiodr"" h elpirenlga"t ionWshhatit phaseu. t hsoaryo sfe xtensaigoenn ts he might oafls sooc isaaly wcoirtpkyle arnsn,w eerlsf,aa rdemi nistrators, communiotryg anizers, poliatnidca a hlo somtfi o ltihteawrnhsto s , allegedly" sreernvditecotre h spe"o oorr t hpeo werless. Freiirnes itshtasmt e thodolofgaiiclaiclna gnas l waybset racteod ideoloegrircoaBrles h.i nthde praocfat girciec uletxutreanlsh ieos ne,e s an( impliidceiotl)oo fpg ay ternasloicsima,l caonndnt ornor-Le ciprocity between expe"rhtesl p.ea"Ien fods,n t he ohthaenrdo ,n ei st oa dopat methwohdi cfho stdeirasl oagnudre e ciproocniet ym,u st ifdieroslt ogbie c­ allyc ommitttoee dq ualtiot yta,hb eo liotfip orni vialengdte on, o nl-ietist X INTRODUCTION formsl eoafd erwshheirpe sipne cqiuaall ificamtaiybo ene sx ercibsuetd , arneo tpe rpaetteuIdn.r eejctitnhge lanagnudpa rgaec toifec xet ension­ ismt,h erefForreeid,ro ee nso tn egatev atlhuoeef b ringaignrgi cultural technoolros gkyi tlol sp easBauntht eas s.s etrhtatst h osweh oh avseu ch knowlemdugese tn gaigned ialowghueer etihne mya yl eartno,g ether witphe asanhtoswt, o a ppltyh eciorm monp artkinaolw ledtgote h e totaolfti htpeyr oblemartuirzsaeildt uaItmipolni.he edri est hjeu dgment. whicFhr eimraek es uinveoqcuatlhlaytt,h ere bcena onv al"iadi d" and thatth eirsne o r ooimn d eveloplmaenngtu faogtreh tee rm"sd onoarnsd" "recitp.si"Fe onr trheiass otnh,e ref"oErtxee,n sioorCn o mmuncaition" mays trirkeea deirnts h is coausan r tardyi actatla ocnkU .Sf.o rgeni-aid poliacnydU .St.r eatmoeftn htde o mes"tpiocv eritsys"Tu hei.es x egeosfi s theo pprescshiavrea ctaelrnl o onrf-e ciprroeclaalt iocnasnhb iepsbste read tainn dem wPiedtahg oogfyt hOepp resasnedCd u ltuArcatlif oorn Free.d om Inh ipsr efatcote h eS panivsehr siooftn h ee ssaJya,c quCehso nchol. MinisotfeA rg riculitnCu hriel Ael'lse ngdoev ernmceonrtr.e dcrtalwys attenttioFo rne ire's oafnt ahley sriesl ationtse cbhentowlaeonegdny modernizaAtsi oCnh.o nchol Frpeuit"rsse h iotwh.so wt oa voitdh e traditioonfat lhiess mt atquuso w ithofuatl liinntgto e chnological messia.nA"ins dmb otcho ncltuhdae"t w hialledl e velopimsme notd ern­ izatinoonta, l mlo dernizaitsid oenv eloepnmtO.n"e glimhpesrteehs e dialeacttw iocr ki nC hilbee twetehne l anguaogfde e velopment and thve ocabuolfal riyb eraTthiicosnr .o sesr-tfiliizsae txipolnii cnFi rte ire's discusosfi" omne chatnimicos derantioizn.F"o rh imm odernizaitsi on ap urely mecphraonciecrsaesls, p ontsoit vheec atalytico fta eccthi­on niciaor nmsa,n ipulwahtook rese tph leo coufsd ecisoiuotnssti hdseeo ci­ etyu nedrgoicnhga ngTeh.i asp proapcrhe vetnhtast soicnis ehtoyr,t . from becotmhiens gu bjeocfti tso wn transformattiroune. But agritcuurldaelv elopmleinkgtee, n uilnaen d rerfeoqrumi,tr heasnt e w structaunrdpe rsa cteimceersg e tfhroeol mod n etsh,a ntkots h cer eativity generabtyec dr iteixccahla nbgeetsw e"eand vantceecdh nology and the empiritceaclh nioqfut ehspe e asanAtsus s.e"hd e rteh tee r"me mpirical" evokneostt h ree alomfs oclis-acievnecrei ficbautrtia otnht,eh rwe o rld of thosweh ol iviend aiflaym iliwairtithth yes oitlh:ew orlodft rial and err,oc rommon