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Preview Ecology and Evolution of the Acari: Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists 1–5 July 1996, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Ecology and Evolution of the Acari SERIES ENTOMOLOGICA VOLUME 55 Ecology and Evolution of the Acari Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists 1-5 July 1996, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Edited by J. Bruin, L.P.S. van der Geest and M.W. Sabelis University ofA msterdam, Section Population Biology, The Netherlands SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V. A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-90-481-5200-1 ISBN 978-94-017-1343-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-1343-6 Printed an acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 1999 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Puhlishers in 1999 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1999 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recarding ar by any information starage and retrieval system, without written permis sion from the copyright owner. This volume contains the Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists (EURAAC). This Symposium was held on 1-5 July 1996, at the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Organizing Committee - Prof. Dr. M.W. Sabelis (Chairman) Section Population Biology, University of Amsterdam - Dr. L.P.S. van der Geest (Treasurer) Section Population Biology, University of Amsterdam - Dr. A. Veerman Section Population Biology, University of Amsterdam - Dr. C. Davids Section Aquatic Ecotoxicology, University of Amsterdam - Ms. C.M. Korzilius (Congress Administration) Section Population Biology, University of Amsterdam Editorial Committee of the Proceedings - Dr. J. Bruin - Dr. L.P.S. van der Geest - Prof. Dr. M.W. Sabelis Acknowledgements The Organizing Committee acknowledges the support of the following institutions and organizations for their contribution, cooperation and support: - Uyttenboogaart-Eliasen Stichting - Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen - University of Amsterdam - City of Amsterdam - Koppert B.V. - Chapman & Hall - Elsevier Science Publishers Contents Preface xi EVOLUTION, PHYLOGENY AND SPECIATION PETER WEYGOLDT - Evolution and systematics of the Chelicerata* HARALD WITTE and DIRK DORING - Canalized pathways of change and constraints III the evolution of reproductive modes of microarthropods* 15 Roy A. NORTON - Morphological evidence for the evolutionary origin of Astigmata (Acari: Acariformes)* 45 EVERT E. LINDQUIST - Evolution of phytophagy in trombidiform mites* 73 JACEK DABERT and SERGE V. MIRONOV - Origin and evolution of feather mites (Astigmata)* 89 SERGE V. MIRONOV and JACEK DABERT - Phylogeny and co-speciation in feather mites of the subfamily A venzoariinae (Analgoidea: A venzoariidae)* 105 BRUCE P. SMITH - Loss of larval parasitism in parasitengonine mites* 125 ANDREAS WOHLTMANN - Life-history evolution in Parasitengonae (Acari: Prostigmata): constraints on number and size of offspring 137 WOJCIECH WITALINSKI - Sperm competition in the Acari* 149 G.N. OLDFIELD - Distribution of asymmetrical and symmetrical sperm storage in the Eriophyoidea and its phylogenetic implications 157 MARIA NAVAJAS - Host plant associations in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae): insights from molecular phylogeography* 163 ANASTASIA TSAGKARAKOU, MARIA NAVAJAS, FRAN<;OIS ROUSSET and NICOLE PASTEUR - Genetic differentiation in Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) from greenhouses in France* 1 75 JAMES D. FRY - The role of adaptation to host plants in the evolution of reproductive isolation: Negative evidence from Tetranychus urticae* 187 DALE D. EDWARDS, REGAN BOGARDUS and NICHOLAUS WILHITE - Geographic differences in host specialization between the symbiotic water mites Unionicola formosa and U. foili (Acari: Unionicolidae)* 195 ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION MAURICE W. SABELIS, ARNE JANSSEN, JAN BRUIN, FRANK M. BAKKER, BAS DRUKKER, PETRU SCUTAREANU and PAUL C.J. VAN RIJN - Interactions between arthropod predators and plants: A conspiracy against herbivorous arthropods? 