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Preview DTIC ADA462040: Stability Analysis of Legged Locomotion Models by Symmetry-Factored Return Maps

Stability Analysis of Legged Locomotion Models by Symmetry-Factored Return Maps Richard Altendorfer, Daniel E. Philip Holmes Koditschek Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Engineering, Computer Science, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 08544, USA MI 48109, USA September 8, 2003 Abstract hexapedal running machine whose introduction broke all prior published records for speed, speciflc resis- We present a new stability analysis for hybrid legged tance, and mobility over broken terrain [1]. Powered locomotion systems based on the \symmetric" fac- by only six actuators, located at the \hips" to drive torization of return maps. We apply this analysis each of its six passively compliant legs, in the manner to 2 and 3 degree of freedom (DOF) models of of single-spoked rimless wheels, RHex’s locomotion is the Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum (SLIP) with excited by a single periodic \clock" signal split into difierent leg recirculation strategies. Despite the phase and anti-phase copies for coordinating its alter- non-integrability of the SLIP dynamics, we obtain a natingtripodgait. AsimplePDcontrollerateachhip necessary condition for asymptotic stability (and a motorinagiventripodforcesitslegtotrackthealter- su–cient condition for instability) at a flxed point, natelyfastandslowclockreferencesignalcorrespond- formulated as an exact algebraic expression in the ing to presumed stance and swing phases. Experi- physical parameters. We use this expression to study mentally, RHex’s performance at various speeds over a variety of 2 DOF SLIP models that have previously various terrains is strongly dependent upon the par- been posited as low dimensional representations of ticular values of the clock parameters, and, as is typi- running, focusing on the sensory \cost" required to calwithinthefeedforwardcontrolparadigm,eachnew achieve\fast"transientsasmeasuredbythedegreeof situation demands its own carefully tuned parameter singularity of the linearized dynamics. We introduce set. Better analytical understanding of the relation- a new 3 DOF SLIP model with pitching dynamics shipbetweenclocksignalandsteadystategaitshould whose stability properties, revealed by this analysis, dramatically simplify the frequently lengthy empiri- provide for the flrst time the beginnings of a formal cal parameter tuning exercises presently required to explanation for the surprisingly stable gaits of the achieve high performance gaits. open loop controlled robot, RHex. 1.1 The SLIP Model as a Template for Keywords { legged locomotion, hybrid system, RHex return map, Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum, stability, time-reversal symmetry A complete account of the relationship between RHex’s clock signal and steady state gait in even the simplestcasewouldentailinsightintothesteadystate 1 Introduction propertiesofanunder-actuatedhighdegreeoffreedom (DOF) hybrid mechanical system whose Lagrangian This paper introduces a new formalism for studying dynamics switches among a set of 26 possible holo- the stability of legged locomotion gaits and other pe- nomically constrained models depending upon which riodic dynamically dexterous robotic tasks. We are feet are in contact with the ground. Fortunately, a motivated in part by the need to explain and control growing body of simulation study and empirical evi- the remarkable performance of RHex, an autonomous dence [2] suggests that RHex, when properly tuned, 1 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2003 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2003 to 00-00-2003 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Stability Analysis of Legged Locomotion Models by Symmetry-Factored 5b. GRANT NUMBER Return Maps 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION University of Michigan,Computer Science and Engineering REPORT NUMBER Division,Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,Ann Arbor,MI,48109-2122 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The original document contains color images. