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DTIC ADA483100: Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance of (Effective-Mass) Shallow Acceptors in Si-Doped GaN Homoepitaxial Layers PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA483100: Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance of (Effective-Mass) Shallow Acceptors in Si-Doped GaN Homoepitaxial Layers

PHYSICALREVIEWB68,195201 ~2003! Optically detected magnetic resonance of effective-mass shallow acceptors (cid:132) (cid:133) in Si-doped GaN homoepitaxial layers E. R. Glaser, J.A. Freitas, Jr., B. V. Shanabrook, and D. D. Koleske* NavalResearchLaboratory,Washington,D.C.20375-5347,USA S. K. Lee, S. S. Park, and J.Y. Han Samsung-SAIT,Suwon440-600,SouthKorea ~Received26June2003;revisedmanuscriptreceived18August2003;published7November2003! Opticallydetectedmagneticresonance~ODMR!hasbeenperformedonSi-dopedGaNhomoepitaxiallayers grown by organometallic chemical vapor deposition on free-standing GaN templates. In addition to intense excitonicbandedgeemissionwithnarrowlinewidths(,0.4meV), thesefilmsexhibitstrongshallowdonor– shallow acceptor recombination at 3.27 eV. Most notably, ODMR on this photoluminescence band reveals a highlyanisotropicresonancewithgi52.19360.001andg’;0 asexpectedforeffective-massshallowaccep- tors in wurtzitic GaN from k p theory. This previously elusive result is attributed to the much reduced (cid:149) dislocationdensityandimpuritylevelscomparedtothosetypicallyfoundinthewidelyinvestigatedMg-doped GaNheteroepitaxiallayers.Thepossiblechemicaloriginoftheshallowacceptorsinthesehomoepitaxialfilms willbediscussed. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.68.195201 PACSnumber~s!: 78.66.Fd,71.55.Eq,76.70.Hb,71.70.Ej I.INTRODUCTION g’;0) and weak intensity for field orientations near the c axis,aresimilartothosefoundforshallowacceptorsinother The nature and properties of prospective p-type group-II bulk semiconductors with similar valence band ordering and dopantssuchasMg,Zn,andBeandgroup-IVelementssuch crystal structure such as CdS ~Ref. 7! and 6H-SiC ~Refs. 8 and 9!. This new feature is tentatively assigned to Si ~Si as C in GaN and related alloys have been topics of much N atomsontheNlatticesites!shallowacceptorswithabinding interest during the last several years. The most viable impu- energy (E ) of ;220meV. However, we can not rule out rity to emerge from this list of candidates for achieving high a that all or part of this signal is associated with residual C hole densities is Mg. However, one of the puzzles revealed N shallow acceptors. from a variety of magnetic resonance studies,1–5 including electron paramagnetic resonance ~EPR! and optically de- II.EXPERIMENTALDETAILS tected magnetic resonance ~ODMR!, of Mg-doped GaN het- The PL and ODMR studies were performed on eroepitaxial layers grown by metal organic chemical vapor ;6mm-thick Si-doped GaN layers deposited by MOCVD deposition or molecular beam epitaxy, is the nearly isotropic on HVPE-grown free-standing GaN substrates (;53 Lande´ g-tensor~i.e.,gi, g’;2,where i referstothec axis! ;5mm2). Recent x-ray diffraction, atomic force micros- observed for the shallow Mg acceptors.This result contrasts copy ~AFM!, transmission electron microscopy ~TEM!, PL, with the highly anisotropic g tensor ~i.e., gi;2–4, g’;0) and Raman scattering measurements10–13 all indicate the that is expected based on symmetry arguments and the or- high crystalline quality of these HVPE GaN substrates. In deringofthevalencebandstatesinwurtzitic~wz!GaNfrom particular,thismaterialischaracterizedbydislocationdensi- which the shallow ~bound! acceptor states are derived. One ties less than 107 cm22 as revealed by TEM ~Ref. 10! and model6 proposed to account for this anomalous behavior is AFM ~Ref. 11! and exhibits strong bandedge excitonic PL thepresenceofrandomstrainfieldsinthesestructures.Such withlinewidthslessthan0.4meV~Refs.13and14!.TheGa strainfieldsmayarise,forexample,fromthehighdensityof faceofthe;400-mm-thickGaNtemplatewasmechanically dislocations (;73108–1010 cm22) typically found in GaN polished and reactive ion etched prior to the chemical vapor heteroepitaxialfilmsgrownonAl O andSiCsubstratesand deposition ~CVD! growth. Si doping of the CVD homoepi- 2 3 those generated from the large