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Preview DTIC ADA462375: Encouraging Human Operators to Appropriately Rely on Automated Decision Aids

nyol eyRletairporp posAtrotare pnOam ugHnigaruocnE s dnioAisi cdeeDtamotuA y,rtaeM l.oTdnizD lla H.,PkcdenBa aed cn.riGeLiP ytisrevin Unor e m a C ytisrevi neUta tnSaihcalap pA y ro t ar o b ah Lc ra e s e yRm rA ygolohcy sftPonemtrap eD ygolohcy sftPonemt r ap eD .,g 0dm4lo0Bo30R22 . de0vr0lo8BG2 Boone, NC 28608 006 5 -, K3l O0l t5 ir3So7F ,notwaL KO 50537 (828) 262-2725 (580) 442-7139 (580) 581-2514 ude.etatsppa@phkceb lim.ymra.llis@lecreip ude.noremac@dyram tcartsbA eht ,revewoH .ssecorp gnikam-noisiced yratilim eht fo erutan eht gnignahc si ygolonhcet noitamrofnI elbl imwa ee thtta hytlem a,nsma emtets ydsetamotua-nam ughniyolp mnneioitpmus sganiylrednu redn U.te msyawl ato ns i,enol ae bdluo wmetsy sdetamotu aeh tr onamu heh tnah tevitcudor perom niatrec ,snoitidnoc namuh srotarepo rre yb ylrevo gniyler ro gnizilitu-re ddneutamotuasmetsys telodnizD[ esU noitamotuA fo krowemarF A .]7991 ,[yeliR dna namarusaraP .la te taht stisop ]9991 , ere wseidut sow T.es unoitamotu atcider po tenibmo csessecor planoitavito mdn a,laico s,evitingoc demrofr eopt egn ni ,imlslaaelxiso ecsrreoetov scnfi .ootlsrciaepn nsgdosoniecatceaohvrTiptom dna metsys detamotua eht fo ytilibailer eht fo setamitse ’srotarepo namuh nehw taht stisop krowemarf sya wsuoira V.rucc oo tyleki ltso ms inoitamotu af oes uetairporpp a,etarucc aer anoitarep olaunam gn iftoacin uomtmoc n ngasonmriiuotnhtarame rrc yeonetpfohionctliibai lfeor rieht nwo dnana yletairporppa ot srotarepo namuh egaruocne ot troffe na ni denimaxe erew snoisiced s’dia detamotua f onoisivor p,revewo H.esusi df oseta rgnimral adnuo fseidut shto B.sdi anoisice ddetamotu an oyler lufsseccu ssa wdi anoisice ddetamotu aeh tf oytilibaile reh tgninrecno cnoitamrofn if osecruo synam .ngis emdets yds nganinia rhtt orb osfnoitacilp meiv ashtlus e.Resus iddraw osta ieb hgtnicud enri 1. detamotu AnoisiceDsdiA ,rase C.fc [yratili meh tn iderrucc oeva hsrae ytnece rn inoitamotu af oes ueh tn isesaercn icitamarD yng oo.il]to5an9mh9 rc1so eifgtnnIigna hecht erutan fo gn isk saee mhcy-tornraoptiiyslbiicmed ylsuoiver psa wnah tnoitamrofn iylemi tdn a,etarucc a,tnavele rero mhti wsreka mnoisice dgnidivorp eht taht si ”smaet“ metsys detamotua-namuh eseht gniyolpme ni noitpmussa gniylrednu ehT .elbissop smaet lliw eb eevriotmc undaoh rtrpehtie edhett ammeottsuyas ro eht namu hdluow ebgnikrow [ noitpmussa gniylrednu siht rof troppus dnuof evah srehcraeser emos elihW .enola dn alalaD ,repsaK ,]4991 srehto evah dnuof namuh srotarepo netfo ylrevo yler no )esusim( ro ezil)ietsuurseiddn(u s[mets ynsoisic eddetamotua etairporppa nsii htta hettaluce pesm o.S]79 9,1yel idR nnaamarusaraP reht on isa ht is ara fs adecnavd ato nsa hgnika mnoisice df onoitamotu ayh wnosae rnia meh ts iesu neh osCa[era et al. , 1999]. yB gnidnatsrednu eht sessecorp taht namuh srotarepo esu nehw gnitacolla sksat otdetamotua ,s neeont ioadyetieasartmur