Flow Visualizations and Extended Thrust Time Histories of Rotor Vortex Wakes in Descent James Stack ! University of California Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720-1740 Francis X. Caradonna † Army/NASA Rotorcraft Division, U.S. Army AMRDEC Ames Research Center Mo!ett Field, California 94035-1000 O¨mer Sava¸s ‡ University of California Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720-1740 Anexperimentalstudyisperformedonathree-bladedrotormodelintwowatertanks. Theblade pitch, rotational velocity, descent angle, and descent speed are all varied in order to simulate a wide range of rotorcraft operating states, focusing on descent cases where the rotor is operating in or near vortex ring state — an area in which there is currently very little available data. Flow visualization is done by injecting air bubbles and uorescent dye tangentially from the blade tips to mark the vortex core, showing the development of both short-wave (“sinuous”) and long-wave (“leapfrogging”) instabilities on the helical vortices in the wake. Strain gages are used to record transientloads, allowingacorrelationbetweentherotorthrustperformanceandthedevelopment of the vortex wake. Reynolds numbers are of order 105 and test runs are performed for extended periods — up to 500 rotor revolutions — demonstrating the repeatability of the patterns of thrust variation. The data indicate that as the instabilities develop, adjacent vortices merge and form thick vortex rings, particularly during descent. Periodic shedding of these rings from the wake associated with vortex ring state is observed, resulting in peak-to-peak thrust uctuations of up to 95% of the mean and occurring at regular intervals of 20—50 rotor revolutions, depending on ow parameters. Notation V free stream (towing) speed V velocity induced at rotor in hover, (T/2"A)1/2 h c blade chord V rotor tip speed, "R tip A rotor disk area, !R2 V rotor forward ight speed, V cos$ x CT thrust coe!cient, T/"AVt2ip Vz rotor descent speed, V sin$ L blade length $ descent angle N number of rotor revolutions % collective pitch angle at 0.75 R R rotor radius & short-wave instability wavelength Rec Reynolds number based on chord, cVtip/# # kinematic viscosity T rotor thrust " water density ’ standard deviation of mean rotor thrust GraduateStudentResearcher,[email protected] ! † Sta!Scientist,[email protected] ’s rotor solidity ratio ‡ Professor,[email protected] ( vortex ring shedding period Presented at the AHS 4th Decennial Specialists’ Conference " rotor rotation rate on Aeromechanics, San Francisco, California, January 21-23, 2004. Copyright c 2004 by the American Helicopter Society " Internation, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED JAN 2004 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2004 to 00-00-2004 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Flow Visualizations and Extended Thrust Time Histories of Rotor Vortex 5b. GRANT NUMBER Wakes in Descent 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION US Army Aviation and Missile Command,Army/NASA Rotorcraft REPORT NUMBER Division,Ames Research Center,Moffett Field,CA,94035 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 15 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Introduction harnessed by researchers using more sophisticated, de- tailedmodelsoftheoweld. Thecurrentstateofthe art in rotor wake modeling is “free wake analysis”, a An accurate understanding of the physics of helical methodinwhichthewakeoweldiscalculatedbased vortexwakeshaslongbeenregardedasoneofthemost on the induced velocities of all the tip vortices as well di!cultproblemsinuiddynamics. Withimplications as the inboard vortex sheets (see Refs. 21,22). And on the performance of propellers, wind turbines, and while such techniques have led to signicant progress helicopter rotors, the problem is of practical interest overthepasttenyearsintheunderstandingofsimpler to many. Even before the days of modern production cases of ight such as hover, they are not yet capable helicopter ight, the issue of the nature and stability of predicting the behavior of the wake in more compli- of ring vortices and helical vortices had been analyzed catedightstateswheretheaircraftismaneuveringor extensively. Levy and Forsdyke (Ref. 1) performed a descending. At this point, there is no reliable physical stability analysis on a single helical vortex in 1928, model for rotor wake ow, nor is one possible without and more recently, Landgrebe (Ref. 2) and Widnall better experimental knowledge of the ow than cur- (Ref.3)haveaddedtoandcorrectedthisstudy. Gupta rently exists. and Loewy (Ref. 4) have performed a similar stability analysis on multiple interdigitated helical vortices. The problem