concentration of Mg impuri- taxial layer was achieved with ;1/3 of the Silane precursor ties (>331018 cm23) introduced to achieve high hole den- flowemployedinpreviousgrowthstogiven-typefilmswith sities. ;331017 carriers/cm3. Additional details of the epigrowth In this work we report on the first direct observation of are provided elsewhere.15 the highly anisotropic g tensor that is predicted for shallow ThePLat1.6Kwasexcitedbythe351-nmlineofanAr1 acceptorsinwz-GaN.ThisresultwasobtainedbyODMRon laser.Theemissionbetween1.8and3.3eVwasanalyzedby astrongshallowdonor–shallowacceptorphotoluminescence a 1-mdouble-gratingspectrometeranddetectedbyaSipho- 4 ~PL! band observed from a high-quality Si-doped GaN ho- todiode. The ODMR was performed in a 24-GHz spectrom- moepitaxial layer grown by metal-organic chemical vapor eter described elsewhere16 with the sample rotated in the deposition ~MOCVD! on thick, free-standing hydride vapor ~11¯20! plane to obtain symmetry information. The ODMR phase epitaxy ~HVPE! GaN templates. The main character- was obtained with either visible bandpass or cutoff filters istics of this resonance, including its g tensor (g 52.193, placedinfrontoftheSiphotodiodetoseparatetheindividual i 0163-1829/0/68~19!/195201~6!/$20.00 68195201-1 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED AUG 2003 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2003 to 00-00-2003 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Optically detected magnetic resonance of (effective-mass) shallow 5b. GRANT NUMBER acceptors in Si-doped GaN homoepitaxial layers 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Research Laboratory,4555 Overlook Avenue REPORT NUMBER SW,Washington,DC,20375 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 E.R.GLASERetal. PHYSICALREVIEWB68,195201 ~2003! FIG. 2. ODMR spectra at 24 GHz detected on the 3.27-eV FIG.1. PLobtainedbelow3.4eVat1.6KfromaSi-dopedGaN SD-SAPLforseveralorientationsoftheappliedmagneticfield~B! homoepitaxial layer.The zero-phonon line ~ZPL! at 3.27 eVis as- inthe~11¯20!plane(0° referstothec axis!.Thethickblackcurves signedtoshallowdonor–shallowacceptorrecombination~LO,lon- ~displaced vertically for clarity! are simulations of the low-field gitudinalopticalphononreplica!. lineshapes for resonance SAas described in the text ~SD, shallow donor;SA,shallowacceptor!. PLbands.Wenotethatthestrongestsignalswerefoundwith a microwave amplitude modulation frequency of ;3kHz ~either as-grown or Si-doped! CVD heteroepitaxial layers.16 and an excitation power density of ;1W/cm2. The microscopic origin of the deep center involved in this emission has been a subject of high interest during the last several years. Possible models include its association with III.RESULTSANDDISCUSSION residual C impurities, lattice defects such as Ga vacancies, Several recombination bands were observed at low tem- and extended defects such as threading dislocations.Though perature from the Si-doped GaN homoepitaxial layer. The not the focus in this paper, we note that ODMR was per- dominant emission at 3.472 eV found from high-resolution formedonthe2.2-eVbandfromtheSi-dopedGaNhomoepi- PL studies ~reported elsewhere17! is assigned to excitons taxial layer. Unfortunately, as in the case for the heteroepi- bound to shallow Si donors. The reduced linewidth of this taxial films characterized by much higher dislocation emission (<0.4meV) compared to that typically observed17 densities,16resolvedelectron-nuclearhyperfinestructurethat for GaN grown on sapphire or SiC with similar Si doping couldshedlightonitsidentitywasnotobservedforthedeep levels indicates the high-crystalline quality of these ho- center with gi51.989 and g’51.992 revealed from ODMR moepitaxialfilms.18ThePLspectrumbelow3.4eVfromthis on this ‘‘yellow’’emission. layer is shown in Fig. 1. Very strong recombination at The ODMR obtained on the 3.27-eV SD-SA recombina- ;3.27eV and a series of longitudinal optical phonon repli- tion from the Si-doped GaN homoepitaxial layer for several casareobserved.Inaddition,thisPLshiftsmonotonicallyto orientations of the applied magnetic field ~B! is shown in lowerenergywithdecreasingexcitationpowerdensity.Simi- Fig. 2. Two luminescence-increasing signals are observed. lar emission of varying strength has been found by several The