ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) ](cid:127)Zoot9a4x1a: 1(2-2060 5) ZOOTAXA Copyright¸ 2005 Magnolia Press ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition) Two new specieso f Anoœheles(A noœhelesH) yrcanus Group (Diptera: Culicidae) from the Republic of South Korea LEOPOLDO M. RUEDA Departmento f EntomologyW, alterR eedA rmyI nstituteo f Research5, 03 RobertG rantA venueS, ilverS pring, MD 20910-7500, U.S.A.( Mailing address:W alterR eedB iosystematicUsn it, MuseumS upportC enter,S mith- sonianI nstitution,4 210 Silver Hill Road, Suitland,M D 20746); email: [email protected] Abstract Two new mosquitos peciesb elongingt o the HyrcanusG roup, Anopheles( Anophelesb) elenrae Ruedaa ndA n. (Ano.) kleini Rueda,a re describedfr om the Republico f SouthK orea,w ith illustra- tionso f the larvae,p upae,a dults,a nd male genitalia. Key words: Anophelesb elenrae,k leini, Culicidae,t axonomyd, escriptionm, osquitoesH, yrcanus Group Introduction The recenti ncreaseo f humanm alaria casesi n SouthK orea (Feighnere t al. 1998, Lee et al. 1998, Wilkersone t al. 2003) necessitateas seriousu rgencyt o clarify the identityo f the possiblem osquitov ectors.M isidentificationso f vectors pecieso ften lead to poor under- standingo f the epidemiologyo f diseaset ransmissionan d inadvertentlya ffect controlm ea- sures.I ntegrateds ystematicr esearchc, ombiningb oth morphologya nd molecularb iology, for the Anopheles( Anopheles)H yrcanusG roup is underwayi n the Walter Reed Biosys- tematicsU nit, in collaborationw ith other laboratoriest,o clearly define the relationships amongt he speciesa nd to reviset he taxonomyo f the group. The known and potential vectorso f malarial parasitesi n South Korea belong to the An. (Ano.) HyrcanusG roup (Wilkerson et al. 2003). Previously,t here were 27 species listed undert he group( Hatbach2 004), with a wide distributionf rom the Oriental Region to easterna nd westernP alearcticR egions( Ramsdale2 001, Water Reed Biosystematics Unit 2001, A. Lee, L. M. Rueda, R. C. Wilkerson and Y. M. Litton, unpublishedd ata). Recently,W ilkerson et al. (2003) and Liet al. (2005) recognizedt wo unnameds pecies closelyr elatedt o An. sinensisu, singr DNA ITS2 sequence. Acceptedb y P. Adler:2 4 Mar. 2005;p ublished1: 5 Apr. 2005 I Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2005 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2005 to 00-00-2005 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Two new species of Anopheles (Anopheles) Hyrcanus Group (Diptera: 5b. GRANT NUMBER Culicidae) from the Republic of South Korea 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit,Smithsonian REPORT NUMBER Institution,Washington,DC,20560 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT see report 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 26 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 ZOOTAXA Basedo n the above moleculard ata, these new specieso f the An. (Ano.) Hyrcanus Group are described,a nd illustrationsa re providedf or the adult female and male, pupa, and larva of theses peciesfr om SouthK orea. Typesa re depositedin the collectionso f the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., (NMNH) as indicated below. Materials and methods The terminologya nd abbreviationso f Harbacha nd Knight (1980, 1982) are usedf or the morphologicacl haractersa nd illustrationse, xceptf