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DTIC ADA431164: To Investigate the Impact of Tailorable Interface on the Morphology and Performance Characteristics of High Temperature Nanocomposites PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA431164: To Investigate the Impact of Tailorable Interface on the Morphology and Performance Characteristics of High Temperature Nanocomposites

die Seances may whan: Ous SEPORT VEE S:UATES COVERED Po Te a 5 Sina Report “petece te 1351 -Cg “LEAN SUT 7 “a CREE REE To Iuveutignta the mpest of Talloeabic Intartacn on rhe Hoxpto‘osy | BGRANTHONBE feud Gerformnce thazariecivties of Aig Sanparamure Nanecommnatte | | FABSEOMCO-1-O02L ‘PROGRAM ELEN AUHBER ATOR EE PRONCET OBER ‘arraaaj Raghawa, Ta THR HOE WORK OWT WOE 7 FEES ORGANEZRTION NAWETE) AND ROSES TC FERFORIING ORGENTERTIN AEFORT Nouara Deivaratty, 2400 Sixth Street, A Wwasblngtow Do 7003 1 SPONEORINGTMORTTORTNS AGENCY RAMEE] ANG ADEE 1 SFONSORNOUTORS AEROVOTET UsAr ara, AFOSR SOUS Widsen Miva. Ard ington, Va 22203-1954 ‘TSPORSOONTOR'S REPORT NL umes) 7 DISTRIEUONT AVANT BYRTERENT Approval for Public Release: Distributton Unlimited "SUPPLIER TART ROTES Goorin vd ia npving erro shanti of neg ow taps at bern a ie | ie syn evo hc vars xd he asin ah ue ab he se sey ch ao wa tee ih \Gincaae ctor noc Tus apache ome feces nine tar eal aye Jie stench As po, ese ee rele ns mm eed mace erie rt hay oR oy gel ot ep mmcg+ oe cca fn enn ad a) ey oe a in Sere enone She eal ne (2s ncn: “OPC, ln, ny oo nase We NSS AE eM stint ve dy ie cpa ata vas eee gaia by Ker ibe CRADY, vaso line mace (TPA coe et erg, Sole Nagel Gommcmse cepa fa ange nee oe ew el Me a ‘mola tim beaut Ne sunmacr se. Droid rope meno eerste mee. 5 BREST TENS EERE CCASFATIOR OF "T URITATON YT HOMBER [os HAE OF REGPORETGLEPERSOM| I OF AGTRAST PAGES | br. Wayne Tarterson Tana) -R0R-2567 aaa To Investigate the Impact of Tatlorable Interface an the Morphology and Performance Characteristies of High Temperature Nauocomposites D, Raghavan (PI) Howard University 525 College Street, NW Department of Chemistry Washington DC. 20059 & Dr. Chenggang Chen (Collaborator) University of Dayton Rescarch Insitute 300 College Park Dayton, OF 45469-0168 First Year Progress Report & Second Yeat Proposal AFOSRINL [10 Duncan Avenue, Suite BLS Bowling Air Force Base ‘Washington, DC 20332-8080 ISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A Pppproved for Public Release Distribution Unlimited 20050525 138 ARSTRACT Considerable research es beer conducted ia improving the performance characteristies of nanocampostes, relatively few atempts have been made 10 address the Thermal stability of nenocimposile, This research is focused on the preparation of the layered orgunosiicares swith higher thermal stahilty, which can be used & make high lemperstore polymir menccompnsites, Two approaches to foremulaue layered nganosilicates nanoeornpesites with higher dhermal stability were sti In the fis: approach, spophyi, # pure nalnes) ar uammervially-evailable ly ara the fiowstional pendent organic grovp containing a C-C bud. The chutacterivarion. from, layered silicate, was Coated with 7-octenyltichlorosilan in order to chem Fowiet wansfonm infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, wide-angle x-ray diffiction (WAXD) and ther gravimatic analysis (TGA) supports thal the organic pendant group was sucueystully covalently grafted in the layeredsilicate backbove, and the layered cxganosiiedté is Dhermally stable ocemposition temperature; ~430°C\. In addition. apophyllite filled vinyl cster composites were finmulited and mechanical properties ealuated. In the second appronch, u pure, natural and commercially. available layered silicate, ws Goated with synthesisied jecidazolium salts. 111 NMR and matic assisted laser desorptionfionizetion time-offlight mass spectrameuy (MALDETOFMIS) were used up chatacteize the imidwotium salts. The nanodispersion of imidazolium treated ay in an cpoxy malrix was evaluated qualitstively by Xaay difftaction (XIRD) tnmsenission electtonic microscopy (FFM), confibval laser tmicrosvopy, and laser induced tuoresoence spectrowopy. We have demoustrited the applicability of confocal laset ricrusenpy to stndy the dispersion of clay layers, wapged by a fluneescent dye in the epoxy mateix, XRD and TEM results riveal that the hand snixed nanocomposite has ‘atloid morphology, while ultconicated orgunoclay (without bydreacy] yroup) epoxy nanocomposile has intercalated morphology, and an ultrisenicated argimoclay (with Iyilroxyt group) epoxy