intsika Yethu Municipality Fanci. Sills fr he arene 30 use 2015 General Information egal form a entity Nature of business and principal actives Hapore! commits apo ‘councilors “The municgltyfunoons 9 loot niall eatablaned under Paragiaph 151 the conetiabon of re Repub of Soul As Inika Yeh Muriipliy is 9 South Afton Category C Muriiplty (eal municoaty a dened by Pe Wanispal Shuctres Act (Net ofa), ‘The municipal ope2bons ave govsmad 2 he: Muntipal Panes Narayernert Ac, “tania Stare Act of 2000; and “ara oner Bes a eguimine, i vinbaye- Chairperson of executive cormtice WO Metuayngana - Paro head local sccramic developmort S Myeazn Chiat Whip J Cengoni-Speakerchsinerzon af cura 2 Teni- Pontolonesd special programe uit KF Molen - Portas hesd water servees praton KNtsube- Pool head corporate serices AT Nrola- Panto Bead commsly sence HS Nabongoza- Ports head bagel and easy Shacks - Chakperson of PAG Sila No Baleke aM bebe 1a Hopi Zaayivs Dapale MM Ho P Ngee Maha NS Maton Prbangazala Ve Matomela 8 Sobek Nose Tame Nieto 28 Malia N Bent Neds MHNgoeet NA Somayala NP Cader NA Mtoitane WM Biktsna 2 Mai ‘SMkhunyana Mouubala T Intsika Yethu Municipaltty HnaneialSttemans fo Wo year ened 30 June 2015 General Information NA Rol Nese NW Exam rading of local authority oaes ‘Ghiet Finance Ofer {CFO} Mex kines ‘Accounting Officer > Zeal Shasha Business aaerens Bulirg Ne. 201 aly Sot sao Petal aldroas Private ag x 1261 ofirsabe S220 Telephone number 47 74 8700 Fax number (47) 8740050 ankare First National Bank ABSABET Auditors ‘dtr General South ice Intaika Yethu Municipality Hiaseial Staten he yar ended 30 June 2015 Index “The repre talemants ext aut blow comprise Krendl altemertspreserad tothe provonal ng eco Page Accounting Oficers Reepanaalitioe and Arprovl 4 ‘Statement rani! Position 5 ‘Suatsmantof Fineness Perermance 8 ‘Stalement ol Changes in Wot Assets 7 ‘cash Fw Statement 2 ‘stmerant af Comparison of Budget and ctu! Amounts om Aecaunng Pocies was Nee tone FnancilSttomonta 36-87 Abnreviaons coo ‘compensation for otpational rues and eases ‘aes Developmen! Bank of Sculh Akita ore ‘Genotlly Recagnsed Aconunting Prise ws Intemational Aecaunting Sandaes Pas Intaatanal Puble Setar Acpouring Studs ce emparof tna Exacuve Couns EWA Municipal Finance Mazer et as uripalnfasrucans Grant Prius OM nasa ‘Audtor Gana Sout Af SARS South Atiean tavenus Senco cho ‘cit Hani Dist Mun Intsika Yethu Municipality ‘inant Steteents torte yeor ended 30 June 2015, Accounting Officer's Responsibilities and Approval “The accounting ofcoris equted by tho Mur‘ipl Fnance Mangerant Ac, 2003 (Act No.Mé of 200), to msn adequate _gourtng records ale espane bl fr tbe cortent snd itegriy of tre nendlsaerrents and related tres iformion included in is oper Liste esponsibity of re aoczurng oes: lo ensure athe nancial abet aly preset te ‘late altars offre murichaliy as at the ond ofthe nani yea ee to reels fs operate and cach fowe fe perad ie ended The exlamal suarls engaged fa express at Ingependen opin anne feerclal staterens and We ‘Seon urecticied acceso alicia eee ad telatod a “The “nancial sstomanta have boon proparad in ancardance wth Standards of Ganealy Raoognlsd Account Pracioe (GFAP; nelisng ary Merrion. gales ang srecWves seed By the Acooting Stanger Doar, “Tho financial estrone based uzoa appropiatsaccouming pois cowitany api and suppaned by reasonable ana pret dgerents snd eee ‘The acrourting ffcor acknowl hat he is ubimately responsible forthe sys of nto-alfrandil coral caablishe by ‘hesmunicipsiy and place consderble mpartonce on arcing aang cenalrstonmert To nal meer to riet eve responses. tne counel sets stanceres for Feral conta aes a recuehna ie ingeosl cline mamer. The dandates rele the pepe cclegatan of responce thn a eery cefres arcwer ‘ecive scsaurtig predates snd adequate wogragalor of dll a ensure an accoplabl val of ck. Teas contol a ‘mantoreaeughaut te mtniipalhy anal employees are requedt