paeeefo mpgb oreooaspl t rm pbtun ueraaaagootehitcsttsnyteesedb .sdia tahW era eht sessecorp gnidael ot eht noisiced ot yler no ro erongi na detamotua?metsys gniwarD morf eeL dna yaroM ;2991[ ,]4991 reisoM dna aktikS ,]6991[ dna Shepperd [1993], Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2000 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2000 to 00-00-2000 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Encouraging Human Operators to Appropriately Rely on Automated 5b. GRANT NUMBER Decision Aids 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Cameron University,Department of Psychology,2800 Gore REPORT NUMBER Blvd,Lawton,OK,73505 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The original document contains color images. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 10 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 d,nka c,eeBcr e,itPelodnizD n oeimstoua rmsfot tc kuidtradea oeth]w rat9eeape9mwr9aac1rD[f . )e1rug ieFe ss(esseco rlpaic od sn,alanoitavit o,mevitingoc tens hiu. trenTsouitamo tsutace fmfeat sdyestam o ttens uhiu,atrl te gdeonohtimtdroccA telodniz De[cnail enRoitamot ufkAorowema r.eF1rugiF et al. , 1999] 1.1 sess eecvoirtPingoC o odst ashnoisic egdnik anme hswmets ydsetamot u nayol eyrlre vyo aemlpo eyp hnwosa eernO reht a.Rd idaetamot uea h ytdbedivo rnpoitamrof nei hstseco rype hhtci h nwrienn aem hhttiw noisic ee dh,tnoitamrof nginisseco rd pnganireht aftgorof feeviting oe chhtguor hgtni ongaht niatr erced n,urevew o;hlamit p soyigetar tssi h,tnet f.Ode s sumiets ydsetamot uea h ytdbeilppus an idi anoisice dan ogniyle R.rucc olli wesusi mdn aetairporppan ie bya mecnaile rsih t,snoitidnoc s[a inboitamot uea hdtebb u sdrienn acmitsirueh d nraeisoM hgeu ho. th],t6al9kA9t1ikS esus ied hrt otfnuoc ctaonn a tc,isd inaoisic eddetamot u faeosus inmialp xne asca inboitamotua .dn unoeftfo re psa ipdnheittro pseerid u ot ewssnhttitnapicit r,asp aniobitamo t euehattanim irolete dnrIo d idaetamot uraie hfntooisic ee dhhtt idwedivo rypl neorew after d nnaoisic erdie hdtetacid nyie ht ngoniyl emro rsftnapicitr adpetneve reprudeco rspi h.Tnoisic erdie h nteicnedifn o fcloev erlieht e hwto nnke vte odn iyde h,tl lraet f.Arenn acmitsiru e nahnioisic esd’d idaetamot ueaht .noisic erdie hetd adm ayhe hrtet flait nnuoisic esd’d idaetamotua 1.2 ses sleacnooriPtavitoM puo re ghgtno mdaesuff istdicudo rsp’puo re ghr toyftilibisnops ee rh,tpu o ngraingikr onwehW nmia erdto a symaadets yrsetupmoc-nam ue h hfttohguo hetv ashrehcraes elrarev e.Ssrebmem srew o,B.g. en[am uth o snriebm eem nhocihw et al. ss elle eyf anmam ueh h,tsu h.T]69 9,1 eno lganikr onwe hnwa hmtets ydsetamot unhaat igwnikr onwe hewmoct ue ohr toeflbisnopser ne esb anhonemone hspi h,terutaret illacigolohcy slpaic oes h nt.Itrof fses edlnet xye admna g[nid iere r rfgonifa ollaic odsebbud d nrareK lufssec cnu es setab ahyhrto e eh.nt]O3 8,9n1uurB s ierutareti lgnifao llaico seh tn isgnidni feh tf ohcu mro fgnitnuocc ani -ycnatce psx’EdreppehS ee rnfhootit cm n oaudrfeftcid ensroipitavi t,oymro