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 28 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 exhibits sagittal plane stance behavior well approxi- closely related three degree of freedom Lateral Leg matedbythetwodegreeoffreedomSLIP.Thiscomes Spring (LLS) model, has been recently identifled as a in addition to the well-established fact that the cen- candidate template for cockroach running in the hor- tersofmassofrunninganimals[3]andhumans[4]ap- izontal plane [10, 11] and seems likely to be relevant proximately follow the dynamics of the sagittal plane for RHex as well [1]. SLIP.A general framework for \anchoring" the SLIP- However, the limitations of the two degree of freedom \template" mechanics in the far more elaborate mor- SLIPmodel(nopitchingdynamics,nolateraldynam- phologies of real animals’ bodies has been introduced ics) and the three degree of freedom LLS model (fail- in [5]. Brie(cid:176)y, given a high-dimensional dynamical ure to reproduce some aspects of animal data [12]) system { the \anchor" { that is believed to be a rea- show that far more sophisticated models will be re- sonablyaccuratemodelofananimalorrobot,a\tem- quired to capture more salient features of the anchor. plate" is a low-dimensional dynamical system whose Inparticular,aliteraltemplateofRHex,i. e. amodel steady state encodes the task and is conjugate to the whose dynamics represents the restriction dynamics restriction dynamics of the anchor on an attracting of an attracting invariant submanifold in RHex, must invariant submanifold. include a source of dissipation as well as hip torques. In general, both the anchoring as well as the con- Despitetheseshortcomings,thetwodegreeoffreedom trol of the SLIP template seem to demand sensing, SLIPanditsextensiontothreedegreesoffreedom(in- actuation, and computation that may be unrealistic troductionofpitchdynamics)aresu–cientlywellmo- relative to the resources that animals and practical tivatedbypriorliterature,su–cientlymathematically robotsmightpossess. Indeed,ahierarchicalcontroller challenging (due to their non-integrable nature) and [6] for a RHex-like simulation model programmed in their analysis su–ciently revealing of RHex-like prop- SimSect[7]thatenforcesboththeanchoringaswellas erties(asisshownbelow)astomotivateourexclusive the template control relies on sophisticated full state focus on them in this paper. feedback. A part of the sensor-suite necessary to im- Thestabilitypropertiesofthesehybriddynamicalsys- plement this feedback control has only recently been tems can be assessed by a Poincar¶e or return map R installed on the robot [8] and it is currently unknown acting on a (reduced) Poincar¶e section : whether the stabilizing efiect of this controller seen in X simulation will persist in the presence of unavoidable R: : (1) X !X sensor noise. This motivates the question: is it pos- In legged locomotion, the iterates of this return map sible to implement the template-anchor paradigm [5] R { the function relating the body state at a periodi- withsensor-cheap,low-bandwidthroboticcontrollers? cally(ateachstride)occurringevent{summarizesall In this paper we address that part of the above ques- propertiesrelevanttothegoaloftranslatingthebody tion concerned with template control. Namely given centerofmass. Thereturnmaparisesingeneralfrom thataSLIP-anchoringmechanismispresent,eitherby a controlled plant model deliberatedesignorbytheinteractionofthecontrolled robot with its environment, can the stability and per- x(k+1) = A(x(k);u(k)) formance of the controlled template be assessed me- y(k) = C(x(k)) (2) thodically (beyond empirical or numerical study), for example, as a function of the cost of the sensory feed- where the discrete time control input variable, u(k), back required? represents the consequences at the integrated stride- by-stride level of controlled in(cid:176)uences imposed over continuous time within stance or (cid:176)ight. In this pa- 1.2 Output feedback stabilization in per, physically motivated assumptions (listed in Sec- the SLIP model tion 2.4.1) that we impose upon the allowable contin- uous time in(cid:176)uences turn out to yield a discrete time TheSLIPmodelisahybriddynamicalsystemformed representative, u, thatimplicitly determinesthe(cid:176)ight by the composition of leg-body stance dynamics with time for the ballistic phase of the body at each stride. ballistic body (cid:176)ight dynamics. Control takes place Whenthecontinuoustimephysicalin(cid:176)uencesimposed during the (cid:176)ight phase, where the leg angle is set for withinagivenstridearedeterminedaccordingtostate the next touchdown event. The two degree of free- information gathered from the available observations dom SLIP model provides a ubiquitous description of of the previous stride, we have efiectively introduced biologicalrunnersinthesagittalplane[3]and,asmen- a discrete time feedback policy, tioned above, a broadly useful prescription for legged robot runners such as RHex [9, 1, 2] as well. The u(k)=H(y(k)) (3) 2 whose closed loop yields (1), R(x) = A(x;H C(x)). is not at all clear. – The controlled plant model for SLIP systems is spec- Lackingformalresultsbearingonthisissue,weflndit ifled in Section 2.4.3. useful to introduce terminology summarizing the fol- In this paper we will conflne our study exclusively to lowing intuitive distinction. We will say that the cor- such time invariant output feedback laws, H (3) for respondence is \descriptive" if properties observed in two allied reasons. First, this