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Preview DTIC ADA573665: Random Networks of Carbon Nanotubes as an Electronic Material

APPLIEDPHYSICSLETTERS VOLUME82,NUMBER13 31MARCH2003 Random networks of carbon nanotubes as an electronic material E. S. Snow,a) J. P. Novak, P. M. Campbell, and D. Park NavalResearchLaboratory,Washington,DC20375 ~Received 26 November 2002; accepted 31 January 2003! We report on the transport properties of random networks of single-wall carbon nanotubes fabricated into thin-film transistors. At low nanotube densities ~;1 mm22! the networks are electrically continuous and behave like a p-type semiconductor with a field-effect mobility of ;10 cm2/Vs and a transistor on-to-off ratio ;105. At higher densities ~;10 mm22! the field-effect mobilitycanexceed100cm2/Vs;however,inthiscasethenetworkbehaveslikeanarrowbandgap semiconductor with a high off-state current. The fact that useful device properties are achieved withoutprecisionassemblyofthenanotubessuggeststherandomcarbonnanotubenetworksmaybe a viable material for thin-film transistor applications. @DOI:10.1063/1.1564291# Perhaps the most intriguing electronic property of ingelectronicmaterialthathaspotentialforuseinthin-film- single-wall carbon nanotubes ~SWNTs! is the high room- transistor applications to produce active electronics on temperature mobility of semiconducting SWNTs ~s-SWNTs! noncrystalline or compliant substrates. that is more than an order of magnitude larger than the mo- The transport properties of the SWNT networks were bility of crystalline Si.1,2 This high mobility has prompted measured in a thin-film transistor geometry. SWNTs were researchers to fabricate and study field-effect transistors in grown on a 250-nm-thick thermal oxide on a Si wafer.8 which a single s-SWNT serves as a high-mobility transport Source-drain electrodes were fabricated using optical lithog- channel.1–7 Recent measurements on such devices yield a raphy and lift-off of a 150-nm-thick Ti film. The regions of transconductance per unit channel width greater than that of the devices between the source-drain electrodes were then state-of-the-art Si transistors.7 However, because of the lim- covered with photoresist and the nanotubes outside this pro- ited current-carrying capacity of individual SWNTs, many tected area were removed by using a CO2 snow jet. Finally, s-SWNTs aligned side by side in a single device would be theprotectivephotoresistwasremovedandthedeviceswere required in order to surpass the current drive of a Si device. tested in a vacuum probe station. Such precise positioning of SWNTs is beyond the capability AschematicofthedeviceisshowninFig.1.Thedevice of current growth and assembly technology and presents a geometry was varied with the source-drain channel length, major technological hurdle for carbon nanotube-based elec- Lsd, ranging from 1 to 25 mm and the channel width, W, ranging from 35 to 100 mm. Figure 1 also shows an atomic tronic applications. force microscope ~AFM! image of a SWNT network in the In contrast, random arrays of SWNTs are easily pro- regionbetweenthesource-drainelectrodes.Suchimagesand duced either by direct growth on a catalyzed substrate or by AFM line profiles were used to determine the diameter ~d!, depositionontoanarbitrarysubstratefromasolutionofsus- density ~r!, and length ~L! of the nanotubes where ris de- pendedSWNTs.IfthedensityofSWNTsinsuchanarrayis fined as the number of SWNTs per unit area. sufficiently high, the nanotubes will interconnect and form Formostofthedevicestheaveragenanotubelength,^L&, continuous electrical paths. Such random arrays of SWNTs have not previously been seriously investigated for use as channels in field-effect transistors. In this letter we explore the transport properties of ran- domnetworksofSWNTsandfindthatlowdensitynetworks ~;1 mm22! behave like a p-type semiconducting thin film with a field-effect mobility ;10 cm2/Vs, approximately an orderofmagnitudelargerthanthemobilityofmaterialstypi- cally used in commercial thin-film transistors, e.g., amor- phous Si. These mobility values and correspondingly good electronicqualityoftherandomSWNTnetworkareduetoa combination of the low resistance of inter-SWNT contacts and the high mobility of the individual SWNTs, which to- gether compensate for the extremely low fill factor of the network. These initial transport results are promising and indicate that such random nanotube networks ~easily pro- FIG.1. ~Color!