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Preview DTIC ADA460577: Extracting Structural Paraphrases from Aligned Monolingual Corpora

Extracting Structural Paraphrases from Aligned Monolingual Corpora AliIbrahim BorisKatz JimmyLin MITArtificialIntelligenceLaboratory 200TechnologySquare Cambridge,MA02139 {aibrahim,boris,jimmylin}@ai.mit.edu Abstract domain-specific paraphrases. Because manually collecting paraphrases is time-consuming and im- We present an approach for automatically practical for large-scale applications, attention has learning paraphrases from aligned mono- recentlyfocusedontechniquesforautomaticallyac- lingual corpora. Our algorithm works quiring paraphrases. by generalizing the syntactic paths be- We present an unsupervised method for acquir- tween corresponding anchors in aligned ing structural paraphrases, orfragments ofsyntactic sentence pairs. Compared to previous trees that are roughly semantically equivalent, from work, structural paraphrases generated by aligned monolingual corpora. The structural para- our algorithm tend to be much longer phrasesproducedbyouralgorithmaresimilartothe on average, and are capable of captur- S-rules advocated by Katz and Levin for question ing long-distance dependencies. In ad- answering (1988), except that our paraphrases are dition to a standalone evaluation of our automatically generated. Because there is disagree- paraphrases, we also describe a question ment regarding the exact definition of paraphrases answering application currently under de- (Dras, 1999), we employ that operating definition velopment that could immensely bene- that structural paraphrases are roughly interchange- fit from automatically-learned structural able within the specific configuration of syntactic paraphrases. structures thattheyspecify. Our approach is a synthesis of techniques devel- 1 Introduction oped by Barzilay and McKeown (2001) and Lin and Pantel (2001), designed to overcome the limi- The richness of human language allows people to tationsofboth. Inadditiontotheevaluation ofpara- express the same idea in many different ways; they phrases generated by our method, we also describe mayusedifferentwordstorefertothesameentityor a novel information retrieval system under develop- employ different phrases to describe the same con- mentthat isdesigned totakeadvantage ofstructural cept. Acquisitionofparaphrases,oralternativeways paraphrases. to convey the same information, is critical to many natural language applications. For example, an ef- 2 PreviousWork fectivequestionansweringsystemmustbeequipped to handle these variations, because it should be able Therehasbeen arichbodyofresearch onautomati- to respond to differently phrased natural language cally deriving paraphrases, including equating mor- questions. phological and syntactic variants of technical terms While there are many resources that help sys- (Jacquemin et al., 1997), and identifying equiva- tems deal with single-word synonyms, e.g., Word- lent adjective-noun phrases (Lapata, 2001). Unfor- Net, there are few resources for multiple-word or tunately,botharelimitedintypesofparaphrasesthat Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2003 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2003 to 00-00-2003 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Extracting Structural Paraphrases from Aligned Monolingual Corpora 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Laboratory for Computer REPORT NUMBER Science,Spoken Language Systems Group,Cambridge,MA,02139 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 8 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 they can extract. Other researchers have explored considering the local context ofwords andtheir fre- distributional clustering of similar words (Pereira et quencies; as a result, paraphrases must be contigu- al.,1993; Lin,1998), butitisunclear towhatextent ous, and in the majority of cases, are only one word suchtechniques produce paraphrases.1 long. Webelievethatdisregarding therichsyntactic Most relevant to this paper is the work of Barzi- structure of language is an oversimplification, and lay and McKeown and the work of Lin and Pan- that structural paraphrases offer several distinct ad- tel. Barzilay and McKeown (2001) extracted