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Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2006 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2006 to 00-00-2006 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER NAVO MSRC Navigator. Fall 2006 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO),Major Shared Resource Center REPORT NUMBER (MSRC),1002 Balch Boulevard,Stennis Space Center,MS,39522 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 32 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 As this issue of the Navigator goes to press, be the maintenance of a premier HPC we're fielding the most capable HPC environment with the support you have systems ever installed at the NAVO MSRC. come to expect from all of the centers. Our two new IBM POWER5+ HPC systems, To this end, the NAVO MSRC has been BABBAGE and PASCAL, have performed asked by the HPCMP to lead a collaborative well in their factory predeployment testing effort with the other centers and industry to and look to be outstanding performers in completely reengineer and modernize the the future. As icing on this tasty cake, we're fielding them in a newly renovated, New HPC Systems, physically hardened facility with the necessary resilience to sustain 24 x 7 More, to Serve operations in Mother Nature's worst weather or even with major computer facility support You Better equipment failure. In addition, we are working with NASA to establish resilient, multi-gigabit, northbound communications service for Stennis Space data storage environment and capabilities Center which will further improve across the entire program. This will be a the operational availability of the NAVO huge effort with the potential to dramatically MSRC for the nationwide DoD HPCMP improve the technical capabilities, cost- user community. effectiveness, and usability of the HPC systems themselves and their associated We have also been actively participating in data storage/management environments. the planning for the consolidated customer I am extremely excited by this project and assistance and visualization environments very pleased that we have been asked to for the six centers within the HPCMP, all of participate in it. which have received preliminary approval and endorsement by the HPCMP Corporate As always, we solicit your constructive Board of Directors. As I mentioned in the criticism of the NAVO MSRC and invite you last issue, please be assured that our to let us continue to assist you in bringing primary goal throughout this budget this cutting-edge capability to bear in adjustment and consolidation process will support of your HPC needs. 2 FALL 2006 NAVO MSRC NAVIGATOR Contents The Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) Major Shared Resource Center (MSRC): Delivering Science to the Warfighter The NAVO MSRC provides Department of Defense (DoD) scientists and engineers with high The Director’s Corner performance computing (HPC) resources, including leading edge computational systems, 2 New HPC Systems, More, to Serve You Better large-scale data storage and archiving, scientific visualization resources and training, and expertise Feature Articles in specific computational technology areas (CTAs). These CTAs include Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Climate/Weather/Ocean 4 Mock Disaster Successful at the Disaster Recovery Modeling and Simulation (CWO), Environmental Facility Quality Modeling and Simulation (EQM), Computational Electromagnetic and Acoustics 5 Hypersonic Scramjet Technology Enhancements for (CEA), and Signal/Image Processing (SIP). Long Range Interceptor Missile NAVO MSRC 9 High-Performance Computing Tools Enable Army Code N7 Survivability and Lethality Technology Development 1002 Balch Boulevard 13 Validation and Installation of LSF on Large IBM AIX Stennis Space Center, MS 39522 Clusters 1-800-993-7677 or [email protected] 15 The Remote Visualization Resource Manager 16 CFD Simulation of Flow and Dispersion in Complex Buildings The Porthole 22 Visitors to the Naval Oceanographic Office Major Shared Resource Center NAVO MSRC Navigator www.navo.hpc.mil/Navigator Navigator Tools and Tips NAVO MSRC Navigator is a biannual technical 29 Running X Windows with Parallel Codes on KRAKEN publication designed to inform users of the news, events, people, accomplishments, and activities of Under Platform Computing's Load Sharing Facility the Center. For a free subscription or to make address changes, contact NAVO MSRC at the Upcoming Events above address. 