malian fe Mees ial kana In earn the ‘Tunica: busioss is condutod n a manner ha mall rconablecranstanoo aoveropoach, Tre cus of isk ‘anagemert nha municipal isan Wemtyrg,assacarg, manage end montcing al known torr cf st scroaa the "munipaly. Wl parsing sk canna be uly etminaled, me manipaly endeavours ormiinie Rey esr that appropriated sro, canto, eyes and cucal Behaviour ae applied and managed wihin eredatrmined procedure snd constants, ‘The anepuntig afeat is theo, baad ante omaon ae exglansions shan by management tthe ayer of internal coral prove raneonaba aurarce tal te financial raorde may ba refed on fart preparation ofthe fnencal ‘otementsrawever. ey aytea of arnalinncialconel cen prude ony esaonebke, snd hl seaaie, surance gall naoialmiselatetent o ae “re accouing ofcerhas evewed he munkipallys cash fw faecsat othe year ta 3D une 2048 and, ntheght fhe ‘eve and nm cen ell sotion a s salted Tat te ually has 6 as Sees o agente resp ans fo ‘Corina in cparsonal enstnoe ortho rosaoable {Ure ‘The extemal avaters are respatle tor independently aucing ana repcrting on he municipal’ than ttenerts. Te Anancai starts have boon exaninad by Me muniipalty’s oxteral aor and nc reper fs preset on pag 5. ‘The fhendal stamens se ou ar pages 51267. which have been prepared co the-geng cnoeinbass were peed by {ho accovning fen on 31 Aug! 28 and ase Bgned By Ns ‘Ascounting Offese Intsika Yethu Municipality Finan Statements fo the yer ended 90 June 2018 ‘Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2015 Figures ean Wek i aa Related” Cure Assan Irvertroe 3 mestesst szarsesz Recelvabies ron exchange ansactens 4 ere 5340 992 Recevabhe fem ner-acchange renssctiona 5 ygose | tzraze ‘vet recenable 8 47aeton 1388679 ner recat: 7 fate (sah and cash eaunctets 5 __teon008 15 g0sc80 zag4s2 76725005 Nor-Cuwart Aes Invesinaet perp 8 Teatesa 7306000 Proper, plan and exnonent 40 451454014 4o9gezoe Tetangile aes " 2aNsat 257082 Soa 10s SIE HOS 756 Nor-Gument Aes e2a341 104606 988 798 ‘acm sete czado492 70725085 Fetal Asemte sos 7e1 898 603 210821 abies ure bles Paget ran axchenga raneacons 32 srenvoae roves Lnepent eon grants and eos 8 22.420, Provisions v4 agra 3208227 Otter fransaltanies 18 ager siz 188 aT 168 Non-Curent ising (thar franca abies ts pelea art ase Ner-Guant Libis Teae2n 7471884 Gurent Libis aisrizes steanate ‘Total Lnbitee feerraer_ so 610 308 Aeson was 701 6s BRO 210825 abies ea5t7 957) eB6T0 145) NotAnoor, $56 253 628541800 676 Accumulated auple S96 GOP 505 BOOSTS Speake Intsika Yethu Municipality Financial Stoamets fhe year ede 30 June 2015 ‘Statement of Financial Performance Fgues e Rava Takes a8 bore Rete” Revenue Revenu from exchenge tranasetlons Series cae bass stsaz4 el of esos and equyyment 2aosaT 1367281 Irorestracaied 2uass — {76Rsa0 ~eneed ana pete 2areae 4843170, oune Fees weors 10469 Recoveries eon 188TH ner evenue wr assis Arran ‘Total ravenu from exchange tanaactons ‘Soon tes _en79 oF Revenue fom nan-exchange treneactione ‘Teatlon revere Property rates 18 saerace 3405508 [eaerment grata ans susttes 18 sersop7a1 172500601 Free 22370 207508 Total revere from nom exchange transaction TH wan77s 17101 730 eeo2 105 ea7Oee2 srigsa 173 378 101 739, Tota ovecwo so 082 Ba 192970982 xponditors Pereonnal cose 2 gozwesoH (es 420651) Remunerstion of nunc AL soarsen) (iz b16 132, Doprecixion acl anertisaion 22 GnorosrH 2470 105) Finanoe oes 2 (08282) GAB 154; Db pater aera) Sar aTe Transet of execs 2 “eat z00) - Repair andimaimarance 1988285 @050.5925 Genora exponsas 25 cexusgare) qazorsos Total expenditure Gea oss oaGy eT OAT Ons) Total roves ser ox2040 90.975 902 ‘ata expencture (983 063088) cit 027 093) Operating (dic) surplus (Baa0‘ed) 20 3en 300 Liss on pos! of asset and daiies 4571) «1107 086) (Geri surpus beter taxation B754716) 20241 sot Dlosantinued opettiona rear aa Discersnued operations 2 aseesay “zane (Gericig surplue for tw oar Tier eae) 20065 Final