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DTIC ADA298828: Proceedings of the IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Database Security (6th) Held in Vancouver, British Columbia on 19-22 August 1992. PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA298828: Proceedings of the IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Database Security (6th) Held in Vancouver, British Columbia on 19-22 August 1992.

PROCEEDINGS IFIP WG 11.3 Sixth Working Conference on DATABASE SECURITY DT1C ELECT E' 6EP 2 7-w95'i 19950922 069 DTI® QUALITY INSPECTED 5 19-21 August 1992 Simon Fräser University Burnaby, Vancouver, British Columbia "l5lSTRgUT10N STATtilVLtjm_A f\. c% approved, for public i$*ase; o \l •' '* Dfetfibution Unlimited OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (ACQUISITION) DEFENSE TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER CAMERON STATION ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA 22304-6145 July 13, 1994 IN REPLY REFER TO DTIC-OCC SUBJECT: Distribution Statements on Technical Documents Office of the Chief of Naval Research TO: goo north Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22217-5000 Code 22 1. Reference: DoD Directive 5230.24, Distribution Statements on Technical Documents, 18 Mar 87. 2. The Defense Technical Information Center received the enclosed report (referenced below) which is not marked in accordance with the above reference. Final Technical Report N00014-92-J-1952 ^ 19 - 21 August 1992 ^ 3. We request the appropriate distribution statement be assigned and the report returned to DTIC within 5 working days. 4. Approved distribution statements are listed on the reverse sf-tnis letter. If you have any questions regarding these statements, call DTIC's Cataloging Branch, (703) 274-6837. FOR THE ADMINISTRATOR: 1 End OPALAKRISHNAN NAIR Chief, Cataloging Branch FL-171 Jul93 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE: DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT B: DISTRIBUTION AUTHORIZED TO U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ONLY; (Indicate Reason and Date Below). OTHER REQUESTS FOR THIS DOCUMENT SHALL BE REFERRED TO (Indicate Controlling DoD Office Below). DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C: DISTRIBUTION AUTHORIZED TO U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND THEIR CONTRACTORS; (Indicate Reason and Date Below). OTHER REQUESTS FOR THIS DOCUMENT SHALL BE REFERRED TO (Indicate Controlling DoD Office Below). DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D: DISTRIBUTION AUTHORIZED TO DOD AND U.S. DOD CONTRACTORS ONLY; (Indicate Reason atvj Date Below). OTHER REQUESTS SHALL BE REFERRED TO (Indicate Controlling DoD Office Below). DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT E: DISrRiBUTION AUTHORIZED TO DOD COMPONENTS ONLY; (Indicate Reason and Date Below). OTHER REQUESTS SHALL BE REFERRED TO (Indicate Controlling DoD Office Below). DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT F: FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY (Indicate Controlling DoD Office and Date Below) or HIGHER bOD AUTHORITY. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT X: DISTRIBUTION AUTHORIZED TO U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS OR ENTERPRISES ELIGIBLE TO OBTAIN EXPORT-CONTROLLED TECHNICAL DATA IN ACCORDANCE WITH DOD DIRECTIVE 5230.25, WITHHOLDING OF UNCLASSIFIED TECHNICAL DATA FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE; 6 Nov 19C4 (indicate date of determination). CONTROLLING DOD OFFICE IS (Indicate Controlling DoD Office). The cited documents has been reviewed by competent authority and the following distribution statement is hereby authorized. OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH ™'°;^lE FR°G'^MS DIVISION '(Statement) ~B00 NORTH QUINCY STREET (Controlling DoD Office Name) ARLINGTON, y 22217-5660 A "T1ÜBRA T. HU3HES (Reason) (Controlling DoD Office Address, DEPUTY DIRECTOR City, State, Zip) CQRBWTE PROGRAMS OFFICE !-* SBP 1995 (Assigning Office) (Date Statement Assigned) PROCEEDINGS IFIP WG 11.3 Sixth Working Conference on DATABASE SECURITY Accesion For NTIS CRA&l DTIC TAB Unannounced D Justification ., By Distribution/ Availability Codes Avail and/or Dist Special \kl 19-21 August 1992 Simon Fräser University Burnaby, Vancouver, British Columbia piSTRreUTION STA 'fENmTT Approved for public release; Distribution Unlimited 11 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I thank the following people for making the Sixth MP 11.3 Working Conference in Database Security a great success: The authors of the papers submitted to the conference, The reviewers of the papers, Carl Landwehr, the chairman of the IFIP 11.3 Working Group, for his encouragement throughout the organization of the conference and for his support in putting the final program together, David Bonyun, for his activities as the general chair of the conference, Sushil Jajodia, for publishing these proceedings, Teresa Lunt, for taking notes of the discussions, The participants of the conference, The sponsors of the conference, and Matthew Morgenstern, for organizing a panel in database security at the 18th International Conference on Very Large Databases. Bhavani Thuraisingham Program Chair SIXTH IFIP 11.3 WORKING CONFERENCE COMMITTEE PROGRAM CHAIR GENERAL CHAIR IFIP WG11.3 CHAIR Bhavani Thuraisingham David Bonyun Carl Landwehr The MITRE Corporation Bunberry, Filbert, and Stokes Naval Research Laboratory K306 Enterprises Ltd. Code 5542 Burlington Road 7 Keppler Crescent 4555 Overlook Ave., SW Bedford, MA 01730 Nepean, Ontario K2H 5Y1 Washington, DC 20375-5000 U.S.A. CANADA U.S.A. in IV PREFACE These Proceedings consist of the papers presented at the Sixth MP Working Conference in Database Security held in Vancouver, British Columbia, from 19 to 22 August 1992. The papers cover a variety of topics in database security including multilevel semantic data models, inference problem, policies and models, multilevel database concurrency control, and multilevel relational data models. VI TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Keynote Talk 1. Protecting Sensitive Medical Information Jeffrey Kaplan, M.D., Hartford, CT Semantic Data Models and Multilevel Security 2. Implementing the Message Filter Object-oriented Security Model without Trusted Subjects 13 Roshan Thomas and Ravi Sandhu, George Mason University 3. Multilevel Secure Rules: Integrating the Multilevel Secure and Active Data Models 33 Kenneth Smith and Marianne Winslett University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Multilevel Database Applications 4. The Spear Data Design Method 59 Peter Sell, Office of INFOSEC Computer Science 5. Using Sword for the Military Aircraft Command Example Database 77 Simon Wiseman, Defense Research Agency Policies and Models - I 6. Extending Access Control with Duties 107 Dirk Jonscher, Universität Rostock 7. Formalising and Validating Complex Security Requirements 127 Philip Morris and John McDermid, University of York 8. Support for Security Modeling in Information Systems Design 141 Gerhard Steinke and Matthias Jarke, University of Passau Inference Problem - I 9. Toward a Tool to Detect and Eliminate Inference Problems in the Design of Multilevel Databases 159 Thomas Garvey, Teresa Lunt, Xiaolei Qian, and Mark Stickel, SRI International 10. Inference and Cover Stories 179 Leonard Binns, Office of INFOSEC Computer Science Vll

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