or wing spotn omenclature(W ilkerson and Peyton 1990), wing venation( Belkin 1962), and pupala bdominald ark marks( Rueda et al. 2005). Abbreviationsf or specimense xamineda re as follow: F, female; G, genitalia; Le, larval exuviae;M , male; Pe, pupal exuviae. Collectionc odeso f the most recentc ol- lectionsc onsisto f a countryc ode in capitall ettersf ollowed by a collectionn umber( e.g., KS 7(27)-1 is an individualo r progenyf rom female 27 of collection7 from SouthK orea; and KS 02-6(2)-11 is an individual or progenyf rom female 2 of collection6 from South Korea in year 2002). Anopheles( Anopheles)b elenraeR ueda, new species (Figs. 1-4) Anopheles"u nknowns p.K orea"o f Wilkersone t al., 2003:9 (rDNA ITS2 sequence). Anopheles"u nknown1 " of Li et al., 2005 (rDNA ITS2 sequence). Description. -- Female (Fig. 1). Integumentd ark brownw ith silveryo r grayishp ollinos- ity. For the following measurementasn d counts,n = 10, exceptw here indicated.H ead. Interoculars pace with 9-14 long, pale setae intermixed with long and small, narrow, appressedw hite scales;v ertex, occiput, and upper portion of postgenaw ith numerous erect,t runcates cales;m iddorsalp ortiono f vertexw ith patcho f white scales;la teralp or- tion of vertex,o cciputa nd upperp ortiono f postgenaw ith patcho f dark brown to black scales;v entralp ortiono f postgenaw ith long dark brown to black setae.C lypeusb ared or- sally, with dark brown scalesl aterally.P edicelo f antennaw ith 8-18 (n = 16) small dorso- lateral, narrow to broad, grayishw hite spatulates cales;f lagellomere 1 with numerous narrow to broad white scales;f lagellomeres2 -8 with a few scatteredn arrow to broad white scales.S caleso f maxillary palpuss lender,s patulate,m ostly dark brown to black with intermixedd ark brown setae; narrow band of white scalesa t baseo f palpomeres3 and 4, and at basea nd apex of palpomere5 ; apical white band of palpomere5 slightly longert hano therb asalp alpomerew hite bands;b aseo f maxillary palpusd orsallyw ith sin- gle long, erect dark seta;l ength of maxillary palpus 1.65-2.40 mm (mean = 2.10 mm); ratio of lengtho f eacho f palpomeres2 -5 to total lengtho f palpus,2 = 0.26-0.35 (mean= 2 ¸ 2005 MagnoliaP ress RUEDA ZOOTAXA 1- FIGURE 1. Anophelesb elenrae,a dult. (A) Female,h abitus.( B) Male head,s idev iew. ANOPHELES(A NOPHELES) ¸ 2005 MagnoliaP ress 3 ZOOTAXA 0.32), 3 - 0.33-0.39 (mean - 0.36), 4= 0.10-0.12 (mean - 0.014), 5 = 0.10-0.15 (mean = 0.12); ratio of combined palpomeres4 , 5 to total length of palpus,0 .30-0.36 (mean = 0.32); palpus 0.88-1.18 (mean - 1.04) forefemurl ength. Proboscisd ark-scaledl,a bellum light brown;b aseo f proboscisw ith long, erectd ark setae;p roboscisle ngth 1.05-2.35 mm (mean - 2.04 mm); proboscis0 .91-1.16 (mean - 1.10) palpusl ength.T horax. Scuturn dark brown, with gray pollinosity,u suallyc overedw ith intermixedn arrow,s horta nd long pale yellow to light brown scales;m ediana nteriorp romontoryw ith patcho f intermixed narrow,s horta nd long white scales.D arker lateral areaso f scuturnw ith longerd ark setae. Scutal fossa, antealar area and supraalara rea slightly pale pollinose. Scutellum dark brown, slightly pale dusted,w ith 14-21 shortera nd 12-16 long setae,s horts etaei nter- mixed pale yellow and dark brown,l ong setaed ark brown.A ntepronotumw ith 14-24 dark brown setae,a nd patch of dark scalesa