esh itgohnttidro c.c]A39 9y1r[o eehuTlaV .eul aevmoct ud on,aytilatnemurts n,iycnatcep x:esrotcaf 1.2.1 ycnatcepxE optuo re ghr toyfrassec ee nrsatrof freie htta hlte esfrebm ehmci hotwtnet xe ehsyticnatcepxE laudivid nsi’e nnoe h rw,oelbasneps ied rsanoitubirtn orcie hlte esfrebm enme h.Wdeeccus d[r ashs eklr o rw,oed iere r ofytlek i slei n,odetaula vte o rneolbaifitnedi n sunioitubirtnoc rreK dna .ylek i slsimets ydsetamot u faeosus i;m]38 9,1nuurB 1.2.2 Instrumentality ll iewcnamrofr elpufssecc uss’puo reg htta hlte esfrebm ehmci h owttnet xee h,tytilatnemurtsnI e hlte eo fhswrebm e.Mtrof ftecef fodatetcide rops ls,aiemoct ulolare veoviti s odoatapel ,s u.hd Tr k ayrohlotew ks i seleerclanamrof rse’ppu otenrnhogetgnit netsomoiconctuo seicnamrofr esp’puo rrgie hlte eof hswrebm egmno mhag i ehdbluo hes seutairporppani .tnavelerri 1.2.3 Outcome Value detaico sssta s eo dhcentmaoc t euefhocotnatro p emnhietew teecbneref f eieshduit leamvoctuO da elll idwraw eer h fteocnatrop mei hgtnizimin i rmsots oec hgtnisaerc n.Idr aghnikr ohwtiw sts o.Csd idaetamot uraie hnytol eyre hdtoohilek ie lhgtnisaerc n,itrof fses ehltr ot f uosptrebmem ,eugit a,fmrofr etps ue mnsoks arteh tfrooebm ue nh,tks ae thfttoseret nciisnirt ne ihhtt iywrav gnitelpm oycllufssecc u fseocnatrop mlianosr ehpt isweir aevcnatrop m.Idaehre veoviting odcna .noitelpm okcs altufssecc ufssoeitlan ed pnsadraw ee rhd tn,aks aetht elba itrnaev ddne e tap, aeseedewr ics deneousihwtsttse cloarnpoitav ilrtooo rfmr t eonndtoIrco ret f,ayllacifice p.Secnailer-fl e sstarof fhec u smeariuq edrlu oewcnail enroitamot uhaci hrwof rie hetv arheht adrlu oywe hrtehte hewtacid noditek sear eswtnapicitr a,pslai r0 t0g2nitelpmoc se stnn oenpgosne irdtrnaowcer yeht ri eshetsnop strne soo r eaenhp dit daamh automated aid na hdtednep x e eobttrof feer oemriuq etr odn iedcnailer-fl e,smgidar aspi h nt.Ied admah .detanimi lyellautr ievr eswesseco rlpanoitavit o,my aswi h nt.Iecnail enroitamotua 1.3 sess elcaoircPoS eef hl oet oh h srtoetoaitsdhwu s di,ndeasu s,i emnsouitamo tgountaid aseslec orrephtonA n aehltbai l e e drordeiotebamtamo t euehavtiec rserpotar enpa o m.futIhr e rpsnexaateupmoc n. Itnyiol ed rn,amets ydsetamot ue ahnttisu rrtetae regca loyptlek ie lryae h,tnoitare ploaunam ylu rmtets yes h ft,inoitaut issiht si noitamot ueatairporp p,anoitare ploaun anma hetlbail eerr om etamitsere vroo/d nnaoitare ploaun aemtamitsered neulpo enpe h,wrevew o.Heca lepk altl iewsu .ruc clol iewsus inme h,tmets ydsetamot uea h ftyotilibail eerht deviec r eenhpetew tsesbec onropsira pef mmoaoocc t eumho otdrefnimre t esensidouitamotuA tsur tl(ortn olcaun a fmyotilibail edreviecr eep hdt n)ad i natisur td( idaetamot uea h ftyotilibailer e h ftyotili tdueviecr eep hdtem anne esb ashseco rnpoisic eed h fteomoct ueo h.T)fl ensi telodni zddDie[atamotua et al. t seuvr itdt eaoetlt haeytlr ledt reco tete cr b]iid 9ddn,s9eai9r1p .n)oe isdt uea dtmdfiao noamteaouh(tatua e hnte hewtaruc ctas o emlbl idw idaetamot uea h ftyotili tdueviecr eephT actual di aeh tf oytilib