restriction focuses at- the complex model are also observed in the template tention onthekeyroleplayed bytheoutput function, model fltted to it. We will say that the correspon- C (2), variations of which we will use to model sensor dence is \prescriptive" if design parameter settings in limitations of the underlying physical system repre- thecomplexmodelindeedanchorandyieldaswellthe sented by the SLIP model. Second, since u models same properties they produce in the template model. the in(cid:176)uence of (cid:176)ight phase duration (implicitly by specifying the leg angle trajectory), this restriction to 1.3 Contribution of this paper time invariant output feedback, H (3), models the leg recirculationpoliciesthathavesorightlycapturedthe Notwithstanding its apparent simplicity, the SLIP attention of the legged locomotion community in re- model is non-integrable: the stance phase trajectory cent years. cannot be written down in closed form [19]. This has The surprising discovery of \self-stable" legged loco- motivated authors who seek insight more systematic motion { flrst in the closely related LLS model [11]; thannumericalsimulationcanprovidetodevelopvar- subsequently in the SLIP itself [13, 14] { demands a ious physically motivated closed form approximations moresystematicaccountofwhatismeantbytheterm to R instead [20, 21, 22]. In contrast, here we observe \self." In these studies, the duration of (cid:176)ight phase is that while R cannot be written in closed form, cer- determinedbyaflxedleganglepolicy, and\self"con- tain physically reasonable assumptions (listed in Sec- notestheapparentabsenceofactivesensors. Recently, tion 2.4.1, below) imply that the determinant of its amoreelaboratestate-dependentlegretractionpolicy Jacobian at a symmetric flxed point (to be deflned in has been shown numerically to inherit the stability Section2.3)ofRcanbesoexpressed. Thecentralcon- properties of the flxed touchdown angle policy while tributions of this paper arising from that observation increasing the basin of the stable gait [15]. On the include: other hand, a recirculation policy that initiates after leg liftofi a constant angular velocity until leg touch- 1. Anewanalyticalframeworkbasedona\symmet- down can induce neutral stability [16]. These appar- ric"factorizationofthereturnmapR,intermsof entlyslightlyvariedpoliciesmasksigniflcantvariation its non-hybrid components that yields the closed incostandefiortdependinguponhowthesensorsuite form expression of the determinant at a symmet- might be implemented in practice. We seek to shed ric flxed point of R (Section 3). Necessary condi- greaterlightonwhenamoreorlesscleverlegrecircu- tionsforasymptoticstability,su–cientconditions lation strategy can make a difierence in the quality of for instability, and conditions equivalent to neu- gait stability (e.g., faster transients, larger basin) as a tral stability of the closed loop map, R, follow. function of the \cost" of sensory data. 2. ClosedformconditionsonH C yieldingrigorous Of course, real sensors are not implemented in these – statements concerning the sensory \cost" of con- templatesatallbutinphysicalmachines. Empirically, trol in both the 2 DOF and 3 DOF settings that it is abundantly clear that the leg swing policy plays cannot be established by mere numerical study, a central role in the gait quality of physically useful as follows: machines such as RHex [1]. Leg recirculation strate- gies have been shown numerically to play a key role (a) 2 DOF SLIP models: any control with fast in the gait quality of independent locomotion models transients (\singular" control: the Jacobian inspired by quadrupedal animal trotters [17] and gal- oftheclosedloopreturnmapisgloballysin- lopers [18]. When the SLIP template is anchored ac- gular) requiresvelocity sensingand isthere- tively [6] then its stability properties determine those fore \costly" (Section 3.3.1). of the anchor by deflnition, hence insight into how to (b) 3DOFSLIPmodels: SLIPmodelsthathave tunethequalityofSLIPgaitstransfersdirectlyoverto onlynon-inertial(bodyframe)sensorsavail- the physical machine of interest. However, in the ab- ablecannotimplementsingularcontrol(Sec- sence of complete state feedback, the correspondence tion 3.4.1). between the template and the behavior of a complex system that shows empirical evidence of anchoring it 3. A new 3 DOF SLIP model based upon the RHex gait generator [1] which, when subject to the 3 factored stability analysis, imposes for the flrst Let be a flnite index set and ;fi with fi I X 2 I time analytical conditions on RHex’s \feedfor- dim( )=2N acollectionofopenEuclideandomains fi X ward clock" parameters [1] necessary for the sta- (charts). Assume a mechanical system whose time bility (and su–cient for instability) of the result- evolution is described by holonomically constrained ing 3 DOF gait (Section 