31 Coming Events EDITOR: Gioia Furness Petro, [email protected] DESIGNERS: Kerry Townson, [email protected] Lynn Yott, [email protected] Any opinions, conclusions, or recommendations in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Navy or NAVO MSRC. All brand names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. These names are for information purposes only and do not imply endorsement by the Navy or NAVO MSRC. Approved for Public Release Distribution Unlimited NAVO MSRC NAVIGATOR FALL 2006 3 Mock Disaster Successful at the Disaster Recovery Facility Edward Farrar, NAVOMSRC Systems Administration BACKGROUND of the DRAT. Once the HPCMO selected the the site for the DR facility, the DRAT was charged with developing a In today's rapidly evolving, high-technology world, system to store and protect the data in the DR Facility knowledge is power and data is knowledge. Protecting (DRF) and to create a process to recover the data within data, particularly in the post 9/11 world, and maintaining five days of a disaster at any participating site. The DRAT continuity of operations are priorities for both businesses then quickly laid the groundwork for a DR system to and governments. The High Performance Computing protect HPCMP data from across the program. Modernization Office (HPCMO) and its components have embraced meeting this protection challenge. Currently, all sites are sending data to the DR facility. The facility now stores nearly three Petabytes of data and has The HPCMO recognizes that data are its most valuable been operational since November 2004. The storage product–and the easiest to protect. In 2003, the HPCMO growth of the DR is shown in Figure 1. The validity of the commissioned Instrumental, Inc., to perform a study on DR and its data storage system was proven in a recent the storage infrastructures at all the Major Shared Resource Mock Disaster Test coordinated and overseen by the Centers (MSRC) and several of the Distributed Centers NAVO MSRC. (DC). The study found an array of solutions for protecting data, that most sites had multiple copies of data, and that EVOLUTION OF THE DISASTER RECOVERY FACILITY only one site had started creating an off-site copy of data for Disaster Recovery (DR) purposes. In March 2004, the DRAT built consensus on DR goals and initiated the system design process. The basic design In October 2003, the Disaster Recovery Advisory Team concept used the remote disk archiving feature of SAM- (DRAT) was created with Instrumental, Inc., as the facilitator. QFS. The DR conceptual design is depicted in Figure 2. Representatives from the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Remote disk archiving allows each participating site to MSRC, Aeronautics System Center (ASC) MSRC, Engineer create a duplicate data archive set that would be physically Research and Development Center (ERDC) MSRC, Naval stored at the DRF. Supplemental recovery information is Oceanographic Office (NAVO) MSRC, Arctic Region also collected at the DRF. This choice meant that a Supercomputing Center (ARSC) DC, Maui High Performance Computing Center (MHPCC) DC, and the Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN) are members Continued Page 25 3,500 3,000 2,500 ) B T 2,000 ( e g a r 1,500 o t S 1,000 500 0 MAR 06 MAY JUL SEP NOV JAN 06 MAR MAY JUL Figure 1.DRF storage growth. 