for aerodynamicists is that the ight Despite the focus that modern helicopter ight has regimes that are of greatest interest to the rotorcraft brought to the problem in the last hundred years, and community are precisely the ones in which CFD pre- despite the power of modern computers and experi- dictions are least accurate. When a helicopter is de- mental tools, a truegrasp of the physics of helical vor- scending rapidly, the very thing that makes the wake tices has remained elusive. While somewhat reason- solution so di!cult — the intense interaction between ableapproximationsoftheirbehaviorcanbemadeun- the rotor and its vortex wake — causes large, un- der highly simplied scenarios, there is much progress steady dynamic loads on the blades. Under certain stilltobemadeontheproblemofreal helicalvortices. circumstances (when the rotor descent velocity ap- The current state of rotor wake modeling is that while proximately matches the wake velocity), the aircraft accurate computations of relatively simple wake ows can encounter a condition known as vortex ring state (such as hover) are beginning to produce results that (VRS), where the tip vortices merge together, forming are quantitatively interesting, computations of rotor a thick vortex ring that remains near the rotor plane, wakes that undergo massive interaction with the rotor disrupting the inow and causing a dramatic reduc- (suchasforthevortexringstate)arecurrentlyofonly tion in lift. This unstable ring typically undergoes qualitative interest at best. shedding/reformation cycles that result in large uc- In the early days of helicopter ight, a number of tuationsinthrustthatmaketheaircraftquitedi!cult simplied models appeared — such as the classic mo- to control. As retired test pilot Mott F. Stancheld mentumtheoryandthebladeelementmomentumthe- says, “In my opinion, a mature VRS is the most haz- ory(Refs.5,6)—whichwerecapableofpredictinggross ardous condition that exists in the realm of helicopter performance characteristics for a rotor (such as thrust aeronautics” (Ref. 23). andpower)butwereunabletocapturethedetaileddy- Although the aerodynamics of rotors in descending namics of the wake ow eld. In view of the acute ef- ight — and in VRS in particular — has been the sub- fectthewakehasontherotorperformance,researchers ject of research for many years (see Refs. 7—10,24), began to undertake more detailed experimental stud- that work has largely focused on measurements of the ies of the wake ow eld, beginning with wind tun- rotor thrust and power with very little ow eld vi- nel testing and smoke ow visualization as early as sualization, and even less simultaneous measurement the 1920s (Refs. 7,13,14). Later, experiments were of thrust/power and ow elds. This is likely due done using hot wire anemometry (HWA) and other to the relative “disorder” of such ows and the di!- techniques (Ref. 15) to measure the velocity eld it- culties associated with facility/model sizing, turbulent self. Even more recent work has used laser Doppler di#usion, and injection of ow markers. The present velocimetry (LDV) (Refs. 16—18) and particle image studyis aimed at addressingthesedi!culties andpro- velocimetry(PIV)(Refs.19,20)asnon-invasivemeans viding a relatively complete description of the wake of of achieving the same. the descending rotor and its e#ect on rotor loading. The power of modern computers has recently been Ultimately, it is planned to develop a data set with 2 su!cient information to improve and validate compu- tational methods for the prediction of rotor descent behavior. Flow visualization and thrust measurement results are presented from experiments performed on a model rotor in a wide range of operating states — from hover to forward ight to rapid descent — with the focus be- ing on the vortex ring state regime. Experiments were performed in a 60 m long water tow tank, which al- lowedforextended runtimesthatweremorethansuf- cientforthestudyoflong-periodunsteadyowssuch as those encountered in descending ight, and which weremuchlongerthanhavepreviouslybeenperformed insimilarstudies(whichhavegenerallybeenconducted in wind tunnels — see Refs. 24,25). The rotor’s perfor- manceisquantiedbymeasurementsofitsthrust,and this information is correlated with simultaneous ow visualization images. Figure 1: Model 3-bladed rotor. Diameter is 25.4 Thetime-historycharacteristicsoftherotor’sthrust cm. Dye and air enter the tubes at the root, ow are examined for a broad range of descent speed, de- through the blades to the tips, and enter the ow scentangle,andcollectiveanglecombinations. Bytest- tangentially. ing the rotor’s performance over a wide variety of con- gurations, the rotor’s performance can be fully char- mm ID stainless steel