207 ARNE JANSSEN, ANGELO PALLINI, MADELAINE VENZON and MAURICE W. SABELlS- Behaviour and indirect interactions in food webs of plant-inhabiting arthropods* 231 MARCEL DICKE, JUNJI T AKABA YA SHI, MAARTEN A. POSTHUMUS, CONNY SCHOTTE and OLGA E. KRIPS - Behavioural ecology of plant-phytoseiid interactions mediated by herbivore-induced plant volatiles* 251 J.S. GRAY - The ecology of Lyme horreliosis vector ticks* 269 ZHI-QIANG ZHANG - Biology and ecology of trombidiid mites (Acari: Trombidioidea)* 277 vii viii Contents G.W. KRANTZ - Reflections on the biology, morphology and ecology of the Macrochelidae* 291 M.A. HOUCK - Phoresy by Hemisarcoptes (Acari: Hemisarcoptidae) on Chi/ocorus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): Influence of subelytral ultrastructure* 303 HORST H. SCHWARZ and STELLA KOULIANOS - When to leave the brood chamber? Routes of dispersal in mites associated with burying beetles* 323 NORMAN J. FASHING - Functional morphology as an aid in determining trophic behaviour: The placement of astigmatic mites in food webs of water-filled tree hole communities* 333 WILLEM J. BOOT, JOHAN N.M. CALIS, JooP BEETSMA, DONG MINH HAl, NGUYEN KIM LAN, TRAN VAN TOAN, LE QUANG TRUNG and NGUYEN HUNG MINH - Natural selection of Varroa jacobsoni explains the differential reproductive strategies in colonies of Apis cerana and Apis melli/era* 349 JENS ROLFF and BORIS SCHRODER - Regaining the water: a simulation model approach for A rrenurus larvae (Hydrachnellae) parasitizing damselflies (Coenagrion puella: Odonata) 359 PETER SCHAUSBERGER - Juvenile survival and development in Euseius finlandicus, Typhlodromus pyri and Kampimodromus aberrans (Acari: Phytoseiidae) feeding on con- and heterospecific immatures* 367 ANGELO PALLINI, ARNE JANSSEN and MAURICE W. SABELIS - Do western flower thrips avoid plants infested with spider mites? Interactions between potential competitors 375 MICHAEL STEVENS and HARTMUT GREVEN - Food and feeding behaviour of deutonymphs and adults of the water mite Hydrachna skorikowi (Acari: Hydrachnellae), with notes on the structure of their mouthparts 381 O.E. KRIPS, P.W. KLEIJN, P.E.L. WILLEMS, GJ.Z. GOLS and M. DICKE - Leaf hairs influence searching efficiency and predation rate of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae)* 389 ANNA WITUL and MALGORZATA KIELKIEWICZ - Life-history parameters of two closely related forms of the Tetranychus urticae-complex on different host plants 399 PAUL CJ. VAN RIJN and LYNELL K. TANIGOSHI - The contribution of extrafloral nectar to survival and reproduction of the predatory mite Jphiseius degenerans on Ricinus communis* 405 WIT CHMIELEWSKI - Pollen as a medium for rearing plant-feeding acarid mites (Acari: Acaridae) 419 WIT CHMIELEWSKI - Bionomics of Carpoglyphus lactis (Acari: Carpoglyphidae) on honey 423 M. CASTAGNOLI, S. SIMONI and N. BILIOTTI - Mass-rearing of Amblyseius cali/omicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on two alternative food sources 425 FRANK SIEMER - The influence of various kinds of food on the distribution and life cycle of Metarhombognathus armatus (Halacaridae: Rhombognathinae) 433 BIODIVERSITY Mites in Water JENS BOCKING - Population biology of a phytophagous mite of marine and estuarine rocky shores (Astigmata, Hyadesiidae) 441 Contents IX PETER MARTIN - Diel and seasonal drift of water mites (Acari, Hydrachnidia) in two streams of the North German Lowland 451 A. 01 SABATINO and B. CICOLANI - Water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia, Halacaridae) from the hyporheic habitat of the Mugnone stream (Tuscany, Italy) 459 WITOLD KOWALIK, EUGENIUSZ BIESIADKA and ROBERT STRYJECKI - Water mites of typical habitats in four Polish national parks situated in different landscapes 467 DANIELE BENFATTI and REINHARD GERECKE - Remarks on the morphology, life cycle, distribution and taxonomy of water mites of the subfamily Acherontacarinae in the Western Palaearctic 473 PAULI BAGGE - Water mites of small boreal forest lakes (Central Finland) 483 TOM GOLDSCHMIDT, GERD ALBERTI and ELISABETH I. MEYER - Presence of acetabula-like structures on the coxae of the neotropical water mite genus Neotyrrellia (Tyrrelliinae, Limnesiidae, Pro stigmata) 491 Mites in soil H. SCHATZ - Oribatid mites of the Galapagos Islands: Faunistics, ecology and speciation* 499 HARTMUT H. KOEHLER - Gamasina in a succession of thirteen years 531 ULRIKE TOTSCHNIG and HEINRICH SCHATZ - Oribatid mites of a riverine forest in the Central Alps (Austria) 541 PIOTR SKUBALA - Comparison of adult oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) from three mountain forests in Poland: I. Abundance, biomass and species richness 547 DAVID J. MARSHALL and PETER CONVEY - Compact aggregation and life history strategy in a continental Antarctic mite 557 A.I. CABALLERO, J.C. ITURRONDOBEITIA and M.1. SALONA - A biometrical study of Berniniella serratirostris (Acari: Oribatei) and some related species 569 GERD WEIGMANN - Morphological variability in populations of a thelytokous mite, Trhypochthoniellus longisetus (Oribatida), with notes on synonymy 581 GERD ALBERTI, ANDRZEJ KLIMEK and STANISLAW SENICZAK - Fine structure of the humeral organ of juvenile Edwardzetes edwardsii (Ceratozetidae, Oribatida) 587 G. ALBERTI, A. GEGNER and W. WITALINSKI - Observations on the fine structure of the vagina of pergamasid mites (Pergamasidae, Parasitina, Gamasida) 593 Mites on plants