a edhnta actual fyotilibail elraut cea h,tyletanutrof n.Uderapm oec rraotare ploaun aem h ftyotili ba n.Irotare pe ohydtbeviecr eypletaruc ceoyabtlekil ne urraotare ploaun ae mhfd tond aieaht ylek ielr oem h,tsesa idb nsaror ree hrtegr ael h.Truc c ooytlek iel rsaesa idb nsaror r,eytilaer .ru c eocertosau s diendsausim lai c.oeScnamrof r nerwpio eehttami tssreotar enpao mnu ehshrwu crco o ref rpoeeyntO larev emso rsftlus eer h;tsesa igbnivres-fl e fssoelpma xseuorem usn aehrutaret illacigolohcysp ylek ie lr,akcabde etfuoht i,wsrotare pnoam utha hdtnu oefv ae hsnuoitamot uganinima xseeiduts telodni z.Dytili blaaun armie hettamitsere voot et al. ,k c] da9t nb9utud9oaoe1hhfe[ttfiw detamo tr ui ta erfaohoohttit r ee ocpetnubasmrof rrei pedhetsse syslaetairporpp asntinapicitrap .smets ydsetamot ue a hfetosus iodd tehlci h,wdia re icfenohatmro feertheatpm istrsoeta rne ap nmoseurhh u wr ce orcpf reoyoerhthetTo sddeitaam o mtsoueracfnamro ftrceepfrep- rtacein dne erstprfoota rne ap .moddueiHtaamotua telodnizD[ et al. enh etdhewta ecrictsiretcar adhnc ato m rtae enad yeuipsabd im.h]T9 9,91 latnemire p dxsneraeidl ossr(otar enpao m.udHer i e adrdpiaeatamo t e udhrantoatar enpaomuh .ytila uhqg i fhdo idaetamot u nahat idwedivo r epybl ndolu oywe hetmus sya a)mstnapicitrap launam dna noitamotua fo ytilibailer eht fo setamitse ’srotarepo namuh nehw ,ledom eht ot gnidroccA noitarepo era ,etarucca etairporppa esu fo noitamotua si tsom ylekil ot .rucco owT seidutserew gninrecn oncoitamrof nsirotare pnoam u ohgtnitacinumm o fcsoy aswuoir aevnima x oedtemrofrep eht ytilibailer fo rieht nwo dna na detamotua s’dia snoisiced ni na troffe ot egaruocnenamuh . sndoiias idceetda m y oylntleoueratairp os rropotptaarepo 2. Study 1 detcurtsn ier astnedut shcih wn imgidara p ahti wdnuo fnee bsa hdi anoisice ddetamotu an af oesusiD ot we isvedils fo troF l lniiSarre tni hcraes fo d.er ge a a irsledetftltnuaofeocsrAdmiiuadetcnhsit gniwollo F.noisice dst isetacidn i)”rotcete dtsartnoc“ (metsy sdetamotu an a,noisice dtnesba/tneserp rehtie yb edam snoisiced tcerroc fo rebmun eht no desab sdrawer eviecer ot ediced stneduts ,slairt 002 detamotua eht taht dlot nehw nevE .slairt nesohc ylmodnar 01 no tneduts eht ro metsys detamotua eht metsys edam rewef ,srorre eht ytirojam fo stneduts ekam eht sdrawer tnegnitnoc no riehtnwo telodniz Dd [idaetamot ue ahfstonoisic ee dhnntoa hrteht asrnoisiced et al. snikw a;H99 9,1 et al. , ;9991 seoM et al. , 1999]. tsc med e f enntoretios t enasyr tpOmaso seec-oefetbser trhnupayutasxeaapienm ide cbtiathrtap telodnizD .fc[ ecnamrofrep .l ate noitatcepxe siht ,rorre na sekam metsys detamotua eht nehW .]9991 , eh tetamitseredn uo tsrotarep onamu hgnidae lderebmeme re bo tyleki ler asnoitaloi veh T.detaloi vsi eh tf oytilibaile reh tgninrecno cnoitamrofn ihti wsrotarep ognidivor P.di adetamotu aeh tf oytilibailer dia ,.g.e( ehT“ dia yllaus usekam tuoba 01 )”srorre yam ecuder eht .esusi dydutS 1 derolpxesiht .ytilibissop 2.1 dohteM y l tld eaaedhhumit tsra s uo ety fnrndenieauhiwptt is fc, glik