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Preview DTIC ADA629619: Risk Factors for Hypotension in Urgently Intubated Burn Patients

Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302 Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number 1. REPORT DATE 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 01 DEC 2012 N/A - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Risk factors for hypotension in urgently intubated burn patients 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER Dennis C. J., Chung K. K., Holland S. R., Yoon B. S., Milligan D. J., 5e. TASK NUMBER Nitzschke S. L., Maani C. V., Hansen J. J., Aden J. K., Renz E. M., 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION United States Army Institute of Surgical Research, JBSA Fort Sam REPORT NUMBER Houston, TX 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a REPORT b ABSTRACT c THIS PAGE UU 5 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 1184 burns 38 (2012) 1181 1185 also discovered that the maximum predicted propofol sinceahyperdynamicstateisnecessarytomaintainadequate biophase concentration was achieved in all groups at perfusionandheartfillinginthisshockstate.Itmakessense 2.3min,regardlessofthedoseoffentanyl,propofol,orboth. thatpropofolmayhaveadramaticandenhancedhypotensive Reich et al. sought to establish statistically significantly effectintheburnpatientsinceaknownmechanismforthis multivariate predictors of hypotension within the 0 10min hypotension is inhibition of the SNS, upon which the burn following induction of anesthesia [7]. It was a retrospective patientishighlydependent.Italsofollowsthathypotension studyof2962patientsundergoinggeneralanesthesiawitha would be enhanced in burn patients during the recovery primaryendpointofhypotensionandsecondaryendpointof periodbecausetheysufferfromincreasedvenouscapacitance adverseeffect,mortality,andprolongedhospitalstay.Induc andsubsequenthypotensionfromdecreasedsplanchnictone, tion agents included etomidate, propofol, thiopental, mid whichisaneffectthatpropofolexertsinallpatients,burnedor azolam,andfentanyl.Itwasfoundthat9%ofpatientssuffered not.Finally,itseemsappropriatethatpropofolwouldhavea severehypotensionfollowinginduction,themajorityinthe6 heightenedhypotensiveaffectinburnpatientsbecausethey to 10 min timeframe (p<0.001). Statistically significant are,asdescribedbyBlalockin1931[10],massivelyedematous predictorsofpost inductionhypotensionincludedASAIIIor and thus by definition hypovolemic; and multiple studies, IV, baseline MAP <70mmHg, age (cid:3)50years, the use of including Hoka’s in 1998 [11], have associated hypovolemia propofol,andincreasingdosesoffentanyl.Fentanylwasthe withanexaggeratedeffectonpropofol inducedhypotension. onlyinductionagentthatshowedadose dependenteffecton Since there is a glaring paucity of data on the effects of hypotension.Reich’sstudywasimportantbecauseitnotonly propofolinductiononburnpatients,Yamashitaetal.sought identifiedpropofolasanindependentriskfactorforhypoten to delineate a population pharmacokinetic formula for sionbutalsobecauseit providednewdataontheprofound propofol in burn patients that would offer a patient specific and negative impact of even a single severe hypotensive infusion rate for sedation in the ICU during the SNS surge episodepost induction.Thereis,infact,asignificantincrease period[12].Heinfused17burnedpatientsand19non burned in mortality and prolonged hospital stay associated with controlswith2mg/kgpropofol(thestandardinductiondose) clinicalhypotension,exacerbatedbythepresenceofASAIII and measured serum concentration up to 4.5min after statusandage(cid:3)65years. administration. He found that the increased volume of AlthoughRayetal.in2010alsofoundevidencethateven distribution typically seen in massive resuscitation and the a single hypotensive episode post induction can lead to a enhancedrateofpropofolclearanceinburnpatientsledtoa significant increase in morbidity and mortality, they were decreased serum propofol concentration despite dosing at notabletocorrelatethisphenomenontopropofol[8].Their standardinductionormaintenancedoses.Alargepartofthis studywasaretrospectiveanalysisof176patientsintubated phenomenonrelatestothefactthatthesurgeinSNSincreases emergentlyforexploratorylaparotomiesandthenrecovered hepaticbloodflowfrom20to35mL/kg/min,thusincreasing intheICU.ThisgroupofinvestigatorsfoundthatASAstatus propofol clearance. Percentage TBSA and body weight were was the sole predictor for clinical hypotension. They also the two most significant covariates leading to clinical reportedthatasASAstatusincreased,physiciansweremore hypotension. Yamashita’s work provides us data on the likely to use etomidate or ketamine/versed (p 0.001). All appropriatedoseofpropofolformaintenanceofsedationin induction agents utilised roughly the same amount of theICU.Unfortunately,itisdifficulttoapplythisdatatobolus steroids and/or vasopressor support during recovery in the inductionofpropofolsincethefirst2minofthestudywere ICU,withatrendtowardtheriskofhypotensionorneedfor notincludedinthedatatoallowforaprimarymixingphase post intubation vasopressor usage being lower in the withincompletedistributionincentralcompartments.Little etomidategroup. data is known about the effect of the induction of general It is well known that burn patients experience a 10 fold anesthesia on hypotension in this context, as induction surgeincatecholaminesduringtheirrecoveryphasepreceded happenswithin40sofapropofolbolus,andthistimeperiod by a phase of