manceomposile exbibit a mixed mosphology (interculaied uneturo with extoliaive). Results ftom the four complimentary tecaniques enable che shecocterization of the clay peels aver sevecad length seates sangiag Ou che Tengih scales ranging from the merometer to the nanometer seale, Mechanical property evaluation ofthe monovennpssites are under. INTRODUCTION Turing Ue last decade, the aca of nanochuy Giled polymers has received much ateution ftom both the sciewific and technological commanicics withthe expectation hal the materials designed will be lighter and more superior than the pristine polsancrs. In particu, the utractiveness of polymer-elny annacomposiles resides in the potential of llding sural araonis of clay platelets 1» polyreeric eesin, to dramatically improve mechanical, thermal, harrier, and flame-retadant properties. without reducing. The ‘ransparenoy of the pristine polymeric malcral (J-8). Because of the potential benefits of liting inexpensive clay filo fo polymer matrix, the automotive and zerospace industics view polymer clay hybrid nanocomposites the oO frucuoeal materials af the 214 century Conidetahle rescarch hss boon conducied to study the strcture-propery relationship of organically muiied clayfepoxy nanocomposites (10-16). Tsai and Sum (17) modeled the toad transfer eftciency in nanocomposites and noted that significant entuncernent in seinforcentent can be achieved y having che efay platelets wall dispersed inthe polyruer matrix. By ion exelimnging Na“, Ca!2, oF Kon the clay surface with @ Jong chain cation, attempts have becn mats to disperse layered particle (organophilic) in polymer matix (organophohie). Typically saruclays teated with allyl ammoninm ions. fave been used wo produce uanspareat clay-epoxy mmocomposites, Tho architechare oF ‘he alky] aramonina fon bas boon commonly chosen so as 2 enpnove clay compatibility ‘with a given polymer resin und provide sufficient layer separation for polymer chuins to infilzate. Receutly, Vaia ot al, (18) invesiy ted the ability of socondary fnstional excupe on the alkylammonium cations to remote intra ge'lary pailymeization und clay cextoliation. ‘The study found thal he presence of hydeoxyl groups inthe bist2-bydroxy~ chy!) methyl lallowe ammonivn cacion facilited clay exfoliation in a diylyeidy] ete: onstrated Fisphenol A (DGEBA}poly(ether aroine) epoxy resin, ‘This work clearly the ability of using onium salts having a secondary fivetimal hydroey1 group For ‘ay plattet exfoliation ia oposy matrix. Organic modifiers cau participate ir the teaction{s) with resin componcats and improve the mis lity of the lay with resin Conceptually, the organie modifiers oan assist in palymer network formation, inlerfice reaction ond ultimately distale the linal morphology’ of nanacomposite by providing layer separation Anusher approach to aahicving clay platelet dispersion in polymer matrix is to add corapatbilizers w enhance the compatibility between polymer and an organoclay (19- 21}, A eampatihilizes containing polar groups ean ho interval between the Layers of the clay via strong hytroyen bonding. The compatabiizer weskcens the ionic 1 betwces clay layers, Txamples of compatebilizers gm maleic any, reethacty‘ate, and styrene, The evieta for swelling agenticomaptabilizer selection are ‘based on its misethilily withthe polymer and its ability ta swell she organically modified ‘The clay platelel morphology preening conditions. While there ate roports that explore the importance of processing 1 polyutce matric cau also be altered based on the tonditions to make exfoliated nanocomposite with thermoplastic mates, Hited work hut foeen dons fo investigate dhe importance of processing paiametars on exfoliated runocompusite sill thermosct mustrix. Mechenical mixing (Gompounding. sonication, sheas) is necessary ~ and the efficiency of mixing is dependent ou the rmediura viscusiiy snd renclivty, Ultrasound sonieation is a form of vibration that provides energy for the nanoclay platelets to escape from the surcounding restsining force. Utttasound’ sonication of premixed sanoelayipolymner samples has shown promise in the dispc ‘or exfliation of the nacpeley plislets im palymer matrix (22). All these apprnaches are ssimetive, and ey provide 9 Gamework tw manipulate the worpbology of natosornposites, 30 ws lo achieve ancimal propestics. Although ficfors influencing Ow marphology of nanccumposite have boon studied, litle is known about the thermal stobility of nanocomposites. This property bbecamex purliculasly relevant since most of