efnatsehoihrahtmattrpo ferreopfeB s’di aeh tgnidrage rnoitamrofn iyn anevi gto nere wfla hreht oeh t;slair t00 2n isrorr ene ttuob asekam dedivo repr eswtnapicitr aep h ftfol a,hslai r0t 0g2nimrofr erpet f,anoitid d na.Iecnamrofr elpacipyt kcabdeef gnitacidni eht rebmun fo srorre yeht dna rieht detamotua dia dah .edam ehTs’dia eht sa srorre ynam sa flah yletamixorppa edam syawla dia eht taht hcus detalupinam saw ecnamrofrep tnapi c.ietdraamp ehT rehto flah fo s tenhatpi ceirterwap to ndedivo rheptv.iikwtcaalbudmeuecf gnimrofrep ot roirp dia detamotua eht yb edam yllausu srorre fo rebmun eht fo egdelwonk( 2 a ,suhT eht 00 2)slairt X e2gdelwo nfko( eht rebmun fo srorr eedam yb t neahptic idtnraap eht dia taeht . dezili tsu anwgis esdtcejb unseewt e)bslai r0t 0e2 h ftnooitelpmoc 2.1.1 stnapicitraP ntiide racrt xdeeviec esrtnedu ttss o.Mydu te s hndtietapicitr asptnedu tystisrevi nnUorem ayCtfiF .noitapicitr arpie hr toyfgolo cnEam ud Hnyagolohcy sftPonemtrap ee Dhndtieref feosru oac tcudn olCacih trE osfeniledi unGoitaicos slAacigolohcy snPacire meA h nthitr otf essenilediuG .dewoll oyfltcir tesrew 2.1.2 slairetaM dd renanokii cateatahP ntT-aostcktreolwweH Vectra PC, 133 2h3t iUw PzChm 0 6f obm sn drakcaP-ttelw ehHcni- 7e 1h.Tdr aoced iI vCyPalP-n-gu l4oP6i r.Tc n, I3ngSanidulc n,iMAR ll itSr ofsFoedi l.Sslex i0 0 p0X0,68noitulos e)rt i6 b1r(ol ohCg itt Haes sarwotin oA mGaVrtlU n ediere aeu trtrsg) nour(i2eefoeFrsb teea¾wrp fo. danoces edil Selpma S. 2erugiF 2.1.3 erudecorP e hhtt igwno leag anpoitcurts n nidaa esrtnapicitr a,psmr otfnesn odcemrof ngining irsetfA niarr eltl itSr o fFsoerutc igpniyalps isdedi l0s 0w2e idvlu oywe hdtl oetr eywe h.Tretnemirepxe reidl oe sndoeniatn oscedi le shfftol athuo btaa hdtetacid nsinoitcurts ne ih.Tneer crsetup m noaoc stnapicitr a.Pyl nnoiarr e fteor eswedi lgsniniam eer h;tegalfuom a fcsolev esluoir a nv)i"tegrat"( e dre lo bsumeeo hmwrie th;t t oyo osprtasee h dtela burroewid lesohestmite mt oads hletortew .dn o tc f¾ueaoo sbr aonfeer crsetupm oe chndtoetnese redpblu oewdi lhsc a.Edn iotftluciffid t o rnroehte hewtacid n oimte hgtnik snaeer cyadsbecalp e erdblu o tw,iedi les hgtniwe irvetfA odtede eyne h steam ihtc u smda ayhe hdtl oetr eywe h.Tedi les h ntsi arweidl oes hdteveil eybeht niatr eecr eywe hhtci hotwtnet xe ehettacid noditek sedablu oywe h,ttx e.Nnoisic erdie hetkam l l tatao n o“”ttnedifn oyclhgi hm“o rgfnign aerla ctsniop-ev i.Aftcerr osc anwoisic erdieht ri eghntimrof rmne eipthsti snosetatt inr ew deeabnhit uroertu pt m aaodhc lteo rtsetwnapicitraP grnoi fkhopo ald r engd maoi afrctpeooso ahfhertrpn e i tp dteeya.lurhehkooethtstrwTat ds et ets tcsaeanerhheg tttsgfneuoorscp a n.agmnui heefrnb Ioitt tsceuaehorttrtendoc dl ueolwc r d di"naecTarNESE RdP r" eo,hwttnes eyrlpbab o srrapewid l eodhsetnimreted , ted nhryetolsw bbr aa esbd iaoeedwrnhlpitoms reent iertdouto cr te.str aeaf rdeIetphnptoac yl nsotnapicitr aodptedivo rs panwoisic esd’d ie ah.Traep pdalu oewlcr ince e dr ang"aTNESBA" after stnapicitr aep hftl a.Hecnedifn oncoisic e