~A!Schematicofthedevicegeometry.TheSWNTnetwork ducedwithnoneedforprecisionassembly!formaninterest- isgrownontopofthethermaloxideofaconductingSisubstrate.Evapo- ratedtitaniumformsthesourceanddraincontactpadsandtheSisubstrate servesasabackgate.~B!A5mm35mmAFMimageofaSWNTnetwork. a!Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail: SuchimagesandAFMlinetraceswereusedtomeasuretheaveragenano- [email protected] tubediameter,length,anddensity. 0003-6951/2003/82(13)/2145/3/$20.00 2145 Downloaded 05 Feb 2008 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://apl.aip.org/apl/copyright.jsp Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED NOV 2002 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2002 to 00-00-2002 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Random networks of carbon nanotubes as an electronic material 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Research Laboratory,4555 Overlook Avenue REPORT NUMBER SW,Washington,DC,20375 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 3 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 2146 Appl.Phys.Lett.,Vol.82,No.13,31March2003 Snowetal. FIG. 3. Log(I ) vs V at V 50.1V for four devices from four different sd g d FIG.2. Electricalresistancemeasurementsondeviceswithachannelwidth growths,correspondingtocurves~a!–~d!,eachwithachannelwidthof35 of 90 mm and channel lengths ranging from 1 to 25 mm. The resistance mmandachannellengthof10mm.Thegatedependenceindicatesthatthe measurements were made at a gate bias of 23 V. The two sets of data networksbehavelikeap-typesemiconductingfilmwithfield-effectmobili- correspond to two separate growths that produced nanotube densities of 1 ties ranging from 7 to 270 cm2/Vs. Only the network corresponding to ~d!and10~m!mm22. curve~a!canbegatedoff. is much shorter than Lsd, which means that the source-drain R}L1.8. This nonlinear scaling is an indication that the net- current has to flow through a series of inter-nanotube con- work is approaching the percolation threshold where nonlin- tacts. Fuhrer etal.9 have shown that the intersection of two ear effects are expected. Note that the short channel length s-SWNTs or two metallic SWNTs forms a good electrical devices with L ;^L& scale more rapidly with L . In these sd sd contactwithanelectricalconductance;0.1e2/handthatthe devices individual SWNTs can directly bridge the source- intersection of a metallic and a s-SWNT forms a Schottky drain electrodes and thus lower the resistance. barrierwithabarrierheightapproximatelyequalto1/2band The above resistance data establish that the intersecting gap of the s-SWNT. Consequently, we expect that highly SWNTs form an electrically continuous interconnected net- interconnected SWNT arrays will be electrically continuous work. We have measured the gate response of I to deter- sd with electronic properties that depend on the level of inter- mine whether the networks exhibit a semiconducting or me- connectivity and on the electronic properties of the constitu- tallic behavior. Figure 3 @curve ~a!# plots the transistor ent SWNTs. characteristics for the r51mm22 network with device di- This system of electrically connected randomly posi- mensions of L 510mm and W535mm. This device ex- sd tioned SWNTs is in many ways analogous to the two- hibitsanon-to-offratioof;105 andathresholdvoltageof2 dimensional random resistor networks studied in percolation V. The observed field effect is likely a combination of two theory.10,11Suchresistornetworksareelectricallyconducting effects: the field dependence of the carrier concentration in provided that the density of connected resistors exceeds a the s-SWNTs and the gating of the Schottky