the composite matcrials used in aerospace applications are exposed to sir at slovaled fempuruture lor prolonged periods. Te date tho themal stibility of eposy munocomposites has only heen investicated for model epoxy resin (DGKBA system), These studies have reported an improvement in thermst stability of polymeric nsin wich addition of layered silicate (22-24), The mechuniam of the improveaent of thesuta) stailty in polymer nanocomposites however is not fully understood, It is widely believed that at high temperature the amine gruflert organic poiymer layer will dagrade from the eluy particle surfce resulting in more hycrophilic and less compalihte clay aggregates disporsed in opoxy resin. Thermo-gravimetric analysis (IGA}MS suulies af organo layered silicate unwed thatthe onset temperature for decomposiian of organie modifer ean range from 150°C ta 220°C 5), If the orgiically modified clay tilled nanocomposites axe exposes to temperatures exovading the decomposition temperature of organic modifier, the amreoaiten ious ate capable of undergoing thenmat dissociation to gecctate primary amines snd protons, These protons can subsequently participate inthe thomopelymetization of epoxies (26). The free amines can possibly react with the epoxide fmetionalitey, present inside the galferics or may diluase mul of clay particles and seaet swith the epoxide functionalities in the hulk epoxy (27). Bocuse these amines are primacy amines, the epoxy-primary amine reactions will yield only linear cured epoxy sins unlike the comventionsl three dimensional ented opoxy’ resin, Furtheranone, the epoxy primary amine wesefions con erenke & sisichiomettic imbalance to result in the plastisization of the epoxy networks because of excess primay amine (11). Finally, the refewse of organic modifir frum layered silicate at elevated tempsrature can have strong itmplications on the distibuticn of nanoclay platslets, inferfeeial properties, and on the ultimate mechanical propaitcs of nanocomposite, Thus, the suecess of high performance ‘nanocompasitos depands on the suhility of organic modifior used in the functionabization of clay ns the organic ercarment isthe intorfuce between layered silicate and polymer, A. poor inteaface betwen pelyrer nd layered sllicato will often resull in a mierocomposi ‘ora raitional filled system, Ip this research, 160 aspects were focused : One is bs make: layered organosiliene with higher thermal stability. Another is to make a laycred oryunonificate With potostial interfacial honding bebween the umosilicale and polyruer mattis, Two approaches to formulate [ayorad organositicaes nanocomposites with higher thermal stability were studied and have been discussed below. 1D Synthesiv of Siylated Apophyite Nanocomposite tn this wesoarch, epophyllite, a pm, natural and commercslly available Irs silleate, was firs reated with T-ocfonylitichlorosilone in order to chemically graft the ining a C-€ bond. ‘The double bond of the silylated chain un he further epoxidized or hydroxylated inthe next step, so as to form a Functional pendent enganie group ea strong chemical bonding inforfvor with the epoxy mati 4) Sliylnted Apophylite “The rexotion of 7-octeuyl trcblorosilane with apophybite bas been and was soscesslul. ‘the sultant powder (els soft, which is totally diffrent Rom the erigal popliyllite silicate erystal particles. WAXD of the apophyllite and octenysiloxy spophyllite was taken in a Rigale x-ray powder diffcumeter (Ca Ky rian emealor power of 40 KY und 150 mA) with ¢ 28 scan ramge Irom 2.2° 10 40°, and is shown in Figure 1. “Tle x-ray ditaction cleaey indicates that the threedimersionsl crsstal stricture of the original silicate is destroyed, Mowever, the ordered layered sxracture is yfil preserved with the 2.8 A-inteplanar spacing betwen tho nauoayers “The origina intcrplanir spacing betwoen the silicate nanotayers in 7.8 A. The gallery is ‘expanded becuute of he presence ofthe uganic pendent group inside the gallery. This supports the theory Lat the octeuyslony group has been fled onto the anbluyer backbone, FAIR speetrascopy of the apophyllis nd actenglsley apophy ive was caken in a ‘Nicolet Magna: LR 560 spectrometer aad is shown in Figure 2. The Si-0-Si sureoch band J very intense, The spectra from 3160 to 2760 exo were inserred inside the complete spectral plot lo show this rogion more clearly. ‘The presonce ofthe C-H bund (3080 em) Trou © CAH andl C11 band (2930, 2860 em) fron the satuiated alkyl chain clearly domonsirales that the oofenyl yrnup is preseut in the produt afler Ge