fdloev erlie hdt nnaoisic erdie hdtetacid ndi ayheht .sla i 0 re0gth2nti rsurdo r nrteeut oeb dayalmla u d seituh aatdh lteortew srao wre. rne deOdel abut moaschrto rerlebis soe owrepter wet hadthetnial psxneoitcurt senhiT ro rrree h et.ho t T so,eanth w c,nanif ethnwes e srrapewid l eoths atdhettaci dyn einh etehdwam stnapicitr a.Ps ae,whtc an,fine htwnese rt pos narweidl oe shtta hdtetacid nyie hnte hewd asmaw . mtd epiohmo ttevdtal t u yastodeuahnhohs atityrlel s aesurrq e oe hw trdtearlorheobettw d,nsanoit s yekotustiqanutr o dpnepadoiv oe rr,peswla ierctitc ar rudpoefmrof rsetpnapicitraP er eswtnapicitr ae phftl a,hks ae thdtetelpm oyce hnte h.Wsedi l0 s0e 2hwte iodvtedeeco rnpeht 05 .n$r adelu oyce hdtl oetr eswtnedu t,syllan i.Fed ad miraie hd tnyae hstror rfreoebm ue nhdtlot nene dotnaomisi ctecder ryorc e rvnoeof itnnUed u etanhSiitrete f ead t h cesaotesntbuop unoic od tashtnapicitr a.Pslai rnteso hyclmodnar esoohc ndoes aedbblu oewcnamrofr ee phrtehte hw snoi sriiceehdt or on s neohits ifcoe driehtdia dek sear eswtnedu t,secio hrcie hgtnik armet f.A rieh tgninrecno cyevru sfeir badetelpmo cstnapicitra p,yllani F.gnitir wn iecioh crieh tyfitsu jot .ecneirepxe 2.2 stluseR saw dia detamotua eht fo esusid detacidni stluser ,ecnacifingis fo slevel dradnats gnihcaer ton hguohT decuder ylno r osftnap idceidtirvaoprp htiw both n oriot iatrmuproobfan ieh ty tsi’ldiibaadinlaer ,ecnamrofr erpoirep uss’d ie ahttuo bnaoitamrof nliautca X 2 (3) = 7.30, p < .70. eeS (elbaT.)1 rebm udNetcep xfeEogdelwonK d iyeAbd asMror rfEo dlot erew stnedutS( noitamr orf onoiINrP reb mluaNtoT “cTohnet rdaestte cutsouram lalkye s ytilibaile Rs’di Afo stnapicitr afPo abou1et0r rors.”) rebm u fNeogdelwonK d iyeAbd asMror rfEo tnapicitr adPna 58.33% 100.00% 24 (Tmwhaainssi pulastuecdh almawaiadtdyeth she a t abouhta lafms a neyr rors participant.t)he as nfooitamro fonNI ey dbsarMo rlraEutcA 84.62% 84.62% 26 tnapicitr ardPoiA e hnta hrteht asRnoisic erDie hndToeil eo RhsWtnedu tfeSogatne c.er 1lebPaT d idAetamot urAoirep urSie hfsTonoisiceD 2.3 noissucsiD ecnamrofre ps’di anoisice ddetamotu an af osnoitatcepx ecitsilae rero mgnillitsn if onoitanibmo cehT drawot saib eht decuder ecnamrofrep roirepus s’dia detamotua eht gnitacidni kcabdeef evitalumuc dna lli tsstnedu t fsyotiroj aem h,tnoitamrof n fisoep yhtt ohbt idwedivo rnpe hnwe v,erevew o.Hesusid e hetcud eoprtl eohs lkacabde efsfomr orfeh tdolu o.Wd idaetamot uraoirep ue shetron goeitsohc .ytilibiss ospi hdterolp xy2edu t?Sesus iddraw ostaib 3. 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A. Bowers, R. L. Oser, E. m a.esTrewoB-non n d..a,nJACsaalaS aj a nR.Ismets ydsetamot u naeicnamrofrep .d MnnaamarusaraP Mouloua (Eds.), Automation dna namuh :ecnamrofre pyroehT dnasnoitacilppa (pp. 92-99). Lawrence ,setaicos smAuablrE . ,6,h9Ja9Nw1haM [Cesar, 1995] E. M. Cesar. seigetartS rof gninifed eht s’ymra evitcejbo noisiv fo dnammocdna control for the 21 st yru tnec , .a,5 cA9 aiC9,tn1Ano-aM7S 8 ,4,D-NRAMR

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