first ~labeled SD! is sharp ~full width at half-maximum groups for nominally undoped, Si-doped, and Mg-doped of;3mT) withgi51.952andg’51.949.Thisg tensorhas GaN heteroepitaxial layers.15,16,19–21 Based on these reports, beenestablishedasa‘‘fingerprint’’for~effective-mass!shal- the 3.27-eV PL is assigned to recombination between shal- low donors in GaN from previous magnetic resonance low Si donors (E ;30meV) and shallow acceptors (E work16,22onn-typefilms~asgrownandSidoped!.Thus,the d a ;220meV) whose possible origin will be discussed later. feature is assigned to Si donors on the Ga lattice sites al- The 3.27-eV shallow donor–shallow acceptor ~SD–SA! PL though residual O shallow donors on the N sites may also was only weakly observed from a nominally undoped GaN contribute. In particular, it is not expected that a small dif- homoepitaxial reference layer grown for this study on an- ferenceing valuescanbeeasilyresolvedforOandSishal- other piece of the free-standing HVPE substrate. low donors in GaN based on the similar binding energies23 In addition to the SD-SA PL band, a broad ‘‘yellow’’ andthebroadmagneticresonancelinewidths~duetothehigh emissionbandat;2.2eVisalsofoundasoftenobservedto abundanceofnearbyhostlatticenucleiwithfinitespin!typi- some degree of strength from highly resistive and n-type cally observed for point defects in III-V semiconductors. 195201-2 OPTICALLYDETECTEDMAGNETICRESONANCEOF... PHYSICALREVIEWB68,195201 ~2003! determinedfromthepeaksofresonanceSAisshowninFig. 3. The g values ~filled squares! reported previously1 for Mg shallowacceptorsbyODMRonthe3.27-eVSD-SAPLfrom Mg-doped GaN heteroepitaxial layers are also shown for comparison. Fits to these data ~dashed curves! were made with the usual expression for g tensors in the case of axial symmetry: g~u!5~g2cos2u1g2 sin2u!1/2, ~1! i ’ wheregi andg’ aretheg valueswithBalignedparalleland perpendicular to the c axis, respectively. Good fits are ob- tained with gi52.19360.001 and g’;0 for resonance SA in contrast with the nearly isotropic g values (g 52.105 i 60.004andg’;1.97060.005) forMgshallowacceptorsin the GaN:Mg/Al O films. Most notably, the highly aniso- 2 3 tropic g tensor observed for feature SA, described by g(u) 5g (cosu), is predicted from effective-mass theory6,24 for i shallow acceptors in wurtzitic GaN where the ground state, from symmetry arguments, reflects the character of the @J 53/2, m 563/2] ~top! valence band edge. As shown in J FIG.3. g valuesofODMRfeatureSA~circles!andthosefound Table I, similar highly anisotropic g tensors have been ob- previously for Mg shallow acceptors in Mg-doped GaN heteroepi- servedviaODMRforshallowacceptorsinbulkCdS~Ref.7! taxiallayers~squares!asafunctionoftheangle~u!betweenBand and 6H-SiC ~Refs. 8 and 9!, semiconductors with similar thec axis.Thedashedcurvesarefitstothedata@seeEq.~1!#. valence band ordering and crystal structure to that of wz- GaN. Thus, based on the PL and magnetic resonance prop- The second resonance ~labeled SA! exhibits several dis- erties,resonanceSAisassignedtoeffective-mass~EM!shal- tinct characteristics. First, the intensity of the line is very lowacceptors.Thisresultisthefirstdirectobservationofthe weak for B within 5° of the c axis and increases monotoni- highly anisotropic g-tensor expected for EM acceptors in cally with increasing uup to approximately 30°, where u wz-GaN. A second signature of such acceptors is the weak refers to the angle between the applied magnetic field ~B! intensity of the ODMR with unear 0° ~as also observed and the c axis. Second, most notably, the peak shifts rapidly from ODMR of shallow acceptors in CdS and 6H-SiC!.The to higher field as B is rotated away from the c axis; espe- behavior follows from the angular dependence (atanu) of cially for u.20°. We note that the resonance could not be the microwave transition probability for this case with g’ tracked for u.43° because B was 1100 mT for this ;0 as described in Ref. 7. max. study. Third, a symmetric Gaussian line shape with a full For cases where the valence band minima are degenerate widthathalfmaximum~FWHM!of;15mTisobservedfor or nearly degenerate as in wz-GaN where the heavy @J the line with u,25°. However, a pronounced asymmetric 53/2,m 563/2] heavyandlight@J53/2,m 561/2] hole J J broadening to the low-field side of