3.4.2). autonomous conservative vector flelds f , with con- fi flguration space variables q: x_ = f (x) with x = fi 4. A preliminary numerical study in Section 4 sug- (q q_) . Transitions from one vector fleld f > fi fi gesting that our 3 DOF SLIP model is a good 2 X to another vector fleld f are governed by thresh- fl descriptive model of a RHex-like 24 DOF model old functions hfl which specify an event at their zero- (programmed in SimSect [7]). fi crossing. The threshold functions hfl can depend on fi the initial condition x = x(t = 0) , time t, and In Section 2 we preface this analysis by introducing 0 2 Xfi the current state ft(x ) =: x(t).1 We restrict our- the terminology and notation for hybrid systems to fi 0 selves to hybrid systems where for each chart there be used subsequently, followed by a review of how re- is only one threshold function hfl; hence the upper versibilitysymmetriescanreplacethesymplecticsym- fi index fl will be dropped from now on. We also re- metryinLiouville’stheorem(seee.g. [23]),whichdoes set the time to zero at each chart transition. The not generally apply to hybrid systems. We then de- end time of the evolution on chart is uniquely de- veloptheconsequencesoftheseobservationsinSection Xfi flned by t (x ) = min t : h (ft(x );x ;t) = 0 . 3 along the lines described above, present a prelimi- fi 0 t>0f fi fi 0 0 g The equation h (ft(x );x ;t) = 0 will be referred to narynumericalstudyinSection4,andclosewithsome fi fi 0 0 as the threshold equation. Switching between charts brief concluding remarks in Section 5. is efiected by transition mappings Tfl with domains fi in and ranges in . The (cid:176)ow map F for the fi fl fi X X 2 Theoretical framework and fithvectorfleldisdeflnedviatheimplicit function, t , fi F :x ftfi(x0)(x ).2 modeling assumptions fi 0 7! fi 0 Inthispaper,asinmanysettingsofhybriddynamical systems, we are interested in the attractive behavior In section 2.1 we introduce the terminology of hybrid of distinguished orbits whose appropriate projections dynamical systems and provide some intuition con- are periodic. By \periodic" we mean that the dis- cerning the machinery used to trim away the awk- tinguished orbit is deflned on a recurring sequence of ward and inessential details of our hybrid model to charts along which the projected (cid:176)ow yields a return yield a conventional discrete dynamical control sys- tothesameprojectedinitialcondition. An\appropri- tem(2)whoseclosedloopproperties(1)representthe ate" projection strips away variables whose values are formal object of study. Having established a notation notdescriptiveofthelocomotiontask{here,thecon- for(hybrid)dynamicalsystems,Liouville’stheorem,a served total mechanical energy along with the cyclic key tool in the present study, can be stated formally variableofelapseddistance. Similarly, \attractive be- inthenextsection,2.2. Thenananalogueofthelocal havior"denotestheasymptoticpropertiesofprojected form of Liouville’s theorem for discrete maps derived orbitsrelativetotheprojectionofthedistinguishedor- fromhybridsystemswillbeestablishedinSection2.3. bit. These slight variants of the traditional Poincar¶e Section 2.4 formally deflnes the SLIP system with its analysisofconventionaldynamicalsystemstheorywill hybrid components as well as its Poincar¶e section and allbeintroducedformallyinthenextsection,andwill discrete time return map. be seen to yield a stride map S =S S (4) 2.1 Preliminary deflnitions and mod- 2 1 – eling considerations of hybrid dy- whose projection (along with those of its factors, S ) fi namical systems that we will denote R (along with the corresponding factors, R ) captures as a discrete time iterated dy- fi Models of legged locomotion are characterized by dis- namical system the locomotion relevant behavior of tinct phases, notably, stance and (cid:176)ight. Formally, the 1Note that this is more general than the deflnition in [24], dynamics cannot be described by a single (cid:176)ow, but where hflfi only depends on ffit(x0). This added generality is require a collection of continuous (cid:176)ows and discrete requiredbecausewewishtostudytheefiectsoflegrecirculation transformations governing their transitions. The re- strategies{referencetrajectoriesparametrizedbytimethatare triggeredbyaliftofitransition-seee.g. equation(47). sultingmodeliscalleda\hybrid"system. Thissection 2Note that Ffi is not the usual constant-time (cid:176)ow map of makes the notion of a hybrid system more precise by dynamical systems theory ffit(x0); rather the time varies de- adapting the deflnitions in [24] to the present setting. pendingupontheinitialdatax0. 