Nonlinear Feedback Controllers and Compensators: A State-Dependent Riccati Equation Approach H. T. Banks B. M. Lewis H. T. Tran ⁄ y z Department of Mathematics Center for Research in Scientiflc Computation North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695 Abstract State-dependentRiccatiequation(SDRE)techniquesarerapidlyemergingasgeneraldesign and synthesis methods of nonlinear feedback controllers and estimators for a broad class of nonlinear regulator problems. In essence, the SDRE approach involves mimicking standard linear quadratic regulator (LQR) formulation for linear systems. In particular, the technique consists of using direct parameterization to bring the nonlinear system to a linear structure having state-dependent coe–cient matrices. Theoretical advances have been made regarding the nonlinear regulator problem and the asymptotic stability properties of the system with full state feedback. However, there have not been any attempts at the theory regarding the asymptotic convergence of the estimator and the compensated system. This paper addresses these two issues as well as discussing numerical methods for approximating the solution to the SDRE. The Taylor series numerical methods works only for a certain class of systems, namely withconstantcontrolcoe–cientmatrices,andonlyinsmallregions. Theinterpolationnumerical method can be applied globally to a much larger class of systems. Examples will be provided to illustrate the efiectiveness and potential of the SDRE technique for the design of nonlinear compensator-based feedback controllers. 1 Introduction Linear quadratic regulation (LQR) is a well established, accepted, and efiective theory for the synthesis of control laws for linear systems. However, most mathematical models for biological systems, including HIV dynamics with immune response [4, 17], as well as those for physical processes, such as those arising in the microelectronic industry [3] and satellite dynamics [22], are inherently nonlinear. A number of methodologies exist for the control design and synthesis of these highly nonlinear systems. These techniques include a large number of linear design methodologies [33, 15] such as Jacobian linearization and feedback linearization used in conjunction with gain scheduling [25]. Nonlinear design techniques have also been proposed including dynamic inversion [27], recursive backstepping [18], sliding mode control [27], and adaptive control [18]. In addition, othernonlinearcontrollerdesignssuchasmethodsbasedonestimatingthesolutionoftheHamilton- Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation can be found in a comprehensive review article [5]. Each of these ⁄[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 1 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2003 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2003 to 00-00-2003 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Nonlinear Feedback Controllers and Compensators: A State-Dependent 5b. GRANT NUMBER Riccati Equation Approach 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION North Carolina State University,Center for Research in Scientific REPORT NUMBER Computation,Raleigh,NC,27695-8205 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The original document contains color images. 