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ASTRONOMY A&A manuscript no. AND (will be inserted by hand later) ASTROPHYSICS Your thesaurus codes are: 12(02.07.1; 02.08.1; 03.13.1; 12.03.4; 12.12.1) February 1, 2008 Dynamical Scaling of Matter Density Correlations in the Universe. An Application of the Dynamical Renormalization Group. A. Dom´ınguez1, D. Hochberg1, J. M. Mart´ın–Garc´ıa1, J. P´erez–Mercader1, and L. S. Schulman2 9 9 1 Laboratorio deAstrof´ısica Espacial y F´ısica Fundamental(INTA-CSIC) 9 Apartado 50727, 28080 Madrid, Spain 1 2 Department of Physics, n Clarkson University,Potsdam, New York13699-5820, USA a J 5 Received Month day,year; accepted Month day,year 1 1 Abstract. We show how the interplay of non–linear dy- tocondensedmatterphysics(Wilson&Kogut1974),later v namics, self–gravity, and fluctuations leads to self–affine on extended to problems in hydrodynamics (Forster,Nel- 8 behavior of matter density correlations quite generically, son and Stephen 1977) and applied to surface growth 0 2 i.e., with a power law exponent whose value does not de- (Kardar,ParisiandZhang1986)andinthe lastfew years 1 pend in a very direct way on the specific details of the applied to gravitation and cosmology (P´erez-Mercader et 0 dynamics. This we do by means of the Renormalization al. 1996, 1997). 9 Group, a powerful analytical tool for extracting asymp- Our starting point will be the non-relativistic hydro- 9 totic behavior of many-body systems. dynamic equations governing the dynamical evolution of / h an ideal self-gravitating Newtonian fluid in a FRW back- p Key words: Gravitation – Hydrodynamics – Methods: ground.Throughaseriesofstepsinvolvingphysicallyjus- - o analytical – Cosmology:theory – Large-scale structure of tified approximations, these equations reduce to a single r Universe evolutionequationforthecosmicfluid’svelocitypotential. t s Atthispointonehasasingledeterministichydrodynamic a : equation. To this we add a noise source which represents v 1. Introduction. the influence of fluctuations and dissipative processes on i X the evolution of the fluid, arising from, but not limited The Universe at shortand moderate distance scales is in- r to, viscosity, turbulence, explosions, late Universe phase a homogeneous,beingfilledbynumerousstructures.Infact transitions, gravitational waves, etc. The resulting equa- theclumpystructureofmatterintheUniverseextendsfor tionisrecognizedasacosmologicalvariantoftheKardar- over 15 orders of magnitude in linear size, from stars to Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation (Kardar et al. 1986) which the largestclusters of galaxies,and for about 18 orders of is the simplest archetype of nonlinear structure evolution magnitude in mass (Ostriker 1991). At scales from galax- and has been studied extensively in recent years in the ies toclusters ofgalaxiesandevensuperclusters,the Uni- context of surface growth phenomena (Barab`asi & Stan- verse exhibits self-similar, fractal behavior (Mandelbrot ley1995).While theessentialstepsinvolvedinarrivingat 1983; Peebles 1993). At the largest scales, those probed this KPZ equation are reviewedin Section 2, we refer the by COBE observations (Smoot 1991), for example, the reader to the concise details of its complete cosmological- Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmology which is hydrodynamicalderivationinBuchertetal.1997.Therel- basedonthehypothesesofhomogeneityandisotropy,pro- evanceofstochasticfluctuations instructureformationin vides adequate description of many uncorrelatedobserva- the Universe has been addressed in Berera & Fang 1994, tions.Isotropyis brokenby the primordialfluctuations in where the rˆole of the KPZ equation was emphasized. For the matter density which subsequently become amplified FRW cosmologieswith curved spatial sections, this equa- by the gravitationalinstabilities. tioncontainsatime-dependentmass-term.InSection3we In this paper we explore the observed self-affinity and discuss briefly the adiabatic approximation which allows scalinginthedensitycorrelationfunctionandtacklethem one to treat this mass term as a constant during most of withtherenormalizationgroup,atooloriginatinginquan- the expansion of the background cosmology. tum field theory(Gell-Mann & Low 1954), then extended Havingthus reducedthe essentialhydrodynamicsto a Send offprint requests to: D. Hochberg single dynamical stochastic equation, we turn to the re- 2 A.Dom´ınguez et al.: Dynamical Scaling of Matter Density Correlations in theUniverse. sultsofadynamicalrenormalizationgroupanalysistocal- ∇·w =−4πGaρ¯(t)δ, ∇×w =0, (3) culate the precise form of the density-density correlation function using the KPZ equation. To do so we proceed where v(x,t) and w(x,t) are the peculiar velocity and first by extracting the renormalization group equations acceleration fields of the fluid, respectively. In the above governingthe evolutionofcouplingsappearinginthe cos- equations, H = a˙(t)/a(t) is the Hubble parameter, a(t) mological KPZ equation with respect to changes in scale is the scale factor for the underlying cosmological back- andintegratingoutthe shortdistancedegreesoffreedom. ground and ρ¯(t) is the (time–dependent) average cosmo- As we areinterestedinthe behaviorofthe systematever