vantagesoverlexicalparaphrases. Longdistancere- both single- and multiple-word paraphrases from a lations can be captured by syntactic trees, so that sentence-aligned corpus for use in multi-document words in the paraphrases do not need to be contigu- summarization. They constructed analigned corpus ous. Useof syntactic trees also buffers against mor- from multiple translations of foreign novels. From phological variants (e.g., different inflections) and this,theyco-trainedaclassifierthatdecidedwhether some syntactic variants (e.g., active vs. passive). or not two phrases were paraphrases of each other Finally, because paraphrases are context-dependent, based on their surrounding context. Barzilay and we believe that syntactic structures can encapsulate McKeown collected 9483 paraphrases with an av- aricher context thanlexical phrases. erage precision of 85.5%. However, 70.8% of the Based on aligned monolingual corpora, our tech- paraphrases were single words. In addition, the nique for extracting paraphrases builds on Lin and paraphrases wererequired tobecontiguous. Pantel’s insight of using dependency paths (derived Lin and Pantel (2001) used a general text corpus from parsing) as the fundamental unit of learning to extract what they called inference rules, which and using parts of those paths as features. Based we can take to be paraphrases. In their algorithm, onthehypothesisthatpathsbetweenidenticalwords rules are represented as dependency tree paths be- inaligned sentences aresemantically equivalent, we tween two words. The words at the ends of a path can extract paraphrases by scoring the path fre- are considered to be features of that path. For each quency and context. Our approach addresses the path, they recorded the different features (words) limitations of both Barzilay and McKeown’s and that were associated with the path and their respec- Linand Pantel’s work: using syntactic structures al- tive frequencies. Lin and Pantel calculated the sim- lowsustogeneratestructuralparaphrases,andusing ilarity of two paths by looking at the similarity of aligned corpora renders the process more computa- their features. This method allowed them to extract tionally tractable. The following sections describe inferencerulesofmoderatelengthfromgeneralcor- ourapproach ingreater detail. pora. However, the technique is computationally 3.1 CorpusAlignment expensive, and furthermore can give misleading re- sults, i.e., paths having the opposite meaning often MultipleEnglishtranslations offoreignnovels,e.g., share similarfeatures. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne, were used for extraction of paraphrases. 3 Approach Although translations by different authors differ slightly in their literary interpretation of the origi- Ourapproach,likeBarzilayandMcKeown’s,isbuilt nal text, it was usually possible to find correspond- ontheapplication ofsentence-alignment techniques ing sentences that have the same semantic content. usedinmachinetranslation togenerateparaphrases. Sentence alignment was performed using the Gale The insight is simple: if we have pairs of sentences andChurchalgorithm(1991)withthefollowingcost with the same semantic content, then the difference function: in lexical content can be attributed to variations in the surface form. By generalizing these differences costofsubstitution=1− anncww we can automatically derive paraphrases. Barzilay ncw:numberofcommonwords andMcKeownperformthislearningprocessbyonly anw:averagenumberofwordsintwostrings Here is a sample from two different translations 1Forexample,“dog”and“cat”arerecognizedtobesimilar, buttheyareobviouslynotparaphrasesofoneanother. ofTwentyThousand Leagues UndertheSea: Ned Land triedthe soil withhis feet, as iftotake are brought into alignment and scored by a simple possessionofit. setofordered heuristics: NedLandtestedthesoilwithhisfoot,asifhewere layingclaimtoit. • Exactstringmatches denote correspondence. To test the accuracy of our alignment, we man- • Nounandmatching pronoun (samegender and ually aligned 454 sentences from two different ver- number) denote correspondence. Suchamatch sionsofChapter21fromTwentyThousand Leagues penalizes thescoreby50%. Under the Sea and compared the results of our au- tomatic alignment algorithm against the manually • Uniquesemanticclass(e.g.,placesandpeople) generated “gold standard.” We obtained a precision denotes correspondence. Such a match penal- of 0.93 and recall of 0.88, which is comparable to izesthescoreby50%. the numbers (P.94/R.85) reported by Barzilay and McKeown,whousedadifferentcostfunctionforthe • Unique part of speech (i.e., the only noun alignment process. pair in the sentences) denotes correspondence. Suchamatchpenalizes thescore by50%. 