14. ABSTRACT see report 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 42 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 SDRE BASED FEEDBACK CONTROL, ESTIMATION, AND COMPENSATION 2 techniqueshasitssetoftuningrulesthatallowthemodeleranddesignertomaketrade-ofisbetween control efiort and output error. Other issues such as stability and robustness with respect to parameter uncertainties and system disturbances are also features that difier depending on the control methodology considered. One of the highly promising and rapidly emerging methodologies for designing nonlinear con- trollers is the state-dependent Riccati equation (SDRE) approach in the context of the nonlinear regulator problem. This method, which is also referred to as the Frozen Riccati Equation (FRE) method [11], has received considerable attention in recent years [9, 10, 12, 26]. In essence, the SDRE method is a systematic way of designing nonlinear feedback controllers that approximate the solution of the inflnite time horizon optimal control problem and can be implemented in real- time for a broad class of applications. Through extensive numerical simulations, the SDRE method has demonstrated its efiectiveness as a technique for, among others, controlling an artiflcial hu- man pancreas [23], for the regulation of the growth of thin fllms in a high-pressure chemical vapor deposition reactor [3, 2, 30], and for the position and attitude control of a spacecraft [28]. More speciflcally, recent articles [3, 2] have reported on the successful use of SDRE in the development of nonlinear feedback control methods for real-time implementation on a chemical vapor deposition reactor. The problems are optimal tracking problems (for regulation of the growth of thin fllms in a high-pressure chemical vapor deposition (HPCVD) reactor) that employ state-dependent Riccati gains with nonlinear observations and the resulting dual state-dependent Riccati equations for the compensator gains. Even though these computational efiorts are very promising, the present investigation opens a host of fundamental mathematical questions that should provide a rich source of theoretical challenges. In particular, much of the focus thus far has been on the full state feedback theory, the implementationofthemethod,andnumericalmethodsforsolvingtheSDREwithaconstantcontrol coe–cient matrix. In most cases, the theory developed also involves using nonlinear weighting coe–cients for the state and control in the cost functional to produce near optimal solutions. This methodology is quite useful and also quite di–cult to implement for complex systems. Therefore, it is of general interest to explore the use of constant weighting matrices to produce a suboptimal control law that has the advantage of ease of conflguration and implementation. In addition, the development of a comprehensive theory is needed for approximation and convergence of the state- dependent Riccati equation approach for nonlinear compensation. Finally, a current approach for solving the SDRE is via symbolic software package such as Macsyma or Mathematica [9]. However,thisisonlypossibleforsystemshavingspecialstructures. In[6],ane–cientcomputational methodology was proposed that requires splitting the state-dependent coe–cient matrix A(x) into a constant matrix part and a state-dependent part as A(x) = A + "¢A(x). This method is 0 efiective locally for systems with constant control coe–cients and if the function ¢A(x) is not too complicated (e.g., when it has the same function of x in all entries) then the SDRE can be solved through a series of constant-valued matrix Lyapunov equations. The assumption on the form of ¢A(x), however, doeslimittheproblemsforwhichthisSDREapproximationmethodisapplicable. Another method, based on interpolation, is efiective for nonconstant control coe–cients and it can be applied throughout the state space. The interpolation approach involves varying the SDRE over the states and creating a grid of values for the control u(x) or the solution to the SDRE ƒ(x). In this paper, we examine the SDRE technique with constant weighting