logicaldensity.Thus,the localdensity is ρ=ρ¯(1+δ) and larger scales, we will run the renormalizationgroup (RG) the dimensionless density contrast is δ = ρ−ρ¯ρ¯. equations into the large scale (infrared) limit, a process In the linear regime and for dust (p = 0), the vortic- known as coarse-graining. The fixed points of these RG ity of the velocity field v damps out rapidly by virtue of equations determine the long–time, long–distance behav- thebackgroundexpansion,andthereforev canbederived iorofthesystemandtheirsubsequentanalysisyieldsboth from a velocity potential ψ, v = −∇ψ, in the long-time the power law form of the correlationfunctions as well as limit. Furthermore,parallelismbetween w and v holds, i. their explicit exponents. In particular, the value of the e., galaxy-galaxy correlation function exponent γ ∼ 1.8 is w =F(t)v (4) calculated, and its value understood in terms of spatio- temporal correlated noise. A summary of our results and where F(t) is the long-time limit solutionof the following discussion are presented in the closing section. Ricatti equation F˙ =4πGρ¯(t)−HF −F2. (5) 2. From Hydrodynamics to the KPZ Equation. Structure formation in the Universe in the range of a few Following the Zel’dovich approximation, we make the Mpc up to several hundred Mpc can be modelled as the assumptionthatinthe weaklynon-linearregime,thepar- dynamical evolution of an ideal self-gravitating fluid and allelismcondition(4)continuestohold,withF(t)givenas studiedwithin the frameworkofGeneralRelativity.How- thesolutionof(5)butwenowemploythefullynon-linear ever, we will restrict our treatment to the case of New- Euler equation (2) with pressure term included. That is, tonian gravity for a number of physically justifiable rea- we assume that the non-linearities and pressure have not sons.Firstandforemost,thelengthscalesinvolvedinlarge yethadenoughtimetodestroythealignmentintheaccel- scalestructureformationbymatterafterdecouplingfrom eration and velocity fields of the cosmic fluid. Assuming radiation are smaller than the Hubble radius (of order alsothatthepressureisafunctionofthedensity,p=p(ρ), ≈ 3000Mpc at the present epoch), so that general rel- one arrives at the following equation for the velocity po- ativistic effects are negligible. Secondly, it is known ob- tential (Buchert et al. 1997) servationally that matter flow velocities are much smaller ∂ψ λ f (t) than the speed oflight and that this non-relativisticmat- =νf (t)∇2ψ+ f (t)(∇ψ)2+ 3 ψ+η(x,t). (6) 1 2 ter plays a dominant rˆole over radiation in the epoch of ∂t 2 T structureformation.Thus,theevolutioninspaceandtime where we have also added a stochastic source or noise η of large scale structure in the Universe will be described (see a few lines below for a discussion). The three dimen- adequatelybytheNewtonianhydrodynamicequationsfor sionless functions of time, f , f and f are 1 2 3 a fluid whose components are in gravitational interaction ′ inanexpandingbackgroundmetric1.Theconnectionwith p(ρ¯)F(t) 1 f (t)= , (7) observations and the subsequent phenomenology is made 1 4πGρ¯(t)a2(t)ν by writingthese equationsinterms ofthe comovingcoor- 1 dinates x and coordinate time t, and are (Peebles 1993) f (t)= , (8) 2 a(t)λ ∂δ 1 + ∇·[(1+δ)v]=0, (1) f (t)=(F(t)−H(t))T. (9) ∂t a 3 ∂v 1 1 The positive constants ν,λ and T are introduced to +Hv+ (v·∇)v =w− ∇p, (2) carry dimensions. One can think of them as typical val- ∂t a aρ ues of the corresponding time-dependent coefficients dur- 1 The resolution length must be large enough so to as to ing the epoch we are interested in. The reason why we legitimize theuseof continuumequations(i.e., tovalidatethe introduce them here explicitly (instead of setting them long-wavelength,orhydrodynamiclimit)forthedescriptionof equal to unity) will become clear in Section 4. The f - the matter density, peculiar velocity and acceleration fields. 1 This requirement implicitly singles out a lower length scale term arises from the pressure term in the Euler equation whichwemaytaketobegreaterthanroughlythemeangalaxy- which we have expanded to lowest order about the zero- galaxy separation length (∼5 Mpc). pressurelimit.Notethathigher-ordertermsinthisTaylor A.Dom´ınguez et al.: Dynamical Scaling of Matter Density Correlations in theUniverse. 3 expansionwillyieldhigher-derivativeterms(O(∇2ψ)2)in- with D(x,x′;t,t′) a given function of its arguments (see volving quadratic and higher powers of the field ψ. The below). All higher cumulants vanish. The noise is thus f -term is simply the convective term from the original Gaussian. However,the velocity field need not be (and in 2 Euler equation(2) writtenin the new variables,while the general,will notbe) Gaussianas a consequenceofcoarse- f -term entails the competition between the damping of graining of the dynamics. 