the peaks is found for u bandsaresplitby;22meV~Ref.25!,thepropertiesofshal- .25°. low acceptors are very sensitive to the presence of random A plot of the g values ~filled circles! as a function of u strains. In particular, it was recently proposed6 that random TABLE I. Summary of g tensors found from ODMR of shallow acceptors in several wide-band-gap semiconductormaterials. Host Shallowacceptor g values Reference Bulk6H-SiC Al g 5(2.32522.412)60.002, 8 i g’50 Ga g 52.2122.27, 9 i g’50.660.2 BulkCdS Li g 52.82960.007, 7 i 0.1,g’,0.4 Na g 52.73360.007, i 0.1,g’,0.4 CVDGaN:Mg/Al O Mg g 52.10560.004, 1 2 3 Ga i g’51.97060.005 CVDGaN:Si/Bulk Si ~?!,C ~?! g 52.19360.001, Thiswork N N i GaN g’;0 195201-3 E.R.GLASERetal. PHYSICALREVIEWB68,195201 ~2003! in-plane strains associated with symmetry-lowering local distortions could account for the nearly isotropic g tensors observedbyseveralgroupsforMgshallowacceptorsinGaN heteroepitaxiallayersdopedwithMgbetween;331018and 131020 cm23. For such samples, these distortions can arise from the local strain fields associated with the high density of dislocations (;73108–1010 cm22) and, also, from the random strain fields that are produced from the size differ- encebetweenthehighconcentrationofMgatomsandtheGa atoms they replace.26 Another possible source of distortions at the Mg sites are electric fields generated from the high concentrations (.1018 cm23) of charged donors and accep- torsrandomlydistributedinthesehighlydopedandcompen- sated films.1 Thus, we suggest two important factors led to the observation of the highly anisotropic SAg tensor in the present Si-doped GaN homoepitaxial layer: ~1! the reduced density of dislocations (,107 cm22), and ~2! the much lower impurity concentrations (,331017 cm23). The re- duced degree of random strain in this film is also evident FIG. 4. A schematic representation of the g’ value behavior from the narrow excitonic bandedge emission and the ~dotted curve! and relative concentration of shallow acceptors in smaller FWHM (;15mT) of the SAODMR observed with wz-GaN modeled as a function of the degree of perturbation ~e.g., u<25° comparedtothatfound(;25mT) fortheODMRof in-plane random strains/electric fields, ...!. Three cases are de- Mg shallow acceptors in the highly Mg-doped GaN het- picted: ~a! a ‘‘perfect’’crystal with g’;0 for all acceptors ~illus- eroepitaxial layers.1 tratedbythedeltafunction!,~b!aweaklyperturbedcrystal,suchas As noted earlier, a clear asymmetric broadending of the the present Si-doped GaN homoepitaxial layer, with g’;0 for SAODMRisobservedwithu.25° ~Ref.27!.Thisbehavior many shallow acceptors and a distribution of centers with g’ be- can be understood from the presence of both ‘‘unperturbed’’ tween 0 and 2, and ~c! highly dislocated and heavily Mg-doped shallow acceptors with g’;0 and ‘‘perturbed’’centers with GaNheteroepitaxiallayerswithg’;2 fornearlyallacceptors.The a distribution of finite g’ values due to residual random verticalarrowsdenotehowtheg’ valuescanbereadinthisfigure strain fields. This distribution was obtained by combining atparticularpointsforcases~b!and~c!. Eq. ~1!, the expression for the magnetic resonance condition @hn5g(u)mBB#, andafixedgi valueof2.193toreproduce ‘‘perturbed’’ acceptors with g’ between 0 and 2. The final theasymmetriclineshapeobservedfortheu540° spectrum. case ~c! represents highly dislocated and heavily Mg-doped This simulation and those obtained for the other spectra us- GaN heteroepitaxial layers where the shallow acceptors are ing the same distribution of g’ values ~between 0 and 1! perturbed to such degree that nearly all are characterized by with no other adjustable parameters are shown for clarity by g’;2. the vertically displaced bold curves in Fig. 2. Most notably, Three possible sources are considered for the chemical good simulations are found for the spectra with u>30°. identity of the shallow acceptors in this Si-doped homoepi- However, the simulations are poor with u,30°. This is not taxial film. Mg is an obvious candidate based on its very surprisingbecausetheg2cos2uterminEq.