tube embedded along its span, acterized,andthedescentconditionsinwhichVRSbe- allowing dye or air to be injected into the ow from haviorisobservedcanbeclearlyidentied. Thethrust the tip to mark the vortex cores. The airfoil modi- time-historiesoftheseperiodicsheddingcasesarethen cations included a chordwise-linear thickness increase compared in order to determine how the descent con- which thickened the trailing edge and provided more gurationa#ectstheamplitude,frequency,andoverall room for the dye/air tubes. In addition, the aft cam- “orderliness” of the observed thrust uctuations. For ber of the root airfoil was increased. these particular cases, the ow visualization images of The rotor was driven by a digitally-controlled mi- the experiment provide clues as to the nature of the crosteppermotor(25,000pulsesperrevolution),allow- vortexwakeformationandsheddingphenomenonthat ing for precise control of both the rotor’s position and makes VRS such a dangerous ight regime. velocity. The motor was mounted atop an 89 cm ver- tical shaft and drove a 23 cm horizontal shaft onto which the rotor was xed (Fig. 2). The vertical shaft lay downstream of the rotor during descent testing, so Experimental Setup astoavoidinterferingwiththerotor’sinow. Justbe- neaththemotorwasa2.5cmthickrectangularmount- ingplatewhichsupportedthemodelassemblyandalso Rotor Model measured rotor thrust, using a pair of exures instru- Experiments were performed with a three-bladed 25.4 mented with 120 ohm strain gage bridges. The thrust cmdiameterrotormodelfeaturingmanuallyadjustable readings were fed to the computer controlling the ex- blade pitch. The blades (Fig. 1), which were 9.5 cm periment. Data are corrected for drag tares and low- long,weremoldedfromcarbonberreinforcedplastic. pass ltered during post-processing to eliminate high- The blades were untapered, with a 1.9 cm chord, and frequency electrical and vibrational noise while retain- had a twist of about 5 (compared with twists of 35— ing the main features of the signal. ! 40 for typical tilt-rotor aircraft). The low blade twist Tovisualizetherotor’swake,airbubblesandsodium ! was chosen in order to minimizerotor separation. The uorescent dye were released from the blade tips in a blade airfoils were modied ARAD-10 at the tip and direction tangential to the blade path. The dye and modied ARAD-13at theroot. Each bladehad a0.36 air were supplied to the dye reservoir at the base of 3 the vertical shaft through thin, exible plastic tubing (Fig. 2). The dye reservoir was directly connected to therotor dye tubes through thehorizontal drive shaft. The pressure decit at the blade tips drew some uid from the supply tube into the wake, but in order to achieve clear visualization of the ow it was necessary to supply external pressure. Stationary Tank Initialtestingwasperformedina1.22 2.44 1.68m × × deep stationary water tank at the University of Cali- forniaBerkeley. Withthemodelxedinplaceatopthe tank, thesetestssimulatedahoveringhelicopter’sow eld. A 10-W Argon ion laser provided both planar and volumetric illumination. For the two-dimensional lightingtests,averticallightsheetwasalignedwiththe axis of the rotor. In all cases, a digital video camera recordedtheowfromthesideofthetank,perpendic- ular to the wake direction and the light sheet. Due to thesmallsizeofthetank,testrunswererelativelybrief (and between-test intervals relatively long) in order to minimize recirculation e#ects which would lead to an unwanted climb condition. Generally, air was used as the injectionuid for ini- tial experiments because of its non-contaminating na- ture. Also, in contrast to the neutrally-buoyant dye, which marked the vortex cores but di#used to areas surrounding the core as well, the majority of the air bubbles initially migrated directly to the low pressure vortex cores. Thus in the near-wake of the rotor, be- fore the vorticity had di#used signicantly and atten- uated the pressure decit at the cores, the air bubbles nicely captured the details of the lament structure. However, once the transition to the far-wake region occurred, the buoyancy of the bubbles caused them to rise to the surface quickly, rendering the details of the wake indecipherable for distances greater than about onediameterdownstreamoftherotor. Latertestsused neutrally-buoyantuorescentdyeastheinjectionuid, Figure 2: Entire model assembly, showing locations which clearlyshowedthebreak-upand di#usionofthe ofstraingagesanddyetubing. Flowwouldbefrom wake at greater downstream distances. left to right in a descent test. In general, thrust measurements were not recorded for the stationary tank tests. Rather, these tests were performed primarily for visualization purposes, as the quality of the images was signicantly better in the stationarytankthaninthetowingtankandthestruc- ture and evolution of the wake could be more clearly discerned. 