barriers present percolation threshold. In addition, the sample-to-sample at the nanotube/Ti contacts5,6,13 and at the semiconductor/ variations are vanishingly small provided that the size of the metallic inter-nanotube contacts.9,13 The magnitude and po- resistorlatticeislargecomparedtothelatticespacing.Inthe larity of the gate dependence indicate that the network be- present case we estimate that the percolation threshold will haves like a p-type semiconducting thin film. We use the correspond approximately to the density at which the aver- standardformula,m 5dI /dV L L /«V W, todefinean eff sd g ox sd sd age distance between nanotubes, 1/r1/2, equals their average effective mobility for the network where L and « are the ox length, i.e., rth;1/^L&2 and that the network properties will thickness and dielectric constant of the SiO2 gate oxide. For be relatively uniform provided that the device dimensions this network we find m 57cm2/Vs, which is a typical eff are much larger than 1/r1/2. Above the percolation threshold value for devices with high on-off ratio, although we occa- there is a high likelihood that the SWNTs will intersect with sionally measure values as high as 50 cm2/Vs. For compari- one another and form continuous electrical paths. For our son,thesevaluesareaboutanorderofmagnitudelargerthan growthconditionswehavemeasuredsampleswith^L&rang- the mobility of amorphous Si (m >1cm2/Vs), a material eff ing from 1 to 3 mm and find that for SWNT densities ex- commonly used in commercial thin film transistor ceeding;0.3mm22thenetworksareelectricallyconducting. applications.14 Note that I reaches a minimum at Vg sd The geometric scaling of the device resistance is shown >6Vandthenincreasesforlargergatebias.Thisreversalin in Fig. 2 which plots the log of the source to drain slope indicates that the gate potential has inverted some of resistance12 versus log(L ) for two sets of devices corre- the electrical paths to n-type conduction. Such inversion sd sponding to r510 and 1 mm22. The resistance data for the from p-type to n-type conduction has been previously noted 10 mm22 network scale linearly with channel length with a in field-effect measurements on individual s-SWNTs5,15 and sheetresistanceof108kV/square.Theresistancedataforthe establishes a lower limit to the off-state current. 1mm22networkscalenonlinearlywithchannellength,anda Also plotted in Fig. 3 are data from three other devices least squares power law fit to the data for L >5mm yields @curves ~b!, ~c!, and ~d!# fabricated using networks with r sd Downloaded 05 Feb 2008 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://apl.aip.org/apl/copyright.jsp Appl.Phys.Lett.,Vol.82,No.13,31March2003 Snowetal. 2147 .3mm22. The linear gate dependence of the on-state cur- The limitations presently experienced with off-state cur- rent yields field-effect mobilities ranging from 17 to 270 rents arising from parasitic metallic and/or narrow-band gap cm2/Vs. However, in each of the devices the on-to-off ratio s-SWNTs should yield to improved control over SWNT is <10. In these devices, the increase in on-state current is growth or selective burnout of the parasitic tubes.15 While achieved at the expense of a high off-state current which in the nanotube networks treated in this letter were formed by curves ~b! and ~c! are caused by inversion to n-type conduc- directgrowthofthenanotubesonthesurface,suchnetworks tion.Wehaveobservedthishighoff-statecurrentinallofthe could just as easily be fabricated by depositing previously tested devices with either high densities, r@r , or short grown SWNTs onto the substrate.This would allow the fab- th channel lengths, L ;^L&. The inversion to n-type conduc- rication of thin-film transistors without exposing the sub- sd tionatlowgatebiasaccompaniedbyahighoff-statecurrent strates to high temperatures, thus permitting a wide variety is consistent with the behavior of a narrow band gap semi- of substrates, including plastic and compliant substrates. Be- conductor. We thus attribute the high off-state current in cause several techniques