treatment of apuplyflits with the T-oetensluicholorosilne, So both xray diffraction and FTIR. indicate that the 7-octenylksiloxy groug: has becn sucecssful grafved onto the batkhone wf puphslitesiieate sheet backbone, ‘TGA was used 40 find the thermal stabifity of silylated apophylite povrder. Thermal analysis was performed on a TA Instruments Lit Res IGA 2950 thermogravity analyver at 2°Ciinin, with wittagen sweep gas The TGA data are shown in Figure decomposition isinperatme, whieh is gener defined as the fempoestine when 57% ‘wcight is lost, is ~430°C:. This decomposition temperature is uch higher tam thet of the genoral organmelays, such ay TAO (270°C). “Tho reason for the nsuch higher thermal stability for the vetensiloxy-apophplite than the general crganoclays is the sitfsrot decomposition teutprstore wf the organic pendent group banding tthe Nici ranvlayers, Lae bonding hetvieen the organic pendent group and the sifcate nanolayer Tackbone in the cetenytiloxs-aponbyllite is covalenl bonding, while the bonding in the geustal orgimoclays sucht as L30R. is ionic handing, ‘The covalent boning is mach stronger than that of the fonie handing. Therefore the octunylsiloxy-apopbyline is utacl smote stable than the genetal oxgenaclays, Tl musl be noted that goretal organoclays have ionic imersetins between the orgie pesueat group zed the silicate manstayer hackboce, ‘This reslt is very significa. Tealso opens the door for the high-temperature thermoset materials, such a5 bismaleimide (BMI) and polyimide, in the application of mocomposite nateials. while general organoselay cannot stand the high eempecane 1h addition, the introduction of che fmetional bonding (CC k chemin, makes it possible to transfer the olefinic grip inlo the OU, epoxy group, group. wich has such & and other fouctional group, and cventually he involved in foeraing «strong inerlave eth the polymer matrix. Bish |—cetenytitaxy-Apepte 3000 Higure 1. Wide-Angle Xaay Diffuclioa of dhe Apophyllite and 7-Ocienybilengy Apophellite See vlte Octal 022 + one Leg cur 92 4900 3700 2aN0 3100 2800 2600 2200 1900 1600 1300 1000 700 Weaverumbor fem") Figure 2, FTIR Spectta of the Apophyllite, 7-Octeayliloxy-Apophyllite, and Octylsiloxy —Apophyllite 15 |- —_- or 400 oxen cana) ag aes = = |—oceny! Aposhyte! | as 2 ge 2 UOC 1 & = 8 - —— 1°42 2 so oa 2 3 3 Bost oe nl = 70 2 ost ond eo = Me ° 200 400 600 00 Temperature (°C) Figure 3. TGA Spectrum of the Oclenylsilaxy-Aponbylite and 150K (goncral ‘oorumereally-available organoclay) under Nitrogen at 2°CYnin, 1m order to test the role af the Snterfval interaction between the sitcato ranolayers unt polymer matrix, we alerapted to synthesize a ayered organosieule wth high thermal stability bol without a fictional group én contra 10 a Tnyered orgsnosiionte wth a fantional yroup (uch as CC) for potential stronger intacil bonding, Lhe lnyored sical of apophbite was treated with moeryttchlorosilone in oder to chemiclly graft the pouden osmnie group containing on inat nets] group ‘The ewvelent bond gevfiing. pwmuntees highce thermal stability, white the inert moctyl rou mikes the conpatison betwaen ibe svg interfacial bonding or jist van der Walt Sverfucial interaction, The reaction was successful. The resultant power feels sof. WAXD ofthe wpophylite aud n-etssoxy apophslite was ton wie shown in Tigute 4, While che theee-dimensionel erystal strato of tho origina silsute is destrove, the dered layered structure i till preserved with the ~21.0 A-iterplnar spacing between the natolayer, The original interplanar spacing betwen th silica nanolaers is 7.8 A. The gallery is expanded because of the presauce ofthe anganie pendent group inside the auillery. ‘his provides the supporting evidenee that the octysiloxy group vine succcssflly grated onto the silicate nanslayer backbone. FTIR spoctrescopy wf the epophylite and x-ctybiloty apophyilite was taken mr fs shown in Figure 3. Tho 8-0-8 seh band is vory, very intense. So the spect from 3160 10-2760 om ! were inserted inside in oder to show I more clearly, The psec a 4. CH bond (2960, 2936, 2860 en) fom the sotrated aly! ehuin cleat demorstapes the presence of the m-vety group ia the product afer teaument of apopbyllife with the cetytnicholorositane, A compurise withthe spectrum of 7actenylslony-apophsilite in Figure 2, there is ro presence of the C:HT hand (3080 em) ftom O=CH in the octysiloxyapeptglite, $0 both xxay ditfaction and FTIR indicate the success graft othe notyl yroup nt te layered seat backhoe.

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