3.2 ParsingandPostprocessing The sentence pairs produced by the alignment al- • Otherwise, attempt to find correspondence by gorithm are then parsed by the Link Parser (Sleator finding longest common substrings. Such a andTemperly,1993),adependency-based parserde- matchpenalizes thescoreby50%. veloped at CMU. The resulting parse structures are post-processed to render the links more consistent: • If a word occurs more than once in the aligned Because the Link Parser does not directly identify sentence pairs, all possible combinations are the subject of a passive sentence, our postprocessor considered,butthescoreforsuchacorrespond- takes the object of the by-phrase as the subject by inganchor pairisfurther penalized by50%. default. For our purposes, auxiliary verbs are ig- nored; the postprocessor connects verbs directly to For each pair of anchors, a breadth-first search is theirsubjects,discardinglinksthroughanyauxiliary used to find the shortest path between the anchor verbs. In addition, subjects and objects within rela- words. Thesearch algorithm explicitly rejects paths tive clauses are appropriately modified so that the that contain conjunctions and punctuation. If valid linkagesremainedconsistentwithsubjectandobject paths are found between anchor pairs in both of the linkages in the matrix clause. For sentences involv- alignedsentences, theresultingpathsareconsidered ing verbs that have particles, the Link Parser con- candidate paraphrases, with a default score of one nects the object of the verb directly to the verb it- (subjected topenaltiesimposedbyimperfectanchor self, attaching the particle separately. Our postpro- matching). cessor modifies the link structure so that the object Scoresofcandidate paraphrases takeintoaccount isconnectedtotheparticleinordertoformacontin- two factors: the frequency of anchors with respect uouspath. Predicateadjectivesareconvertedintoan to a particular candidate paraphrase and the variety adjective-noun modification link instead of a com- of different anchors from which the paraphrase was pleteverb-argument structure. Also,commonnouns produced. Theinitialdefaultscoreofanyparaphrase denoting places and people are marked by consult- is one (assuming perfect anchor matches), but for ingWordNet. each additional occurrence the score is incremented by 1n, where n is the number of times the current 2 3.3 ParaphraseExtraction setofanchorshasbeenseen. Therefore,theeffectof The paraphrase extraction process starts by finding seeingnewsetsofanchorshasabiginitialimpacton anchorswithinthealignedsentencepairs. Inourap- thescore,buttheadditional increaseinscoreissub- proach, only nouns and pronouns serve as possible jectedtodiminishingreturnsasmoreoccurrencesof anchors. The anchor words from the sentence pairs thesameanchor areencountered. count Evaluator Precision aligned sentences 27479 Evaluator 1 36.2% parsed aligned sentences 25292 Evaluator 2 40.0% anchor pairs 43974 Evaluator 3 44.6% paraphrases 5925 Average 41.2% unique paraphrases 5502 gathered paraphrases (score ≥ 1.0) 2886 Table 2: Summary of judgments by human evalua- torsfor130unique paraphrases Table1: Summaryoftheparaphrasegeneration pro- cess unique paraphrases were randomly chosen to be assessed by human judges. The human assessors were specifically asked whether they thought the paraphraseswereroughlyinterchangeable witheach other,giventhecontextofthegenre. Webelievethat the genre constraint was important because some paraphrases captured literary or archaic uses of par- ticular words that were not generally useful. This should not be viewed as a shortcoming of our ap- proach, but rather an artifact of our corpus. In ad- dition, sample sentences containing the structural paraphrases werepresented ascontexttothejudges; structural paraphrases are difficult to comprehend