heat induced superficial tissue damage, the wasdiscarded. recoveryphaserepresentsischemia reperfusioninjuryrelat Based on the statistical analysis of the data, our study ed to burn shock state and extensive intravenous fluid shows that potentially septic critically ill burned patients resuscitation. This process amounts to a subacute hyperdy requiringintubationintheBICU,every1%increasein%TBSA namic and hypervolemic period of convalescence during burned contributed to a 1.6% increase in the odds of the whichthesympatheticnervoussystem(SNS)worksovertime development of hypotension. This relation was entirely to perfuse end organs. These recovering burn patients independentofanyotherexistingfactors,includingthetype experience a huge increase in cardiac output for weeks to ofinductionagentused,thepresenceofinhalationalinjury, months,andtheextentofthishyperdynamicstateishighly and age. Additionally, if patients developed hypotension associatedwith%TBSAburned,timesinceburn,thepresence following endotracheal intubation, the odds of death in ofedema,iatrogenicdrugreactions,andseverityofinfection creasedbynearly2 fold. and inflammation. In the early 20th century, Haldor Sneeve Thisstudyhasafewlimitationsinherenttoretrospective proposedthatburnswouldcreateadropincardiacoutputvia studies.First,thedefinitionofhypotension(within1h)could anaccumulationofbloodinthesplanchnicvessels[9].This beseenasproblematic,aspost inductionhypotensionusually effectwasfromashortageofcirculatingcatecholaminesafter occursimmediatelywhenitoccurs.Thesedataweredifficult the surge of SNS activity in the recovery period of burns. to extract accurately in a retrospective chart review of our Sneeve advocated providing adrenaline to replete the cate electronicmedicalrecord.Thebestwecoulddowastakethe cholaminestoresandrecoverbloodpressureinthesepatients, lowestbloodpressurerecordedduringthathourandassumeit burns 38 (2012) 1181 1185 1185 was the one immediately post intubation. Second, the hemodynamic response to any induction agent is typically Acknowledgments dose dependant. We did not have consistent and accurate documentationofvariousdosagesappliedtoanalyze.Third, TheauthorswouldliketothankOtiliaSanchezforhermedical paralytics were used concomitantly with induction agents editingandformattingofthismanuscript. 54% of the time. This could have potentially affected our results. Fourth, we did not evaluate volume status peri references intubation. This could be an important confounder that could affect our results. Additionally, our definition of ‘presumed sepsis’ can be seen as a major limitation as [1] BensonM,JungerA,FuchsC,QuinzioL,BottgerS, empiricantibioticsmayhavebeeninitiatedprematurelyin HempelmannG.Useofananesthesiainformation those who were not truly septic and not started on those managementsystem(AIMS)toevaluatethephysiologic who may have been septic. 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A prospective trial with wo rkrelation sh ipin chronic allyinst rumentedd ogs. strictcriteriaperhapsbasedontheAmericanBurnAssocia Anesthesiology1993;78:100 8. tion consensus conference definition of sepsis could [4] FinnertyCC,HerndonDN,PrzkoraR,PereiraCT,Oliveira potentially provide better clarity [13]. tHimMe, Qinuesiervoezr DelMy,b eutr nael.d Cpyetodkiaintrei cepxpatrieesnstiso.nS phroocfikle over 2006;26:13 9. 5. Conclusion [5] AlvaradoR,ChungKC,CancioLC,WolfSE.Burn resuscitation.Burns2009;35:4 14. [6] BillardV,MoullaF,BourgainJL,MegnigbetoA,StanskiDR. Ourstudyprovidescompellingdatathatpresumedsepsisand Hemodynamicresponsetoinductionandintubation. %TBSA are the key risk factors for the development of Anesthesiology1994;81:1384 93. [7] ReichDL,Hossa inS,KrolM,BaezB,PatelP,BernsteinA, hypotension following intubation in critically ill burned etal.Predictorsofhypotensionafterinductionofgeneral patients; development of hypotension is associated with a anesthesia.AnesthAnalg2005;101:622 8. near2 foldincreaseintheoddsofdeath.Theuseofpropofol [8] SneeveH.Thetreatmentofburnsandskingrafting.JAm fortheinductionofanesthesiaforendotrachealintubationin MedAs soc 190 6;XLVII(1):1 8 . critically ill burned patients did not increase the odds of [9] RayDC,McKeownDW.Effectofinductionagenton hypotension or death. In burn patients requiring emergent vasopressorandsteroiduse,andoutcomeinpatientswith endotracheal intubation in the BICU, the care team should septicshock.CritCare2007;11(3):145 52. [10] Blaloc kA.Ex perim enta lshock:VII.Theimportanceofthe exercisecautioninthosewithlargeburnsand/orpresumed locallossoffluidintheproductionofthelowblood sepsis. In these high risk patients, prophylactic measures pressureafterburns.ArchSurg1931;22(4):610 6. should be taken to protect against clinically significant [11] HokaS,YamauraK,TakenakaT,TakahashiS.Propofol hypotension.Aprospectivestudymaybewarrantedtofurther induc ed increase in vascularca pa citanceis du eto evaluatetheriskofcertaininductionagentsusedforemergent inhibitionofsympatheticvasoconstrictiveactivity. intubationintheBICU. Anesthesiology1998;89:495 500. [12] YamashitaS,KanedaK,HanT.Population pharmacokineticsofapropofolbolusadministeredin Funding patientswithmajorburns.Burn2010;36(8):1215 21. [13] GreenhalghDG,SaffleJR,Holmes4thJH,GamelliRL, PalmieriTL,HortonJW,etal.AmericanBurnAssociation ThisprojectwasfundedbytheClinicalTrialsTaskAreaofthe consensusconferencetodefinesepsisandinfectionin UnitedStatesArmyInstituteofSurgicalResearch. burns.JBurnCareRes2007;28:776 90.

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