3 perturbations due to the expansion (−Hψ) and the en- The stochastic hydrodynamicequation(6) canbe fur- hancement due to self-gravity (+Fψ). ther cast into The Zel’dovich approximation (4) together with the ∂Ψ 1 Poissonequationyieldanimportantrelationshipbetween =ν∇2Ψ+ λ(∇Ψ)2−m2(τ)Ψ+η˜(x,τ), (13) ∂τ 2 the density contrastand∇2ψ, the Laplacianof the veloc- by means of the following simple change of variables and ity potential, namely redefinition of the “physical–time” t into a “conformal– F time” τ δ(x,t)= ∇2ψ(x,t), (10) 4πGaρ¯ f (t(τ)) Ψ(x,τ)≡ 2 ψ(x,t(τ)), (14) f (t(τ)) 1 which shows that the density contrast tracks the diver- gence of the peculiar velocity.Because of this identity, we t ′ ′ areabletocalculatedensitycorrelationfunctionsinterms τ = dtf1(t). (15) of (derivatives of) velocity potential correlations. This is Zt0 why it is worthwhile investigating the scaling properties The linear (mass) term in equation (13) is given by of the KPZ equation in detail. Thenoiseη(x,t)appearingin(6)representstheeffects d f (τ) 1 t(τ) m2(τ)=− ln 2 exp dt′ f (t′) , (16) ofrandomforcesactingonthefluidparticles,includingthe dτ f (τ) T 3 presenceofdynamicalfriction,andalsoofdegreesoffree- " 1 Zt0(τ0) !# domwhose size is smallerthan the coarse–graining length and the noise transforms into (indeed, the very fact that we are using continuous fields f (t) to describe the dynamics of a system of discrete particles η˜(x,t)= 2 η(x,t). (17) f (t)2 meansthatweareimplicitlyintroducingacoarse–graining 1 length, such that the details below this resolution length Finally, Eq. (13) is a generalization to a cosmological are not resolvable.(The relevance of this length-scale will setting of the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang (KPZ) equation for become clear in section 4.) There exist a number of phys- surface growth (Kardar et al. 1986), and differs from the ical processes on various length and time scales that con- standard KPZ equation in the linear (mass) term which, tributetoaneffectivestochasticsourceintheEulerequa- as seen from Eq.(16), originatesin the expansionpresent tion. Indeed, any dissipative or frictional process leads to in the background cosmology. Here, ν plays the rˆole of a a stochastic force, by virtue of the fluctuation-dissipation diffusion constant while λ is proportional to the average theorem. So, fluid viscosity and turbulence should be ac- “speed of growth” of ψ. countable to some degree by adding a noise term in the dynamicalequations.Earlyandlate Universephase tran- 3. Adiabatic Approximation. sitions, the formation of cosmic defects such as strings, domainwalls,textures,are sourcesfor a noisy fluctuating In this section we briefly comment on some results about background,asarealsotheprimordialgravitationalwaves the time–dependentmassterm(16)ofequation(13).The and gravitational waves produced during supernovae ex- detailedanalysisthatjustifiesourassertionsiscarriedout plosions and collapse of binary systems. Another way to in Buchert et al. 1997. visualize the noise is to imagine a flow of water in a river; For equations of state of the form p = κρ, the time– therearestonesandbouldersintheriver-bedwhichobvi- dependentmassterm(16)is identicallyzeroforflatFRW ously perturb the flow and have an impact on its nature. backgrounds, but evolves with time in closed and open The noise can be thoughtof as a means for modelling the FRW backgrounds, keeping a constant sign during the distributionofobstaclesintheriverbed.Incosmologythe epochofinterest:m2 >0inopenbackgroundsandm2 <0 obstacles in the river-bed represent, e.g., density fluctua- when the background is closed. tions and the fluid is the matter flowing in this “river”. There are two time scales in our problem: an intrinsic The noise is phenomenologically characterized by its av- time scale associated with the dynamical evolution pre- eragevalue and two–pointcorrelationfunction as follows, scribed by equation (13), which is determined by the val- ues of the coefficients in it, and an extrinsic time scale hη(x,t)i=0 (11) associated with the background expansion, which is de- termined by the parameters defining the backgroundcos- hη(x,t)η(x′,t′)i=2D(x,x′;t,t′), (12) mology. A numerical study of the function m2(t) for the 4 A.Dom´ınguez et al.: Dynamical Scaling of Matter Density Correlations in theUniverse. physically interesting range of parameters, reveals that which depends on the basins of attraction for the fixed its relative variation over these two time scales is small, points of the DynRG equations of the couplings. which justifies an “adiabatic” approximation: we can as- sume m2(t) to be a constant, rather than a function of 4.1. Calculation of the RGEs. time,whenperformingtheRenormalizationGroupanaly- sis in the next section. This assumption greatly simplifies The RG transformation consists of an averaging over the analysis,and the presence of a non-zero mass term in modes with momenta k in the range Λ/s ≤ k ≤ Λ where theKPZequationresultsinamuchricherrenormalization s > 1 is the scale factor for the transformation, followed group trajectory flow and fixed point structure than that byadilatationofthelengthscalex→sxinordertobring corresponding to the massless case, as we will see below. thesystembacktoitsoriginalsize2.Here,Λplaystherˆole ofanUV-momentum,orshortdistance,cut-offcharacter- izing the smallest resolvable detail whose physics is to be described by the dynamical equations. In classical hydro- 4. The Renormalization Group Equations dynamics, this scale would be identified with the scale in The startingpointforthe subsequentanalysisis the KPZ the fluid at and below which the molecular granularity equation for the velocity potential, eq. (13). Because this of the medium