4 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 nt cie 0.015 effi 3 rev/s o 0.010 4 rev/s C st 5 rev/s u hr 0.005 6 rev/s T 7 rev/s 0.000 -0.005 Figure3: Side viewofcarriage platform with model -0.010 assemblymountedonturntable. Directionoftravel -0.015 is from left to right. -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Collective Angle (deg) Towing Tank Figure 4: Variation in mean thrust coe!cient with collectivepitchangle. Valuesforarangeofrotation Thecharacteristicsofadescendinghelicopterweresim- rates collapse — approximately — to a single curve. ulatedbypullingthemodelthroughwaterinthe60m long tow tank at the University of California’s Rich- mond Field Station. The 2.4 m wide, 1.5 m deep tank featuresalarge,low-speedcarriagerunningalongaset representative case in order to limit the number of ex- of rails on top of the tank. The carriage speed, which perimental variables and also because it produced the for these tests ranged from 0—50 cm/s, could be con- best ow visualization results. In addition, since ro- trolled manually or by computer. tor thrust is proportional to the square of the rotation Themodelassembly(Fig. 2)wasmountedona1.22 rate, the non-dimensional thrust, C , should be inde- T 1.52mplywoodplatform,whichwassuspendedjust pendent of rotation rate (in the absence of viscous or × above the water surface by a steel frame connected to aeroelastice#ects),beingafunctionoftherotor/airfoil the carriage (Fig. 3). The model could be rotated geometry and the blade pitch angle only. using a turntable on the plywood platform, enabling This result was tested experimentallyforthe caseof the descent angle of the rotor to be varied in 0.5 in- ! ahoveringrotor. Themeanthrustcoe!cientwasmea- crements, from 0 (forward ight) to 90 (vertical de- ! ! suredforawiderangeofcollectiveanglesandrotation scent). A set of halogen track lights with blue dichroic rates in the water tow tank. The expected result is lterswasmountedontothefrontofthecarriagetoil- that the individual curves — marking the variation in luminate the ow and highlight the yellow uorescent thrustcoe!cientwithcollectiveangle—foreachofthe dye. Unltered white light was used when air was the rotation rates tested ("=3—7 rev/s) should collapse to injectionuid. Forvisualization,thevideocamerawas a single curve. However, Fig. 4 shows a displacement mounted on the platform vertically, looking downward of the ve curves that is a regular function of rotation at the ow and xed in position with respect to the rate (except for the highest speed). For the rotation rotor. ratestestedhere,bladeReynoldsnumbersrangedfrom Re =45,000—106,000, a region which is certainly sub- c Results ject to viscous e#ects. However, the regularity of the displacement, regardless of collective angle, is surpris- Allresultspresentedinthispaper,unlessstatedoth- ing. TheliftvariationseeninFig. 4couldbeaccounted erwise, refer to experiments conducted at a rotor rota- for by a twist of about 5 , which is certainly possible ! tion rate of "=4 rev/s (V =319 cm/s) and at a col- given the present blade construction. It is therefore tip lective pitch angle of %=11.6 . This was taken as a considered plausible that aeroelastic twist may also be ! 5 passes through it. In this three-dimensional image, the short-wave “smooth sinuous wave type” instabil- ity — which was discussed by Leishman (Ref. ?) and Fukumoto and Miyazaki (Ref. 11) and analyzed the- oretically by Widnall (Ref. 3) and Gupta and Loewy (Ref. 4) — can clearly be seen along thelament in the near-wake of the rotor. Ortega et al. (Ref. 26) have suggested that this is an elliptic instability of the vor- texcoresthatdevelopscooperativelyonadjacenthelix turns, though this observation is unable to be veried here with air being released from only one blade. In this case the wavelength of the instability is approxi- mately 3.75 cm, or 2c. Figure 6 shows a series of two-dimensional images of the upper half of the rotor plane with dye being injected from all three blade tips. This view of the wake shows cross-sections of the cores of the three tip vortices and illustrates the inuence that each vortex lament has on its neighbors. The induced velocities of adjacent turns cause the helices to expand and con- Figure 5: Three-dimensional ow visualization im- tract, thus altering their propagation speeds and re- ageofrotorusingairinjectionfromtipofoneblade. sultingintheclassic“leapfrogging”or“vortexpairing” Rotor speed is !