coe–cients. In Sec- tion 2, we review the full state feedback theory and prove local asymptotic stability for the closed loop system. A simple example with an attainable exact solution is presented to verify the the- oretical result. This example also exhibits the e–ciency of the method outside of the region for which the condition in the proof predicts asymptotic stability. Section 3 summarizes two of the numerical methods that are currently available for the approximation of the SDRE solution. Sec- SDRE BASED FEEDBACK CONTROL, ESTIMATION, AND COMPENSATION 3 tion 4 presents the extension of the SDRE methodology to the nonlinear state estimation problem. It includes local convergence results of the nonlinear state estimator and a numerical example. Section 5 addresses the estimator based feedback control synthesis including a local asymptotic stability result for the closed loop system as well as an illustrative example. 2 Full State Response Inthissectionweformulatetheoptimalcontrolproblemwhereitisassumedthatallstatevariables are available for feedback. In [9], the theory for full state feedback is developed for nonconstant weighting matrices. Here, we formulate our optimal control problem with constant weighting matrices. In particular, the cost functional is given by the integral 1 J(x ;u) = 1xTQx+uTRudt; (1) 0 2 Zt0 where x n, u m, Q n n is symmetric positive semideflnite (SPSD), and R m m is £ £ 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 < symmetric positive deflnite (SPD). Associated with the performance index (1) are the nonlinear dynamics x_ = f(x)+B(x)u; (2) where f(x) is a nonlinear function in Ck and B(x) n m is a matrix-valued function. Rewriting £ 2 < the nonlinear dynamics (2) in the state-dependent coe–cient (SDC) form f(x) = A(x)x, we have x_ = A(x)x+B(x)u; (3) where, in general, A(x) is unique only if x is scalar [9]. For the multivariable case we consider an illustrative example, f(x) = [x ;x3]T. The obvious SDC parameterization is 2 1 0 1 A (x) = : 1 x2 0 • 1 ‚ However, we can flnd another SDC parameterization x =x 0 A (x) = 2 1 2 x2 0 • 1 ‚ by dividing and multiplying each component of f(x) by x . We flnd yet another SDC parameteri- 1 zation x 1+x A3(x) = ¡x22 0 1 • 1 ‚ by adding and subtracting the term x x to f (x). Since there exists at least two SDC parameter- 1 2 1 izations, there are an inflnite number. This is true since for all 0 fi 1, • • fiA (x)x+(1 fi)A (x)x = fif(x)+(1 fi)f(x) = f(x): (4) 1 2 ¡ ¡ Remark 2.1. Choosing the SDRE parameterization Because of the many available SDC parameterizations, as we design the control law we must choose the one that is most appropriate for the system and control objectives of SDRE BASED FEEDBACK CONTROL, ESTIMATION, AND COMPENSATION 4 interest. One factor that is of considerable importance is the state-dependent controlla- bility matrix (or in estimation theory, the state-dependent observability matrix). As in the linear theory, the matrix is given by M(x) = B(x) A(x)B(x) ::: A(n 1)(x)B(x) : ¡ £ ⁄ In linear system theory, if M (a constant in this case) has full rank then the system is controllable. InthenonlinearcasewemustseekaparameterizationthatgivesM(x)full rank for the entire domain for which the system is to be controlled. For estimation (to be considered in Section 4), one must consider the state-dependent observability matrix, C(x) C(x)A(x) O(x) = 2 . 3; . . 6 7 6C(x)An 1(x)7 ¡ 6 7 4 5 when choosing the parameterization. The Hamiltonian for the optimal control problem (1)-(3) is given by 1 H(x;u;‚) = (xTQx+uTRu)+‚T(A(x)x+B(x)u): (5) 2 From the Hamiltonian, the necessary conditions for the optimal control are found to be T T @(A(x)x) @(B(x)u) ‚_ = Qx ‚ ‚; (6) ¡ ¡ @x ¡ @x • ‚ • ‚ x_ = A(x)x+B(x)u; (7) and 0 = Ru+BT(x)‚: (8) Let A denote the ith row of A(x) and B denote the ith row of B(x). Then i: i: @(A(x)x) @(A(x)) = A(x)+ x @x @x @A1:x ::: @A1:x @x1 @xn (9) = A(x)+2 ... ... ... 