becomes manifest and the hydrodynamic is a nonlinear equation, and because there are fluctua- limitbreaksdown.Therenormalizationgrouptransforma- tions, as represented by the stochastic noise term, it is tion has the important property that it becomes an exact to be expected on general grounds that renormalization symmetry of the physical system under study whenever effects will modify the coefficients appearing in this equa- thatsystemapproachesorisnearacriticalpoint,because tion. Due to the existence of fluctuations, the coefficients it is near the critical point (or points) where the system in equation (13) (ν,λ,m2) do not remain constant with exhibits scale-invariance or, equivalently, where the sys- scale:asiswellknown(Ma1976;Amit1984;Binney1992) tem canbe describedinterms ofa conformalfield theory. therearerenormalizationeffectsthattakeplaceandmod- Thehallmarkforasystemnearcriticalityisthatitscorre- ify these coefficients (or “coupling” constants); the mod- lation functions display power law behavior. This means ifications are calculable and can be computed using dy- that the statistical properties of the system remain the namical renormalizationgroup (DynRG) techniques. The same, except possibly up to a global dilatation or change renormalizationgroupisastandardtooldevelopedforre- of unit of length. We can calculate the power law expo- vealing in a systematic way, how couplings change with nents by requiring that the dynamical equations remain scale in any physical system under the action of (coarse)- invariant under the above RG transformation and under graining. Moreover, it predicts that all correlation func- the further change of scale tions go as power laws when the system is near a fixed, or critical point, i.e., they exhibit self–similar behavior. x→sx t→szt, and Ψ→sχΨ, (18) However, the value of the scaling exponent changes from wherez andχarenumberswhichaccountfortheresponse one fixedpoint to another.In fact, the values for the cou- to the re-scaling. By eliminating s from the above, we plings at some reference scale establish the fixed point to arrive at the fact that the two-point correlation function which the system will be attracted to or repelled from, be- for the velocity potential scales as causethese referencevalues will belong toa specific “basin of attraction”. We will look for the IR stable fixed points ′ |t−t | since these reflect the system behavior characteristic of hΨ(x,t)Ψ(x′,t′)i∝|x−x′ |2χ f |x−x′ |z , (19) long times andlargedistances andceasesto changeas we (cid:18) (cid:19) look at the system at ever larger scales. where χ is the roughness exponent, z the dynamical ex- Indeed,evenbeforefluctuationsareaccountedfor,one ponent, and the scaling function f(u) has the following can easily obtain the so-called canonical scaling laws for asymptoticbehavior(see,e.g.,Baraba`si&Stanley1995): the parameters appearing in (13); these follow by per- lim f(u)→u2χ/z, (20) forming the simultaneous scaling transformation x→sx, u→∞ τ → szτ and ψ → sχψ and requiring the resultant equa- tion to be form-invariant, that is, that the KPZ equation limf(u)→constant. (21) u→0 transforms to a KPZ equation at the new, larger (s > 1) length and time scale. This simple requirement leads to Notice that because of eq. (18), large s means going scaledependence intheparametersappearingintheorig- to the large distance or infrared(IR) and (for z >0) long inal equation of motion as well as in the correlationfunc- 2 Theterm“renormalization group”isactuallyamisnomer, tions built up from the KPZ field ψ(x,t). When fluctu- since dueto theprocess of averaging oversmall distances and ations and noise are “turned on”, renormalization effects thesubsequentlossofinformation,theRGtransformations do change the scaling behavior of the couplings and correla- nothaveaninverse.Consequentlythetechnicallycorrectname tion functions away from their canonical forms, in a way would haveto be the“renormalization semi-group”. A.Dom´ınguez et al.: Dynamical Scaling of Matter Density Correlations in theUniverse. 5 timelimit,whilesmallscorrespondstotheshortdistance The full details of the calculation of these equations will or ultraviolet (UV) and short time limit. bepresentedelsewhere(Mart´ın–Garc´ıa&P´erez-Mercader Making use of the relations Eq.(14) and Eq. (10), one 1998).ThecalculationoftheRGE’sforthemasslessKPZ can immediately obtain the scaling behavior of the 2– equationinthe presenceofcolorednoiseisgivenin(Med- point correlation function for the density contrast, and ina et al. 1989). Here, s is the scale factor of Eq. (18), thus study the asymptotic behavior of this function in and K = Sd is a dimensionless geometric factor pro- d (2π)d different regimes. In the following we will implement this portional to the surface area of the d-sphere S , where d d procedure. First, we obtain the scaling or RG equations is the spatial dimension. This set of equations describes forthecouplingsbyimposingform-invarianceontheequa- how the coupling constants ν,λ,m2,D ,D evolve as one 0 θ tion (6), then by using the property of constancy of the varies the scale at which the system is studied, a pro- couplings near fixed points, we obtain and calculate the cess commonly referred to in the condensed matter lit- fixed points