Ecolyo agndt heS acred Ecoloagnydt hSea cred Engagintgh eA nthropoloofg y RoyA . Rappaport Editbeyd ELLENM ESSEaR nd MICHAELL AMBEK AnnA rbor THE UNIvERSITY OF MIcmGAN PREss Copyr©i bgyht thU en iveorfMs iicthyi 2g0a0n1 Alrli grheetsrsv ed Publiisnth heUedn itSetda tAemse roibfcy a TheU niveorfMs iicthyi Pgraens s Manufactiuntr heUedn itSetda otfe sA merica @ Prinotnae cdi d-pfarpeeer 20024 00230 022 0014 3 2 1 Nop arotft hpiUbs licamtaiybo ern e prodsutcoeirdnea,r d e trievaolr system, transmiinat ntfyeo dro mrb ya nmye nase,l ectmreocnhiac,n,o i roc tahleirswe, wihtoutthw er itpteernm iosfst ihpoeubn l i.s her A elFc atarleocgfo orrt dh bioso ikas vlabaielf ormt hBer itLiirsbahr y. LibroafCr oyn grCeastsa l-oignib-nlPgiucaDtaitoan Ecolaongdy stahcer: ee ndgagtihaneng t hropoofRl ooyAg .Ry a ppaIp ort edibtyeE dl lMeens saenrMd i chLaaemleb k. p. cm. Inclbuidbelsi ographiacnaidln dreexf.e rences ISB0N- 4171127-0(-a1lp ka.p er) 1R.i taenscd e reimeosn2..R itu3a.lR .el ig4i.oH num.a ne coglyo. 5M.a ri(nPgua paN ewG uinepae opl6e.R) a ppapRooryAt ., IR.a pappoRrotyA, . I IM.e sesrE,l leInI.LI a.m ebkM,i chael. GN47.3E 2260 01 306'.1936-8d c21 2001018112 ForS kip Contents Acknowledgments IX ThinkainnEdgn gagtihWnegh o:lT ehe Aonptoohglry ofR oyA .R appaport 1 EllMeens ser Bbiliroagpohfty h Weo rkosfR oyA .R appaport 39 PartI .E colaongdy Atnhtreho poogloyfT rouble KickOifntfgh K eai kIon:s btiyal,Oi ptptoursnmi, anCdr iisnEi csoo gliAcnatrlho oplogy 49 SusHa.nL ees HumanE coylf orgoSmp acEeco:il coAagnltr hopoogly EngatgheSest udGyl oobfEan lv ironCmheanntgael 64 EmilF iMoo ran and EBdruoanrddioz iSo. EcoogliEcmable ddedannPedes rss oondHh:ao vWee AlwaByeesnC apisttasl?i 88 A!lH onrbgo r Consiindge Prtohweae nrPd o tenotfti hael AntrhopoogloyfT rouble 99 BarbaR aorsJeoh nston Teenasn Tdro ubline sNt ehwWe o rOlrd der 122 FraMna rkowitz PartI I.R itSurtaulc taunrRdee loiugPsir actice ThLei faenD de taho fR ituRaelfl:e ctoino nSso me EthnograanHpdih siitcco Parhle nomientn hLaei ght ofR oyR appoatrp'Asn aloyfsR iist ual 145 RoebrI.t L eyv Contents Vlll NewW ayisnD etah Danydi nTgra:n sfoornom fa ti Bodya nTdex t LiantM eod erAnm eriJcuadna ism. A KaddisRho y"f kSoi"rpR appaport 170 PetKe.Gr l uck Monoloirtt hhTeo w erB oabfe lU?lt imSacatree d PostualtWa otreiksnC onesrvaCthirvies tian S1c39h ools MeliBnodlalW aarg ner BeliBeehfe -lIdn saindOdeu tsi,Id nesiadnedr Outsiind eAtrnh teoh proogloyfR eligion 207 JamesP eacock Notfeosar C yebrneotfti hcHeso ly 227 ThomaJs C sordas RappaopnoR retl