nteriorly.P leuron brown to dark brown; upper proepisternumw ith 3-7 setae,w ithout scales;p respiraculara rea with 3-6 setae,w ithout scales;p realar area with 4-13 setae,w ithout scales;u pper mesokatepisternumw ith 3-9 setae, without scales; lower mesokatepisternumw ith 1-9 setae, without scales; upper mesepimeronw ith 5-14 setae,w ithout scales.L egs. Fore- and midlegsd ark-scalede xcept white scalesd orsallyo n apex of femora and tibiae, and pale scalesv entrally on parts of femora, tibiae and tarsomeres1 ; completen arrow apical pale bandso n tarsomeres1 -3; apical pale band on tarsomere4 absent.H indlegs dark-scaleda s on fore- and midlegs, excepta pical white scaleso n tarsomeres4 . Midcoxa with uppera nd lower patcheso f pale scales;u pperp atch5 -11 scales,l ower patch6 -14 scales.F orefemurl ength 1.65-2.30 mm (mean- 2.02 mm, n = 8), ratio of forefemurl engtht o proboscisle ngth0 .85-1.04 (mean- 0.94, n - 8). Midfemur length 1.85-2.50 mm (mean = 2.30 mm, n - 9), ratio of midfemur length to proboscisle ngth 0.93-1.12 (mean - 1.04, n - 9). Hindfemur length 1.95-2.75 mm (mean = 2.39 mm, n = 9), ratio of hindfemurl ength to proboscisle ngth 1.00-2.23 (mean = 1.24, n = 9). Wing (Table 1). Length (measuredf rom humeral crossveint o wing tip, excluding fringe) 3.40-4.65 mm (mean - 3.94 mm). Dark scalesb rown to black, pale scalesw hite and pale yellow. Costa (C) dark-scaledw ith small subcostapl ale spot( SCP, mean- 0.25 mm) and preapicalp ale spot( PP, mean - 0.15 mm); remigiumw ith dark and pale scales; humeralc rossveina nd arculusw ithout scalep atch.S ubcosta( Sc) dark-scaledw ith few scattereds patulatew hite scalesf rom baset o sectord ark (SD). Radius( R) to R(cid:127) dark- scalede xcept3 pale spots( SP, SCP and PP), scatteredw hite spatulates calesf rom baset o presectodr ark (PSD), and stripeo f white scaleso n SD beforeS CP; baseo f (cid:127) dark-scaled; bifurcationo f R2 and R3 dark-scaledb; aseo f R4,5d ark-scaledt;i ps of R(cid:127), R2 , R3 and R4,5 usuallyw ith palef ringe. Media (M) mostlyp ale-scaledb; ifurcationo f Mi+2 and M3+4 dark- scaled;t ips of Mi+2 and M3+4 with dark fringe. Cubitus( Cu) with basald ark spot,l ength 0.2-0.4 (mean- 0.25); Cu(cid:127) with 3 or 4 dark spots,l engtho f first basals pot0 .154).30 mm (mean - 0.19 mm), seconds pot 0.20-0.35 mm (mean - 0.25 mm), third spot 0.50-0.65 mm (mean= 0.58 mm), distalf ourth spot0 .15-0.25 mm (mean= 0.18 mm); Cu2 with dis- 4 ¸ 2005 MagnoliaP ress RUEDA tal dark spoto nly, length0 .10-0.30 mm (mean = 0.22 mm); tips of Cut and Cu2 with dark ZOOTAXA fringe. Anal vein (1A) with 1 or 2 dark spots,b asal spotl ength 0.20-0.40 mm (mean = 0.27 mm), distal spotl ength0 .35-1.10 mm (mean= 0.55 ram), tip of 1A with dark fringe. Halter. Scabellum,p edicel and capitellum pale to light brown with grayishp ollinosity. Descriptives tatisticsfo r ratioso f costala nd R-R1 wing spotl engths/lengtho f wing mea- suredf rom humeral crossveina re showni n Table 1, with holotypem ale wing measure- ments in brackets. Abdomen. Terga and sterna dark brown to black with grayish pollinosity,c overedw ith pale brown to goldenb rown setae. TABLE 1. An. belenrae:d escriptives tatisticsfo r ratioso f veinsC and R-R1 wing spotl engths/ lengtho f wing measuredfr om humeralc rossvein*. Wing spot Range Mean + SD Costa (C) Basal dark to sectord ark (BD+PHD+HD+PD+SD) 0.56 - 0.69 0.59 +_0 .04 [0.60l Subcostapl ale (SCP) 0.05 - 0.08 0.07 +_0 .01 [0.07] Preapicald ark (PD) o.1 1- 0.27 0.24 + 0.04 [0.21] Preapicalp ale (PP) 0.03 - 0.05 0.04 +_0 .01 [0.04] Apical dark (AD) 0.001- 0.06 0.05 +_0 .02 [0.00(cid:127)l Vein R-R 1 Basald ark to presectodr ark (BD+PHD+HD+PSD) 0.25- 0.37 0.27 + 0.043 [0.27] Sectorp ale (SP) 0.08 - 0.11 0.10 + 0.01 [0.10] Sector dark (SD) 0.21 - 0.39 0.24 + 0.05 [0.22] Subcostapl ale (SCP) 0.06 - 0.08 0.07 + 0.01 [0.07] Preapicald ark (PD) 0.19 - 0.26 0.23 + 0.02 [0.21] Preapicalp ale (PP) 0.04 - 0.08 0.06 + 0.01 10.06] Apical dark (AD) 0.02 - 0.06 0.05 +_0 .02 [0.06] *Eleven wingsf rom the holotypea nd paratypes[; ], holotypem ale. Male (Figs. 2C, D). As in female exceptf or following sexuald ifferences.M axillary palpus0 .88-1.11 lengtho f proboscis(m ean= 0.97; n = 18 for this andn = 6 for following measurementesx ceptw herei ndicated),a pex of palpomere3 and all of palpomeres4 and 5 enlarged.M axillary palpusw ith dark brown and white scales,d orsal surfaceo f all seg- mentsw ith white scales;p alpomere2 with slightly erect dark brown scalesa t base and pale scalesf rom middle to apex; palpomere3 dark-scaledw ith long yellowisht o light brown setaea t apex; palpomere4 pale yellow to dark brown-scaledw ith narrow basal white band, inner surfacew ith long yellowish-brownt o light brown setae;p alpomere5 pale brown-scaledw ith narrow basalw hite band, lateral surfacew ith white scalesa nd nu- merousd ark brown shorts etae.P roboscisle ngth2 .48-3.48 mm (mean= 2.81 mm, n = 9), ANOPHELES(A NOPHELES) ¸ 2005 MagnoliaP ress 5 ZOOTAXA ^ T 11 IV c VI I VII 2 0.1 mm ---aedeagus ... ... (cid:127)mbas(cid:127)l $eta FIGURE 2. Anophelesb elenrae(.A ) Pupa,c ephalothora(xB. ) Pupa,m etathoraaxn d abdomen, left sided orsalr,i ghts idev entral(.C ) Male genitalia(.D ) TergumIX . Abbreviationuss edin clude CT = cephalothoraGx,L = genitall obe,P a = paddle,P DM = posteriodr arkm ark. 6 ¸ 2005 MagnoliaP ress RUEDA dark brown-scaledA. nal vein with singled ark spot.T ergumI X bare, with pair of elongate ZOOTAXA caudally directed capitate tergal lobes; length of lobe from base to tip 0.94 distance between2 lobes;m iddle of lobe narrower,0 .50 width of lobe tip and 0.06 width of lobe base. Gonocoxite 1.87-2.16x as long as wide at widest point; dorsal (postrotational)s ur- face with many long setaed istally, slenderf usiform and spatulares calesa nd numerous small spiculesp roximally; ventral surfacea s dorsalb ut with lateral scalesa nd numerous longer spicules;m esal parabasals pine (parabasal1 ) stout,b orne on slightly raisedb ase; parabasal2 stout with slendert ip; parabasal1 base 0.06 from base of gonocoxite;p ara- basal2 base0 .04-0.06 from baseo f gonocoxitei;n ternals etas lender, base0 .15-0.22 dis- tancef rom baseo f gonocoxite.G onostylusw idened at base and narrowedt oward middle and tip; gonostylus1 .09 length of gonocoxite;g onostylus2 6.44x longer than gonostylar claw. Claspette.D orsal lobe of claspettew ith 3 closelya ppresseds etaeo f aboute qual length;t ips of 2 lateral setaec urveda nd bluntly rounded;t ip of middle setas lightlyc urved and round; tip of composites tructurec lub-shaped.V entral lobe of claspettew ith 2 long subapicals etae, most apical much longer than other. Both ventral and dorsal lobes, and areasi n betweent hem, with numerouss picules.A edeagall eaflets4 -6 per side; 3 mesal