4 FALL2006 NAVO MSRC NAVIGATOR Hypersonic Scramjet Technology Enhancements for Long Range Interceptor Missile S.M. Dash, A. Hosangadi, R.J. Ungewitter, J.D. Ott, and K.W. Brinckman, Combustion Research and Flow Technology, Inc., Pipersville, PA and K. Kennedy, Army Missile Research Development and Engineering Center, Redstone Arsenal, AL INTRODUCTION LENS shock tunnel facility. CFD has This paper first describes the CFD proven invaluable in the interpretation codes used for scramjet design and The Army has been involved in the of scramjet data, in providing component optimization followed by a development of a new hypersonic performance parameters not available description of the modeling used in missile that is rocket boosted and from testing (i.e., combustion the codes–including an overview of scramjet propelled. Scramjet air efficiency),and in shedding insight how large eddy simulation is breathing propulsive systems are into the complex physics occurring implemented to calibrate the highly integrated with the missile along the propulsive flowpath, which advanced RANS turbulence models using aerodynamic surfaces to is often highly nonlinear (i.e., small being used. compress the captured airstream changes often produce large effects). before it enters the combustor. Some aspects of scramjet component Via the use of the Naval Oceanographic evaluation is also discussed as well as Hypersonic scramjets, operating at Office Major Shared Resource Center the approach used for design high Mach numbers, use hydrogen as (NAVO MSRC) massive parallel optimization using an evolutionary the primary fuel, and there are many hardware platforms and CFD codes algorithm. In performing optimization complex flowpath design issues that configured to perform efficiently on studies, a series of cases are performed must be addressed that include these platforms, end-to-end Reynolds concurrently at each design level, transitional turbulence, shock/boundary Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) solutions which for fuel injector optimization layer interactions, fuel/air mixing in a with resolved grids can now be obtained has required very substantive resources. highly compressible environment, and in several days. This is extremely ignition/flameholding for operation at encouraging as the implementation CODES UTILIZED higher altitudes. of advanced thermo-chemical and An overview of the CFD and grid Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) turbulence/transitional models requires adaptation codes utilized for scramjet has played a major role in overall the integration of a very large system calculations is provided in Table 1. For design and scramjet component of coupled partial differential optimization performed in conjunction equations with widely disparate with full-scale experiments in the length/time-scales. Continued Next Page... CCRRAAFFTT CCFFDD®® CCooddee CCRRUUNNCCHH CCFFDD®® CCooddee CCRRIISSPP®® GGrriidd AAddaappttaattiioonn CCOODDEE SSttrruuccttuurreedd GGrriidd NNSS//RRAANNSS//PPNNSS MMuullttii-- MMuullttii--EElleemmeenntt,, UUnnssttrruuccttuurreedd GGrriidd OOppeerraatteess oonn MMuullttii--EElleemmeenntt ((hheexx,, tteett,, BBlloocckk SSoollvveerr NNSS//RRAANNSS CCooddee pprriissmm,, eettcc..)) GGrriiddss ffoorr VVaarriieedd UUNNSS CCooddeess AAddvvaanncceedd TThheerrmmoo--CChheemmiiccaall,, MMuullttii-- SSiimmiillaarr FFeeaattuurreess aass iinn CCRRAAFFTT CCFFDD®®CCooddee AAddaappttss ttoo GGrriidd QQuuaalliittyy aanndd FFllooww PPhhaassee,, && TTuurrbbuulleennccee MMooddeellss FFeeaattuurreess ffoorr BBootthh SStteeaaddyy aanndd DDyynnmmaammiicc FFlloowwss IInn OOppeerraattiioonn ffoorr OOvveerr 1155 YYeeaarrss IInn OOppeerraattiioonn ffoorr OOvveerr 1100 YYeeaarrss AAuuttoommaatteedd IInntteerrppoollaattiioonn ttoo nneeww GGrriidd && RReebbaallaanncciinngg ooff LLooaaddss SSppeecciiaalliizzeedd FFeeaattuurreess ffoorr SSccrraammjjeett UUsseedd ffoorr FFllooww RReeggiioonnss RReeqquuiirriinngg HHiigghh OOppeerraatteess oonn MMuullttii--EElleemmeenntt ((hheexx,, tteett,, AApppplliiccaattiioonnss ssuucchh aass TTrraannssiittiioonnaall RReessoolluuttiioonn ((ttrriippss,, FFuueell IInnjjeeccttoorrss,, eettcc..)) pprriissmm,, ----)) GGrriiddss ffoorr VVaarriieedd UUNNSS CCooddeess TTuurrbbuullaannccee MMooddeellss,, TTrraannssppiirraattiioonn WWaallll && ffoorr CCoommpplleexx DDeessiiggnnss ((ii..ee..,, IInnwwaarrdd BBCC,, && MMuullttii--PPhhaassee DDrroopplleett//PPaarrttiiccllee TTuurrnniinngg SSccrraammjjeettss CCaappaabbiilliittiieess ffoorr AAlltteerrnnaattee FFuueellss Table 1.Codes Utilized for Scramjet Applications. NAVO MSRC NAVIGATOR FALL 2006 5 conventional rectangular designs (e.g., Use of conventional, cell-splitting Using dynamic load balancing, based NASP, Hyper-X), a