3 @An:x ::: @An:x 6 @x1 @xn 7 4 5 and @B1:u ::: @B1:u @(B(x)u) = 2 @x...1 ... @x...n 3: (10) @x @Bn:u ::: @Bn:u 6 @x1 @xn 7 4 5 Mimicking the Sweep Method [19], the co-state is assumed to be of the form ‚ = ƒ(x)x (note the state dependency). Using this form for ‚ in equation (8) we obtain a feedback control u = R 1BT(x)ƒ(x)x. Substitutingthiscontrolbackinto(7),weflndx_ = A(x)x B(x)R 1BT(x)ƒ(x)x. ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ SDRE BASED FEEDBACK CONTROL, ESTIMATION, AND COMPENSATION 5 To flnd the matrix-valued function ƒ(x), we difierentiate ‚ = ƒ(x)x with respect to time along a trajectory to obtain ‚_ = ƒ_(x)x+ƒ(x)x_ (11) = ƒ_(x)x+ƒ(x)A(x)x ƒ(x)B(x)R 1BT(x)ƒ(x)x; ¡ ¡ where we use the notation n ƒ_(x) = ƒ (x)x_ (t): xi i i=1 X If we set this equal to ‚_ from (6), we flnd ƒ_(x)x+ƒ(x)A(x)x ƒ(x)B(x)R 1BT(x)ƒ(x)x ¡ ¡ T T @(A(x)) @(B(x)u) = Qx A(x)+ x ƒ(x)x ƒ(x)x: ¡ ¡ @x ¡ @x • ‚ • ‚ Rearranging terms we flnd T T @(A(x)) @(B(x)u) ƒ_(x)+ ƒ(x)+ ƒ(x) @x @x "ˆ ! • ‚ • ‚ + ƒ(x)A(x)+AT(x)ƒ(x) ƒ(x)B(x)R 1BT(x)ƒ(x)+Q x = 0: ¡ ¡ # ¡ ¢ If we assume that ƒ(x) solves the SDRE, which is given by ƒ(x)A(x)+AT(x)ƒ(x) ƒ(x)B(x)R 1BT(x)ƒ(x)+Q = 0; (12) ¡ ¡ then the following condition must be satisfled for optimality: T T @(A(x)) @(B(x)u) ƒ_(x)+ ƒ(x)+ ƒ(x) = 0: (13) @x @x • ‚ • ‚ To be consistent with [9], we will refer to (13) as the Optimality Criterion. The suboptimal control for (1) and (3) is found by solving (12) for ƒ(x). Then, the optimal control problem has the suboptimal solution u = K(x)x where K(x) = R 1BT(x)ƒ(x): (14) ¡ ¡ In [9], a methodology is presented for forming a state-dependent weighting matrix Q(x) so as to flnd an optimal control solution. This methodology is useful but somewhat di–cult for complex systems. Therefore, we focus on the suboptimal control law that is useful for all systems and has the beneflt of ease of implementation. The focus for the remainder of the section will be the local asymptotic convergence of the state using the SDRE solution to formulate the suboptimal control. Some of the nomenclature associated with the SDC parameterization is now given to aid in the presentation of our theoretical results. Deflnition 2.1 (Detectable Parameterization). A(x) is a detectable parameterization of the nonlinear system in › if the pair (Q1=2;A(x)) is detectable for all x ›. 2 Deflnition 2.2 (Stabilizable Parameterization). A(x) is a stabilizable parameterization of the nonlinear system in › if the pair (A(x);B(x)) is stabilizable for all x ›. 2 SDRE BASED FEEDBACK CONTROL, ESTIMATION, AND COMPENSATION 6 We now present a lemma relating the linearization of the original system about the origin and the SDC parameterization evaluated at zero. To motivate the lemma, consider the following simple example: x x sin(x )+x cos(x ) x_ = f(x) = 1 2 2 2 1 : x2+2x • 1 2 ‚ Two obvious choices for SDC parameterizations of this system are x sin(x ) cos(x ) A (x) = 2 2 1 1 x 2 1 • ‚ and 0 x sin(x )+cos(x ) A (x) = 1 2 1 : 2 x 2 1 • ‚ The gradient of f(x) is given by x sin(x ) x sin(x ) x sin(x )+x x cos(x )+cos(x ) f(x) = 2 2 ¡ 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 : r 2x1 2 • ‚ Since the linearization of f at the origin is the gradient evaluated at zero, we obtain 0 1 A (0) = A (0) = f(0) = : 1 2 r 0 2 • ‚ Generalizing this result, we have that: Lemma 2.1. For any SDC parameterization A(x)x, A(0) is the linearization of f(x) about the zero equilibrium. Proof. LetA (x)andA (x)betwodistinctparameterizationsoff(x)andletA~(x) = A (x) A (x). 