leaflets broadest,w ith broad, thin, nearly transparentin ner margins;o ther leaflets with narrow,t hin, nearly transparenitn ner margins;m ostm esall eaflet with 0-3 aciculae. Pupa (Figs. 2 A-B). Positiona nd developmento f setaea s figured; rangea nd modal numbero f branches,a nd numbero f brancheso f holotypem ale as in Table 2. Integument with light tc moderate dark pigmentation. Exuviae colorless to dark brown. CephalothoraxM. esothoracicw ing with distinctr ows of roundd ark spots.T rumpetw ith thin, lightly serratedp ale brown rim; meatusw ith simplec left, and its subbasapl art with numerouss pinules;t rumpet length 0.35-0.52 mm (mean = 0.41 mm, n = 20 for this and following measurementsa nd countse xcept where indicated),w idth 0.32-0.46 mm (mean = 0.39 mm, measureda t base of pinna), index 0.83-1.31 (mean = 1.07); tracheoida rea 1.27 length of trumpet. Abdomen.A bdominal tergum I with 2 elongatep osteriord ark marks (PDM); each PDM narrows mesally at base, with maximum width (0.02-0.05 mm, mean = 0.02 mm) towardsd istal tip, length 0.26-0.38 mm (mean = 0.31 mm), about0 .24- 0.27 (mean0 .25, n =9) width of abdominals egmentI , and longert han the longestb ranch of seta 1-I. Seta 1-I fan-like (cid:127)vith 14-28 aciculate dendritic branches; 6-I with 1-4 branches; 7-I with 1-5 branches; 9-I with 1 or 2 branches. Setae 1,5-III-VII well developed;1 -V 0.92-1.55 (mean = 1.12, n = 18) length of 5-V; 1-VI 0.71-1.64 (mean = 1.09, n = 15); 1-VII 0.82-1.27 (mean= 0.99, n = 17); 3-VI alignedw ith and mesalo f 1-VI unlike on other segments;8 -I-II absent; 9-I simple, single or forked; 9-II very short, simple,s pine-like;9 -III short,w ith slightlyr oundedt ip, 1.14-6.00 (mean- 2.28) lengtho f 9-II; 9-IV strong,l ightly pigmenteda nd slightly pointed,1 .00-3.11 (mean = 1.64) length of 9-III; 9-V-VIII long, lightly pigmenteda nd slightly pointed; 9-V 0.96-1.33 (mean = 1.16) length of 9-IV; 9-VI 0.83-1.43 (mean = 1.11) length of 9-V; 9-VII 0.53-1.41 (mean =1.01) lengtho f 9-VI; 9-VIII 0.81-2.94 (mean= 1.45) length of 9-VII; 9-VI 0.10-0.18 ANOPHELES(A NOPHELES) ¸ 2005 MagnoliaP ress 7 ZOOTAXA (mean= 0.15, n = 10) lengtho f segmenVt I; 9-VII 0.08-0.16 (mean= 0.13, n = 10) length of segmentV II; 9-VIII 0.10-0.26 (mean = 0.17, n = 10) length of segmentV III. Seta 9-I positionedn eara nterolaterael dgeo f tergum;9 -II on posterolateraeld geo f tergum;9 -111- VIII near posterolaterael dge of tergum. SegmentV II 0.98-1.19 (mean = 1.09, n = 10) lengtho f segmenVt I; segmenVt III 0.60-1.33 (mean= 1.16, n = 10) lengtho f segmenVt I; segmenVt III 0.56-1.23 (mean= 1.06, n = 10) lengtho f segmentV II. SegmentV II 0.81- 0.93 (mean= 0.89, n = 10) width of segmentV I (width at posteriorm argins);s egmenVt III 0.79-0.96 (mean = 0.89, n = 10) width of segmentV I; segmentV III 0.94-1.06 (mean = 0.99, n = 10) width of segmentV II. Width/lengtho f segmentV I 2.269-2.77 (mean = 2.55, n = 10), VII 1.89-2.19 (mean = 2.06, n = 10), VIII 1.74-3.83 (mean = 2.05, n = 10). Paddle length0 .78-0.98 mm (mean= 0.85 ram, n = 17), width 0.50-0.69 mm (mean= 0.62 ram, n = 18), length/widthr atio 1.42-1.54 (mean = 1.38, n = 18); refractlie index 0.59-0.82 (mean = 0.69, n = 17); seta 1-Pa simpleo r forked (2-3 apical branches);2 -Pa simpleo r forked (2-3 apical branches);1 -Pa thicker and 1.45x longer than 2-Pa. Width/lengtho f genitall obe of female 1.06-1.65 (mean = 1.39, n = 