igAi Soocni:a l AntrhopoogliRceaald ing 244 MicaheLla mbek PartI IIT. hPea pua GNueiawnC eontFeoxoltwl:i ng Ski'pEst hnpohgirFcao otsteps Rapappto'rMsa riTnhgeC: h alloefEn tghen ophgyr a 277 AnrdeSwt ratahnePdra nm eJl Satw eatr ReflectoinPo ingfsosrt hAenc estors 291 GillGiialnl ison AverttihBneug s Fhi rDeay :Ai 'nCsu lRte visited3 00 PolWliye ssannAedrk i Tium u ReadEixncgh ainnMg eel anTehsoeiyraa :n d Ethnogirna pCthohyne t oefEx ntc opmassment 324 EdwdaL rPiuma LiosftC ontributors 353 Index 357 Acknowledgments Thei deap rdooufc iafn egs tsvcohlruitmfoeet n gaSgkeiR pa pappto'rs anrtohpoogloyr igiinnta htseepd r ionf1g 99 6s,h tolrbyeo frhei asn nouncemtehnhatet hiandc urcaabnlcee r.m onItnth htsfah lotel owae d, troifoS k'iMspi chicgoalnl e(aTgouFmer sie cS,kt eLvaen sBianrgb,a ra Smutasn)ad n otphaeirrh ifosrof m esrt ud(eAnltesBt iteacr ksJ,ai m Grebeenragn)n ountcheeddie rs ires antdoh oinnSotkrei nAptl.i ons thouignh e tnhwdee e cahw enotus re aprawtayesw ,ew oullidtk ote h ank thehme rfeot rh eeirarlc yo lolraabteifovfretg sr,ia ocusspu poratnd, scuceusilsn fdepepnrjdeoecwnthtsi ch ionufwroo rrmWkee.wd o uallds o litkoet haGniks Plaisl osn ,P. VAay.d aH,o waKrudn urtehLearu,r a KunreuKtahEier rsi,ok ann,Hd o waNrodr mwahnpo,a r tiactieapvtda ri oupsoi nttsh piirsjneo cOtu.r edaitt Utonhriesv eorfMsi icthyiP graens s, SunsW ahitlaoncldka tIenrg Errisidok pnr,o viednecdo uraagnedm ent gooadd vtihcaaet s sitshtpeer jedoc ttoc ompleWteai roienn .d ebttoe d Conrad aKnodt Dtteaphaker tmoefAn nttr hopoogalytt hUen iveorfs ity Michifgoaarg n e nergiotfuhtspa rto vpidaretsdib ausli fdotyrh veou lme antdoA nnR apappofrothr e r iacdev. Ellaelnws oou ldt otl hiakJneek aJ na scokfno hre crr itriaecdailn gs anmde ntgiroanut letlfhyhe o spliiottfay choelrl celgaes ssPm,ea agtn ed JePfafd onsn,o w Hoofl laMnidc,h iwghaon ,p rovicdoepmdan yg ood and gtihofefft r ienddursihnaic gpr itpiecraielcoa hds mumerM.i chael thanDkeisd Rroes e SaranaGdho uflodr edaistsonircs,iett ahaSeloc ial SicenacneHd u matniiReessa ercCho unocfi lC aannadd aDt ihvei sion ofS ociSacli cesenU,n iveorfsT oirtoyna ttSo c arbofroofirun gahn cial suppaonrJdta ,c Skoiwela fyo hre srta edcyo uenls. Eacho fu sw oullidtk ote h atnhkoe t hfeorfrir enid,psi hnspoinr,a ti ancdo opteirtoahnr ougthheoeidu ttip nrgeo scasn,d bwoteht haonurk cotnruitbowrhso,es net husrieassptoainscss eiissn tt heidn akniednn g gagitnhwgeh loea,n pdr doucitnhkgei ndw iodfen -griaanngto hproyl og voulmet hwaett ruwsoutl hda vpel eaosuemrde nt.o r