Slater fr the year ended 30 una 2018 ‘Statement of Changes in Not Asset Fearmused Tata net Fiywesin anes supus—asscle ‘Opening teance a preueuey epee sas an5 285 525 988 255 her yar aajinent (440505) (4945 685) Balance ato July 2018 as restated weit gr 21 149 612 Surplusor te yo 22458003 22 468 065 Toll crangos PAGO 72450 068 Balances at July 2014 as restated 43 60067s 2 OD e7s Def forth ya (7.37 O48) (7 S37 O06) Toll changes (TEP OR) (57H) Balaneo at 29 June 2015 tos.260 820 526 759609 THe nese Intsika Yethu Municipallty Financial Saleen tha yar ered 3D June 2015, Cash Flow Statement Fignesin Ran Woes SHE ae Restated” Cash tame from operating activites Receipts ante 167598161 463 046957 Inert neome 2162575 1739900 her tcnits Samu gone ‘Cath ganeraled by discontinued opcatons pare 2 Te teaeea 190977 656 Payments “Employee oats (esst6 454 (7 500152) Finance cons 4120425, (108258) ‘Caan palo suppers 0140 900) 48-427 787) (Gash tied by dscomnued epecaiens (@5 960 225) (157 7 Bay (14s 707 188) Tova reste VTE fe sek 18377 655 ‘etal payents (137 725 28m) has T7155) Wel can Towa trom operating ction ae“ aosezeis 42500 s58 (Gash Mowe from investing actives Puichawe of opm, slant and equips 42 gizaety eavazs.aar) Frocsads on denote of invesiment arent ° = 185 “rocaede fem deposal of eenany 2208 Purehaee of har tangible cess 1 acoso 000) Not cash flowa rom investing activites iave ein) (a0-758 263) (cesh hows trom Rnancing setting Repayment of batonings @2r07 cae 190) et noreane in saan and cath squivalente qatar 7587460 (Cash and cash equtaents a he beg of he yoar "5208060 7906520 (Cash and caah equivalents a the ond ofthe ye 8 tee0 008 tesoa.ae0 Intslka Yethu Muni ipality Flasndal Sttemerts forthe yasrsrod 3t June 2016 Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts Budget on Cash Beso TRpsroved—Faicevene rs Sueget Aataranowia Diverse Nala wget ‘onconmarabe hekwoe fal Bask budaetare gues in Feed ‘ual ‘Statement of Financial Pertonnance Revenue Revenus from exehanae ‘renasptonr Sovee earmee (233 860) ase seesze) —faseass) Nt entaiefacliies endequpment — (SS6031) (14 S0x)—@BTANN} Pane gar) 1787495) Intra rated (ese 508) 200888} gisesrs) (aso) Na Unenoos and pois (eet3y esa RBS) 47aGm} TERE) Ng Poured fos (rea) sar) “qiszora 1115498) NS Revoveies “ioe (16062) Ne Ober avenue 119167 (1402 199) 270606) sist IHS) NT Total rovonvefrom exchenge (1 eTS625) (116303) [9a57 658) (oun ws) 6 7A0 gH) teanesedans Revanua from non-axehenge teonaactions “arstion avenue Property tee (dees2se) 2eze5r2 (2828740) ascraay HEBD Ne “ranster revenue Sovermmentgiarls &subscies (168290000) (092620) (167 270975} (Yevsoa rox) (REBEDE) NO Foe (@s0 000) scone) zea ron) 204000 Tofalrevenuctrom nen (U7OSEN752] _ SASEEO CRW the 00a) (TPH ao 77=) ATTA) xchange uensactions “Tollseverue ean euchangs (HSTEE2H (1478093) WHZTHS) (eseD res) (THOT) traneachons “Tol evenue foe 9 7038028 so.sa9 (89BEDESD (171 o80775) (HTH suchange tansacbone ‘otal venue Ara se0877) 19344) ci7s0Reaz0 fat O42960) (7880 715) Exparaiture Petre coats ss 17oa0e suo 7a SN7I0120 azGneod ASHER er Remunetston ofeounciere «g.a7ooed 3061) 1940786 soarsey (170294) Dejresttion ndemoréeston 36 DDD G00 sence suoress mmBEZ] NS Finance cost Yonpow —tas.zn 1140202 aa zur (OUNST] NIG Debt mpairet 1700 090, s7ov000 4670140707040 tS Travel of 00 eee eee Repos and rsienance B1s6010 aestT] «2710838 tne (13908) HT General Expansas goreases “Lesrase 54121305 seosuare | BT NI Total expondinas Wi e75 05 (at sia) Wi sese issesOEs TAM TST = YaTEteaeTr) pra aaah (72082207) Grar oFBuaD) —ee0 TIA) W7iggeegs aetna} 171 580984 sazacagas 11474781 peratng eurpiue ($3620) | (C186650) (Y49a96n — Z0TOIAS Se1aTZ Loe on deooea of east and * ¢o0000 «100000 =“ raasr1 TNE) Tibi Guay ciecens) Wasee aes sea “1ee0¢c0n 000000 “mas (eas a8) ‘Surplus hofoe taxation ose2n6) ‘(5eess) asa uN) 2ToH TIS 5248 402 Surplus bef tation (958200) (5H 86S) REN) 2 7oH TAG) (2 ZED EAH ry