~1!foru,30° is similar binding energy (;220meV) with that observed for i dominant so any influence on the line shape due to a varia- theshallowacceptorsinthissample.Inaddition,theg value i tioning’ issignificantlyreduced.Wenotethatavariationin for the EM shallow acceptors in this work is only slightly g of only 61% can account for the FWHM of ;15mT higher (;0.1) than that found for Mg shallow acceptors in i observed for the SAODMR with u,30°. the Mg-doped GaN heteroepitaxial layers. However, as Aschematicillustrationbasedonthismagneticresonance showninTableI,similarsmalldifferencesing valueswere i work and that reported in the past of the g’-value behavior also reported for the different EM shallow acceptor species and relative concentration of shallow acceptors in wz-GaN in bulk CdS ~Ref. 7! and 6H-SiC ~Refs. 8 and 9!. Most modeledasafunctionofthedegreeofperturbationisshown notably,Mghadneverbeenintroducedasadopantsourcein inFig.4.Theg’ values~dottedcurve!riserapidlyfrom0to theCVDreactorusedtogrowthesehomoepitaxiallayersnor alimitingvalueof;2 withincreasingperturbationproposed known to be a residual contaminant at the part per million to arise from random strain fields, electric fields, etc. Three levels in the source gases ~TMGa, TMAl, and silane!. Thus, cases are given. The first ~a! is for a ‘‘perfect’’crystal ~i.e., we suggest that C and/or Si @analogous to the amphoteric N N very low dislocation densities and impurity levels! where all nature observed for these impurities in other III-V semicon- shallow acceptors are ‘‘unperturbed’’ and characterized by ductorssuchasGaAs~Ref.28!#aremorelikelythesourceof g’ values of ;0 ~as depicted by the delta function!. The the EM acceptors. Ionization energies of ;220meV have second~b!correspondstoaweaklyperturbedcrystal,similar been calculated29,30 for both C and Si although it has also N N to the present Si-doped GaN homoepitaxial film, comprised beensuggestedthatSi isadeepacceptorwithE of;1eV N a of many shallow acceptors with g’;0 and a distribution of ~Ref.31!.Fromsizearguments32CismorefavorablethanSi 195201-4 OPTICALLYDETECTEDMAGNETICRESONANCEOF... PHYSICALREVIEWB68,195201 ~2003! to replace the N host atoms and, also, is present above the plates. Most notably, a highly anisotropic resonance with g i part per million level @;(3–5)31016 cm23# based on 52.19360.001 and g’;0 is observed and assigned to based on secondary ion mass spectroscopy~SIMS! measure- effective-mass shallow acceptors from k p theory and the (cid:149) ments of undoped films grown in this reactor.33 However, ordering of the valence band states in wz-GaN. This previ- onlyaverylimitednumberofreports34provideevidencefor ously elusive result via magnetic resonance techniques is at- C as a successful p-type dopant in wz-GaN. Indeed, several tributed to the much reduced dislocation density and impu- groups suggest that C is more likely linked with deep traps rity concentrations in this homoepitaxial film compared to such as those suggested to be involved in the ubiquitous those in conventional Mg-doped GaN heteroepitaxial layers 2.2-eV ‘‘yellow’’ PL band35 and the current collapse phe- with doping levels greater than 331018 cm23. The shallow nomena often observed in CVD-grown GaN HEMTs ~Ref. acceptors are tentatively assigned to Si but other possible N 33! and MESFETs ~Ref. 36!. Perhaps most pertinent to this sourcessuchasresidualCimpuritiesarenotruledoutatthis work, strong SD–SA PL with zero-phonon-line ~ZPL! at time. In light of these results, it would be highly interesting 3.27 eV has been reported15,21 for Si-doped GaN heteroepi- toperformmagneticresonanceonMg-dopedGaNhomoepi- taxial layers and suggested by one group21 to involve Si taxial layers as a function of doping level ~e.g., @Mg# N shallow acceptors from a doping study. This association is ;1017–1020 cm23).Inparticular,suchsamplesshouldallow also consistent with the significant increase of the 3.27-eV one in a controlled way to separate the effects on the spin SD-SA recombination observed from the present homoepi- propertiesduetohighdislocationdensitiesfromthosedueto taxial GaN films after Si doping. Thus, the SA ODMR is high doping levels. tentatively assigned to Si shallow acceptors. However, it N cannotberuledoutthatallorpartofthissignalisassociated with CN shallow acceptors. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS WewouldliketothankT.A.Kennedy~NRL!,W.E.Carlos IV.SUMMARY ~NRL!, R. Kotylar, U. Kaufmann ~IAF Freiburg!, B.K. 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