hybrid approach is adaptation can lead to a large on work per node,1has led to utilized, with the structured grid increase in the number of nodes (see effective load balancing in such numerics in the CRAFT CFD® code the table in Figure 1–which shows an situations and is being supplemented applied for most of the flowfield, but increase from 7 million (M) to 13.5M by use of tabulated procedures (In with the Unstructured Navier-Stokes cells in Pass 1–which did provide a Situ Adaptive Tabularization (ISAT), (UNS) numerics of the CRUNCH grid resolved solution since Pass 2 Artificial Neural Network (ANN), etc.). CFD® code required where fine-scale results were essentially identical). The The fuel injection region of combustors features must be resolved–such as in authors have been working on hybrid can be very Central Processing Unit the vicinity of transition trips on the cell splitting/cell stretching adaptation (CPU) intensive, particularly for forebody and in the fuel injector concepts, which remedy this issue but problems where ignition kinetics is regions of the combustor. still require further development to required, requiring 10-15M cells and Several levels of grid adaptation are resolve “tangling issues.” solving 20 or more coupled Partial often required for which the CRISP Differential Equations (pde's)(five gas While conventional load balancing CFD®code is utilized. Figure 1 shows dynamic, nine or more chemical (same number of cells per domain) product formation contours at several species, and eight turbulent/transition using domain decomposition with MPI stations in the elliptical combustor of a equations–further discussed in the generic inward-turning scramjet, is effective for aerodynamic problems, Models Utilized section). Analysis of where fuel is injected from the walls it is problematic for scramjet combustor this region takes about three-quarters using flush, angled injectors. problems where varied zones in the of the overall CPU time (including flow have differing work loads. Using The combustion efficiency (obtained grid adaptation), and full end-to-end with the original and adapted UNS iterative matrix-split chemical kinetic runs on 256-512 processors are grids) indicates that unless the grid is techniques, it is possible that 100 routinely performed in several days. adapted, this efficiency is overestimated iterations per CFD time-step in fuel (due to numerical diffusion effects). injection regions may be performed MODELS UTILIZED Since there is only half-plane symmetry, (where ignition reactions have small The modeling utilized in performing the fuel/air mixing details for multiple time-scales), and minimal iterations in scramjet simulations is summarized in injectors must be resolved. other regions. Table 2. Basic models are used for Combustion Efficiency y Original c n e ci Effi Adapted Length Original Adapted Pass 1 Adapted Pass 2 Number ofVenticies 1,848,643 2,456,536 2,830,591 Number ofTetrahedral Cells 5,955,505 10,011,954 12,413,432 Number ofHexahedral Cells 603,801 603,801 603,801 Number ofPrism Cells 406,866 406,866 406,866 Figure 1.Grid adaption effects on combustion efficiency and grid size. 6 FALL 2006 NAVO MSRC NAVIGATOR preliminary design and to expedite the development and has required some fluctuation data in high speed flows. early stages of design optimization. “local” modifications to the source However, Large-Eddy Simulation Advanced models are used for terms used in the low Reynolds (LES) solutions of unit fuel injection interpreting experimental data and for Number turbulence models. problems are providing supportive refining designs. Transitional models, Scalar fluctuation modeling is playing data. Figure 3 shows one such LES which solve pde's for onset location a dominant role in obtaining accurate solution with contours of time-averaged and for intermittency (i.e., three values for fuel/air mixing. The turbulent mean flow (u, T, YH2) and dimensional blending from laminar to pde's implemented solve the corresponding Root Mean Squared turbulent flow), have been calibrated temperature/energy and species (RMS) fluctuations exhibited. for hypersonic flows and compared variance and related dissipation rates