1 2 1 2 ¡ Then A~(x)x = 0 for all x and @A~(x)x @A~(x) = A~(x)+ x = 0: @x @x Then, because the second term on the right is zero at x = 0, it follows that A~(0) = 0 which implies A (0) = A (0). Therefore we have that the parameterization evaluated at zero is unique. Without 1 2 loss of generality, consider the parameterization given by A (x). The linearized system is 1 z_ = f(0)z: r But @A (x) 1 f(x) = A (x)+ x 1 r @x so f(0) = A (0) which has been shown to be unique for all parameterizations. 1 r Remark 2.2. It is assumed that the solution to the SDRE (12) exists for all x in the neighborhood of the origin being considered (and, naturally, (A(x);B(x)) is a stabilizable parameterization). SDRE BASED FEEDBACK CONTROL, ESTIMATION, AND COMPENSATION 7 Thus, it is of logical consequence that the solution exists at x = 0 and that ƒ = ƒ(0) solves 0 the linear system algebraic Riccati equation (ARE) ƒ A +ATƒ ƒ B R 1BTƒ +Q = 0; (15) 0 0 0 0¡ 0 0 ¡ 0 0 with A = A(0) (here, A is uniquely deflned rather than in [7], where A is not necessarily A(0)) 0 0 0 and B = B(0). Thus, a natural and useful representation of the matrix ƒ(x) is the representation 0 ƒ(x) = ƒ +¢ƒ(x); (16) 0 where ¢ƒ(x) = ƒ(x) ƒ(0) and ¢ƒ(0) = 0. Likewise, A(x) and B(x) can be rewritten using ¡ the constant matrices A and B and nonconstant matrices ¢A(x) and ¢B(x) (deflned in a way 0 0 similar to ¢ƒ(x)) as A(x) = A +¢A(x); (17) 0 and B(x) = B +¢B(x); (18) 0 with ¢A(0) = 0 and ¢B(0) = 0. This leads to the control u being represented as a the sum of a constant matrix and an incremental matrix, u(x) = (K +¢K(x))x; (19) 0 ¡ where K = R 1BTƒ ; (20) 0 ¡ 0 0 and ¢K(x) = R 1(BT(x)¢ƒ(x)+¢BT(x)ƒ ): (21) ¡ 0 By construction ¢ƒ(x) and ¢B(x) are zero at the origin so that ¢K(0) = 0. Under continuity assumptions on A(x) and B(x), along with the assumption that the SDC parameterization is a detectable and stabilizable parameterization, it follows that ƒ(x) is continuous. This follows from (see page 315, [24]) Theorem 2.1. The maximal hermitian solution ƒ of the constant ARE ƒA+ATƒ ƒBR 1BTƒ+Q = 0 ¡ ¡ is a continuous function of w = (BR 1BT;A;Q). ¡ Hence, since we require that A(x) and B(x) are continuous, it can be concluded that the solution to the SDRE, ƒ(x), is also continuous. Therefore, the norms the incremental matrices ¢A(x), ¢B(x), and ¢K(x) are small in a neighborhood of zero. For the remainder of this chapter, we denote the †-ball around z as (z) = x : x z < † : † B f k ¡ k g With the use of the ideas in the above discussions, the following theorem can be proven: Theorem 2.2. Assume that the system x_ = f(x)+B(x)u @f(x) is such that f(x) and (j = 1;:::;n) are continuous in x for all x r^; r^ > 0; and that @xj k k • f(x) can be written as f(x) = A(x)x (in SDC form). Assume further that A(x) and B(x) are continuous and the system deflned by (1) and (3) is a detectable and stabilizable parameterization in some nonempty neighborhood of the origin › (0). Then the system with the control given r^ (cid:181) B by (14) is locally asymptotically stable. SDRE BASED FEEDBACK CONTROL, ESTIMATION, AND COMPENSATION 8 Proof. Let r > 0 be the largest radius such that (0) ›. By the assumption that the system r B (cid:181) is stabilizable at x = 0 we can use LQR theory to create a matrix K such that all eigenvalues of 0 A B K have negative real parts. This implies the existence of fl > 0 such that Re(‚) < fl for 0 0 0 ¡ ¡ all eigenvalues (‚) of A B K . Using the maps deflned by (17), (18), and (19), we have that the 0 0 0 ¡ controlled nonlinear dynamics can be rewritten in the form x_ = A(x)x B(x)K(x)x ¡ = (A +¢A(x))x (B +¢B(x))(K +¢K(x))x 0 0 0 ¡ = (A B K )x+(¢A(x) B(x)¢K(x) ¢B(x)K )x: 0 0 0 0 ¡ ¡ ¡ If we let g(x) = ¢A(x) B(x)¢K(x) ¢B(x)K (22) 0 ¡ ¡ and h(x) = g(x)x then the system is given by x_ = (A B K )x+h(x): (23) 0 0 0 ¡ Examinationofh(x)revealsthatwearedealingwithanalmostlinearsystemsatisfyingtheproperty h(x) lim k k = 0: (24) x 0 x k k! k k This is easily deduced from the inequality h(x) g(x) x ( ¢A(x) + B(x) ¢K(x) + ¢B(x) K ) x ; 0 k k • k kk k • k k k kk k k kk k k k where the norms of the incremental matrices are known to be continuous and equal to zero at the origin. Since B(x) is continuous, the norm of B(x) is bounded for any bounded region. Hence, g(x) 0 as x 0 and, hence, h(x) satisfles condition (24). From theoreticalresults on almost k k ! k k ! linear systems [8], we know that if the eigenvalues of A B K have negative real parts, h(x) is 0 0 0 ¡ continuous around the origin, and condition (24) holds, then x = 0 is asymptotically stable. We outline the known proof of this result for our speciflc system since it will serve as a template for the subsequent arguments presented below. Let ‡ > 0 be given. Then, there exists a –^ (0;r) such that h(x) ‡ x whenever x –^. 2 k k • k k k k • Let x(0) = x (0). By the assumptions on f and by continuity, the solution exists and remains 0 2 B–^ in (0) at least until some time t^> 0. For t [0;t^) we can then express the solution to (23) using B–^ 2 the variation of constants formula to obtain x(t) = e(A0 B0K0)tx(0)+ te(A0 B0K0)(t s)h(x(s))ds: ¡ 0 ¡ ¡ R Taking the norm of both sides we have x(t) e(A0 B0K0)t x(0) +‡ t e(A0 B0K0)(t s) x(s) ds k k • k ¡ kk k 0 k ¡ ¡ kk k for as long as x(t) < –^. There exists a positive consRtant G such that k k e(A0 B0K0)t Ge flt ¡ ¡ k k • so that t x(t) Ge flt x(0) +‡G e fl(t s) x(s) ds: ¡ ¡ ¡ k k • k k k k Z0 SDRE BASED FEEDBACK CONTROL, ESTIMATION, AND COMPENSATION 9 Multiplying by eflt and invoking the Gronwall inequality, we flnd eflt x(t) G x(0) e‡Gt k k • k k or x(t) G x(0) e (fl ‡G)t (25) ¡ ¡ k k • k k for all t > 0 such that x(t) < –^. We restrict our initial condition domain further by selecting ‡ (0;fl=G). Then, wikth –^kcorresponding to this ‡, given † (0;–^] we select – = min –^;†=G . Th2en, for x (0), we have that x(t) < † –^ for all t >20 and x = 0 is stable. Mforeovegr, 0 – 2 B k k • (25) holds for all t > 0 if x (0). Since fl ‡G > 0 we have x = 0 is in fact asymptotically 0 – 2 B ¡ stable. 2.1 Example 1: Exact Solution In this section we consider a simple example from [20] that has an exact solution. This example is of particular interest because the numerical method in [7] failed to produce a stabilizing control based on the approximate SDRE solution. The cost functional for the example under consideration is J(x ;u) = 1 xT 21 0 x+ 1u2 dt; (26) 0 0 1 2 Z0 (cid:181) • 2‚ ¶ with associated nonlinear state dynamics x_ x 0 1 = 2 + u: (27) x_ x3 1 • 2‚ • 1‚ • ‚ An SDC parameterization is given by x_ 0 1 x 0 1 = 1 + u: x_ x2 0 x 1 • 2‚ • 1 ‚• 2‚ • ‚ The resulting constant and incremental matrices (17) and (18) have the form 0 1 0 0 A = ; ¢A(x) = ; 0 0 0 x2 0 • ‚ • 1 ‚ B = B, and ¢B(x) = 0. This parameterization has state-dependent controllability matrix given 0 by 0 1 M(x) = 1 0 • ‚ whichhasfullrankforallx 2. Therefore, theSDCparameterizationissuchthat(A(x);B(x))is 2 < controllable for all x and (Q1=2;A(x)) is observable for all x. Hence, we can assume that the SDRE solution can be used to construct a locally stabilizing suboptimal control via (14). The SDRE for this SDC parameterization is given by 0 1 0 x2 0 1 0 ƒ + 1 ƒ ƒ 2 0 1 ƒ+ 2 = 0; x2 0 1 0 ¡ 1 0 1 • 1 ‚ • ‚ • ‚ • 2‚ £ ⁄ where ƒ(x) is a symmetric matrix. The solution to the SDRE has the form x4+1 x21+px41+1 + 1 x21+px41+2 1 2 4 2 ƒ(x) = : 2 (cid:181)q ¶ 3 p x21+px41+2 x21+px41+1 + 1 6 2 2 47 4 q 5