7), male 0.83-1.41 (mean = 1.01, n = 3); numerouss piculesp resento n subapicaal nd apicalm arginso f genitall obe of female, absent in male. TABLE 2. Pupals etalb ranchingfo r An. belenrae:r angem ode( ) basedo n countsm adeo n 9-20 setaeo f the holotypea nd paratypes[; ], maleh olotype. Seta Cephalothorax Abdominal segments no. CT I II III IV 0 - - 1-5(2) [21 1-3(2) [21 1-2(2) [21 1 1-4 (2) ll, 21 14-28(24) [16, 271 4-15(9) [6, 81 8-26(10) 126, 151 5-16(13) [16, 51 2 1-3(2) [3, 21 2-4(3) [2, 41 1-8(6) [6, 71 3-8(6) 17,3 1 3-6(4) [4, 51 3 1-4(1) I1] 1-7(3) [31 1-5(1) [ll 1-4(3) [1,31 2-4(3) [31 4 1-3(2) [1,21 2-5(2) [2, 41 1-4(3) [3, 4] 1-3(2) [11 1-2(2) [2, 11 5 1-5(2) [2, 41 2-7(6) [6, 21 1-3(2) [21 8-24(20) I20, 231 8-25(12) [ 19, 111 6 1-3(l) [ l] 1-4(1) Ill 1-2(1) Ill 1-3(1) Ill 1-2(1) Ill 7 1-2(1) [21 1-5(1) [11 1-3(2) [1, 21 1-3(2) [2, 31 1-3(2) [31 8 1-20) Ill - - 1-2(1) [2, 1] 1-3(1) [1, 21 9 1-3(1) [21 1-2(1) [ll 1 Ill I Ill 1 [1] 10 1-3(1) [21 - - 1-2(1) [2, l] 1-2(1) [ll 11 1-3(2) [21 - - 1-2(1) 111 1 111 12 1-4(2) [21 .... 14 - - - 111} 1 [1] ......c ontinuedo n the next page 8 ¸ 2005 MagnoliaP ress RUEDA TABLE 2 continued. ZOOTAXA Setan o. Abdominals egments Paddle V VI VII VIII IX Pa 0 1-2(2) 12] 1-3(2) [21 1-3(2) [2, 31 1-2(1) [2, 11 - - I 2-7(4) [4] 1-3(2) 121 1-2(1) [1, 2] - 1 [1] 1 [1] 2 3-5(4) [4] 2-5(3) [3, 4] 2-3(3) [3] - - 1 Ill 3 1-3(2) [1,3] 1-4(1) [11 1-3(2) I21 - - - 4 1-4(3) 13, 2] 1-2(1) [1-21 1-2(1) Ill 1-2(2) [21 - - 5 2-14(7) [8, 7] 3-10(8) [5, 81 1-4(3) [3, 21 - - - 6 I [1] 1 [ll 1-2(1) Ill - - - 7 1-3(1) [3] 1-2(1) [21 1-2(1) [11 - - - 8 1-3(1) [2] 1-2(1) [2, 11 1-3(2) [21 - - - 9 I [1] 1 Ill 1 Ill I Ill - - 10 1-2(1) [1] 1-2(1) Ill 1-2(1) [2} - - - 11 1-2(1) [1] 1 Ill 1-3(2) [21 - - - 12 ...... 13 ...... 14 I [11 111] 1[1] 1[11 - - Larva (Fig. 3). Positiona ndd evelopmenot f setaea sf igured;r angea ndm odaln umber of branchesa nd numbero f brancheso f holotypem ale as showni n Table 3. Head. Length 0.83-0.90 mm (mean = 0.87 mm, n = 9), width 0.71-0.83 mm (mean = 0.78 mm, n = 9). Antennall ength 0.31-0.38 mm (mean = 0.35 mm, n = 20), slightlyt aperedt oward apex, 4.86-6.00 (mean = 5.51, n = 20) longert han wide; with spiculesl ongera nd more numer- ous ventrally and in vicinity of seta 1A; spiculel ength 0.01-0.02 mm (mean = 0.02 mm, n = 12). Seta I-A with 2-7 (mode = 5, n = 18) branches,l ength 0.08-0.15 mm (mean = 0.12 mm, n = 18), inserted 0.14-0.19 mm (mean = 0.17 mm, n = 19) from base of antenna;2 -A single,p ointed,l ength0 .09-0.14 mm (mean= 0.12 mm, n = 9); 3-A single,p ointed,l ength 0.10-0.22 mm (mean = 0.15 mm, n = 7); 4-A with 4-7 branches( mode = 5, n = 11); 5-A short,s pine-like,0 .13-0.30 (mean= 0.21, n = 13) lengtho f seta l-A; 6-A spine-likea bout as long as seta5 -A. Seta 2-C single 1.30-1.79 (mean = 1.53, n = 12) length of 3-C; seta2 - C closet o mate of opposites ide0 .002-0.008 mm (mean= 0.004 mm, n = 9); 3-C densely dendriticw ith 16-30 main branches( mode = 29), longestb ranch0 .10-0.14 mm (mean = 0.12 mm, n = 8), clypeal index (distanceb etween bases2 -C and 3-C on 1 side/distance between bases of 2-C) 7.75-32.00 (mean = 18.66, n = 8). Thorax. Seta 1-P with 1-3 branches(m ode = 1, n = 14); 9, 10, 12-P single;9 -12-P setals upportp late spinel ength 0.03-0.08 mm (mean = 0.05 mm, n = 15). Setae9 , 10, 12-M single;9 -M 1.03-1.56 (mean ANOPHELES (ANOPHELES) ¸ 2005 MagnoliaP ress 9