4 our hybrid dynamical system analogous to a Poincar¶e equation that is not purely time-dependent but also map. dependsonft(x )andx , theevolutiontimet isde- 0 0 1 pendent upon the initial condition: t = t (x ), and 1 1 0 2.2 Liouville’s theorem and stability det Dxft1(x0)(x0) 6= 1 in general. Hence for a gen- eral hybrid dynamical system in which the threshold ¡ ¢ functionsarenotpurelytime-dependent,thedetermi- Informally, Liouville’s theorem states that volume in nant of the Jacobian of the stride map S (4) cannot phase space of a holonomically constrained conserva- beexpectedtobeofabsolutevalueone,evenifallthe tive dynamical system described by a single Hamilto- vector flelds are Hamiltonian and all transition func- nian (cid:176)ow is preserved, i.e. a set of initial conditions tions are volume preserving. at t = 0 in phase space will be mapped to a set with identical symplectic volume for any t 0. More for- Liouville’s theorem precludes the asymptotic stabil- ‚ mally, Liouville’s theorem appears in two equivalent ity of a Hamiltonian system, since an asymptoti- formulations, the local and the global form [23]. cally stable equilibrium point reduces a flnite phase space volume to a single point. This would require Theorem 1 (Liouville’s theorem (local form)) lim det(D ft(x)) = 0 for all x in the basin of t x Let ft(x) be the (cid:176)ow of a vector fleld f on a chart attra!c1tion of the asymptotically stable equilibrium of a Hamiltonian system, i.e. H : R with point. However, because Liouville’s theorem is not X 9 X ! dim( )=2N;N N such that guaranteedtoapply,asymptoticstabilityofpiecewise- X 2 deflnedholonomicallyconstrainedconservativeHamil- f(x)= 1N0 N 1N0£N DxH(x) 8x2X (5) dtoensciarnibesdysbtyemans awphporsoeprdiiastcereptreojteimcteionbeohfaavsiotrridceanmabpe (cid:181)¡ £ ¶ S,3 has been observed in the literature. Examples in- Then for all x and for all times t for which the 2 X cludeadiscreteversionoftheChaplyginsleigh[25,26] (cid:176)ow is deflned, and low-dimensional models of legged locomotion in the horizontal and sagittal planes [11, 13, 14]. In all D ft(x) Sp ; det D ft(x) =1 (6) x 2 2N x of thosecases, somethreshold functionsarenot solely ¡ ¢ time-dependentandthestridemapisnotvolumepre- (Sp denotesthegroupofsymplecticmatricesofsize 2N serving { a necessary condition for asymptotic stabil- 2N 2N.) Thematrixofpartialderivativesofthe(cid:176)ow £ ity. In particular, at an asymptotically stable flxed with respect to the initial conditions x is symplectic point x„, det(D S(x„)) <1. and its determinant is one. x j j Having established the non-applicability of Liou- The global form states that ft maps a measurable set ville’s theorem to general hybrid dynamical systems, of initial conditions to a set of equal measure. we will present criteria in the next section under which,nevertheless,thevolumepreservationproperty, Deflnition 1 (Volume preservation) A map S : det(D S(x„)) =1doesindeedhold. Theresultcould x j j islocallyvolumepreservingatapointx if becalledapointLiouvilletheoremforstridemapflxed X !X 2X det(D S(x)) =1. Its local volume at x is deflned to points,becauseindistinctiontothelocalformofLiou- x j j be det(D S(x)). It is volume preserving (or globally ville’stheorem,whichholdsforallpointsofsymplectic x volume preserving) if det(D S(x)) =1 x . phase space, our theorem only holds at flxed points, x j j 8 2X x„, of S. This deflnition retains the familiar informal notion of volume preservation (the \global" integral version 2.3 A point Liouville theorem for hy- arises, after all, from the local determinant condition) brid dynamical systems at the expense of a slight degree of imprecision in terminology. Upon cursory inspection, it might be In order to prove that det(D S(x„)) = 1 at a flxed thought that conservative \piecewise holonomic" [25] j x j point of S, additional assumptions and an additional systems automatically satisfy the hypotheses of Liou- structure of the underlying vectorflelds f is needed. ville’s theorem. By flxing t at a particular but ar- fi In particular, we require that the vectorflelds f pos- bitrary time t„, a \degenerate" hybrid dynamical sys- fi sess a time reversal symmetry (for a survey of time tem can be deflned on a single chart = with X1 X reversalsymmetriesindynamicalsystemssee[27]; for one vectorfleld f = f and the threshold function 1 an extensive review see [28]): h (ft(x );x ;t) = t t„. The resulting stride map 1 0 0 ¡ S = F1 = ft1() with t1 = t„then obviously satisfles 3Theterm\piecewiseholonomicsystem"wasintroducedin ¢ det(DxS(x)) = 1 x . However, for a threshold [25]. 