themselves and the corresponding values of erature as “graining”. In the present context we will be the exponents. interested in the coarse-graining behavior, since we seek We now characterize the Gaussian noise, η(x,t). This to uncover the behavior of our cosmological fluid as one isdonebychoosingthenoisecorrelationfunction.Herewe goes to larger and larger scales.In actual practice we will will use colored or correlated noise, whose Fourier trans- investigate the coarse-graining flow in a two-dimensional form satisfies (white noise) or three-dimensional (correlated noise) pa- rameter space. This is because one may cast the above set of RG equations in terms of a smaller, yet equiva- hη˜(k,ω)i = 0, lent set, by employing the dimensionless couplings de- hη˜(k,ω)η˜(k′,ω′)i = 2D˜(k,ω)(2π)d+1δ(k+k′)δ(ω+ω′), fined as V = 1 + νmΛ22 , U0 = λ2D0KdΛd−2/ν3, and D˜(k,ω) = D +D k−2ρω−2θ, (22) Uθ =λ2DθKdΛd−2−2ρ−4θ/ν3+2ρ. Doing so, one arrives at 0 θ the following reduced set of renormalization group equa- tions: where D and D are two couplings describing the noise 0 θ strength, and the ρ, θ exponents characterize the noise dU U2 powerspectruminthemomentumandfrequencydomains. 0 = (2−d)U + 0 [d+3(dV −2)] dlogs 0 4dV3 White noise corresponds to D = 0. The explicit func- θ tional form of the noise amplitude D˜(k,ω) reflects the + Uθ2 sec(2πθ)(1+4θ) fact that correlated noise has power law singularities of 4V3+4θ U U the form written above (Medina el al. 1989). 0 θ + (1+2θ)sec(πθ)× Thesolutionof(13)canbecarriedoutinFourierspace 4dV3+2θ where iterative and diagrammatic techniques may be de- [2d−8θ+3((d−2ρ)V −2)] (24) veloped(Medinaetal.1989).Astandardperturbativeex- dUθ U0Uθ = (2−d+2ρ+4θ)U + (dV −2)(3+2θ) pansion of the solution to Eq. (13) coupled with the re- dlogs θ 4dV3 quirement of form–invariance and the property of renor- U2 malizability, lead to the following RG equations for the + θ (1+2θ)sec(πθ)× 4dV3+2θ couplings: [−8θ+((d−2ρ)V −2)(3+2θ)] dV 1 = (V −1)[2+ [(dV −2)U dm2 dlogs 4dV3 0 dlogs = zm2, +((d−2ρ)V −2)V−2θ(1+2θ)sec(πθ)U ]] θ dν λ2K dlogs = ν[z−2− ν3 4ddΛd−2V−2{(d−2V−1)D0 The dimensionless couplings U0,Uθ measure the strength of the “roughening” effect due to the combined +(d−2V−1−2ρ)D V−2θsec(θπ)(1+2θ)}], θ actionofnoiseandthenon-linearityagainstthe“smooth- dD0 = D (z−2χ−d)+ λ2KdΛd−2V−3× (23) ing”tendencyofthediffusiveterminequation(13):these dlogs 0 ν3 4 couplings grow when either λ or the noise intensity (as [D02+2D0DθV−2θsec(θπ)(1+2θ) given by the parameters D0 and Dθ) grow, and they be- +D2V−4θsec(2θπ)(1+4θ)], come smaller when the diffusive action (measured by ν) θ grows. The dimensionless coupling V measures the com- dD θ = D [z(1+2θ)−2χ−d+2ρ], petition between the diffusion and mass terms. Indeed, θ dlogs neglecting for the moment the noise and nonlinear terms, dλ one can write (13) in Fourier space as = λ[χ+z−2 dlogs λ2D K ∂Ψ˜ − θ dΛd−2V−3−2θθ(1+2θ)sec(πθ)]. =−(νk2+m2)Ψ˜. (25) ν3 d ∂τ 6 A.Dom´ınguez et al.: Dynamical Scaling of Matter Density Correlations in theUniverse. Now,ifm2 ≥0(i.e.,V ≥1),theperturbationsinthefield Ψaredamped.Butifonthe otherhand,m2 <0(V <1), there exists a length scale L = − ν below which the m2 PSfragreplacements 2 perturbations are damped, but above which they grow. The case V < 0 corresponds to pa length scale L < Λ−1: this scale is smaller than the minimum resolvable length scale in the problem at hand, and therefore the diffusive term becomes unimportant. We remark in passing that P1 V 1 thelimitingbehaviorintheRGflowasV →0+ leadstoa P2 technicalrequirement:one mustassume thatthe diffusive termisnon-negligible(i.e.,ν 6=0)inordertocomputethe P3 RG equations. From the above equations one calculates their fixed 0 pointstowhichthegrainingflowdrivesthecouplings.The 0 1 2 3 corresponding fixed point exponents z and χ follow from U0 substitutingthefixedpointsolutionssoobtainedbackinto the previous set of RG equations (23). These exponents Fig.1.Flowdiagramin(U ,V)space.ArrowsindicateIR controland determine the calculated asymptotic behavior 0 (s→∞) flow. of the correlationfunctions. The system will be attracted to fixed points in the IR or UV regimes depending on whethertheyareIR-attractiveorUV-attractivealthough, aswithanyautonomoussetofdifferentialequations,other UU00 22 possibilities exist. 11 00 1 PSfrag replacements 5. Fixed Points. ∗ The fixed points, collectively denoted by g , are the so- lutions to the system of algebraic equations obtained by setting the right hand sides of equations (24) equal to 1 2 V zero. They control the stability properties of the system of DynRG equations and therefore they characterize the asymptotic behavior of correlation functions. When the P5+ couplings attain their critical values, the system becomes criticalandthe correlationfunctions enter intopowerlaw 0 regimes, characteristic of physical systems in the critical 00 statewherethey arescaleinvariant.Which fixed point the (cid:0)(cid:0)11 systemisattractedtoorrepelledfromdependsonthebasin 22 UU(cid:18)(cid:18) of attraction where the initial conditions for the DynRG Fig.2. Flow diagram in (U , U , V) space around P5+. θ 0 equationsarelocated.Asthecouplingsevolveundergrain- inginto their criticalvalues,then–pointcorrelationfunc- tions approachpower law (or scaling) forms because they forcolorednoise,whilethefeaturesofourfixedpointanal- arethesolutiontofirstorderquasi–linearpartialdifferen- ysis are conveniently summarized in the adjoining Table tialequations(theCallan-Symanzik(CS)equations(Amit 1. 