have been demonstrated for selec- these devices to continuous paths of narrow band gap and tivelyconvertings-SWNTsfromptontypeforcomplemen- metallic nanotubes. tarylogicapplications,21–24itislikelythatrandomnetworks The band gap of a s-SWNT scales inversely with its can be selectively converted to n type for such applications diameter.16Wethereforepostulatethatthehighoff-statecur- as well. Random networks of SWNTs may thus offer the rentofdensenetworksiscausedbycontinuouspathsoflarge most immediate opportunity for carbon nanotubes to impact diameter ~.2 nm! and metallic nanotubes. In such cases the electronic applications. density of metallic and large-diameter SWNTs exceeds the percolation threshold and forms continuous paths across the device. Consequently, the off-state current in random net- 1M.Shim,A.Javey,N.W.S.Kam,andH.Dai,J.Am.Chem.Soc.123, works will be dominated either by the largest diameter 11512~2001!. 2M.S.Fuhrer,B.M.Kim,T.Durkop,andT.Brintlinger,NanoLett.2,755 s-SWNTs or by metallic nanotubes, provided their density ~2002!. exceedsrth. 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These data suggest that it should be possible to improve 8J.H.Hafner,C.L.Cheung,T.H.OosterKamp,andC.M.Lieber,J.Phys. the off-state current by reducing the fraction of large- Chem.B105,743~2001!. diameternanotubes.Lietal.haveshownthatthediameterof 9M.S.Fuhrer,J.Nygard,L.Shih,M.Forero,Y.G.Yoon,M.S.C.Maz- a single-wall nanotube is approximately equal to the diam- zoni,H.J.Choi,J.Ihm,S.G.Louie,A.Zettl,andP.L.McEuen,Science 288,494~2000!. eterofitscatalystparticle.18Consequently,onekeytohigher 10D.J.FrankandC.J.Lobb,Phys.Rev.B37,302~1988!. density nanotube networks with improved on-to-off ratio is 11M.A.DobsonandJ.C.Garland,Phys.Rev.B32,7621~1985!. careful control of the catalyst particle size. 12Thenetworkresistancewasmeasuredwithagatebiasof23Vthatwas appliedtoensurethatthesemiconductingnanotubesinthenetworkwere Because the networks consist of both semiconducting conducting. and metallic nanotubes, if the density of metallic nanotubes 13T.W.Tombler,C.Zhou,J.Kong,andH.Dai,Appl.Phys.Lett.76,2412 exceeds the percolation threshold then the network will be- ~2000!. come metallic. Clearly, in order to achieve the highest cur- 14B.Stannowski,R.E.I.Schropp,R.B.Wehrspohn,andM.J.Powell,J. Non-Cryst.Solids299–302,1340~2002!. rent drive with good off-state characteristics, the fraction of 15P.G.Collins,M.S.Arnold,andPh.Avouris,Science292,706~2001!. both metallic and large diameter nanotubes will have to be 16M. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, and Ph. Avouris, Carbon Nanotubes: reduced. Current growth technology yields approximately Synthesis,Structure,PropertiesandApplications~Springer,Berlin,2001!. 30% metallic SWNTs.19 The reduction of this fraction is 17J. W. G. Wildoer, L. C. Venema,A. G. Rinzler, R. E. Smalley, and C. Dekker,Nature~London!391,59~1998!. technologically challenging because it requires control over 18Y. Li, W. Kim, Y. Zhang, M. Rolandi, D. Wang, and H. Dai, J. Phys. the chirality of the SWNT during growth16 or some post- Chem.B105,11424~2001!. growth means of separating metallic from semiconducting 19W.Kim,H.C.Choi,M.Shim,Y.Li,D.Wang,andH.Dai,NanoLett.2, nanotubes. Alternatively, Collins, Arnold, and Avouris have 703~2002!. 20Initial attempts to selectively burn the metallic paths and leave a large shown that applying a large source-drain bias while gating numberofsemiconductingpathshavenotbeensuccessful. off any semiconducting nanotubes can selectively burn me- 21J. Kong, C. Zhou, E.Yenilmez, and H. Dai,Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 3977 tallic ~and possibly low band gap semiconducting! ~2001!. nanotubes.15,20 This technique may work as well with nano- 22V.Derycke,R.Martel,J.Appenzeller,andPh.Avouris,NanoLett.1,453 ~2001!. tube networks to remove those conduction paths that limit 23Ph.Avouris,Chem.Phys.281,429~2002!. the device turn-off characteristics. 24A.Javey,Q.Wang,A.Ural,Y.Li,andH.Dai,NanoLett.2,929~2002!. 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