=3 rev/s. The short-wave sinuous phenomenonoftenseenwithparallelvortexrings. This instability of the vortex is just visible. e#ect—whichwasstudiedcomputationallybyJainand Conlisk (Ref. 12) and experimentally by Ortega et al. occurring. (Ref. 26) — can be seen in the pairing of the second The stalling of the lift trend at the highest rotor and third vortex cores downstream of the rotor in (b) speed is also notable. Whereas the lower speed curves and (c), and quickly leads to the complete merger of show continued increases in C at collective angles as all three vortices in (e). The merger of adjacent tip T highas30 ,the"=7rev/scurveplateausatabout20 . vortices is a general phenomenon of rotors regardless ! ! Normally, stall would be expected to be more likely to of the number of blades — for example, Ortega et al. occur at lower speeds. A possible explanation is that, (Ref.26)observeditinthewakeofatwo-bladedrotor. at this high speed and collective, the lift is enough to However, with fewer blades the adjacent helix turns twist the blades and lead to a major separation. are farther apart and thus the leapfrogging and merg- Nevertheless,thehighthrustsobtainedforallhigher ing processes take longer to transpire. The location collectives cases (C is over 0.03, with a blade load- wherethethreevorticesmerge—abouthalfadiameter T ing coe!cient, C /’ , of over 0.2) are surprising and downstream of the rotor — can be taken as the point T s not currently understood. Future studies will include where the wake loses its helical structure. surface ow visualizations, torque measurements, and higher sti#ness blades to determine the nature of this Thrust Measurements behavior. Instantaneousthrustmeasurementswererecordeddur- ingthedescentexperimentsinthetowingtank. These Flow Visualization tests were conducted over a range of towing speeds Flowvisualizationtestinginthestationarywatertank from 0—50 cm/s, descent angles from $=0—90 , and ! yielded numerous images clearly showing the develop- collective angles from %=6—18 . Descent runs were ! ment of the rotor wake and the instabilities that cause typicallyperformedfor100rotorrevolutions,although it to break down. In Fig. 5, air bubbles are injected somewereconductedforlongerperiodsinordertover- from the tip of only one blade for the sake of clarity. ify the trends observed during shorter runs. The data The large starting ring vortex can be seen on the left, sampling rate was 200 samples per revolution, and the expanding and slowing down as the rest of the wake rst and last ve revolutions of the run were ignored 6 Figure 6: Two-dimensional ow visualization images of upper half of rotor in hover using uorescent dye injection from all three blade tips. The “leapfrogging” of one vortex lament over another can be seen in (b) and (c) as the three vortices orbit about each other and nally merge in (e). (due to the starting transients from the carriage mo- 0.021 tion, and also to the width of the ltering window). For many of the runs, thrust levels remained rel- 0.019 atively steady over the duration of the experiment. 0.018 Thiswasgenerallythecaseforhover,slowdescent,and very steep or very shallow descent angle runs. Figure 0.016 7 shows a thrust coe!cient time-history for a hover- nt ing rotor. The mean thrust coe!cient was 0.0078 and cie 0.015 thepeak-to-peakuctuationamplitudewas12%ofthe effi o 0.013 mean. Figure 8 shows a thrust coe!cient time-history C st ofsimilarform,butforarapiddescentatafairlyshal- hru 0.012 lowdescentangle($=30 ). Notethatthemeanthrust T ! coe!cient, 0.018, is more than two times greater than 0.010 in the hover case, but the total uctuation amplitude 0.009 is still only 12% of the mean. However, for experiments featuring a combination 0.008 of moderate descent speed and steep descent angle, 0.006 the rotor thrust characteristics were markedly di#er- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ent. Insomesuchcases,thethrustexhibitedverylarge, Revolutions regular uctuations. Figures 9—10, for instance, show Figure 7: Thrust time-history for a hover test thrust time-histories typical of this type of behavior. (V=0). Mean thrust coe!cient is 0.0078 and uc- TheseplotsexhibitclassicVRScharacteristics,with tuation is 12% of the mean. very large, regular thrust oscillations. The sustained 7 0.021 0.021 0.019 0.019 0.018 0.018 0.016 0.016 Coefficient 00..001135 Coefficient 00..001135 Thrust 0.012 Thrust 0.012 0.010 0.010 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.008 0.006 0.006 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Revolutions Revolutions Figure8: Thrusttime-history fora fast, shallow de- Figure 10: Thrust time-history for another VRS scent run (Vx/Vh=1.62, Vz/Vh=-0.93). Mean thrust case with !=50" and V/Vh=1.5 (Vx/Vh=0.96, coe!cient is 0.0181 and uctuation is 12% of the Vz/Vh=-1.14). Meanthrustcoe!cientis0.0173and mean. uctuation is 50% of the mean. Fluctuation period in this case is only about 20 revolutions. 