8 2 X 5 Deflnition 2 (Time reversal symmetry) A vec- plus or minus one. tor fleld f on a chart admits a time reversal sym- Proof: X metry G: with G an involution4(G G=id) if X !X – G G = id – DxG f = f G: (7) D(G G)(x) = 1N N x RN ¢ ¡ – – £ 8 2 DG(G(x)) DG(x) = 1 (9) or, equivalently, if ¢ N£N Since G(x„)=x„, (9) implies that: G ft =f t G : (8) ¡ – – DG(x„) DG(x„) = 1 N N Wewillnextintroduceafurtherpropertyofthestride ¢ £ det2(DG(x„)) = 1 (10) mapfactors, Sfi, ofS =S2 S1, namelythattheycan ) – be written as time reversed (cid:176)ow maps S = G F fi fi fi – HenceacriterionforS beinganinvolutionisneeded. or S = F G . We restrict our investigation to a fi fi fi fi – subset of flxed points of S, namely the ones that are Lemma 1 If t is S invariant, that is, t S =t also flxed points of the time reversed (cid:176)ow maps Sfi, fi fi fi– fi fi on a set , then S F is an involution on . Such flxed points we will call symmetric in analogy Xhfi fi– fi Xhfi Proof: Let x . to certain flxed points of reversible difieomorphisms 0 2Xhfi (see deflnition 6 in Appendix C.1). Fixed points of S S (x ) = this kind will be shown to lie on distinguished orbits fi– fi 0 G F G F (x ) = termed symmetric [29]; Such orbits have been recog- fi fi fi fi 0 – – – nized in the prior legged locomotion literature as use- G ftfi(Sfi(x0)) G ftfi(x0)(x ) = (11) fi– fi – fi– fi 0 founle-slteegagdeyd shtoaptepetrasrg[9e]tatnrdajeaclstoorsieesrvienatshsetecaodnytrsotlatoef ffi¡tfi(Sfi(x0))–ffitfi(x0)(x0) = x0 : target trajectories in this paper. A condition for the S invariance of t is now given, fi fi in turn, as follows. Deflnition 3 (Symmetric orbit of a time re- versible vector fleld) Lemma 2 A necessary condition for the S invari- fi The orbit of a vector fleld f with time reversal sym- ance of t is h (G (x );G ftfi(x0)(x );t (x ))=0 fi fi fi 0 fi fi 0 fi 0 metry G is called symmetric if it is invariant under x . – G [29]. This deflnition of symmetric orbits coincides P8ro0o2f:XIfhfit isS -invariantthent (x )mustsolvethe fi fi fi 0 with the notion of neutral orbits introduced in [9] and threshold equation for S (x ): fi 0 formalized in [30]. h (ftfi(x0) G ftfi(x0)(x );G ftfi(x0)(x );t (x ))= fi fi – fi– fi 0 fi– fi 0 fi 0 wThheeroerFemis2thLee(cid:176)tox„wbmeaapfloxfeadvpeocitnotroflfeSldfif=wGifith–tiFmfie, hfi(Gfi(x0);Gfi–ffitfi(x0)(x0);tfi(x0))=0 (12) fi fi reversal symmetry Gfi. Then x„ lies on a symmetric Assuming that tfi(x0) is also the minimal solution of orbit of ffi. the threshold equation for Sfi(x0), it follows that the Proof: If x„ is a flxed point of Sfi then there exists condition of Lemma 2 is also su–cient, and one con- Gsayfimti–mmfeefitt(t„rxi„cs)u.ocrLhbeittthtta0ht=enGt„fi8¡t–t2.ffiTt[„0(h;x„et„)]n9=ftfit00x„(2x.„)[0I=;ft„]xG„:filfie–fits0f(fixo„t¡n)t„=a– csseelunrvdteieassl"lytthhcaehtetctimfikseistrheiavntevratsrhaiealnsttyhmruemnshdeoetlrrdySfofiuf.nfcfitLi.oemnmhfia \2peres-- G (x„)=G ft(x„). fi fi– fi Combining Lemmas 1 and 2 and Theorem 3 consti- tutes a point-wise Liouville theorem for discrete sys- Clearly, S locally preserves volume at a symmetric temsoftheformS =S S atsymmetricflxedpoints. 2 1 flxed point x„ if its time reversed (cid:176)ow maps do. On – The generalization to a stride map composed of more the other hand, involutions are known to be volume than two time reversed (cid:176)ow maps S is straightfor- fi preserving at their flxed points: ward. As a flnal observation that we will require be- low(inAppendixA),notethatifTheorem3hasbeen Theorem 3 The determinant of the Jacobian of an shown to hold for S = G F , it also holds for fi fi fi involution G : RN RN at a flxed point x„ of G is reverse time (cid:176)ow maps of the f–orm S =F G : ! fi fi– fi 4Inthispaper,werestrictourselvestoinvolutivetimerever- Lemma 3 If S = G F is an involution, then salsymmetries,althoughamoregeneraldeflnitioncanbefound fi fi fi – in[27]. S0fi =Ffi Gfi is an involution, too. – 6 tion of the COM in terms of cartesian (y;z) and po- lar (‡ = y2+z2;ˆ =arctan(y=z)) coordinates with the coordinate origin at the foothold. The body is as- p sumed to remain in the sagittal plane and its conflg- uration is parametrized by SE(2) coordinates (y;z;(cid:181)) or (‡;ˆ;(cid:181)). Trajectories: Afullstrideconsistsofastanceanda (cid:176)ightphase: instance,weassumethefootholdisflxed, thelegcompressedandthebodymovesinthepositive ydirectiony_ >0;in(cid:176)ight,thebodydescribesaballis- tic trajectory under the sole in(cid:176)uence of gravity. The stance phase starts with the leg uncompressed and ends when the leg has reached its rest length ‡„again. Thenthe(cid:176)ightphasebeginsandendswhenthemass- less leg { appropriately placed { touches the ground. Figure 1: Coordinate convention of SLIP with pitch- Stability investigations in this paper are conflned to ing dynamics. In the text, the COM coordinates trajectories that are in the vicinity of symmetric tra- will be parametrized by cartesian coordinates, i. e. jectoriesinbothstanceand(cid:176)ight,wheree.g. theliftofi y = ‡sin(ˆ) and z = ‡cos(ˆ). In (cid:176)ight, the leg an- and touchdown vertical heights are equal. gle ` will in general be a function of time and of the SLIP’s liftofi state: `(t;x ). 