1984; Binney 1992)) whose characteristics are the solu- tionstoEqns.(23).ThisCSequationsimplyexpressesthe 5.1. The value of the Critical Exponents at each Critical factthat the correlationfunctions areinvariantunder the Point. White Noise. renormalizationgrouptransformation.Inotherwords,the systemisscale-invariantatitsfixedpoints,hence,correla- In the case of white noise (D = 0) we solve for the θ tionfunctionsmusttaketheformofalgebraicpowerlaws, fixed points of the (reduced set) of RG equations. Since since these are the only mathematical functions that are U∗ =0in this case,these fixedpoints willalllie ina two- θ scale-invariant. The physics of each of these fixed points dimensionalcouplingspacespannedby(U ,V).Thereare 0 is different, because it depends to a large extent on the three fixed points, labelled as P1,P2 and P3, whose co- magnitude and sign of the scaling exponent as well as on ordinates are listed in Table 1. Two of them, P1,P2 lie the attractive or repulsive nature of the fixed point. in the line V∗ =1, corresponding to m∗2 = 0 in the RG- The flows and the fixed points of our set of RG equa- evolvedKPZequation,whileP3liesintheregionbounded tions are represented in Fig. 1, for white noise and Fig. 2 betweentheV =1andV =0lines.Bysubstitutingthese A.Dom´ınguez et al.: Dynamical Scaling of Matter Density Correlations in theUniverse. 7 Table 1. Characteristics of the fixed points. Point Position (Uθ∗,U0∗,V∗) (z,χ) γ =4−2χ IR-eigenvalues Class P1 (0,0,1) (2,−1/2) 5 (4.7,−1,2) Saddlepoint P2 (0,2,1) (13/6,−1/6) 13/3 (5.2,1,2.2) IR-repulsive P3 (0,1.55,0.38) (0,2) 0 (−1.7,2.0,−15.1) Saddlepoint V∗ = 1, (U0∗,Uθ∗) depend on (ρ,θ) Depend on (ρ,θ) Dependson (ρ,θ) Sign depends on P4± Some pairs are not allowed by a dis- χ≤0 or χ≥4/3 γ ≥4 or γ ≤4/3 (ρ,θ) ∗ criminant condition For ρ=2.65, θ=0.1 P4+ (4.2,6.4,1) (0.64,1.53) 0.94 (−6.2,1.8,0.64) Saddlepoint P4– (3.4,1.7,1) (0.62,1.52) 0.96 (−5.5,−1.6,0.62) Saddlepoint (Uθ∗,U0∗,V∗) depend on (ρ,θ) Some (0,ρ−3/2) ⇒ χ ∈ pairsarenotallowedbyadiscriminant P5± condition∗. Essentially the allowed re- [−3/2,2] which in- 7−2ρ Sign depends on cludes the range (ρ,θ) gion is ρ∈[0,7/2], (1.1,1.25) for χ θ∈[0,1/4) For ρ=2.65, θ=0.1 P5+ (−0.1,0.43,0.19) (0,1.15) 1.7 (−0.4±3.5i,−27.3) IR-attractive P5– (3.0,−1.96,−0.55) (0,1.15) 1.7 (−19.2,8.5,−1.5) Saddlepoint ∗ Thesefixedpointsareobtainedasrealsolutionsofaseconddegreealgebraicequation,andthereforethesetofpairsthatgive real fixed points are restricted by a discriminant inequality. Remarks: – Only P5+ has a basin of attraction, which is approximately in the region V ∈(0,1),U0 ∈(0,1.5),Uθ ∈(−0.2,0). P2 has a large “basin of repulsion”, and the otherpoints are saddle points. – The trajectories outside the P5+ basin of attraction reach infinity or fall to thesingular V =0 plane at a finite“time”. – Only with P5+ can we adjust the observed values γ ∈ (1.5,1.8), because P5– has V∗ < 0 in this region, which implies smaller length scales than theone corresponding to the UVcut-off Λ. fixed point values back into the original set of RG equa- 5.2. The value of the Critical Exponents at each Critical tions(23),wesolveforthecorrespondingfixedpointexpo- Point. Colored Noise. nentsχ andz.These valuesarelistedinthe thirdcolumn of Table 1. Linearizing the RG equations about each one For colored or correlated noise (D 6= 0), we now deal θ of their fixed points allows one to calculate the infrared witha threedimensionalspaceofdimensionlesscouplings (IR)stabilitypropertiesofthe fixedpointsandthuschar- U ,U and V. Using the same procedure as discussed θ 0 acterizetheirbehaviorwithrespecttothecoarse-graining. above, we solve for the RG equation fixed points which ThisentailsexpandingtheRGequationsinU →U∗+δU lead to a total of seven fixed points, including the same 0 0 0 andV →V∗+δV tofirstorderinthe perturbationsand three points P1,P2 and P3 obtained in the white noise 0 0 0 solving for δU and δV . In general, the eigenvectors of limit. Thus, allowing for colored noise yields four addi- 0 0 this linearized system will involve linear combinations of tionalfixedpointswhichwewilldenotebyP4±andP5±, δU andδV .Theassociatedeigenvalues,whichdetermine sincetheyariseinpairs.Theircoordinatesarelistedinthe 0 0 thestabilitypropertiesofthefixedpoint,arealsolistedin Table, together with their associated exponents χ and z Table 1. A positive eigenvalue indicates that the coarse- and IR eigenvalues and stability properties under coarse- graining induces a flow away from the point along the graining. Both, the positions of these points and values eigen-direction, while a negative eigenvalue indicates the of their exponents, depend in general upon the values of pointisstableintheinfrared,sincetheflowwillbeintothe the noise exponents ρ and θ, which parametrize spatial fixedpoint.Thetype,orclass,offixedpoint,whetheritbe and temporal correlations in the noise. The pair of fixed ∗ IR-attractive (all eigenvalues negative), IR-repulsive (all points labelled as P4± always lie in the plane V = 1, eigenvalues positive) or a saddle