This case represented Hydrogen with varied shock tunnel data sets. and are used to obtain local values of angled fuel injection into a high speed These models take into account the turbulent Prandtl (Prt) and Schmidt airstream to emulate the environment fluctuation in acoustic noise levels in (Sct) numbers that govern thermal in a high Mach combustor. RANS test facilities (prescribed as inflow and species turbulent diffusion. Most comparisons were quite reasonable, condition) and are extremely useful in CFD codes require specification of and values of Turbulent PrtNumber suggesting boundary layer trip location constant values for these parameters, and Sctand Lewis Number (Le) (= modifications in going from full-scale but their values in fuel injection regions Prt/Sct) varied substantially in the testing to a quieter flight environment. can vary substantially as shown by the injector region. Analysis techniques for the transitional Sct contours in Figure 2. flow downstream of trips using the Calibration and validation of these STUDIESSUPPORTINGSYSTEMDESIGN intermittency model is still in models suffer from lack of scalar Earlier studies have been performed for rectangular scramjet designs, with interdigitated flush and wedge Schmidt Number Contours injectors,2to assess the ability of the CFD codes shown in Table 1 to Sc t 26 1.2 reproduce data obtained in varied 1.1 Large Energy National Shock Tunnel 20 0 0.9 0.8 15 0.7 0.6 Continued Next Page... 10 0.5 0.4 0.3 05 0.2 0.1 0 0 Figure 2.Schmidt number contours -40 -20 0 20 40 –fuel injection in high speed X/b stream. MMooddeelliinngg BBAASSIICC AADDVVAANNCCEEDD TTrraannssiittiioonnaall MMooddeellss CCaalliibbrraatteedd AAllggeebbrraaiicc PPDDEEss ffoorr PPrreeddiiccttiinngg OOnnsseett//33DD OOnnsseett//IInntteerrmmiitttteennccyy MMooddeellss IInntteerrmmiitttteennccyy TTuurrbbuulleennccee MMooddeellss UUnniiffiieedd KKeewwiitthh EExxtteennssiioonnss EEAASSMM NNoonn--LLiinneeaarr MMooddeell GGrriidd AAddaappttiioonn SSiinnggllee PPaassss,, tteett//pprriissmm//hheexx,, hh-- MMuullttii--PPaassss,, tteett//pprriissmm//hheexx rr//hh HHyybbrriidd RReeffiinneemmeenntt ((cceellll sspplliittttiinngg)) RReeffiinneemmeenntt TTuurrbbuulleenntt SSccaallaarr TTrraannssppoorrtt CCoonnssttaanntt//ZZoonnaall PPrrtt99,, SScctt LLooccaall VVaalluueess ffrroomm PPDDEEss TThheerrmmoo--CChheemmiiccaall NNoonneeqquuiilliibbrriiuumm ffoorr SSttaannddaarrdd//EExxtteennddeedd MMeecchhaanniissmmss wwiitthh PPDDFF TTuurrbbuulleenntt CCoommbbuussttiioonn MMooddeell,, CCoommbbuussttiioonn aanndd HHyyppeerrssoonniiccss IIggnniittiioonn && AAiirr RReeaaccttiioonnss VViibbrraattiioonnaall NNoonneeqquuiilliibbrriiuumm FFllooww PPaatthh DDeessiiggnn TTrriiaall && EErrrroorr GGeenneettiicc,, MMuullttii--VVaarriiaattee DDeessiiggnn OOppttiimmiizzaattiioonn Table 2.Basic and advanced models used for scramjet applications. NAVO MSRC NAVIGATOR FALL 2006 7 (LENS) tests performed at full-scale combustionefficiency in a reasonable and for duplicated flight conditions. length is a design concern. These studies highlighted the need to A basic issue is that of fuel injector In dsgcreiadvle aalrod fpalu pactadtutviaoatnnio cinne d mf utoerald niensljsiet icaotnnodra lrt eoag niuodsnes. ward Turning ssspthoaoiccwihnnigo i mnw eFittihrgy us taruend d5ie .i snU jfseoicnrt gofi rxa es sdizm ef uaaelslel/rair The conclusion from these varied number of injectors provides good comparative studies was that CFD penetration, but air passes between could provide very reasonable injectors, while using a larger number cwwreohismtoheuproearu crstei tsirsogo nnwnsiegt iwr oebin tuuh ra sndiediadnst g.at o Nou cAnsucdVupeOrprr oecModrtnS adRitCions Concept Flowpath oatwhnfoi dsirn k pujeerndecbtl iobumrersisn,nt t,ar eabrsyiuru tsli tnttsuh dtiehny e s,p o tcoeleuonntr it oirnpnajeel niccset ooftrarrears.t iIonn substantive number of end-to-end from optimal. comparative studies and were key to the progress made in generating Figure 4.Inward turning model and FUEL INJECTOR OPTIMIZATION accurate solutions in a timely manner. flowpath. To optimize fuel injector patterns/ Of most recent interest in this Army/ conditions to yield the highest NAVO MSRC work are inward-turning 