0 Control: No continuous control is exerted during stance and (cid:176)ight, the corresponding vector flelds do not change from stride to stride. The only con- Proof: trol authority consists in determining the transitions between (cid:176)ight and stance by specifying the stance S S = F G F G 0fi 0fi fi fi fi fi – – – – and (cid:176)ight time. The stance time is implicitly deter- = (G G ) F G F G fi– fi – fi– fi– fi– fi mined by requiring the leg to undergo a compression- =id decompressioncycle,hencetheonlydesignablecontrol = Gfi–G|fi =id :{z } authority consists in specifying the (cid:176)ight time, which can be implicitly parametrized by the free leg angle 2.4 SLIP dynamics trajectory`(t;x0)andhencetouchdownCOMheight. Due to the massless assumption, the leg can be arbi- 2.4.1 Modeling assumptions trarily placed during (cid:176)ight at no energetic cost. In this section we establish the speciflcs of the SLIP Potential forces: models considered in this paper. They are listed in terms of the categories: geometry, potential forces, P1 The potential energy is given by E = z + p control, and orbits: V(y;z;(cid:181)). P2 The non-gravitational potential V is analytic Geometry: The 3 DOF sagittal plane SLIP model and satisfles the symmetry relation V(y;z;(cid:181)) = is shown in Fig. 1. It shows a rigid body of mass m~ and moment of inertia I~with a massless springy leg V( y;z; (cid:181)). This condition does not seem to ¡ ¡ with rest length ‡~ attached at a hip joint that coin- severely restrict our choice of potentials, and it 0 includes the often-used radial spring potential cides with the center of mass (COM). The strength of V(y;z;(cid:181))=V (‡) for the 2 DOF model. gravityisg~. Theapproximationofalegwithzeromass r avoids impact losses at touchdown and simplifles the P3 V factorizes as V(y;z;(cid:181)) = V (‡)V (y;z;(cid:181)) with r p control. For convenience, all of the following expres- V (1) = 0. This ensures that V is zero at touch- r sions are formulated in dimensionless quantities, i.e. down and liftofi. Because of the masslessness of t=t~ ‡~g~0,y = ‡~y~0,y_ = py‡~~_0g~,z = ‡~z~0,z_ = pz‡~~_0g~,(cid:181) =(cid:181)~, the leg, V stays zero during (cid:176)ight. (cid:181)_ =(cid:181)~_q g‡~~ andI = m~I~‡~2. Alsoshownarethepitchangle After having listed SLIP’s modeling assumptions, we 0 (cid:181) withqrespect to the horizontal and the parametriza- will deflne the stance and (cid:176)ight components of the 7 hybrid SLIP system and identify time reversal sym- As will become clear later in the next section, in or- metries present in its vectorflelds. der to deflne a stride map as in (4), the time reversal symmetries should match for stance and (cid:176)ight, hence 2.4.2 Deflnition of the hybrid SLIP system G¡2 =G1 =:G is chosen. The threshold function h for a general leg placement 2 The SLIP system consists of two phases { stance and pbaramebtrizedbby the angular trajectory `(t;x ) (see 0 (cid:176)ight{hence = 1;2 with1referringtostanceand Fig. 1)becomeszerowhenthetoetouchestheground I f g 2 referring to (cid:176)ight. In both phases, we choose the b same parametrization of the conflguration space { by h (x(t);x ;t)=z(t) cos(`(t;x )) : (19) 2 0 0 ¡ the cartesian coordinates of the mass center relative to the flxed toe, y;z, and the orientation in of the andimplicitblydeflbnesthecontrolinputtb2(x0). If`de- body in the inertial frame, (cid:181). Hence, both charts are pends on x0 { the liftofi coordinates, feedback control equal, 1 = 2 =R2 S1 R3 =: withphasespace is employed. The design of the function `bconstitutes elemenXts denXoted by£x=(£y;z;(cid:181);y_;Xz_;(cid:181)_)>. the controbl authority in our SLIP model. b b b Stance The stancebvector fleld reads 2.4.3 Discrete time behavior of SLIP locomo- tion: Poincar¶e section, return map, and y_ controlled plant model z_ 0 (cid:181)_ 1 Poincar¶e section A SLIP stride consists of stance f (x)= (13) 1 BB ¡@yV(y;z;(cid:181)) CC and (cid:176)ight, therefore its stride map should be written b b BBBB¡¡1I1¡@@(cid:181)VzV(y(;yz;;z(cid:181);)(cid:181))CCCC atesrSize=dFby2–tFhe1.liTfthoefieenvdenotf,tdheetestcatendcebpyhtahseeitshcrehsahroalcd- @ A equbationbh ;bthe end of (cid:176)ight is characterized by the 1 With P2 this vector fleld is also analytic in x and touchdown event, detected by the threshold equation hence its (cid:176)ow ft(x) is analytic in t and x. Using P3 1 h . The factorization of S suggests a Poincar¶e section 2 f1 admits the linear time reversal symmetry b that is the surface of the touchdown event, where b b b tPheleglengthisoneandbtheCOMistotheleftofthe G =diag( 1;1; 1;1; 1;1) : (14) b 1 ¡ ¡ ¡ foothold: (the linear time reversal symmetry of (13) without b = x :y2+z2 1=0;y <0 : (20) pitching dynamics was already recognized in [30]). P f 2X ¡ g With the \radius" function ‡ : x y2+z2, the threshold function is given by 7! Return mabp bWe would like to factor S into time p b reversed(cid:176)owmapsSfiinordertosatisfyaprerequisite h (x(t);x ;t)=‡(x(t)) ‡(x ) (15) 1 0 0 of Lemma 1. This is accomplished by inbserting the ¡ square of the commbon