point (mixed sign eigen- (i.e., m∗2 = 0) but their location within this plane varies values)islistedinTable1.Thecoarse-grainingflowofthe with the noise exponents. Moreover, any RG flow which couplingsinthe white noisecaseis giveninFig.1.These starts off in this plane will always remain in this plane flow lines were calculated by integrating numerically the (this plane acts as a separatrix). It is important to point set of two coupled first order differential equations for U outthattherearevaluesofthenoiseexponentsρ,θ which 0 and V, using general choices for the RG equation initial lead to complex values of the fixed point coordinates for conditions. P4±. This is because these fixed points arise as solutions of a quadratic algebraic equation whose discriminant can become negative for values of ρ and θ in certain domains 8 A.Dom´ınguez et al.: Dynamical Scaling of Matter Density Correlations in theUniverse. in parameter space. We must rule out such values of the which on using equation (26) above for equal times gives noise exponents because of physical reasons. For the al- lowed values of ρ and θ (i.e., those that lead to real fixed ξ(r)∼r−(d+2+η), (30) points),wefindthatP4±haveexponentszandχthatare complicated functions of these parameters, but we have for the correlation function, and checkedthat forallallowedvalues,either χ≤0 orχ≥ 4. 3 The IR eigenvalues and the nature of these fixed points P(k)∼k2+η, (31) depend on ρ,θ. For the choice shown, i.e., ρ = 2.65 and θ = 0.1, both P4± are saddle points. In fact, we have for its Fourier transform, the power spectrum. confirmed that the pair P4± will alwaysbe saddle points Equations (30) and (31) are now suitable for compar- whenever ρ∈(2.60,2.75) and θ ∈(0,.23). The reason for ison with observations3, since they are written in comov- choosing these particular exponent intervals will become ingcoordinates,andthereforecorrespondtoquantitiesdi- clear in Section 6 . rectly inferredfromobservationsand providedwe assume The next pair of fixed points P5± also have coordi- that light traces mass. Otherwise we would need to cor- nates and exponents depending on the noise exponents. rect for bias, a strategy we leave for a future publication. As in the case of P4±, there are values of ρ,θ (same as From(30)andthedefinitionoftheexponentη,weseethat forP4±)leadingtocomplexcouplings,whichweruleout. the exponentγ measuredfromlargescale galaxysurveys, The allowed values of the noise exponents lie roughly in where ξ (r) ∼r−γ, is calculable in term of the rough- OBS the respective intervals ρ ∈ [0,7] and θ ∈ [0,1). The ex- ening exponent χ and is given by 4 2 4 ponents for P5± are given by the simple functions z = 0 andχ=ρ−3,andthe stabilitypropertiesdonotdepend γ =4−2χ(ρ,θ). (32) 2 onthe particularvalues ofthe noise exponents within the above mentioned intervals. For the choice ρ = 2.65 and Using our fixed point analysis we have computed all θ = 0.1, P5+ is IR attractive while P5− is an unstable the exponents χ and z for all the fixed points (fourth col- saddle point. We must nonetheless exclude P5−from our umn in Table 1). The predicted values for γ are tabu- consideration since it lies below the plane V = 0, i.e., it lated in the Table as shown. Thus, at each fixed point, corresponds to a renormalized KPZ mass m∗2 < −νΛ2, we derive a powerlaw for the density correlationfunction which therefore exceeds the scale of the momentum cut- ξ(r) ∼ r−γ. In the case of white noise alone, we see that off imposed on our perturbative calculation. noneofthethreecorrespondingfixedpointsarecapableof < < reproducinganyoftheinferredvaluesofγ (1.5∼γ ∼1.8) 6. Scaling properties of matter density from observations. It is of interest to point out, however, correlations. thatthepointP3yieldstheexponentγ =0,whichmeans that the correlation function is strictly constant at this We can now begin to put together the results we have point, i.e., the matter distribution is perfectly homoge- obtained in relation with the scaling properties predicted neous. However, P3 is an IR unstable saddle point and bytheDynRG.Usingequations(10)and(14)wecanwrite a fine-tuning in the initial values of U and V would be forthe2–pointcorrelationfunctionofthedensitycontrast 0 required in order to have the system flow into it under in comoving coordinates that coarse-graining. 3 Observation has shown that large scale structure depends ξ(|x−y|,t) ≡ hδ(x,t)δ(y,t)i (26) on cosmological parameters such as theage of theUniverse t0 = 4πFGaρ¯ 2 ff122∇2x∇2yhΨ(x,t)Ψ(y,t′)i|t′=t .adnodniontitaiaplpdeaernseitxyplΩic0it.lyWihnileoutrhecsaelcpualartaimonest,ertshe(ayndareotthheerrse) (cid:18) (cid:19) 2 implicitely in quantities such as r0, the scale factor, whose Weseethatthescalingbehaviorofξ(r)isdeterminedonce calculation cannot be carried out without a deeperknowledge weknowthescalingbehaviorfortheequaltimetwo–point of the noise sources. Nevertheless, the renormalization group correlationfunctionofthedensitycontrastforthevelocity gives one a way tocalculate the power law scaling law and its potential Ψ(x,t), exponent as a function of which particular basin of attraction thesystemshappenstostartoutin.Thisexplainsexactlywhat C(|x−y|)≡hΨ(x,t)Ψ(y,t)i . (27) we mean when we claim that no fine tuning of parameters ¿From Eqns. (19) and (21), we have is required in order to account for the value for the scaling exponentinferred from theobservations. Irrespectiveofwhere hΨ(x,t)Ψ(y,t)i∼|x−y|2χ. (28) the system starts out in a particular basin of attraction, in Introducing (for convenience and notational consistency time it inevitably flows into that basin’s fixed point: this is very much a kindof independenceof initial conditions. with the literature in criticalphenomena) η =2−d−2χ, 4 Noticethatwhenwritten inthisway,thevalueof γ seems we have to be independent of the spatial dimensionality d. But this is C(r)∼r−(d−2+η) ; C˜(k)∼kη−2 (29) fallacious,sinceχitselfdependsondasisseenfromtheRGE’s. A.Dom´ınguez et al.: Dynamical Scaling of Matter Density Correlations in theUniverse. 