Figure1: Distribution ofparaphrase length without thisinformation. Asummary of the judgments provided by human evaluators is shown in Table 2. The average preci- 4 Results sion of our approach stands at just over forty per- cent; the average length of the paraphrases learned Using the approach described in previous sections, was 3.26 words long. Our results also show that wewereabletoextractnearlysixthousanddifferent judging structural paraphrases is a difficult task and paraphrases (see Table 1) from our corpus, which inter-assessor agreement is rather low. All of the consisted oftwotranslations of20,000LeaguesUn- evaluators agreed on the judgments (either positive dertheSea,twotranslationsofTheKreutzerSonata, or negative) only 75.4% of the time. The average andthreetranslations ofMadameBouvary. correlation constant ofthejudgments isonly 0.66. Our corpus was essentially the same as the one The highest scoring paraphrase was the equiva- used by Barzilay and McKeown,withthe exception lenceofthepossessivemorpheme’swiththeprepo- ofsomeshortfairytaletranslations thatwefoundto sition of. We found it encouraging that our algo- be unsuitable. Dueto the length ofsentences (some rithm was able to induce this structural paraphrase, translations were noted for their paragraph-length completewithco-indexedanchorsontheendsofthe sentences), the Link Parser was unable to produce paths, i.e.,A’s B ⇐⇒B of A. Someother interest- a parse for approximately eight percent of the sen- ingexamples include:2 tences. Although the Link Parser is capable of pro- ducingpartiallinkages,accuracydeterioratedsignif- A1←∗→liked←O→A2⇐⇒ icantly as the length of the input string increased. A1←∗→fond←O→F of−→J A2 The distribution of paraphrase length is shown in Example: Theclerkliked Monsieur Bovary. ⇐⇒ Figure 1. The length of paraphrases is measured by thenumberofwordsthatitcontains(discountingthe 2Briefdescriptionoflinklabels:S:subjecttoverb;O:object toverb;OF:certainverbstoof;K:verbstoparticles;MV:verbs anchors onbothsides). to certain modifying phrases. See Link Parser documentation To evaluate the accuracy of our results, 130 forfulldescriptions. ScoreThreshold Avg. Precision Avg. Length Count ≥ 1.0 40.2% 3.24 130 ≥ 1.25 46.0% 2.88 58 ≥ 1.5 47.8% 2.22 23 ≥ 1.75 38.9% 1.67 12 Table3: Breakdownofourevaluation results TheclerkwasfondofMonsieurBovary. fare any better, since they are generally trained on A1 ←s→ rush −→K over −M→V to −→J A2 ⇐⇒ corpora containing a totally different genre of text. A1←s→run−M→V to−→J A2 However, future work will most likely include a comparison ofdifferent parsers. Example: Andherushedovertohisson,whohad Examination of our results show that a better no- justjumpedintoaheapoflimetowhitenhisshoes. tion of constituency would increase the accuracy ⇐⇒And he ran to hisson, who had just precipi- of our results. Our algorithm occasionally gener- tatedhimselfintoaheapoflimeinordertowhiten ates non-sensical paraphrases that cross constituent hisboots. boundaries, for example, including the verb of a A1←s→put−→K on−→O A2⇐⇒ subordinate clause with elements from the matrix A1←s→wear−→O A2 clause. Otherproblems arisebecause ourcurrent al- Example:Thatiswhyheputsonhisbestwaistcoat gorithm has no notion of verb phrases; it often gen- andrisksspoilingitintherain.⇐⇒That’swhyhe eratesnearmissessuchasfail⇐⇒succeed,neglect- wearshisnewwaistcoat,evenintherain! ingtoinclude notaspartoftheparaphrase. A1←∗→fit−M→V to−→I give−→O A2⇐⇒ However, there are problems inherent in para- A1←∗→appropriate−M→V to−→I supply−→O A2 phrase generation that simple knowledge of con- Example: Hethoughtfit,afterthefirstfewmouth- stituencyalonecannotsolve. Considerthefollowing fuls,togivesomedetailsastothecatastrophe.