time reversal symmetry G: Flight The (cid:176)bightbvector fleldb reads b S =F2 G G F1 b(21) – – – f (x)= y_;z_;(cid:181)_;0; 1;0 > (16) 2 ¡ However, S doesnbotfobrmabllycbonstbituteareturnmap ‡ · forthePoincar¶esection ,becauseasdetailedinSec- whose analyticb(cid:176)bow is trivially computed as P tion2.4.1,btrajectoriesofrelevancetoforwardlocomo- y +y_ t tion have a monotonically increasing fore-aft compo- 0 0 z +z_ t t2 nent; y(t), hence, cannot be periodic. On the other 0 0 0 ¡ 21 (cid:181) +(cid:181)_ t hand, there is an efiective projection informally built ft(x )= 0 0 (17) 2 0 B y_ C into the SLIP modeling assumption P3. At the be- B 0 C B z_ t C ginning of stance, the y-coordinate of the coordinate b b BB 0(cid:181)_¡ CC origin must be reset to the new foothold in order to B 0 C @ A interpret Vr as a radial leg potential (or, more awk- wardly, one could reset the deflnition of the potential Solving eq. (7) with f , the diagonal linear involutive 2 function at each new touchdown). Both issues can be time reversing symmetry G of (16) is not uniquely 2 deflned and is given bby resolved by projecting out the y-entry of S. A fur- ther dimensional reduction is possible because of con- b G¤2 =diag(¤1;1;¤1;§1;¡1;§1) : (18) servation of energy in both stance and (cid:176)igbht phase. b 8 Formally, the total energy Using a leg angular trajectory to implement feedback control, the threshold equation implicitly deflnes the 1 E(x(t)) = (y_2(t)+z_2(t)+I(cid:181)_2(t))+ (cid:176)ight time t2(k) by 2 z(t)+V(y(t);z(t);(cid:181)(t)) t (k)=min t:h (ft(G R (x(k)));y(k);t)=0 b 2 t>0f 2 2 – 1 g =: E0 (26) Using the explicit form of h , (19), this expression for 2 canbeinterpretedasaconstantparameteroftheSLIP the (cid:176)ight time, in turn, is a function of the control system and can then be used to eliminate the y_ vari- input able y_(t)=Ex¡(1t)(E0),5 with x being the projection of u(k)=H(y(k))=`(;y(k)) (27) ¢ x onto its \non-y;y_" components: ƒ: ; x x = (z;(cid:181);z_;(cid:181)_) . A return map R actXin!g oXn the r7!e- whereH parametrizesthelegangletrajectoryinterms > of the output vector y(k) and the \dummy" variable dbuced Poincar¶e section = R S1 bR2 with inbde- X £ £ t, denoted by . pendent coordinates x can then be written as ¢ R=ƒ F2 G G F1 § (22) 2.4.4 Notation – – – – – with b b b b Thesalientsymbolsusedinthispaperarenextlisted, p1 z2 with brief explanations of their meanings. ¡ ¡ §: ; x E 1(E ) (23) P !X 7!0 x¡ 0 1 General hybrid system deflnitions x flnite index set, enumerated by fi b @ A I The y and y_ components of F2 and G are completely Xfi chart: phase space of a dynamical system decoupled from the other components, hence the pro- t;x time, chart element (dimensionless) jector ƒ can be pulled to thebright inborder to deflne fbfi vector fleld of a dynamical system on fi X two return map factors Rfi ffitb (cid:176)ow of ffi on Xfi b b F (cid:176)ow map fi R=F G ƒ G F § ; (24) 2– – – – 1– Tbfifl transitiobn funcbtion =:R2 =:R1 hbfi threshold function: triggers chart transition b b whereF andGa|re{tzhe}ob|vious{rzestrict}ionsof F and tfi(x0) evolution time on chart Xfi starting at x0 2 2 Poincar¶e section (surface in ) Gvoltuotiothnes,rewdeucweadntPotihnecairn¶evosleucttiivoencXha.raIcftSerfitaborepeinr-- PXfib reduced Poincar¶e sectionb Xfi b R return map factor on b sbist for Rfi. This is obvious for R2 = S2b. For R1 fi Xfi R return, Poincar¶e map it requires § ƒ = id on the range of G F §. 1 – – – In general, an element or a map without the diacritic Let x = G F §(x ) with x . y is the G- 1 1 0 0 1 raen(cid:176)decy_t1ed=yE-bcx¡o1–1o(rEbdi0n–)a.tTehaterleifftoorfie,yh1e=n2ce§Py–1ƒ=(by¡1p) ab1n¡d zRb121; ¢XdfieonrotaesmaanpeolnemXefin.t of the reduced Poincar¶e section is an involution if S is one. b Other deflnitions 1 G involutive time reversal symmetry fi Controlledplantbmodel Havingdeflnedtheclosed Xhfi set where partial stride map is an involution Sb stride map factor on loop return map on the reduced Poincar¶e section, we fi fi X clarify the relation of this closed loop return map to Sb stride map the controlled plant model formalism introduced in ƒb projector from to b fi fi X X Section 1.2. Since the control parameter of our SLIP §b map from to fi fi model is the (cid:176)ight time and quantities used for feed- V conservativXe SLIbPXpotential without gravity back are the liftofi coordinates, the controlled plant b model,introducedconceptuallyabove(2),cannowbe 3 Stability and control of SLIP written in touchdown coordinates as models x(k+1) = ft2(k) G R (x(k)) 2 – – 1 y(k) = C(G R (x(k))) (25) 1 InthissectionthestabilityandcontrolofSLIPmodels – 5Givenanequationg(y;x)=g0,thecorrespondingimplicit will be analyzed via the return map R and its factors functionwillbewrittenasy=gx¡1(g0). Rfi. In Section 3.1 it is flrst shown that the stance 9

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