9 For colored noise, the RG behavior becomes signifi- Thuswe havelearnedthatcolorednoise seemsto play cantly richer since we now must map out RG equation animportantrˆoleinthe statisticsoflargescalestructure. flowtrajectoriesina three dimensionalspaceof couplings Now, why it is that a non-zero θ and a ρ ∈ (2.6,2.75) (see Fig. 2). A glance at the tabulated calculated val- are the relevant noise exponents is a question one still ues of the exponent γ shows that P5+ is the only fixed has to ask. To answer it, one would in principle have to point capable of yielding values of γ within the currently derive the noise source itself starting from the relevant accepted range of values inferred from observations, by physics responsible for generating the fluctuations. Here, choosing ρ ∈ (2.60,2.75) and any θ ∈ (0,.23), since wecontentourselveswiththephenomenologicalapproach. χ=χ(ρ)=7−2ρ for P5±.Although γ is independent of Nevertheless, at some future point, it may be possible to θ,anon-zerovalueofθ intheaboveintervalmustbe cho- say more about the spectrum of noise fluctuations. seninorderthatP5±exist(thispairoffixedpointsvanish It must be pointed out that the Renormalization identically when θ =0). It is also the only IR-stable fixed Groupallowsus to compute only asymptotic correlations, pointinthethree–dimensionalcouplingspacespannedby i.e., after sufficient time has elapsed so that the effect of the couplings (V, U , U ). This implies the following be- noisecompletelywashesoutanytracesoftheinitialcondi- 0 θ havior:anypointinitiallyinthebasinofattractionofP5+ tions in the velocity field or initial density perturbations. inevitably ends up at this fixed point as larger and larger Hence, there will be a time–dependent maximum length scales are probed: no fine tuning is required. scale,abovewhichnoisehasnotbecomedominantyetand correlations therefore remember the initial conditions, as wellasatransitionregionbetweenthesetworegimes.The 7. Discussion and Conclusions. length scale at which this transition occurs depends on In this paper we have presented an analytical calcula- noise intensity and on the amplitude of initial perturba- tion of the density-density correlation function for non- tions. Therefore, a physical model of the origin of noise relativistic matter in a FRW background cosmology. The would enable us to predict this scale, but such a task is calculation hinges on blending two essential theoretical well beyond the scope of the present paper. frameworks as input. First, we take and then reduce the It is also interesting that the Renormalization Group complete set of non-relativistic hydrodynamic equations allows us to compute the proportionality coefficient of (Euler,ContinuityandPoisson)foraself-gravitatingfluid the matter density correlations, i.e., the quantity r in 0 toasinglestochasticequationforthepeculiar-velocitypo- ξ(r) = (r/r )−γ, by means of the so-called improved per- 0 tential ψ. The noise term η(x,t) models in a phenomeno- turbation expansion (Weinberg 1996). This length scale logical but powerful way different stochastic processes on r marks the transition from inhomogeneity (r ≪ r , 0 0 variouslengthandtime scales.Second,weapplythewell- ξ(r) ≫ 1) to homogeneity (r ≫ r , ξ(r) ≪ 1). But r 0 0 established techniques of the dynamical Renormalization is also dependent on the noise intensity and other free Group to calculate the long–time, long–distance behavior parameters of our model, so that a prediction is impossi- ofthecorrelationfunctionofthevelocitypotential(which ble without a deeper knowledge of the noise sources. At relatesdirectly,aswehaveseen,andundertheconditions thispoint,weshouldmentiontherecentdebateaboutthe we have specified, to the density-density correlation)as a observational value of r : on the one hand there is the 0 functionofthe stochasticnoisesourceinthe cosmological viewpoint that homogeneity has been reachedwellwithin KPZ equation. the maximum scale reached by observations (Davis 1996) When we carry out a detailed RG fixed point analy- (r ∼< 50Mpc); on the other hand there is an opposing 0 sis for our KPZ equation, we find that simple white noise viewpoint as expressed by Labini et al. 1998 who argue alone is not sufficient to account for the scaling exponent > that r ∼ 200Mpc. Either viewpoint can be easily incor- < < 0 (1.6 ∼ γ ∼ 1.8) inferred from observations of the galaxy- poratedintoourmodel,bysuitablychoosingthenoisein- galaxy correlation function. 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