0.021 0.019 regularityofthethrustoscillationswasveriedbyper- 0.018 forming long runs of over 500 blade revolutions (see Fig. 9). (For most runs, a run of 100 revolutions will 0.016 su!ce.) nt Otherdescentcongurationsdemonstratedverysim- e 0.015 effici ilar oscillatory characteristics, but with signicantly o 0.013 di#erent amplitudes and periods of uctuation. Fig- C st ure 10 shows a thrust coe!cient time-history that ap- hru 0.012 pears very similar to Fig. 9. However, in this case — T where the descent angle was 50 and the towing speed 0.010 ! was V/V =1.5 — the thrust oscillations were smaller h 0.009 in magnitude (peak-to-peak variation was 50% of the mean) and of shorter period (approximately 20 revo- 0.008 lutions). The mean thrust coe!cient in this case was 0.006 slightly higher though, at 0.0173. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Obviously the descent conguration greatly inu- Revolutions ences the oscillatory behavior of the rotor thrust and thus can spell the di#erence between a routine bumpy Figure 9: Thrust time-history for a classic VRS rideandacatastrophicloss of controlforadescending case: !=60 , V/V =1.25 (V /V =0.62, V /V =- " h x h z h 1.08). Lengthofrunis500rotorrevolutionsinstead aircraft. This di#erence can be seen by comparing the of100,butperformanceparametersareunchanged. thrust envelopes — the region between maximum and Meanthrustcoe!cientis0.0135,uctuationampli- minimum thrust levels — for two descent angles over tude is 94% of the mean, and uctuation period is a range of towing speeds. Figure 11 shows the maxi- about 43 revolutions. mum,minimum,andmeanthrustvaluesfor(a)$=90 ! 8 (a) !""="90o descent (b) !""="#0o descent VRS VRS Pre-VRS Post-VRS Pre-VRS Regime Regime (aperiodic) (aperiodic) (aperiodic) (aperiodic) (periodic) Post-VRS (aperiodic) Figure 11: Thrust coe!cient envelopes — maximum and minimum thrust levels — for (a) 90 descent and " (b) 60 descent congurations. " and(b)$=60 descentcongurations. Forthevertical tion. In this case it should be noted that the variation ! descent case ($=90 ), the thrust levels dropped pre- inthrust(theexpansionofthethrustenvelope)occurs ! cipitously as the descent speed increased to about 20 at speeds as low as V/V =0.5 — well before the fully- h cm/s (V/V =1.0). However, there was no noticeable developed VRS region. The thrust variations in this h thrust periodicity accompanying the loss of lift as one region are still aperiodic, though quite large. If con- wouldseewithaclassicvortexringstatecase,andthus trolled ight is sustainable in this region, this could the envelope is relatively narrow. As the descent rate constitute an operationally useful precursor to the full increased further, thrust was recovered and eventually vortex ring state. Note that no such precursor is seen reached two to three times hover thrust levels as the for vertical descent. rotor encountered turbulent wake state and windmill The mean thrust levels in Fig. 11 are also very re- brake state. vealing. In the $=60 VRS region, the mean thrust is ! The rotor’s behavior in $=60 descent is similar, half-way between the maximum and minimum values, ! withlossofliftatapproximately20cm/s(V/V =1.0), as one would expect for a highly-organized, periodic h followed by recovery and increased lift as the descent oscillation pattern. But in the higher and lower speed speed reaches windmill brake state. The major di#er- regions the thrust pattern is entirely aperiodic, and ence between the two cases is in the size of the enve- thisisreectedinthefactthatthemeanthrustvalues lope. In vertical descent, the thrust levels drop dras- arenolongermidwaybetweenthemaximumandmin- tically in the 20—40 cm/s descent speed range, yet the imumbutclosertotheminimumvalues. Inthe$=90! di#erencebetweenmaximumandminimumthrustlev- descent conguration the mean thrusts appear to lie elsisrelativelysmall(comparedtothemean)andalso half-way between the maximum and minimum curves, somewhat random. However, in the case of the$=60 but in this case the thrust patterns are aperiodic for ! descent, the rotor experiences only a slight reduction all descent speeds and the mean values happen to lie in lift once VRS is reached, but also large, regular os- in the middle of a fairly random distribution of thrust cillations in thrust as well. Thus the thrust envelope values. for this case is noticeably larger — covering a signi- Figure 12 provides a detailed look at the dynamics cant proportion of the total thrust. Controllability of ofthevortexringformationandsheddingprocessthat the helicopter under these conditions is a major ques- precipitates the thrust oscillations discussed above. In 9