⇐⇒ twosentences: Afterthefirstfewmouthfulsheconsidereditappro- Johnmadeoutgoldatthebottomofthewell. priatetosupplyafewdetailsconcerningthecatas- Johndiscoveredgoldnearthebottomofthewell. trophe. A more detailed breakdown of the evaluation re- Which structural paraphrases should we be able to sults can be seen in Table 3. Increasing the thresh- extract? oldforgeneratingparaphrasestendstoincreasetheir madeoutXatY⇐⇒discoveredXnearY precision, uptoacertain point. Ingeneral, thehigh- madeoutX⇐⇒discoveredX est ranking structural paraphrases consisted of sin- gle word paraphrases of prepositions, e.g., at ⇐⇒ atX⇐⇒nearX in. Ouralgorithm noticed thatdifferent prepositions Arguably,allthreeparaphrasesarevalid,although wereofteninterchangeable, whichissomething that opinions vary more regarding the last paraphrase. ourhumanassessorsdisagreed widelyon. Beyonda What is the optimal level of structure for para- certain threshold, the accuracy of our approach ac- phrases? Obviously, this represents a tradeoff be- tually decreases. tween specificity and accuracy, but the ability of structural paraphrases to capture long-distance re- 5 Discussion lationships across large numbers of lexical items An obvious first observation about our algorithm is complicates the problem. Due to the sparseness of the dependence on parse quality; bad parses lead to our data, our algorithm cannot make a good deci- manybogusparaphrases. Althoughtheparseresults sion on whatconstituents togeneralize as variables; from the Link Parser are far from perfect, it is un- naturally, greater amounts of data would alleviate clear whether other purely statistical parsers would this problem. This current inability to decide on a good “scope” for paraphrasing was a primary rea- temmustbeabletocopewithavarietyofalternative son why we were unable to perform a strict eval- phrasings. In particular, an answer stated in a form uation of recall. Our initial attempts at generating that differs from the form of the question presents a gold standard for estimating recall failed because significant problems: human judges could not agree on the boundaries of paraphrases. WhendidColoradobecomeastate? The accuracy of our structural paraphrases is (1a)Coloradobecameastatein1876. highlydependent onthecorpussize. Ascanbeseen (1b)ColoradowasadmittedtotheUnionin1876. from the numbers in Table 1, paraphrases are rather WhokilledAbrahamLincoln? sparse—nearly 93% of them are unique. Without (2a)JohnWilkesBoothkilledAbrahamLincoln. adequate statistical evidence, validating candidate (2b)JohnWilkesBoothendedAbrahamLincoln’s paraphrases canbeverydifficult. Although ourdata lifewithabullet. spareness problemcanbealleviated simplybygath- ering a larger corpus, the type of parallel text our In the above examples, question answering sys- algorithmrequires isratherhardtoobtain,i.e.,there tems have little difficulty extracting answers if the are only so many translations of so many foreign answers are stated in a form directly derived from novels. Furthermore, since our paraphrases are ar- the question, e.g., (1a) and (2a); simple keyword guablygenre-specific,differentapplications mayre- matching techniques with primitive named-entity quire different training corpora. Similar tothe work detection technology will suffice. However, ques- of Barzilay and Lee(2003), who have applied para- tionansweringsystemswillhaveamuchhardertime phrasegeneration techniques tocomparablecorpora extracting answers from sentences where they are consisting of different newspaper articles about the not obviously stated, e.g., (1b) and (2b). To re- sameevent,wearecurrently attempting tosolvethe latequestiontoanswersinthoseexamples,asystem data sparseness problem by extending our approach wouldneedaccess toruleslikethefollowing: tonon-parallel corpora. We believe that generating paraphrases at the XbecameastateinY⇐⇒ structural level holds several key advantages over XwasadmittedtotheUnioninY lexical paraphrases, from the capturing of long- XkilledY⇐⇒XendedY’slife distancerelationshipstothemoreaccuratemodeling of context. The paraphrases generated by our ap- We believe that such rules are best formulated at proach could prove to be useful in any natural lan- the syntactic level: structural paraphrases represent guage application where understanding of linguis- a good level of generality and provide much more tic variations is important. In particular, we are at- accurate results thankeyword-based approaches. tempting to apply our results to improve the perfor- The simplest approach to overcoming the “para- manceofquestionanswering system,whichwewill phrase problem” in question answering is via key- describe inthefollowing section. wordqueryexpansion whensearching forcandidate answers: 6 Paraphrases andQuestionAnswering (AND X became state)⇐⇒ The ultimate goal of our work on