saenndsc eo mmon wisHdeonmce.ex tensaigoennc tasn "comumnicaotnel"by y entetrhiecn ugl tuurnailv eorfsp ee asaTnhtiss. thecya nd oo nlbyy b ecoming vualnndebr yra abtlief tyhirene gc iprocity whicthh eriorla esg enuiendeu catdoircst ates. xi INTRODUCTION Freidroee nso tm inimitzheeo bstacflaecsebd y e ducationrr usr al settiNnegvse.r thefloerhs ism,t hec entral faicsesdu ael bclyh ange agenitssh: o wt og etr esuwlittsmh a ximuemf ficiewnictyh oluots ing time.d iDaol oagnudce o mmunicanteicoens slaeraitdlol y o st atnidm,e theretboyd ,e laygeadi nisnp roductsiovo int,fa olrn a tiodneavle lop­ mentI?tw oulbde n aivhee,r eplnieostt, os trifvoher i ghaegrr icultural productBiuotsn u.c ihn creasefisn dmt uhsebtia rs iinst hree arle lation­ ships wbhiinctdhi lloeftr hse l antdo n atuarned t ot hehiirs torical/ culturalA cscpoarcdei.tn igmlieys ,l osotre fficieinssc ayc rifiocneldy when peasaarne"t rse ifibeyde "m ptvye rbalori sbmy t echnocratic activibsomt,ho f w hicahr ee nemioefst ruper axTihse.r efeoarceh, momenstp enitnd ialowghuiec phr epamreensa ndw oment o" emerge" frotmh esitra otfe" immersiisto inm"ge a ineCodn.v ersaelillsly o,s itn, spiotfeg littearpipnega rainfcn east,u roabjle cotrss ocisatlr uctaurree s formaallltye bruehtd u masnu bjeacrtlese pfotw erlaesbs esf oreg.o aTlh e ofl anrde forams, aolfl developmenitsta olt rcahnasnfpgoeero,mp le, notm eretloyc hange strFurcetiurcreoe'nssc. ef ronpr e opilse cseon tral thaittr ules out any poolrip cryo,jw ehcpitrc odhgo renasom tb, e come trutlhye Tihresm .ar ok fa s uccesesdfuucla itso rns oktii lnpl e rsuasion­ whicihs b uta ni nsidifooursmo fp ropagandat-hbeau bti ltiot y dialowgiuteeh d ucatienae m so deo fr eciprAoncdir tuyr.ea xlt ensfiaoinl s asc ommunicabteicoanui stve i olattheeds i aleocfrt eicci proicnidteye;d no change orat geecnhtn iecxapleh rats trhiegt hoti mpospee rsonal optioonnos t hers. Twof inraelm arakpsp ltyoF reiroev'esrw aolrlk T.h ef iresvto kheiss Utopivains ion. PauUltoo pFiraeniiisnrs oeim 'd se aldirsetaismcp uonu t ofa m inidd eologeincaamlolryoe fdd i aloorg oufec ritciocnaslc iousness. No,i tg rowosu to fh ipsr actiincvaoll vewmietnohtp presgsreodu ipns a proceosfss t rugTgolt eh.e iozroet herwfiosrFe r,e iirset ,of ostae r particurleaprullfyso irvomef n aivceo nsciouHsennecFsers e.i craen nboet takesne rioiufsh leiy sj ugdedo nly teirnm osfs hort-rteesrumTl htes . oppresisnee vde rsyo cietyn ohd aivfef irceuclotgyn ihzivison igac set heir own,i nt heeifrf otrot so vercomceu ltthuseriialrle nTcheo.s e awrheo truolpyp resdsoen do te njoyt hef reedtoomf aitlh,el uxuorfye xperi­ mentiTnhg.ii ssw hyt hehye eodn lsye riousw hiidcethah sec ya np ut intpor actIitic sei .n tbhaisswi acy tFhraeti raep'psr oatcoeh d ucation, communicaatnido nt,e chniossl eorgiyoi utms e:a nnso thiunngl eistis s assumaendd re-created by huimnas nt rcuogNmgemlcueen.si staireisl y, therefsohroer,t -treersmu lmtasyp rovdei sappoibnetcianugss uec h xii

dimensions of critical consciousness than Paulo Freire, a multi-cultural educator with the whole world as his classroom notwithstanding the
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