MALGORZATA KIELKIEWICZ - Ultrastructural cell modification m tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) leaf tissue in response to the carmine spider mite (Tetranychus cinnabarinus) feeding 603 M. CASTAGNOLI, M. LIGUORI and R. NANNELLI - Influence of soil management on mite populations in a vineyard agroecosystem 617 HARALABOS TSOLAKIS and SALVATORE RAGUSA - Overwintering of phytoseiid mites (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) on hazelnut (Cory/us avellana) in Sicily (Italy) 625 G. NUZZACI, A. Dr PALMA, E. DE LILLO and P. ALDINl - Pro somal glands in Typhlodromus spp. females (Mesostigmata: Phytoseiidae) 637 Other mites and ticks KRZYSZTOF SOLARZ, PIOTR SZILMAN and EWA SZILMAN - Allergenic mites associated with bird nests in Poland (Astigmata: Pyroglyphidae, Acaridae, Glycyphagidae) 651 x Contents IGOR USPENSKY, INNA IOFFE-USPENSKY, KOSTA Y. MUMCUOGLU and RACHEL GALUN - Body weight characteristics of some ixodid ticks: Reflecting adaptations to conditions of their habitats? 657 M. DABERT, J. DABERT and K. SIUDA - Species validity of the soft-tick Argas polonicus (Acari: Argasidae) based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis 667 Index 673 Chapters marked with * also appeared in the journal Experimental and Applied Acarology, volumes 22 (1998) and 23 (1999). Preface For a long time the development of Sabelis as EURAAC-president, the third Acarology as a field of biological science has symposium took place in 1996, m been dominated by systematists and applied Amsterdam (The Netherlands), and had scientists. In the last 15 years, however, Acari "Ecology and Evolution of the Acari" as its have been more and more recognized as theme. This third symposium was attended by highly suitable for the testing of theories in 148 acarologists from 29 countries (22 ecological and evolutionary sciences. The European). In total 29 invited papers, 43 growing interest from evolutionary and submitted papers and 53 posters were molecular biologists and from population and presented. All manuscripts were critically community ecologists in mites and ticks has a reviewed by at least two referees, and edited strong impetus on the field of Acarology, and by us, the three undersigned. This has led to already led to significant progress. This book the acceptance of the 58 chapters of this contains many chapters that illustrate the book. recent progress in - mainly evolutionary and This book would not have been possible ecological aspects of - Acarology. It is our without the financial support by the Royal ambition that this book will rank among the Dutch Academy of Sciences (Koninklijke other books that are considered landmarks in Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen) integrating knowledge from different and the Uyttenboogaart-Eliasen Foundation, disciplines of biological science into new affiliated with the Dutch Entomological hypotheses on the ecology and evolution of Society. We also thank all those colleagues in Acari (e.g. Helle and Sabelis, 1985; Schuster Amsterdam who helped in organizing the and Murphy, 1991; Evans, 1992; Wrensch symposmm: Fred Veerman and Kees Davids, and Ebbert, 1993; Houck, 1994; Kropczynska the other members of the orgalllzmg et al., 1995; Lindquist et al., 1996). committee, Fred Veerman for carefully Since the inaugural meeting of the preparing the Abstract volume, Tine Korzilius European Association of Acarologists for her cheerful help in organization and (EURAAC), held in 1987, in Amsterdam, registration of the participants, Minus van three symposia took place, each with a Baalen for designing the symposium logo, Iza special theme featured by the presentations of Lesna for guiding poster presentation, Angelo invited speakers. The first symposium Pallini, Rob de Boer and Paul van Rijn for focussed on "Life History Strategies in the assisting with slide projection, Maria Acari" and took place in 1988, in Graz Nomikou, David Claessen, Filipa Vala and (Austria), under the presidency of Prof. Katja Hora for general assistance at the Reinhart Schuster. Emphasis at the second registration desk. Finally, we wish to thank all symposium was on "Physiology and Ecology the referees, who significantly improved the of the Acari"; it was held in 1992, in Krynica quality of this book by writing critical (Poland), under the presidency of Prof. commentaries, some several times longer Danuta Kropczynska. With Prof. Maurice W. than the paper under consideration: P .A. xi

Acarology is on the move! For a long time the development of Acarology as a field of biological science has been dominated by systematists and applied scientists. In the last 15 years, however, Acari have been increasingly recognized as highly suitable for the testing of theories in ecological and e
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