paraphrases is (AND X admitted Union) to enable the development of high-precision ques- (AND X killed)⇐⇒ tion answering system (cf. (Katz and Levin, 1988; (AND X ended life) Soubbotin and Soubbotin, 2001; Hermjakob et al., 2002)). We believe that a knowledge base of para- The major drawback of such techniques is over- phrases is the key to overcoming challenges pre- generation of bogus answer candidates. For ex- sented by the expressiveness of natural languages. ample, it is a well-known result that query expan- Becausethesamesemanticcontentcanbeexpressed sion based on synonymy, hyponymy, etc. mayactu- in many different ways, a question answering sys- allydegrade performance ifdoneinanuncontrolled manner (Voorhees, 1994). Typically, keyword- tions of candidates, addresses the issues presented based query expansion techniques sacrifice signifi- above. Syntactic relations, basically simplified ver- cant amounts of precision for little (if any) increase sions of dependency structures derived from the inrecall. Link Parser, can capture significant portions of the The problems associated with keyword query ex- meaning present intextdocuments, whileproviding pansion techniques stem from the fundamental de- a flexible foundation on which to build machinery ficiencies of “bag-of-words” approaches; in short, forparaphrases. they simply cannot accurately model the semantic Ourposition isthatquestion answering should be content of text, as illustrated by the following pairs performed at the level of “key relations” in addition of sentences and phrases that have the same word tokeywords. Wehave begun toexperiment withre- content, butdramatically different meaning: lations indexing and matching techniques described above using an electronic encyclopedia as the test (3a)Thebirdatethesnake. corpus. We identified a particular set of linguistic (3b)Thesnakeatethebird. phenomena where relation-based indexing can dra- (4a)thelargestplanet’svolcanoes matically boost the precision of a question answer- (4b)theplanet’slargestvolcanoes ing system (Katz and Lin, 2003). As an example, (5a)thehousebytheriver consider a sample output from a baseline keyword- (5b)theriverbythehouse based IRsystem: (6a)TheGermansdefeatedtheFrench. (6b)TheGermansweredefeatedbytheFrench. Whatdofrogseat? The above examples are nearly indistinguishable (R1) Alligators eat many kinds of small animals in terms of lexical content, yet their meanings are thatliveinornearthewater,includingfish,snakes, vastly different. Naturally, because one text frag- frogs,turtles,smallmammals,andbirds. ment might be an appropriate answer to a question (R2) Some bats catch fish with their claws, and a while the other fragment may not be, aquestion an- fewspecieseatlizards,rodents,birds,andfrogs. swering system seeking to achieve high precision (R3)Bowfinseatmainlyotherfish,frogs,andcray- must provide mechanisms for differentiating the se- fish. manticcontent ofthepairs. (R4)Adultfrogseatmainlyinsectsandothersmall Whileparaphrasetechniquesatthekeyword-level animals,includingearthworms,minnows,andspi- vastly overgenerate, paraphrase techniques at the ders. phrase-level undergenerate, that is, they are often ... too specific. Although paraphrase rules can eas- (R32) Kookaburras eatcaterpillars, fish, frogs, in- ily be formulated at the string-level, e.g., using sects, small mammals, snakes, worms, and even regular expression matching and substitution tech- smallbirds. niques(SoubbotinandSoubbotin,2001;Hermjakob et al., 2002), such a treatment fails to capture im- Of the 32 sentences returned, only (R4) correctly portant linguistic generalizations. For example, the answers the user query; the other results answer a addition ofanadverbtypically doesnotaltertheva- different question—“What eats frogs?” A bag-of- lidity of a paraphrase; thus, a phrase-level rule “X words approach fundamentally cannot differentiate killed Y” ⇐⇒ “X ended Y’s life” would not be able between a query in which the frog is in the subject to match an answer like “John Wilkes Booth sud- positionandaqueryinwhichthefrogisintheobject denly ended Abraham Lincoln’s life with a bullet”. position. Compare this to the results produced by String-level paraphrases are also unable to handle ourrelations matcher: syntacticphenomenonalikepassivization,whichare easily captured atthesyntactic level. Whatdofrogseat? We believe that answering questions at level of (R4)Adultfrogseatmainlyinsectsandothersmall syntactic relations, that is, matching parsed rep- animals,includingearthworms,minnows,andspi- resentations of questions with parsed representa- ders. By examining subject-verb-object relations, our resourceandWebexploitationforquestionanswering. system can filter out irrelevant results and return InProceedingsoftheEleventhTextREtrievalConfer- ence(TREC2002). onlythecorrect responses. We are currently working on combining this Christian Jacquemin, Judith L. Klavans, and Evelyne relations-indexing technology with the automatic Tzoukermann. 1997. Expansionofmulti-wordterms forindexingandretrievalusingmorphologyandsyn- paraphrase generation technology described earlier. tax. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of For example, our approach would be capable of au- the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL- tomaticallylearningaparaphraselikeXeatY⇐⇒Y 1997). isapreyofX;alarge collection ofsuchparaphrases Boris Katz and Beth Levin. 1988. Exploiting lexical would go a long way in overcoming the brittleness regularitiesindesigningnaturallanguagesystems. In associated witharelations-based indexing scheme. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on ComputationalLinguistics(COLING-1988). 7 Contributions Boris KatzandJimmyLin. 2003. Selectivelyusingre- Wehavepresentedamethodforautomaticallylearn- lationstoimproveprecisioninquestionanswering. In ingstructuralparaphrasesfromalignedmonolingual Proceedingsof theEACL-2003Workshopon Natural LanguageProcessingforQuestionAnswering. corpora that overcomes the limitation of previous approaches. In addition, we have sketched how this Maria Lapata. 2001. A corpus-based account of reg- technology can be applied to enhance the perfor- ular polysemy: The case of context-sensitive adjec- mance of a question answering system based on in- tives. In Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the NorthAmericanChapteroftheAssociationforCom- dexing relations. Although we have not completed putationalLinguistics(NAACL-2001). a task-based evaluation, we believe that the ability to handle variations in language is key to building DekangLinandPatrickPantel. 2001. DIRT—discovery of inference rules from text. In Proceedings of the better question answering systems. ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery andDataMining. 8 Acknowledgements DekangLin. 1998. Extractingcollocationsfromtextcor- ThisresearchwasfundedbyDARPAundercontract pora. InProceedingsof the First Workshopon Com- number F30602-00-1-0545 and administered by the putationalTerminology. AirForceResearch Laboratory. FernandoPereira,NaftaliTishby,andLillianLee. 1993. Distributional clustering of English words. In Pro- ceedingsofthe30thAnnualMeetingoftheAssociation References forComputationalLinguistics(ACL-1991). Regina Barzilay and Lillian Lee. 2003. Learning to Daniel Sleator and Davy Temperly. 1993. Parsing En- paraphrase:Anunsupervisedapproachusingmultiple- glishwithalinkgrammar. InProceedingsoftheThird sequence alignment. In Proceedings of HLT-NAACL InternationalWorkshoponParsingTechnology. 2003. Martin M. Soubbotin and Sergei M. Soubbotin. 2001. ReginaBarzilayandKathleenMcKeown. 2001. Extract- Patternsofpotentialanswerexpressionsascluestothe ing paraphrases from a parallel corpus. In Proceed- right answers. In Proceedings of the Tenth Text RE- ingsofthe39thAnnualMeetingoftheAssociationfor trievalConference(TREC2001). ComputationalLinguistics(ACL-2001). Ellen M. Voorhees. 1994. Query expansion using MarkDras. 1999. TreeAdjoiningGrammarandtheRe- lexical-semantic relations. In Proceedings of the luctantParaphrasingofText. Ph.D.thesis,Macquarie 17thAnnualInternationalACMSIGIRConferenceon University,Australia. Research and Development in Information Retrieval William A. Gale and Kenneth Ward Church. 1991. A (SIGIR-1994). program for aligning sentences in bilingual corpora. InProceedingsofthe29thAnnualMeetingoftheAs- sociationforComputationalLinguistics(ACL-1991). Ulf Hermjakob, Abdessamad Echihabi, and Daniel Marcu. 2002. Natural languagebased reformulation

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