4. Such propulsive flowpaths are now combustion efficiency for a fixed concepts (utilizing a “sugar-scoop” being integrated into hypersonic combustor length, multi-variate inlet) that compress the flow in a missile designs, and numerous CFD genetic-based optimization3is being shock-free manner into an elliptical calculations have been performed in used, with a schematic of the Graphical support of systems studies. combustor with flush, angled injectors. User Interface (GUI)-driven framework This flowpath is very difficult to implemented shown in Figure 6. These concepts have been tested in the Calspan-University of Buffalo calculate,and UNS numerics are used The genetic optimization procedure Research Center (CUBRC) LENS for the entire end-to-end calculation. facility with an inlet section and While on-design inlet performance is numerical model as shown in Figure generallyquite good, achieving good Continued Page 24... 1 .75 .5 .25 Injectors 0 Figure 3.LES simulation of fuel injection flowfield. 8 FALL 2006 NAVO MSRC NAVIGATOR High-Performance Computing Tools Enable Army Survivability and Lethality Technology Development Stephen J. Schraml and Kent D. Kimsey, U.S. Army Research Laboratory Sean Ziegeler, Visualization Software Engineer, NAVO MSRC VADIC Physics-based simulations, when of advanced survivability and lethality tens of millions of processor hours of utilized on High Performance technologies. Possibly the most notable usage each year on HPC resources Computing (HPC) systems, can be use of numerical simulations in this deployed under the DoD High used to develop and assess lethality development process is parametric Performance Computing and survivability technologies. Examples analysis. Once a numerical model of a Modernization Program (HPCMP). of these for Army applications include particular weapon-target interaction is CTH uses a two-step solution scheme penetrators, warheads, explosives, developed and the bounds on the –a Lagrangian step followed by a passive and active armors, and armor parameters of interest are defined, remap (or advection) step. The materials for equipment and personnel. numerous simulations can be performed conservation equations are replaced Large-scale numerical simulations of to determine how each parameter's by the explicit finite-volume equations complex weapon-target interactions variation influences the performance solved in the Lagrangian step. The help guide experiments, illustrate of the system under study. remap step uses operator-splitting physical processes, ascertain techniques to replace multidimensional performance limits, extract transient COMPUTATIONAL METHODOLOGY equations with a set of one-dimensional response characteristics, and augment The computational methodology that equations.2 experimental databases. This article is commonly used in modeling High-resolution material interface provides an overview of the complex weapon-target interactions trackers are available to minimize computational terminal ballistics is the shock physics code CTH.1 material dispersion. Analytical and methods that are used on HPC CTH is an Eulerian finite-volume tabular equations of state are available resources at the Naval Oceanographic code for modeling solid dynamics to model hydrodynamic behavior or Office Major Shared Resource Center problems that involve shock wave materials. A variety of constitutive (NAVO MSRC) by researchers at the propagation, multiple materials, and models are available to treat elastic- U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL). large deformations in one, two, and plastic material behavior. Models for The evolution of scalable HPC systems, three dimensions. explosive detonation are also available along with recent advances in CTH is widely used across the to handle the reactions of energetic continuum mechanics codes, has defense research and development materials. enabled large-scale simulations to play community to model problems in a paramount role in the development shock wave propagation resulting in Continued Next Page... Figure 1.CTH mesh decomposition with explicit message passing. NAVO MSRC NAVIGATOR FALL 2006 9

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